Akg d-320b Mic

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INTRODUCTION : In a rather astonishing series of demonstra­

tions conducted throughout the U_S., AKG recently put inven­
tory samples of its new D-300 Series microphones through an
incredible ordeal of abuse. Sample units were intentionally
dropped from heights of six feet or more, repeatedly struck
against hard surfaces and purposely subjected to some of the
most outrageous treatment ever inflicted on microphones. Des­
pite incurring some cosmetic damage, each unit not only
"bounced back" in working order but ­ even more important
- each performed with the sound quality and finesse normally
associated only with a more delicate studio microphone_
While AKG does not advocate intentional abuse of any micro­
phone, it nonetheless held these demonstrations to dramatize
an extremely important point: That, with the development of With its variable bass-versus-distance contour (marked bass
its D-300 Series, it has succeeded in creating a radically new emphasis or "proximity effect" when used close up; progres­
and vastly superior generation of musicians' and broadcast sively diminishing bass response when used farther away) and
microphones - the very first instruments of their kind to suc­ smooth presence-rise contour (for added crispness and
cessfully blend the wide-range response of a studio microphone "punch") plus three different degrees of bass-roll off equaliza­
and the virtually indestructible toughness of a field microphone tion, the D-320B is an exceptional creative tool - one that
with one of the most comprehensively effective systems of offers its users highly flexible personal control over the tonal
shock/noise rejection ever devised. Further enhancing these "shading" of voices or instruments to suit virtually any locale,
combined factors are the D-300s' distinctive styling, comfort­ or any musical mood and style.
able balance and easy-to-service modular construction _
It is also noteworthy that the D-320B - unlike competitive
These remarkable design goals were achieved only by breaking microphones - preserves critical signal-to-noise ratios in all of
away from established industry concepts. After carefully eval­ its equalization modes . This is due to its specially designed fil­
uating the real-world needs of touring vocalists, instrumentalists ter network, which maintains constant midband sensitivity and
and their sound engineers, AKG developed several unique (and assures minimum midband impedance variations in all three
patented) acoustical, electrical and mechanical configurations bass-roll off settings.
from the ground up to meet those needs .
In addition, the D-320B's hypercardioid directional pattern is
As a result, the D-300 Series is a family of microphones that
far more discriminating than that of a standard cardioid and is
will surely set the performance standards of the pop-music and
also unusually uniform with respect to frequency. These char­
broadcast industries for years to come. Elegant, yet bulldog­
acteristics - extremely important in broadcasting and utterly
tough, these units are capable of satisfying the most sUbtle
indispensable for sound reinforcement - produce negligible
artistic demands in the studio while shrugging off the daily
coloration of desired sounds at the sides of the microphone
abuse, rough handling and various forms of noise that are all
while providing exceptional (and highly predictable) suppres­
too common in remotes, road shows, club dates and the like.
sion of unwanted acoustic feedback and background noise
Furthermore, the D-300s' simplified field-serviceability now
towards the rear of the microphone.
makes it unnecessary to carry an arsenal of bulky and expen­
sive backup microphones on tour.
DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION : What sets the D-320B apart,
PERFORMANCE : The D-320B is the mid-priced model in the however, is not merely its outstanding performance. Rather,
D-300 Series, and embodies most of the uniquely sophisticated it is the combination of that performance with its unmatched
design principles that went into the creation of the series. A ruggedness, extremely effective noise-rejection capabil ities,
fully professional instrument whose frequency range, transient fatigue-free handling, comfortable balance and extraordinary
response and tonal flexibility rival those of studio dynamics, ease of field service. The key to al/ of these factors is readily
the D-320B offers an astonishingly high level of performance apparent in the exploded view below and in the detailed
at moderate cost. "walking-tour" description that follows overleaf .


DESCRPT10N (Contirued)
The microphone's unique design and construction begin with tionally induced vibration. Further, under extremely abusive
an unusually sturdy three-layer windscreen/pop-filter assembly. conditions (dropping the microphone or subjecting it to lateral
This assembly consists of a shock-absorbing stainless-steel impact), the domes increasingly compress, in proportion to
wire-mesh outer layer, a blast-diffusing fabric middle layer and applied g-force, in a progressive braking action - ultimately
reticulated polyurethane-foam inner layer (sandwiched togeth­ allowing the harder body of each suspension to act as a bumper.
er into a removable liner) plus a threaded retaining ring that
secures the entire unit to the microphone housing. So effective These extraordinary suspensions, however, are only part of
is this combination in reducing the effects of wind noise, breath AKG's comprehensive scheme of noise suppression. As a fur­
pop and similar acoustic interference, that an external wind­ ther precaution, the transducer incorporates a hum-bucking
screen or pop filter is seldom, if ever, required. winding to cancel the effects of electromagnetically induced
noise from ever-present power and lighting cables as well as
As tough as the windscreen/pop filter is alone, it is further from dimmers, power switchboards and the like.
reinforced against impact damage by a special safety-basket
assembly. Note that the safety basket is contoured to support
The transducer, computer designed for widest possible fre­
the inside of the windscreen/pop filter and to surround the
quency range and superb transient response, is encapsulated
front of the transducer system - thus also isolating all internal
in a replaceable plug-in module. Injection-molded of stress­
parts from head-on impact damage. As shown, the safety bas­
resistant thermoplastic, the module is fitted with a special low­
ket consists of a resilient dome-shaped ribbed cage joined to a
noise two-contact female audio connector precisely aligned
reinforced open-frame casting. Fitted with a fine-wire-mesh
and keyed to mate with a special two-pin male connector (and
screen that coincides with side ports in the microphone hous­
the three-position bass-roll off switch with its filter network)
ing, the casting also has indexing notches that align the entire
within the microphone housing.
rugged assembly with structural members in the microphone
The microphone housing itself is a lightweight, yet impact­
resistant zinc-alloy casti ng - elegantly styled, carefully balanced
Next in line is the highly advanced transducer system. In
and finished in glare-free matte nickel. For maximum wear
terms of its superb performance, its unusually thorough shock
resistance, the finish is electroplated (not merely painted, as
and noise suppression and its modular field-serviceable packag­
on competitive microphones) . In conjunction with the wind­
ing, the system is a prime example of the care and the atten­
screenipofj filter and the safety basket, this housing effectively
tion to detail that AKG engineers lavished on the D-320B.
encapsulates all internal parts against metal particles, dust and
moisture spray.
To start with, the transducer system "floats" uniformly in all
directions within the microphone housing for unprecedented
isolation from the effects of impact damage, handling noise Should field service ever become necessary, the windscreen/
and spurious vibrations . This is achieved by two special ring­ pop filter can be quickly unscrewed, the safety basket easily
shaped elastomer suspensions - one near the front of the sys­ lifted out, and the transducer module simply unplugged and
tem and the other at the rear of the system. To combine the withdrawn from the microphone housing for replacement.
advantages of both hard and soft suspension designs, each of Spare assem blies and parts are readily available.
these ring suspensions has a dense, relatively hard body and a
series of compliant, progressively compressible dome-shaped The D-320B is a low-impedance balanced-output unit fitted
projections around its periphery - in effect forming a complex, with a standard 3-pin male XLR-type connector. The micro­
highly damped low-pass mechanical filter. Therefore, under phone is supplied complete with an SA-31 stand adapter and
normal handling conditions, the compliant domes effectively a foam-lined vinyl protective case. Several optional accessories
decouple the transducer system from mechanically and mo­ - listed in the Technical Data section - are available.

Transducer Type: Dynamic Hum Sensitivity (1 mG field; bass set norm): -142 dBm
Directional Characteristic: Hypercardioid Case Material: Nickel-plated die-cast zinc alloy
Frequency Range (bass set norm): 80-18,000 Hz Dimensions: See Dimensions figure
Nominal Impedance at 1 kHz (bass set norm): 290 ohms Schematic: See Schematic figure
Rated-Impedance Category: 250 ohms Net Weight: 340 g (:::::;12 oz)
Recommended Load Impedance: ;;;'600 ohms Included Accessories:
Sensitivity at 1 kHz: SA-31 flex. snap-in stand adapter with 5/8-in . -27 thread
Open circ'uit : 1.4 mV/Pa;-57.1 dBV* Foam-lined vinyl case
2 Optional Accessories:
Maximum power level: -57 dBm (re: lmW/l0 dynes/cm )
EIAG m : -149 dBm SA-26 clothespin stand adapter with 5/8-in. -27 thread
High-Z output w/MCH· PF-l0 foam pop filter (red, blue, yellow, off-white, gray)
20T,-20TS (optional): -47 dBV at 1 Pa* GN-7E, GN-20E modular flexible-gooseneck kits
Tolerance: +0, -2 dB KM-series floor and boom stands, stand accessories
Sound Pressure Level for 1% THD: ST -series ta ble stands
40 Hz, 1000 Hz, 5000 Hz: 128 dB MCH-series heavy-duty microphone cable assemblies
j ? , . . . . . . r-. ...........

AT "-'lcm("-'3/S") ON AXIS *
o dB =rvlrn (rv 3 -1/4') 90"Hf-+-+-+-H l-H-+-+-H90·
-20 .:0 30.
2000 Hz
20Hz 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10,000 20,000 _ . _ . IS,OOOHz
RESPONSE AT "-'lm(ru3 1/4') ON AXIS, AT EACH Aw-03Z0B I 8 A S SI - I ~2 6 80



90·H-+-+-+-H r--+-l--H90·


500 1000 2000 5000 10,000 20,000
OUTLINE : The microphone shall be a dynamic pressure·gradient type. To preserve optimum midband signal-to-noise ratios at all times, the
As specified in subsequent detail, it shall have an intrinsically wide associated equalization network shall exhibit the following character­
frequency range accompanied by a variable bass-versus-distance contour, istics at 1000 Hz in all three bass-roll off switch settings: (ll constant
a fixed presence-rise contour, and a highly uniform hypercardioid polar sensitivity; ~2) minimum variations in the 290-<>hm value of nominal
pattern with respect to frequency. As also specified in subsequent de­ impedance previously specified. With the bass-roll off switch set to each
tail, it shall incorporate facilities for adjusting its low-frequency response of its three positions, 290 -ohm impedance shall vary as follows: (1) with
characteristics in three different settings to suit user preferences and/or bass rolloff set to normal, impedance shall not vary; (2) with bass roll­
ambient acoustics, and shall maintain constant midband sensitivity and off set to medium, impedance shall decrease by approximately -3%;
minimum midband impedance variations in all three of these response (3) with bass rolloff set to sharp, impedance shall decrease by approxi­
settings. As further specified in subsequent detail, it shall employ spe­ mately -25%.
cial modular design and construction techniques for exceptional resis­
tance to impact damage and to noise (whether acoustically, mechanically, DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION : To achieve all of the characteristics out­
motionally, or electromagnetically induced), for protection from foreign lined or specified up to this point, the microphone shall consist of four
particles, for fatigue-free handling balance and comfort under prolonged special modular assemblies interrelated as follows: (1) a removable
use, and for extraordinary ease of field service . shock-absorbing three-layer windscreen/pop filter; (2) a removable safety
basket, internally reinforcing the windscreen/pop filter and protecting
PERFORMANCE ; The microphone shall have a normal, unequalized the front of the transducer system; (3) a specially suspended and hum­
frequency range (i.e., frequency range unaltered by user adjustments of compensated plug-in module containing the transducer system; (4) an
its low-frequency response) of 80-18,000 Hz, accompanied by the fol­ impact-resistant main housing, mating with the first three assemblies
lowing on-axis characteristics: (1) a 17-dB variable bass-versus-distance and containing the bass-rolloff switch with its associated network plus
contour at 100 Hz that shall range from -7 dB response rolloff at a the microphone's audio output connector. Specific details of all assem­
working distance of 1 m (""3-1/4 It) to +10 dB typical proximity-effect blies shall be as follows :
boost at a working distance of 1 cm (""3/8 in.); (2) a fixed presence-rise
contour from 1500 Hz to 10,000 Hz that shall boost response +5 dB at The three-layer windscreen/pop-filter assembly shall effectively sup­
5000 Hz. press wind noise, breath pop, and similar acoustic interference, and
shall also partially isolate the transducer module from the effects of
Under the normal, unequalized conditions previously specified, the
head-on impact damage. The assembly shall consist of a shock-absorb­
microphone shall have a highly uniform hypercardioid directional pat­
ing stainless-steel wire-mesh outer layer, a removable liner made up of a
tern with respect to frequency as follows: (1) at a sound-incidence angle
of 90 degrees, typical off-axis frequency response shall not vary more blast-diffusing fabric middle layer sandwiched with an open-cell retic­
than 5-6 dB from 125-16,000 Hz; (2) at a sound-incidence angle of 135­ ulated polyurethane-foam inner layer, and an internally threaded retain­
ing ring to mate the entire assembly securely with an external thread on
180 degrees, minimum front-to-rear discrimination shall exceed 9 dB
at 100 Hz and 20 dB at 1000 Hz. An effective hypercardioid pattern the main housing.
shall be maintained over the entire frequency range.
The internal safety-basket assembly shall be specially contoured to fit
Under the normal, unequalized conditions previously specified, and at supportively just inside the windscreen/pop filter and protectively
1000 Hz, the microphone shall have an open-circuit sensitivity of 1.4 around the front of the transducer module, thus reinforcing the wind­
mV/Pa (-57 .1 dBV) and a nominal (true) impedance of 290 ohms. screen/pop filter against, and additionally isolating the transducer
However, in accordance with various industry standards for calculating module from, the effects of head-<>n impact damage. The safety basket
other sensitivity figures from this open-circuit value, the microphone's shall consist of a resilient dome-shaped ribbed cage, joined to a rein­
rated impedance shall be categorized as follows: (1) for a maximum­ forced truncated-conical open-frame casting fitted with fine-wire-mesh
power-level output of -57 dBm (re: 1 mW/l0 dynes/cm'), the rated screen to coincide with side ports in the main housing and having index­
impedance shall be categorized as 250 ohms; (2) for an E IA sensitivity ing notches to align the entire assembly with structural members in the
rating (G m ) of -149 dBm, the rated impedance shall be categorized as main housing.
150 ohms. The microphone shall be capable of handling a maximum
sound-pressure level of 50 Pa (128 dB SPL) at 1000 Hz with distortion To further isolate the transducer module from the effects of impact
not exceeding 1 %. damage, as well as to reduce the eHects of handling noise and spurious
vibrations, the entire module shall float uniformly in all directions with­
Low-frequency response characteristics shall be adjustable by means of in the main housing. This degree of isolation shall be achieved by means
a three-position bass-rolloff switch accessible through a cutout in the of two special ring-shaped elastomer suspensions, one fitted around the
microphone housing. The switch shall shift specified 100-Hz values of module near its front end, and the other fitted to the module at its rear
on-axis bass rolloff/proximity-effect boost, off-axis response, and end. To com bine the advantages of both hard and soft suspension de­
front-to-rear disc rim ination in a fixed relationship as follows: (1) the signs in the form of a complex, highly damped low-pass mechanical
switch position marked with the normal ·response symbol shall maintain filter, each of these ring suspensions shall have a dense, relatively hard
all normal values as specified; (2) the switch position marked with the body and a series of compliant, progressively compressible dome-shaped
medium-rolloff symbol shall adjust all normal values 10 dB downward; projections around its periphery that shall function as follows: (1) under
(3) the switch position marked with the sharp-rolloff symbol shall ad­ normal handling conditions, the compliant domes shall effectively de­
just all normal values 20 dB downward. couple the transducer module from mechanically and motionally in­
duced handling noise; (2) under extremely abusive conditions (e.g., position of the switch shall disconnect the inductor completely ; (2) the
dropping the microphone or subjecting it to lateral impact), the domes medium-rolloff (-10 dB) position of the switch shall connect the entire
shall increasingly compress, in proportion to applied g-force, in a pro­ inductor in parallel with the transducer; (3) the sharp-rolloff (-20 dB)
gressive braking action that shall ultimately allow the harder body of position of the switch shall connect a tapped portion of the inductor in
each suspension to act as a bumper. parallel with the transducer. The main housing shall also incorporate
structural members to mate with the indexing notches on the safety
A moving-<:oil transducer element shall be positioned at the front end basket, and an external thread to mate with the internal thread on the
of the transducer module. The transducer element shall be computer­ windscreen/pop filter. In conjunction with those two assemblies, the
designed for widest possible frequency range and optimum transient main housing shall protect the transducer module from metal particles,
response, shall employ a nonmetallic MAKROFO L ™ diaphragm, and dust, and moisture spray. The main housing shall be a lightweight impact­
shall further incorporate a hum-bucking winding to cancel the effects resistant zinc-alloy casting, and shall have an electroplated matte-nickel
of stray magnetic fields from power and lighting cables, dimmers, and finish for maximum wear resistance and for freedom from specular
power switchboards. The body of the transducer module shall be ligh t reflections.
injection-molded of stress-resistant thermoplastic, and shall be fitted
at its rear end with a two-<:ontact female audio connector precisely The assembled microphone shall be 185 mm ("'7-5/16 in.) long by 53
aligned and keyed to mate the entire module securely and noiselessly mm ("' 2-1/16 in.) in maximum diameter by 20 mm (",, 13/16 in.) in
with a two-pin male audio connector within the main housing. minimum diameter, and the net weigh t shall not exceed 340 g ('" 12 oz).
The microphone's weight distribution and shape shall be such that they
The main housing shall incorporate the following three major elements: promote fatigue-free handling balance and comfort under prolonged
(1) an internal two-pin male audio connector precisely aligned to mate use. To facilitate field service, all four constituent assemblies of the
securely and noiselessly with the two-<:ontact female audio connector at microphone shall be quickly and easily separable for replacement or
the rear end of the transducer module; (2) an external three-pin male repair.
audio connector designed to mate with Cannon XLR, Neutrik 3FC,
Switchcraft A3F, or equivalent connectors; (3) a low-noise SP3T switch An AKG model SA-31 swivel stand adapter with standard 5/8-in. -27
with a tapped inductor to provide the adjustable bass-rolloff character­ thread, and a foam-lined vinyl carrying case shall be provided with the
istics previously specified. The switch and inductor shall interrelate microphone. The microphone herein specified shall be the AKG
with the system within the transducer module as follows :(1) the normal 0-320B.
IUJ-- - - -­
14--- - - - - -- rv 185 mm - - - - - - - --., I~

'U 20mm
(rv 13/16")
'V53mm WHITE
(rv2-1/16") AW- OJ208- 20 0 -1019

Positive pressure on diaphragm produces

positive voltage on "in phasa" lead.

2146 Z 000l/30e 21-680-1 OM I



77 Selleck Street, Stamford , CT 06902 • (203) 348-2121

© AKG Acouotlcs . I nc . 1980 Pr inted In U .S A
® AKG AkulllllCh", und \( Ino-Oerat8 GmbH . Austr a
Product design and price. ere subject 10 chenge without nollce .

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