Classe e Statement of Works Sep 2017
Classe e Statement of Works Sep 2017
Classe e Statement of Works Sep 2017
It is offered
as a general guide. Suitability for any intended use is the responsibility of the user. This document may be copied without Fluke Networks’
permission. Visit
for the latest information regarding field-test instruments, testing, and cabling specifications
2. The installed twisted-pair horizontal links shall be tested from the IDF in the telecommunications room to the telecommunication wall outlet
in the work area for compliance with the “Permanent Link” performance specification as defined in the ISO ClassE Standard.
3. One hundred percent of the installed cabling links must pass the requirements of the standards mentioned in A.1 above and as further
detailed in Section B. Any failing link must be diagnosed and corrected. The corrective action shall be followed with a new test to prove that
the corrected link meets the performance requirements. The final and passing result of the tests for all links shall be provided in the test
results documentation in accordance with Section C below.
4. Trained technicians who have successfully attended an appropriate training program and have obtained a certificate as proof thereof shall
execute the tests. Appropriate training programs include but are not limited to installation certification programs provided by BiCSi, the
ACP (Association of Cabling Professionals) or Fluke Networks’s CCTT (Certified Cabling Test Technician) training partners.
5. The test equipment (tester) shall comply with the accuracy requirements for level III field testers as defined in IEC 61935-1: “Specification
for the testing of balanced and coaxial information technology cabling – Part 1: Installed balanced cabling as specified in ISO/IEC”
Note: A compliance with Level-IV and/or Level-V is of no relevance for testing Class E installation as stated in the same standard
6. The tester including the appropriate interface adapter must meet the specified accuracy requirements. The accuracy requirements for the
permanent link test configuration (baseline accuracy plus adapter contribution) are specified in IEC 61935-1: Table 8 – Level III field tester
accuracy performance parameters per IEC guidelines.
7. The RJ45 Permanent Link adapter plug NEXT / FEXT loss shall be between the lower and upper ranges of test plugs as specified for
category Cat.6A in IEC 60512-26-100 2008: “Connectors for electrical equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 26-100: Measurement
setup, test and reference arrangements and measurements for connectors according to IEC 60603-7 – Tests 26a to 26g". Such a test plug
is often referred to as a “Truly Centered Test Plug”. Ideally the test plug is identical to the PCB style version shown in Annex A.4 “PCB
based 1 TFC assembly”
8. The tester shall be within the calibration period recommended by the vendor in order to achieve the vendor-specified measurement
9. The tester interface adapters must be of high quality and the cable shall not show any twisting or kinking resulting from coiling and storing
of the tester interface adapters. In order to deliver optimum accuracy, preference is given to a permanent link interface adapter for the
tester that can be calibrated to extend the reference plane of the Return Loss measurement to the permanent link interface. The contractor
shall provide proof that the interface has been calibrated within the period recommended by the vendor. To ensure that normal handling on
the job does not cause measurable Return Loss change, the adapter cord cable shall not be of twisted-pair construction.
10. The Pass or Fail condition for the link-under-test is determined by the results of the required individual tests (detailed in Group “Internal
Transmission”of Table 1 - Installed balanced cabling test parameters). Any Fail or Fail* result yields a Fail for the link-under-test. In order to
achieve an overall Pass condition, the results for each individual test parameter must Pass or Pass *.
11. A Pass or Fail result for each parameter is determined by comparing the measured values with the specified test limits for that parameter.
The test result of a parameter shall be marked with an asterisk (*) when the result is closer to the test limit than the accuracy of the field
tester. If better then Level-III accuracy (ISO/IEC 619351-1: Table 8 - Worst case insertion loss, NEXT, ACR-N, ELFEXT/ACR-F and return
loss measurement accuracy for level III test instruments / Link accuracy at permanent link limit) is assumed and used to identify marginal
results, the test manufacturer must provide test data from an independent laboratory for the “worst case” to support this assumption. To
which extent '*' results shall determine approval or disapproval of the element under test shall be defined in the relevant detail
specification, or agreed on as a part of a contractual specification.
1: Nominal Velocity of Propagation (NVP) expresses the speed of the electrical signals along the cabling link in relation to the speed of light in
vacuum (3x108 m/second). Insulation characteristics and twist rate of the wire pair influence NVP in minor ways. Typically, an ‘average’ value
for NVP is published for all four wire-pairs in a data cable.
2: ‘Margin’ designates the difference between the measured value and the corresponding test limit value. For passing links, ‘worst case margin’
identifies the smallest margin over the entire frequency range; the point at which the measured performance is “closest” to the test limit.