Arnabreport 170730150442
Arnabreport 170730150442
Arnabreport 170730150442
Industrial Automation
Training Centre:
National Small Industries Corporation, Howrah.
Date: 03-07-2017 to 28-07-2017
Guided by:
Mr. Sanjay Ghosh, Ms. Alpona Ghosh
Report by:
Roll No. – 07 (7th Semester)
Dept. - Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Academy of Technology,
Adisaptagram, Hooghly.
…………………… ………………………
Mr. Sanjay Ghosh Mr. Palash Bhowmick
Ms. Alpona Ghosh
Roll No. - 07
7th Semester
It is our privilege to express our sincerest regards to our guide, Mr. Sanjay
Ghosh and Ms. Alpona Ghosh for their valuable inputs, able guidance,
encouragement, whole-hearted cooperation and constructive criticism throughout
the duration of our training. We deeply express our sincere thanks to our Head of
Training Department Mr. Palash Bhowmick for encouraging and allowing us to
present the report on the topic “INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION” at the National
Small Industries Corporation, Howrah, premises for the partial fulfilment of the
requirements leading to the award of B.Tech degree. We take this opportunity to
thank all our lecturers who have directly or indirectly helped in our project. Last
but not the least we express our thanks to our friends for their cooperation and
1. About NSIC---------------------------------------------------1-2
2. Abstract-----------------------------------------------------------3
3. Level of Engineering-------------------------------------------4
5. RFID-------------------------------------------------------------6-7
6. Infrared Sensor------------------------------------------------8-9
7. Multivibrator--------------------------------------------------10-11
8. Relay-----------------------------------------------------------12-13
9. Motion Sensor---------------------------------------------------14
12. Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------16
HISTORY: It was established in 1955 to promote and develop micro and small scale
industries and enterprises in the country. It was founded as a Government of India
agency later made into a fully owned government corporation.
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small scale industries by taking orders from Government of India owned enterprises
and procures these machineries from SSI units registered with them, thus providing
a complete assistance right from financing, training, providing raw materials for
manufacturing and marketing of finished products of small scale industries, which
would otherwise not be able to survive in face of competition from large and big
business conglomerates. It also helps SSI by mediating with government owned
banks to provide cheap finance and loans to budding small private industries of
Nowadays, it is also providing assistance by setting up incubation centres in other
continents and also international technology fairs to provide aspiring entrepreneurs
and emerging small enterprises a platform to develop skills, identify appropriate
technology, provide hands-on experience on the working projects, manage funds
through banks, and practical knowledge on how to set up an enterprise.
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Levels in Engineering -
4| P a g e
Familiarisation of Electronic Components -
5| P a g e
RFID tags are used in many industries, for example, an RFID tag attached to an
automobile during production can be used to track its progress through the assembly
line; RFID-tagged pharmaceuticals can be tracked through warehouses;
and implanting RFID microchips in livestock and pets allows for positive identification
of animals.
Here at NSIC a prototype of the working of RFID was demonstrated. I got to see
a car which switched on by the RFID tag or card when placed in front of the sensor.
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Advantages of RFID –
An RFID smart card-based fare collection system may reduce operation costs in
the long run.
RFID does not require line of sight. The reader can communicate with the tag via
radio waves. An individual can potentially be identified and charged the right fare
by simply carrying the RFID smart-card in his/her pocket.
RFID equipment damage occurs much less frequently than is the case with
magnetic strips or bar codes present on CharlieTickets.
Disadvantages of RFID -
In the short run, costs of diffusion and implementation for an RFID smart card-
based fare collection system can be rather high.
Poor read rate can occur if the reader and receiver are not properly aligned.
In cases when multiple tags and readers are at work simultaneously, double
charges may occur.
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Infrared Sensor -
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Advantages of Infrared Sensor –
Infrared detectors has the ability to be applied to a large area, They are
operating in the real time , They pick up the movement, so, They are very useful in a
variety of circumstances , They are used by many fire departments and they help the
firefighters to see through the smoke .Infrared detectors can receive the infrared
light which is irradiated from both living and non-living objects which is very important
for many of the applications that infrared sensors are used for .Infrared sensors can
detect the infrared light from far distances over a large area, They detect the
movement , making them ideal for the security purposes, They help the humans see
what the other devices do not allow them to see, such as the leaks in underground
pipes .
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Multivibrator –
Astable multivibrator, in which the circuit is not stable in either state —it
continually switches from one state to the other. It functions as a relaxation
Monostable multivibrator, in which one of the states is stable, but the other
state is unstable (transient). A trigger pulse causes the circuit to enter the
unstable state. After entering the unstable state, the circuit will return to the
stable state after a set time. Such a circuit is useful for creating a timing period of
fixed duration in response to some external event. This circuit is also known as
a one shot.
Bistable multivibrator, in which the circuit is stable in either state. It can be
flipped from one state to the other by an external trigger pulse. This circuit is also
known as a flip-flop. It can store one bit of information, and is widely used in
digital logic and computer memory.
Here at NSIC the working of a multivibrator using NE555 was shown and we
also made the circuit as shown below in fig no. 4 on a dot Vero board.
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Here in place of LED we also used relays and also connected externally
connected 9V buzzers to the relays and observed the outputs and thus we observed
how different apps can be connected to the outputs of the multivibrator.
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Relay –
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Advantages of Relay -
Disadvantages of Relay –
High burden level instrument transformers are required (CTs and PTs of high
burden is required for operating the electromagnetic relays compared to static
The directional feature is absent in electromagnetic relays.
Requires periodic maintenance and testing unlike static relays.
Relay operation can be affected due to ageing of the components and dust,
pollution resulting in spurious trips.
Operation speed for an electromagnetic relays is limited by the mechanical
inertia of the component.
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Motion Sensor–
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Advantages of Industrial Automation–
Lower operating cost: Industrial automation eliminates healthcare costs and paid leave and
holidays associated with a human operator. Further, industrial automation does not require
other employee benefits such as bonuses, pension coverage etc. Above all, although it is
associated with a high initial cost it saves the monthly wages of the workers which leads to
substantial cost savings for the company. The maintenance cost associated with machinery
used for industrial automation is less because it does not often fail. If it fails, only computer
and maintenance engineers are required to repair it.
High productivity
Although many companies hire hundreds of production workers for a up to three shifts
to run the plant for the maximum number of hours, the plant still needs to be closed
for maintenance and holidays. Industrial automation fulfills the aim of the company by
allowing the company to run a manufacturing plant for 24 hours in a day 7 days in a
week and 365 days a year. This leads to a significant improvement in the productivity
of the company.
High Quality
Automation alleviates the error associated with a human being. Further, unlike human
beings, robots do not involve any fatigue, which results in products with uniform
quality manufactured at different times.
High flexibility
Adding a new task in the assembly line requires training with a human operator,
however, robots can be programmed to do any task. This makes the manufacturing
process more flexible.
High safety
Industrial automation can make the production line safe for the employees by
deploying robots to handle hazardous conditions.
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Disadvantages of Industrial Automation–
Disadvantages of Industrial Automation
High Initial cost
The initial investment associated with the making the switch from a human
production line to an automatic production line is very high. Also, substantial
costs are involved in training employees to handle this new sophisticated
Industrial automation has recently found more and more acceptance from
various industries because of its huge benefits, such as, increased productivity,
quality and safety at low costs.
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