4ourPeaceofMind 3
4ourPeaceofMind 3
4ourPeaceofMind 3
Poverty has always remained a critical social problem that calls to be addressed. Several
anti-poverty programs has been designed, created and implemented in order to alleviate poverty.
In 2007, former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo launched the Conditional Cash Transfer
program or CCT and was implemented on a wider scale starting 2008.This Anti-Poverty program
was sustained by President Benigno Aquino as Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or 4Ps
which was designed to promote investment in human capital among poor families with children
The Philippine government shows its serious effort to combat poverty through the
continuing expansion of the 4Ps, the Philippines’ version of the conditional cash transfer (CCT)
program modeled by Latin American countries. The 4Ps by far is the most comprehensive and
also, controversial poverty reduction program of the Philippine government because of the huge
This program covers 79 provinces covering 1,261 municipalities and 138 key cities in all
17 regions nationwide with the Department of Social Welfare and Development as the
families who are not able to provide their family with basic needs such as; shelter, food, clothes,
and education.
The proponents chose to conduct the analysis on the implementation of the program in
selected area in Negros Occidental particularly on Escalante, San Agustin, Isabela, Barangay
Salong, Kabankalan City, E.B. Magalona, Brgy. Damgo, Miranda Pontevedra, La Carlota, Ilog,
and Libertad, Bacolod City. In which the perception of both the beneficiaries and implementers
on the implementation of the said program.. This will also include the identification of
particular conditions and requirements, as well as the benefits to meet the goal of household
The Human Development and Poverty Reduction Cabinet Cluster (HDPRCC) has
identified Negros Occidental as one of the 10 priority provinces in the country with highest
Subsequently, this study would yield insights on how the recipients utilize government
development support in improving their lives. Also, the proponent seeks to give intuitive
information regarding the program and its present stance as part of poverty-reduction advocacy
so that the government would have a clear view in evaluating its efficacy, if it indeed
contributes a good future payoff considering the use of very large resources.
Statement of Problem
The purpose of this analysis is to assess the level of effectiveness of the Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program in Negros as basis for policy review and policy enhancement.
1. What is the level of effectiveness of 4Ps as assessed by Implementers/ Partners of the program
a) Health
b) Education
c) Livelihood
a) Health
b) Education
c) Livelihood
Negros Occidental in the three areas when respondents are grouped as to:
a. Program Beneficiaries
b. Program Implementers/Partners
4. What are the salient datascope that can be derived in terms of programs in the areas of Health,
The analysis is anchored on the "Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Act of 2010," In
consonance with Article 2, Section 9 of the Philippine Constitution which provides that the State
shall promote a just and dynamic social order that will ensure the prosperity and independence of
the nation and free the people from poverty through policies that provide adequate social
services, promote full employment, a rising standard of living, and an improved quality of life
for all. According to 2006 Annual Poverty Statistics of the National Statistical Coordination
Board, 27.9 Million Filipinos or one-third (l/3) of the entire population are poor. To address this
Conditional Cash Transfer Program known as Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)
inspired by the successes of similar programs in Latin American countries such as Bolsa Familia
Conditional cash transfer programs (hereon CCTs) have become increasingly popular
policies to fight poverty transmission and inequality. Generally, CCTs' main focus is the
encourage poor households to meet these investments, they are established as conditions to
receive a cash transfer that allows them to ease credit constraints (Aguilar, 2012). Thus, such
program had grown very popular in the recent past. It has started to develop in many developing
countries, notably outside Latin America. Examples include conditional incentive programs for
pregnant women to deliver in health facilities in India and Nepal (Ministry of Health and Family
Similar program was believed to commence in the Government of Mexico in 1997 when
it introduced a conditional cash transfer (CCT) program called Programa de Educación, Salud, y
which its essential premise is a cash transfer to households, conditioned on their participation in
health, nutrition, and education services. Ten years later, Progresa, now Oportunidades, covered
more than 5 million households in all 31 Mexican states. The widespread positive results from
Progresa served as an encouragement to extend these programs in many other countries (Haines
Approximately 20 countries have adopted a pilot or full-scale CCT program, and other 20
countries have expressed interest in starting one. Most current programs are in Latin America,
but others can be found in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean, and interest is increasing among
African countries struggling with extreme poverty and low human capital. CCT programs are
The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is more than a welfare program. It
addresses structural inequities in society and promotes human capital development of the poor,
thus, breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty. The conditions attached to the grants
require parents to undergo trainings on responsible parenthood, have their children undergo
health check-ups and ensure school attendance. The program ensures that there is sufficient
resource for the health, nutrition and education of children aged 0-14 year old.
The Beneficiaries are also aware that the program is only good for a maximum of five
years, and the grants provided are to be used only for the schools needs of the children and for
the health and nutrition of the household. DSWD also employed a convergence strategy which
merges poverty-reduction programs of the department with Pantawid Pamilya as its backbone to
The poorest households in the municipalities are selected through the National
Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) implemented by the DSWD
using the Proxy Means Test. This test determines the socio-economic category of the families by
looking at certain proxy variables such as ownership of assets, type of housing, education of the
household head, livelihood of the family and access to water and sanitation facilities
The grantees are given allowances: P500 per month (P6, 000 annually) per household for
health and nutrition expenses, and P300/ school month (P3, 000/school year or 10 months) per
child for educational expenses, but only a maximum of three children per household. If a
household has three qualified children, the family will receive a subsidy of P1, 400/month (P15,
For Health and Nutrition Compliance, children 0-5 Years Old should visit the health
center to avail immunization – have monthly weight monitoring and nutrition counseling, for
children aged 0-2 years old they must have quarterly weight monitoring for 25 to 73 weeks old
and have management of childhood diseases for sick children and for children 6-14 Years Old
they must receive deworming pills twice a year. Children 3-5 years old must be enrolled in day
care or pre-school program and maintain a class attendance rate of at least 85% per month and
for children 6-14 years old they must be enrolled in elementary and secondary school and
Conditional cash transfers support poor families, contingent on investments in the human
capital of their children, mainly by mandating school attendance and/or use of healthcare
services (Rawlings & Rubio, 2005). Beneficiaries are usually required to use maternal and child
preventive health, nutrition, and care services and to enroll and maintain school-aged children in
To become eligible for the Pantawid Pamilya, a household needs to satisfy a uniform set
of criteria, which include (i) residing in program areas of the Pantawid Pamilya, (ii) being
identified as poor based on a proxy means test (PMT), and (iii) having either a pregnant woman
or at least one child below 15 years of age at the time of enumeration by the NHTS-PR
(Velarde&Fernandez, 2011). In the selection process, beneficiaries for Pantawid Pamilya are
chosen through a combination of geographical targeting and the proxy means testing (PMT)
method, by the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR). The
PMT, centrally designed in 2007 and implemented starting in 2008 by DSWD, predicts
household income using observable and verifiable variables that are highly correlated with
household income (Friedman & Onishi, 2013). Health and nutrition conditions generally require
periodic checkups, growth monitoring, and vaccinations for children less than five years of age;
prenatal care for mothers and attendance by mothers at periodic health information talks.
Education conditions usually include school enrollment, attendance on 80–85 percent of school
days, and occasionally some measure of performance (De Janvry, Alain, & Sadoulet, 2006).
In Colombia, where the program is popularly known as Familias en Accion, two types of
monetary transfers with conditionality attached are given to the mothers: (1/) conditional on their
children under seven years old attending preventive health care visits; mothers are also
encouraged to attend courses on hygiene, nutrition and family planning. (2/) conditional on their
children aged 7-17 attending at least 80%of school classes (Attanasio, 2005). The same
interventions go with Red de protection social in Nicaragua where the program has two
components: first, a ―monthly food security‖ cash transfer conditional on attendance at monthly
health educational workshops, on bringing their children under age 5 for free scheduled
gain; second, a ―school attendance‖ cash transfer every two months contingent on enrollment
and regular school attendance of children aged 7-13. Beneficiaries do not receive the food or
education cash transfers if they failed to comply with any of the conditions (Mallucio, 2004).
Fernandez, Yasuhiko Matsuda, RosechinOlfindo, and Matt Stephens in 2011 whereby according
to them, CCT program provides cash to poor households as long as the beneficiary households
Health grants are provided for beneficiary households with children 0-14 years old and/or
with pregnant women with the conditions that all children 0-5 years old and the pregnant women
visit health centers and receive services according to the Department of Health (DOH) protocol,
all children 6-14 years old at elementary level undergo de-worming protocol at schools, and the
household grantees (mainly women) attend family development sessions at least once a month.
Education grants are provided for beneficiary households with children 3-14 years old with the
conditions that the children are enrolled in daycare, pre-school primary or secondary school and
This kind of program requires the same systems as other transfer programs: at minimum,
(1) a means to establish the eligibility of clients and enroll them in the program, and (2) a
mechanism to pay their benefits. Strong monitoring and evaluation systems also are desirable.
CCTs further require a means to monitor compliance with conditions and to coordinate among
In line with this, a recent study in Turkey initiated by Kudat, Ayse explained the key
objectives of the first phase of impact evaluation that includes: (a) assessing whether the CCT
program has reached the intended population and achieved the objective of alleviating current
poverty, including through encouraging school attendance, use of preventative health service and
increasing the human capital of poor households; and (b) identifying secondary as well as
unintended impacts of the program. Such assessment report in that particular country aims to
provide rapid feedback on program implementation and preliminary impact. As for the
distribution of resource, the program has created a more practical way of reaching its recipients.
In the conditional cash transfer program launched in India in January 2013, the resources
were expected to reach around 720 million people, and that anyone who lives below or just
above the national poverty line can qualify. It was also mentioned in the report that the
government believed that by giving money to the individuals directly will make the welfare
The related literature and studies cited have helped the researcher in formulating the
statement of the problem and in developing the theoretical framework using the CIPP (Context,
Kabankalan City, E.B. Magalona, Brgy. Damgo, Miranda Pontevedra, La Carlota, Ilog, and
Programs will be assessed on the areas of health, education and livelihood. The survey
implementers and partners who have direct knowledge and major contribution in the
Chapter 2
This Chapter presents the research design, respondents, measures, procedures and
Research/Analysis Design
In this analysis, the proponents will use descriptive research design. Descriptive research
focuses on the present condition and it provides essential knowledge about the nature of objects
and person being studied. Moreover, descriptive research determines the degree to which
significant as surveys abound in educational research and are utilized by many researchers as an
investigative tool to collect data in order to address educational questions (Gay et al., 2006).
The participants shall be composed of 4Ps beneficiaries from Negros Occidental selected
through random sampling. Participants will also include Program Implementers to include City
link officers, DSWD Personnel and program partners, Barangay Health workers, City Health
Table 1
Distribution of
Participants Total
Program Implementers 30
Beneficiaries 30
formulated questions will serve as guide in gathering data related to the problem. All questions
are related to the services provided by 4PS. The first part of the questionnaire pertained to the
personal profile of the respondents or their socioeconomic profile. The second part consisted of
questions about the implementation of 4Ps with 5-point Likert- type scale questions about the
program proper and utilization of cash grants. The third part pertains to the problems
Data Gathering. . The data for this research will be collected using a survey
questionnaire. The survey questionnaire was created using suitable questions modified from
related research and individual questions formed by the researchers. This will be analyzed
through the guided objectives of the study. The contents of the questionnaires were carefully
chosen and reviewed. The survey comprised of three parts with questions related to the
Data Analysis. The collected primary and secondary data from the responses of
respondents from survey questionnaire will be analyzed through descriptive and inferential
statistics. Descriptive analysis will be employed for the problem no. 1 and 2 and comparative
Statistical Tool. To answer the problems being investigated, the following statistical tools
will be as follows:
For problem 1, The Mean will be used to measure the level of effectiveness of 4Ps in
when taken as a whole and when grouped according to Health, Education and Livelihood. The
mean will be obtained by dividing the sum of data from the responses of the participants by the
For Problem 2, The Mean will be used to measure the level of effectiveness of the
taken as a whole and when grouped according to age, educational attainment and family size in
the areas of Health, Education and Livelihood. The mean will be obtained by dividing the sum of
data from the responses of the participants by the number of questions from the level of
effectiveness of 4Ps.
Table 3
2.61-3.20 Average
1.81-2.60 Low
For Problem 3, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) will be used to determine the significant
Partners and Beneficiaries when taken as a whole and when grouped according to Health,
For Problem 4, thematic analysis will be used in order to determine salient points while
Chapter 3
Table 3.A
Educational Attainment
This table show, when taken as a whole, the beneficiaries perceives the effectiveness of
the program as very high on the areas of Health, Education, and Livelihood with a mean of 4.51
For Health, the mean is 4.7 with the standard deviation of 0.26 and an interpretation of
very high. For Education, the mean is 4.72 with the standard deviation 0.24 of and an
interpretation of very high. For Livelihood, the mean is 4.11 with the standard deviation of 0.32
Those having ages of 31-40 and 41-50 perceive the programs more effective than those of
beneficiaries ages 50 and above. In terms of educational attainment, beneficiaries under post
secondary perceive the programs more effective than those under high school and elementary
level with the tertiary level having the least perception but still under the interpretation as very
high or effective.
Table 3.A
50- up
Educational Attainment
Post Secondary
Elementary Level
This table show, when taken as a whole, the beneficiaries perceives the effectiveness of
the program as very high on the areas of Health, Education, and Livelihood with a mean of 4.6
For Health, the mean is 4.68 with the standard deviation of 0.28 and an interpretation of
very high. For Education, the mean is 4.68 with the standard deviation 0.28 of and an
interpretation of very high. For Livelihood, the mean is 4.37 with the standard deviation of 0.32
and interpretation of very high. In comparison to the beneficiaries perception of the livelihood
Table 4
Variable Participants χ2 df p
Implementers Beneficiaries
0.29 0.27
4Ps in Negros Occidental in the three areas when respondents are grouped according to
29/30 kids or 99% of children 0-5 years of age have regular preventive health check-ups
and vaccines. On the other hand, 16% of Pregnant women is not able to get (3) pre-natal check-
up starting from the first trimester. Furthermore, 3/5 children 6-14 years old has undergone
deworming at least twice a year. While 87% of the beneficiaries visits the clinic regularly and
only 1/30 of the beneficiaries sanitary needs are not being met.
99% of children 3-5 years of age are enrolled in a day care program or pre-school and
has attended at least eighty five percent (85%) of the required school days. However, 13 percent
not able to improve their daily income. Also, 30% of the beneficiaries has a debt or borrowings.
However, 90% is able to finance household improvements and 94% of the basic needs of
Chapter 4
Both beneficiaries and implementors when taken as whole and grouped according to age
and educational attainment rates the 4ps as effective. This study has shown that most of the
programs under the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program are being met.
between the implementers and beneficiaries. However, when taken as a whole, there is no
Occidental in the three areas when respondents are grouped according to implementers and
In order for this analysis to be beneficial for both the beneficiaries and implementors. It is
suggested that the participant of the study be targeted or reach sample size of the total population
Lastly, evaluating other areas not yet tackled in this study such as the difference in
effectiveness in services in their local areas and in the national level if such geographical
locations is also a factor in the delivery of services is highly suggested. Having a qualitative
study that would look into in-depth manner the awareness of the processes, concepts, and
methodologies in the law, and their personal experiences is also hereby recommended.
Educating the public is also very important to the beneficiaries and informing them of
what can the 4Ps offer and do to them. Education is one of the greatest tools in empowering and
preventing social dysfunction. Many practitioners uphold that education of one the basic needs of
humankind. The UNICEF in its 2004 report claimed that education opens an infinite number of
doors and expands innovation and scientific-based practice. The implementation of the Mental
Health Law, indeed, requires both special set of knowledge and a compassionate heart. It is the
sense of being aware that the doors of what should be done are being opened. Hence, this study
has also come up with a mental health advocacy for social workers.
Dear Respondents:
Pilipino Program”. Your honest response to the questions below will be of great help to obtain
reliable data to support the study. Rest assured that the date gathered will be used for this
The Researcher
( ) No formal schooling
Please check the appropriate boxes provided for each number which best represent your
analysis of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program in Negros Occidental on a five (5) point
scale, as follows:
A. Health
twice a year
What do you suggest to further improve the Health Program of the 4 Ps?
school and
school days
Improvement in school
Increase of learning
enthusiasm/motivation to learn
improvement in interpersonal
materials (notebooks,pens,etc.)
educational attainment
C. Livelihood
(5) (4) (2) (1)
social activities
Participation in Family
Development Sessions
What do you suggest to further improve the Livelihood Assistance of the 4Ps?
A. What are the problems that you encountered in the implementation of the Pantawid
Appendices B. Documentation
4Ps Social Marketing Unit. (2014, October 1). Proposed 2015 monitoring and evaluation budget
of CCT, only P429-M not P4.2-B. Retrieved November 26, 2014, from
ADB. (2013). Poverty reduction: Promoting inclusive pro-poor growth. Retrieved April 5, 2014
from: http://www.adb.org/themes/poverty/overview
ANC. (2013, January 1). No evidence CCT breeds dependency: DSWD. Retrieved November
Asian Development Bank. (2009). Poverty in the Philippines: Causes, Constraints and
Chaudhury, N., Friedman, J., & Onishi, J. (2013). Philippines Conditional Cash Transfer
Program Impact Evaluation 2012. Document of the World Bank, Development Economics
Department of Social Welfare and Development. (2009). Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
Fiszbein A. and N. Schady (2009). Condition al Cash Transfers: Reducing Present and Future Poverty.
SUNSTAR. (2015, October 22). Negros Occidental among 10 provinces with highest poor
Department of Social Welfare and Development. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2022, from
senior pastor. (n.d.). 2 pantawid pamilya orientation. Share and Discover Knowledge on