Xi Bahasa Inggris

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Timestamp Score


6/4/2024 11:02:15 ARYANI SHOLIHANI 80 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 10:56:05 AZAHRA FITRI PEBRIANI 80 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 11:16:28 DESI MEIDINA 88 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 11:19:09 DILAH FAUZIAH 56 / 100 XI BR 1
6/7/2024 6:56:04 DIMAS HIDAYAT 60 / 100 XI BR 1
6/6/2024 21:08:29 DWI NURCAHYO 68 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 10:47:44 ELSA LESTARI 32 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 11:01:29 FATMA WULANDARI 72 / 100 XI BR 1
6/6/2024 18:44:54 HOPIA HANDAYANI 84 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 11:10:07 INTAN NURFITRIANI 60 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 10:53:50 Mia Anjani 56 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 11:00:45 MUHAMAD RAFA MAULAN 52 / 100 XI BR 1
6/7/2024 11:40:30 MUHAMAD RIDWAN 56 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 11:19:55 MUHAMAD SOPYAN SEPTI 84 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 10:54:45 NENG ZAHRA AULIA 84 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 10:45:13 NISA AULIA MAHARANI 68 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 10:43:46 NURANDINI 36 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 11:06:19 PUTRI CHELSEA BUZRA PR 88 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 11:25:35 RIDA ANGGRAENI AZAHRA 60 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 11:00:55 Risma ayuni 36 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 10:40:09 RUDIANSYAH 36 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 11:06:59 SALSABILA ADISTI PUTRI 68 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 10:53:13 SANI LAYLA 84 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 11:15:43 SITI AISYAH 76 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 11:01:44 SITI MARYANI 60 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 10:51:20 Siti nur Azizah 64 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 10:53:59 SITI RAHMAWATI 72 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 10:40:41 SITI SUSANTI 68 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 11:12:46 WIWI 80 / 100 XI BR 1
6/4/2024 11:14:01 AFSIA MUQSITA IZZUMI 80 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 10:54:05 ANGGI RAHMAWATI 60 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 10:45:02 ASRI 56 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:09:02 DESVITA 48 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:12:54 DINDA NURAZIZAH 76 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:13:58 EKA FITRIANI 76 / 100 XI BR 2
6/6/2024 19:10:49 ELVI LESTARI AULIA 60 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:16:00 ISTIQOMAH 48 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:01:12 LINDA NABILA 68 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:05:01 M MAULANA IKHSAN 44 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:12:49 Marwiyah Ulpah 76 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 10:50:28 MIA RESTIANA 36 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:07:07 MUHAMAD MANDA 84 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 10:53:06 NABILA APRILYANTI 44 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:07:07 NAUVAL TRI RISAD 84 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:12:52 NAZALIA PUTRI 72 / 100 XI BR 2
6/7/2024 7:31:18 NETI MARYANI 60 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:08:21 NISSA SAFITRI 68 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:18:28 PITRI 72 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:05:54 RAHMAT 88 / 100 XI BR 2
6/7/2024 9:21:55 RASYA AL MEIDA 64 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 10:55:16 Risma 68 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:02:43 RISMA MARISA 76 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:04:23 SEKAR ANISA 36 / 100 XI BR 2
6/6/2024 22:31:09 SINTA SRI RAHAYU 72 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:14:11 SITI MAYA NURAENI 28 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 10:56:01 SITI NURHASANAH 76 / 100 XI BR 2
6/4/2024 11:17:23 SITI SARIPAH PARHANI 72 / 100 XI BR 2
6/6/2024 21:36:13 ZAHRA UMNIYYAH 72 / 100 XI BR 2
6/6/2024 18:45:51 AI SITI NURHAYATI 48 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:04:02 APRILIA ELSA YANTI 44 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 10:47:18 ARI MURYADI 24 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:01:18 CAHYATI NUR ALIFAH 68 / 100 XI BR 3
6/7/2024 7:04:03 DEWI ANISA 76 / 100 XI BR 3
6/7/2024 10:26:56 DINI YULIANTI 72 / 100 XI BR 3
6/7/2024 0:31:05 ELIN TRI LIAYANI 68 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:05:16 ERNI AYU ANGGITA 36 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:19:53 FITRIANA ZULFA 72 / 100 XI BR 3
6/6/2024 19:21:14 HAIKAL 52 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:07:16 IMAS MASLIHAH 60 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:17:38 JIHAN FADILA 48 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 10:59:37 LISNA WATI 72 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:01:09 MElANI PUTRI 84 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:09:12 MELISA NUR CAHYA 88 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 10:59:46 Mila nuraeni 68 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:05:32 MUHAMAD PAJAR KURNI 52 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 10:24:55 Muhammad saepuloh 4 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 10:55:05 NENG ELMA SAFITRI 56 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:06:54 Nia 72 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 10:55:36 NOVIA 68 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 10:56:42 PUTRI AYU HERMAWAN 72 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:03:00 Salsa Nabila 48 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:09:14 SELDA OKTAPIANI 44 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:08:54 SITI AIDA PEBRIANI 80 / 100 XI BR 3
6/7/2024 6:43:26 SITI MAESAROH 76 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:01:10 SITI NELVI 84 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:13:34 SITI SOPIAH 84 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 10:54:33 SUCI RAHAYU HSB 76 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 11:07:28 SUSAN SALSABILA 88 / 100 XI BR 3
6/4/2024 10:56:12 ADAM DAVA NUGRAHA 76 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:17:26 ADELIA RAHMA A 76 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:16:29 ARSYI FADILLA 72 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 10:59:29 BAGUS SIDDIQ MAULANA 64 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:01:08 DENDEN HIDAYATULOH 88 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 10:42:52 DINA RAHMAWATI 84 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:00:49 FAISAL 84 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 10:49:02 Fauzi bowo 60 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 10:45:52 IKSAL M FAUZI 36 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 10:57:09 INTAN WIDIANI 88 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:07:46 M ROMAN SUNDA 24 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:02:57 MIA RAHMAWATI 84 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 10:48:58 Moch. Anom Surya 60 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:09:53 MOH HASAN MAULANA 64 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 10:49:15 MOHAMAD WIDI AGISNA 76 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 10:48:09 MUHAMAD ALVAUDJAN N 60 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:01:13 MUHAMAD FAISAL HABIBI 88 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 10:49:08 MUHAMAD YUSUP 56 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:01:01 MUHAMMAD RIFKY 84 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:01:15 NABILLA SITI KALISYA 84 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:01:12 NAJWA AMALIA SYARIFAH 88 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:04:06 NIA RAHMAWATI 84 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 10:57:20 RAHMA SRI NATA 60 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:03:12 REVA ALIFAH FAUZIAH 88 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 10:49:26 REZA FAUZI 68 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 10:47:31 RISMA RIMAYANTI 4 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 10:48:00 SELIA AZLISAH 80 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 10:51:41 SITI ALIYA NURFATIMAH 80 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:15:05 SITI FATYA 72 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:15:44 SITI MASROFAH 72 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:02:08 SITI NAZIRA AULIA 64 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:07:47 SITI SARAH 52 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:01:34 SUCI RAHMAWATI 88 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:13:14 WIDA NURPADILAH 72 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 10:56:59 WILA NADILA 68 / 100 XI DKV 1
6/4/2024 11:06:45 AHMAD JASMANTA 64 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:00:19 BIMO SIRAD 92 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:09:24 DEFA SAFITRI 68 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 10:55:43 DHAVIN FIRDAUS KAERI 28 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:08:13 DWIE ASIH HARGITA 72 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:06:02 FATHIR.MUHAMMAD 80 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:05:55 GALIH RAJA GUNAWAN 36 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 10:43:55 KEISYA ALBIENA 84 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 10:51:48 M ALDI GUMELAR 32 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 10:41:08 M RANGGA REFAL S 28 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:07:07 M RISKI ADITYA 48 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:01:45 M ZAIN ARMI PADILAH 84 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:23:17 MIRA LATIFAH 40 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 10:54:44 MOCH.GIAN 44 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:01:39 MOH. FARIZ AHWAL 80 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:03:22 MOHAMMAD RHASYA AN 48 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:02:05 Muhamad daud Gunawan 16 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:07:05 MUHAMAD HOTIB MAUL 64 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:07:07 NADIA ALMEIRA 64 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:12:34 NAYLA PUTRI ANDINI 76 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:07:09 Nisaul Hasanah 44 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 10:55:33 RALLYZAS ADIRERY SOPAN 44 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 10:56:13 RIANG RUDITA GALBI 60 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:07:07 RIDA HANAPI 64 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 10:54:19 SALMA RAHMAWATI 60 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:13:02 SELVI 52 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:06:43 SITI AMELIA RAHMA 44 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:03:29 SITI KIRANI 36 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:17:58 SITI NUR SILVI 44 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:02:33 SITI SOPIAH 76 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 10:34:12 UJANG ABDULROHMAN 28 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:02:29 VIONA NURELITA AZAHRA 84 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:02:11 YANI TANIA 40 / 100 XI DKV 2
6/4/2024 11:04:48 ALI LUQMAN 88 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:56:49 ANNISA NURKHATIMAH 72 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:43:45 DEDE IPAN 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 11:13:17 DESTRI KURNIA 68 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:47:50 DINAR MASALIM 64 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:56:39 IBNU HAJAR 92 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:43:48 IKLIMA NURANI 72 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 11:23:10 Lia Ameliya 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:51:44 M GARIB FARHAN 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:42:51 M RIZKI ZAMALUDIN 68 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 11:06:53 marsa aditya rahman 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:56:17 MOCH RAFI RAMADHAN 44 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:57:01 MUHAMAD ABDUL RIZKY 64 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 11:14:22 MUHAMAD FAUZI HARDIA 84 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:56:58 MUHAMAD IQBAL FEBRIA 88 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:58:39 MUHAMMAD BILAL ALMAS 72 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:44:15 MUHAMMAD DIAZ 72 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:30:36 Muhammad Radho Erwians 24 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 11:08:32 MUHAMMAD REIFAN 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:45:56 MUHAMMAD ZOE EKA RUS 72 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 11:10:42 MUTIARA AROFAH 68 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:44:03 NAFA INDAH 72 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:50:41 NENG WIDIA 32 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 11:05:26 NURAVITA 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 11:08:01 RESI KOMALA SARI 88 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:30:57 RijlasPangestu 36 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:43:53 RINA MARSAH 72 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:57:21 SANI AGUNG GUMELAR 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 11:16:34 Siti Maesaroh 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 11:08:39 SITI REKSA 68 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 11:03:28 sri anggun 48 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 11:00:54 WAFDA FIRGIAWAN 64 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 11:00:50 WIDIA WIDRI WIYANA 28 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 11:20:17 YULITA NURAISHA 68 / 100 XI DKV 3
6/4/2024 10:53:51 ABDUL BARI 80 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 10:51:11 ALYA ZAHRA FATIHAH 76 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:22:50 ANNISA FAUZIYAH CAHYA 84 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 10:41:56 ARYA JAYA 36 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:19:43 BUNGA CHIKITA PALUPI 72 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 10:58:57 ÐEVI ANDINI 76 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 10:50:08 ENENG A 68 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 10:59:35 FITRI 80 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:19:08 IMAS SEPTIA NINGRUM 72 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:08:20 IRFA SITI ALIFFAYA 80 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 10:44:57 KEMALA 68 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:14:38 MIA NOPITA 88 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:19:43 NABILA PUTRI CAHYANTI 72 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 10:51:12 NENG IDA LAILA SAPARI 72 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:02:00 NURSANIAH 68 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:16:36 NURUL AFIAH 84 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:05:16 RASWATI 76 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 10:42:57 RINI AGUSTINI 64 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:03:09 ROSYAMILA ATIKYA 60 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 10:49:43 SAFIRA AULIA 68 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:12:06 SANIAH 76 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 10:50:34 SERLI YUNITA 80 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:21:43 SITI FATIMAH MUHYI AEN 84 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:19:43 SITI MARIAM ULFA 76 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:01:50 SITI NURHOLIPAH 76 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:00:28 SITI ROSIDAH 84 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 10:43:24 SITI SALMA JULIYANTI 68 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 10:50:11 SITI SAPTIAH 84 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:18:33 SITI ZULPA 72 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:02:45 SRI SUSANTI 76 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 10:34:55 SUSANTINAH WAHDIATI 64 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:07:55 VERA TRILOKA 76 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:11:23 WULAN SARI 76 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:18:17 YULIANTI 72 / 100 XI MP 1
6/4/2024 11:00:24 AMELIA PITRIA 68 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:17:36 AZKA SALSABILA 80 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:20:25 DEA HAVITRI 68 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:08:27 DEWI RAHMADANI 76 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:15:06 ERISKA NURANI 72 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 10:52:33 FARHAN YUSUF ARDA BILI 20 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:04:28 FITRIA RAHMADANI 76 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:14:39 JULIA SIFNA HAYALATUL 88 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:09:45 LIZA NURAZMIA PUTRI 52 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:12:38 MOCH RIVAL 76 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 10:44:59 MOCH. RASYA SYAHARDAN 60 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 10:48:10 MUHAMMAD GALIH PRAT 68 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 10:51:36 NAZWA NUR YANTI 48 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:14:01 NOVI GUNAWAN 52 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:16:31 NURLAILAH 88 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 10:47:05 Pratiwi Agriana 84 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 10:58:00 RAINA DWI PUTRI 80 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 10:52:41 REISYA NURHUDA JANUAR 56 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:02:31 RIHANATUL JANAH 80 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:05:22 RISKA MAULINA 72 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:12:18 S A R A S W A T I 72 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:13:04 SAFIRA AFRIELLA EFENDI 72 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:15:39 SHINTIA NURAHMAH 80 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:10:13 Siti Hana AS 64 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:02:23 SITI NUR AZIZAH 48 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:18:08 SITI NURMILA 64 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 10:57:44 SITI RUQOYAH 60 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:07:39 SITI SARAH 76 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:12:26 SRI RAHMAWATI 60 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:16:18 SUCI RAMADANI 72 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:20:31 SYAHLA MARYAM WINAT 64 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:07:54 VIRA MANILOKA 76 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 10:42:45 YESA HASILAH 84 / 100 XI MP 2
6/4/2024 11:08:22 ANIS SAFITRI 68 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:18:28 BILQIS 76 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:06:59 DESNITA WIDIYANTI 72 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:14:39 ERNI APRIANI 88 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:17:12 IRA D. AULIA SARI 72 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:10:26 KANITA 76 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:09:09 Meira Arianti 76 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:13:33 NABILA APRILIANII 76 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:12:12 NAZWA RAHMAIDA 64 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:20:45 NEZA PUTRI PRATAMA M 76 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:11:50 NURHASANAH 76 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 10:48:52 NURSIPA HIDAYANTI 48 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 10:49:32 PUTRI ZAHWA NURMAWA 64 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 10:43:00 RASMAYANTI 68 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:13:30 RESTI NURSILFA 76 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:20:45 RIKA OKTAVIANA RAMADH 80 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:03:00 RISNA FILLAH 76 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 10:47:41 SANIA SAPITRI 32 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:00:48 SELVI SEFTIANI 60 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:00:38 SINDI SINTIAWATI 72 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:00:27 SITI LABIBAH 84 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 10:55:45 SITI NURHALIJAH 60 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:00:52 SITI SALWA NURYANI 64 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:02:18 SITI SA'WANAH 76 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 10:44:42 SITI SETIA 68 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:13:30 SRI SINTIA 68 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:05:31 SULISTIAWATI 88 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:07:06 TIARA AURA 84 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 10:45:21 Wawan Awaludin 20 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:07:47 YULIA AFRILIANI 84 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 11:18:02 ZAHRA HAWA APRIANTI 76 / 100 XI MP 3
6/4/2024 10:49:30 AJIJ SAHWA 84 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 11:02:09 ALDA DESTIANI 56 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:56:25 ALPA SETIADIT RIMAN 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:56:31 ARSYAD BADILLAH HUSEN 56 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:55:07 CITRA JULIANA 56 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:56:26 DENI ARIF DARMAWAN 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:56:23 DERI 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:48:47 DWI KAPRAWI 64 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:46:42 FATWA AULIA 44 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 11:06:12 HARUN 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:51:22 HELENA SAPITRI 76 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:57:52 IRMA NURUL ISLAMI 72 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 11:35:36 Irsansetiawan 56 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:47:25 M AGIS 68 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:49:41 M SAEPUL MUIZ 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:56:25 M.SYARIF HIDAYATULLOH 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:44:20 MARSYA RAHMADANI 60 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 11:07:11 MUHAMAD FARHAN 88 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:52:27 MUHAMAD RAHMANSAH 60 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 11:33:21 MUHAMMAD FATURROHM 68 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 11:00:21 NAZLA PUTRI SAHARA 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:46:26 NENG NURMALA 60 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 11:00:28 PUTRI SEPTIANINGSIH SU 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:54:01 SANI NILMALASARI 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 11:03:04 SHANA APRIANTI 76 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 11:00:40 SITI MULAN ROHIMAH 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:51:18 WULAN UNTARI 76 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:56:24 ZULFATAN ARBY 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6/4/2024 10:56:18 AMANDA ANISA PUTRI 64 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:53:07 ANGGITA NURPUTRI 76 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 11:04:50 AURA NUR MEILA 80 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:49:04 ELSA SAFITRI 64 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 11:09:03 FEBRI SUTISNA PUTRI 52 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 11:00:09 HUSNI JAZILA PUTRI AGUS 48 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 11:01:07 MAYA RAMADANI 80 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:56:19 MUHAMAD RAPLI 76 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:33:05 MUHAMAD REHAN MAUL 12 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:56:26 MUHAMAD YUSUP 76 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:34:18 MUHAMMAD ABID MAUL 36 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:34:52 MUHAMMAD DEVA NOVIA 28 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:40:55 Muhammad Saepul Alip 68 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:38:27 MUHAMMAD SANDIKA PR 68 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:31:12 NENG GINA AMELIA 64 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:45:41 Nur siti nuryati 68 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:35:08 PARHAN RIZQI SAPUTRA 56 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:46:46 raditya dwi rukmana 24 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:42:49 RAHMA AZKIA FASHA 80 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 11:01:28 RAMDANI 24 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:47:30 REHAN 56 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:39:03 Reza ramdan 32 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:31:28 RIFKI FAUZI 68 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:56:23 SANI INDRIYANI 72 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:32:59 SANI WULANDARI 76 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 11:07:05 SITI NABILA SUMAYA 88 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 11:04:30 SITI PATIMAH 64 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:56:17 SITI RAHMA FAUZIAH 72 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:56:43 TIA WATI 76 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:36:04 UJANG RUSMANA 64 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 11:04:30 ZAHRA JAMILAH 68 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:56:20 ZASKYA RIADUS SIFA 72 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6/4/2024 10:53:44 Achmad Fazhry 64 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 11:08:42 ALDI 68 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:51:12 CAHAYA MUABAD GENTA 72 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:40:23 DENI RAHMAN 68 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:38:36 Edo ramdani 80 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 11:14:29 FADLI JUNIARDI SUSENDI 64 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:54:53 FARREL ANDHIKA HIDAYA 28 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:40:28 Ilham 68 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:55:12 ISAN 64 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 11:13:55 M FARHAN SR 56 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:43:02 m irpan 72 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:36:26 M YOGI SAPUTRA 80 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:38:25 M.Falah Hafriansyah 28 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 11:14:44 MOCHAMMAD REIJA AL FI 72 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 11:03:07 MUHAMAD APRIANSYAH 72 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:51:55 MUHAMAD NIZAR RAMDA 64 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:54:35 MUHAMAD RAMDAN 72 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:42:08 Muhamad Riski 80 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 11:12:39 MUHAMAD RIZKI FEBRIA 52 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:54:00 Muhamad Sandika 28 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:48:19 MUHAMMAD ABDUL AJIS 28 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 11:14:37 MUHAMMAD HERLAN 60 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:43:10 MUHAMMAD RIZALDI HAFI 80 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 11:01:02 NURDIN 72 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:43:21 RADITHIA SURYA PRATAM 72 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 11:02:13 RENSA MARDIANSYAH 80 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 11:18:46 ROYANI 68 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:54:06 SANDI SUHENDI 36 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:55:48 SUPIAN 64 / 100 XI TKR 1
6/4/2024 10:53:53 ALIF TRI ANGGONO 36 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:50:26 Aprian maulana 44 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:53:08 BANGKIT SANJAYA 36 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:50:20 CINTA SUCI WULAN DARI 76 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:52:04 DIKI SANDI APRIANSYAH 68 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 11:01:37 EGA JUNIAR 80 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:53:04 FAHRI 40 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:51:32 KHAERUL ANWAR 68 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:49:22 M ANDIKA EVANDRA AKBA 68 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:40:44 M RIZAL AL UBAIDILLAH 52 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:54:43 M.FIRMAN SAPUTRA 36 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 11:01:58 Mahul Maulana 84 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 11:11:17 MOCHAMMAD AGUSTYAN 64 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 11:11:36 MOH RIJKI AULIA 40 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:53:23 MUHAMAD DANIAL HIDAY 40 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 11:14:53 MUHAMAD JAMALUDIN 64 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 11:01:43 MUHAMAD MALIK ALBADZ 84 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:53:15 MUHAMAD PARID MAUL 60 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 11:15:07 MUHAMAD RAMI 64 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:52:21 MUHAMMAD ARDIAN 64 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:51:40 Muhammad riyan 12 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:56:30 MUHAMMAD ROHMAN 28 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:53:44 NURHALIZA 68 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:46:02 RAIHAN 36 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:41:51 REPAN 12 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 11:28:45 RIZWAN 76 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:57:01 Ruli Mulyadi 8 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 10:42:50 SURYA ANDIKA 32 / 100 XI TKR 2
6/4/2024 11:01:47 ALWI SAHPUTRA 8 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:39:29 ARDIANSYAH 8 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:29:32 BAYU SAPUTRA 20 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:47:18 DEDE RIKI 40 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:45:13 Dira saputra 24 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:56:07 Epan Hidayat 56 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:36:32 FAJAR NURFAUZI 24 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:40:02 HENDRA 48 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:34:04 INDRA GUNAWAN 8 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:37:13 LUKMAN BAENURI 20 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 11:15:05 M FADILAH AL-FAZAL 76 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 11:01:54 M FADLAN ARIFKI 84 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:53:44 M pahrul 60 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 11:13:55 M.ARI SUPRIATNA 44 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 11:06:41 M.RASYA ARDIANSYAH 64 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 11:01:02 M.SALMAN MAULANA 44 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:32:12 MARWAN 48 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:30:50 Moh Aldi juliansah 28 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:54:55 MOH RIZAL NUR PAUZI 36 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:49:54 MUHAMAD LAZWAZALVA F 60 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:58:57 MUHAMAD REHAN 68 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:55:29 MUHAMAD RIZAL 64 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:49:00 MUHAMAD RUSLAN 76 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 11:01:53 MUHAMADYUSUP 80 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:35:19 Muhammad Andika putra 12 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 11:17:47 MUHAMMAD ARYA ALGIF 68 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:38:17 Muhammad rafli afrillians 20 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:56:35 MUHAMMAD ZIDAN FIRDA 84 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:32:04 Rangga suganda 16 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 11:02:41 REVAN DIANSYAH 52 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:33:46 ROBI M IKBAL 24 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:36:12 SAHRUL ALDI GUNAWAN 24 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 11:01:50 SATRIA MUHAMAD NUR F 84 / 100 XI TKR 3
6/4/2024 10:53:27 ANDHIKA LINGGA KAYLAN 68 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 11:06:10 ASRI SITI MAULIDA 56 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:44:08 BUDI 44 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 11:15:03 DENDI PERMANA 28 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:46:10 ESA ANUGRAH PUTRA 72 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:48:22 FAJAR FADILA 64 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:44:38 IRFAN MAULANA 44 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:40:22 M Angga Nazla Nispian 20 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 11:16:52 M DALFA RIDWAN ISMAIL 68 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:52:57 M.AGUNG 56 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:36:31 M.FAIZAL.RAMADAN.S 60 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:43:21 Moch Salim Al reza 64 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:37:17 MOHAMAD FAHRI RAMAD 72 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:59:42 MUHAMAD HILMAN ARDI 56 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 11:06:04 MUHAMAD NANAR ROYAN 44 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:37:20 MUHAMAD RAFIQ AFRIYA 12 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:42:07 MUHAMAD RAJIB 72 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:28:21 MUHAMAD RIKI 16 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:55:42 MUHAMAD RIZKI 60 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 11:16:27 MUHAMMAD BAGJA 88 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:36:42 MULKY TRI RAMDANI 36 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:52:12 Pijay 20 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:44:02 Rehan 20 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:46:05 ridho ramadani nugraha 24 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 11:20:24 ROJUDIN 20 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 11:00:58 SAKIQ BALHI 80 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:45:24 SITI JENAB 68 / 100 XI TKR 4
6/4/2024 10:52:58 A.MUHAMAD RAMLI Z 76 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:58:53 ABDUL QOHAR 36 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:53:22 ADAM DARMAWAN 68 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:26:40 AHMAD ZHENY 28 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:57:11 ANWAR FAUZAN 64 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:51:49 DANI SADUL HOLQI 72 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:59:39 DENI KURNIAWAN 60 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 11:01:13 FAJAR PIJRIH 76 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 11:21:59 GILANG SAPUTRA 68 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:50:33 Hendi setiawan 36 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:52:32 INDRA RIZQI APRIANSYAH 72 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:58:27 JAMILUDIN 64 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:54:27 LUAI NADER KHALED AL- 84 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:42:05 M GALBI ALBAILUT 56 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:31:35 M.indra 16 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:53:47 M.YUNUS 56 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:53:46 MOCHAMAD IWAN SUGAN 20 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:47:16 MOH. ALFIANSYAH 64 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:46:18 MUHAMAD ASEP 68 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 11:13:26 MUHAMAD FAHREZI 60 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:59:11 MUHAMAD INDAR 28 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 11:03:35 MUHAMAD NUR IKHSAN 28 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 11:18:32 MUHAMAD RIZKI RAMADA 56 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:50:01 MUHAMMAD EGA 64 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:47:31 MUHAMMAD TEGUH FITRI 48 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 11:33:29 Parhan 20 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:47:31 RAIHAN 64 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:45:54 Sabda Aulia 64 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 11:13:54 YUDA DESTIAN 64 / 100 XI TP 1
6/4/2024 10:26:49 ABDUL AZIS MAULANA 8 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:50:12 ABDULALH MUJIB 52 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:48:42 ADI HAFIDZ MULYANA 88 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 11:02:01 ALAN RIZQI 44 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:55:56 ARIS M ISMAIL 32 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:47:51 DEDI ARIPIN SAPUTRA 44 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:38:52 ENCEP NURYANA 76 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 11:01:59 FALIQ AQSHAL FAUZAN 48 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 11:02:00 HANDREL DWI PRASETIO 48 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:47:37 IRFAN MUHAMAD SIDIK 44 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 11:08:32 Laras sri rahyu 64 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:41:21 M NURMANSYAH 12 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 11:35:23 M. Reva septiana 16 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:53:58 M.AGUNG GUNAWAN 36 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:50:11 MAULIDIANTO APRIANSY 64 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:29:56 MOH DANIL ABIYANSAH 20 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:31:40 MUHAAMAD ILHAM 28 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:49:44 MUHAMAD FAHRI FIRDAU 20 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:28:05 Muhamad kandias 12 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:38:42 MUHAMAD RIFKI ARDIANS 24 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 11:00:58 MUHAMAD YUSUP ALAN 24 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:27:40 MUHAMMAD FAISAL 28 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:53:40 MUHAMMAD HERDIANSYA 44 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:56:38 MUHAMMAD YUSUF AMA 72 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:55:48 PERDI 40 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:39:40 RIDO ANGGARA YUSUP 52 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 11:12:44 SAHID 68 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:51:03 SANDI MUHAMAD 40 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 10:56:51 ZULFI FAHRI RAMADAN 68 / 100 XI TP 2
6/4/2024 11:08:13 ABDUL BARI 72 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 10:40:31 ABDULLAH 32 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:02:17 Ahmad muhammuin 28 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 10:56:10 Ananda Arnesta 60 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 10:50:07 AZIZ FIRMANSYAH 68 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 10:59:25 DENDA 56 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:01:05 DENI 72 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 10:36:05 FAHRI FAUZI 56 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:04:12 FAZRI RAMADHAN 72 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:09:29 Hegar Allukman 68 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:01:17 INDRA PRATAMA 68 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:04:40 JAKI 40 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 10:51:04 LINTANG KURNIA SATRIAJI 64 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:08:12 M PUTRA ZAKI ADNAN 52 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:30:00 M. RHAISAL ABDALAH 80 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:02:48 M.SALMAN AL-PARISI 80 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:08:10 M.SALMAN FARIZI 28 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 10:35:01 Moch rivaldi 24 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 10:30:25 MOH RAMDANI 16 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:02:29 MUHAHAMMAD ADITYA 64 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 10:48:59 MUHAMAD DANDI 60 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:11:21 MUHAMAD FAJRI MAULA 64 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:17:46 MUHAMAD ILHAM 48 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:12:53 MUHAMAD IMAN MAHES 56 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:10:43 Muhamad Nazriel Irham 72 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:04:18 MUHAMAD PAISAL SUHER 72 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 10:48:32 MUHAMAD RIZAL FAUZI 32 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 10:54:28 MUHAMMAD ARDIANSYA 68 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:21:18 MUHAMMAD RIFQI SYAH 52 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:16:33 RAHMADANI 88 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:09:02 RENDI SEPTIAN 44 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:11:25 Ridwan Febriansyah 72 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:01:21 ROBY ALAMSAH 72 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:01:14 SALMAN ALFARIZI35 72 / 100 XI TP 3
6/4/2024 11:01:23 SUPRIATNA 72 / 100 XI TP 3
1. What would be the best2. The Duke became furio3. What is the moral of th 4. “In the era before the Majapahit Empire was established
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises D. sent
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
A. Batur A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises B. destroyed
A. Batur A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willC. brought
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willC. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanC. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
E. The Duke’s Daughter B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat C. His daughter was very bA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanB. destroyed
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
C. The Wise Duke B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
C. The Wise Duke C. His daughter was very bE. Never buy something y B. destroyed
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
A. Batur A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauE. Never buy something y A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises D. sent
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much C. Don’t break promises A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much E. Never buy something y A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
C. The Wise Duke B. He loved Suta so much E. Never buy something y E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willB. destroyed
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
C. The Wise Duke B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand D. sent
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises B. destroyed
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanD. sent
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauE. Never buy something y E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
A. Batur B. He loved Suta so much D. Always keep the mand B. destroyed
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willC. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad C. His daughter was very bB. Fight for what you wanC. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat E. Suta didn’t own a King A. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
E. The Duke’s Daughter B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanA. found
C. The Wise Duke C. His daughter was very bD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
C. The Wise Duke C. His daughter was very bC. Don’t break promises C. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
A. Batur B. He loved Suta so much D. Always keep the mand B. destroyed
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanE. built
E. The Duke’s Daughter E. Suta didn’t own a King E. Never buy something y C. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad B. He loved Suta so much E. Never buy something y E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanE. built
A. Batur E. Suta didn’t own a King C. Don’t break promises A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
E. The Duke’s Daughter E. Suta didn’t own a King A. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat D. Suta was rich B. Fight for what you wanA. found
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauE. Never buy something y E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand B. destroyed
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
C. The Wise Duke C. His daughter was very bD. Always keep the mand A. found
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanB. destroyed
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
A. Batur A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
A. Batur A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat E. Suta didn’t own a King A. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willB. destroyed
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
E. The Duke’s Daughter B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises C. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
A. Batur B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanD. sent
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanB. destroyed
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanD. sent
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanC. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
E. The Duke’s Daughter C. His daughter was very bB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanC. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat C. His daughter was very bA. If you do good, you willC. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willD. sent
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
C. The Wise Duke E. Suta didn’t own a King A. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
E. The Duke’s Daughter B. He loved Suta so much D. Always keep the mand D. sent
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat C. His daughter was very bA. If you do good, you willC. brought
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willC. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauE. Never buy something y A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat C. His daughter was very bA. If you do good, you willC. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises C. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
A. Batur C. His daughter was very bD. Always keep the mand A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanC. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willC. brought
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises B. destroyed
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willA. found
A. Batur C. His daughter was very bA. If you do good, you willC. brought
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
A. Batur D. Suta was rich A. If you do good, you willB. destroyed
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much C. Don’t break promises A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad C. His daughter was very bC. Don’t break promises A. found
C. The Wise Duke C. His daughter was very bA. If you do good, you willB. destroyed
D. The Legend of Baturad D. Suta was rich C. Don’t break promises C. brought
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad C. His daughter was very bB. Fight for what you wanA. found
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
A. Batur B. He loved Suta so much C. Don’t break promises E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willB. destroyed
E. The Duke’s Daughter C. His daughter was very bA. If you do good, you willC. brought
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
A. Batur A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises D. sent
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
A. Batur A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willB. destroyed
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
C. The Wise Duke C. His daughter was very bD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises C. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
E. The Duke’s Daughter E. Suta didn’t own a King C. Don’t break promises A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
C. The Wise Duke E. Suta didn’t own a King A. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand C. brought
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willC. brought
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauE. Never buy something y A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
C. The Wise Duke C. His daughter was very bA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat C. His daughter was very bA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willE. built
C. The Wise Duke C. His daughter was very bB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad D. Suta was rich A. If you do good, you willD. sent
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
C. The Wise Duke B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat E. Suta didn’t own a King A. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
A. Batur C. His daughter was very bA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises D. sent
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand C. brought
A. Batur B. He loved Suta so much C. Don’t break promises A. found
E. The Duke’s Daughter B. He loved Suta so much C. Don’t break promises B. destroyed
D. The Legend of Baturad C. His daughter was very bC. Don’t break promises A. found
E. The Duke’s Daughter B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad C. His daughter was very bB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauE. Never buy something y E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willD. sent
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
C. The Wise Duke B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
C. The Wise Duke B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat C. His daughter was very bA. If you do good, you willB. destroyed
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willB. destroyed
C. The Wise Duke B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willC. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat C. His daughter was very bA. If you do good, you willC. brought
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises C. brought
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat E. Suta didn’t own a King D. Always keep the mand B. destroyed
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willD. sent
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauE. Never buy something y E. built
A. Batur B. He loved Suta so much B. Fight for what you wanB. destroyed
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat E. Suta didn’t own a King B. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad C. His daughter was very bA. If you do good, you willD. sent
C. The Wise Duke B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willD. sent
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willB. destroyed
E. The Duke’s Daughter C. His daughter was very bC. Don’t break promises A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much C. Don’t break promises A. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad C. His daughter was very bC. Don’t break promises A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad C. His daughter was very bA. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat C. His daughter was very bB. Fight for what you wanC. brought
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much C. Don’t break promises E. built
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
A. Batur D. Suta was rich B. Fight for what you wanB. destroyed
A. Batur B. He loved Suta so much D. Always keep the mand A. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willD. sent
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanD. sent
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
C. The Wise Duke A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willA. found
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauC. Don’t break promises E. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat A. He didn’t want her dauA. If you do good, you willE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
B. Suta, the Prince of Bat B. He loved Suta so much A. If you do good, you willA. found
E. The Duke’s Daughter A. He didn’t want her dauB. Fight for what you wanE. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
D. The Legend of Baturad A. He didn’t want her dauD. Always keep the mand E. built
5. What can be concluded6. “The glasses danced 7.
the far is Senggigi
shelf Bea8.
during the What mountain
earthquake.” The can be
expression shows the imagery of …
A. They then married and B.
li personification B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile B. 50 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by C. metaphor C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
E. Baturaden’s location is C. metaphor D. 52 km B. Mount Rinjani.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by C. metaphor C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o E. sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by A. simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife D. sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by C. metaphor C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by D. sight C. 51 km D. Mount Lesung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile B. 50 km D. Mount Lesung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by A. simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by C. metaphor B. 50 km D. Mount Lesung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
B. Baturaden is a town o E. sound A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife D. sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by E. sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o A. simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and C.
li metaphor C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o A. simile B. 50 km C. Mount Tambora.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km C. Mount Tambora.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by D. sight C. 51 km C. Mount Tambora.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by D. sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o D. sight A. 49 km C. Mount Tambora.
A. They then married and B.
li personification B. 50 km C. Mount Tambora.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight B. 50 km B. Mount Rinjani.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife A. simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by C. metaphor C. 51 km C. Mount Tambora.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o C. metaphor C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife C. metaphor C. 51 km C. Mount Tambora.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification B. 50 km D. Mount Lesung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and D.
li sight A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o A. simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km D. Mount Lesung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification D. 52 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o A. simile D. 52 km A. Mount Catur
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification B. 50 km B. Mount Rinjani.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification B. 50 km C. Mount Tambora.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife B. personification D. 52 km D. Mount Lesung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife D. sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km D. Mount Lesung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife B. personification C. 51 km C. Mount Tambora.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km C. Mount Tambora.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by C. metaphor C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km C. Mount Tambora.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o A. simile B. 50 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification B. 50 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification D. 52 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife A. simile B. 50 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight B. 50 km D. Mount Lesung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by D. sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km D. Mount Lesung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification A. 49 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km D. Mount Lesung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o A. simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife C. metaphor C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile B. 50 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification B. 50 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o C. metaphor A. 49 km C. Mount Tambora.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification E. 53 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by C. metaphor C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and C.
li metaphor C. 51 km A. Mount Catur
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by A. simile E. 53 km D. Mount Lesung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by C. metaphor C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
D. Both Suta and his wife D. sight B. 50 km A. Mount Catur
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o A. simile D. 52 km C. Mount Tambora.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight A. 49 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o A. simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile A. 49 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification D. 52 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by A. simile A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and C.
li metaphor C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight E. 53 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and D.
li sight E. 53 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and A.
li simile A. 49 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o A. simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight E. 53 km B. Mount Rinjani.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification E. 53 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
C. Baturaden was built by D. sight A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
B. Baturaden is a town o A. simile B. 50 km B. Mount Rinjani.
B. Baturaden is a town o A. simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km C. Mount Tambora.
C. Baturaden was built by C. metaphor B. 50 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification A. 49 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife A. simile B. 50 km D. Mount Lesung.
C. Baturaden was built by A. simile A. 49 km A. Mount Catur
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification B. 50 km A. Mount Catur
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification B. 50 km D. Mount Lesung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
E. Baturaden’s location is C. metaphor A. 49 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km C. Mount Tambora.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is A. simile B. 50 km C. Mount Tambora.
C. Baturaden was built by A. simile A. 49 km C. Mount Tambora.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by C. metaphor A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife E. sound E. 53 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by C. metaphor B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by A. simile A. 49 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife B. personification B. 50 km C. Mount Tambora.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification B. 50 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o D. sight C. 51 km C. Mount Tambora.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km A. Mount Catur
B. Baturaden is a town o C. metaphor B. 50 km A. Mount Catur
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification E. 53 km B. Mount Rinjani.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and E.
li sound C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by D. sight B. 50 km A. Mount Catur
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight B. 50 km C. Mount Tambora.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by A. simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife D. sight B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight B. 50 km A. Mount Catur
D. Both Suta and his wife C. metaphor A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
D. Both Suta and his wife A. simile B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife C. metaphor C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o C. metaphor C. 51 km A. Mount Catur
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and C.
li metaphor C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification B. 50 km D. Mount Lesung.
C. Baturaden was built by D. sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife A. simile A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
B. Baturaden is a town o D. sight C. 51 km A. Mount Catur
C. Baturaden was built by D. sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o A. simile A. 49 km D. Mount Lesung.
D. Both Suta and his wife B. personification B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and C.
li metaphor B. 50 km A. Mount Catur
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife C. metaphor C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by A. simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification E. 53 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and A.
li simile B. 50 km B. Mount Rinjani.
D. Both Suta and his wife C. metaphor C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife A. simile B. 50 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification B. 50 km C. Mount Tambora.
B. Baturaden is a town o A. simile C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
D. Both Suta and his wife A. simile C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
C. Baturaden was built by A. simile E. 53 km D. Mount Lesung.
D. Both Suta and his wife D. sight B. 50 km C. Mount Tambora.
B. Baturaden is a town o B. personification C. 51 km D. Mount Lesung.
C. Baturaden was built by A. simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
D. Both Suta and his wife B. personification C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by C. metaphor C. 51 km A. Mount Catur
D. Both Suta and his wife B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
B. Baturaden is a town o A. simile C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by B. personification C. 51 km D. Mount Lesung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and C.
li metaphor D. 52 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by A. simile D. 52 km C. Mount Tambora.
C. Baturaden was built by A. simile C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and A.
li simile C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification A. 49 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
C. Baturaden was built by D. sight B. 50 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification A. 49 km B. Mount Rinjani.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
E. Baturaden’s location is B. personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and C.
li metaphor C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and D.
li sight C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
A. They then married and B.
li personification C. 51 km E. Mount Agung.
9. "Senggigi Beach is directly
10. According
text 11. Strait,
According to the
which textbarrier
is the 12. Nathan can speak
between EngLombok islands." The words in b
Bali and
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
B. as same as A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi E. paragliding. B. fluently
D. identical as A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
B. as same as C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. C. always
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi B. playing soccer. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
B. as same as C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as A. Senggigi Beach is locateB. playing soccer. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as A. Senggigi Beach is locateC. roller-skating. E. good
C. next to C. The location of Senggi E. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi B. playing soccer. A. accurate
C. next to E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to C. The location of Senggi B. playing soccer. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. C. always
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from C. The location of Senggi B. playing soccer. A. accurate
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. A. accurate
B. as same as C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. B. fluently
B. as same as C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. E. good
B. as same as D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from B. There are no local and A. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. E. good
D. identical as C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
B. as same as C. The location of Senggi C. roller-skating. D. fluent
D. identical as C. The location of Senggi E. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. C. always
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
D. identical as D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to D. The location of SenggigD. dancing. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
B. as same as C. The location of Senggi B. playing soccer. A. accurate
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
C. next to C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to C. The location of Senggi C. roller-skating. C. always
A. across from B. There are no local and A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateD. dancing. A. accurate
A. across from B. There are no local and B. playing soccer. C. always
A. across from D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to C. The location of Senggi C. roller-skating. C. always
A. across from B. There are no local and A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from B. There are no local and A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from B. There are no local and A. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
A. across from C. The location of Senggi E. paragliding. B. fluently
E. like D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. B. fluently
A. across from B. There are no local and A. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
B. as same as E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. C. always
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
B. as same as A. Senggigi Beach is locateB. playing soccer. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from B. There are no local and A. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from B. There are no local and C. roller-skating. B. fluently
B. as same as A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. E. good
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from B. There are no local and B. playing soccer. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to E. Operating hours at Sen B. playing soccer. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
D. identical as D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
B. as same as E. Operating hours at Sen E. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from B. There are no local and A. fishing. C. always
D. identical as E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
E. like D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
D. identical as D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
C. next to B. There are no local and D. dancing. C. always
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from B. There are no local and A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateD. dancing. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from B. There are no local and A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. B. fluently
B. as same as D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. C. always
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
D. identical as C. The location of Senggi D. dancing. C. always
C. next to C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. C. always
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
B. as same as C. The location of Senggi B. playing soccer. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. A. accurate
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. B. fluently
C. next to B. There are no local and A. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
B. as same as E. Operating hours at Sen B. playing soccer. C. always
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. A. accurate
A. across from B. There are no local and C. roller-skating. C. always
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to B. There are no local and D. dancing. B. fluently
D. identical as E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. C. always
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateB. playing soccer. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. C. always
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. E. good
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. E. good
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. A. accurate
C. next to C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
E. like D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. C. always
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
B. as same as C. The location of Senggi B. playing soccer. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. E. good
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. E. good
D. identical as C. The location of Senggi E. paragliding. C. always
B. as same as D. The location of SenggigE. paragliding. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
B. as same as D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. E. good
A. across from B. There are no local and A. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. A. accurate
C. next to C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
E. like A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
B. as same as C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
C. next to C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
C. next to C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. D. fluent
C. next to B. There are no local and A. fishing. D. fluent
D. identical as C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from E. Operating hours at Sen C. roller-skating. E. good
C. next to C. The location of Senggi B. playing soccer. C. always
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateB. playing soccer. C. always
C. next to D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigE. paragliding. E. good
A. across from D. The location of SenggigD. dancing. E. good
C. next to E. Operating hours at Sen D. dancing. E. good
E. like C. The location of Senggi D. dancing. C. always
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
C. next to B. There are no local and E. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. D. fluent
C. next to D. The location of SenggigC. roller-skating. E. good
A. across from C. The location of Senggi E. paragliding. A. accurate
D. identical as D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. A. accurate
E. like A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateB. playing soccer. C. always
C. next to C. The location of Senggi C. roller-skating. C. always
C. next to B. There are no local and A. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to D. The location of SenggigE. paragliding. A. accurate
A. across from E. Operating hours at Sen B. playing soccer. A. accurate
C. next to D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as B. There are no local and A. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from B. There are no local and C. roller-skating. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigC. roller-skating. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. B. fluently
A. across from E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. A. accurate
C. next to C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. C. always
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
B. as same as D. The location of SenggigD. dancing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. E. good
B. as same as A. Senggigi Beach is locateD. dancing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from C. The location of Senggi B. playing soccer. A. accurate
D. identical as B. There are no local and C. roller-skating. A. accurate
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
E. like E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. E. good
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi E. paragliding. B. fluently
D. identical as E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
D. identical as A. Senggigi Beach is locateC. roller-skating. B. fluently
C. next to D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. C. always
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. C. always
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
C. next to C. The location of Senggi C. roller-skating. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
C. next to E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as C. The location of Senggi B. playing soccer. E. good
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to D. The location of SenggigE. paragliding. A. accurate
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
C. next to E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. D. fluent
D. identical as A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi E. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. E. good
E. like A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. C. always
A. across from B. There are no local and A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. D. fluent
B. as same as B. There are no local and B. playing soccer. A. accurate
A. across from C. The location of Senggi C. roller-skating. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to C. The location of Senggi E. paragliding. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. C. always
A. across from D. The location of SenggigE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. D. fluent
C. next to C. The location of Senggi E. paragliding. D. fluent
C. next to C. The location of Senggi E. paragliding. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
C. next to C. The location of Senggi E. paragliding. D. fluent
E. like C. The location of Senggi B. playing soccer. E. good
A. across from D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. C. always
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. C. always
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. C. always
D. identical as E. Operating hours at Sen D. dancing. A. accurate
A. across from B. There are no local and A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. A. accurate
C. next to C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. C. always
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
E. like A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
B. as same as C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. E. good
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
A. across from D. The location of SenggigD. dancing. C. always
B. as same as C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
C. next to E. Operating hours at Sen B. playing soccer. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. E. good
D. identical as E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
D. identical as E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to E. Operating hours at Sen B. playing soccer. E. good
C. next to C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
D. identical as E. Operating hours at Sen A. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
C. next to C. The location of Senggi B. playing soccer. A. accurate
D. identical as A. Senggigi Beach is locateB. playing soccer. C. always
D. identical as C. The location of Senggi D. dancing. C. always
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigB. playing soccer. B. fluently
C. next to C. The location of Senggi A. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. C. always
B. as same as A. Senggigi Beach is locateE. paragliding. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. E. good
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from E. Operating hours at Sen E. paragliding. A. accurate
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from E. Operating hours at Sen B. playing soccer. B. fluently
A. across from A. Senggigi Beach is locateA. fishing. D. fluent
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
A. across from D. The location of SenggigA. fishing. B. fluently
13. What is the best title 14. The cause of the worn15. “Tires that are already16.
of endanger
the followinthe driver and passenger.” The w
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiC. bridging many people aA. helpless B. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed D. exposed A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
B. Driving car A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
A. How to check our car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires C. indefensible A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiE. never going to the car sB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. E. never going to the car sA. helpless B. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conC. indefensible E. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
E. Checking the tire press D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. D. never checking tire conA. helpless D. First, keep the car tire
D. Checking for car tires. B. driving at high speed C. indefensible E. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
B. Driving car A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conC. indefensible C. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiE. never going to the car sB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiE. never going to the car sB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
B. Driving car B. driving at high speed A. helpless D. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiE. never going to the car sB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
D. Checking for car tires. D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
A. How to check our car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiE. never going to the car sB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. E. never going to the car sB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
D. Checking for car tires. E. never going to the car sB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car C. bridging many people aC. indefensible B. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conC. indefensible C. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conC. indefensible B. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires A. helpless B. You also don’t need to
B. Driving car D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
B. Driving car B. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiC. bridging many people aC. indefensible C. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
B. Driving car B. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
B. Driving car D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car B. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiE. never going to the car sD. exposed D. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires A. helpless B. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
B. Driving car A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed C. indefensible E. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
B. Driving car B. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiE. never going to the car sB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
D. Checking for car tires. B. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conD. exposed E. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
A. How to check our car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
E. Checking the tire press D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
E. Checking the tire press B. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car B. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiE. never going to the car sB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
A. How to check our car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires C. indefensible A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
A. How to check our car tiA. underinflated car tires D. exposed D. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
B. Driving car C. bridging many people aC. indefensible B. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
B. Driving car B. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conD. exposed E. Ideally, you should che
D. Checking for car tires. A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiC. bridging many people aA. helpless A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
D. Checking for car tires. D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires D. exposed E. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conC. indefensible A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
E. Checking the tire press A. underinflated car tires E. in the line of fire C. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conC. indefensible A. Car tires that are well
E. Checking the tire press C. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
D. Checking for car tires. A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiE. never going to the car sB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. B. driving at high speed D. exposed D. First, keep the car tire
E. Checking the tire press B. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires E. in the line of fire D. First, keep the car tire
B. Driving car D. never checking tire conA. helpless A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car D. never checking tire conC. indefensible D. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed C. indefensible D. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. E. never going to the car sA. helpless D. First, keep the car tire
B. Driving car D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
B. Driving car B. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires C. indefensible A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conD. exposed A. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiE. never going to the car sD. exposed A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conD. exposed A. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
D. Checking for car tires. A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conD. exposed E. Ideally, you should che
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conD. exposed C. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
D. Checking for car tires. D. never checking tire conC. indefensible A. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conD. exposed A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
D. Checking for car tires. A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
B. Driving car D. never checking tire conC. indefensible B. You also don’t need to
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires E. in the line of fire A. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car D. never checking tire conC. indefensible D. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
A. How to check our car tiC. bridging many people aA. helpless C. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
E. Checking the tire press D. never checking tire conE. in the line of fire C. Caring for tires is actu
A. How to check our car tiC. bridging many people aC. indefensible A. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car A. underinflated car tires D. exposed B. You also don’t need to
B. Driving car B. driving at high speed C. indefensible C. Caring for tires is actu
D. Checking for car tires. A. underinflated car tires E. in the line of fire B. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
A. How to check our car tiE. never going to the car sD. exposed C. Caring for tires is actu
A. How to check our car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
E. Checking the tire press B. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car B. driving at high speed E. in the line of fire E. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
D. Checking for car tires. A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conC. indefensible A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
A. How to check our car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
D. Checking for car tires. A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
B. Driving car B. driving at high speed A. helpless D. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conC. indefensible A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
B. Driving car A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed C. indefensible C. Caring for tires is actu
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
E. Checking the tire press A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
E. Checking the tire press A. underinflated car tires A. helpless B. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car B. driving at high speed A. helpless C. Caring for tires is actu
B. Driving car A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiE. never going to the car sB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car B. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
A. How to check our car tiC. bridging many people aA. helpless B. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
D. Checking for car tires. A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
A. How to check our car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiB. driving at high speed E. in the line of fire C. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
B. Driving car D. never checking tire conC. indefensible A. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conC. indefensible E. Ideally, you should che
B. Driving car D. never checking tire conA. helpless B. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiE. never going to the car sD. exposed B. You also don’t need to
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conE. in the line of fire C. Caring for tires is actu
B. Driving car E. never going to the car sD. exposed A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires A. helpless A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. B. driving at high speed C. indefensible C. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
B. Driving car B. driving at high speed C. indefensible A. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiA. underinflated car tires C. indefensible B. You also don’t need to
D. Checking for car tires. D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
E. Checking the tire press D. never checking tire conA. helpless E. Ideally, you should che
A. How to check our car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
B. Driving car A. underinflated car tires C. indefensible D. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conC. indefensible D. First, keep the car tire
A. How to check our car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
A. How to check our car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
B. Driving car D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
A. How to check our car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
E. Checking the tire press B. driving at high speed C. indefensible A. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires A. helpless A. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car B. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conC. indefensible A. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiC. bridging many people aD. exposed B. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires D. exposed C. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires A. helpless A. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiB. driving at high speed C. indefensible E. Ideally, you should che
A. How to check our car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car D. never checking tire conC. indefensible C. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conE. in the line of fire A. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car E. never going to the car sB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
D. Checking for car tires. B. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
D. Checking for car tires. C. bridging many people aA. helpless E. Ideally, you should che
D. Checking for car tires. B. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
D. Checking for car tires. D. never checking tire conD. exposed A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiC. bridging many people aD. exposed E. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiC. bridging many people aB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conA. helpless D. First, keep the car tire
D. Checking for car tires. E. never going to the car sB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
A. How to check our car tiA. underinflated car tires D. exposed D. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires C. indefensible A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
A. How to check our car tiA. underinflated car tires D. exposed D. First, keep the car tire
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conC. indefensible A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
E. Checking the tire press A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
E. Checking the tire press D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
B. Driving car D. never checking tire conC. indefensible B. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerD. First, keep the car tire
D. Checking for car tires. D. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiB. driving at high speed A. helpless A. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
B. Driving car A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerB. You also don’t need to
C. Tips for caring for car tiB. driving at high speed B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
C. Tips for caring for car tiD. never checking tire conB. put someone in dangerC. Caring for tires is actu
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerE. Ideally, you should che
D. Checking for car tires. A. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
C. Tips for caring for car tiA. underinflated car tires B. put someone in dangerA. Car tires that are well
A. How to check our car tiA. underinflated car tires D. exposed D. First, keep the car tire
A. How to check our car tiA. underinflated car tires D. exposed D. First, keep the car tire
A. How to check our car tiA. underinflated car tires D. exposed D. First, keep the car tire
17. Which of the followi 18. Choose the correct i 19. Tina and Toni stoppe 20. Why is it important t
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiB. She has finished her h B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on C. to make the computer l
A. You can do spooring anA. The cat is sleeping on C. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anD. We watched a horror mo
E. in, on B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at A. to improve internet sp
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anB. She has finished her h B. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anB. She has finished her h E. in, on B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiA. The cat is sleeping on B. in front of, on C. to make the computer l
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h A. around, in E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at D. to increase battery life
E. Make sure to check theiE. The train arrives on timB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires B. She has finished her h A. around, in E. to prevent software cr
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h C. around, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in A. to improve internet sp
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at C. to make the computer l
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on C. to make the computer l
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can D. We watched a horror mo
A. around, in A. to improve internet sp
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can D. We watched a horror mo
E. in, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anD. We watched a horror mo
A. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires D. We watched a horror mo
B. in front of, on D. to increase battery life
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quE. in, on E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can D. We watched a horror mo
A. around, in D. to increase battery life
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can A. The cat is sleeping on E. in, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quE. in, on B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quE. in, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can E. The train arrives on timD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiD. We watched a horror mo
E. in, on A. to improve internet sp
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on A. to improve internet sp
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on C. to make the computer l
B. As a result, the tires A. The cat is sleeping on C. around, on C. to make the computer l
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quE. in, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h C. around, on E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anD. We watched a horror mo
C. around, on A. to improve internet sp
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h E. in, on E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiA. The cat is sleeping on B. in front of, on C. to make the computer l
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on C. to make the computer l
B. As a result, the tires D. We watched a horror mo
B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires E. The train arrives on timA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quE. in, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on C. to make the computer l
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on A. to improve internet sp
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quC. around, on E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiB. She has finished her h E. in, on A. to improve internet sp
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on A. to improve internet sp
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on C. to make the computer l
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at E. to prevent software cr
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h D. in front of, at E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quC. around, on E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires D. We watched a horror mo
B. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
E. Make sure to check theiB. She has finished her h C. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h A. around, in B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiA. The cat is sleeping on B. in front of, on C. to make the computer l
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at A. to improve internet sp
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quE. in, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on D. to increase battery life
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires B. She has finished her h A. around, in B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires D. We watched a horror mo
C. around, on E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on A. to improve internet sp
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can D. We watched a horror mo
A. around, in E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quE. in, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can E. The train arrives on timB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiB. She has finished her h B. in front of, on C. to make the computer l
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h A. around, in B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on E. to prevent software cr
E. Make sure to check theiD. We watched a horror mo
B. in front of, on A. to improve internet sp
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anB. She has finished her h B. in front of, on C. to make the computer l
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can A. The cat is sleeping on B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at C. to make the computer l
A. You can do spooring anB. She has finished her h B. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h A. around, in E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires A. The cat is sleeping on B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can D. We watched a horror mo
C. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anA. The cat is sleeping on B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at C. to make the computer l
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiB. She has finished her h E. in, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiD. We watched a horror mo
B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires B. She has finished her h C. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on A. to improve internet sp
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiB. She has finished her h E. in, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires B. She has finished her h A. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quE. in, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiB. She has finished her h B. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h A. around, in E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quE. in, on B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiA. The cat is sleeping on D. in front of, at A. to improve internet sp
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anA. The cat is sleeping on B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires D. We watched a horror mo
D. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anB. She has finished her h A. around, in A. to improve internet sp
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anB. She has finished her h A. around, in C. to make the computer l
E. Make sure to check theiB. She has finished her h C. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires D. We watched a horror mo
B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quE. in, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quE. in, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quE. in, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anB. She has finished her h B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
D. Underinflated car tires A. The cat is sleeping on A. around, in B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quE. in, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quE. in, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in C. to make the computer l
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on C. to make the computer l
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can D. We watched a horror mo
B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in C. to make the computer l
D. Underinflated car tires E. The train arrives on timB. in front of, on A. to improve internet sp
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in C. to make the computer l
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires E. The train arrives on timB. in front of, on C. to make the computer l
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in C. to make the computer l
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on D. to increase battery life
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anA. The cat is sleeping on B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quE. in, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in C. to make the computer l
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on A. to improve internet sp
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires A. The cat is sleeping on C. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h C. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in D. to increase battery life
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anA. The cat is sleeping on B. in front of, on C. to make the computer l
D. Underinflated car tires E. The train arrives on timD. in front of, at E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can E. The train arrives on timC. around, on C. to make the computer l
D. Underinflated car tires B. She has finished her h D. in front of, at A. to improve internet sp
D. Underinflated car tires B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can E. The train arrives on timB. in front of, on A. to improve internet sp
A. You can do spooring anB. She has finished her h D. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires A. The cat is sleeping on C. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires E. The train arrives on timA. around, in A. to improve internet sp
C. Driving overloaded can E. The train arrives on timE. in, on C. to make the computer l
E. Make sure to check theiE. The train arrives on timB. in front of, on C. to make the computer l
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anA. The cat is sleeping on C. around, on A. to improve internet sp
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anA. The cat is sleeping on A. around, in C. to make the computer l
B. As a result, the tires B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires A. The cat is sleeping on B. in front of, on A. to improve internet sp
A. You can do spooring anB. She has finished her h A. around, in A. to improve internet sp
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anE. The train arrives on timD. in front of, at E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires D. We watched a horror mo
E. in, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can D. We watched a horror mo
E. in, on C. to make the computer l
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires B. She has finished her h C. around, on A. to improve internet sp
D. Underinflated car tires E. The train arrives on timA. around, in C. to make the computer l
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can E. The train arrives on timA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiB. She has finished her h C. around, on C. to make the computer l
A. You can do spooring anB. She has finished her h B. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
E. Make sure to check theiD. We watched a horror mo
E. in, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anB. She has finished her h B. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anB. She has finished her h C. around, on A. to improve internet sp
B. As a result, the tires E. The train arrives on timD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiE. The train arrives on timB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can E. The train arrives on timC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anD. We watched a horror mo
D. in front of, at A. to improve internet sp
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires D. We watched a horror mo
C. around, on A. to improve internet sp
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can D. We watched a horror mo
B. in front of, on A. to improve internet sp
C. Driving overloaded can A. The cat is sleeping on B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can E. The train arrives on timA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires A. The cat is sleeping on C. around, on A. to improve internet sp
D. Underinflated car tires D. We watched a horror mo
D. in front of, at C. to make the computer l
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires D. We watched a horror mo
B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiB. She has finished her h B. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires A. The cat is sleeping on D. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quA. around, in C. to make the computer l
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on C. to make the computer l
E. Make sure to check theiB. She has finished her h B. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at A. to improve internet sp
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quE. in, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires A. The cat is sleeping on A. around, in B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiE. The train arrives on timB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can D. We watched a horror mo
C. around, on A. to improve internet sp
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h A. around, in B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quE. in, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
D. Underinflated car tires D. We watched a horror mo
B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can A. The cat is sleeping on C. around, on C. to make the computer l
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quE. in, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at A. to improve internet sp
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in D. to increase battery life
D. Underinflated car tires D. We watched a horror mo
B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on A. to improve internet sp
D. Underinflated car tires D. We watched a horror mo
C. around, on A. to improve internet sp
D. Underinflated car tires D. We watched a horror mo
B. in front of, on C. to make the computer l
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on D. to increase battery life
D. Underinflated car tires A. The cat is sleeping on B. in front of, on D. to increase battery life
A. You can do spooring anD. We watched a horror mo
B. in front of, on A. to improve internet sp
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on D. to increase battery life
D. Underinflated car tires A. The cat is sleeping on A. around, in B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can A. The cat is sleeping on D. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires B. She has finished her h B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires A. The cat is sleeping on B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiB. She has finished her h D. in front of, at C. to make the computer l
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can D. We watched a horror mo
A. around, in B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anA. The cat is sleeping on B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at A. to improve internet sp
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires B. She has finished her h D. in front of, at E. to prevent software cr
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in E. to prevent software cr
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can D. We watched a horror mo
E. in, on A. to improve internet sp
D. Underinflated car tires D. We watched a horror mo
D. in front of, at A. to improve internet sp
A. You can do spooring anE. The train arrives on timB. in front of, on C. to make the computer l
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on E. to prevent software cr
E. Make sure to check theiC. Please close the door quA. around, in B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can B. She has finished her h A. around, in B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires A. The cat is sleeping on B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
D. Underinflated car tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at A. to improve internet sp
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quB. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can A. The cat is sleeping on D. in front of, at A. to improve internet sp
C. Driving overloaded can C. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
C. Driving overloaded can A. The cat is sleeping on D. in front of, at E. to prevent software cr
A. You can do spooring anC. Please close the door quD. in front of, at B. to prevent overheating
A. You can do spooring anB. She has finished her h A. around, in A. to improve internet sp
E. Make sure to check theiB. She has finished her h B. in front of, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
B. As a result, the tires C. Please close the door quC. around, on B. to prevent overheating
21. What potential dama22. How does dirt on the 23. Which of the followin24. Which of the followin
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
A. Improved performanceD. It reduces electricity D. As a result, the compute
E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer B. If left running continu C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
A. Improved performanceC. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
A. Improved performanceC. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
E. Enhanced graphics per C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o D. As a result, the compute
A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle D. Sooner or later if not
D. Better battery life A. It makes the computer A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling B. If left running continu B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o D. As a result, the compute
A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render E. It speeds up the fan rotA. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle C. Because the dirt-covered
A. Improved performanceC. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o D. As a result, the compute
E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
C. Increased internet spe C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
A. Improved performanceB. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
D. Better battery life E. It speeds up the fan rotB. If left running continu E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling B. If left running continu C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render D. It reduces electricity A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
D. Better battery life C. It hinders ventilation o D. As a result, the compute
A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
A. Improved performanceB. It improves the cooling D. As a result, the compute
B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer D. As a result, the compute
E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, C. Because the dirt-covered
C. Increased internet spe B. It improves the cooling C. If it heats up like this, C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
D. Better battery life C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
A. Improved performanceB. It improves the cooling B. If left running continu C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
D. Better battery life E. It speeds up the fan rotC. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
C. Increased internet spe C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
E. Enhanced graphics per B. It improves the cooling B. If left running continu D. Sooner or later if not
D. Better battery life E. It speeds up the fan rotC. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render E. It speeds up the fan rotC. If it heats up like this, D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
A. Improved performanceC. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle D. Sooner or later if not
C. Increased internet spe B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
C. Increased internet spe A. It makes the computer D. As a result, the compute
E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer B. If left running continu B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render E. It speeds up the fan rotA. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
C. Increased internet spe B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
E. Enhanced graphics per C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
C. Increased internet spe C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
D. Better battery life E. It speeds up the fan rotC. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
E. Enhanced graphics per D. It reduces electricity C. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
A. Improved performanceB. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
A. Improved performanceB. It improves the cooling B. If left running continu C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer C. If it heats up like this, C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render D. It reduces electricity B. If left running continu A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
C. Increased internet spe D. It reduces electricity D. As a result, the compute
D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render D. It reduces electricity A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
C. Increased internet spe C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
E. Enhanced graphics per C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer C. If it heats up like this, B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
C. Increased internet spe C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render E. It speeds up the fan rotA. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
E. Enhanced graphics per E. It speeds up the fan rotA. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render E. It speeds up the fan rotA. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render E. It speeds up the fan rotA. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer E. From now on try to cle C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
D. Better battery life A. It makes the computer B. If left running continu B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
E. Enhanced graphics per B. It improves the cooling B. If left running continu C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o D. As a result, the compute
D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, D. Sooner or later if not
C. Increased internet spe E. It speeds up the fan rotB. If left running continu A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
D. Better battery life B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o D. As a result, the compute
C. Because the dirt-covered
A. Improved performanceC. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render D. It reduces electricity A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render D. It reduces electricity A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
A. Improved performanceC. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer C. If it heats up like this, E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
C. Increased internet spe C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render D. It reduces electricity A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o D. As a result, the compute
C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer C. If it heats up like this, B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling E. From now on try to cle E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render D. It reduces electricity D. As a result, the compute
B. If left running continu
C. Increased internet spe A. It makes the computer A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render D. It reduces electricity D. As a result, the compute
B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render D. It reduces electricity D. As a result, the compute
B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render D. It reduces electricity D. As a result, the compute
D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu C. Because the dirt-covered
C. Increased internet spe A. It makes the computer E. From now on try to cle C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render D. It reduces electricity D. As a result, the compute
B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer E. From now on try to cle B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
C. Increased internet spe D. It reduces electricity E. From now on try to cle A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling B. If left running continu D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
A. Improved performanceC. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling C. If it heats up like this, C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
D. Better battery life B. It improves the cooling B. If left running continu E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o D. As a result, the compute
E. In addition to the com
C. Increased internet spe E. It speeds up the fan rotC. If it heats up like this, C. Because the dirt-covered
C. Increased internet spe D. It reduces electricity B. If left running continu A. If it heats up like this
C. Increased internet spe C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu A. If it heats up like this
E. Enhanced graphics per C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu C. Because the dirt-covered
D. Better battery life D. It reduces electricity A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
E. Enhanced graphics per A. It makes the computer D. As a result, the compute
C. Because the dirt-covered
E. Enhanced graphics per C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
E. Enhanced graphics per D. It reduces electricity A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
A. Improved performanceC. It hinders ventilation o D. As a result, the compute
A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render D. It reduces electricity B. If left running continu B. If left running continu
A. Improved performanceB. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, B. If left running continu
A. Improved performanceE. It speeds up the fan rotD. As a result, the compute
B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
A. Improved performanceD. It reduces electricity B. If left running continu C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
C. Increased internet spe D. It reduces electricity C. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
E. Enhanced graphics per A. It makes the computer C. If it heats up like this, D. Sooner or later if not
A. Improved performanceC. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render D. It reduces electricity E. From now on try to cle E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
A. Improved performanceC. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
C. Increased internet spe D. It reduces electricity A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
A. Improved performanceA. It makes the computer B. If left running continu B. If left running continu
A. Improved performanceA. It makes the computer A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling E. From now on try to cle A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
C. Increased internet spe A. It makes the computer A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o D. As a result, the compute
C. Because the dirt-covered
A. Improved performanceB. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render D. It reduces electricity A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
D. Better battery life C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
D. Better battery life C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer C. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
D. Better battery life E. It speeds up the fan rotD. As a result, the compute
A. If it heats up like this
E. Enhanced graphics per C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
A. Improved performanceC. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle D. Sooner or later if not
C. Increased internet spe B. It improves the cooling C. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling E. From now on try to cle A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
C. Increased internet spe D. It reduces electricity A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o D. As a result, the compute
C. Because the dirt-covered
C. Increased internet spe A. It makes the computer B. If left running continu B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
D. Better battery life C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
C. Increased internet spe C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o D. As a result, the compute
A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
E. Enhanced graphics per D. It reduces electricity C. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
A. Improved performanceA. It makes the computer C. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
D. Better battery life E. It speeds up the fan rotC. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
D. Better battery life B. It improves the cooling C. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
D. Better battery life D. It reduces electricity B. If left running continu E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render A. It makes the computer C. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
C. Increased internet spe D. It reduces electricity E. From now on try to cle C. Because the dirt-covered
E. Enhanced graphics per C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu A. If it heats up like this
E. Enhanced graphics per A. It makes the computer E. From now on try to cle C. Because the dirt-covered
A. Improved performanceD. It reduces electricity E. From now on try to cle B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling C. If it heats up like this, A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle C. Because the dirt-covered
C. Increased internet spe C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu D. Sooner or later if not
A. Improved performanceC. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
E. Enhanced graphics per B. It improves the cooling B. If left running continu D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o C. If it heats up like this, E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
C. Increased internet spe D. It reduces electricity B. If left running continu D. Sooner or later if not
D. Better battery life C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o E. From now on try to cle E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
E. Enhanced graphics per D. It reduces electricity A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling B. If left running continu C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling B. If left running continu C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render B. It improves the cooling C. If it heats up like this, D. Sooner or later if not
C. Increased internet spe C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o B. If left running continu E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
C. Increased internet spe B. It improves the cooling D. As a result, the compute
A. If it heats up like this
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast A. If it heats up like this
A. Improved performanceC. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast C. Because the dirt-covered
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast E. In addition to the com
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast B. If left running continu
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
B. A short circuit, render C. It hinders ventilation o A. Dirt stuck to the Heast D. Sooner or later if not
25. “The letters on the keyboard also become difficult to press, and even if you can press them, the letters do not appear on the sc
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
D. free
E. hold down
D. free
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
A. release
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
A. release
B. unhand
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
D. free
B. unhand
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
A. release
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
C. unlock
D. free
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
C. unlock
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
C. unlock
C. unlock
E. hold down
D. free
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
C. unlock
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
B. unhand
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
D. free
C. unlock
D. free
C. unlock
E. hold down
B. unhand
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
D. free
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
D. free
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
A. release
B. unhand
C. unlock
E. hold down
D. free
D. free
D. free
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
D. free
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
D. free
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
D. free
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
D. free
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
D. free
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
D. free
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
D. free
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
D. free
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
D. free
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
C. unlock
E. hold down
B. unhand
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
C. unlock
A. release
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
C. unlock
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
C. unlock
E. hold down
D. free
E. hold down
C. unlock
D. free
D. free
C. unlock
A. release
A. release
B. unhand
C. unlock
D. free
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
A. release
E. hold down
C. unlock
B. unhand
C. unlock
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
B. unhand
E. hold down
A. release
A. release
C. unlock
C. unlock
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
E. hold down
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
C. unlock
B. unhand
A. release
B. unhand
A. release
E. hold down
A. release
C. unlock
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
C. unlock
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
A. release
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
C. unlock
B. unhand
A. release
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
B. unhand
B. unhand
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
E. hold down
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
C. unlock
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
C. unlock
C. unlock
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
B. unhand
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
A. release
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
B. unhand
C. unlock
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
E. hold down
ess them, the letters do not appear on the screen.” The word in bold has the synonym as …
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 10:53:44 Achmad Fazhry 64 / 100 XI TKR 1
2 6/4/2024 11:08:42 ALDI 68 / 100 XI TKR 1
3 6/4/2024 10:51:12 CAHAYA MUABAD GENT 72 / 100 XI TKR 1
4 6/4/2024 10:40:23 DENI RAHMAN 68 / 100 XI TKR 1
5 6/4/2024 10:38:36 Edo ramdani 80 / 100 XI TKR 1
6 6/4/2024 11:14:29 FADLI JUNIARDI SUSENDI 64 / 100 XI TKR 1
7 6/4/2024 10:54:53 FARREL ANDHIKA HIDAY 28 / 100 XI TKR 1
8 6/4/2024 10:40:28 Ilham 68 / 100 XI TKR 1
9 6/4/2024 10:55:12 ISAN 64 / 100 XI TKR 1
10 6/4/2024 11:13:55 M FARHAN SR 56 / 100 XI TKR 1
11 6/4/2024 10:43:02 m irpan 72 / 100 XI TKR 1
12 6/4/2024 10:36:26 M YOGI SAPUTRA 80 / 100 XI TKR 1
13 6/4/2024 10:38:25 M.Falah Hafriansyah 28 / 100 XI TKR 1
14 6/4/2024 11:14:44 MOCHAMMAD REIJA AL F 72 / 100 XI TKR 1
15 6/4/2024 11:03:07 MUHAMAD APRIANSYAH 72 / 100 XI TKR 1
16 6/4/2024 10:51:55 MUHAMAD NIZAR RAMDA 64 / 100 XI TKR 1
17 6/4/2024 10:54:35 MUHAMAD RAMDAN 72 / 100 XI TKR 1
18 6/4/2024 10:42:08 Muhamad Riski 80 / 100 XI TKR 1
19 6/4/2024 11:12:39 MUHAMAD RIZKI FEBRIA 52 / 100 XI TKR 1
20 6/4/2024 10:54:00 Muhamad Sandika 28 / 100 XI TKR 1
21 6/4/2024 10:48:19 MUHAMMAD ABDUL AJIS 28 / 100 XI TKR 1
22 6/4/2024 11:14:37 MUHAMMAD HERLAN 60 / 100 XI TKR 1
23 6/4/2024 10:43:10 MUHAMMAD RIZALDI HAF 80 / 100 XI TKR 1
24 6/4/2024 11:01:02 NURDIN 72 / 100 XI TKR 1
25 6/4/2024 10:43:21 RADITHIA SURYA PRATA 72 / 100 XI TKR 1
26 6/4/2024 11:02:13 RENSA MARDIANSYAH 80 / 100 XI TKR 1
27 6/4/2024 11:18:46 ROYANI 68 / 100 XI TKR 1
28 6/4/2024 10:54:06 SANDI SUHENDI 36 / 100 XI TKR 1
29 6/4/2024 10:55:48 SUPIAN 64 / 100 XI TKR 1
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 10:53:53 ALIF TRI ANGGONO 36 / 100 XI TKR 2
2 6/4/2024 10:50:26 Aprian maulana 44 / 100 XI TKR 2
3 6/4/2024 10:53:08 BANGKIT SANJAYA 36 / 100 XI TKR 2
4 6/4/2024 10:50:20 CINTA SUCI WULAN DARI 76 / 100 XI TKR 2
5 6/4/2024 10:52:04 DIKI SANDI APRIANSYAH 68 / 100 XI TKR 2
6 6/4/2024 11:01:37 EGA JUNIAR 80 / 100 XI TKR 2
7 6/4/2024 10:53:04 FAHRI 40 / 100 XI TKR 2
8 6/4/2024 10:51:32 KHAERUL ANWAR 68 / 100 XI TKR 2
9 6/4/2024 10:49:22 M ANDIKA EVANDRA AKB 68 / 100 XI TKR 2
10 6/4/2024 10:40:44 M RIZAL AL UBAIDILLAH 52 / 100 XI TKR 2
11 6/4/2024 10:54:43 M.FIRMAN SAPUTRA 36 / 100 XI TKR 2
12 6/4/2024 11:01:58 Mahul Maulana 84 / 100 XI TKR 2
13 6/4/2024 11:11:17 MOCHAMMAD AGUSTYAN 64 / 100 XI TKR 2
14 6/4/2024 11:11:36 MOH RIJKI AULIA 40 / 100 XI TKR 2
15 6/4/2024 10:53:23 MUHAMAD DANIAL HIDA 40 / 100 XI TKR 2
16 6/4/2024 11:14:53 MUHAMAD JAMALUDIN 64 / 100 XI TKR 2
17 6/4/2024 11:01:43 MUHAMAD MALIK ALBAD 84 / 100 XI TKR 2
18 6/4/2024 10:53:15 MUHAMAD PARID MAUL 60 / 100 XI TKR 2
19 6/4/2024 11:15:07 MUHAMAD RAMI 64 / 100 XI TKR 2
20 6/4/2024 10:52:21 MUHAMMAD ARDIAN 64 / 100 XI TKR 2
21 6/4/2024 10:51:40 Muhammad riyan 12 / 100 XI TKR 2
22 6/4/2024 10:56:30 MUHAMMAD ROHMAN 28 / 100 XI TKR 2
23 6/4/2024 10:53:44 NURHALIZA 68 / 100 XI TKR 2
24 6/4/2024 10:46:02 RAIHAN 36 / 100 XI TKR 2
25 6/4/2024 10:41:51 REPAN 12 / 100 XI TKR 2
26 6/4/2024 11:28:45 RIZWAN 76 / 100 XI TKR 2
27 6/4/2024 10:57:01 Ruli Mulyadi 8 / 100 XI TKR 2
28 6/4/2024 10:42:50 SURYA ANDIKA 32 / 100 XI TKR 2
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 11:01:47 ALWI SAHPUTRA 8 / 100 XI TKR 3
2 6/4/2024 10:39:29 ARDIANSYAH 8 / 100 XI TKR 3
3 6/4/2024 10:29:32 BAYU SAPUTRA 20 / 100 XI TKR 3
4 6/4/2024 10:47:18 DEDE RIKI 40 / 100 XI TKR 3
5 6/4/2024 10:45:13 Dira saputra 24 / 100 XI TKR 3
6 6/4/2024 10:56:07 Epan Hidayat 56 / 100 XI TKR 3
7 6/4/2024 10:36:32 FAJAR NURFAUZI 24 / 100 XI TKR 3
8 6/4/2024 10:40:02 HENDRA 48 / 100 XI TKR 3
9 6/4/2024 10:34:04 INDRA GUNAWAN 8 / 100 XI TKR 3
10 6/4/2024 10:37:13 LUKMAN BAENURI 20 / 100 XI TKR 3
11 6/4/2024 11:15:05 M FADILAH AL-FAZAL 76 / 100 XI TKR 3
12 6/4/2024 11:01:54 M FADLAN ARIFKI 84 / 100 XI TKR 3
13 6/4/2024 10:53:44 M pahrul 60 / 100 XI TKR 3
14 6/4/2024 11:13:55 M.ARI SUPRIATNA 44 / 100 XI TKR 3
15 6/4/2024 11:06:41 M.RASYA ARDIANSYAH 64 / 100 XI TKR 3
16 6/4/2024 11:01:02 M.SALMAN MAULANA 44 / 100 XI TKR 3
17 6/4/2024 10:32:12 MARWAN 48 / 100 XI TKR 3
18 6/4/2024 10:30:50 Moh Aldi juliansah 28 / 100 XI TKR 3
19 6/4/2024 10:54:55 MOH RIZAL NUR PAUZI 36 / 100 XI TKR 3
20 6/4/2024 10:49:54 MUHAMAD LAZWAZALVA 60 / 100 XI TKR 3
21 6/4/2024 10:58:57 MUHAMAD REHAN 68 / 100 XI TKR 3
22 6/4/2024 10:55:29 MUHAMAD RIZAL 64 / 100 XI TKR 3
23 6/4/2024 10:49:00 MUHAMAD RUSLAN 76 / 100 XI TKR 3
24 6/4/2024 11:01:53 MUHAMADYUSUP 80 / 100 XI TKR 3
25 6/4/2024 10:35:19 Muhammad Andika putra Per 12 / 100 XI TKR 3
26 6/4/2024 11:17:47 MUHAMMAD ARYA ALGIF 68 / 100 XI TKR 3
27 6/4/2024 10:38:17 Muhammad rafli afrilliansyah 20 / 100 XI TKR 3
28 6/4/2024 10:56:35 MUHAMMAD ZIDAN FIRD 84 / 100 XI TKR 3
29 6/4/2024 10:32:04 Rangga suganda 16 / 100 XI TKR 3
30 6/4/2024 11:02:41 REVAN DIANSYAH 52 / 100 XI TKR 3
31 6/4/2024 10:33:46 ROBI M IKBAL 24 / 100 XI TKR 3
32 6/4/2024 10:36:12 SAHRUL ALDI GUNAWAN 24 / 100 XI TKR 3
33 6/4/2024 11:01:50 SATRIA MUHAMAD NUR F 84 / 100 XI TKR 3
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 10:53:27 ANDHIKA LINGGA KAYLA 68 / 100 XI TKR 4
2 6/4/2024 11:06:10 ASRI SITI MAULIDA 56 / 100 XI TKR 4
3 6/4/2024 10:44:08 BUDI 44 / 100 XI TKR 4
4 6/4/2024 11:15:03 DENDI PERMANA 28 / 100 XI TKR 4
5 6/4/2024 10:46:10 ESA ANUGRAH PUTRA 72 / 100 XI TKR 4
6 6/4/2024 10:48:22 FAJAR FADILA 64 / 100 XI TKR 4
7 6/4/2024 10:44:38 IRFAN MAULANA 44 / 100 XI TKR 4
8 6/4/2024 10:40:22 M Angga Nazla Nispian 20 / 100 XI TKR 4
9 6/4/2024 11:16:52 M DALFA RIDWAN ISMAIL 68 / 100 XI TKR 4
10 6/4/2024 10:52:57 M.AGUNG 56 / 100 XI TKR 4
11 6/4/2024 10:36:31 M.FAIZAL.RAMADAN.S 60 / 100 XI TKR 4
12 6/4/2024 10:43:21 Moch Salim Al reza 64 / 100 XI TKR 4
13 6/4/2024 10:37:17 MOHAMAD FAHRI RAMAD 72 / 100 XI TKR 4
14 6/4/2024 10:59:42 MUHAMAD HILMAN ARD 56 / 100 XI TKR 4
15 6/4/2024 11:06:04 MUHAMAD NANAR ROYA 44 / 100 XI TKR 4
16 6/4/2024 10:37:20 MUHAMAD RAFIQ AFRIY 12 / 100 XI TKR 4
17 6/4/2024 10:42:07 MUHAMAD RAJIB 72 / 100 XI TKR 4
18 6/4/2024 10:28:21 MUHAMAD RIKI 16 / 100 XI TKR 4
19 6/4/2024 10:55:42 MUHAMAD RIZKI 60 / 100 XI TKR 4
20 6/4/2024 11:16:27 MUHAMMAD BAGJA 88 / 100 XI TKR 4
21 6/4/2024 10:36:42 MULKY TRI RAMDANI 36 / 100 XI TKR 4
22 6/4/2024 10:52:12 Pijay 20 / 100 XI TKR 4
23 6/4/2024 10:44:02 Rehan 20 / 100 XI TKR 4
24 6/4/2024 10:46:05 ridho ramadani nugraha 24 / 100 XI TKR 4
25 6/4/2024 11:20:24 ROJUDIN 20 / 100 XI TKR 4
26 6/4/2024 11:00:58 SAKIQ BALHI 80 / 100 XI TKR 4
27 6/4/2024 10:45:24 SITI JENAB 68 / 100 XI TKR 4
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 10:52:58 A.MUHAMAD RAMLI Z 76 / 100 XI TP 1
2 6/4/2024 10:58:53 ABDUL QOHAR 36 / 100 XI TP 1
3 6/4/2024 10:53:22 ADAM DARMAWAN 68 / 100 XI TP 1
4 6/4/2024 10:26:40 AHMAD ZHENY 28 / 100 XI TP 1
5 6/4/2024 10:57:11 ANWAR FAUZAN 64 / 100 XI TP 1
6 6/4/2024 10:51:49 DANI SADUL HOLQI 72 / 100 XI TP 1
7 6/4/2024 10:59:39 DENI KURNIAWAN 60 / 100 XI TP 1
8 6/4/2024 11:01:13 FAJAR PIJRIH 76 / 100 XI TP 1
9 6/4/2024 11:21:59 GILANG SAPUTRA 68 / 100 XI TP 1
10 6/4/2024 10:50:33 Hendi setiawan 36 / 100 XI TP 1
11 6/4/2024 10:52:32 INDRA RIZQI APRIANSYA 72 / 100 XI TP 1
12 6/4/2024 10:58:27 JAMILUDIN 64 / 100 XI TP 1
13 6/4/2024 10:54:27 LUAI NADER KHALED AL 84 / 100 XI TP 1
14 6/4/2024 10:42:05 M GALBI ALBAILUT 56 / 100 XI TP 1
15 6/4/2024 10:31:35 M.indra 16 / 100 XI TP 1
16 6/4/2024 10:53:47 M.YUNUS 56 / 100 XI TP 1
17 6/4/2024 10:53:46 MOCHAMAD IWAN SUGAN 20 / 100 XI TP 1
18 6/4/2024 10:47:16 MOH. ALFIANSYAH 64 / 100 XI TP 1
19 6/4/2024 10:46:18 MUHAMAD ASEP 68 / 100 XI TP 1
20 6/4/2024 11:13:26 MUHAMAD FAHREZI 60 / 100 XI TP 1
21 6/4/2024 10:59:11 MUHAMAD INDAR 28 / 100 XI TP 1
22 6/4/2024 11:03:35 MUHAMAD NUR IKHSAN 28 / 100 XI TP 1
23 6/4/2024 11:18:32 MUHAMAD RIZKI RAMAD 56 / 100 XI TP 1
24 6/4/2024 10:50:01 MUHAMMAD EGA 64 / 100 XI TP 1
25 6/4/2024 10:47:31 MUHAMMAD TEGUH FITR 48 / 100 XI TP 1
26 6/4/2024 11:33:29 Parhan 20 / 100 XI TP 1
27 6/4/2024 10:47:31 RAIHAN 64 / 100 XI TP 1
28 6/4/2024 10:45:54 Sabda Aulia 64 / 100 XI TP 1
29 6/4/2024 11:13:54 YUDA DESTIAN 64 / 100 XI TP 1
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 10:26:49 ABDUL AZIS MAULANA 8 / 100 XI TP 2
2 6/4/2024 10:50:12 ABDULALH MUJIB 52 / 100 XI TP 2
3 6/4/2024 10:48:42 ADI HAFIDZ MULYANA 88 / 100 XI TP 2
4 6/4/2024 11:02:01 ALAN RIZQI 44 / 100 XI TP 2
5 6/4/2024 10:55:56 ARIS M ISMAIL 32 / 100 XI TP 2
6 6/4/2024 10:47:51 DEDI ARIPIN SAPUTRA 44 / 100 XI TP 2
7 6/4/2024 10:38:52 ENCEP NURYANA 76 / 100 XI TP 2
8 6/4/2024 11:01:59 FALIQ AQSHAL FAUZAN 48 / 100 XI TP 2
9 6/4/2024 11:02:00 HANDREL DWI PRASETIO 48 / 100 XI TP 2
10 6/4/2024 10:47:37 IRFAN MUHAMAD SIDIK 44 / 100 XI TP 2
11 6/4/2024 11:08:32 Laras sri rahyu 64 / 100 XI TP 2
12 6/4/2024 10:41:21 M NURMANSYAH 12 / 100 XI TP 2
13 6/4/2024 11:35:23 M. Reva septiana 16 / 100 XI TP 2
14 6/4/2024 10:53:58 M.AGUNG GUNAWAN 36 / 100 XI TP 2
15 6/4/2024 10:50:11 MAULIDIANTO APRIANS 64 / 100 XI TP 2
16 6/4/2024 10:29:56 MOH DANIL ABIYANSAH 20 / 100 XI TP 2
17 6/4/2024 10:31:40 MUHAAMAD ILHAM 28 / 100 XI TP 2
18 6/4/2024 10:49:44 MUHAMAD FAHRI FIRDAU 20 / 100 XI TP 2
19 6/4/2024 10:28:05 Muhamad kandias 12 / 100 XI TP 2
20 6/4/2024 10:38:42 MUHAMAD RIFKI ARDIAN 24 / 100 XI TP 2
21 6/4/2024 11:00:58 MUHAMAD YUSUP ALAN 24 / 100 XI TP 2
22 6/4/2024 10:27:40 MUHAMMAD FAISAL 28 / 100 XI TP 2
23 6/4/2024 10:53:40 MUHAMMAD HERDIANSY 44 / 100 XI TP 2
24 6/4/2024 10:56:38 MUHAMMAD YUSUF AMA 72 / 100 XI TP 2
25 6/4/2024 10:55:48 PERDI 40 / 100 XI TP 2
26 6/4/2024 10:39:40 RIDO ANGGARA YUSUP 52 / 100 XI TP 2
27 6/4/2024 11:12:44 SAHID 68 / 100 XI TP 2
28 6/4/2024 10:51:03 SANDI MUHAMAD 40 / 100 XI TP 2
29 6/4/2024 10:56:51 ZULFI FAHRI RAMADAN 68 / 100 XI TP 2
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 11:08:13 ABDUL BARI 72 / 100 XI TP 3
2 6/4/2024 10:40:31 ABDULLAH 32 / 100 XI TP 3
3 6/4/2024 11:02:17 Ahmad muhammuin 28 / 100 XI TP 3
4 6/4/2024 10:56:10 Ananda Arnesta 60 / 100 XI TP 3
5 6/4/2024 10:50:07 AZIZ FIRMANSYAH 68 / 100 XI TP 3
6 6/4/2024 10:59:25 DENDA 56 / 100 XI TP 3
7 6/4/2024 11:01:05 DENI 72 / 100 XI TP 3
8 6/4/2024 10:36:05 FAHRI FAUZI 56 / 100 XI TP 3
9 6/4/2024 11:04:12 FAZRI RAMADHAN 72 / 100 XI TP 3
10 6/4/2024 11:09:29 Hegar Allukman 68 / 100 XI TP 3
11 6/4/2024 11:01:17 INDRA PRATAMA 68 / 100 XI TP 3
12 6/4/2024 11:04:40 JAKI 40 / 100 XI TP 3
13 6/4/2024 10:51:04 LINTANG KURNIA SATRIAJ 64 / 100 XI TP 3
14 6/4/2024 11:08:12 M PUTRA ZAKI ADNAN 52 / 100 XI TP 3
15 6/4/2024 11:30:00 M. RHAISAL ABDALAH 80 / 100 XI TP 3
16 6/4/2024 11:02:48 M.SALMAN AL-PARISI 80 / 100 XI TP 3
17 6/4/2024 11:08:10 M.SALMAN FARIZI 28 / 100 XI TP 3
18 6/4/2024 10:35:01 Moch rivaldi 24 / 100 XI TP 3
19 6/4/2024 10:30:25 MOH RAMDANI 16 / 100 XI TP 3
20 6/4/2024 11:02:29 MUHAHAMMAD ADITYA 64 / 100 XI TP 3
21 6/4/2024 10:48:59 MUHAMAD DANDI 60 / 100 XI TP 3
22 6/4/2024 11:11:21 MUHAMAD FAJRI MAULA 64 / 100 XI TP 3
23 6/4/2024 11:17:46 MUHAMAD ILHAM 48 / 100 XI TP 3
24 6/4/2024 11:12:53 MUHAMAD IMAN MAHES 56 / 100 XI TP 3
25 6/4/2024 11:10:43 Muhamad Nazriel Irham 72 / 100 XI TP 3
26 6/4/2024 11:04:18 MUHAMAD PAISAL SUHE 72 / 100 XI TP 3
27 6/4/2024 10:48:32 MUHAMAD RIZAL FAUZI 32 / 100 XI TP 3
28 6/4/2024 10:54:28 MUHAMMAD ARDIANSYA 68 / 100 XI TP 3
29 6/4/2024 11:21:18 MUHAMMAD RIFQI SYAH 52 / 100 XI TP 3
30 6/4/2024 11:16:33 RAHMADANI 88 / 100 XI TP 3
31 6/4/2024 11:09:02 RENDI SEPTIAN 44 / 100 XI TP 3
32 6/4/2024 11:11:25 Ridwan Febriansyah 72 / 100 XI TP 3
33 6/4/2024 11:01:21 ROBY ALAMSAH 72 / 100 XI TP 3
34 6/4/2024 11:01:14 SALMAN ALFARIZI35 72 / 100 XI TP 3
35 6/4/2024 11:01:23 SUPRIATNA 72 / 100 XI TP 3
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 10:56:12 ADAM DAVA NUGRAHA 76 / 100 XI DKV 1
2 6/4/2024 11:17:26 ADELIA RAHMA A 76 / 100 XI DKV 1
3 6/4/2024 11:16:29 ARSYI FADILLA 72 / 100 XI DKV 1
4 6/4/2024 10:59:29 BAGUS SIDDIQ MAULANA 64 / 100 XI DKV 1
5 6/4/2024 11:01:08 DENDEN HIDAYATULOH 88 / 100 XI DKV 1
6 6/4/2024 10:42:52 DINA RAHMAWATI 84 / 100 XI DKV 1
7 6/4/2024 11:00:49 FAISAL 84 / 100 XI DKV 1
8 6/4/2024 10:49:02 Fauzi bowo 60 / 100 XI DKV 1
9 6/4/2024 10:45:52 IKSAL M FAUZI 36 / 100 XI DKV 1
10 6/4/2024 10:57:09 INTAN WIDIANI 88 / 100 XI DKV 1
11 6/4/2024 11:07:46 M ROMAN SUNDA 24 / 100 XI DKV 1
12 6/4/2024 11:02:57 MIA RAHMAWATI 84 / 100 XI DKV 1
13 6/4/2024 10:48:58 Moch. Anom Surya 60 / 100 XI DKV 1
14 6/4/2024 11:09:53 MOH HASAN MAULANA 64 / 100 XI DKV 1
15 6/4/2024 10:49:15 MOHAMAD WIDI AGISNA 76 / 100 XI DKV 1
16 6/4/2024 10:48:09 MUHAMAD ALVAUDJAN N 60 / 100 XI DKV 1
17 6/4/2024 11:01:13 MUHAMAD FAISAL HABIB 88 / 100 XI DKV 1
18 6/4/2024 10:49:08 MUHAMAD YUSUP 56 / 100 XI DKV 1
19 6/4/2024 11:01:01 MUHAMMAD RIFKY 84 / 100 XI DKV 1
20 6/4/2024 11:01:15 NABILLA SITI KALISYA 84 / 100 XI DKV 1
21 6/4/2024 11:01:12 NAJWA AMALIA SYARIFA 88 / 100 XI DKV 1
22 6/4/2024 11:04:06 NIA RAHMAWATI 84 / 100 XI DKV 1
23 6/4/2024 10:57:20 RAHMA SRI NATA 60 / 100 XI DKV 1
24 6/4/2024 11:03:12 REVA ALIFAH FAUZIAH 88 / 100 XI DKV 1
25 6/4/2024 10:49:26 REZA FAUZI 68 / 100 XI DKV 1
26 6/4/2024 10:47:31 RISMA RIMAYANTI 4 / 100 XI DKV 1
27 6/4/2024 10:48:00 SELIA AZLISAH 80 / 100 XI DKV 1
28 6/4/2024 10:51:41 SITI ALIYA NURFATIMAH 80 / 100 XI DKV 1
29 6/4/2024 11:15:05 SITI FATYA 72 / 100 XI DKV 1
30 6/4/2024 11:15:44 SITI MASROFAH 72 / 100 XI DKV 1
31 6/4/2024 11:02:08 SITI NAZIRA AULIA 64 / 100 XI DKV 1
32 6/4/2024 11:07:47 SITI SARAH 52 / 100 XI DKV 1
33 6/4/2024 11:01:34 SUCI RAHMAWATI 88 / 100 XI DKV 1
34 6/4/2024 11:13:14 WIDA NURPADILAH 72 / 100 XI DKV 1
35 6/4/2024 10:56:59 WILA NADILA 68 / 100 XI DKV 1
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 11:06:45 AHMAD JASMANTA 64 / 100 XI DKV 2
2 6/4/2024 11:00:19 BIMO SIRAD 92 / 100 XI DKV 2
3 6/4/2024 11:09:24 DEFA SAFITRI 68 / 100 XI DKV 2
4 6/4/2024 10:55:43 DHAVIN FIRDAUS KAER 28 / 100 XI DKV 2
5 6/4/2024 11:08:13 DWIE ASIH HARGITA 72 / 100 XI DKV 2
6 6/4/2024 11:06:02 FATHIR.MUHAMMAD 80 / 100 XI DKV 2
7 6/4/2024 11:05:55 GALIH RAJA GUNAWAN 36 / 100 XI DKV 2
8 6/4/2024 10:43:55 KEISYA ALBIENA 84 / 100 XI DKV 2
9 6/4/2024 10:51:48 M ALDI GUMELAR 32 / 100 XI DKV 2
10 6/4/2024 10:41:08 M RANGGA REFAL S 28 / 100 XI DKV 2
11 6/4/2024 11:07:07 M RISKI ADITYA 48 / 100 XI DKV 2
12 6/4/2024 11:01:45 M ZAIN ARMI PADILAH 84 / 100 XI DKV 2
13 6/4/2024 11:23:17 MIRA LATIFAH 40 / 100 XI DKV 2
14 6/4/2024 10:54:44 MOCH.GIAN 44 / 100 XI DKV 2
15 6/4/2024 11:01:39 MOH. FARIZ AHWAL 80 / 100 XI DKV 2
16 6/4/2024 11:03:22 MOHAMMAD RHASYA AN 48 / 100 XI DKV 2
17 6/4/2024 11:02:05 Muhamad daud Gunawan 16 / 100 XI DKV 2
18 6/4/2024 11:07:05 MUHAMAD HOTIB MAUL 64 / 100 XI DKV 2
19 6/4/2024 11:07:07 NADIA ALMEIRA 64 / 100 XI DKV 2
20 6/4/2024 11:12:34 NAYLA PUTRI ANDINI 76 / 100 XI DKV 2
21 6/4/2024 11:07:09 Nisaul Hasanah 44 / 100 XI DKV 2
22 6/4/2024 10:55:33 RALLYZAS ADIRERY SOP 44 / 100 XI DKV 2
23 6/4/2024 10:56:13 RIANG RUDITA GALBI 60 / 100 XI DKV 2
24 6/4/2024 11:07:07 RIDA HANAPI 64 / 100 XI DKV 2
25 6/4/2024 10:54:19 SALMA RAHMAWATI 60 / 100 XI DKV 2
26 6/4/2024 11:13:02 SELVI 52 / 100 XI DKV 2
27 6/4/2024 11:06:43 SITI AMELIA RAHMA 44 / 100 XI DKV 2
28 6/4/2024 11:03:29 SITI KIRANI 36 / 100 XI DKV 2
29 6/4/2024 11:17:58 SITI NUR SILVI 44 / 100 XI DKV 2
30 6/4/2024 11:02:33 SITI SOPIAH 76 / 100 XI DKV 2
31 6/4/2024 10:34:12 UJANG ABDULROHMAN 28 / 100 XI DKV 2
32 6/4/2024 11:02:29 VIONA NURELITA AZAHR 84 / 100 XI DKV 2
33 6/4/2024 11:02:11 YANI TANIA 40 / 100 XI DKV 2
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 11:04:48 ALI LUQMAN 88 / 100 XI DKV 3
2 6/4/2024 10:56:49 ANNISA NURKHATIMAH 72 / 100 XI DKV 3
3 6/4/2024 10:43:45 DEDE IPAN 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
4 6/4/2024 11:13:17 DESTRI KURNIA 68 / 100 XI DKV 3
5 6/4/2024 10:47:50 DINAR MASALIM 64 / 100 XI DKV 3
6 6/4/2024 10:56:39 IBNU HAJAR 92 / 100 XI DKV 3
7 6/4/2024 10:43:48 IKLIMA NURANI 72 / 100 XI DKV 3
8 6/4/2024 11:23:10 Lia Ameliya 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
9 6/4/2024 10:51:44 M GARIB FARHAN 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
10 6/4/2024 10:42:51 M RIZKI ZAMALUDIN 68 / 100 XI DKV 3
11 6/4/2024 11:06:53 marsa aditya rahman 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
12 6/4/2024 10:56:17 MOCH RAFI RAMADHAN 44 / 100 XI DKV 3
13 6/4/2024 10:57:01 MUHAMAD ABDUL RIZKY 64 / 100 XI DKV 3
14 6/4/2024 11:14:22 MUHAMAD FAUZI HARDI 84 / 100 XI DKV 3
15 6/4/2024 10:56:58 MUHAMAD IQBAL FEBRI 88 / 100 XI DKV 3
16 6/4/2024 10:58:39 MUHAMMAD BILAL ALMA 72 / 100 XI DKV 3
17 6/4/2024 10:44:15 MUHAMMAD DIAZ 72 / 100 XI DKV 3
18 6/4/2024 10:30:36 Muhammad Radho Erwiansyah 24 / 100 XI DKV 3
19 6/4/2024 11:08:32 MUHAMMAD REIFAN 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
20 6/4/2024 10:45:56 MUHAMMAD ZOE EKA RU 72 / 100 XI DKV 3
21 6/4/2024 11:10:42 MUTIARA AROFAH 68 / 100 XI DKV 3
22 6/4/2024 10:44:03 NAFA INDAH 72 / 100 XI DKV 3
23 6/4/2024 10:50:41 NENG WIDIA 32 / 100 XI DKV 3
24 6/4/2024 11:05:26 NURAVITA 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
25 6/4/2024 11:08:01 RESI KOMALA SARI 88 / 100 XI DKV 3
26 6/4/2024 10:30:57 RijlasPangestu 36 / 100 XI DKV 3
27 6/4/2024 10:43:53 RINA MARSAH 72 / 100 XI DKV 3
28 6/4/2024 10:57:21 SANI AGUNG GUMELAR 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
29 6/4/2024 11:16:34 Siti Maesaroh 52 / 100 XI DKV 3
30 6/4/2024 11:08:39 SITI REKSA 68 / 100 XI DKV 3
31 6/4/2024 11:03:28 sri anggun 48 / 100 XI DKV 3
32 6/4/2024 11:00:54 WAFDA FIRGIAWAN 64 / 100 XI DKV 3
33 6/4/2024 11:00:50 WIDIA WIDRI WIYANA 28 / 100 XI DKV 3
34 6/4/2024 11:20:17 YULITA NURAISHA 68 / 100 XI DKV 3
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 10:49:30 AJIJ SAHWA 84 / 100 XI PSPT 1
2 6/4/2024 11:02:09 ALDA DESTIANI 56 / 100 XI PSPT 1
3 6/4/2024 10:56:25 ALPA SETIADIT RIMAN 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
4 6/4/2024 10:56:31 ARSYAD BADILLAH HUSE 56 / 100 XI PSPT 1
5 6/4/2024 10:55:07 CITRA JULIANA 56 / 100 XI PSPT 1
6 6/4/2024 10:56:26 DENI ARIF DARMAWAN 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
7 6/4/2024 10:56:23 DERI 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
8 6/4/2024 10:48:47 DWI KAPRAWI 64 / 100 XI PSPT 1
9 6/4/2024 10:46:42 FATWA AULIA 44 / 100 XI PSPT 1
10 6/4/2024 11:06:12 HARUN 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
11 6/4/2024 10:51:22 HELENA SAPITRI 76 / 100 XI PSPT 1
12 6/4/2024 10:57:52 IRMA NURUL ISLAMI 72 / 100 XI PSPT 1
13 6/4/2024 11:35:36 Irsansetiawan 56 / 100 XI PSPT 1
14 6/4/2024 10:47:25 M AGIS 68 / 100 XI PSPT 1
15 6/4/2024 10:49:41 M SAEPUL MUIZ 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
16 6/4/2024 10:56:25 M.SYARIF HIDAYATULLO 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
17 6/4/2024 10:44:20 MARSYA RAHMADANI 60 / 100 XI PSPT 1
18 6/4/2024 11:07:11 MUHAMAD FARHAN 88 / 100 XI PSPT 1
19 6/4/2024 10:52:27 MUHAMAD RAHMANSAH 60 / 100 XI PSPT 1
20 6/4/2024 11:33:21 MUHAMMAD FATURROHM 68 / 100 XI PSPT 1
21 6/4/2024 11:00:21 NAZLA PUTRI SAHARA 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
22 6/4/2024 10:46:26 NENG NURMALA 60 / 100 XI PSPT 1
23 6/4/2024 11:00:28 PUTRI SEPTIANINGSIH SU 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
24 6/4/2024 10:54:01 SANI NILMALASARI 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
25 6/4/2024 11:03:04 SHANA APRIANTI 76 / 100 XI PSPT 1
26 6/4/2024 11:00:40 SITI MULAN ROHIMAH 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
27 6/4/2024 10:51:18 WULAN UNTARI 76 / 100 XI PSPT 1
28 6/4/2024 10:56:24 ZULFATAN ARBY 80 / 100 XI PSPT 1
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 10:56:18 AMANDA ANISA PUTRI 64 / 100 XI PSPT 2
2 6/4/2024 10:53:07 ANGGITA NURPUTRI 76 / 100 XI PSPT 2
3 6/4/2024 11:04:50 AURA NUR MEILA 80 / 100 XI PSPT 2
4 6/4/2024 10:49:04 ELSA SAFITRI 64 / 100 XI PSPT 2
5 6/4/2024 11:09:03 FEBRI SUTISNA PUTRI 52 / 100 XI PSPT 2
6 6/4/2024 11:00:09 HUSNI JAZILA PUTRI AGU 48 / 100 XI PSPT 2
7 6/4/2024 11:01:07 MAYA RAMADANI 80 / 100 XI PSPT 2
8 6/4/2024 10:56:19 MUHAMAD RAPLI 76 / 100 XI PSPT 2
9 6/4/2024 10:33:05 MUHAMAD REHAN MAUL 12 / 100 XI PSPT 2
10 6/4/2024 10:56:26 MUHAMAD YUSUP 76 / 100 XI PSPT 2
11 6/4/2024 10:34:18 MUHAMMAD ABID MAUL 36 / 100 XI PSPT 2
12 6/4/2024 10:34:52 MUHAMMAD DEVA NOVI 28 / 100 XI PSPT 2
13 6/4/2024 10:40:55 Muhammad Saepul Alip 68 / 100 XI PSPT 2
14 6/4/2024 10:38:27 MUHAMMAD SANDIKA P 68 / 100 XI PSPT 2
15 6/4/2024 10:31:12 NENG GINA AMELIA 64 / 100 XI PSPT 2
16 6/4/2024 10:45:41 Nur siti nuryati 68 / 100 XI PSPT 2
17 6/4/2024 10:35:08 PARHAN RIZQI SAPUTRA 56 / 100 XI PSPT 2
18 6/4/2024 10:46:46 raditya dwi rukmana 24 / 100 XI PSPT 2
19 6/4/2024 10:42:49 RAHMA AZKIA FASHA 80 / 100 XI PSPT 2
20 6/4/2024 11:01:28 RAMDANI 24 / 100 XI PSPT 2
21 6/4/2024 10:47:30 REHAN 56 / 100 XI PSPT 2
22 6/4/2024 10:39:03 Reza ramdan 32 / 100 XI PSPT 2
23 6/4/2024 10:31:28 RIFKI FAUZI 68 / 100 XI PSPT 2
24 6/4/2024 10:56:23 SANI INDRIYANI 72 / 100 XI PSPT 2
25 6/4/2024 10:32:59 SANI WULANDARI 76 / 100 XI PSPT 2
26 6/4/2024 11:07:05 SITI NABILA SUMAYA 88 / 100 XI PSPT 2
27 6/4/2024 11:04:30 SITI PATIMAH 64 / 100 XI PSPT 2
28 6/4/2024 10:56:17 SITI RAHMA FAUZIAH 72 / 100 XI PSPT 2
29 6/4/2024 10:56:43 TIA WATI 76 / 100 XI PSPT 2
30 6/4/2024 10:36:04 UJANG RUSMANA 64 / 100 XI PSPT 2
31 6/4/2024 11:04:30 ZAHRA JAMILAH 68 / 100 XI PSPT 2
32 6/4/2024 10:56:20 ZASKYA RIADUS SIFA 72 / 100 XI PSPT 2
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 10:53:51 ABDUL BARI 80 / 100 XI MP 1
2 6/4/2024 10:51:11 ALYA ZAHRA FATIHAH 76 / 100 XI MP 1
3 6/4/2024 11:22:50 ANNISA FAUZIYAH CAHY 84 / 100 XI MP 1
4 6/4/2024 10:41:56 ARYA JAYA 36 / 100 XI MP 1
5 6/4/2024 11:19:43 BUNGA CHIKITA PALUPI 72 / 100 XI MP 1
6 6/4/2024 10:58:57 ÐEVI ANDINI 76 / 100 XI MP 1
7 6/4/2024 10:50:08 ENENG A 68 / 100 XI MP 1
8 6/4/2024 10:59:35 FITRI 80 / 100 XI MP 1
9 6/4/2024 11:19:08 IMAS SEPTIA NINGRUM 72 / 100 XI MP 1
10 6/4/2024 11:08:20 IRFA SITI ALIFFAYA 80 / 100 XI MP 1
11 6/4/2024 10:44:57 KEMALA 68 / 100 XI MP 1
12 6/4/2024 11:14:38 MIA NOPITA 88 / 100 XI MP 1
13 6/4/2024 11:19:43 NABILA PUTRI CAHYANTI 72 / 100 XI MP 1
14 6/4/2024 10:51:12 NENG IDA LAILA SAPARI 72 / 100 XI MP 1
15 6/4/2024 11:02:00 NURSANIAH 68 / 100 XI MP 1
16 6/4/2024 11:16:36 NURUL AFIAH 84 / 100 XI MP 1
17 6/4/2024 11:05:16 RASWATI 76 / 100 XI MP 1
18 6/4/2024 10:42:57 RINI AGUSTINI 64 / 100 XI MP 1
19 6/4/2024 11:03:09 ROSYAMILA ATIKYA 60 / 100 XI MP 1
20 6/4/2024 10:49:43 SAFIRA AULIA 68 / 100 XI MP 1
21 6/4/2024 11:12:06 SANIAH 76 / 100 XI MP 1
22 6/4/2024 10:50:34 SERLI YUNITA 80 / 100 XI MP 1
23 6/4/2024 11:21:43 SITI FATIMAH MUHYI AEN 84 / 100 XI MP 1
24 6/4/2024 11:19:43 SITI MARIAM ULFA 76 / 100 XI MP 1
25 6/4/2024 11:01:50 SITI NURHOLIPAH 76 / 100 XI MP 1
26 6/4/2024 11:00:28 SITI ROSIDAH 84 / 100 XI MP 1
27 6/4/2024 10:43:24 SITI SALMA JULIYANTI 68 / 100 XI MP 1
28 6/4/2024 10:50:11 SITI SAPTIAH 84 / 100 XI MP 1
29 6/4/2024 11:18:33 SITI ZULPA 72 / 100 XI MP 1
30 6/4/2024 11:02:45 SRI SUSANTI 76 / 100 XI MP 1
31 6/4/2024 10:34:55 SUSANTINAH WAHDIATI 64 / 100 XI MP 1
32 6/4/2024 11:07:55 VERA TRILOKA 76 / 100 XI MP 1
33 6/4/2024 11:11:23 WULAN SARI 76 / 100 XI MP 1
34 6/4/2024 11:18:17 YULIANTI 72 / 100 XI MP 1
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 11:00:24 AMELIA PITRIA 68 / 100 XI MP 2
2 6/4/2024 11:17:36 AZKA SALSABILA 80 / 100 XI MP 2
3 6/4/2024 11:20:25 DEA HAVITRI 68 / 100 XI MP 2
4 6/4/2024 11:08:27 DEWI RAHMADANI 76 / 100 XI MP 2
5 6/4/2024 11:15:06 ERISKA NURANI 72 / 100 XI MP 2
6 6/4/2024 10:52:33 FARHAN YUSUF ARDA BIL 20 / 100 XI MP 2
7 6/4/2024 11:04:28 FITRIA RAHMADANI 76 / 100 XI MP 2
8 6/4/2024 11:14:39 JULIA SIFNA HAYALATU 88 / 100 XI MP 2
9 6/4/2024 11:09:45 LIZA NURAZMIA PUTRI 52 / 100 XI MP 2
10 6/4/2024 11:12:38 MOCH RIVAL 76 / 100 XI MP 2
11 6/4/2024 10:44:59 MOCH. RASYA SYAHARDA 60 / 100 XI MP 2
12 6/4/2024 10:48:10 MUHAMMAD GALIH PRAT 68 / 100 XI MP 2
13 6/4/2024 10:51:36 NAZWA NUR YANTI 48 / 100 XI MP 2
14 6/4/2024 11:14:01 NOVI GUNAWAN 52 / 100 XI MP 2
15 6/4/2024 11:16:31 NURLAILAH 88 / 100 XI MP 2
16 6/4/2024 10:47:05 Pratiwi Agriana 84 / 100 XI MP 2
17 6/4/2024 10:58:00 RAINA DWI PUTRI 80 / 100 XI MP 2
18 6/4/2024 10:52:41 REISYA NURHUDA JANUA 56 / 100 XI MP 2
19 6/4/2024 11:02:31 RIHANATUL JANAH 80 / 100 XI MP 2
20 6/4/2024 11:05:22 RISKA MAULINA 72 / 100 XI MP 2
21 6/4/2024 11:12:18 S A R A S W A T I 72 / 100 XI MP 2
22 6/4/2024 11:13:04 SAFIRA AFRIELLA EFEND 72 / 100 XI MP 2
23 6/4/2024 11:15:39 SHINTIA NURAHMAH 80 / 100 XI MP 2
24 6/4/2024 11:10:13 Siti Hana AS 64 / 100 XI MP 2
25 6/4/2024 11:02:23 SITI NUR AZIZAH 48 / 100 XI MP 2
26 6/4/2024 11:18:08 SITI NURMILA 64 / 100 XI MP 2
27 6/4/2024 10:57:44 SITI RUQOYAH 60 / 100 XI MP 2
28 6/4/2024 11:07:39 SITI SARAH 76 / 100 XI MP 2
29 6/4/2024 11:12:26 SRI RAHMAWATI 60 / 100 XI MP 2
30 6/4/2024 11:16:18 SUCI RAMADANI 72 / 100 XI MP 2
31 6/4/2024 11:20:31 SYAHLA MARYAM WINA 64 / 100 XI MP 2
32 6/4/2024 11:07:54 VIRA MANILOKA 76 / 100 XI MP 2
33 6/4/2024 10:42:45 YESA HASILAH 84 / 100 XI MP 2
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 11:08:22 ANIS SAFITRI 68 / 100 XI MP 3
2 6/4/2024 11:18:28 BILQIS 76 / 100 XI MP 3
3 6/4/2024 11:06:59 DESNITA WIDIYANTI 72 / 100 XI MP 3
4 6/4/2024 11:14:39 ERNI APRIANI 88 / 100 XI MP 3
5 6/4/2024 11:17:12 IRA D. AULIA SARI 72 / 100 XI MP 3
6 6/4/2024 11:10:26 KANITA 76 / 100 XI MP 3
7 6/4/2024 11:09:09 Meira Arianti 76 / 100 XI MP 3
8 6/4/2024 11:13:33 NABILA APRILIANII 76 / 100 XI MP 3
9 6/4/2024 11:12:12 NAZWA RAHMAIDA 64 / 100 XI MP 3
10 6/4/2024 11:20:45 NEZA PUTRI PRATAMA M 76 / 100 XI MP 3
11 6/4/2024 11:11:50 NURHASANAH 76 / 100 XI MP 3
12 6/4/2024 10:48:52 NURSIPA HIDAYANTI 48 / 100 XI MP 3
13 6/4/2024 10:49:32 PUTRI ZAHWA NURMAW 64 / 100 XI MP 3
14 6/4/2024 10:43:00 RASMAYANTI 68 / 100 XI MP 3
15 6/4/2024 11:13:30 RESTI NURSILFA 76 / 100 XI MP 3
16 6/4/2024 11:20:45 RIKA OKTAVIANA RAMAD 80 / 100 XI MP 3
17 6/4/2024 11:03:00 RISNA FILLAH 76 / 100 XI MP 3
18 6/4/2024 10:47:41 SANIA SAPITRI 32 / 100 XI MP 3
19 6/4/2024 11:00:48 SELVI SEFTIANI 60 / 100 XI MP 3
20 6/4/2024 11:00:38 SINDI SINTIAWATI 72 / 100 XI MP 3
21 6/4/2024 11:00:27 SITI LABIBAH 84 / 100 XI MP 3
22 6/4/2024 10:55:45 SITI NURHALIJAH 60 / 100 XI MP 3
23 6/4/2024 11:00:52 SITI SALWA NURYANI 64 / 100 XI MP 3
24 6/4/2024 11:02:18 SITI SA'WANAH 76 / 100 XI MP 3
25 6/4/2024 10:44:42 SITI SETIA 68 / 100 XI MP 3
26 6/4/2024 11:13:30 SRI SINTIA 68 / 100 XI MP 3
27 6/4/2024 11:05:31 SULISTIAWATI 88 / 100 XI MP 3
28 6/4/2024 11:07:06 TIARA AURA 84 / 100 XI MP 3
29 6/4/2024 10:45:21 Wawan Awaludin 20 / 100 XI MP 3
30 6/4/2024 11:07:47 YULIA AFRILIANI 84 / 100 XI MP 3
31 6/4/2024 11:18:02 ZAHRA HAWA APRIANTI 76 / 100 XI MP 3
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 11:02:15 ARYANI SHOLIHANI 80 / 100 XI BR 1
2 6/4/2024 10:56:05 AZAHRA FITRI PEBRIANI 80 / 100 XI BR 1
3 6/4/2024 11:16:28 DESI MEIDINA 88 / 100 XI BR 1
4 6/4/2024 11:19:09 DILAH FAUZIAH 56 / 100 XI BR 1
5 6/7/2024 6:56:04 DIMAS HIDAYAT 60 / 100 XI BR 1
6 6/6/2024 21:08:29 DWI NURCAHYO 68 / 100 XI BR 1
7 6/4/2024 10:47:44 ELSA LESTARI 32 / 100 XI BR 1
8 6/4/2024 11:01:29 FATMA WULANDARI 72 / 100 XI BR 1
9 6/6/2024 18:44:54 HOPIA HANDAYANI 84 / 100 XI BR 1
10 6/4/2024 11:10:07 INTAN NURFITRIANI 60 / 100 XI BR 1
11 6/4/2024 10:53:50 Mia Anjani 56 / 100 XI BR 1
12 6/4/2024 11:00:45 MUHAMAD RAFA MAULA 52 / 100 XI BR 1
13 6/7/2024 11:40:30 MUHAMAD RIDWAN 56 / 100 XI BR 1
14 6/4/2024 11:19:55 MUHAMAD SOPYAN SEPT 84 / 100 XI BR 1
15 6/4/2024 10:54:45 NENG ZAHRA AULIA 84 / 100 XI BR 1
16 6/4/2024 10:45:13 NISA AULIA MAHARANI 68 / 100 XI BR 1
17 6/4/2024 10:43:46 NURANDINI 36 / 100 XI BR 1
18 6/4/2024 11:06:19 PUTRI CHELSEA BUZRA P 88 / 100 XI BR 1
19 6/4/2024 11:25:35 RIDA ANGGRAENI AZAHR 60 / 100 XI BR 1
20 6/4/2024 11:00:55 Risma ayuni 36 / 100 XI BR 1
21 6/4/2024 10:40:09 RUDIANSYAH 36 / 100 XI BR 1
22 6/4/2024 11:06:59 SALSABILA ADISTI PUTRI 68 / 100 XI BR 1
23 6/4/2024 10:53:13 SANI LAYLA 84 / 100 XI BR 1
24 6/4/2024 11:15:43 SITI AISYAH 76 / 100 XI BR 1
25 6/4/2024 11:01:44 SITI MARYANI 60 / 100 XI BR 1
26 6/4/2024 10:51:20 Siti nur Azizah 64 / 100 XI BR 1
27 6/4/2024 10:53:59 SITI RAHMAWATI 72 / 100 XI BR 1
28 6/4/2024 10:40:41 SITI SUSANTI 68 / 100 XI BR 1
29 6/4/2024 11:12:46 WIWI 80 / 100 XI BR 1
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/4/2024 11:14:01 AFSIA MUQSITA IZZUMI 80 / 100 XI BR 2
2 6/4/2024 10:54:05 ANGGI RAHMAWATI 60 / 100 XI BR 2
3 6/4/2024 10:45:02 ASRI 56 / 100 XI BR 2
4 6/4/2024 11:09:02 DESVITA 48 / 100 XI BR 2
5 6/4/2024 11:12:54 DINDA NURAZIZAH 76 / 100 XI BR 2
6 6/4/2024 11:13:58 EKA FITRIANI 76 / 100 XI BR 2
7 6/6/2024 19:10:49 ELVI LESTARI AULIA 60 / 100 XI BR 2
8 6/4/2024 11:16:00 ISTIQOMAH 48 / 100 XI BR 2
9 6/4/2024 11:01:12 LINDA NABILA 68 / 100 XI BR 2
10 6/4/2024 11:05:01 M MAULANA IKHSAN 44 / 100 XI BR 2
11 6/4/2024 11:12:49 Marwiyah Ulpah 76 / 100 XI BR 2
12 6/4/2024 10:50:28 MIA RESTIANA 36 / 100 XI BR 2
13 6/4/2024 11:07:07 MUHAMAD MANDA 84 / 100 XI BR 2
14 6/4/2024 10:53:06 NABILA APRILYANTI 44 / 100 XI BR 2
15 6/4/2024 11:07:07 NAUVAL TRI RISAD 84 / 100 XI BR 2
16 6/4/2024 11:12:52 NAZALIA PUTRI 72 / 100 XI BR 2
17 6/7/2024 7:31:18 NETI MARYANI 60 / 100 XI BR 2
18 6/4/2024 11:08:21 NISSA SAFITRI 68 / 100 XI BR 2
19 6/4/2024 11:18:28 PITRI 72 / 100 XI BR 2
20 6/4/2024 11:05:54 RAHMAT 88 / 100 XI BR 2
21 6/7/2024 9:21:55 RASYA AL MEIDA 64 / 100 XI BR 2
22 6/4/2024 10:55:16 Risma 68 / 100 XI BR 2
23 6/4/2024 11:02:43 RISMA MARISA 76 / 100 XI BR 2
24 6/4/2024 11:04:23 SEKAR ANISA 36 / 100 XI BR 2
25 6/6/2024 22:31:09 SINTA SRI RAHAYU 72 / 100 XI BR 2
26 6/4/2024 11:14:11 SITI MAYA NURAENI 28 / 100 XI BR 2
27 6/4/2024 10:56:01 SITI NURHASANAH 76 / 100 XI BR 2
28 6/4/2024 11:17:23 SITI SARIPAH PARHANI 72 / 100 XI BR 2
29 6/6/2024 21:36:13 ZAHRA UMNIYYAH 72 / 100 XI BR 2
Jalan Raya Sukabumi-Cianjur Km.12 Nomor.55 Telepon : (0266) 261 333
Website :smkn1sukalarang.sch.id E-mail : [email protected]




1 6/6/2024 18:45:51 AI SITI NURHAYATI 48 / 100 XI BR 3
2 6/4/2024 11:04:02 APRILIA ELSA YANTI 44 / 100 XI BR 3
3 6/4/2024 10:47:18 ARI MURYADI 24 / 100 XI BR 3
4 6/4/2024 11:01:18 CAHYATI NUR ALIFAH 68 / 100 XI BR 3
5 6/7/2024 7:04:03 DEWI ANISA 76 / 100 XI BR 3
6 6/7/2024 10:26:56 DINI YULIANTI 72 / 100 XI BR 3
7 6/7/2024 0:31:05 ELIN TRI LIAYANI 68 / 100 XI BR 3
8 6/4/2024 11:05:16 ERNI AYU ANGGITA 36 / 100 XI BR 3
9 6/4/2024 11:19:53 FITRIANA ZULFA 72 / 100 XI BR 3
10 6/6/2024 19:21:14 HAIKAL 52 / 100 XI BR 3
11 6/4/2024 11:07:16 IMAS MASLIHAH 60 / 100 XI BR 3
12 6/4/2024 11:17:38 JIHAN FADILA 48 / 100 XI BR 3
13 6/4/2024 10:59:37 LISNA WATI 72 / 100 XI BR 3
14 6/4/2024 11:01:09 MElANI PUTRI 84 / 100 XI BR 3
15 6/4/2024 11:09:12 MELISA NUR CAHYA 88 / 100 XI BR 3
16 6/4/2024 10:59:46 Mila nuraeni 68 / 100 XI BR 3
17 6/4/2024 11:05:32 MUHAMAD PAJAR KURNI 52 / 100 XI BR 3
18 6/4/2024 10:24:55 Muhammad saepuloh 4 / 100 XI BR 3
19 6/4/2024 10:55:05 NENG ELMA SAFITRI 56 / 100 XI BR 3
20 6/4/2024 11:06:54 Nia 72 / 100 XI BR 3
21 6/4/2024 10:55:36 NOVIA 68 / 100 XI BR 3
22 6/4/2024 10:56:42 PUTRI AYU HERMAWAN 72 / 100 XI BR 3
23 6/4/2024 11:03:00 Salsa Nabila 48 / 100 XI BR 3
24 6/4/2024 11:09:14 SELDA OKTAPIANI 44 / 100 XI BR 3
25 6/4/2024 11:08:54 SITI AIDA PEBRIANI 80 / 100 XI BR 3
26 6/7/2024 6:43:26 SITI MAESAROH 76 / 100 XI BR 3
27 6/4/2024 11:01:10 SITI NELVI 84 / 100 XI BR 3
28 6/4/2024 11:13:34 SITI SOPIAH 84 / 100 XI BR 3
29 6/4/2024 10:54:33 SUCI RAHAYU HSB 76 / 100 XI BR 3
30 6/4/2024 11:07:28 SUSAN SALSABILA 88 / 100 XI BR 3

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