Drager Babylog 8000 DR Ger Brochure

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The secret of harmonious breathing BABYLOG® 8000 PLUS

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The product of expertise

and experience
More than 30 years of experience in
neonatal ventilation and a century of
expertise in breathing technology have
gone into Dräger Medical’s Babylog 8000
plus. The result is a neonatal ventilator
that satisfies the extremely high standards
you set in caring for your little patients.

Little patients, great demands

Artificial respiration is one of the most invasive
procedures performed in neonatal intensive care.
So it is particularly important that a ventilator
adapts to your little patient’s requirements, and
not vice versa. The ultimate aim is to achieve a

harmonious balance between patient and

ventilator – where the ventilator not only adapts
to the patient’s needs but also protects the baby
as much as possible from serious sideeffects
such as volutrauma or atelectasis. Another major
consideration from the moment ventilation begins
is how to wean the baby off the ventilator. Here,
the right balance is just as important. Weaning is
enhanced through sensitive synchronization with
spontaneous breathing, which in practice means
adapting to interferences such as tube leaks while
allowing the baby the maximum room to breathe.
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in ventilation


Inner qualities not external trappings

For decades Dräger Medical has been supplying
ground-breaking neonatal ventilators. Classic
devices that have proved how invaluable they are
thousands of times over in locations all around
the world. The Babylog 8000 plus is no exception.
Its qualities are not confined to functional form,
clever design or any other external trappings.
The Babylog 8000 plus stands for milestones
in neonatal ventilation – inner qualities your little
patient will benefit from. The optional Pressure
Support and Volume Guarantee functions, for
example, bring a new dimension to ventilation
therapy and facilitate the process of weaning a
baby off the ventilator. Both features contribute
to this ventilator’s most valuable asset – its ability
to promote harmonious breathing.
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little patients,
great demands
The advantages of optimum ventilation
If you use a Babylog 8000 plus, you can rest assured you’re giving the little patient
in your care the best possible ventilation. Whatever mode you require – CPAP, IMV,
triggered modes such as SIMV, SIPPV, Pressure Support Ventilation or Volume
Guarantee – the Babylog 8000 plus meets the demands.

SIMV and SIPPV – a new generation expiration against positive pressure is minimized.
These well known synchronized ventilation modes PSV allows the infant to breath as needed with
have been optimized in the Babylog 8000 plus: pressure support being given throughout the breath.
A unique automatic leakage adaptation ensures This is important in the prevention of atelectasis.
sensitive and exact synchronization with the PSV is a time cycled, pressure limited, synchronized
patient’s inspiration – even in the event of changing mode with each spontaneous breath supported like
tube leaks. Work of breathing is minimized and the in SIPPV.
need to manually adjust a trigger sensitivity has
become a thing of the past. A backup rate is set to maintain adequate support
in case of apnea. The selected support pressure
Pressure Support Ventilation – the leak adapted enables you to transfer the work of breathing from the
pressure support for neonates ventilator to the patient and thus provide endurance
Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV) allows the training and shorten weaning time. Inspiration is
infant more control over the respiratory pattern with ended when inspiratory flow declines to 15% of peak
synchronization at the end of inspiration, not just the flow. A unique automatic leakage adaptation ensures
beginning. It maintains the optimal inspiratory time sensitive and exact synchronization with the patient’s
for a given patient at a given time and automatically inspiration and expiration even in the event of chang-
adjusts to changes in time constants. The inspiratory ing tube leaks. Leak adapted pressure support – the
hold is eliminated and the chance of active pressure support for neonates!

PSV - leak adapted synchronization with the patient’s inspiration and VG - delivery of consistent tidal volumes at lowest possible airway
expiration. Example: The set Ti is 0.5 seconds to allow the patient to pressure. Example: The set Pinsp is 20 mbar. The actual Peak
breath. The actual Inspiration time is 0.3 seconds and will adapt to pressure is 15 mbar, because this is sufficient to deliver the
changes in time constants. set Vt of 5.5 ml.
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Consistent Volume Guarantee tube leakages. VG enhances your therapeutic

Pressure-controlled ventilation with continuous possibilities and facilitates the weaning process.
flow is now the standard in neonatal ventilation.
Over the last few years, however, the measurement Advantageous BabyFlow nasal CPAP
of tidal and minute volumes has also become an The BabyFlow nasal CPAP system designed for
integral part of ventilation monitoring. Here, the goal use with Babylog 8000 plus is easy to apply and
is to ensure effective ventilation with a sufficient tidal supplies stable CPAP at low operating costs and
volume while at the same time avoiding volutrauma. minimal noise through the use of standard patient
The Volume Guarantee (VG) provided by the tubing and reusable parts. Its unique prong and
Babylog 8000 plus combines the advantages of mask design andinnovative fixation accessories
pressure-controlled ventilation while maintaining are designed to reduce the trauma associated
consistant tidal volumes. By continuing to ventilate with the delivery of nasal CPAP.
with pressure control in SIMV, SIPPV or PSV
modes, the Babylog 8000 plus delivers the tidal High Frequency Ventilation
volume preset with the VG function. Despite the most sophisticated conventional
ventilation strategy, there are a few situations that
This prevents overdistention and volutrauma due require a different approach. For such patients
to surfactant treatment and other sudden changes the Babylog 8000 plus offers the alternative of
of compliance or resistance. The peak airway High Frequency Ventilation (HFV), which can be
pressure deployed by the ventilator varies between switched on at the touch of a button. This mode is
the clinician-set Pinsp and PEEP. During weaning fully integrated and can be run under CPAP or in
the pressure level is automatically lowered, a variable combination with IMV. Even the tiny tidal volumes
spontaneous respiratory drive is compensated. during HFV can be reliably measured and taken
The sophisticated software algorithm of the into account to fine-tune your settings. The HFV
Volume Guarantee function is based on exhaled mode effectively removes CO2, which can be
tidal volumes, therefore compensating for changing closely monitored using the DCO2 value.
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operating concept
The benefits of ergonomic design

An operating concept that is oriented to your needs as a user and a

tailored monitoring system serve to optimize ventilation. This frees you
from many onerous tasks usually associated with device operation so
you can spend more time concentrating on your little patient.

Intelligent operating concept Daily calibration of the oxygen cell also takes place
All key settings can be adjusted using just six automatically – again leaving you more time for your
rotary knobs with clear and accurate scaling. The little patient. The Babylog 8000 plus also provides
integrated, high-contrast display shows you settings, you with graphic representations of pressure and
measured values, trends and real-time curves and flow curves as well as trends for the main ventilation
allows you to accurately fine-tune all parameters. parameters. Integrated lung function monitoring
LEDs and plain-text messages guide you on the extends your diagnostic possibilities without the
ventilation mode currently in use. Intelligent alarms need for additional equipment. For each special
classified by priority inform you with plain-text ventilation mode offered the Babylog 8000 plus
messages of any problems and their causes so also has the special monitoring required.
troubleshooting is easier and quicker. A log book
stores up to 100 alarms, warnings and advisory Sound economics
messages giving time and date details so you can The Babylog 8000 plus is an impressive operator
accurately carry out a post-analysis of any situation. in economic terms, so hospital administrators will
Ergonomics in action. be just as pleased with its running costs as you
are with its performance. The modern operating
Precision ventilation monitoring concept and extensive documentation reduce the
All key ventilation parameters are displayed and amount of initial training needed, gas-saving
monitored by intelligent alarms. Alarm limits for pneumatics minimizes oxygen consumption, and
pressures and oxygen concentration are automati- the integrated device software and modular design
cally set and adjusted when settings are changed. save time and money in service and maintenance.
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Safe investment
The Babylog 8000 plus is a safe investment now
and in the future because its future-oriented design
enables new modes of ventilation to be retrofitted
as they become available. This ventilator is also an
efficient communicator with its hospital environment.
When equipped with the BabyLink upgrade, the
Babylog 8000 plus is an open system with three
output channels (two analog, one digital) and a
serial interface so there are no limits on the
possibilities of on-going data processing – whether
for documentation, monitoring or research purposes.
Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
Moislinger Allee 53–55
23558 Lübeck, Germany

90 48 592 | 09.10-3 | Marketing Communications | LSL | LE | Printed in Germany | Chlorine-free – environmentally compatible | Subject to modifications | © 2010 Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA

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