V-RTU2000 - VR-2400 Technical Specification Manual V1-4-En

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Veesta World Co

Technical Information

VR-2400 RTU Product

Technical Specification

Author: Veesta World Co., Engineering Department

VEESTA and VEESTA WORLD are trademarks of Veesta World Co. Iran

V-RTU2000 is trademarks of RTU system of VEESTA WORLD Co.

VR-2400 is trademarks of Rail Mount RTU system of VEESTA WORLD Co.

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V-RTU2000 - Series VR-2400 Document History
Veesta - Remote Terminal Unit and Controller
Technical Specification Manual


Version Date Comment

1.0 2021/12/06 First issue

1.1 2022/10/01 Add VR-2446 Module Specifications

1.2 2023/07/05 Add VR-2431 Module Specifications

1.3 2023/11/10 Revised VR-2410, VR-2446, VR-2480 Module Wiring

1.4 2024/05/05 Add VR-2411 Module Specifications and some changes

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V-RTU2000 - Series VR-2400 Table of Content
Veesta - Remote Terminal Unit and Controller
Technical Specification Manual


Chapter 1 - Introduction ................................................................... 10

1.1 General Information.............................................................10
1.2 Veesta World Co .................................................................10
1.3 Copyrights ...........................................................................11
Chapter 2 - System Overview .......................................................... 12
2.1 Overview .............................................................................12
2.1.1 Distributed Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) .................12
2.2 Summary of Functions.........................................................15
2.2.1 Data Acquisition Processing ....................................15
2.2.2 Control Output .........................................................16
2.2.3 Communication Function .........................................17
2.2.4 Self-Diagnostic Function ..........................................18
2.2.5 Programmable Algorithm Function ..........................18
2.3 VR-2400 Hardware Platform ...............................................19
2.4 CPU Module Feature...........................................................20
2.4.1 Power Supply Unit ...................................................21
2.4.2 Main Communication Unit........................................21
2.4.3 Status Indicators Unit...............................................22
2.4.4 Redundancy Unit .....................................................22
2.5 Expansion Modules Feature................................................24
2.6 VR-2400 Working Concepts ................................................26
2.7 VR-2400 Software Platform.................................................28
2.8 VR-2400 Product Series Modules List.................................29
2.9 VR-2400 Series Hardware and Software Training...............31
2.9.1 Curriculum Schedule Syllabus .................................31
2.10 Standards (Type Test).........................................................32
2.10.1 Electromagnetic Radiation .....................................32
2.10.2 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) ....................32
2.10.3 Mechanical Standards ...........................................32
2.10.4 Environment Standards .........................................33
Chapter 3 - CPU Module Series ....................................................... 34
3.1 General................................................................................34
3.2 CPU Modules Appearance ..................................................34

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Technical Specification Manual

3.3 CPU Modules Function Description.....................................35

3.4 CPU Modules Detail ............................................................35
3.4.1 Select CPU working mode .......................................35
3.4.2 CPU Indicator Definitions.........................................36
3.4.3 Communications Port...............................................38
3.5 CPU Module Specifications .................................................39
3.5.1 VR-2410A Specifications .........................................39
3.5.2 VR-2410B Specifications .........................................41
3.5.3 VR-2410R Specifications .........................................42
3.5.4 VR-2411A Specifications .........................................44
Chapter 4 - Bus Expansion Modules............................................... 45
4.1 General................................................................................45
4.2 Bus Extension Module.........................................................45
4.2.1 VR-2412A Specifications (Bus Expansion) ..............46
Chapter 5 - Digital Expansion Modules........................................... 47
5.1 General................................................................................47
5.2 Digital Input Module.............................................................47
5.2.1 VR-2420A Specifications (16xDI) ............................48
5.3 Digital Output Module..........................................................49
5.3.1 VR-2430A Specifications (16x DO Relay)................49
5.3.2 VR-2431A Specifications (16x DOC Relay) .............50
5.4 Digital Input/Output Module .................................................51
5.4.1 VR-2460A Specifications (12x DI, 4x DO Relay) .....51
Chapter 6 - Analog Expansion Module ........................................... 52
6.1 General................................................................................52
6.2 Analog Input Module ...........................................................52
6.2.1 VR-2441A Specifications (8xAI)...............................53
6.3 AC Analog Metering Input Module.......................................55
6.3.1 VR-2446A Specifications (ACM Module) .................55
6.4 Analog Output Module.........................................................58
6.4.1 VR-2450A Specifications (4xAO).............................58
6.5 Analog Input/Output Module................................................59
6.5.1 VR-2470A Specifications (4xAI, 2xAO)....................59
Chapter 7 - Functional Expansion Module ..................................... 61
7.1 General................................................................................61
7.2 Power Redundancy Module ................................................61
7.2.1 VR-2418A Specifications .........................................61
7.3 Power Electric Module.........................................................62
7.3.1 VR-2440A Specifications (IED Module) ...................62
7.4 HMI Display Module ............................................................65
7.4.1 VR-2480A Specification (HMI Module) ....................65
Chapter 8 - Physical Installation Information ................................. 67

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8.1 General................................................................................67
8.1.1 Ventilation and Cooling ............................................67
8.1.2 Power Dissipation ....................................................68
8.1.3 Proper Location of Wirings.......................................69
8.2 Electrical Safety...................................................................70
8.3 Mounting and Installation and Removal ..............................71
8.3.1 Panel Mounting........................................................71
8.3.2 DIN Rail Mounting....................................................73
8.3.3 Expansion Cable Connection...................................75
8.4 Dimensions and Structures .................................................76
8.5 VR-2480 HMI Display ..........................................................78
Chapter 9 - Quick Application Guide .............................................. 79
9.1 General................................................................................79
9.2 Packing-list Confirmation.....................................................79
9.3 Installation and Wiring .........................................................79
9.4 Connecting the Power Cable...............................................79
9.5 Establishing Communications with the PC ..........................80
9.6 Device Configuration Web Console.....................................80
9.7 Device SCADA/RTU/PLC Configuration..............................81
9.8 Running the Equipment .......................................................81
Chapter 10 - Terminal Definitions & Wiring ...................................... 82
10.1 General................................................................................82
10.2 CPU Module Terminal & Wiring...........................................82
10.2.1 VR-2410 CPU Module ...........................................82
10.3 BUS Expansion Module Terminal & Wiring .........................86
10.3.1 VR-2412A Bus Expansion Module.........................86
10.4 Digital Expansion Terminal & Wiring ...................................88
10.4.1 VR-2420A DI Module (16x Channel)......................88
10.4.2 VR-2430A DO Module (16x Relay) ........................90
10.4.3 VR-2431A DOC Module (16x Command Relay) ....92
10.4.4 VR-2460A DIO Module (12x DI, 4x Relay).............94
10.5 Analog Expansion Terminal & Wiring ..................................96
10.5.1 VR-2441 AI Module (8x Channel) ..........................96
10.5.2 VR-2446A ACM Module.........................................98
10.6 Functional Expansion Terminal & Wiring...........................103
10.6.1 VR-2440A IED Module.........................................103
10.6.2 VR-2480A HMI Module ........................................108

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Figure 1-1: Veesta World Co Logo and sign .............................................................11

Figure 2-1: V-RTU2000 Series as Distributed RTU Structure Diagram.....................14
Figure 2-2: VR-2400, CPU module structure diagram...............................................19
Figure 2-3: VR-2400, Extension module structure diagram.......................................20
Figure 2-4: VR-2400 Series as Redundancy Plane Diagram ....................................23
Figure 2-5: VR-2400, CPU module with expansion module ......................................24
Figure 2-6: VR-2400, Working Concept Block Diagram ............................................27
Figure 3-1: VR-2400, CPU Module Apperance .........................................................34
Figure 3-2: VR-2400, CPU Module under extension cover apperance......................35
Figure 3-3: VR-2400, CPU Module Indicators ...........................................................36
Figure 3-4: VR-2400, CPU Module Default Communication Interface.......................38
Figure 8-1: VR-2400, Recommended Ventilations ....................................................67
Figure 8-2: VR-2400, Mounting method to be avoided..............................................68
Figure 8-3: VR-2400, Space Requirements in cubicle...............................................68
Figure 8-4: VR-2400, Expansion Module Terminal Definitons...................................70
Figure 8-5: VR-2400, Mounting Methods ..................................................................71
Figure 8-6: VR-2400, Module mounting on panel......................................................72
Figure 8-7: VR-2400, Module removing from panel...................................................72
Figure 8-8: VR-2400, Standard 35mm DIN Rail ........................................................73
Figure 8-9: VR-2400, Case Rail Clip .........................................................................73
Figure 8-10: VR-2400, Module mounting on DIN Rail ...............................................74
Figure 8-11: VR-2400, Module removing from DIN Rail ............................................74
Figure 8-12: VR-2400, Expansion Cable connections among the modules ..............75
Figure 8-13: VR-2400, Side View Dimensions - All Modules.....................................76
Figure 8-14: VR-2400, Top View Dimensions - CPU Module ....................................76
Figure 8-15: VR-2400, Top View Dimensions - Extension Module............................77
Figure 8-16: VR-2480, HMI Display Dimensions .......................................................78
Figure 9-1: VR-2400, Connecting Programmin Cable ...............................................80
Figure 10-1: VR-2410, CPU Module Wiring Diagram ................................................82
Figure 10-2: VR-2410, Ethernet Port, Connection Wiring..........................................83
Figure 10-3: VR-2410, Serial Port, RS-232 Simple Connection Wiring .....................84
Figure 10-4: VR-2410, Serial Port, RS-232+Flow Control Connection Wiring...........84
Figure 10-5: VR-2410, Serial Port, RS-485 Connection Wiring .................................85

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Figure 10-6: VR-2410, Serial Port, RS-422 Connection Wiring .................................85

Figure 10-7: VR-2412A, Bus Expansion Module Wiring Diagram .............................86
Figure 10-8: VR-2412A, Bus Expansion Module, RS-485 Connection Wiring...........87
Figure 10-9: VR-2420A, DI Module 8x Channel Wiring Diagram...............................88
Figure 10-10: VR-2430A, DO Module 16x Relay Wiring Diagram .............................90
Figure 10-11: VR-2431A, DOC Module 16x Relay Wiring Diagram ..........................92
Figure 10-12: VR-2460A, DIO Module 12xDI, 4x Relay Wiring Diagram...................94
Figure 10-13: VR-2441A, AI Module 8x Channel Wiring Diagram.............................96
Figure 10-14: VR-2446A, ACM Module Terminal Definitons .....................................98
Figure 10-15: VR-2446A, ACM Module Wiring Diagram ...........................................99
Figure 10-16: VR-2440A, IED Module Terminal Definitons .....................................103
Figure 10-17: VR-2440A, IED Module Wiring Diagram ...........................................104
Figure 10-18: VR-2480A, HMI Module 4.3", Terminal Definitons ............................108

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Table 2-1: VR-2400 Series, Module List....................................................................29

Table 2-2: VR-2400 Series, Training Syllabus...........................................................31
Table 3-1: VR-2400 Series, 3-positions CPU selector switch setting modes ............36
Table 3-2: VR-2400 Series, CPU Indicator Definitions ..............................................37
Table 10-1: VR-2400 Series, VR-2420A DI Module Terminal Definitions..................89
Table 10-2: VR-2400 Series, VR-2430A DO Module Terminal Definitions................91
Table 10-3: VR-2400 Series, VR-2431A DOC Module Terminal Definitions .............93
Table 10-4: VR-2400 Series, VR-2460A DO Module Terminal Definitions................95
Table 10-5: VR-2400 Series, VR-2441A AI Module Terminal Definitions..................97
Table 10-6: VR-2400 Series, VR-2446A ACM Module Terminal Definitions ...........100
Table 10-7: VR-2400 Series, VR-2440A IED Module Terminal Definitions .............105

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V-RTU2000 - Series VR-2400 Chapter 1 - Introduction
Veesta - Remote Terminal Unit and Controller
Technical Specification Manual

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.1 General Information

This is technical information of design of Product of V-RTU2000

Series of VR-2400, the Remote Terminal Unit and also
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) from Veesta World Company.
This document helps you to find about how VR-2400 Series works
and designed for your purpose.

V-RTU2000, Series VR-2400 of RTU system adopted for from very

small RTU Controller or PLC device from that can be used in as
Feeder Terminal Unit up to very large scale PLC application and
RTU for Generation and Transmission High Voltage Substations, and
or other controlled stations.

Veesta World Co. is associated with you! in planning, designing,

manufacturing, supply, installation, commissioning and acceptance
test for the Remote Terminal Units and Controller in your projects.
Veesta World Company will render full support and services to its
customer to enable them to deliver first class services to the
Automation Market.

1.2 Veesta World Co

Veesta World Co is a leading company in

automation field in Iran and specialized in
design and installation of IT Network of wide
area and local area, Automation control units, control rooms, DCS
design, PLC and SCADA application installation and system
integration. The main advantage of Veesta World's products is
complying international standards and do customs basic design.

Veesta World Co is a dynamic company, whose main commitment is

the customer’s satisfaction. Business vision and its future evolution
together with the proper combination of new and existing
technologies are the main aspects considered in the solutions
proposed by Veesta World Co. Owing to this, key issues like
Scalability, the Return of Investment or the Total Cost of Ownership
are carefully considered. Consequently, the solutions offered by
Veesta World Co are able to cope with the requirements of a
sustainable growth. Veesta World Co is a service-oriented company
and the customer perspective is its action guide. An added value of
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Veesta - Remote Terminal Unit and Controller
Technical Specification Manual

the offer is the evaluation and Management of the risk. This issue is
getting a major relevance in the changing environment in which new
technologies have to be applied, particularly when profitability is a
major concern.

The objective of Veesta World Co is focused on the creation of value

for the customer through the proper business strategy alignment and
the right combination of technologies. These principles, developed
under the Total Quality Management practice, allow Veesta World Co
to offer, in a seamless approach, consultancy, engineering and
training services.

The founders of Veesta World Co are professionals with a large

experience in the Telecommunication and Networking and Industrial

Veesta World Co is formed by a balanced team of professionals that

gather knowledge in a wide range of technologies and specific know-
how on how to apply these technologies in mission-critical control

1.3 Copyrights

All of documents and materials in related to this document and this

document are copyrights of Veesta World Co and it is not permitted
to use or transfer the contents to any other parties.

The Veesta World Co logo is registered trademark of Veesta World

Co and its properties.

Figure 1-1: Veesta World Co Logo and sign

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V-RTU2000 - Series VR-2400 Chapter 2 - System Overview
Veesta - Remote Terminal Unit and Controller
Technical Specification Manual

Chapter 2 - System Overview

2.1 Overview
The V-RTU2000 series (Veesta Remote Terminal Unit) is a
distributive Data Acquisition and Control System based on
microprocessor. In common SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition) System, it performs the work of the Terminal processing
unit in most utility stations. RTU acquires station data, both of analog
and digital signals with information management and DTU also
meets the command from host in master station : to transmit back the
acquired data ; to perform the function "check before execution" for
station facilities to ensure a safe and reliable execution in system

As a line of smart integrated controller products, V-RTU2000 the

series of VR-2400 provides powerful and complex control functions
whether running independently or under network mode. As shown in
the following figure, the compact exterior design, good scalability,
reasonably low price and powerful instruction set combine to make
VR-2400 a perfect solution for fulfilling small-scale up to large-scale
automation needs.

This manual will help you install, configure, use and maintain your
VR-2400 Product Series, as well as contains all the hardware
information of VR-2400 RTU Product Series. Please read the whole
manual carefully to ensure your system is properly started up and
running well.

2.1.1 Distributed Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)

To achieve an idea RTU design, V-RTU2000 series is fully
modularized in all I/O units, intelligent processing in system operation
and powerful in communication ability. RTU design endeavor to
pursue long-term stability, high reliability, convenience in
maintenance and wiring connection, flexible in extension to be an
aesthetic product as a well-being quality unit. V-RTU2000 provides
flexible, cost effective answers to many challenges that face the
engineering, operations, and maintenance departments of today’s
power utility.

The V-RTU2000 series offers a single RTU family meeting the entire
range of requirements, from small distribution and cogeneration sites
to large substations and generating stations, using the same

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Veesta - Remote Terminal Unit and Controller
Technical Specification Manual

components in a modular, building block approach. The V-RTU2000

Series introduces an open architecture permitting the addition of new
processing modules, each linked by fully protected high-speed I/O
LAN (Local Area Network). Nothing becomes obsolete in the course
of expanding a V-RTU2000 from the smallest to the largest, most
complex configuration. Please refer to Figure 2-1 as reference.

The V-RTU2000 Series including two other key functional

equipments of the Communication Server and the Intelligent
Electronic Device equipments as Communication Server and IED.

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Technical Specification Manual

Master Station #1 Master Station #2 Master Station #n

DNP 3.0 or DNP 3.0 or DNP 3.0 or
IEC-870-5 IEC-870-5 IEC-870-5
and etc and etc and etc
Protocol Protocol Protocol

Ethernet Serial
Ports Ports

BUS# 1
Power CPU Module Module Module Module
Module #1 #2 #3 #16

Ethernet Serial
Ports Ports

Slave Station/Devide Digital Digital Analog Analog Power Power

DNP 3.0 or Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs Metering Protection
and etc

BUS# 2
Bus Module Module Module Module
Extension #1 #2 #3 #16


BUS# 3
Bus Module Module Module Module
Extension #1 #2 #3 #16


Digital Digital Analog Analog Power Power

Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs Metering Protection

BUS# 16
Bus Module Module Module Module
Extension #1 #2 #3 #16


Figure 2-1: V-RTU2000 Series as Distributed RTU Structure Diagram

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2.2 Summary of Functions

V-RTU2000 Series is generally installed at on-site power station,
applied to signals monitoring and control performance. It is designed
in multi-processor technique. Each I/O Module has its own processor
which is responsible for the basic data acquisition function. The basic
functions are as follows.

2.2.1 Data Acquisition Processing

V-RTU2000 Series acquires digital and analog signal from station
and stores it in RTU memory. On the other band, RTU accepts host
command to reflect and transmit back the required data to control
center. Analog Data Input

Measured Values, generally to receive signals from power
transducers (Watt / Var / Voltage / Current / Temperature / Position /
Resistance / etc), this is meant; RTU is to gather all physical signals
of main facilities in station. Accumulated Data Input

Energy Counters, accumulation and processing of pulses from
external energy measurement devices are supported. A 16-Bit
value is set aside in the local memory for each Pulse Accumulator
point. The Pulse Accumulator will be incremented one count for each
cycle of the input. Digital Data Input

Indications, Status of facilities and the status of Momentary Change
Detection (MCD) are acquired. Four basic indication types are
supported: Single indication Double indication, Sequence Capturing,
and Multiple Change detection. The de-bounce time for DC Digital
Input Points can be 1 ms to 250 ms adjustable. The de-bounce time
for AC Digital Input Points can be 48 ms to 250 ms adjustable.

1- Single indication (1-Bit Status): involve only a single monitored

external point and hence, have only two states: 0 or 1.

2- Double Indication (2-Bit Status): involve the monitoring of two

physical external points and hence, can provide four states: 0/0, 0/1,
1/0, 1/1.

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3- Sequence capturing (1-Bit MCD): is optimized for a multiple

change detects technique which ensures that the critical information
is not lost, but avoids sacrificing the efficiency of the
communications process. This is accomplished using only a single
bit for each monitored indication point in the protocol. Sequence of Event Report

In order to monitor the status and sequence, changed of main
equipments, RTU provides the SOE function (Sequence Of Event).
An event is defined as a single change of state. Each time an event
is detected, RTU will time-tag the event, and store a description of
the event and the time-tag in a first in first out (FIFO) buffer. There is
one 1024 events buffer in V-RTU2000 Series.

RTU will time-tag the first change of state, rather than the end of de-
bounce period, and the de-bounce time for all SOE points can be
1ms to 250ms adjustable. The resolution is one millisecond. The
time-tag recorded with each event is generated from a clock internal
to the V-RTU2000 Series.

V-RTU2000 Series have the capability to synchronize its internal

clock with a system clock located at the master station. If the
synchronization period is no more than 15 minutes, it can guarantee
the time accuracy of SOE is within +/- 4ms to system clock (in Master

2.2.2 Control Output

Two types of control command can be transmitted from the Master
Station to devices in the Power System via the V-RTU2000 Series.
One is Trip/Close command, the other is Direct Set-point command. Trip/Close Command

There are two types of control output using Trip/Close command, one
is ON/OFF operation output to control CBs, ABSs; the other is
Regulation operation output (raise/lower) to control the position of
transformer taps. Two distinct types of Trip/Close commands are

1- Execute Immediate Command: Direct Trip/Close Command, are

executed as a single command message, and transmitted to the
addressed RTU.

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2- Select Before Operate (SBO) Command: Select Trip/Close

Command & Operate Command, are executed as two distinct
commands to the addressed RTU; a select command followed by an
execute command. The SBO controls are used when secure
operation is required such as the Trip and Close operations of
Power Circuit Breakers. RTU reset its control logic if the Operate
Command is not received within the User defined time period
maximum 60 sec, initially 20 sec, of the command message. The
operating sequences for SBO command are:
1. After received the Select Trip/Close Command, the RTU
initialize its control logic, check and verify its control circuit,
reassemble the command message, then transmit the
reassembled message to the Master Station.
2. If the Operate Command is received within the user defined
time period and last command is Select Trip/Close Command,
the RTU will operate the control point.
The result of Trip/Close command is the output of a pulse of fixed
duration (determined by the Database Configuration) at the
specifically addressed Digital Output (DO) point. Only one point can
be controlled at a time. Set-point Command

There are two types of control output using Direct Set-point
command, one is Digital Direct Set-point, and the other is Analog
Direct Set-point.

1- Digital Direct Set-point Command: Raise/Lower command, can

cause the addressed Digital Output (DO) point(s) to perform the
Pulse Width control output for a Generator Controller. The time
duration of output pulse is specified in the command message from
Master Station. Multiple points can be controlled simultaneously.

2- Analog Direct Set-point Command: cause the addressed Analog

Output (AO) point to perform a current or voltage output for a
Generator Controller. The output value is specified in the command
message from Master Station.

2.2.3 Communication Function

The communication function of V-RTU2000 Series can be divided
into Internal Communication and External Communication.

1- Internal Communication: Means pointing to the inside

communication between CPU Module and I/O Modules, which is
linking with internal bus interface, and using the backplane
connecting module without additional wires.

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2- External Communication: Providing RS-232 or RS-485 two

communication channels, supporting the multi-communication
protocol to communication with external side. The supporting
protocols are listed as below:
1. SCADA Master: DNP3.0, IEC60870-5-101, 104
2. RTU Sub-Master: ModBus RTU, DNP3.0, IEC870-5101,104.
3. IED: ModBus RTU, DNP3.0.
4. User Specific Protocols: Other protocols can be implementing
quickly in the firmware of V-RTU2000 Series by upon request.

2.2.4 Self-Diagnostic Function

V-RTU2000 Series has its well-equipped ability for self-diagnostic
function. Every abnormal status of RTU is recorded down as System
Event, or indicated by LED excitation. The System Event Record can
be retrieval by Test Set and store in its hard disk, which very easy to
find the fault portion in maintenance.

2.2.5 Programmable Algorithm Function

The V-RTU2000 Series have the capability of user definable
“Sequential Algorithm” running in it. The “Sequential Algorithm” within
a RTU operates on and can communicate through a common
variable data base which consists of analog inputs, digital inputs,
accumulator inputs, pseudo points, alarm (system) status, digital
output, and system clock.

The V-RTU2000 Series “Sequential Algorithm” programming is

based on the ladder diagram (V-RTU2000 Ladder). The circuit is
constructed of familiar contacts and coils on the rugs of the ladder.
Pages of circuit make it easy to find your way through a program.

The “V-RTU2000 Ladder Development Package“ running in IBM

compatible Personal Computer (PC) can provide the environment for
Sequential Algorithm Development. For detail information about “V-
RTU2000 Ladder“ please refer to “V-RTU2000 Ladder “ manual.

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2.3 VR-2400 Hardware Platform

VR-2400 Product Series consists of a CPU module and various kinds
of expansion modules with selected functions.

The hardware units that form the CPU module are: central
processing unit (CPU), power supply, communication interfaces and
digital I/O circuits, all of which are integrated in a single, compact
housing, as shown in Figure 2-2.

Expansion header and

Power Supply input terminals Reset Key switch
and output channels

Channel Indicator
Long Distance Bus
Status Indicator
Expansion Port

Cooling holes

Fixed Hole

4x Serial Port

Interfaces Ethernet Port

Power On/Off Rail Locking

Figure 2-2: VR-2400, CPU module structure diagram

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Expansion header for

Input/Output Terminals Next Module

Channel / Status Terminal Block

Indicators Cover

Cooling holes

Fixed Hole

Terminal Blocks

Ribbon Cable Rail Locking

Bus Interconnection

Figure 2-3: VR-2400, Extension module structure diagram

The CPU module of VR-2400 Product Series itself integrates an

optional certain number of local onboard I/O points. With the
expanding range of applications, more I/O points will be needed. A
selection of expansion modules allows you to add I/O to your CPU in
order to meet the needs of control requirements under certain

2.4 CPU Module Feature

The hardware units that form the CPU module are: central
processing unit (CPU), power supply, communication interfaces and
digital I/O circuits, all of which are integrated in a single, compact
VR-2400 Product Series offers a variety of CPU modules, in order to
support different design requirements of automatic control. Bellow
function has been done by the CPU Module based on model and

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2.4.1 Power Supply Unit

The power supply of V-RTU2000 Series contains the following
options. During the system design you should consider power
consumption of each module the power unit used. AC/DC Input 24V / 48V System

Power supply unit, designed in DC 18V~75V input that is suitable for
power source system of 24VDC or 48VDC at the same time. During
design of your RTU structure you should choose and order one of
option of 6/10/20/30W provide output power.
Connecting with the bus is linking with flat cable connector, which
provides 5V working power supply for the CPU module and all
related expansion modules. AC/DC Input 110V / 220V System

Power supply card designed in AC 85V~265V or DC 65V~375V input
and with DC 5V (10W) output. Connecting with the bus is linking with
flat cable, which provides 5V working power supply for the CPU
module and all related expansion modules.

2.4.2 Main Communication Unit

The CPU module consists of interface units as main structure. The
interface has various I/O and communication interfaces. Based on
model order each of bellow features will be include: Serial Port Interface

From 1 to 4 Serial port can be order and maintain on the CPU
module based on model. All of serial ports are galvanic isolation from
system and from each other. The serial port interfaces are
programmable physical standards from RS232, RS485 or RS422
mode. Ethernet Port Interface

From 2 to 3 Ethernet port can be order and maintain on the CPU
modules by order. Ethernet ports have 3kV isolation from each other
and main system. They are managed switched and also Auto
Negation 10/100Mbps speed with Auto MDI-X. Digital Input/Output Interface

There are some small counts of digital input/outputs on the main
CPU module based on each model. User can use from the DI, or DO
for any telemetry signals or any other programmable option of IO.

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Based on model of CPU module, there are some options to have the
cellular modem options in the form of 3G or 4G the LTE modem
option. These normally have some optional Antenna port and also
SIM interface option on the CPU module. The SIM interface is dual
SIM card options as redundancy and backup SIM usage. Bus Expansion Interface

Most of not all CPU module consist of Bus Expansion port interface,
one for local expansion of I/O modules that has interconnection by
the flat cables from expansion modules, or by the on special RJ-45
port type that can be connect by the CAT-6 cable and connector to
the external Bus expansion module, to expand the bus over the long
distance of up to 100 meters.

2.4.3 Status Indicators Unit

The CPU modules consist of almost 36 LED indicators, which show
any status and indication of system working like Run status, Error
status, Bus status and many other states. These indicators help to
check and diagnostics the system by visual inspection in the fast way
without any connection to the internal device program.

2.4.4 Redundancy Unit

The CPU module model VR-2410R consists of the special IDC
connector for the redundancy purpose. Redundancy is possible for
VR-2400 Product Series in model of CPU-plus-Power, and Power
only. CPU-plus-Power Redundancy

Adding another CPU in the installation and connect them by special
IDC cable regarding the port of redundancy to other same port, so
you will have redundancy for CPU and also Power supply unit. Power Unit Redundancy

In regarding the adding redundancy just for power unit, it is enough
to add the VR-2414 additional power supply unit in any place of bus
expansion in after CPU module, or in between the other expansion
module or in after of last expansion module.

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Master Station #1 Master Station #2 Master Station #n

DNP 3.0 or DNP 3.0 or DNP 3.0 or
IEC-870-5 IEC-870-5 IEC-870-5
and etc and etc and etc
Protocol Protocol Protocol

Ethernet Switch
BUS# 1
CPU CPU Module Module Module Module
Module (backup) Module (main) #1 #2 #3 #16

Ethernet Serial Field

Ports Ports Power
Slave Station/Device
DNP 3.0 or
and etc

BUS# 2
Bus Module Module Module Module
Extension #1 #2 #3 #16


BUS# 3
Bus Module Module Module Module
Extension #1 #2 #3 #16

Digital Digital Analog Analog Power
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs Metering

BUS# 16
Bus Module Module Module Module
Extension #1 #2 #3 #16


Figure 2-4: VR-2400 Series as Redundancy Plane Diagram

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2.5 Expansion Modules Feature

With the expanding range of applications, more I/O points will be
needed. A selection of expansion modules allows you to add I/O to
your CPU in order to meet the needs of control requirements under
certain conditions. The expansion modules arranged in various types
and specifications, you will find more detail information in future
chapters in this manual.
Figure 2-5 illustrates a combination of VR-2400 CPU modules and
expansion modules.

Figure 2-5: VR-2400, CPU module with expansion module

The expansion modules have been categorized in bellow types: Digital Expansion Module

 Digital Input modules: consist only for digital input signal types.
There are various types of 8x channels and 16x channels.

 Digital Output modules: consist only for digital out signal types
like transistor output or relay output. There are various types of 8x
channels and/or 16x channels

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 Digital Input/Output modules: consist of mixed digital input and

digital output signal types. These modules save the cost for some
applications and very useful for some conditions. Analog Expansion Module

 Analog Input modules: consist only for analog input signal

types. There are various type of signal count and signal types like
current metering or voltage metering in various ranges.

 Analog Output modules: consist only for analog output signal

types like current or voltage output.

 Analog Input/Output modules: consist of mixed analog input

and analog output signal types. These modules save the cost for
some applications and very useful for some conditions. Communication Expansion Module

 Serial media modules: consist for serial RS232 or RS485

communication interface that support protocols in asynchronous
mode like Modbus RTU or DNP3, or IEC101 for master side
communication to get data from remotes and slave side
communication to report to host.

 Network media modules: consist only for Ethernet media port

supporting to provide the multi instance protocols for master and
slave side.

 Combo media modules: consist of mixed serial line and

networked Ethernet ports to provide multi master and slave side
of communication standard protocols like Modbus RTU and
Modbus TCP. Functional Expansion Module

 Power metering modules: consist for AC power metering

device, from the range of AC current, AC Voltage and other
function of AC power metering and Energy metering modules.

 IED modules: consist for full functional of three phase AC circuit

for power analyzing, metering and Protection function. It is also
included the digital Input and Outputs, serial data ports and etc.
The IED modules also can be used as stand-alone device.

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 Display modules: consist of some HMI and display module that

normally are in Panel mounted type. These can be use in
interconnection with IED modules and also CPU modules for
visual data display and Human Machine Interface with good
quality of LCD screens in various display size from 96x96 3inch
display, 4.5inch display up to 10inch display modules. These
modules also can be used as stand-alone HMI display module.

2.6 VR-2400 Working Concepts

In practical engineering applications, some I/O functions shall be
implemented on the local CPU module, while some other specific
functions will be realized through expansion modules or RTU and
other controller networks. Taking the above situations into
consideration, VR-2400 Product Series supports the following four
modes of operations:

 CPU module running stand-alone: This mode is applied when

only a few I/O points are needed, or just a certain function of
communication port is needed;

 CPU module running with expansion modules: CPU module

connected to the special function modules through expansion
ribbon cable. This mode is adopted when local I/O points on CPU
module ontology are not adequate, or when special needs, such
as analog I/O requirements, occur;

 CPU module with a local communication: Under such mode,

some data terminals that support serial communication, such as
PCs or other remote serial device equipment, could be directly
connected to the CPU module. The above mentioned modes are
still valid under such circumstance;

 CPU module with Network modules: In this mode, a remote

bus expansion network can be established with special port of
RJ45 connector of CPU module integrated with bus expansion
module to communications. Normally when you want expand the
IO module far away from CPU module or you have large scale
RTU configuration this network module can be chosen. All above
mentioned modes are still valid under such circumstance.

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Host / Master

Expansion Expansion
CPU Module Module # N
Module # 1

Local Internal Bus

Field Signals Field Signals

RS485 Modbus

Figure 2-6: VR-2400, Working Concept Block Diagram

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2.7 VR-2400 Software Platform

VR-2400 Product Series has some software tools that integrated

programming software based on Microsoft Windows platform. It
contains a program editor and a simulator for debugger.
Also there is the Web based device configuration platform that
served by CPU module and could access via just a web browser on
the any hosted platform. The software parts are following models:

 Device Configuration System Web Console: This is the device

configuration that runs by browser and you just need connect by
the Ethernet port to device and select the IP address of device in
the web browser. By the device configuration mode you could
configure main criteria of CPU module like IP address,
communication port, network services, like Firewall, DNS settings,
Network Time services and many other services based on
licensed that you buy.

 Device SCADA/RTU Configuration Tools: This is a

configuration tool program for managing RTU system and or
SCADA data concentrator system configuration. By this tool user
could manipulate all telemetry points of physical and logical points
within the industrial protocol like DNP3.0, IEC101, or IEC104 or
Modbus and etc.

 Device PLC Configuration Tools: The Programming Software is

a set of standard programmable logic control program package
that fully supports IEC61131-3 standard and uses five languages,
including Ladder Diagram (LD), Instruction List (IL), Function
Block Diagram (FBD), Sequential Flow Charts (SFC) and
Structured Text (ST). With the Device PLC Configuration Tools
Software, users can develop a variety of automation control
projects, and gain a powerful off-line simulation debug tool.

For future information please refer to the related manual of each

software part.

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2.8 VR-2400 Product Series Modules List

The VR-2400 Product Series consist of various modules and

components, you can find in bellow table detail information and full
list of the VR-2400 Product Series modules and accessories.

During your order you should study each Model name with its
specifications then place order to avoid any mistake

Table 2-1: VR-2400 Series, Module List

No. Name Specification
Central Communication Processor Unit Module
3x LAN 10/100 Ethernet, RJ-45 Port
4x RS-232/RS-485/RS-422 RJ-45 Port (order)
4x Digital Input Channel
1 VR-2410A 2x Digital Output Relay (10A, 2500VA)
1x Bus Expansion Port
Power Input: 20~60VDC / 110V / 220V, 10W/20W (by order)
Optional 2G/3G/4G/LTE Modem Module and Antenna (by order)
Optional GPS Module & Antenna (by order)
CPU Central Communication Processor Unit Module
2 VR-2410B VR-2410A Module Specifications just with 2x Serial
Central Communication Processor Unit Module
3x LAN 10/100 Ethernet, RJ-45 Port
CPU 4x RS-232/RS-485/RS-422 RJ-45 Port (order)
3 VR-2410R
Module 1x Bus Expansion Port
1x Redundancy Option Port
Power Input: 20~60VDC / 110V / 220V, 10W/20W (by order)
Central Communication Processor Unit Module
3x LAN, 10/100 Ethernet, RJ-45 Port
CPU 1x RS-232 Port (TX,RX,GND)
4 VR-2411A
Module 2x RS-485 Port (A,B,GND)
Power Input: 20~60VDC / 110V/220V, 10W/20W (by order)
Optional 2G/3G/4G/LTE Modem Module (by order)
CPU Central Communication Processor Unit Module
5 VR-2411B
Module VR-2411A Module Specifications just with 1xRS232
Bus Expansion Module
BUS 2x RJ-45 Port Bus IN/OUT Expansion
6 VR-2412A
Module 8x Digital Input Channel
Power Input: 20~60VDC / 110V/220V, 10W/20W (by order)
Communication Interface Card
7 VR-2413A 8x Ethernet Port 10/100 RJ-45 Port
Integrated HUB Module for CPU
Communication Interface Card
8 VR-2414A 2x Serial Port RS-232/RS-485/RS-422
5000V Galvanic Isolation
Power Module
Power To be used as Redundancy Power Module on the bus
9 VR-2418A
Module Power Input: 20~60VDC / 110V/220V and 10W/20W (by order)
5000V Galvanic Isolation

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No. Name Specification
Digital Input Module
DI Input : DC 24V or DC 48V or DC 110V
10 VR-2420A
Module Point : 16x Channel
Group : 2x Common Group
Digital Output Module
DOC Contact : 10A (2000VA, 300W)
11 VR-2431A
Module Point : 16x Channel Command Relay
Group : 4x Common Group
Analog DC Input Module
AI Voltage : 0~5V, 0~10V, -5~5V, -10~10V
12 VR-2441A
Module Point : 8x Channel
Type : Differential
Feature : Jumper-less, Programmable
Analog AC Current Input Module
13 VR-2442A CT Input : 0 ~ 1A / 5A , 4x Channel
Digital I/O : 16x DI, 6x DO
Analog AC Voltage Input Module
14 VR-2443A PT Input : 0 ~ 120/300 VAC 6x Channel
Digital I/O : 16x DI
Power Analyzer/Protection Module
CT Input: 4x 0~1A or 0~5A
PT Input: 3x 0~120VAC or 0~300 VAC
15 VR-2446A Digital I/O : 12x DI, 4x DO
Feature: A,V,W,Q,VA,F,WH,QH, Harmonic Parameters
Function: OverCurrent, OverVoltage, EarthFault, etc…
Programmable, Jumper-less
Power Analyzer Module
CT Input: 4x 0~1A or 0~5A
PT Input: 3x 0~120VAC or 0~300 VAC
DI Inputs: 11x Input Channel
IED DO Outputs: 3x Relay Outputs
16 VR-2440A
Module Port: 2x RS485 Serial Modbus Protocol
Power Supply: 18-75VDC Input
Feature: A/V/W/Q/VA/F/WH/QH Parameters
Functions: OverCurrent, OverVoltage, EarthFault
Without Bus cable
Analog Output Module
17 VR-2450A Output : 4~20mA, 0-20mA
Point : 4 (Differential)
Digital I/O Module
DI input : DC 24V or DC 48V or DC 110V
18 VR-2460A Point : 12x Channel DI
DO output : 10A Relay Contact (2000VA,300W)
Point : 4 Channel Relay
Human Machine Interface Display
LCD Type: TFT 4.3 Inch
HMI Touch Panel : Resistive Touch Screen
19 VR-2480A
Module Communication: 2x RS485 Port
Power Input: 24 or 48 VDC
Installation: Panel Mount

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2.9 VR-2400 Series Hardware and Software Training

The training is disported into two stages one stage is include the
principle of Substation before install the system which last 1~3 days.
The other stage is in the laboratory after installation and debugging
of the products which last 1~2 days for workshop. During the whole
training, every day has 8 periods.

2.9.1 Curriculum Schedule Syllabus

Training items Times Training contents Personnel attended

Alternation layer part Day System block diagrams Run maintenance personnel
(CPU modules) 1 System configuration System development personnel
collectivity introduce Function of adopted devices
Function introduce of Day Function introduce of network Run maintenance personnel
network and 1 and communication for system System development personnel
communication for introduce of CPU
Alternation layer part Introduce of inside network
communication with attempter
computer interface and
communication with other IED
Introduce of every Day Introduce of hardware system Run maintenance personnel
expansion module 1 use and maintenance of every
and network for expansion module and terminal System development personnel
Alternation layer part unit, principle and technical index
of every expansion module type
and terminal unit.
Assembly and wiring Day Advert problem of locale Run maintenance personnel
part 2 connection
Programming and Day Introduce of maintenance and Run maintenance personnel
Maintenance 2 programming PLC software for System development personnel
Alternation layer part through use
The problem of Day Combine maintenance software, Run maintenance personnel
notice 2 introduce of locale coefficient
intercalate, and notice the
problem of system running
Workshop Day In the workshop practice all of Run maintenance personnel
3~4 training program System development personnel

Table 2-2: VR-2400 Series, Training Syllabus

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2.10 Standards (Type Test)

2.10.1 Electromagnetic Radiation
1- IEC 61131-2: Radiation Interferences
30~230MHz, 10m, Quasi-peak, value < 40dB (µV/m)
230~1000MHz, 10m, Quasi-peak, value < 47dB (µV/m)

2- IEC 61131-2: Conducted Interferences

0.15~0.5MHz, Quasi-peak, value < 79dB (µV)
Average value <66dB (µV)
0.5~30MHz, Quasi-peak value < 73dB (µV)
Average value < 60dB (µV)

2.10.2 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

1- IEC 61000-4-2: Electrostatic discharge
±8kV (Air) / ±6kV (Contact)

2- IEC 61000-4-3: Radiated Electromagnetic field

10V/m, Frequency 80MHz ~ 1GHz

3- IEC 61000-4-4: Fast Transient

±2kV (Power) / ±1kV (I/O)

4- IEC 61000-4-5: Surge Immunity

2kV (CM) / 1kV (DM)

5- IEC 61000-4-12: Oscillatory wave Immunity

2.5kV (CM) / 1kV (DM)

2.10.3 Mechanical Standards

1- IEC 60068-2-6: Vibration (sinusoidal)
Part 2-6/10 up 58 Hz,
Uniform amplitude 0.075 mm 1G (acceleration of gravity)
Amplitude 0.3mm, Frequency 58~150Hz

2- IEC 60068-2-27: Shock

15G, dwell time 11ms

3- IEC 60068-2-31: Drop

50mm, drop 4 times (unpacked)

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4- IEC 60068-2-32: Free-fall

1m, fall down 5 times (transport package)

5- IEC 60529: Protection Class

Shell Protection IP 20
(External protection is required for dust, dirt,
water, and foreign objects of <12 mm)

2.10.4 Environment Standards

1- Operating Temperature: -25°C ~ +70°C

2- Operating Humidity: 5% ~ 95% non-condensing

3- Operating Altitude: 0 ~ 3000 m

4- Storage Temperature: -40°C ~ +70°C

5- Storage Humidity: 5% ~ 95% non-condensing

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Chapter 3 - CPU Module Series

3.1 General

VR-2400 Product Series CPU module is the core of the entire RTU
system control, and it is required for its completion of the control,
scheduling, monitoring, diagnosis and other tasks. Therefore, it is
very important to understand the CPU module.

3.2 CPU Modules Appearance

VR-2400 Product Series CPU module’s lights, terminal blocks,

communication interfaces and labels, and most other user interfaces
are located in the module's front panel, as shown in Figure 3-1.

Redundancy Port

Status Indicator "R" Terminal



Status Switch

Reset Key

"L" Terminal
Power Row

Rail Locking RJ45 Block behind of Terminal Cover

Figure 3-1: VR-2400, CPU Module Apperance

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3.3 CPU Modules Function Description

CPU module provides the following key features:

 Use sliding switch to select CPU module operating mode;
 There is some optional rotary micro switch for 16 position used to
achieve a given value of the user's settings;
 Real-time clock, used to record running time and control the
process time;
 To provide communication synchronization pulses for the
between CPU module and expansion module ;
 With serial port communication interface for the user
programmable protocol like RS232 or RS485, or RS422 interface
use to communicate with other devices;
 Binary input / output processing;
 High-speed I/O processing for local extension or long distance
bus expansion.

3.4 CPU Modules Detail

As shown in Figure 3-2, on the right of the CPU module, most
important user interfaces are placed in this, such as the working
mode selector switch, adjustable potentiometer and expansion of
cable interface.

Programming / Run / Stop

3-positions switch

Extension Interface

Reset Key

Figure 3-2: VR-2400, CPU Module under extension cover apperance

3.4.1 Select CPU working mode

VR-2400 Product Series CPU module has three working mode
switch selector as shown in Figure 3-2 can be chosen to one of
working mode of CPU. Please see details in Table 3-1 .

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Table 3-1: VR-2400 Series, 3-positions CPU selector switch setting modes

Switch State Description

System is programmed state, can be

P (Programming Mode)
downloaded user program;
System is in normal operation state, the user
R (Run Mode)
program is running;
System is in stop state, the user program is not
S (Stop Mode)
running, the output is not implemented;

3.4.2 CPU Indicator Definitions

The status indicator lights of CPU module and channels are located
on the front panel of the module, as shown in Figure 3-3. These
lights can help users to understand the CPU module's operating

Indicators PWR


Figure 3-3: VR-2400, CPU Module Indicators

VR-2400 Product Series CPU module indicator is divided into the

following categories:
 Channel Indicator: used to indicate the working status of each
channel on the device, including the digital signal input channel
(DI) and digital signal output channel (DO);
 Working Status Indicator: CPU modules are used to indicate
the state, including: running, stop and user program downloads,
 BUS Communication Indicator: the communication state
between CPU and expansion modules is shown;
 Fault Indicator: when the system is in the diagnosis of a variety
of errors, the indicator can be used for instruction.
Table 3-2 shows the VR-2400 Product Series CPU module’s specific
meaning of each indicator.

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Table 3-2: VR-2400 Series, CPU Indicator Definitions

LED Status Description

Light Green Power Connected and OK.

Off Power is not connected or failure.

Flash Device is in normal operation boot state, user should wait to

Slowly complete the boot processes.
Device is in programming the flash state,
Off Device is in stop state, the user’s program is not running,

Device is in normal state, all program and services loaded

completely and ready to provide the system services,
Flash Slowly
BUS CPU and the expansion module communication are normal
CPU error occurred, which can be diagnostic, may be error in
Light Red
flash firmware
Flash The configuration of device is mismatch or error with current
Slowly module installed on system
Flash Device is programming the flash of module state, you should
Quickly wait and do not power off.

Off No error and it is Normal

Light Green Signal load input or digital input status is ON

DI (1-n)
Off No input signal or digital status is OFF

Light Green Output load is ON or relay output is in ON state

DO (1-n)
Off Output load is OFF or relay output is in OFF State

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3.4.3 Communications Port

On the left of the CPU module, providing a two Ethernet RS45

connection interface, as shown in Figure 3-4. Users can use the
LAN1 port (as factory default state) interface for configuration and
device connection to connect in order to facilitate programs to
download and modify the device functions programming. The default
IP address is with net-mask of address.

Default Maintenance
Port = LAN1

Figure 3-4: VR-2400, CPU Module Default Communication Interface

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3.5 CPU Module Specifications

CPU Module is the portion of VR-2400 Product Series which also

communicate with the master and optionally with other expansion
modules through communication channels and any other slave
device as required.

In this section you will find the specifications of each CPU module
from the various types of them that has been produced for your
convenience in usage and cost of your design and project needs.

3.5.1 VR-2410A Specifications

1. Supply Voltage : 9-30V or 18-70V or 40-140V or 160-230 V DC/AC
10W or 20W Power Supply (by order)
2. Extension Modules : Maximum to power consumption of 15W
Normally maximum 16~20 extension modules

3. Bus Expansion Port : One RJ45 connector to expand the Bus and have
remote I/O module via Bus expansion port.

4. Ethernet Communication : 3x RJ45 Port

Communication rate 10/100Mbps
Auto negotiation
Auto MDI-X

5. Number of Serial Port : 1 to 4 Serial Port Interface (RJ45 Connector)

(by order)
6. Serial Port Standards : Software configurable, RS232 or RS485 or RS422
for each port per module

7. Serial Port Speed : Software configurable per port

300 / 600 / 1200 / 2400 / 4800 / 9600 / 19200 / 38400 /
57600 / 115200 bps

8. Serial Protocols Mode : Asynchronous

9. Signal Configurations : In RS232:

TXD/RXD/GND signals ready
In RS485:
A(D+)/B(D-)/GND signals ready
In RS422:
TX+/TX-/RX+/RX-/GND signals ready

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10. Hardware Handshaking : Software Configurable, RTS/CTS

11. Hardware Termination : Software Configurable, 120 Ohm Termination Resistor

for RS485 or RS422 mode

12. Real-Time Clock : Yes

13. Memory Capacity : RAM: 32Mbytes

Storage: 32000 Kbytes

14. Local I/O Points : Digital Inputs: 4x Channels

Digital Outputs: 2x Relays

15. Digital Input : Input Type: Drain Type / Source Type

Characteristics Input Voltage: 24 / 48 / 110 VDC
Input Range: 18~140 VDC
Isolation Method: Photoelectric
Isolation Group: 1
Isolation Voltage: 5000 V r.m.s

16. Digital Output : Output Type: Relay (Drain/Source) Type

Characteristics Rated Voltage: 24 / 48 / 220 V
Rated Current: 10A
Isolation Group: 2
Isolation Voltage: 5000 V r.m.s

17. Power Consumptions : Maximum 6W (If all serial ports ordered)

Maximum 20W (If maximum extension installed)

18. Module Physical Info : Dimension: 125mm(L) * 90mm(W) * 68.5mm(H)

Weight: 500 grams

19. Environment
Operating Temperature : -25°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity : 5% to 95% non-condensing

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3.5.2 VR-2410B Specifications

1. Supply Voltage : 9-30V or 18-70V or 40-140V or 160-230 V DC/AC
10W or 20W Power Supply (by order)
2. Extension Modules : Maximum to power consumption of 15W
Normally maximum 16 extension modules

3. Bus Expansion Port : No Bus Expansion Port (RJ45 port is Not Connected)

4. Ethernet Communication : 3x RJ45 Port

Communication rate 10/100Mbps
Auto negotiation
Auto MDI-X

5. Number of Serial Port : 2 Serial Port Interface (RJ45 Connector)

(Other connectors are Not Connected.)

6. Serial Port Standards : Software configurable, RS232 or RS485 or RS422

for each port per module

7. Serial Port Speed : Software configurable per port

300 / 600 / 1200 / 2400 / 4800 / 9600 / 19200 / 38400 /
57600 / 115200 bps

8. Serial Protocols Mode : Asynchronous

9. Signal Configurations : In RS232:

TXD/RXD/GND/RTS/CTS signals ready
In RS485:
A(D+)/B(D-)/GND signals ready
In RS422:
TX+/TX-/RX+/RX-/GND signals ready

10. Hardware Handshaking : Software Configurable, RTS/CTS

11. Hardware Termination : Software Configurable, 120 Ohm Termination Resistor

for RS485 or RS422 mode

12. Real-Time Clock : Yes

13. Memory Capacity : RAM: 32Mbytes

Storage: 32000 Kbytes

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14. Local I/O Points : Digital Inputs: 4x Channels

Digital Outputs: 2x Relays

15. Digital Input : Input Type: Drain Type / Source Type

Characteristics Input Voltage: 24 / 48 / 110 VDC
Input Range: 18~140 VDC
Isolation Method: Photoelectric
Isolation Group: 1
Isolation Voltage: 5000 V r.m.s

16. Digital Output : Output Type: Relay (Drain/Source) Type

Characteristics Rated Voltage: 24 / 48 / 220 V
Rated Current: 10A
Isolation Group: 2
Isolation Voltage: 5000 V r.m.s

17. Power Consumptions : Maximum 4W (If all serial ports ordered)

Maximum 20W (If 16 module extension installed)

18. Module Physical Info : Dimension: 125mm(L) * 90mm(W) * 68.5mm(H)

Weight: 500 grams

19. Environment
Operating Temperature : -25°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity : 5% to 95% non-condensing

3.5.3 VR-2410R Specifications

1. Supply Voltage : 9-30V or 18-70V or 40-140V or 160-230 V DC/AC
10W or 20W Power Supply (by order)
2. Extension Modules : Maximum to power consumption of 15W
Normally maximum 16~20 extension modules

3. Bus Expansion Port : One RJ45 connector to expand the Bus and have
remote I/O module via Bus expansion port.

4. Redundancy Port : ONE IDC Connector to be used for CPU redundancy

5. Ethernet Communication : 3x RJ45 Port

Communication rate 10/100Mbps
Auto negotiation
Auto MDI-X

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6. Number of Serial Port : 1 to 4 Serial Port Interface (RJ45 Connector)

(by order)
7. Serial Port Standards : Software configurable, RS232 or RS485 or RS422
for each port per module

8. Serial Port Speed : Software configurable per port

300 / 600 / 1200 / 2400 / 4800 / 9600 / 19200 / 38400 /
57600 / 115200 bps

9. Serial Protocols Mode : Asynchronous

10. Signal Configurations : In RS232:

TXD/RXD/GND signals ready
In RS485:
A(D+)/B(D-)/GND signals ready
In RS422:
TX+/TX-/RX+/RX-/GND signals ready

11. Hardware Handshaking : Software Configurable, RTS/CTS

12. Hardware Termination : Software Configurable, 120 Ohm Termination Resistor

for RS485 or RS422 mode

13. Real-Time Clock : Yes

14. Memory Capacity : RAM: 32Mbytes

Storage: 32000 Kbytes

15. Power Consumptions : Maximum 6W (If all serial ports ordered)

Maximum 20W (If maximum extension installed)

16. Module Physical Info : Dimension: 125mm(L) * 90mm(W) * 68.5mm(H)

Weight: 500 grams

17. Environment
Operating Temperature : -25°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity : 5% to 95% non-condensing

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3.5.4 VR-2411A Specifications

1. Supply Voltage : 9-30V or 18-70V or 40-140V or 160-230 V DC/AC
10W or 20W Power Supply (by order)
2. Extension Modules : Maximum to power consumption of 15W
Normally maximum 16 extension modules

3. Bus Expansion Port : None

4. Ethernet Communication : 3x RJ45 Port

Communication rate 10/100Mbps
Auto negotiation
Auto MDI-X

5. Number of Serial Port : 1 Serial RS232 Port

1~2 Serial RS485 Port (by order)

6. Serial Port Speed : Software configurable per port

Asynchronous 300 / 600 / 1200 / 2400 / 4800 / 9600 /
19200 / 38400 / 57600 / 115200 bps

7. Signal Configurations : In RS232:

TXD/RXD/GND signals ready
In RS485:
A(D+)/B(D-)/GND signals ready

8. Hardware Termination : Configurable by wiring jumper of 120 Ohm Termination

Resistor for RS485

9. Real-Time Clock : Yes

10. Memory Capacity : RAM: 32Mbytes

Storage: 32000 Kbytes

11. Power Consumptions : Maximum 4W (If all serial ports ordered)

Maximum 20W (If 16 module extension installed)

12. Module Physical Info : Dimension: 75mm(L) * 90mm(W) * 68.5mm(H)

Weight: 400 grams

13. Environment
Operating Temperature : -25°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity : 5% to 95% non-condensing

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Chapter 4 - Bus Expansion Modules

4.1 General
VR-2400 Product Series offers a variety of Expansion modules to
users. From various expansion module types we describe about the
type of bus expansion module in this chapter.

4.2 Bus Extension Module

VR-2400 Product Series bus extension module design to use as start

of bus of other expansion module and provide the new bus within the
power sources for modules, its main technical performances are as

 It could support 8x digital input as embedded digital inputs;

 Input power source 24 or 48 VDC and provide currents to
 Isolated RS485 serial port expansion, with two interconnect RJ45
 BUS-IN and BUS-OUT with RJ45 connector;
 Every channel has independent LED indicator that with bright
green color shows the input state is active;
 Status LED in blue color indicates the activity of module.

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4.2.1 VR-2412A Specifications (Bus Expansion)

1. Supply Voltage : 9-30V or 18-70V or 40-140V or 160-230 V DC/AC
10W or 20W Power Supply (by order)

2. VR-2400 BUS Expansion : 2x RJ-45 Connector


3. Local I/O Points : Digital Inputs: 4x Channels

4. Local Digital Input : Input Type: Drain Type / Source Type

Characteristics Input Voltage: 24 / 48 / 110 VDC
Input Range: 18~140 VDC
Isolation Method: Photoelectric
Isolation Group: 1
Isolation Voltage: 5000 V r.m.s

5. LED Indicator : 16x Green LED for each channel

1x Blue LED for module states

6. Power Consumptions : Based on number of module up to 20W

7. Module Dimension : 75mm(L) * 90mm(W) * 68.5mm(H)

8. Environment
Operating Temperature : -25°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity : 5% to 95% non-condensing

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Chapter 5 - Digital Expansion Modules

5.1 General
VR-2400 Product Series Offers a variety of Expansion modules to
users. From various expansion module types we describe about the
type of digital data like digital input and digital output modules in this

5.2 Digital Input Module

VR-2400 Product Series digital input expansion modules can be

connected to a standard switch inputs and 2-wire proximity switch
inputs, its main technical performances are as follows:

 Can connect sink or source input signal;

 Rated Input voltage is 24 or 48 VDC;
 Non-need hardware setting, the CPU Module Load parameters
automatically after startup;
 Every channel has independent electrical isolation, which insures
the whole module can run safely when any channel’s signal is
disturbed by strong electrical interference;
 Every channel has independent LED indicator that with bright
green color shows the input state is active;
 Status LED in blue color indicates the activity of module.

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5.2.1 VR-2420A Specifications (16xDI)

1. Input Channels : 16 points

2. Input Type : Sink / Source

3. Input Voltage : 24 or 48 or 110 VDC (Rated Value)

“ON State” : 18~150 VDC
“OFF State” : 0~15 VDC

4. Isolation Method : Optoelectronic isolation

5. Isolation Group :2

6. Isolation Voltage : 5000 V r.m.s

7. LED Indicator : 16x Green LED for each channel

1x Blue LED for module states

8. Power Consumptions : 0.5 Watt

9. Module Dimension : 75mm(L) * 90mm(W) * 68.5mm(H)

10. Environment
Operating Temperature : -25°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity : 5% to 95% non-condensing

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5.3 Digital Output Module

Digital output modules of VR-2400 Product Series are used to
connect solenoid, contactors, low-power motors, lights, motor
starters and other equipments, its main technical performances are
shown as follows:
 16 channels output (MAX);
 Output mode is transistor or relay ;
 Intelligent module, with self-diagnostic function, can be reset and
reboot automatically without setting when it is faulty;
 Every channel has independent LED indicator that with bright
green color shows the output state is active;
 Status LED in blue color indicates the activity of module.

5.3.1 VR-2430A Specifications (16x DO Relay)

1. Output Channels : 16 points

2. Output Type : Relay

3. Sum Current of Common : 10A

4. Max Current per Channel : 5A

5. Relay Contact Life : 100000 times

6. Isolation Method : Mechanical Contact / coil

7. Isolation Group :2

8. Isolation Voltage : 3000 V r.m.s

9. LED Indicator : 16x Green LED for each channel output

1x Blue LED for module states

10. Power Consumptions : 1 Watt

11. Module Dimension : 75mm(L) * 90mm(W) * 68.5mm(H)

12. Environment
Operating Temperature : -25°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity : 5% to 95% non-condensing

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5.3.2 VR-2431A Specifications (16x DOC Relay)

1. Output Channels : 16 points

2. Output Type : Relay – Pulse Digital Command Output

3. Sum Current of Common : 10A

4. Max Current per Channel : 10A

5. Relay Contact Life : 100000 times

6. Isolation Method : Mechanical Contact / coil

7. Isolation Group :4

8. Isolation Voltage : 4000 V r.m.s

9. LED Indicator : 16x Green LED for each channel output

1x Blue LED for module states

10. Power Consumptions : 1 Watt

11. Module Dimension : 75mm(L) * 90mm(W) * 68.5mm(H)

12. Environment
Operating Temperature : -25°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity : 5% to 95% non-condensing

The functional difference between the DO Module and DOC Module

is related to the application of the DOC module just is pulse output
command relay and there is no external power supply required.

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5.4 Digital Input/Output Module

Digital input/output modules of VR-2400 Product Series are special
modules that provide the digital input signal types within the digital
output signal type all in one module. This feature have a lot of help to
user to achieve a cost per solution providing proposal as well as in
many case cause you save cost while you need some points inputs
and some points outputs.

5.4.1 VR-2460A Specifications (12x DI, 4x DO Relay)

1. Number of Channels : 12 points Input
4 points Output
2. Channel Type : Input: Sink / Source
Output: Relay
3. Input Voltage : 24 or 48 or 110 VDC (Rated Value)
“ON State” : 18~150 VDC
“OFF State” : 0~15 VDC

4. Input Isolation : Optoelectronic Isolation Method

2x Group
5000 V r.m.s

5. Sum Current of Output : 10A

Common Terminal
6. Max Current per Output : 10A
7. Output Isolation : Contact / Coil Method
1x Group
4000 V r.m.s

8. Relay Contact Life : 100000 times

9. LED Indicator : 12x Green LED for input channel states
4x Green LED for output channel states
1x Blue LED for module states

10. Power Consumptions : 1 Watt

11. Module Dimension : 75mm(L) * 90mm(W) * 68.5mm(H)

12. Environment
Operating Temperature : -25°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity : 5% to 95% non-condensing

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Chapter 6 - Analog Expansion Module

6.1 General
VR-2400 Product Series Offers a variety of Expansion modules to
users. From various expansion module types we describe about the
type of analog data signals like analog input and analog output
modules in this chapter.

6.2 Analog Input Module

VR-2400 Product Series analog input expansion modules can be

connected to voltage and current sensors, its main technical
specifications are as follows:

 Maximum provide the 8x analog input;

 Signal type: Voltage or Current for each channel selectable
 Measurement accuracy: 12 bit or 16 bit;
 Input type: Single-ended, Differential Input;
 Intelligent module, with self-diagnostic function, can be reset and
reboot automatically when it is faulty in module operation;
 Non-need hardware setting, the CPU Module Load parameters on
it automatically after startup;
 Every channel has independent LED indicator that with bright
green color shows the input of analog signal is detected, if blink
LED shows there is an error in input signal, and off state LED
shows no signal input detected;
 Status LED in blue color indicates the activity of module.

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6.2.1 VR-2441A Specifications (8xAI)

1. Input Channels : 8 points

2. Input Type : Differential

3. A/D Resolutions : 14 bits

4. A/D Conversion Time : < 100 us

5. Signal Type / Data Format : Voltage: -10V ~ +10V / -32767 ~ 32768

0V ~ +10V / 0 ~ 32768
-5V ~ +5V / -32767 ~ 32768
0V ~ +5V / 0 ~ 32768
0V ~ +20V / 0 ~ 32768
-20V ~ +20V / -32767 ~ 32768
0V ~ +2V / 0 ~ 32768
-2V ~ +2V / -32767 ~ 32768

Current: 0 ~ 20mA / 0 ~ 32768

4 ~ 20mA / 0 ~ 32768
0 ~ 10mA / 0 ~ 32768
-10 ~ 10mA / -32767 ~ 32768
-4 ~ 12 ~ 20mA / -32767 ~ 0 ~ 32768
-20 ~ 20mA / -32767 ~ 32768
0 ~ 40mA / 0 ~ 32768
-40 ~ 40mA / -32767 ~ 32768
0 ~ 5mA / 0 ~ 32768
-5 ~ 5mA / -32767 ~ 32768
0 ~ 1mA / 0 ~ 32768
-1 ~ 1mA / -32767 ~ 32768
0 ~ 2mA / 0 ~ 32768
-2 ~ 2mA / -32767 ~ 32768
6. Input Step Response : 5 ms

7. Common Mode Rejection : 120 dB (CMMR)

8. Temperature Drift : ±100ppm/℃

9. Isolation Voltage : 4kV between inputs and system bus

10. LED Indicator : 16x Green LED for input channel states
1x Blue LED for module states

11. Power Consumptions : 1 Watt

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12. Module Dimension : 75mm(L) * 90mm(W) * 68.5mm(H)

13. Environment
Operating Temperature : -25°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity : 5% to 95% non-condensing

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6.3 AC Analog Metering Input Module

VR-2400 Product Series power electric expansion modules can be

connected to voltage and current of AC electric power via CTs and
PTs, its main technical specifications are as follows:

 Metering of distribution feeders, transformers, generators,

capacitor bands and motors
 Medium and low voltage systems
 Achieving the class-1 measuring accuracy stipulated by IEC
62053, with bidirectional four-quadrant energy values
 High-accuracy measurement of current and voltage (0.1%)
(typical situation).
 Commercial, industrial, utility
 Flexible control for demand load shedding, power factor, etc.
 Power quality analysis
 12 digital inputs
 4 controlled relay outputs
 100 SOE Event log records
 Minimum / maximum logger
 Every channel has independent LED indicator that with bright
green color shows the output state is active;
 Status LED in blue color indicates the activity of module.

6.3.1 VR-2446A Specifications (ACM Module)

1. Power Values Display : True RMS, 1 sec refresh time
& Measurement VP1 / VP2 / VP3 / VPE, phase to neutral voltage
VL1 / VL2 / VL3 / VLE, line to line voltage
A1 / A2 / A3 / AE/ A0, phase current
VPE / VLE / AE, 3 phase averaged
A0, neutral current
PF1/PF2/PF3, coincident to conversion element
WH / VarH accuracy vs limited input range

2. Phase & Wires : 3 phase 4 wires wye 3VTs

3 phase 4 wires wye 2VTs
3 phase 3 wires

3. Input Voltage Range : 110V(p-p) / 63.5V(p-n) via PT input VxL terminals

380V(p-p) / 220V(p-n) via PT input VxH terminals

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4. Input Current Range : 1.0A rated input via x1AS terminals

5.0A rated input via x5AS terminals

5. Burden : Voltage < 0.2VA at 600V / phase

0.02VA at 120V / phase
Current < 0.1VA at rating

6. Current Overload capacity : 120% x rated continuous

10 x rated 1 seconds
25 x rated 2 seconds / 50 x rated 1 seconds

7. Voltage Overload capacity : 120% rated continuous

2x rated 1 seconds

8. Voltage Measuring : Accuracy: 0.2% Resolution: 0.01 V

Measuring Range:
- PT primary: 0~499,999V
- PT secondary: 110Vph-ph or 480Vph-ph

9. Current Measuring : Accuracy: 0.2% Resolution: 0.001 A

Measuring Range:
- CT primary: 0~49,999A
- CT secondary: 1 A or 5A

10. Power Measuring : Accuracy: 0.5% Resolution: 0.1 W/Var

Measuring Range: Each phase: 0~100 MW/Mvar

11. Power Factor : Accuracy: 0.5% Resolution: 0.001

Measuring Range: -1.000 ~ +1.000

12. Frequency Measuring : Accuracy: 0.01 Resolution: 0.01 Hz

Measuring Range: 35~ 65 Hz

13. Active Energy : Accuracy: 1.0% Resolution: 0.1 kWh

Measuring Range: 0~ 99,999,999.9 kWh

14. Reactive Energy : Accuracy: 2.0% Resolution: 0.1 kWh

Measuring Range: 0~ 99,999,999.9 kVarh

15. THD : Accuracy: 1.0% Resolution: 0.001

Measuring Range: 0~100.0%

16. Individual Harmonic : Accuracy: 1.0% Resolution: 0.001

Measuring Range: 0~100.0%

17. Unbalance : Accuracy: 1.0% Resolution: 0.001

Measuring Range: 0~100.0%

18. Digital Input (DI) : 12 status input

Input source or sink, uni-directional

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19. Control Output (CO) : 4 Relay outputs

Dry contact form A SPST
Normal operation:
- 220Vac / 30Vdc, 10A resistive

20. Set Points : 44 set point,

Over current, Under current, Over voltage, Under
voltage, Over load, Phase lost, Over frequency, Under
frequency, Status change, Circuital set-value, Time

21. Control Output : 4 assignable relay outputs

22. Max / Min Logger : 12 parameters without time-stamped

Current A1, A2, A3, W, Var, VA, Voltage V1,V2,V3 ,

23. Isolation Voltage : 3kV between inputs and system bus

24. LED Indicator : 16x Green LED for channel states

1x Blue LED for module states

25. Power Consumptions : 1.2 Watt

26. Module Dimension : 75mm(L) * 90mm(W) * 68.5mm(H)

27. Environment
Operating Temperature : -25°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity : 5% to 95% non-condensing

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6.4 Analog Output Module

VR-2400 Product Series analog output expansion modules connect
the analog actuator; its main specifications are shown as follows:

 Maximum 4 channel analog output;

 Output range: 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-10V, -10V ~ +10V;
 Accuracy is 0.2%;
 Intelligent module, with self-diagnostic function, can be reset and
reboot automatically when it is faulty in module operation;
 Non-need hardware setting, the CPU Module Load parameters on
it automatically after startup

6.4.1 VR-2450A Specifications (4xAO)

1. Output Channels : 4 points
2. D/A Resolutions : 12 bits
3. D/A Conversion Time : 100 us
4. Drive Capability : Voltage Output Min 2000 Ω
Current Output Min 500 Ω

5. Accuracy : 0.2 %
(Relative to Output Range)
6. Signal Type / Data Format : Voltage: -10V ~ +10V / 0 ~ 20000
0V ~ +10V / 0 ~ 20000
-5V ~ +5V / 0 ~ 20000
0V ~ +5V / 0 ~ 20000
Current: 0 ~ 20mA / 0 ~ 20000
4 ~ 20mA / 400 ~ 20000

8. LED Indicator : 4x Green LED for output channel states

1x Blue LED for module states

9. Power Consumptions : 2 Watts

10. Module Dimension : 75mm(L) * 90mm(W) * 68.5mm(H)

Weight 160 grams

11. Environment
Operating Temperature : -25°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity : 5% to 95% non-condensing

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6.5 Analog Input/Output Module

Analog input/output modules of VR-2400 Product Series are special
modules that provide the analog input signal types within the analog
output signal type all in one module. This feature have a lot of help to
user to achieve a cost per solution providing proposal as well as in
many case cause you save cost while you need some points inputs
and some points outputs.

Analog input/output module has the following features:

 Maximum providing 4 points analog input and 2 points analog
 Signal type: voltage or current;
 Measurement accuracy: 12 bits
 Output accuracy: 2 bits
 Input type: Single-ended;
 Intelligent module, with self-diagnostic function, can be reset and
reboot automatically when it is faulty in running;
 Non-need hardware setting, the CPU Module Load parameters on
it automatically after startup.

6.5.1 VR-2470A Specifications (4xAI, 2xAO)

1. Number of Channels : 4 points Analog Input Single-ended or Differential

2 points Analog Output

2. A/D Resolutions : 12 bits

3. D/A Resolutions : 12 bits

4. A/D Conversion Time : < 100 us

5. D/A Conversion Time : 100 us

6. Common Mode Rejection : 120 dB (CMMR)

7. Drive Capability : Voltage Output Min 2000 Ω
Current Output Min 500 Ω

8. Accuracy : 0.2 %
(Relative to Output Range)
9. Temperature Drift : ±100ppm/℃

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10. Signal Type / Data Format : Voltage: -10V ~ +10V / 0 ~ 20000

(Analog Input & Output) 0V ~ +10V / 0 ~ 20000
-5V ~ +5V / 0 ~ 20000
0V ~ +5V / 0 ~ 20000
Current: 0 ~ 20mA / 0 ~ 20000
4 ~ 20mA / 400 ~ 20000

11. LED Indicator : 4x Green LED for input channel states

2x Green LED for output channel states
1x Blue LED for module states

12. Power Consumptions : 2 Watts

13. Module Dimension : 75mm(L) * 90mm(W) * 68.5mm(H)

14. Environment
Operating Temperature : -25°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity : 5% to 95% non-condensing

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Chapter 7 - Functional Expansion Module

7.1 General
VR-2400 Product Series Offers a variety of Expansion modules to
users. From various expansion module types we describe about the
type of functional expansion module like power metering or IED
modules in this chapter.

7.2 Power Redundancy Module

VR-2400 Product Series support redundancy function in CPU and

separated power module for bus. Power modules could support 1+N
redundancy option, and also could support from variouse power
source. For example one power module on bus could be 48VDC
system field power and another power module on the same bus
could be 110V power field source.

7.2.1 VR-2418A Specifications

1. Supply Voltage : Option by order:
1) 9-30 V DC/AC
2) 18-70 V DC/AC
3) 40-140 V DC/AC
4) 160-230 V DC/AC
10W or 20W Power Supply (by order)
2. Power Supply : Option by order:
1) 10 watts
2) 20 watts

12. Module Physical Info : Dimension: 75mm(L) * 90mm(W) * 68.5mm(H)

Weight: 300 grams

13. Environment
Operating Temperature : -25°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity : 5% to 95% non-condensing

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7.3 Power Electric Module

VR-2400 Product Series power electric expansion modules can be

connected to voltage and current of AC electric power via CTs and
PTs, its main technical specifications are as follows:

 Metering of distribution feeders, transformers, generators,

capacitor bands and motors
 Medium and low voltage systems
 Achieving the class-1 measuring accuracy stipulated by IEC
62053, with bidirectional four-quadrant energy values
 High-accuracy measurement of current and voltage (0.1%)
(typical situation).
 Commercial, industrial, utility
 Flexible control for demand load shedding, power factor, etc.
 Power quality analysis
 11 digital inputs
 3 controlled relay outputs
 50 SOE Event log records
 Minimum / maximum logger
 harmonic analysis through 31rd
 Triggered memory (Fault recording)
 Demand calculation and maximum recording.
 The port for Large high-contrast display screen
 RS485 serial port with ModBus® RTU protocol
 Every channel has independent LED indicator that with bright
green color shows the output state is active;
 Status LED in blue color indicates the activity of module.

7.3.1 VR-2440A Specifications (IED Module)

1. Power Values Display : True RMS, 1 sec refresh time
& Measurement VP1 / VP2 / VP3 / VPE, phase to neutral voltage
VL1 / VL2 / VL3 / VLE, line to line voltage
A1 / A2 / A3 / AE/ A0, phase current
VPE / VLE / AE, 3 phase averaged
A0, neutral current
PF1/PF2/PF3, coincident to conversion element
WH / VarH accuracy vs limited input range

2. Phase & Wires : 3 phase 4 wires wye 3VTs

3 phase 4 wires wye 2VTs
3 phase 3 wires

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3. Input Voltage Range : 110V(p-p) / 63.5V(p-n) via PT input VxL terminals

380V(p-p) / 220V(p-n) via PT input VxH terminals

4. Input Current Range : 1.0A rated input via x1AS terminals

5.0A rated input via x5AS terminals

5. Burden : Voltage < 0.2VA at 600V / phase

0.02VA at 120V / phase
Current < 0.1VA at rating

6. Current Overload capacity : 120% x rated continuous

10 x rated 1 seconds
25 x rated 2 seconds / 50 x rated 1 seconds

7. Voltage Overload capacity : 120% rated continuous

2x rated 1 seconds

8. Voltage Measuring : Accuracy: 0.2% Resolution: 0.01 V

Measuring Range:
- PT primary: 0~499,999V
- PT secondary: 110Vph-ph or 480Vph-ph

9. Current Measuring : Accuracy: 0.2% Resolution: 0.001 A

Measuring Range:
- CT primary: 0~49,999A
- CT secondary: 1 A or 5A

10. Power Measuring : Accuracy: 0.5% Resolution: 0.1 W/Var

Measuring Range: Each phase: 0~100 MW/Mvar

11. Power Factor : Accuracy: 0.5% Resolution: 0.001

Measuring Range: -1.000 ~ +1.000

12. Frequency Measuring : Accuracy: 0.01 Resolution: 0.01 Hz

Measuring Range: 35~ 65 Hz

13. Active Energy : Accuracy: 1.0% Resolution: 0.1 kWh

Measuring Range: 0~ 99,999,999.9 kWh

14. Reactive Energy : Accuracy: 2.0% Resolution: 0.1 kWh

Measuring Range: 0~ 99,999,999.9 kVarh

15. THD : Accuracy: 1.0% Resolution: 0.001

Measuring Range: 0~100.0%

16. Individual Harmonic : Accuracy: 1.0% Resolution: 0.001

Measuring Range: 0~100.0%

17. Unbalance : Accuracy: 1.0% Resolution: 0.001

Measuring Range: 0~100.0%

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18. Digital Input (DI) : 11 status input

Input source or sink, uni-directional

19. Control Output (CO) : 3 Relay outputs

Dry contact form A SPST
Normal operation:
- 220Vac / 30Vdc, 5A resistive

20. Communication Port : S-485 Network 2 wires for networking to master

Baud-rate: 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400bps

21. Communication Protocol : ModBus RTU Protocol

Address: 1~247

22. Set Points : 44 set point,

Over current, Under current, Over voltage, Under
voltage, Over load, Phase lost, Over frequency, Under
frequency, Status change, Circuital set-value, Time

23. Event Logger : 50 events with time-stamped

Status change of switch input
Activation of set-points
Alarms Operation of controlled relay output

24. Control Output : 3 assignable relay outputs

25. Max / Min Logger : 12 parameters without time-stamped

A1, A2, A3, W, Var, VA, Voltage V1,V2,V3 THD, Current
A1,A2,A3 THD
26. Isolation Voltage : 3kV between inputs and system bus

27. LED Indicator : 16x Green LED for channel states

1x Blue LED for module states

28. Power Consumptions : 3 Watts

29. Module Dimension : 75mm(L) * 90mm(W) * 68.5mm(H)
30. Environment
Operating Temperature : -25°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity : 5% to 95% non-condensing

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7.4 HMI Display Module

VR-2400 Product Series has professional display module. In this

chapter we describe the technical specification of HMI display

7.4.1 VR-2480A Specification (HMI Module)

1. Display Model : 4.3" TFT LCD

2. Resolutions : 480 X 272

3. Color Depth : 16 M

4. Brightness : 300 cd/m2

5. Backlight : LED

6. LED Life : 20,000 hours

7. Touch Screen : Industrial resistive touch screen

(surface hardness 4H)

8. Memory : Optional ( up to 128Mbyte NAND FLASH )

9. Real Time Clock (RTC) : ±100ppm/℃

10. Program Download : 1) USB download cable

Method 2) U disk
3) SD card download

11. Communication Port : RS-485, in Terminal Block connectors

12. LED Indicator : 1x Green LED for input Power Supply state
1x Green LED for module RUN states
1x Yellow LED for module communication states
1x Red LED for Alarm states

13. Power Supply Input : 18 – 70 VDC

14. Power Consumptions : Maximum 3W

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15. Display Size : 4.3 inch, 95mm X 54mm

16. Module Dimension : 138mm(L) * 26mm(W) * 86mm(H)

17. Environment
Operating Temperature : -20°C to 60°C
Storage Temperature : -30°C to 70°C
Relative Humidity : 10% to 90% non-condensing

18. Shock Resistance : 10-25Hz (X, Y, Z directions, 2g/30 minutes)

19. Cooling Method : Natural Air Cooling

20. Protection Class : The front panel conforms to IP65 (installed with a flat
panel), and the rear shell of the fuselage conforms to

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Chapter 8 - Physical Installation Information

8.1 General
This chapter provides general installing principles for installing
system components, and how to ensure the installation accordant
with electromagnetic compatibility requirements, so that you could
have an effective and use of VR-2400 Product Series safely.

8.1.1 Ventilation and Cooling

Continuously working under fierce environment such as peak load,
ultra-high temperature or other extreme conditions will usually
shorten the life time of electrical equipment. As a result, ventilation
and cooling shall be taken into serious consideration.
The RTU controller of VR-2400 Product Series devices are designed
for natural convection cooling, so special location and space of
installation are required for these modules.
Whatever the installation mode is, the modules shall be installed in a
way as shown in Figure 8-1 for good ventilation and cooling.

Cooling holes


Airflow Direction

Figure 8-1: VR-2400, Recommended Ventilations

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To avoid any malfunction caused by poor ventilation, please do not

install the PLC in the ways as shown in Figure 8-2.

Figure 8-2: VR-2400, Mounting method to be avoided

For proper cooling, a clearance of at least 45 mm above and below

each module must be provided. If the front baffle is used the depth
between baffles must be kept at 100mm as shown in Figure 8-3.

>45 mm

>45 mm

>100 mm
(Front View) (Side View)

Figure 8-3: VR-2400, Space Requirements in cubicle

Finally, when planning the layout for the VR-2400 system, should set
aside enough space for the expansion wiring and communications
cable connections.

8.1.2 Power Dissipation

VR-2400 Product Series CPUs have an internal power supply
module to provide power for the CPU, the expansion modules, and
other field equipments such as sensors or actuators.

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Pay attention to the numbers of your selected expansion modules, so

that system overall power need will not exceed what your selected
CPUs can supply. Refer to relevant part of this manual for
information about the expansion module numbers that each CPU
could support and the power consumption that each expansion
module makes.

8.1.3 Proper Location of Wirings

Some general principles of cable installation and field wiring are
listed as below:

 The distance between device and field equipments shall be as

short as possible, so as to shorten cable length;
 Cables of equal length are preferred;
 The cables are to be numbered and divided into different types
according to their functions;
 The installation of both input and output cables in the same cable
slot shall be avoided;
 Data cables and signal cables must be shielded
 The AC cables and high-energy DC cables shall be separated
from the low-energy signal cables;
 The installation of big-current cables in the same slot with signal
or data cables shall be avoided;
 Avoid connecting an external power supply in parallel with DC
supply to provide power, which might result in a countercurrent
conflicting with output.

For detailed wiring specifications, please refer to the Chapter 10 - as

different modules require different wiring methods.

Based on each type of module the wiring method is different, but

generally in all of expansion module, you will find two 13x pins
terminal blocks.

If installation be in horizontal view so the upper terminal in raise of

module called from left to right as R1, R2, … R12, R13 and in lower
of module from left to right called as L1, L2, … L12, L13.

If installation of module be in vertical view, so in right hand of module

the terminal called from top to bottom as R1, R2, … R12, R13 and for
left hand of module from top to bottom called as L1, L2, … L12, L13.

For more detail information see bellow Figure 8-4.

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L1 R1

L13 R13
L1 L13

Horizontal Installation View Vertical Installation View

Figure 8-4: VR-2400, Expansion Module Terminal Definitons

8.2 Electrical Safety

When put VR-2400 Product Series into operation and for the safety
of personnel and equipments, it is suggested to set up safety loops,
aiming at functions such as redundant protection, power overload
protection or emergency shutdowns, independently from the
VR-2400 Product Series system to avoid any emergencies.

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8.3 Mounting and Installation and Removal

Failure to cut off all power to the VR-2400 Product Series and related
equipments during installation or removal procedures might result in
serious injury to personnel, and/or damage to equipments.

Always follow appropriate safety precautions and ensure that power

to the VR-2400 Product Series is cut off before attempting to install
or remove the VR-2400 Product series and or related equipments.

There are two installation modes for VR-2400 Product Series. In

different engineering environments, one can mount modules either
on a flat panel or in the DIN standard rail, as shown in Figure 8-5.
Expansion modules can also be connected to CPUs with an
expansion cable.

Expansion Cable

Panel Mount Rail Mount

Figure 8-5: VR-2400, Mounting Methods

8.3.1 Panel Mounting Mounting on Panel

1- Set the mounting holes according to module size and installation
location hole.
2- Secure the CPU(s) to the panel, using appropriate screws.
3- If using expansion modules, place them side by side and fasten
4- Connect the expansion module ribbon cable into the connector on
the right side of the adjacent module in the correct direction;
5- Connect cables;

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The mounting process is explained in Figure 8-6.


Figure 8-6: VR-2400, Module mounting on panel Removing from Panel

1- Remove all cables;
2- Disconnect cables that are attached to adjacent modules;
3- Loosen the mounting screws and take off modules in turn.

Removing process is displayed in Figure 8-7

Wall Panel

Figure 8-7: VR-2400, Module removing from panel

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8.3.2 DIN Rail Mounting Standard DIN rail and DIN rail clip

VR-2400 Product Series can be mounted on a standard 35mm DIN
rail, and VR-2400 product series modules can be slide horizontally
along the rail.
Figure 8-8 shows the sizes of common DIN rails and Figure 8-9
illustrates the DIN rail clip of VR-2400 Product Series.

Figure 8-8: VR-2400, Standard 35mm DIN Rail

VR-2400 Products
(Back View)

DIN Tube clamps

DIN Tube clamps

Figure 8-9: VR-2400, Case Rail Clip

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1- Loose the DIN clip at the bottom of CPU module or expansion
module , and place the module on the DIN rail;
2- Close the DIN clip and ensure that the CPU module or expansion
module is fixed closely with the rail;
3- Fasten the expansion modules, if any, side by side on the rail;
4- Connect the expansion module cable to the connector on the right
side of the adjacent module in correct direction;
5- Connect the cables;

The installation process is shown in Figure 2-3-6.

(2) (1)

DIN Rail

Figure 8-10: VR-2400, Module mounting on DIN Rail Removing from Rail

1- Disconnect all the wiring and cabling that are attached to the
2- Disconnect the expansion module cable from the adjacent modules;
3- Loosen DIN clip and remove modules in turn.
Removing process is shown in Figure 8-11

(2) (1)

DIN Rail

Figure 8-11: VR-2400, Module removing from DIN Rail

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8.3.3 Expansion Cable Connection

When making connection between modules, one should ensure that
expansion cable plug is in the same direction as the socket notch of
the expansion interface of adjacent module, as shown in Figure2-3-8.

Expansion Cable
Socket and Plug

Figure 8-12: VR-2400, Expansion Cable connections among the modules

Be sure to pay attention to the following:

If improper modules are replaced during maintenance, control
program may not work correctly. Replacement of wrong expansion
modules or cables will result in serious consequences. Hence, be
sure to replace modules with the same model and locate the
modules correctly.

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8.4 Dimensions and Structures

The VR-2400 Product Series has two types of case, one for CPU
modules and another for extension modules. The height and width of
CPU module and extension modules are same but the length of them
has difference. You can see the dimension and structure of modules
in side view in Figure 8-13 and for CPU module in Figure 8-14 and
extension modules in Figure 8-15.

65.00 mm

35.40 mm

68.50 mm
82.50 mm

Figure 8-13: VR-2400, Side View Dimensions - All Modules

125.00 mm

90.00 mm 100.00 mm

116.00 mm

Figure 8-14: VR-2400, Top View Dimensions - CPU Module

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75.00 mm

90.00 mm 100.00 mm

66.00 mm

Figure 8-15: VR-2400, Top View Dimensions - Extension Module

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8.5 VR-2480 HMI Display

The dimension and physical dimension and panel cut-out and of
VR2480 HMI display is as bellow figure:
26 mm
137 mm 130 mm

4 mm

78 mm
86 mm

5 mm 3.5 mm
Front View Side View Rear View


+0.4 +0.4
130 x 78 mm

ISO Panel
View Cut out

Height for best 60o Viewing
view angle is
70o Angle
150 – 170 cm Standard

Figure 8-16: VR-2480, HMI Display Dimensions

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Chapter 9 - Quick Application Guide

9.1 General
If you already have experiences in using RTU or automation products
like PLC and etc, the following guide will help you quickly set up a
simple control system based on products of VR-2400 Product Series.

9.2 Packing-list Confirmation

Please confirm whether your product components are in line with
your order model number and check the packing integrity. If the
packaging is damaged, or there are missing product parts, contact
your supplier vendor as soon as possible.
Please check Table 2-1 in page 29 in Chapter 2 - for detail list of
modules and model names.

9.3 Installation and Wiring

First of all, choose the right CPU module and expansion modules
according to the actual project needs.
Secondly, decide the installation mode based on on-site
circumstance, and tentatively determine the device working mode.
Finally, plan and arrange reasonable wiring design, and connect on-
site sensors or actuators to terminals on the device module. (For
detailed installation instructions and wiring principles, please see
Chapter 10 - Terminal Definitions & Wiring Guidelines).

9.4 Connecting the Power Cable

Based on the model and type of CPU modules selected, connect the
power cord to VR-2400 CPU series (for more details please see
Chapter 10 - Section 10.2 CPU Module Terminal & Wiring in page 82
of this manual for specific guidelines).

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 Note: When the power cord is connected, the terminal cover

should be fastened so as to avoid unnecessary personnel injury
or equipment damage!
After the power cord is connected, do not switch on the power
immediately. Make sure that all the cables are correctly connected
before turning on the system power, and check after power on if
PWR LED of CPU light indicates a normal status on CPU module
panel, so as to ensure reliable operations of your device.

9.5 Establishing Communications with the PC

To establish a data transfer channel, the CPU module can be
connected to a personal computer (PC) through matched Ethernet
cable, as shown in Figure 9-1.
As the Ethernet communication interface of CPU module is 10/100
Mbps ports, so you should consider this issue with your PC system.
The Cat5 or Cat6 RJ45 cable could be used in type of T-568B wiring

PC Computer

VR-2400 Product Series

(LAN1 Port)

Ethernet Cable Cat-5/Cat-6

(T-568B Standard)

Figure 9-1: VR-2400, Connecting Programmin Cable

9.6 Device Configuration Web Console

In the first stage you should configure the device via the web
console. This can be achieve by the browser (support the HTML5
and Javascript) and open the web page by enter the device IP
address. The factory default IP address is with net mask
of, the default user name is root and without any

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9.7 Device SCADA/RTU/PLC Configuration

To achieve and meet your control needs, the programming software
“VR-2400 - Software” should be installed on a personal computer
(PC), so as to establish communication with the CPU module, to set
the hardware parameters, and to develop appropriate engineering
programs. (For more details on programming software “VR-2400 -
Program”, please refer to "VR-2400 Programming Software

9.8 Running the Equipment

Check and ensure that each step has been correctly carried out, from
the web console up to any other related PC Tools program and
download all required control program onto the device.

Now, a set of VR-2400 base control system and remote terminal unit
is ready to run.

*** Good Luck ***

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Chapter 10 - Terminal Definitions & Wiring

10.1 General
In VR-2400 Product Series system, for easy installation and
maintenance, all wiring for outset connection is through the Terminal
Block and the device with its expansions modules designed to install
over the rail or panel easy. So your maintenance will be easy for
technicians and users.
In this chapter you will find detail information for the wiring and
cabling and guides about terminal blocks and rules of them.

10.2 CPU Module Terminal & Wiring

10.2.1 VR-2410 CPU Module
For the VR-2410 CPU module, the corresponding terminal definition
and wiring is shown in Figure 10-1. VR-2410 CPU modules should
use the DC 24V or 48V power supply. The input power supply and
protective earthling should be connected to the specific terminals.

Module Power Input

Source / Sink 4x Input contacts 2x Output Relay (3 pins Green Connector)

1M I1 I2 I3 I4 Q1M Q1 Q2M Q2 NC NC NC NC L(+) N(-)

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 U1 U2 U3
4 x Digital Inputs 2 x Digital Outputs Power Supply

VR-2410 – CPU Module

3 x Ethernet Ports 1-4 Serial Ports Ext.

Figure 10-1: VR-2410, CPU Module Wiring Diagram

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1- The module's terminal tag rules are unified from top to bottom, from
left to right increment;
2- The 1M terminal of the input channel (DI) is the external common
side of DI. The user can choose to connect the M terminal to power
supply 24 / 48 / 110 VDC positive side or a ground terminal to
accommodate the source type / drain type DI;
3- The Q1M, Q2M terminals of output channel (DO) provides load
power supply;
4- L(+), L(-) on the right of the upper row connected to 24 or 48 VDC is
for the CPU module's power supply terminals;
5- Model VR-2410A support 4 serial ports of COM1-COM4 and they
are usable;
6- Model VR-2410B support only first 2 serial ports of COM1-COM2
and without Bus Expansion feature. The connector of COM3,COM4,
BUS are not connected and free. Ethernet Ports

This Type of port can be used for LAN network data. The connection
of RJ45 for network module has been used for this type of port by
RJ45 connector. You can use from CAT-5/6 twisted pair cable
standard wiring number T568-B.

In the Figure 10-2 you can see detail information based on pin-out of

PIN Description Cable Color

1 TX+: Transmit Data + White Orange
8 1 2 TX-: Transmit Data - Orange
RJ45 LAN pin-outs 3 RX+: Received Data + White Green
4 - Blue
5 - White Blue
6 RX-: Received Data - Green
7 - White Brown
8 - Brown

Figure 10-2: VR-2410, Ethernet Port, Connection Wiring

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This Type of configuration port only send/receive signals of RS-232C
standards. It is simple serial communication between CPU and
external device. It is a serial device port by RJ45 connection type.
You can use from CAT-5/6 twisted pair cable standard wiring number
T568-B for connection to external device.
In the Figure 10-3 you can see detail information based on pin-out of

PIN Description Cable Color

1 - White Orange
8 1 2 TXD: Transmit Data () Orange
RJ45 LAN pin-outs 3 - White Green
4 - Blue
5 - White Blue
6 RXD: Receive Data () Green
7 - White Brown
8 Signal Ground Brown

Figure 10-3: VR-2410, Serial Port, RS-232 Simple Connection Wiring Serial Port: RS-232 Mode + Flow Control

This Type of configuration port has send/receive signals and also
hardware flow control of signals of RS-232C standards. It is used
when you need hardware flow control algorithm between CPU and
external device. You can use from CAT-5/6 twisted pair cable
standard wiring number T568-B for connection to external device.
In the Figure 10-4 you can see detail information based on pin-out of

PIN Description Cable Color

1 RTS: Request To Send () White Orange
8 1 2 TXD: Transmit Data () Orange
RJ45 LAN pin-outs 3 CTS: Clear To Send () White Green
4 - Blue
5 - White Blue
6 RXD: Receive Data () Green
7 - White Brown
8 Signal Ground Brown

Figure 10-4: VR-2410, Serial Port, RS-232+Flow Control Connection Wiring

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This Type of configuration port can be used for networked serial
data, such as RS-485 network standard. It is used when you need
communication of CPU with RS-485 bus network of external devices.
You can use from CAT-5/6 twisted pair cable standard wiring number
T568-B for connection to RS-458 Bus.
In the Figure 10-5 you can see detail information based on pin-out of

PIN Description Cable Color

1 A (D+) : Data of RS485 White Orange
8 1 2 B (D-) : Data of RS485 Orange
RJ45 LAN pin-outs 3 - White Green
4 - Blue
5 - White Blue
6 - Green
7 - White Brown
8 System Ground (if need) Brown

Figure 10-5: VR-2410, Serial Port, RS-485 Connection Wiring Serial Port: RS-422 Mode

This Type of configuration port is for networked serial bus of
dedicated differential send and receive signal that can operated in
full-duplex mode by RS-422 standard. It is used when you need
communication of CPU with RS-422 field bus network of external
devices. You can use from CAT-5/6 twisted pair cable standard
wiring number T568-B for connection to RS-422 Bus.
In the Figure 10-6 you can see detail information based on pin-out of

PIN Description Cable Color

1 TX+: Transmit Data + (Y) White Orange
8 1 2 TX-: Transmit Data – (Z) Orange
RJ45 LAN pin-outs 3 RX-: Received Data – (B) White Green
4 - Blue
5 - White Blue
6 RX+: Received Data + (A) Green
7 - White Brown
8 System Ground (if need) Brown

Figure 10-6: VR-2410, Serial Port, RS-422 Connection Wiring

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10.3 BUS Expansion Module Terminal & Wiring

10.3.1 VR-2412A Bus Expansion Module
For the VR-2412A module, the corresponding terminal definition and
wiring is shown in Figure 10-7. VR-2412A CPU modules should use
the DC 24V or 48V power supply. The input power supply and
protective earthling should be connected to the specific terminals.

Source / Sink
Module Power
Voltage 8x Input contacts Input 24 / 48 VDC

1M 1M I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 L(+) N(-) NC
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13
8 x Digital Inputs Power Supply

VR-2412A – Bus Expansion Module

1 x RS485 Port Bus Expansion

Figure 10-7: VR-2412A, Bus Expansion Module Wiring Diagram Terminal and Wiring Descriptions

1- The module's terminal tag rules are unified from top to bottom, from
left to right increment;
2- The 1M terminal of the input channel (DI) is the external common
side of DI. The user can choose to connect the M terminal to power
supply 24 / 48 / 110 VDC positive side or a ground terminal to
accommodate the source type / drain type DI;
3- The COM PORT is one port RS485 and has interconnection
between two RJ45 socket connectors
4- The BUS-IN connect to master CPU or master BUS expansion
5- The BUS-OUT connect to the next BUS expansion module;
6- L(+), L(-) on the right of the upper row connected to 24 or 48 VDC is
for the CPU module's power supply terminals;
7- “EARTH” means this terminal should connect to earth.

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The two RJ45 connectors are used for BUS-Input (the connection
from Master CPU module) and BUS-Output for next bus expansion
module. Bus Expansion module, is Type of port can be used for LAN
network data. You can see Figure 2-1 for detail structure.
For interconnection of Bus Expansion Module, you can use from
CAT-5/6 twisted pair cable standard wiring number T568-B. Serial Port: RS-485 Mode

This Type of configuration port can be used for networked serial
data, such as RS-485 network standard. It is used when you need
communication of CPU with RS-485 bus network of external devices.

You can use from CAT-5/6 twisted pair cable standard wiring number
T568-B for connection to RS-458 Bus.

In the Figure 10-8 you can see detail information based on pin-out of

PIN Description Cable Color

1 A (D+) : Data of RS485 White Orange
8 1 2 B (D-) : Data of RS485 Orange
RJ45 LAN pin-outs 3 - White Green
4 - Blue
5 - White Blue
6 - Green
7 - White Brown
8 - Brown

Figure 10-8: VR-2412A, Bus Expansion Module, RS-485 Connection Wiring

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10.4 Digital Expansion Terminal & Wiring

10.4.1 VR-2420A DI Module (16x Channel)

VR-2420A the 16× Digital input module terminal definition and typical
wiring are shown in Figure 10-9.

Source / Sink
Voltage 8x Input contacts

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13

1M 1M I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 NC NC NC
8 x Digital Inputs

VR-2420A – DI Module
8 x Digital Inputs
2M 2M I9 I10 I11 I12 I13 I14 I15 I16 NC NC NC
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13

Source / Sink 8x Input contacts


Figure 10-9: VR-2420A, DI Module 8x Channel Wiring Diagram Terminal and Wiring Descriptions

1- The module's terminal tag rules are unified from top to bottom, from
left to right increment;
2- The 1M, 2M terminals of the input channel (DI) are common
terminals of digital input signal. Users can choose to connect the
common terminals to positive or negative, corresponds to the source
type / sink type;
3- “ NC” means this channel is not wired or no physical connection;
4- “EARTH” means this terminal should connect to earth.

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Technical Specification Manual Terminal Numbers Tag Definitions

In the table bellow you can find the Terminal number tag definitions:

Table 10-1: VR-2400 Series, VR-2420A DI Module Terminal Definitions

Lower Row Upper Row
Definitions Definitions
Terminal Terminal
The common input The common input
L1 2M R1 1M
terminal for I9-I16 terminal for I1-I8
The common input The common input
L2 2M R2 1M
terminal for I9-I16 terminal for I1-I8
L3 I9 The input 9 terminal R3 I1 The input 1 terminal
L4 I10 The input 10 terminal R4 I2 The input 2 terminal
L5 I11 The input 11 terminal R5 I3 The input 3 terminal
L6 I12 The input 12 terminal R6 I4 The input 4 terminal
L7 I13 The input 13 terminal R7 I5 The input 5 terminal
L8 I14 The input 14 terminal R8 I6 The input 6 terminal
L9 I15 The input 15 terminal R9 I7 The input 7 terminal
L10 I16 The input 16 terminal R10 I8 The input 8 terminal
L11 NC Not connected R11 NC Not connected
L12 NC Not connected R12 NC Not connected
L13 NC Not connected R13 NC Not connected

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10.4.2 VR-2430A DO Module (16x Relay)

The VR-2430A 16x Relay Digital output module Terminal definition

and typical field wiring are shown in Figure 10-10.

DO Select Power
8x Relay Output
Input 24 / 48 VDC
Load Power

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13

1M Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2M Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 L(+) N(-) NC
8 x Digital Outputs Relay Power Supply

VR-2430A – DO Module
8 x Digital Outputs Relay
3M Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 4M Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 NC NC NC
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13

Load Power 8x Relay Output

Figure 10-10: VR-2430A, DO Module 16x Relay Wiring Diagram Terminal and Wiring Descriptions

1- The module's terminal tag rules are unified from top to bottom, from
left to right increment;
2- The 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M terminal in the Output Channel (DO) is the
common terminals for the output relay channels;
3- L(+), L(-) on the right of the upper row connected to 24 or 48 VDC is
for the DO module's power supply terminals, they can be
interconnect to the Local / Remote function also;
4- “ NC” means this channel is not wired or no physical connection;
5- “EARTH” means this terminal should connect to earth.

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In the table bellow you can find the Terminal number tag definitions:

Table 10-2: VR-2400 Series, VR-2430A DO Module Terminal Definitions

Lower Row Upper Row
Definitions Definitions
Terminal Terminal
The common output The common output
L1 3M R1 1M
terminal for Q9-Q12 terminal for Q1-Q4
L2 Q9 The output 9 terminal R2 Q1 The output 1 terminal
L3 Q10 The output 10 terminal R3 Q2 The output 2 terminal
L4 Q11 The output 11 terminal R4 Q3 The output 3 terminal
L5 Q12 The output 12 terminal R5 Q4 The output 4 terminal
The common output The common output
L6 4M R6 2M
terminal for Q13-Q16 terminal for Q5-Q8
L7 Q13 The output 13 terminal R7 Q5 The output 5 terminal
L8 Q14 The output 14 terminal R8 Q6 The output 6 terminal
L9 Q15 The output 15 terminal R9 Q7 The output 7 terminal
L10 Q16 The output 16 terminal R10 Q8 The output 8 terminal
L11 NC Not connected R11 L(+) Input Power Supply (+)
L12 NC Not connected R12 N(-) Input Power Supply (-)
L13 NC Not connected R13 NC Not connected

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10.4.3 VR-2431A DOC Module (16x Command Relay)

The VR-2431A 16x Relay Digital Command output module Terminal

definition and typical field wiring are shown in Figure 10-11.

Load Power 8x Relay Output

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13

1M Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2M Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 NC NC NC
8 x Digital Outputs Command Relay

VR-2431A – DOC Module

8 x Digital Outputs Command Relay
3M Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 4M Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 NC NC NC
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13

Load Power 8x Relay Output

Figure 10-11: VR-2431A, DOC Module 16x Relay Wiring Diagram Terminal and Wiring Descriptions

1- The module's terminal tag rules are unified from top to bottom, from
left to right increment;
2- The 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M terminal in the Output Channel (DOC) is the
common terminals for the output relay channels;
3- “ NC” means this channel is not wired or no physical connection;
4- “EARTH” means this terminal should connect to earth.

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In the table bellow you can find the Terminal number tag definitions:

Table 10-3: VR-2400 Series, VR-2431A DOC Module Terminal Definitions

Lower Row Upper Row
Definitions Definitions
Terminal Terminal
The common output The common output
L1 3M R1 1M
terminal for Q9-Q12 terminal for Q1-Q4
L2 Q9 The output 9 terminal R2 Q1 The output 1 terminal
L3 Q10 The output 10 terminal R3 Q2 The output 2 terminal
L4 Q11 The output 11 terminal R4 Q3 The output 3 terminal
L5 Q12 The output 12 terminal R5 Q4 The output 4 terminal
The common output The common output
L6 4M R6 2M
terminal for Q13-Q16 terminal for Q5-Q8
L7 Q13 The output 13 terminal R7 Q5 The output 5 terminal
L8 Q14 The output 14 terminal R8 Q6 The output 6 terminal
L9 Q15 The output 15 terminal R9 Q7 The output 7 terminal
L10 Q16 The output 16 terminal R10 Q8 The output 8 terminal
L11 NC Not connected R11 NC Not connected
L12 NC Not connected R12 NC Not connected
L13 NC Not connected R13 NC Not connected

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10.4.4 VR-2460A DIO Module (12x DI, 4x Relay)

The VR-2460A 12x Digital Input Channel, 4x Relay Digital output

module Terminal definition and typical field wiring are shown in
Figure 10-12.

Source / Sink
Voltage 8x Input contacts

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13

1M 1M I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 NC NC NC
8 x Digital Outputs Relay

VR-2460A – DIO Module

3 x Digital Inputs 4 x Digital Outputs Relay
2M I9 I10 I11 I12 R11 R12 R21 R22 R31 R32 R41 R42
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13

4x Input contacts 4x Relay Outputs

Figure 10-12: VR-2460A, DIO Module 12xDI, 4x Relay Wiring Diagram Terminal and Wiring Descriptions

1- The module's terminal tag rules are unified from top to bottom, from
left to right increment;
2- The 1M, 2M terminals of the input channel (DI) are common
terminals of digital input signal. Users can choose to connect the
common terminals to positive or negative, corresponds to the source
type / sink type;
3- “ NC” means this channel is not wired or no physical connection;
4- Rx1, Rx2 (x=1…4) represents the digital output relay;
5- “ NC” means this channel is not wired or no physical connection;
6- “EARTH” means this terminal should connect to earth.

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In the table bellow you can find the Terminal number tag definitions:

Table 10-4: VR-2400 Series, VR-2460A DO Module Terminal Definitions

Lower Row Upper Row
Definitions Definitions
Terminal Terminal
The common input The common input
L1 1M R1 1M
terminal for I1-I8 terminal for I1-I8
The common input
L2 I9 The input 9 terminal R2 1M
terminal for I1-I8
L3 I10 The input 10 terminal R3 I1 The input 1 terminal
L4 I11 The input 11 terminal R4 I2 The input 2 terminal
L5 I12 The input 12 terminal R5 I3 The input 3 terminal
Relay 1 output Normally
L6 R11 R6 I4 The input 4 terminal
Open Contact
Relay 1 output
L7 R12 R7 I5 The input 5 terminal
Relay 2 output Normally
L8 R21 R8 I6 The input 6 terminal
Open Contact
Relay 2 output
L9 R22 R9 I7 The input 7 terminal
Relay 3 output Normally
L10 R31 R10 I8 The input 8 terminal
Open Contact
Relay 3 output
L11 R32 R11 NC Not connected
Relay 4 output Normally
L12 R41 R12 NC Not connected
Open Contact
Relay 4 output
L13 R42 R13 NC Not connected

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10.5 Analog Expansion Terminal & Wiring

10.5.1 VR-2441 AI Module (8x Channel)

The VR-2441 provides 8x channels Analog current or voltage inputs,

terminal definition & typical wiring are shown in Figure 10-13.

Wiring type if
Voltage input
used from
Wiring type if
Current input
used from

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13

I1 C1 V1 I2 C2 V2 I3 C3 V3 I1 C4 V4 NC
AI Channel 1 AI Channel 2 AI Channel 3 AI Channel 4

VR-2441A – AI Module
AI Channel 5 AI Channel 6 AI Channel 7 AL Channel 8
I5 C5 V5 I6 C6 V6 I7 C7 V7 I8 C8 V8 NC
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13

Figure 10-13: VR-2441A, AI Module 8x Channel Wiring Diagram Terminal and Wiring Descriptions

1- The module's terminal tag rules are unified from top to bottom, from
left to right increment;
2- The terminal Ix, Cx ,Vx (x=1…8) represent each channel’s Analog
input respectively;
3- The terminal "Ix" with "Cx" (x=1…8) used when input signal is
current type;
4- The terminal "Vx" with "Cx" (x=1…8) used when input signal is
voltage type;
5- “EARTH” means this terminal should connect to earth.

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In the table bellow you can find the Terminal number tag definitions:

Table 10-5: VR-2400 Series, VR-2441A AI Module Terminal Definitions

Upper Row Lower Row
Definitions Definitions
Terminal Terminal
The positive analog The positive analog
L1 I5 R1 I1
input in Current mode input in Current mode
L2 C5 Common signal R2 C1 Common signal
The negative analog The negative analog
L3 V5 R3 V1
input in Voltage mode input in Voltage mode
The positive analog The positive analog
L4 I6 R4 I2
input in Current mode input in Current mode
L5 C6 Common signal R5 C2 Common signal
The negative analog The negative analog
L6 V6 R6 V2
input in Voltage mode input in Voltage mode
The positive analog The positive analog
L7 I7 R7 I3
input in Current mode input in Current mode
L8 C7 Common signal R8 C3 Common signal
The negative analog The negative analog
L9 V7 R9 V3
input in Voltage mode input in Voltage mode
The positive analog The positive analog
L10 I8 R10 I4
input in Current mode input in Current mode
L11 C8 Common signal R11 C4 Common signal
The negative analog The negative analog
L12 V8 R12 V4
input in Voltage mode input in Voltage mode
L13 NC Not connected R13 NC Not connected

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10.5.2 VR-2446A ACM Module

The VR-2446A provides 12x channels digital inputs, 4x channels

digital output, 4x channel analog AC current input via CT, 3x channel
analog AC voltage input via PT.

There are several LED status indicator light green color that
represents the status and states of module inputs, outputs and
communication statuses.

The VR-2446A has extra terminal blocks for PT & CT inputs in lower
side of module; you can see the detail the bellow figure.

Terminal U10
Terminal U1

Terminal R1 Terminal R13

ACM Power Metering


Terminal L1 Terminal L13

Terminal D1 Terminal D11

Figure 10-14: VR-2446A, ACM Module Terminal Definitons

Based on above photo, the usage of each terminal and definitions

and typical wiring are shown in next Figure 10-15.

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Source / Sink
Voltage 8x Input contacts PT Input

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R19 R11 R12 R13 U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8

8 x Digital Inputs 3x PT Voltage Inputs 110V(L) or 220V(H)

VR-2446A – ACM Module

4 x Digital Inputs 4 x Digital Outputs Phase A CT Phase B CT Phase C CT Neutral
2M I9 I10 I11 I12 R11 R12 R21 E22 R31 R32 R41 R42 A5S A1S AL B5S B1S BL C5S C1S CL NS NL
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11


4x Input contacts 4x Relay Outputs L2 CT1 (1A)

L3 CT2 (1A)
CT3 (1A)
Source Load

Figure 10-15: VR-2446A, ACM Module Wiring Diagram Terminal and Wiring Descriptions

1- The module's terminal tag rules are unified from top to bottom, from
left to right increment;
2- The 1M, 2M terminals of the input channel (DI) are common
terminals of digital input signal. Users can choose to connect the
common terminals to positive or negative, corresponds to the source
type / sink type;
3- Rx1, Rx2 (x=1…4) represents the digital output relay;
4- VAH, VBH, VCH is PT voltage input in range of 220V(p-p) inputs;
5- VAL, VAL, VCL is PT voltage input in range of 110V(p-p) inputs;
6- The terminal of A5S and A1S represent the current source input if
you choose 5A CT or 1A CT inputs as well as for other phase of
Phase-B and Phase-C;
7- The terminal of NS and NL is common input of CT connection of
return current;
8- There are 12 LEDs for each channel of Digital Inputs states;

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9- There are 4 LEDs for each channel of Digital Outputs states and
10- “EARTH” means this terminal should connect to earth. Terminal Numbers Tag Definitions

In the table bellow you can find the Terminal number tag definitions:

Table 10-6: VR-2400 Series, VR-2446A ACM Module Terminal Definitions

Upper Row Lower Row
Definitions Definitions
Terminal Terminal
The common input The common input
L1 1M R1 1M
terminal for I1-I8 terminal for I1-I8
The common input
L2 I9 The input 9 terminal R2 1M
terminal for I1-I8
L3 I10 The input 10 terminal R3 I1 The input 1 terminal
L4 I11 The input 11 terminal R4 I2 The input 2 terminal
L5 I12 The input 12 terminal R5 I3 The input 3 terminal
Relay 1 output
L6 R11 R6 I4 The input 4 terminal
Normally Open Contact
Relay 1 output
L7 R12 R7 I5 The input 5 terminal
Relay 2 output
L8 R21 R8 I6 The input 6 terminal
Normally Open Contact
Relay 2 output
L9 R22 R9 I7 The input 7 terminal
Relay 3 output
L10 R31 R10 I8 The input 8 terminal
Normally Open Contact
Relay 3 output
L11 R32 R11 NC Not connected
Relay 4 output
L12 R41 R12 NC Not connected
Normally Open Contact
Relay 4 output
L13 R42 R13 NC Not connected

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Upper Row Lower Row

Definitions Definitions
Terminal Terminal
Phase A voltage Phase A Source Input
(220V PT selection) ( 5A CT selection)
Phase A voltage Phase A Source Input
(110V PT selection) ( 1A CT selection)
Phase B voltage
U3 VBH D3 AL Phase A Load return
(220V PT selection)
Phase B voltage Phase B Source Input
(110V PT selection) ( 5A CT selection)
Phase C voltage Phase B Source Input
(220V PT selection) ( 1A CT selection)
Phase C voltage
U6 VCL D6 BL Phase B Load return
(110V PT selection)
Phase C Source Input
U7 VN Voltage neutral line D7 C5S
( 5A CT selection)
Earth protection Field Phase C Source Input
Ground System ( 1A CT selection)
D9 CL Phase C Load return
Neutral Line common
D10 NS
of source line
D11 NL Neutral Line return line

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Technical Specification Manual High voltage 3-phase 4-wire star connection

This is 2-phase 4-wire star connection in configuration of 1A CT input
and 220V PT inputs:


L (+)
N (-)

Digital R3 S1
Input R4 S2
CB1 R5 S3
R6 S4
VR-2446A R7 S5
D2 S6
R9 S7
D5 Current R10 S8
CT2 D6 Input
D8 (1A CT) Common
CT3 D9 Digital L2 S9
D10 Input L3 S10
D11 L4 S11
L5 S12

U1 R11
Voltage L6
U3 Input R12 Relay 1
U5 (220V PT) Digital L7 R21
U7 Output L8 R22 Relay 2
U8 FG R31
R32 Relay 3
R42 Relay 4

VR-2446 ACM Power Measurement/Analyzer

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10.6 Functional Expansion Terminal & Wiring

10.6.1 VR-2440A IED Module

The VR-2440 provides 11x channels digital inputs, 3x channels

digital output, 4x channel analog AC current input via CT, 3x channel
analog AC voltage input via PT.

There are several LED status indicator light green color that
represents the status and states of module inputs, outputs and
communication statuses.

The VR-2440 has extra terminal blocks for PT & CT inputs in lower
side of module; you can see the detail the bellow figure.

Terminal U10
Terminal U1

Terminal R1 Terminal R13

Terminal L1 Terminal L13

Terminal D1 Terminal D11

Figure 10-16: VR-2440A, IED Module Terminal Definitons

Based on above photo, the usage of each terminal and definitions

and typical wiring are shown in next Figure 10-17.

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Technical Specification Manual

Source / Sink
Module Power
Voltage 8x Input contacts Input 24 / 48 VDC
PT Input

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R19 R11 R12 R13 U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8

1M 1M I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 L(+) N(-) VAH VAL VBH VBL VCH VCL Vn RJ-45 Connector
8 x Digital Inputs Power Supply 3x PT Voltage Inputs 110V(L) or 220V(H) Display Port

VR-2440A – IED Module

RS485 Port 3 x Digital Inputs 3 x Digital Outputs Phase A CT Phase B CT Phase C CT Neutral
A+ B- Sg 2M I9 I10 I11 R11 R12 R21 R22 R31 R32 A5S A1S AL B5S B1S BL C5S C1S CL NS NL
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11


3x Input contacts 3x Relay Outputs L2 CT1

RS485 Bus L3 CT2
Source Load

Figure 10-17: VR-2440A, IED Module Wiring Diagram Terminal and Wiring Descriptions

1- The module's terminal tag rules are unified from top to bottom, from
left to right increment;
2- The 1M, 2M terminals of the input channel (DI) are common
terminals of digital input signal. Users can choose to connect the
common terminals to positive or negative, corresponds to the source
type / sink type;
3- L(+), L(-) on the right of the upper row connected to 24 or 48 VDC is
for the module's power supply terminals;
4- A(+). B(-), Sg represents the RS-485 communication port signals;
5- Rx1, Rx2 (x=1…3) represents the digital output relay;
6- VAH, VBH, VCH is PT voltage input in range of 220V(p-p) inputs;
7- VAL, VAL, VCL is PT voltage input in range of 110V(p-p) inputs;
8- The terminal of A5S and A1S represent the current source input if
you choose 5A CT or 1A CT inputs as well as for other phase of
Phase-B and Phase-C;

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Technical Specification Manual

9- The terminal of NS and NL is common input of CT connection of

return current;
10- There are 11 LEDs for each channel of Digital Inputs states;
11- There are 3 LEDs for each channel of Digital Outputs states and
12- Two LEDs of "T" and "R" corresponding to the activity on the RS485
communication port;
13- The RJ45 connector is used to connect the device to the HMI
display port, the HMI model of VR-2480A can be used and connect
to the module vi standard CAT-5/6 cable in T-568B pinouts;
14- “EARTH” means this terminal should connect to earth. Terminal Numbers Tag Definitions

In the table bellow you can find the Terminal number tag definitions:

Table 10-7: VR-2400 Series, VR-2440A IED Module Terminal Definitions

Upper Row Lower Row
Definitions Definitions
Terminal Terminal
Positive pole of RS485 Common supply for
L1 RS485+ R1 1M
(A) Status Inputs (1-8)
Negative pole of RS485 Common supply for
L2 RS485- R2 1M
(B) Status Inputs (1-8)
L3 SG RS485 Ground Signal R3 I-1 Status 1 input
Common supply for
L4 2M R4 I-2 Status 2 input
Status Inputs (9-11)
L5 I-9 Status 9 input R5 I-3 Status 3 input
L6 I-0 Status 10 input R6 I-4 Status 4 input
L7 I-11 Status 11 input R7 I-5 Status 5 input
Relay 1 output
L8 R11 R8 I-6 Status 6 input
Normally Open Contact
Relay 1 output
L9 R12 R9 I-7 Status 7 input
Relay 2 output
L10 R21 R10 I-8 Status 8 input
Normally Open Contact
Relay 2 output Positive of power
L11 R22 R11 L(+)
Common supply
Relay 3 output Negative of power
L12 R31 R12 N(-)
Normally Open Contact supply
Relay 3 output Earth protection Field
L13 R32 R13 EARTH
Common Ground System

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Upper Row Lower Row

Definitions Definitions
Terminal Terminal
Phase A voltage Phase A Source Input
(220V PT selection) ( 5A CT selection)
Phase A voltage Phase A Source Input
(110V PT selection) ( 1A CT selection)
Phase B voltage
U3 VBH D3 AL Phase A Load return
(220V PT selection)
Phase B voltage Phase B Source Input
(110V PT selection) ( 5A CT selection)
Phase C voltage Phase B Source Input
(220V PT selection) ( 1A CT selection)
Phase C voltage
U6 VCL D6 BL Phase B Load return
(110V PT selection)
Phase C Source Input
U7 VN Voltage neutral line D7 C5S
( 5A CT selection)
Earth protection Field Phase C Source Input
Ground System ( 1A CT selection)
D9 CL Phase C Load return
Neutral Line common
D10 NS
of source line
D11 NL Neutral Line return line

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Technical Specification Manual High voltage 3-phase 4-wire star connection

This is 2-phase 4-wire star connection in configuration of 1A CT input
and 220V PT inputs:

L (+)
N (-)
R11 Power Digital R3 S1
CB1 R12 Supply Input R4 S2
R5 S3
VR-2440 R6 S4
D2 S5
R8 S6
D5 Current S7
CT2 R9
D6 Input S8
D8 (1A CT)
CT3 D9 Common
Digital L4
D10 S9
Input L5
D11 L6 S10
L7 S11
U1 R11
Voltage L8
U3 Input R12 Relay 1
U5 (220V PT) Digital L9 R21
U7 Output L10 R22 Relay 2
U8 FG R31
R32 Relay 3
Display Port
Communication L1 RS485+
L2 RS485-
FG L3 Communication
R13 Signal Ground

VR-2440 IED Power Measurement/Protection

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Technical Specification Manual

10.6.2 VR-2480A HMI Module

The VR-2480 is a Panel Mount HMI display provides the TFT screen
display. In back of HMI display, there is one RS485 communication
port in the RJ45 port and the terminal block.

1 6

Terminal 6
Terminal 1

PIN# Terminal Block

1 Positive Voltage Input
2 Negative Voltage Input
3 A (D+) : Data of RS485
4 B (D-) : Data of RS485
5 -
6 -

Figure 10-18: VR-2480A, HMI Module 4.3", Terminal Definitons

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