Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
4. The Bid documents wil be available in the website: htpp://tendetsodisha,gouln from 10.00
AM of 15.03.2024
pM of for online bidding. lny addendum / corrigendum / cancellation of tender can also be
to 5.00 o3.o4.2o24
seen in the said website.
5. The bidder must possess compatible Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of Class-II or Class-III.
6. Bids shafl be received only on "on line" on or before 5.00 PM of o3.o4.2o24.
7. Bids received on line shall be opened at 11.30 Hours on 04.04.2024 in the office of
the Engineer-in-Chief (Civil),
Nirmana Saudha, Unit-V, Bhub.nur*ur, Odisha in the presence of the bidders who wish to attend' Bidders who
pi,ti.ip.t o in the bid cin witness the opening of bids after logging on to the site through their DSC' If the office
[ipp.i,r to be ctosed on if.re Juie opening 6f tn" oior as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working
day at the same time and venue.
process as mentioned under DTCN'
B. The bidder shall transfer online Rs.10,OOO.O0 towards cost of the Bid through a
9. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents.
10. The authority reserves the right to cancel any or all bids without assigning any reason
11. Any addendum / corrigendum / cancellation of tender can also be seen in the said
Odisha, Bhubaneswar
MemoNo. ltSS ?-, Dt. latog.ruetl
Copy to :
information and necessary action. He is requested to arrange for publication in next issue
of Odisha Gazette'
for favour of information
Copy to all Chief Construction Engineers under (R&B) / all Chief Construction Englneers under Rural Works / all
Chief Construction Engineers under National Highways / all Chief Construction Engineers under Minor Irrigation /
all Superintending Engineers/ Executive Engineers under (R&B) wing for information and wide circulation
rngi#"+*,-Wo 3\
(I/C) Chief Engineer (Bridges), WBP,
Odisha, Bhubaneswar