Astm E1077-14
Astm E1077-14
Astm E1077-14
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: E1077 − 14
These test methods may be used to estimate the average or greatest depth of decarburization in
hardened or non-hardened steel products. The test methods described range from simple screening
tests to more statistically rigorous test methods depending upon the needs of the investigation.
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E1077 − 14
3.2.3 complete decarburization—loss of carbon content at 5.7 Microscopical tests are generally satisfactory for deter-
the surface of a steel specimen to a level below the solubility mining the suitability of material for intended use, specification
limit of carbon in ferrite so that only ferrite is present. acceptance, manufacturing control, development, or research.
3.2.4 free-ferrite depth—the perpendicular distance from the 6. Sampling
surface of the specimen to that location where the structure is
no longer fully ferritic, that is, other transformation products 6.1 Samples should be taken at locations that are represen-
are observed. tative of the bulk specimen. The location and number of
samples taken depends on the nature of the material to be tested
NOTE 1—The term free ferrite has also been used to describe globular, and will be defined upon agreements between manufacturer
isolated grains of proeutectoid ferrite in the microstructure of medium-
and purchaser.
carbon hypoeutectoid steels.
3.2.5 maximum depth of decarburization—the largest mea- 6.2 Specimens for screening tests using bulk hardness tests,
sured value of the total depth of decarburization. such as the Rockwell test, should be small enough so that they
can be properly supported on the anvil of the tester. The
3.2.6 partial decarburization—loss of carbon content at the
specimen surface should not be altered except for scale
surface of a steel specimen to a level less than the bulk carbon
removal (if present) using a method that will not alter the
content of the unaffected interior but greater than the room
subsurface metal.
temperature solubility limit of carbon in ferrite.
6.3 Specimens for the microscopical methods or for micro-
3.2.7 total depth of decarburization—the perpendicular dis-
indentation hardness tests or for macroscopic screening meth-
tance from the specimen surface to that location in the interior
ods should be cut from the bulk specimen perpendicular to the
where the bulk carbon content is reached; that is, the sum of the
longitudinal axis of the product so that measurements are made
depths of complete and partial decarburization.
on a transverse plane. This procedure permits determination of
4. Summary of Test Method the variation of decarburization around the periphery of the
4.1 These test methods are designed to detect changes in the
6.3.1 For specimens up to about 2.5-cm diameter, the entire
microstructure, hardness, or carbon content at the surface of
cross section is polished and examined. For larger cross
steel sections due to decarburization. The depth of decarbur-
sections, one or more specimens shall be prepared to assess
ization is determined as the depth where a uniform
variations in surface decarburization. Figs. 1-3 show examples
microstructure, hardness, or carbon content, typical of the
of typical sampling schemes that may be used for larger
interior of the specimen, is observed.
sections; the sampling scheme for large sections should be
5. Significance and Use determined upon mutual agreement between manufacturer and
5.1 These test methods are used to detect surface losses in
carbon content due to heating at elevated temperatures, as in 6.4 Specimens for chemical analytical methods must be of
hot working or heat treatment. sufficient length so that the weight of incremental turnings is
adequate for chemical analysis or the size of milled surfaces is
5.2 Results of such tests may be used to qualify material for
large enough for sparking yet small enough to fit in the
shipment according to agreed upon guidelines between pur-
specimen holder.
chaser and manufacturer, for guidance as to machining
allowances, or to assess the influence of processing upon 7. Procedure
decarburization tendency. 7.1 Screening Methods:
5.3 Screening tests are simple, fast, low-cost tests designed 7.1.1 Bulk Surface Hardness—For hardened specimens, par-
to separate non-decarburized samples from those with appre- ticularly those in the as-quenched condition, a short section of
ciable decarburization. Based on the results of such tests, the the material to be heat treated is cut and heat treated in the
other procedures may be utilized as applicable. same manner, or along with, the material of interest. The test
5.4 Microscopical tests require a metallographically pol- specimen, however is not tempered. Any scale on the test piece
ished cross section to permit reasonably accurate determination is removed by wire brushing, glass-bead blasting, etc., and
of the depth and nature of the decarburization present. Several hardness tested, usually with the Rockwell C scale. The
methods may be employed for estimation of the depth of presence of decarburization is indicated by the difference
decarburization. The statistical accuracy of each varies with the between the surface hardness and the theoretical maximum
amount of effort expended. hardness for the carbon content of the steel. This method is
most suitable for those steels with bulk carbon contents below
5.5 Microindentation hardness methods are employed on about 0.55 % carbon but will detect gross decarburization in
polished cross sections and are most suitable for hardened steels with higher bulk carbon contents. The method is not
specimens with reasonably uniform microstructures. This pro- suitable for steels that cannot be quench-hardened, for
cedure can be used to define the depth to a specific minimum example, low-carbon steels.
hardness or the depth to a uniform hardness. 7.1.2 Macroscopical Etch Appearance—The presence of
5.6 Chemical analytical methods are limited to specimens decarburization is indicated by a difference in etching contrast
with simple, uniform shapes and are based on analysis of between the surface and the interior of the specimen. A
incremental turnings or after milling at fixed increments. transverse section can be ground and macroetched or polished
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E1077 − 14
and microetched. The method is suitable for as-rolled, as- presence of non-martensitic structures in the partially decar-
forged, annealed, normalized, or heat-treated specimens. The burized zone is used to estimate the total depth of decarbur-
decarburized surface layer, if present, usually exhibits a light- ization. Such measurements will generally underestimate the
etching appearance. Suitable macroetchants are listed in Test total depth of decarburization. For certain highalloy
Method E340. spheroidize-annealed tool steels, the depth of decarburization
7.2 Microscopical Methods: can be estimated by changes in the etch color. For austenitic
7.2.1 Microscopical methods are most suitable for measur- manganese steels in the solution-annealed condition, depths
ing the depth of decarburization of as-hot rolled, as-forged, corresponding to certain carbon contents can be defined by
annealed, or normalized specimens. These methods can also be changes in the microstructure due to decarburization. Ex-
applied to heat-treated specimens, although with less certainty amples of decarburization for as-rolled, heat treated, and
in determining the maximum affected depth. Spheroidize- spheroidize-annealed steels are shown in Figs. 4-9, respec-
annealed or cold-worked specimens can also be evaluated; but, tively.
detection of structural variations due to decarburization is more 7.2.3 Specimen polishing must be conducted in a manner
difficult than with hot-worked or fully annealed structures. that does not produce edge rounding. Unmounted, unprotected
7.2.2 Measurement of the depth of decarburization is based specimens can be satisfactorily prepared using certain auto-
on evaluation of the variation in microstructure at the surface matic polishing devices. Low-nap cloths should be employed;
due to the change in carbon content. The depth of complete polishing with abrasives finer than 1-µm diamond is often
decarburization is easiest to assess due to the excellent contrast unnecessary. When such devices are not available, or when
between the free-ferrite layer, when present, and the interior specimens are small or of an inconvenient shape for such
structure. The depth of partial decarburization can best be devices, specimens should be mounted in clamps or in various
assessed when this zone contains ferrite and pearlite. If the plastic media. With some mounting media, edge preservation
specimen has been spheroidized, the variation in carbide may be inadequate. The compression mounting epoxy materi-
content in the partially decarburized zone is used to assess the als generally provide the best edge retention of the commonly
total depth of decarburization. For heat-treated specimens, the available plastics. Electrolytic or electroless plating provides
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E1077 − 14
optimum edge retention and is recommended for critical work. measurement of the depth of this layer, the specimen can be
Polishing must be practiced using techniques that produce a aged at about 560°C for 1 h to precipitate pearlite at the grain
true representation of the surface microstructure, as described boundaries in the core region where the carbon content is
in Guide E3. above 1.16
%. Etching with nital or picral will reveal the
7.2.4 Etching should be conducted using standard etchants, pearlite. , 4Figs. 10 and 11 illustrates these conditions.
(see Test Methods E407) such as nital or picral, based on the 7.3 Measurement:
experience of the rater with the material being tested. Special 7.3.1 The depth of complete or partial decarburization, or
etchants can be used if dictated by the situation encountered. In both, can be assessed in a variety of ways depending on the
such cases, agreement should be obtained between manufac-
turer and purchaser.
7.2.5 For solution-annealed austenitic manganese steels, 3
Sedriks, A. J., and Mulhearn, T. O., “Austenitic Manganese Steel: Structure and
epsilon martensite will be present in the surface region where Properties of Decarburized Layer,” Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, Vol 202,
November 1964, pp. 907–911.
the carbon content is below about 0.5 % carbon. This structure 4
Sedriks, A. J., “Austenitic Manganese Steel: A Technique for Measuring the
is best revealed by etching first with 2 % nital for 5 s and then Extent of Decarburization,” Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, Vol 204,
with 20 % aqueous sodium metabisulphite for about 20 s. After February 1966, pp. 142–145.
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E1077 − 14
FIG. 3 Typical Sampling Schemes for Flat and Rectangular Bars of Different Size
FIG. 4 Example of an As-Rolled, Fully Pearlitic Alloy Steel Microstructure With No Apparent Decarburization. Dark Layer at Surface Is
Iron Oxide (Mill Scale) (200×, 2 % Nital Etch)
desired accuracy. Measurements can be made using an ocular 7.3.2 The optimum magnification for measurement must be
micrometer reticle, a screw (Filar) micrometer ocular, or with chosen based on the observed structure. It may be helpful to
a scale placed against a ground-glass projection screen. Mea- scan the specimen at low magnification for the measurement.
surements can be made on the image or on photographs. The magnification used should be high enough to permit
Measurements can also be made using image analysis tech- adequate resolution of the structure and achieve the desired
niques. The accuracy of the measurement device should be measurement precision and avoid bias.
established using a stage micrometer. Light microscope cali- 7.3.3 Before performing the measurement, scan the entire
bration procedures can be found in Guide E1951. specimen surface at a suitable magnification(s) to ensure that
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E1077 − 14
FIG. 5 Example of Partial Decarburization (Note Ferrite At and Near the Surface) in an As-Rolled, Fully Pearlitic Alloy Steel Microstruc-
ture (200×, 2 % Nital Etch)
FIG. 6 Example of a Heat-Treated Alloy Steel Microstructure (Fully Martensitic) With No Apparent Decarburization (200×, 2 % Nital Etch)
the specimen has been properly prepared, to evaluate the 7.3.5 For quality control or research studies, the average
uniformity of the decarburization present, and to assess the depth of decarburization, either complete, partial or total, may
nature of the decarburization present, that is, complete and be desired but with greater statistical precision. For such cases,
partial or only partial. If complete decarburization (free ferrite) the decarburization condition can be measured with greater
is present, note the continuity of this condition. statistical definition by making a number of measurements
7.3.4 The simplest measurement procedure, adequate for around the specimen periphery at randomly selected locations.
many purposes, is to select for measurement those locations on The mean, standard deviation, and 95 % confidence limits of
the specimen that appear to represent average and worst such measurements can be calculated. The number of measure-
conditions of complete and partial decarburization. Measure- ments required depends on the size of the specimen and the
ment of these conditions is made using the devices in 7.3.1. For desired accuracy.
section shapes that contain corners, decarburization at such 7.3.6 For research studies, the lineal analysis method may
locations is not measured unless required. In such cases, it is be employed to determine the depth at any location where the
reported as a separate measurement. microstructure becomes uniform and representative of the
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E1077 − 14
FIG. 7 Example of Partial Decarburization at the Surface of a Heat-Treated Alloy Steel Martensitic Specimen (200×, 2 % Nital Etch)
FIG. 8 Example of Complete Decarburization (Free-Ferrite Zone 1 to 2) and Partial Decarburization (Dark Zone 2 to 3) in a Heat-Treated
Martensitic Alloy Steel. The Total Depth of Decarburization is the Sum of the Depths of Complete and Partial Decarburization
(1 to 3) (200×, 2 % Nital Etch)
interior microstructure. Lineal traverses are made at known of decarburization is measured as the depth at 100× where the
increments parallel to the surface and the percentage of each color changes from blue-green to green-tan.6
constituent present is determined.5 7.4 Microindentation Hardness Method:
7.3.7 If any unusually deep localized penetration of decar- 7.4.1 The microindentation hardness method is most suit-
burization is observed, such as might be associated with a seam able for measuring decarburization depth in heat-treated speci-
or lap, the depth of decarburization at this imperfection should mens. It is not recommended for specimens containing two
be measured and reported separately with an explanation of the constituents of significantly different hardness.
nature of the condition observed. 7.4.2 Assessment of the total depth of decarburization is
7.3.8 For the determination of the depth of decarburization based on the variation in microindentation hardness with
of spheroidized high-alloy tool steels, for example, highspeed respect to the depth below the surface. The total depth of
steels, the variation in etch color has been utilized. The decarburization is at that depth where the hardness becomes
polished specimen is etched about 60 s with 4 % nital (using constant and equal to that of the interior. Alternatively, the
methanol) until the surface color is blue-green. The total depth
5 6
Underwood, E. E., Quantitative Stereology, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Powell, J. R., “Measurement of a Decarburized Layer on High-Speed Steel,”
Reading, MA, 1970. Metallurgia, Vol 70, No. 422, December 1964, pp. 295–297.
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E1077 − 14
FIG. 9 Example of Partial Decarburization in a Spheroidize-Annealed Carbon Tool Steel. The Partially Decarburized Region Contains
Less Carbide than the Matrix and Much of the Carbide is Pearlitic Rather than Spheroidal. The White Layer at the Surface is Electro-
less Nickel Used for Edge Preservation (100×, 4 % Picral Etch)
FIG. 10 Example of Epsilon Martensite Formation in the Decarburized Surface Zone of a Solution-Annealed Austenitic Manganese
Steel Where the Carbon Content is Less than 0.5 % (100×, Etched With 2 % Nital for 5 s, then 20 % Aqueous Sodium
Metabisulphite for 20 s)
depth to some specified hardness, based on an agreement 7.4.4 Specimens should be etched and examined before
between manufacturer and purchaser, can be determined to hardness testing to select typical areas or specific areas of
estimate an “effective depth of decarburization.” This method interest for hardness testing. Caution should be taken whenever
is best suited for steels with carbon contents below about completing hardness determination (see 7.12 in Test Method
0.55 %. Above that carbon content, the hardness will not E384)
change unless there is a variation in residual carbide content or 7.4.5 A series of microindentation hardness impressions are
retained austenite. made at known increments from the surface inward using
7.4.3 Specimen preparation is conducted in the same man- either Knoop or Vickers test impressions until a constant
ner as defined in 7.2.3. Care must be taken to ensure that the hardness is obtained within the normal scatter of test values.
preparation does not alter the hardness. These test methods are described in Test Method E384.
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E1077 − 14
FIG. 11 Example of a Solution Annealed Austenitic Manganese Steel Aged 1 h at 560°C to Precipitate Pearlite at the Grain Boundaries
in Regions Where the Carbon Content is Above 1.16 % (Nominal Carbon Content about 1.3 %) (50×, 2 % Nital Etch)
7.4.6 The Knoop indentation is more suitable for such tests 7.5.2 Combustion Method:
because the hardness gradient will distort the shape of the 7.5.3 In this method, the specimen is turned or milled
Vicker’s indentation along the diagonal perpendicular to the incrementally at known depths and the chips are analyzed
surface. When using the Knoop indenter, the long axis of the using standard analytical methods for carbon. This method is
indenter should be parallel to the specimen surface. Knoop restricted to simple shapes, for example, rounds or flats.
indentations can be spaced more closely than Vickers indenta- High-hardness specimens must be back-tempered (but not
tions without danger of altering the hardness value by the strain annealed) at 600–650°C to permit machining.
field from an adjacent impression because of the smaller strain 7.5.4 Round bars must be accurately centered before turn-
field around a Knoop indentation. ing. Dry machining is recommended. Remove any surface
7.4.7 The applied test load should be as high as possible to scale before machining. When milling flat specimens, avoid the
minimize diagonal measurement inaccuracy and to avoid corners. The weight of the chips must be sufficient to permit
low-load measurement problems. Loads under 25 grams force accurate analysis, and a recheck, if necessary.
should be avoided, if possible. 7.5.5 The total depth of decarburization is defined as that
7.4.8 Impressions should be spaced apart a distance at least depth where the bulk carbon content is reached within the
2.5× the diagonal length in the direction perpendicular to the accuracy of the analytical method. Test Method E350 covers
surface, that is, along the transverse direction. If intermediate the analytical details.
measurements are required, they can be made on a closely 7.5.6 Spectrometric Method:
spaced parallel traverse. 7.5.7 In this method, the specimen is ground to known
7.4.9 To determine the total depth of decarburization or the depths and the surface is sparked to determine the carbon
effective depth, it is not necessary to make a complete hardness content using an optical emission vacuum spectrometer. The
traverse from the surface inward. A partial traverse can be method is restricted to flat surfaces.
made based on the observed microstructural condition to 7.5.8 Before the initial grind, remove any surface scale. The
minimize the required effort. specimen is ground incrementally at known depths. Depth
7.4.10 A single hardness traverse will define the total depth measurements are made using a micrometer to measure the
or effective depth of decarburization at only one location. To specimen thickness after each grind.
obtain greater statistical accuracy in defining these depths, 7.5.9 After each grind, the surface is sparked and the carbon
several partial traverses can be made at locations selected content is determined. Successive sparkings should not be
based on the observed microstructure and an average can then superimposed and corners should be avoided. Test Method
be computed. E415 describes the analytical technique.
7.5 Chemical Analysis Methods: 7.5.10 The total depth of decarburization is at that depth
7.5.1 Chemical analysis methods provide a direct measure where the carbon content becomes constant and equal to the
of the carbon concentration as a function of depth. These bulk carbon content within the accuracy of the method.
methods are applicable to any steel composition and micro-
structure but they are restricted by the specimen shape. These 8. Reporting Test Results
methods are generally used only in research studies. Measure- 8.1 The test report shall include the following information:
ments by such methods will usually produce greater estimates 8.1.1 Identification of the specimen, heat, lot, etc.
of the total depth of decarburization than the other methods. 8.1.2 Number and location of the test specimens.
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E1077 − 14
8.1.3 Method used to measure decarburization and relevant decarburization can be estimated more accurately than the
test variables, for example, magnification, etchant, indenter depth of partial or total decarburization.
type, and test load. 9.2.2 For microscopical measurements based on the average
8.1.4 For microscopical methods, list the depth of complete of a number of measurements made at randomly selected areas,
or total decarburization, or both, for average and worst the accuracy and reproducibility increases as the number of
conditions. List the depth observed at any imperfection and the measurements increases. For 20 or more measurements, decar-
nature of the condition. If information on decarburization at burization depths can be estimated to within 0.025 mm with a
corners is required by the purchaser, list the depth of complete relative accuracy of 10 to 20 %. Estimates of the depth of
or total decarburization, or both. If only a portion of the surface complete decarburization (that is, the free-ferrite depth) are
is decarburized, this should be noted. more accurate and more reproducible than estimates of the
8.1.5 If the microindentation hardness method was used, list depth of partial decarburization or the total depth of decarbur-
the depth of total or effective (and the hardness criterion) ization.
9.2.3 For any of the measurements, somewhat different
8.1.6 If the chemical analysis method was used, list the
values will be obtained on specimens from different locations,
depth of total decarburization and the method used.
even if they are adjacent.
8.1.7 If the lineal analysis, microindentation hardness, or
chemical analysis methods are employed, a plot of the data as 9.2.4 Estimates of total or effective decarburization by
a function of depth can be prepared as desired or required microindentation hardness at a given location are generally
based on agreements. accurate within 0.025 mm. However, because only one or a few
8.1.8 Any manufacturer-purchaser agreements regarding the areas are tested, these measurements may not be typical of the
tests should be documented. overall specimen.
9.2.5 For the analysis of incremental turnings or millings,
9. Precision and Bias results are representative of the specimen because each incre-
9.1 Screening Methods: ment samples a substantial surface area. Accuracy is decreased
9.1.1 Screening methods are “go, no-go” tests designed to if the turnings are not concentric with the bar diameter, or if
save time. Under highly controlled conditions, the bulk surface millings are not made parallel to the surface.
hardness test can be developed to give a reasonably accurate 9.2.6 For the incremental sparking method, an area about 5
estimate of the total depth of decarburization. The macroscopi- mm in diameter and about 1 mm deep is sampled. This gives
cal etch method cannot be used to give a reliable estimate of reasonable accuracy but is not as good as the incremental
the depth of decarburization. turning-milling method.
9.2 Microscopical Methods:
9.2.1 The simple scanning method to pick out areas that 10. Keywords
appear to be typical or worst is subject to some error. Specimen 10.1 carbon content; complete decarburization; decarbur-
preparation, for example, poor edge retention, can reduce the ization; ferrite; microindentation hardness; partial decarburiza-
measurement accuracy. In general, the depth of complete tion; steels; total decarburization
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