When you come to the Netherlands as a student from Aruba, you are not allowed to take out Dutch
public health insurance (in Dutch: basis zorgverzekering). This was decided by the Dutch government
in 1999 (Besluit Uitbreiding en Beperking Kring Verzekerden Volksverzekering 1999, artikel 20) .
Students from Aruba are considered to be international students in the Netherlands even though they
have the Dutch nationality.
The Dutch law states that you need to be insured when you live or work in the Netherlands. You are
not eligible for a Dutch public health insurance therefore you have to take out a private health
Study Purposes Only No Dutch public health insurance allowed. Make sure you take out a private
health insurance. This private health insurance might come with repatriation,
travel insurance and liability insurance, which might be very important for
you during your stay in the Netherlands.
Study and Internship If you are doing an internship for which you are paid at least as much as the
Dutch minimum wage, you are subject to compulsory insurance under the
Wlz scheme. Check this site for explanation of the minimum wage:
If you receive expenses this will also count as remuneration for your
internship. You should bear in mind that room and board may also be
regarded as remuneration. Contact the SVB (
and start the Wlz assessment when you are in doubt.
Study and Work You are required to have a Dutch public health insurance if you have a (part-
time) job, see ‘Checklist, how to take out Dutch public health insurance’ on
our website.
Do you work on a self-employed basis (in Dutch: ZZP-er), contact the SVB
( and request an assessment of your Wlz
position. The SVB will decide whether you need to take out a Dutch public
health insurance or not.
Keep in mind that repatriation, travel insurance and liability insurance are
not covered by the Dutch public health insurance. Make sure you apply for
these separately when you take out the Dutch public health insurance.
Do you apply for health care benefit even though you are not eligible and you
do not inform the Dutch Tax Office within 4 weeks, you will receive an official
warning and a possible fine starting at € 385,00 up to € 5514,00.
You might receive a letter from the CAK about your insurance obligation. This is because you have a
private health insurance and are not registered as insured in the Netherlands. Only people with a
Dutch public health insurance are registered. You need to take action within 3 months or you will
receive a fine of € 410,49. Even if you incorrectly received the letter from the CAK.
Study purposes only, internship earning less than minimum wage, self-employed:
1. You must be registered with a municipality before you can take out a basic health insurance.
2. Choose your health insurance from one of the Dutch public health insurers. Fill out the
application form and sent it to the health insurer.
3. The registration is complete once you have received an insurance policy (in Dutch: polisblad).
4. Repatriation, travel insurance and liablity insurance is not covered by the Dutch public health
insurance. Decide and apply if needed.
5. If you stop working or if you leave the Netherlands, cancel your insurance. Do not forget to
deregister from the municipality.
6. When you have finished your studies and decide to stay in the Netherlands, you must apply
for Dutch public health insurance when you start to work.
Zorgverzekeringslijn Hotline for independent advice and practical tips about how to solve health
insurance issues., 0800 64 64 644/+31 88 900 6960
Arubahuis Questions regarding insurance for students from Aruba with a student loan
from the Government of Aruba (Arubalening)
[email protected] / 070-3566200