Interaction Policy Paper - Enabling Environment
Interaction Policy Paper - Enabling Environment
Interaction Policy Paper - Enabling Environment
June 2011
InterAction welcomes the opportunity for a series of small roundtable meetings between its members and U.S. government representatives to discuss key issues to be taken up at the Fourth High Level Forum (HLF) in Busan. This paper puts forward InterActions ideas on the first meetings topic, namely, an enabling environment for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). Signatories to the Accra Agenda for Action (AAA) at the Third HLF i in 2008 promised to promote an enabling environment for CSOs. In addition, the enabling environment is a major focus in the work of the Open Forum on CSO Development Effectiveness in which InterAction is actively engaged. Open Forum is a CSO-led global process initiated before the 2008 Accra High Level Forum to deepen CSO accountability for effectiveness as development actors. In 2010, this process involved national consultations with hundreds of CSOs in over 60 countries, culminating with endorsement of the Istanbul Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness at the Open Forums first Global Assembly in Istanbul in September 2010. CSOs around the world are continuing work on a draft Framework on CSO Development Effectiveness that includes implementation guidelines, indicators and accountability mechanisms. This Framework will be presented for endorsement at Busan. An essential part of the Open Forum process is dialogue with donor and developing country governments on minimum standards to provide an enabling environment in all countries so CSOs can carry out development practices consistent with the Istanbul Principles. InterAction has held two U.S. Open Forum consultations, the first in May 2010 on the development effectiveness framework where a dialogue on the enabling environment with key U.S. government agency representatives began. At the second, th on May 26 , 2011, the focus was on the enabling environment to determine key issues to discuss in the upcoming roundtable with U.S. government officials.
3. Elements provided by recipient governments to CSOs in the development context. E.g. True participation in formulation of national development strategies, policy dialogue, and practice.
i Accra Agenda for Action (Paragraph 20) ii Instruments means covenants, charters and declarations. Rights noted in Category One are guaranteed in one or more existing legally binding instruments, including: International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, for example. Other relevant non-binding but widely adopted international declarations include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Resolution on Freedom of Assembly and Association. On September 30, 2010, the Human Rights Council adopted Resolution A/HRC/15/L.23 to establish the mandate of a UN Special Rapporteur for three years on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association. iii Accra Agenda for Action (Paragraph 20)