En - Pamphlet Daily Immersion - Message 02
En - Pamphlet Daily Immersion - Message 02
En - Pamphlet Daily Immersion - Message 02
1. At the end of times, the 1. John's gospel surprises us by 1. Jesus is the true one and in Him 1. The Word is the power and
showing that God gives us His life there is no unrighteousness. He wisdom of God. Do not rely on your
Lord needs His church to
through the word. Without the word did not seek His own glory, but to own ability, wisdom or power.
emerge from all degradation there is no life, and without the life of Trust the Word (1 Cor 1:17-21)!
give glory to the Father. Whoever
and live in resurrection (Gal God, there is no edification (John 1:1-
seeks his own glory is not true
1:4). 4; 5:24, 39-40; 6:63; 12:50; 20:31). 2. Unfortunately, today, men have
(John 5:30, 36; 6:29, 38; 7:16, 18;
created many “churches”, but for
2. Man can only receive life from God 8:16, 28-29; 17 :4).
2. A messenger of God is God there is only one church. In
by believing in His word, which is
Revelation, each of the seven
someone who faithfully announced through a channel Jesus 2. Through Christ, God wanted to
churches is called by the name of
brings the word of God to the was the channel of this living word of give eternal life to the Jewish the city in which it is located. This
God; All you had to do was believe in people, but they rejected Him.
church. This word that comes shows that all Christians who live
Him to have eternal life. (John 3:17-18;
from God gives us direction, Jesus then went on to look for His in a city are part of the church
reality and content (Rev 1:1, sheep. Who are they? Jesus' there. This is the correct
3. Jesus did not come to earth to do sheep are those who know Him, foundation of the church, which
His Own will or teach His Own words: follow Him and believe His word enables us to receive the word
He came to earth to do the will of the (John 1:11, 10:14-15, 27-29). that proceeds from the mouth of
3. Each member of the church Father and speak the words of Him God (Rev 1:11-13).
today has the opportunity, who sent Him (John 5:30, 36; 6:29, 38; 3. In keeping the prophetic word,
through immersion in the 7: 16, 18; 8:16, 28-29). we do not keep the word of a 3. Throughout church history, we
word, to receive this word man, but the words of God. The see man trying to serve God in a
4. “The gospel of the kingdom goes rational and logical way. We need
that sanctifies us and makes one sent by God has no right to
beyond simply believing in Jesus to be to detach ourselves from this. God
us function. (John 17:17; 1 Cor saved from perdition, but emphasizes use his own words or eloquence,
wants to do a work from heaven on
14:31) the importance of believing in Jesus he only transmits the word of God
earth, far beyond what is visible. In
and allowing Him to rule our lives. (John 17:6- 9; 1 Cor 2:1-5; 1 Thes the supernatural sphere, God has
Such preaching is vital for God to 2:13).
4. “It is fundamental to open freedom to do what He wants (1
accomplish His purpose of
Cor 2:14, 2 Cor 3:17).
ourselves to the word of establishing Christ as the head and 4. “The church, like the kingdom
Christ so that it may dwell, be ruler of His church.” (Daily Food, Book
of heaven, is not a religious 4. “To follow the Lord Jesus, who is
1, Week 4, Tuesday, page 60).
inculcated, in richly in our institution, but is the Body of the light of the world, positive
hearts. When Christ fills Christ, governed through the reaction is necessary. If we run
everything, He will become DO YOU WANT word of the Head, who is Christ. If away, we will remain in darkness,
we have a simple heart to hear but if we follow Him, we will no
head over all things” (Dt 6:6-
9; Col 3:16) (Daily Food, Book
TO BE A and appreciate the word, it will longer walk in darkness; on the
work in our lives and give it contrary, we will have the light of
1, Week 4, Monday, p. 57). MISSIONARY? meaning.” (Daily Food, Book 1, life.” (Daily Food, Book 1, Week 4,
Thursday, page 64).
Week 4, Wednesday, page 63).
1. Give the Spirit freedom to do 1. We are the new creation! Let us
not be stuck in the past, in old
1. What is our future? It is oneness, it
is living in wonderful glory with God.
what He wants: the edification IN THE PROPHETIC WORD
ways and experiences. Let's There we will have complete
of the church. Do not limit the happiness and will not need anything
become like children, learning to
Lord. Let Him do His work (1 Cor else! For all eternity we will live happy
be simple like teenagers. Only in
2:14, 2 Cor 3:17). this way will the Spirit find no
and united with God (John 14:2,3,20;
17:22-23; Rev 21:3-7, 22:3-7)!
obstacles in our mind and do what
2. Jesus Christ gave Himself for He desires (Mt 18:3; 2 Cor 5:17). 2. Our reward is not in the present
us, not only to free us from our world, but in the next. If we humble
sins, but to uproot us from this 2. If we do not free ourselves from ourselves today, God will exalt us.
the old creation, we will not give Believe! Our obedience to the
wicked world. He wants to
the Lord the freedom to move prophetic word will be rewarded (Phil
uproot our roots from the
through us, as the four living 2:5-11)!
earth, from the limitations of beings. Let's give the Lord freedom
the physical world, from to act (2 Cor 5:17; Gal 6:15)! 3. Today we experience the
human wisdom, ability and supernatural, as we have fellowship in
3. The Father and the Son live in
the prophetic word that produces a MESSAGE 02
power. (1 Cor 2:14, 2 Cor 3:17;
normal church life, the growth and
Gal 1:4-5). total happiness. Even though He is
execution of God's work. By THE ROOT OF THE
Self-sufficient, God makes a point
of inviting man to participate in
detaching ourselves from religious PROBLEMS IN THE
3. In the kingdom of heaven tradition, we give the Lord what He so