Perioperative Pediatric Erythrocyte Transfusions: Incorporating Hemoglobin Thresholds and Physiologic Parameters in Decision-Making
Perioperative Pediatric Erythrocyte Transfusions: Incorporating Hemoglobin Thresholds and Physiologic Parameters in Decision-Making
Perioperative Pediatric Erythrocyte Transfusions: Incorporating Hemoglobin Thresholds and Physiologic Parameters in Decision-Making
, Editor
Submitted for publication March 9, 2022. Accepted for publication August 12, 2022.
Laura A. Downey, M.D.: Department of Anesthesiology, Emory University Medical School, Atlanta, Georgia; and Department of Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesiology, Children’s Healthcare
of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia.
Susan M. Goobie, M.D., F.R.C.P.C.: Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.
Copyright © 2022, the American Society of Anesthesiologists. All Rights Reserved. Anesthesiology 2022; 137:604–19. DOI: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000004357
transfusion of erythrocytes, plasma, and platelets in a 1:1:1 Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned from the follow-
ratio (or a 2:1:1 ratio) until the bleeding is no longer life ing example of a unique population requiring multiple
threatening.16 This ratio-driven, balanced resuscitation strat- transfusions throughout their hospitalization. Pediatric burn
egy is extrapolated from adult trauma. While there is no patients undergo frequent skin excision and grafting proce-
clear consensus regarding the benefits of a balanced resus- dures. A single-center study implemented a restrictive trans-
citation strategy in pediatric trauma, recent retrospective fusion strategy (hemoglobin level greater than 7.0 g/dL)
studies demonstrate decreased 24-h mortality using a bal- and compared the outcomes to a historic cohort (hemo-
anced ratio transfusion approach.23,24 Prospective data from globin level greater than 10.0 g/dL). The restrictive group
Spinella et al.25 and the Massive Transfusion in Children had lower mortality rates and less erythrocyte transfusions
(MATIC) investigators report that a balanced ratio trans- with no difference in sepsis rates42 (table 1). While this may
fusion strategy (plasma:erythrocyte ratio greater than 1:2) represent a change in overall burn management, this study
may improve early survival in children with life-threatening suggests that a restrictive transfusion strategy in pediatric
Subject Authors Trial Type Population (N) Inclusion Criteria Transfusion Threshold Outcome Recommendations
Cardiac patients Willems et al.35 Subanalysis of Acyanotic 125 Age > 28 days to 7.0 vs. 9.5 g/dL No difference in new/ Transfusion trigger 7 g/dL is safe
TRIPICU < 14 yr (protocol could be suspended for sur- progressive multiorgan in hemodynamically stable
(randomized gery and/or hemodynamic instability) dysfunction syndrome cardiac patients
control trial)
Cholette et al.36 Single-center Cyanotic 60 Bidirectional Glenn or 9.0 vs. 13.0 g/dL No difference in mean/peak lactate, Hemodynamically patients with
randomized Fontan arteriovenous oxygen, and arte- single ventricle physiology
control trial riocerebral oxygen; erythrocyte safely tolerate hemoglobin
transfusions and donor exposure 9.0 g/dL
lower in the restrictive group
de Gast-Bakker Single-center Acyanotic 103 Age > 6 weeks to 8.0 vs. 10.8 g/dL Hospital length of stay was lower in Hemodynamically stable
et al.37 randomized < 6 yr restrictive group; no difference in patients with cardiac
control trial adverse events between groups disease safely tolerate
hemoglobin > 8.0 g/dL
Cholette et al.38 Single-center Cyanotic/acyanotic 162 Weight < 10 kg 9.0 vs. 12.0 g/dL (cyanotic)/7.0 vs. Transfusion adherence was 100% The authors conclude that
randomized 9.5 g/dL (acyanotic) in acyantoic patients and 79% in both cyanotic and acyanotic
control trial cyanotic patients; infants can tolerate a restric-
Patients in the restrictive group tive transfusion strategy
received less transfusion; no
difference between hemoglobin
level, lactate, and arteriovenous
Nonhemorrhagic LaCroix et al.15 Multicenter Patients in pediatric 637 Stable ICU patients, 7.0 vs. 9.5 g/dL No difference in new or progressive Transfusion trigger of 7.0 g/dL
shock (TRIPICU trial) randomized ICU age > 3 days multiorgan dysfunction syn- is safe in stable critically ill
control trial and < 14 yr drome or death between groups; pediatric patients
Copyright © 2022, the American Society of Anesthesiologists. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
L. A. Downey and S. M. Goobie
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Table 1. (Continued)
Burn patients Voigt et al.42 Single-center Patients with severe 1,460 Pediatric burn patients Preprotocol patients, transfusion Restrictive transfusion strategy had Pediatric burn patients have
prospective burns at a single center < 10.0 g/dL (759 patients); lower hemoglobin levels, low improved outcomes using a
cohort study admitted between postprotocol patients, transfusion intraoperative transfusion rates, restrictive transfusion strategy
1997 and 2003 and < 7.0 g/dL (701) lower mortality, and decreased (hemoglobin < 7.0 g/dL)
between 2008 and length of hospitalization; groups
2017 had similar rates of sepsis
Africa anemia Lackritz et al.43 Prospective All children admitted 683 Age < 3 yr of age Transfusion < 5.0 g/dL Transfusion in patients with hemo- Transfusion is recommended
studies observational to a Kenyan hospital globin < 3.9 g/dL decreased in pediatric patients with
study 1989 to 1990 mortality, whereas transfusion hemoglobin < 5.0 g/dL
between 4 and 5.0 g/dL did not with evidence of respiratory
improve mortality distress or hemodynamic
Maitland et Open label Children in Uganda 1,563 Pediatric patients with Patients randomized to immediate Delaying transfusion for clinical Patients with chronic stable
al.44,45 (TRACT randomized and Rwanda with uncomplicated transfusion or no immediate signs reduced overall transfu- anemia (no clinical signs of
trial) control trial uncomplicated anemia (4 to 6 g/dL); transfusion (control; triggered by new sions by 50%; 28-day mortality anemia) tolerate hemoglo-
anemia age > 2 months signs of clinical anemia or was 0.9% in the immediate bin 4.0 to 6.0 g/dL without
and < 12 yr hemoglobin < 4.0 g/dL) transfusion versus 1.7% in increased mortality or serious
control group without increase adverse events
risk of serious adverse events
Connon et al.46 Secondary analysis Children from Uganda 3,894 682 pediatric patients Patients randomized to immediate Factors that increased risk of Patients with uncomplicated
Perioperative Hemoglobin Thresholds in Pediatrics
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Table 1. (Continued)
Subject Authors Trial Type Population (N) Inclusion Criteria Transfusion Threshold Outcome Recommendations
Whyte et al. Post hoc analysis Extremely low-birth- 430 Extremely low-birth- From PINT trial No differences between groups Suggested that a liberal
(PINTOS trial) of PINT trial weight infants weight infants (from High threshold (liberal): necrotizing enterocolitis, apnea, transfusion threshold led to
PINT trial) 1 to 7 days: respiratory support (< 12.2); infections, need for postnatal reductions in both cognitive
no respiratory support (< 10.9) steroids, oxygen requirements, delay and mortality
ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; ETTNO, Effects of Transfusion Thresholds on Neurocognitive Outcomes; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; ICU, intensive care unit; NICHD, Neonatal Research Network of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; PINT, Premature Infants in Need of Transfusion; PINTOS, Premature Infants in Need of Transfusion Outcomes; ScvO2, central venous oxygen saturation; TOP,
Transfusion of Prematures; TRACT, Transfusion and Treatment of African Children; TRIPICU, Transfusion strategies for patients In Pediatric Intensive Care Units.
Copyright © 2022, the American Society of Anesthesiologists. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
L. A. Downey and S. M. Goobie
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Table 2. Summary of Current International Expert Recommendations for Hemoglobin Transfusion Thresholds in Pediatric Patients
American Society of Excluded from the focus of these guidelines are neonates, infants, and children weighing Excluded from the focus of these guidelines are neonates, infants, and children weighing
New information is expected from large randomized controlled trials that are currently underway.
The threshold for transfusion for premature infants within these ranges may be influenced by the
presence of symptoms and other factors such as:
• Anticipated blood loss (e.g.,hemolysis, phlebotomy, or surgery)
Perioperative Hemoglobin Thresholds in Pediatrics
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CPB, cardiopulmonary bypass; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; NATA, Network for the Advancement of Patient Blood Management, Haemostasis and Thrombosis; RRT, Renal Replacement Therapy; VAD, ventricular assist device.
outcomes research regarding restrictive transfusion strate-
gies in pediatric perioperative patients is lacking, and while
the focus on optimal hemoglobin transfusion parameters
should be considered, it is equally important to consider the
physiologic parameters that may influence short- and long-
term patient outcomes (fig. 1). This concept of harnessing
physiologic parameters to guide transfusion decisions will
Patient Blood Management The authors suggest the addition of erythrocytes to maintain a hematocrit > 24% during CPB based No specific neonatal hemoglobin thresholds are recommended.
on the estimation of the degree of hemodilution related to CPB prime and cardioplegia (grade 2C).
cardiac children with clinical signs suggestive of symptomatic anemia as of 90 g/L (grade 1C).
The authors recommend a postoperative hemoglobin threshold for transfusion in stable, cyanotic
cardiac children with hemoglobin 70 or 80 g/L in the presence of clinical signs suggestive of
of Blood Management27
making it difficult to determine the long-term impact of institutions to perform complex neonatal surgeries without
this practice. A recent randomized trial in adult cardiac the need for erythrocyte or platelet transfusion in 30 to 50%
patients found that moderate hemodilution to a hematocrit of neonates.62–65 In summary, despite the absence of pro-
of 21 to 25% on CPB was associated with increased risk of spective trials, minimizing CPB prime volumes can reduce
postoperative neurocognitive dysfunction and stroke com- the need for blood product transfusions in pediatric patients
pared to mild hemodilution (hematocrit greater than 25%), undergoing cardiac surgery.52
despite no differences in cerebral oximetry, hemodynamics, Three randomized trials have demonstrated that imple-
and pre- and post-CPB hematocrits.60 While adult cardiac menting a postoperative restrictive transfusion strategy
centers may tolerate on-CPB hemoglobin levels as low as resulted in fewer transfusions and lower hemoglobin lev-
7.0 g/dL, with monitoring for evidence of tissue hypoxia els but no difference in lactate levels or arteriovenous oxy-
through serial lactate levels, cerebral oximetry, and mixed gen nor adverse clinical outcomes in children undergoing
venous oxygen saturation,61 it is hard to extrapolate this biventricular or palliative procedures35–38 (table 1).These tri-
data to pediatric patients due to differences in cyanotic and als demonstrated that hemodynamically stable children who
acyanotic heart disease, cerebral autoregulation, and preex- underwent biventricular repair tolerate hemoglobin levels
isting cardiovascular and neurologic disease burden. Expert greater than 7.0 g/dL without impaired clinical outcome,
consensus recommends an on-CPB hemoglobin target of while children who underwent palliative procedures toler-
8 g/dL or higher for acyanotic pediatric patients under- ate hemoglobin levels greater than 9.0 g/dL.35–38 These trials
going biventricular repair; however, there is currently not focused on postoperative intensive care unit (ICU) trans-
enough outcome data to make recommendations regarding fusion practices, not intraoperative transfusion thresholds.
on-CBP targets in cyanotic patients. Therefore, although individualized goal-directed transfu-
Relatively large CPB priming volumes result in hemo- sion is the aim, prospective studies focusing on intraop-
dilution of erythrocytes, platelets, and coagulation factors, erative transfusion thresholds for complex cardiac surgical
thus increasing the need for blood product transfusions. As patients are lacking. A recent retrospective study demon-
clinicians consider ways to reduce transfusions, one method strated that each 5% increase in ICU arrival hematocrit
that has been shown to decrease CPB-related hemodilution greater than 38% for acyanotic and 42% for cyanotic chil-
and thus erythrocyte transfusions is to miniaturize CPB dren was associated with a significant increase in the odds of
circuits. Allowing for a 50% reduction in the CPB prime perioperative mortality and major complications.22 While
volumes, these miniaturized circuits have permitted several this retrospective study can only demonstrate an association
of worse outcomes with higher intraoperative hemoglo- accepted definition of the “normal” hemoglobin level for
bin level, it highlights the need for prospective studies with neonates, as they have unique physiologic and developmen-
well defined perioperative transfusion guidelines reserving tal differences mandating a wide range of recommended
transfusions for patients with clinical evidence of poor oxy- hemoglobin thresholds (tables 1 and 2). Furthermore, the
gen delivery and avoiding overtransfusion in clinically stable definition of liberal versus restrictive transfusion threshold
patients. varies widely across different weights, ages, and critical ill-
Although a number of prospective studies demonstrate nesses ranging from liberal (hemoglobin level of 7.5 to 12.0
no benefit of higher hemoglobin thresholds35–38 and a larger g/dL) to restrictive (hemoglobin level of 6.5 to 10.0 g/
number of retrospective studies associate erythrocyte trans- dL) as detailed in tables 1 and 2. Due to the limited ability
fusions with worse outcomes,4,10,66 clinicians remain skepti- to tolerate physiologic stress, historical recommendations
cal in adopting restrictive transfusion strategies for pediatric have favored more liberal transfusion strategies. Erythrocyte
cardiac surgical patients due to a lack of robust outcome transfusions are independently associated with intraventric-
et al.17 and Franz et al.18 function to compare liberal versus the need for transfusion in individual patients with different
restrictive transfusion strategies based on laboratory thresholds degrees of physiologic adaptation to anemia.” This statement
alone (hemoglobin or hematocrit). Zerra et al.77 highlight the is reminiscent of an oft-repeated statement in pediatric medi-
need to identify more all-inclusive markers of physiologically cine: One size does not fit all. Despite the increasing support for
relevant outcomes such as tissue oxygen delivery and long- restrictive transfusion strategies in pediatric patients, inter-
term effects of transfusions on neurodevelopment, immunity, national expert consensus guidelines on erythrocyte trans-
and inflammation, especially in neonates with varying levels fusions agree decisions to transfuse should not be dictated
of illness, age, and gestational age.While these data are difficult by hemoglobin concentration alone but should also consider
to extrapolate to the intraoperative period, especially for neo- the child’s underlying physiologic condition and anemia-
nates with ongoing bleeding, the current literature suggests related signs and symptoms (table 2). Unfortunately, cur-
that term and preterm, low-birth-weight and extremely low- rently lacking is a decision-making algorithm that identifies
birth-weight neonates appear to tolerate restrictive transfusion specific individuals for whom permissive anemia is unsafe
with decreased cerebral oximetry, it is not clear whether on an assessment of the patient’s underlying comorbidities
a 15% drop in cerebral oximetry is clinically significant. and anemia symptoms.
Furthermore, this study does not differentiate the indepen- The authors propose there is no ideal, one size fits
dent association of hypotension or anemia on decreases in all, hemoglobin threshold for the pediatric patient in the
cerebral oximetry. Highlighted is the need for future research perioperative period. Instead, future research should focus
to identify novel methods to monitor tissue oxygen delivery, on patient-centered outcomes that incorporate patient
as hemoglobin number alone may not be an accurate predic- factors, surgical and medical complexity, and physiologic
tor of physiologic relevant outcomes in perioperative pedi- parameters to develop tools to guide the management of
atric patients with different illness severities, comorbidities, anemic and/or bleeding pediatric patients. Knowledge that
ages, or surgical procedures. the child is physiologically optimized would go a long way
Furthermore, although erythrocyte transfusion increases in promoting restrictive goal-directed transfusion decisions
hemoglobin levels with a corresponding increase in blood in the perioperative setting. In conclusion, anesthesiologists
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