Bio CH 5
Bio CH 5
Bio CH 5
They have webbed feet and streamlined bodies when swimming, making them excellent swimmers.
Adaptations in polar bears:
They have thick fur on their body to give warmth and protection from cold temperatures.
White skin color helps to hide in snow as it merges with snow color.
They have thickly padded feet, with thick fur to enable them to walk on snow.
The adaptations found in trees of mountain regions:
Branches are sloping.
Formation of breathing roots and prop roots from aerial plants are two types of adaptations.
Adaptations in Birds:
Birds have a streamlined body that is covered with feathers. The forelimbs of the birds are well-developed and modified into wings for flying. …
The body shape of the birds reduces resistance to air during flight.
The leaves of many desert plants, such as cacti are modified into spines to reduce loss of water.
Question: 4. Write main adaptations in fir and pine trees for mountain life.
Answer: Write main adaptations in fir and pine trees for mountain life:
Branches are sloping.
Question: 6. Differentiate between desert and mountain habitats.
Answer: Mountain – A landform that rises above the surrounding area and that is higher than a hill.
Desert – A barren region that is usually hot and dry; deserts usually have sandy or rocky soil, and very little plant life or rain.
Question: 7. Name the structures that help birds to fly.
Answer: Wings and Feathers: Wings are an obvious adaptation for flight. They are actually modified front legs. Birds move their wings using muscles in the chest. These muscles are quite large, making up
as much as 35 percent of a bird’s body weight.
Question: 8. What is the use of lateral line system for fish.
Answer: The lateral line, also called the lateral line organ (LLO), is a system of sensory organs found in fish, used to detect movement, vibration, and pressure gradients in the surrounding water.
F. Encircle the odd one out. Give reasons for your choice:
Question: 1. Air bladder, gills, hollow bones, scales
Answer: Odd one out: hollow bones
Give reasons: Present in a bird’s body. It has air cavities inside the bone.
Question: 2. Eichhornia, hydrilla, lotus, lily
Answer: Odd one out: hydrilla
Give reasons: It is a submerged aquatic plant that is a complete underwater plant.
Question: 3. Needle-like leaves, ribbon-like leaves, plate-like leaves, strap-like leaves
Answer: Odd one out: Needle-like
Give reasons: Pine is a conifer i.e. plant which grows in mountains. It has needle-like leaves.
Question: 4. Wings, hollow bones, feathers, fur on the body
Answer: Odd one out: fur on the body
Give reasons: Mountain animals have fur in the body which helps to protect them against the chilly winter climate