COA - Cyclopentolate HCL

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Add:Li Jing Jia Yuan, Wei Qu Xi Jie, Chang'an District,Xi'an,China 710010
Skype: andyandy85121 Email: [email protected] Tel: 0086-18049663452

Certificate Of Analysis
Product name Cyclopentolate Hcl

Batch No. HB20230711 Batch quantity 50kg 11th.07,2023 Retest date 11th.07,2025

Items Specification Results

white crystalline powder
White or almost white crystalline powder Very
Characters Very soluble in water,freely
soluble in water,freely soluble in alcohol (96%)
soluble in alcohol (96%)
IR spectrum concordant with
By IR: IR spectrum should be concordant with
spectrum of Cyclopentolate
spectrum of Cyclopentolate Hydrochloride CRS.
Identification Hydrochloride CRS.
Chlorides:Positive reaction of chlorides

PH(1% solution) 4.5 to 5.5 5.10

Impurity A NMT 0.10% < 0.002%

Impurity B NMT 0.10% < 0.017%
Related substances
Impurity C NMT 0.5% 0.18%
Unknown single Impurity NMT 0.10% < 0.004%
Total Impurity NMT 1.0% 0.18%

Loss on drying NMT 0.5% 0.19%

Sulphated ash NMT 0.1% 0.02%

Acetone Max.5000 ppm 3038.8ppm

Residual Solvents 2-Propanol Max.5000 ppm 407.1ppm
Cyclopentanone Max.1000ppm 517.8ppm

NLT 98.5%&NMT 101.5% calculated with reference

Assay ( By titration ) 100.17%
to the dried substance

Conclusion: The product complies with EP 9.0Standard

Inspector: Analyst:

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