Informe - Ingles
Informe - Ingles
Informe - Ingles
Personal And Business Income
Diaz Sagastegui, Noe Levi (ORCID.ORG/0000-0002-1900-6897)
Mundaca Flores, Kelvin (ORCID.ORG/0000-0002-5334-0821)
CPC. Lozano Ríos, Marco Antonio (
I. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................1
II. DEVELOPMENT................................................................................................................2
III. CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................................4
IV. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE......................................................................................5
In the country there are various regulations that allow us to live together in a
better organized society. These regulations are very important, because
they guide the fulfillment of our obligations as citizens, that is, these
regulations allow all people to know what their limitations and obligations
are with their country.
The relevance of the tax regime for companies has been highlighted by
various authors. In the words of John Freedman, "choosing the appropriate
tax regime can have a significant impact on the profitability and
competitiveness of a company" (Freedman, 2016). This statement
highlights how the choice of tax regime can influence the financial structure
and investment capacity of a company, which in turn affects its position in
the market.
The general regime is intended for medium and large companies, whether
legal or natural persons, this depends more on the income that a company
or entity can obtain and knowing if it meets those requirements, such as for
example this general regime is for those companies that obtain third
category income with an annual net income greater than 1700 UIT SUNAT
(Dianderas & Vilca, 2021, p. 29).
Taxpayers in the general regime are those who keep those books and
records, including journals, general ledgers, purchase and sales records,
cash and bank books, as well as inventories and balance sheets. This
regime is also free to issue any type of payment vouchers. (Liza &
Salvador, 2021, p. 14 – 15)
Finally, we can say that the general regime applies to all those taxpayers,
regardless of whether they are legal or natural persons, as long as they can
be in the third category and comply with those obligations requested of
them, as we also know at the time of being in this category. regime we have
certain advantages that it offers us, one of them is that it has no limits on
income for which it can carry out various economic activities, another of
these advantages is that it allows us to issue what type of payment receipt
and finally this regime benefits the company because in the event that there
are economic losses within it, it can be deducted from those profits that
were from subsequent years
The MYPE Regime, an acronym for Micro and Small Business, is a tax
framework designed specifically for this business segment in Peru.
According to Law No. 28015, the MYPE Regime seeks to simplify tax
obligations and promote the development of micro and small businesses in
the country.
Requirements to qualify for the Regime
To qualify for the MYPE Regime, companies must meet certain
requirements established by SUNAT (National Superintendence of
Customs and Tax Administration). These requirements typically include
annual billing limits and compliance with certain conditions related to the
size and nature of the business.
Definition and Characteristics
The General Regime, unlike the MYPE Regime, is aimed at larger
companies and offers a more detailed and complex tax framework. This
regime applies to companies whose characteristics or volume of operations
place them outside the scope of the MYPE Regime. Under the General
Regime, companies are subject to more exhaustive tax regulation and a
series of additional tax obligations.
Companies that opt for the General Regime must meet a series of
requirements established by SUNAT and other regulatory entities. These
requirements may include aspects such as the size of the company, its
annual turnover, the nature of its commercial activities and other criteria
defined by current tax regulations.
In this report, we have analyzed and compared the MYPE Regime and the
General Regime in terms of requirements, benefits and limitations. Through
this analysis, we have reached several important conclusions about the tax
management of companies in Peru.
Both regimes offer viable options for businesses, but each has its own
characteristics and considerations that must be taken into account when
making tax decisions. The MYPE Regime, aimed at micro and small
businesses, offers a simplified tax framework and tax benefits that can be
especially beneficial for this business segment. On the other hand, the
General Regime, applicable to larger companies, provides greater flexibility
and a wider range of tax options, although with greater administrative
It is crucial that companies carefully evaluate their options and consider
factors such as their size, annual turnover, financial structure and business
objectives when choosing between the MYPE Regime and the General
Regime. Choosing the right tax regime can have a significant impact on a
company's profitability and competitiveness, as well as its legal compliance
and corporate responsibility.
For future research, topics related to the effectiveness of tax regimes in
promoting business growth, the impact of tax incentives on the formalization
of the informal economy, and best practices in tax management for
companies in different sectors could be explored. stages of development