Desika Darsana Sara Sangraham
Desika Darsana Sara Sangraham
Desika Darsana Sara Sangraham
commentaries of the 405 verses of Desika Prabandham (DP). His erudition and Acharya
Paramparai is illustrious. It is adiyEn's bhAgyam to translate verbatim His Tamil writings on
these verses after his summary of the topics covered in DP and their highlights.
2) The AzhwArs
3) The AchAryAs
5) Swamy Desikan
12) AchEthana/insentients
13) Iswaran
AdiyEn will translate the richly informative text on Sri Desika Darsana Saara Sangraham in the
subsequent postings. As the Thirunakshathram day of Swamy Desikan approaches (October
5), adiyEn's mind is racing towards the translation of Swamy Desikan's Prabhandhams. Prior
to that, it is important to have the wonderful summary of the scope and content of Swamy
Desikan's Darsana Saara Sangraham as bequeathed to us by my First AchAryan, Sri
Vangipuram Navaneetham SrI SrIramadesikAcchAr Swamy of Oppiliappan Sannidhi. adiyEn
has just translated below his magnificent summary, which is the essence of Swamy Desikan's
Prabhandhams. This should serve as a fitting introduction to the 405 Paasurams constituting
the entire (19) Desika Prabhandhams. Here is that Summary.
Every one born in this universe should clearly understand the three Tatthvams (ChEthanam,
achEthnam and Iswaran), perform one of the two anushtAnams (Bhakthi Yogam and Prapatthi
Yogam) and attempt to gain the PurushArTam of Moksham. All of these are contained in the
different Veda BhAgams. Vedam is the hand lamp for all of us in this SamsAric world. Vedam
alone stands as the eternal/timeless (anAdhi), limitless (anantham), not composed by any
humans (apourushEyam) and as an independent PramANam (as Svathanthra PramANam that
does not depend on anything else). All the SaasthrAs become PramANams (means of valid
knowledge, evidence) with the help of Vedams. AzhwArs out of their infinite mercy to uplift the
human beings from their samsAric sorrows analyzed the inner meanings of Veda-VedAnthams
and blessed us with the essence of them through their 4000 Divine Collect (NaalAyira Dhivya
There are ten AzhwArs (Pathinmar): Poyghai, BhUtham, pEy, thirumazhisai, NammAzhwAr,
KulasEkarar, PeriyAzhwAr, ThoNDaradippodi, ThiruppANar, and Thirumangai.Since they
were totally immersed in BhagavAn's GuNAnubhavam (Aazhnthu kidanthamayaal), they are
saluted as "AazhwArs". They are all avathAra PurushAs (Incarnation of either Nithya sooris/
eternally liberated jeevans, or Bhagavan's weapons or AabharaNams). Many were not born in
human wombs (ayOnijAs). Besides the above ten AazhwArs, the Paasurams of ANDAL (the
avathAram of the divine consort of the Lord), Madhura Kavi (Key disciple of Swamy
NammAzhwAr) and Thiruvarangatthu AmudhanAr (Disciple of Swamy KurEsar) make up the
4000 divine collect. Among all the ten AzhwArs, Swamy NammAzhwAr is the most important.
He is revered as Prapanna SanthAna Kootasthar. The sweetness and the depth of meaning of
Swamy NammAzhwAr's ThiruvAimozhi is indescribable. The commentary on ThiruvAimozhi
is known as Bhagavath Vishayam.
SrIman NaarAyaNan is the First and Foremost AchAryan for all chEthanams. MahA Lakshmi
(Periya PirAtti) is the second in the line of AchAryaas. VishvaksEnar is third in this line. Only
after the above three, the BhUlOka AchArya Paramparai comes into being and Swamy
NammAzhwAr is the first among the BhUlOka AchAryAs. VishvaksEnar descended from
Vaikuntam to earth and performed Pancha SamskArams for Swamy NammAzhwAr and thus
became his AchAryan. Swamy NammAzhwAr is not only the first among the AzhwAr GhOshti
but also in our AchArya Paramparai.
Swamy Naatha Muni is the next AchAryan, after Swamy NammAzhwAr - who incarnated many
centuries before Swamy Naatha Muni, who was a MahA Yogi. In Swamy Naatha Muni's Yoga
dasai (Yogic stance), Swamy NammAzhwAr appeared and initiated him into Dhivya
Prabhandhams and became thus the direct AchAryan for Swamy Naatha Muni. The VaishNava
SampradhAya Sambhandham also was blessed to Swamy Naatha Muni through SrI ParAnkusa
Daasar, who belonged to the vamsam of Madhura Kavi, who in turn performed direct
kaimkaryam to Swamy NammAzhwAr during His stay on this earth. This connection also led
to Swamy NammAzhwAr becoming the AchAryan for Swamy Naatha Muni seperated by few
generations. After Swamy Naatha Muni, UyyakkoNDAr, MaNakkAl Nambi, AaLavanthAr
became AchAryas in that order. Swamy AaLavanthAr was the grand son of Swamy Naatha
Muni. He is one of the most important AchAryAs in our Guru Paramparai. Through his
maginificent SrI Sookthis like SthOthra Rathnam, Chathu: SlOki and others, Swamy
AaLavanthAr nourished our darsanam and helped the world immensely. The key disciple of
Swamy AaLavanthAr is Periya Nambi.
Periya Nambi's sishya is SrI BhAshyakArar, who is pravarthakar of our SiddhAntham. He is
known also by other names such as Udayavar, RaamAnujar and YathirAjar. He is the One, who
saved our siddhAntham from the destruction that would have been caused to it by other
mathams. He blessed us with nine SrI Sookthis: SrI BhAshyam, VedAntha Dheepam,
VedAntha Saaram, VedArTa Sangraham, GitA BhAshyam, SaraNAgathi Gadhyam, SrI Ranga
Gadhyam, SrI Vaikunta Gadhyam and Nithyam. Among these nine blessed works, the most
celebrated is SrI BhAshyam, which is the commentary on Sage BaadarAyaNA's Brahma
Soothrams. Swamy Desikan states that he spent His life time studying and interpreting SrI
BhAshyam. AchArya RaamAnujA has instructed us that the study of SrI BhAshyam is the first
duty and the loftiest among the kaimkaryams to be performed by a Prapannan. He has placed
the SrI BhAshya KaalakshEpam and teaching of SrI BhAshyam to others as the foremost act to
be performed by such a Prapannan. If we are to think of AchArya Paramparai as a necklace,
then AchArya RaamAnuja is the center piece of that necklace (Naayaka MaNi for that
Haaram). He collected the fragmented AachArams and assembled them with the help of VedAs
and protected the VarNAsrama Dharmams from endangerment. He is the guide for all of us
through His discovery of the inner meanings of the VedAs and the related pramANams and
codified the way of conduct for the people of the world. AchArya RaamAnujA never swerved
from the Saasthrams of the Lord and His SrI Sookthis based on them even during the most
dangerous times in His life. It is important for us to gain a clear comprehension of His SrI
Sookthis to understand the SiddhAntham revered as Bhagavath RaamAnuja SidhdAntham.
This is the proper way. Anything other than that way to comprehend His siddhAntham could
only prove harmful. His SiddhAntham can also be understood through KaalakshEpams at the
sacred feet of SadAchAryAs.
One of the most important disciples of AchArya RaamAnujA was Thirukkuruhai PirAn
PiLLAn, who blessed us with the celebrated commentary on ThiruvAimozhi known as Thiru
AaRAyirappadi. The AchArya Paramparai after PiLLAn is KadAmpi AacchAn, YengaL
AazhwAn, NadAthUr AmmAL and KadAmpi AppuLLAr.
He is the celebrated sishyar of Kadampi AppuLLAr and also latter's nephew. We have to
remember what Swamy Desikan said about AchArya RaamAnujA, when it comes to Swamy
Desikan himself. Only those who have the Thiruvadi and Thirumudi sambhandham with
AchArya RaamAnuja deserve to occupy the throne of AchAryAs. We do not need to seek
anyone else than Swamy Desikan since he has blessed us with every aspect of SaasthrAs
through his vast SrI Sookthis. That great help (MahOpakAram) has no match. We should
forever be grateful to the Lord for blessing us with this MahOpakAram of Swamy Desikan. Sri
Appaya Dikshithar, who wrote a commentary for the great Kaavyam of Swamy Desikan revered
as YaadhavAbhyudhayam has stated that even the simplest works of Swamy Desikan has the
deepest meanings on VedAs and SaasthrAs. Let us understand the Post-Swamy Desikan
AchArya Paramparai form one's own AchAryAs.
Every chEthanan has to approach the Saathvika-natured BhaagavathAs, move closely with
them and gain an AchAryan with their help. Afterwards, the chEthanan should pray to the
SadAchAryan to point out the way to Moksham. The SadAchAryan will respond by performing
upadEsam on the meanings of the important Tatthvams and ask the chEthanan not to swerve
from the observance of the Various VarnAsrama dharmams. The AchAryan will imprint
thereafter the Chakra and Sankham, the insignia of the Lord, on the shoulders of the
chEthanam and perform ManthrOpadEsam. This is what is known as the rites of
SamAsrayaNam and Pancha SamskAram in the world. This rite is the key observance to
become a SrI VaishNava. This rite is common to Ladies and people of all four VarNams.
Without the benefits of this sacred rite, no one can become a SrI VaishNavan.
During the time of SamAsrayaNam, the SadAchAryan will initiate the disciple on the three
manthrams --AshtAksharam, Dhvayam and Charama SlOkam --with their meanings. The
Sishyan should perform japam of these three manthrams with reflections on their meanings.
Afterwards, the SadAchAryan will bless the Sishyan with KaalakshEpams to grow visEsha
Jn~Anam about our Darsanam. Finally, the SadAchAryan out of His infinite mercy will perform
BharanyAsam/Prapatthi, where He will place the Jeevan of the chEthanam at the sacred feet of
the Lord, who is the true owner of that Jeevan. The rites of SamAsrayaNam, KaalakshEpam
and Prapatthi might take place with the same SadAchAryan or with more than one AchAryAs.
The AchAryAs do not expect any thing in return for performing their invaluable help. It is the
same as the Mother Cow that blesses its calf with milk without expecting anything in return.
AchAryAs perform these compassionate acts solely for the sake of the chEthanam's upliftment
from the samsAric afflictions. This is thus an act of indescribable mercy.
public and conduct uthsavams to celebrate His avathAra dinam. All of these still will not repay
even in a small measure the greatest upakAram performed by the AchAryan.
There are four sacred texts that have to be learnt under the sacred feet of the AchAryan:
(2) SrI GithA BhAshyam authored by AchArya RaamAnuja as commentary on SrI Bhagavath
(3) SrImath Rahasya Thraya Saaram blessed to us by Swamy Desikan that is a MaNipravALa
commentary on the three Rahasyams
Prior to KaalakshEpam of the above four SrI Sookthis, familiarity with IthihAsams and
PurANams would have been acquired to improve one's discriminating intellect (VivEkam) and
to qualify the sishyan to engage in KaalakshEpam. One should learn the recital of the entire
ThiruvAimozhi from the AchAryan prior to KaalakshEpam on SrI Bhagavath Vishayam. In
addition to the Grantha ChAthushtayam, the sishyan should learn from the AchAryan
additional AchArya SrI Sookthis and the traditional interpretations of their meanings according
to their abilities. Those who can not perform KaalakshEpams of the entire four granthams
should atleast have KaalakshEpam of SrImath Rahasya Thraya Saaram of Swamy Desikan.
The second of the three rahasyams is Dhvayam with 25 letters. Our Lord blessed us with this
manthram by uniting two separate vaakyams of Upanishad. Even utterance of this Dhvayam
once would grant fruits all the way up to Moksham. Such is its power. It can be recited by all.
The third of the three rahasyams is the Charama SlOkam with 32 letters. This is found in the
last chapter (Charama adhyAyam) of Bhagavad GithA. It was blessed to us by the Lord's sacred
speech. This manthram deals with Prapatthi or Self-Surrender/Aathma nivEdhanam.
These three rahasyams have 3, 6 and 12 padhams respectively. AchArya initiates the Sishyan
into them during the time of SamAsrayaNam. The sishyan should then perform Japam on them
daily. The meanings of these three manthrams are covered extensively in SrImath Rahasya
Thraya Saaram of Swamy Desikan. In some of his ChillaRai Rahasyams also, Swamy Desikan
has covered the meanings of these individual rahasyams (Thirumanthira Churukku, Dhvaya
Churukku and Charama slOka churukku).
In the next posting, adiyEn will cover the three Tatthvams (ChEthanam, achEthanam and
Iswaran), Hitham or the means to gain Moksham (Bhakthi and Prapatthi Yogams) and
PurushArTam or the Supreme Goal of Life.
We will start with the three Tatthvams that many of the Desika Prabahndham Paasurams refer
Jeevan is of the size of the atom and is the embodiment of bliss (aNu and Aanandha
Svaroopam). It is different from the body. It is eternal. It stands as the eternal servant of the
Lord, Iswaran.
JeevAthmAs are limitless. They are classified under three categories of
(1) Baddhhars (2) Mukthars and (3) Nithyars.
Those that revolve around SamsAric afflictions bound by their karmas are Bhaddhars or
unliberated/bound Jeevans. Those who receive SadAchArya anugraham and perform Bhakthi
or Prapatthi yOgam and gain Moksham are Mukthars or liberated Jeevans. Those Jeevans like
the Lord having no links to KarmAs and who perform forever Kaimkaryams to the Lord are
Nithyars or eternally liberated Jeevans. Aadhi Seshan, Garudan, VishvaksEnar are such
Those without discriminating knowledge are AchEthanams or insentients. ChEthanan enjoys
the fruits offered by achEthanams. These achEthanams are classified into three categories: (1)
The three GuNAs (2) Kaalam or Time and (3) Suddha Satthvam.
This is indeed Moola Prakruthi. Since it has the three GuNams of Sathtvam, Rajas and Tamas,
it is known as the triad of GuNams (Thri GuNams). This Moola Prakruthi will always be
undergoing changes (PariNAmams). When all the three guNAs are of the same measure
(Samam), then the ultimate deluge (MahA PraLayam) will occur. At other times, they will not
be equal and will transform into different Tatthvams. The uneven parts of Prakrtuhi will
blossom as "MahAn" tathtvam. Based on the dominance of one or the other of the three
GuNams, MahAn splits into three sub categories:
From MahAn, ahankAra Tathtvam originates into its three different forms:
(1) Saathvika ahankAram (2) Raajasa ahankAram and (3) Taamasa ahankAram.
From Saathvika ahankAram arises the 11 Indhriyams. The six of the Indhriyams are known as
Jna~Indhriyams: Manas, Ears, and Eyes, Tongue, Nose and body. The remaining five are
karmEndhriyams such as Speech, legs, hands, paayu (genetic organ) and Upastham (waste
removal organ).
Taamasa ahankAram produces TanmAthrAs, which are the basis of the Pancha BhUthams.
Taamasa AhankAram generates Sabdha TanmAthram, AakAsam, Sparsa TanmAthram, Vaayu,
Roopa TanmAthram, tEjas, Rasa TanmAthram, Jalam, Gandha TanmAthram, BhUmi.
The Pancha TanmAtrams are then Sabdha, Sparsa, Roopa, Rasa and Gandhams. The Pancha
BhUthams originating from the first and the next TanmAthrams are AakAsam, Vaayu, tEjas,
Jalam and BhUmi. TanmAthram state is an intermediate state, where the links to one
TanmAtram is not dissolved and the links to the next TanmAtram is not fully evolved. For
instance, Sparsa TanmAtram is when the state of AakAsam is not fully dissolved and the state
of Vaayu has not fully evolved. This is similar the state, where the attributes of milk are not
entirely removed and the attributes of curd have not fully evolved.
Raajasa ahankAram helps the other two ahankArams as they perform their duties.
Prakruthi is the tatthvam which undergoes changes to become another entity (vasthu).
Vikruthi is the tattvam that does not experience any change. That which changes into another
vasthu while staying as the transformed Vasthu is known as Prakruthi-Vikruthi.
In this context, we have to classify Moola Prakruthi as Prakruthi, the eleven Indhriyams and
BhUmi as Vikruthi and the MahAn to Gandha TanmAthram as Prakruthi-Vikruthi. Our body is
made up of Prakruthi, MahAn, AhankAram and five BhUthams. Our body is the abode of the
Kaalam is an all pervasive dhravyam. It does not house any guNams like Satthvam. Kaalam is
responsible for the present, past and future activities. Kaalam contains from the smallest unit of
time (second, minute) to the largest unit (parArtham). The changes in the Universe (karma
lOkam) are subject to the influence of Kaalam following the Sankalpam of the Lord. In SrI
Vaikuntam, Kaalam is relevant only in the sense of before and after and all activities there are
strictly controlled by the Lord's sankalpam.
This is the third member of the group of AchEthnam. It is pure Suddha GuNam without even a
trace (admixture) of RajO and TamO guNams. This dhravyam is the constituent of all
Vaikunta Vaasis and the material there ( Gopuram,PrAkAram, MaNtapam et al). It is limitless
and spreads above SrI Vaikuntam.
In the next and concluding of these four part series on Desika Darsana Saara Sangraham, we
will cover Iswara Tatthvam, Hitham and PurushArTam.
Iswaran is the third of the three Tatthvams after chEthanam and achEthanam. SrIman
NaarAyaNan is indeed the SarvEswaran. He is the Jn~Ana Svaroopan. He can not be defined
by time, place or vasthu. He remains in all places and at all times as well as in the form of all
vasthus. He is of Bliss (Aanandha) svarUpam. No blemishes (DhOshams) are to be found in
HIm. All the Universe (prapancham) stands as His body. This includes all chEthanams and
achEthanams. He remains as the means and the fruits for all. He is the Creator, Protector and
Destroyer of all. He is the Supreme most God. He is the basis of every one and He rules them
all, as well as, enjoys them. He is the One, who destroys all the sins of those, who seek His
refuge. He is eulogized by all Vedas. He is worshipped by all karmAs and He blesses the
worshipper with the fruits of such karmas. He creates Brahma and all the DevAs and they
follow His commands without fail. Through His Svaroopam and divine Suddha Satthva Body,
He stands far above every thing else in His creation. His auspicious attributes are natural to
Him. There is nothing that one can not get by approaching Him. He is not away from His
divine consort even for a moment.
Periya PirAtti also belongs to the Iswara vargam. All except this Divine couple belong to the
Jeeva vargam. PirAtti like Her Lord is present in a pervasive form with Him everywhere. She
stays as the means and the fruits like her consort. They are like the parents desiring the well
being and happiness of their children and divide their respective duties for our benefit. With
their own sankalpam, they divide their complimentary duties to protect and bless us. It is
beyond us to understand their sankalpam and how they divide their respective duties. When
one observes Prapatthi, one should seek her intercession (PurushakAram) and perform
Prapatthi to Her and then perform Prapatthi before both of Them.
Hitham is the UpAyam (means) used to gain Moksham. Both Bhakthi and Prapatthi Yogams
are the hithams (means) for realizing Moksham.
Bhakthi Yogam is of many forms. This has to be observed continuously until Moksham is
gained. A significant interval of time would go by before gaining the fruits of Moksham. It is
very difficult to observe Bhakthi yogam with all its parts. At this time, the qualified people to
practice Bhakthi Yogam are limited in number. MahAns like AchArya Naathamuni are the
exemplary adhikAris for practising Bhakthi Yogam.
Prapatthi Yogam is observed by those, who find it extremely difficult to practice Bhakthi
Yogam as the means for Moksham. Prapatthi Yogam is also known by other names such as
Bharan-nyAsam, SaraNAgathy, Bhara SamarpaNam and UpAya anushtAnam. SaadhAraNa
adhikAris call it adhrushtam also.
Ukthi Nishtai and AchArya Nishtai are practised by SrImath Azhagiya Singars of AhObila
Mostly AchArya Nishtai and BhAgavatha Nishtai to a minor extent is practiced by the
AchAryAs of Muni Thraya SampradhAyam. It is our PoorvAchAryAL's firm opinion that one of
the four kinds of Nishtais has to be obseved to realize Moksham in Desika SampradhAyam.
When one observes Prapatthi for a specific goal, one can gain the desired phalan at the desired
time. For instance, if one prefers to enjoy the karma phalans and wishes to have Moksham at
the time of leaving this body, one can realize that Phalan. This is called Dhruptha Prapatthi.
There are instances when one can not stand samsAric bonds any more and wish to realize
Moksham immediately; if that person performs Prapatthi with that goal, he can gain that
desired result. There is no doubt about that. This type of Prapatthi is known as AarTa
This Prapatthi has the full power to grant different kinds of fruits immediately. There is no
restriction based on Jaathi for observing Prapatthi. There is no gender restrictions. All Janthus
can practise Prapatthi Yogam and perform SaraNAgathi/Prapatthi to gain Moksham.
to observe for securing Moksham. He can rest free expecting Moksham without any anxiety
whatsoever. However, He should not ever abandon his nithya and naimitthika karmAs. He
should not perform them with some goal in mind. They are to be done to please the Lord. He
should not seek any other fruits other than Bhakthi and Jn~Anam during the post-prapanna life
on this earth. He should perform Bhagavath Kaimkaryams as per his capacity. He should study
the SrI Sookthis of his AchAryAs and worship the Lord and His PirAtti at the dhivya dEsams.
He should not fret about the time wasted until the time of Prapatthi and celebrate his good
fortune in attaining a SadAchAryan and his blessed KatAksham. He should partake Saathvic
food to gain the ascendancy of Satthva guNam. He should never consume food at his home
without performing Bhagavath AarAdhanam. He should consider himself as the dAsan of
AchAryAs and BhaagavathAs and serve them as much as he can. He should not boast about
himself. He should recite Dhvayam always. He should reject the loka Sukhams and seek the
dhivya dampathis always. He should reflect often on the great help (MahOpakAram) to him by
the SadAchAryan. He should not ever commit any apachArams (offenses) by mind, speech or
body to BhAgavathAs. He should not have any links to Gods other than SrIman NaarAyaNan.
When during the last moments of incapacitate period of life, he should not permit his relatives
or friends to seek the help of any gods other than SrIman NaarAyaNan. DevathAnthara
Sambhandham and BhAgavatha apachAram will destroy the glories of Prapatthi. One has to be
extremely careful on both these fronts to gain the full power of Prapatthi.
The Prapannan who knows trhe glories of Prapatthi and has practiced it as an UpAyam has the
greatest reverence and affection for the Lord and will not commit any sins consciously. Those
sins accumulated without his knowledge will not stay with him. The power of Prapatthi will
chase such sins away. If he were to commit any sins knowingly due to desa-kaala-nimittha
dhOshams, they will be destroyed if he repents over them and does not commit those sins
again and performs appropriate PrAyascchitthams. For the one, who cannot perform the big
PrAyscchitthams prescribed by SaasthrAs, performance of Prapatthi itself is the
PrAyascchittham. Even those PrapnnAs, who do not perform such PrAyscchittham, our Lord
offers light punishments on this earth and makes him pure again. The Prapannan is guaranteed
of Moksham and he never enters Narakam.
unites that Manas to PrANa Vaayu and latter with the Jeevan. Next, He churns the
ThristhUNam (three pillars like bones in the back of the body) and releases the subtle essence
of the Pancha BhUthams. When He churns the ThristhUNams, the pain experienced by the
Jeevan is deep and our Lord embraces the Jeevan to comfort it. Up to this point, the experience
of Prapannan and non-prapannan at the time of death is the same. There are 101 nerve centers
(naadi sthAnams) in our body. For Prapannan, our Lord facilitates the exit of the Jeevan by the
101st Nadi known as Sushumnai or Brahma Naadi or Moordhanya Naadi and guides the
Jeevan via ArchirAdhiMaargam to SrI Vaikuntam.
This Maargam is known as the path of light. The Jeevan that exits out of Brahma Naadi is
received successively by Agni Devathai, the devathai for the Day, Sukla Paksha Devathai,
UttharAyaNa Devathai, Varsha Devathai, Vaayu Devathai, Sooryan, Chandran, Lightning
Devathai, VaruNan, Indhran and BrahmA. They welcome the Jeevan to their regions of
authority and escort the jeevan to their boundaries and then hand the jeevan for the next
Devathai to take care of. This mode of travel with the respectful help of the above Devathais to
SrI Vaikuntam is known as the travel by ArchirAdhi Maargam.
(asva Maram) with the name of Somasavanam. There 500 divine damsels (apsaras) will be
waiting for the Jeevan with garlands, fragrant powder and other UpachAra Vasthus. They will
welcome the Muktha Jeevan and make him gain fragrance and radiance arising from Suddha
Satthva maya dEham. This help by the apsaras is known as BrahmAlankAram. The Nithya
Sooris will next welcome the Jeevan and in their company, the jeevan will approach the
Gopuram of SrI Vaikuntam. There the dhvAra PaalakAs will offer their salutations; the
Maharishis will welcome the jeevan there with PoorNa Kumbham and the ladies will have
lamps in their hands to join in that welcome. Now the Jeevan guided by them will enter the
Aanandha Maya Thiru MaNTapam, where the assembly of the Nithya Sooris and MukthAs will
be singing the glories of the Lord. In that assembly would be the AchAryAs of the Jeevan, who
will express their joy over the success of their efforts. The Jeevan will offer his salutations to his
AchAryan and he will now enjoy the sevai of the Lord on the throne of AdhisEshan in the
company of His divine consorts. The darsana soubhAgyam of the Lord with SrI Devi, BhUmi
DEvi and NeeLA Devi will thrill the Muktha Jeevan. He will climb over the throne and engage
in intimate conversation with SrIman NaarAyaNan/SrI Vaikunta NaaTan to his heart's
content. The Lord will embrace Him and bless him with the GuNams like Him and eternal
Kaimkaryam to Him (ParipoorNa BrahmAnandham and Nithya Niravadhya Kaimkaryam).
The Muktha Jeevan will now join other MukthAs and Nithyasooris and perform Kaimkaryams
to the Lord in all states and places. The Muktha Jeevan will never return to the SamsAric world.
Even if the Muktha Jeevan returns to SamsAric MaNDalam out of its own will or because of the
Lord's temporary assignmant, he does not experience any interruption in his Bhagavath
anubhavam. That is why, it is said that the Muktha Jeevan never "returns" to this SamsAric
world of sorrow. This kind of blissful experience is named ParipoorNa BrahmAnubhavam and
this is indeed the Supreme PurushArTam coveted by a Jeevan through the performance of
kivtaikRkis<hay kLya[gu[zailne,