Tense Spotting Error
Tense Spotting Error
Tense Spotting Error
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Telegram: @Englishwithranimaam YouTube: English With Rani Ma’am
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Telegram: @Englishwithranimaam YouTube: English With Rani Ma’am
Tense Spotting error If you had not (A)/ reached so Had (A)/ you informed me earlier
quickly, (B)/ we might well have (B)/ I would have certainly purchase
had a disaster. (C)/ no error (D) the laptop from you. (C)/ No error
It is high time (A)/ that political (D)
parties (B)/ take a more responsible I was shocked (A)/ to see how
role to help the poor. (C)/ No error much my grand mother had aged I learnt from my father (A)/ that
(D) (B)/ since the last time we visited honesty was (B)/ the best policy.
her. (C)/ No Error (D) (C)/ No error (D)
Some are born great (A)/ Some
achieve greatness (B)/ and some When I reached home (A)/ my The prisoners walked slowly (A)/ for
had greatness thrust on them. (C)/ father already came (B)/ from they knew (B)/ that as soon as they
No error (D) office. (C)/ no error (D) cross the gate the jailor would ask
them to jog. (C)/ No error (D)
Since he joined (A)/ this post of Although I am playing cricket (A)/
secretary (B)/ he didn’t take any for more than three years (B)/ I I found this ring as I dig in the
bribe. (C)/ no error (D) have not been able to score a garden, (A)/ it looks very old (B)/ I
century. (C)/ No error. (D) wonder whom it belongs to (C)/ No
While I was walking (A)/ along the error (D)
road yesterday (B)/ I had seen a You need not tell a lie (A)/ when the
very old woman. (C)/ no error (D) judge asked you where you were Ashish washes all his clothes and
(B)/ when the crime was (A)/ cooks food for the family (B)/
If the manufacturing sector committed. (C)/ No error. (D) before he is going to office (C)/ No
continues (A)/ to grow at the same error (D)
rate for (B)/ the next few months, I The police brought (A)/ the conmen
think it has a high growth rate this to the villagers so that (B)/ they If you had read the relevant
year. (C)/ no error (D) can identify them. (C)/ No error (D) literature (A)/ carefully , you would
have answered (B)/ most of the
If I was the prime minister (A)/ of I am taking care of (A)/ the garden questions correctly. (C)/ No error
India, I would (B)/ work wonders. since my (B)/ father's death. (C)/ (D)
(C)/ No error. (D) No error (D)
Ashish appealed to the managing
Four years have passed since (A)/ Contrary to past predictions, (A)/ (A)/ committee that he may be
we had met each (B)/ other in demand for sugarcane had not (B)/ allowed (B)/ to join the volunteer
Mumbai. (C)/ No error. (D) increased in recent years. (C)/ No force (C)/ No error (D)
error (D)
This is the best book I read (A)/ so If Ashish had told me last (A)/
far and I must recommend (B)/ it to Since his arrival in India, (A)/ he is Tuesday I will have given him the
all of the students I teach. (C)/ No visiting as many villages as he can money (B)/ but now it is too late
error. (D) (B)/ to acquire a firsthand (C)/ No error (D)
knowledge of the rural India. (C)/
When I will thirty (A)/ most of my No error (D) No sooner error did the train (A)/
friends (B)/ will be above thirty five, arrived at the station (B)/ than the
be sure. (C)/ No Error. (D) Last year two Italian prisoners of passengers rushed towards it (C)/
war (A)/ escapes from a prison No error (D)
The vaccine (A)/ when hit the camp (B)/ in Kenya during the war.
market (B)/ is dogged by (C)/ No error (D) If I were in (A)/ his shoes, (B)/ I
controversy. (C)/ No error. (D) would die with shame (C)/ No error
I will come (A)/ to see you (B)/ if I (D)
If he had (A)/ a few hours to spare will have time. (C)/ No error (D)
(B)/ he would spend them in a My friend did not see me (A)/ for
public library. (C)/ No Error. (D) Do not (A)/ get down the bus (B)/ many years (B)/ since I met him last
If I would have realized (A)/ what a till it will stop. (C)/ No error (D) week (C)/ No error (D)
bad driver you were (B)/ I would not
have come with you. (C)/ No error By the next august (A)/ he will write After Ashish read the magazines
(D) (B)/ his second book on (A)/ and newspapers, and watched
Thermodynamics. (C)/ No error (D) (B)/ programme , he decided to go
Martin would attempt (A)/ to open out and meet some old friends (C)/
the umbrella (B)/ when her Much to (A)/ our regret the train left No error (D)
spectacles slipped off and fell (B)/ before we reached the station
down. (C)/ no error (D) last night. (C)/ No error (D) It had been our custom from (A)/
Telegram: @Englishwithranimaam YouTube: English With Rani Ma’am
immemorial time to be hospitable to
those (B)/ who come to our door
(C)/ No error (D)
Telegram: @Englishwithranimaam YouTube: English With Rani Ma’am