Role Play and Debate

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March 8 (Friday)

Video recorded role play - Worker Strike and Negotiations with Management and
Union Leader
This role play scenario allows students to experience firsthand the dynamics of labor-
management relations, conflict resolution processes, and the role of unions in advocating for
workers' rights and interests. It provides an interactive and engaging way to explore the
complexities of workplace negotiations and the importance of effective communication and
compromise in resolving labour disputes.
 Workers (on strike)
 Management representatives
 Union leader
A manufacturing plant where workers have decided to go on strike due to dissatisfaction with
working conditions, wages, or other grievances. Management has called for negotiations to
resolve the conflict, and the union leader has been invited to represent the workers' interests.
Step 1: Initiation of Strike: The group of students portraying workers stage a peaceful protest
outside the manufacturing plant, holding signs and chanting slogans expressing their
demands. They refuse to work until their concerns are addressed.
Step 2: Response from Management: The group of students representing management
responds to the strike, expressing their willingness to engage in dialogue and find a resolution
to the issues raised by the workers. They call for a meeting with the union leader to discuss
the grievances and negotiate a settlement.
Step 3: Negotiations Begin: Management and the union leader sit down for negotiations.
Each side presents their concerns, demands, and proposed solutions. Management
emphasizes the need to balance the workers' demands with the company's operational
constraints and financial considerations.
Step 4: Union Leader's Advocacy: The student portraying the union leader articulates the
workers' grievances, advocating for improvements in working conditions, fair wages, and job
security. They highlight the impact of the issues on the workers' well-being and productivity,
emphasizing the importance of addressing their concerns.
Step 5: Compromise and Agreement: Through dialogue and negotiation, both sides work
towards a compromise that addresses the core concerns of the workers while also ensuring
the continued operation and viability of the manufacturing plant. Terms of agreement may
include adjustments to wages, improvements in safety protocols, or other concessions from
Step 6: Resolution and Return to Work: Once an agreement is reached and accepted by both
management and the union leader, the strike is called off, and workers return to their duties.
Both sides commit to implementing the terms of the agreement and maintaining open
communication to prevent future conflicts.

March 15 (Friday) (Debate): "The Employment Status of Gig Workers: Independent

Contractors vs. Employees" (In class – Face to face debate)
In the era of gig economy giants like Ola, Uber, Swiggy, and Zomato dominating the Indian
market, the classification of gig workers has become a contentious issue. Should these
workers be considered independent contractors, responsible for their own expenses and
without traditional employee benefits? Or should they be classified as employees, entitled to
labour rights, social protections, and regulatory oversight?
The gig economy has revolutionized the way people work, but it has also sparked debates
over the employment status of gig workers. Should gig workers be classified as independent
contractors or employees under Indian labor laws? This debate will explore the legal,
economic, social, and regulatory aspects of this issue, considering the perspectives of both
gig workers and the platforms they work for. It's not just about semantics; it's about ensuring
fair treatment, adequate compensation, and a safety net for those who power the gig
economy. We must explore the complexities of this evolving landscape and its impact on the
future of work in India.
Some of the areas for exploration for both groups may include but not limited to:
Aspect Employees (Advocating for Contractors (Advocating for
Employee Status) Contractor Status)
Legal Framework - Cite existing labor laws and - Emphasize the flexibility and autonomy
regulations in India. - Bring relevant of gig workers. - Highlight the contractual
legal precedents and court rulings. nature of gig work.
Labor Rights and - Argue for extending labor rights and - Discuss the economic implications of
Protections protections to gig workers. - Advocate classifying gig workers as employees. -
for access to benefits such as healthcare Highlight potential increase in costs for
and retirement plans. gig economy platforms.
Social Protections - Highlight the lack of social - Analyze the economic impact of
protections for gig workers compared contractor status on gig workers' earnings
to traditional employees. - Advocate for and flexibility. - Argue against excessive
government policies and social welfare regulation that could stifle innovation in
programs to provide a safety net for gig the gig economy.
Regulatory - Discuss the challenges gig workers - Compare regulatory approaches in other
Oversight face in organizing and advocating for countries, highlighting examples where
their rights. - Emphasize the independent contractor status is prevalent.
importance of collective action and - Advocate for a regulatory framework
worker representation. that supports entrepreneurship.
International - Compare the classification of gig - Highlight examples where independent
Perspectives workers in other countries. - Advocate contractor status has fostered innovation
for learning from international best and growth in the gig economy. - Argue
practices to ensure fair treatment for for a regulatory framework that supports
gig workers. entrepreneurship and flexibility.

This debate offers a multidimensional exploration of the complex issues surrounding the
classification of gig workers and encourages students to critically analyze the legal,
economic, social, and regulatory aspects of the gig economy in India.

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