Bel BNG (Te) - 2024 - Admit Card

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(Advertisement No.383/HR/TE/HLS&SCB2023-24 dated 28.02.2024)

Written Test Call Letter

Name of the Candidate DEEPAK KUMAR

Application No. 313770

Roll No. 127110083

Affix your photograph
Post Applied Trainee Engineer (Do not Staple)

Written Test Date 02 June 2024 (Sunday)

Zone Applied for East - (Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal)

Reporting Time 08:30 AM

Gate Closing Time 09:30 AM _______________________

(Signature of the Candidate)
Written Test Time 10:00 AM TO 12:00 NOON

Centre Code: 127

Written Test Centre

During the course of the written test the invigilator will verify your identity and other particulars and sign in the designated places on the Admit Card. He/she will then tear
off and retain the upper part (above the dotted line) of the admit card and hand over to you the lower part. You must retain the same and produce it for verification while
appearing for subsequent stages of the recruitment process in case you get short-listed.
Please see reverse for detailed Rules and Instructions.


(After verifying Photo ID proof) (To sign only in the presence of Invigilator)

Written Test Call Letter

Name of the Candidate DEEPAK KUMAR

Application No. 313770

Affix your photograph
(Do not Staple)
Roll No. 127110083

Post Applied Trainee Engineer

Written Test Date 02 June 2024 (Sunday)

Zone Applied for East - (Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal)
(Signature of the Candidate)
The candidate whose self-attested photo is pasted herewith has appeared for written test held on 02.06.2024 for the post of (Trainee Engineer)


(After verifying Photo ID proof) (To sign only in the presence of Invigilator)

1. With reference to your application against the above indicated position, you have been provisionally shortlisted to appear for the Written Test.

2. Based on the information furnished by you, you are shortlisted to appear for the written test on above mentioned date and time at the examination centre, provided you
satisfy all the conditions stipulated in our advertisement. The candidates will not be allowed inside the examination hall after the Gate Closing time.

3. The written test is for a duration of 120 minutes comprising of 100 Questions.

4. As stated in the advertisement No.383/HR/TE/HLS&SCB2023-24 dated 28.02.2024, BEL reserves the right to modify / alter the recruitment or selection process, if need
so arise.

5. In view of Sl. No.4 above, the selection process has been modified / altered and will only comprise of Written Test and no interview will be conducted. The selection
methodology for drawing the merit list (Category wise) of the final shortlisted candidates is as under:

Sl.No. Criteria Weightage

1 Written test marks 50%

2 Qualification marks (BE/BTech/ME/MTech) 50%

TOTAL 100%

6. Candidates are not allowed to bring any electronic gadgets such as Cell phone, Bluetooth, Electronic diaries or any other electronic devices with memory or Listening
devices and recording or photographic devices, smart watches, pagers, pen scanners or multimedia devices or any other communication devices even in switch Off mode
including hand bags, documents/papers inside the examination room/hall. BEL will not make any provision to keep them in safe custody and candidates themselves are
responsible for the safety of their belongings. Any candidate who is found with the banned items, copying, receiving, giving assistance, or using any unfair means during
the exam will be disqualified and BEL will not be responsible for the cancellation of candidature at any stage of recruitment process.

7. Your candidature in the whole recruitment process is "PURELY PROVISIONAL” subject to pending detailed scrutiny of your fulfilling the eligibility conditions as mentioned
in the advertisement for the post you have applied for. This written test call letter is issued to the candidate on a provisional basis, based on the declaration by the

8. The final list of shortlisted candidates will be announced on the Company website and the same will be intimated through e-mail. The provisional engagement letter will
be sent through email to the respective email IDs provided by the candidate.

9. You will be allowed to appear for the written test on producing this call letter along with any Valid Government photo ID proof in original (Driving License, Aadhar, Voter ID,
PAN card etc). The identity of the candidate will be matched from the original proof.

10. The call letter does not constitute an offer of employment to candidates and no travelling expenses will be admissible for appearing in Written Test.

11. You may note that you have been shortlisted for the written test purely based on the information as declared by you in your application. If at any stage of the selection
process, it is found that the information provided by you is incorrect, you will be debarred from attending the selections.

12. Request for change in Venue, Date and Time for the Written Test will not be considered under any circumstances.

13. The call letter, including Part-A (centre copy), will be collected by the invigilator at the time of the written test. They will then hand over Part-B (candidate's copy) to
you. You must retain Part -B (candidate’s copy) and produce it for verification while appearing for subsequent stages of the recruitment process in case you get short-
listed. Bharat Electronics reserves the right to debar you at any stage of the selection process, if your candidature is not considered suitable for any reason whatsoever
or cancel this whole recruitment, without assigning any reason whatsoever.

For any queries / assistance please contact: [email protected]

Thanking you.

Yours Faithfully,

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