Guest Score Card 23-24

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6/11/24, 2:44 PM School - Guest Faculty Management System

स्कू ल शिक्षा विभाग

मध्य प्रदेश शासन
(अतिथि शिक्षक प्रबंधन प्रणाली) सत्र - 2023-24 - V2 Back Print

Name: Satyabhama [Female] Date of Birth : 12/06/1993

Father/Husband/Guardian Name Nilesh Kumar Mother Name : Bebe Chadokar
Address : 19/2 sirdi , gram sirdi tahsil multai jila betul,District:BETUL,PinCode:460668
Mobile No : 9131433760 Email Id :
Retired Govt. Teacher : NO School: 0
Retirement Date:

Education & Professional Qualification as Registered by the Applicant

S.No Year Qualification Subject Board/University Roll Number Total Marks Obtained Marks
1 2010-11 HIGH SCHOOL All MP Board 116631746 600.00 402.00
2 2013-14 HSS (11th / 12th) कृ षि विज्ञान MP Board 246603370 500.00 211.00
3 2017-18 GRADUATE बोटनी State Govt. University 162290057 3700.00 2371.00
4 2022-23 B Ed B. Ed State Govt. University 121401289 1750.00 1335.00

Score Card for Various Panels generated using the Qualification and other details as registered by the
Basic Prof. Qual. Retd. Govt
Year 2018-19 Exp. Total Score
Panel Basic Qual. Subject Qual. Score (Out of Teacher (Out of
score (out of 25) (Out of 325)
Score 100) 100)
1. Science
GRADUATE बोटनी 64.1 100.0 0.0 0 164.1

HSS (11th / कृ षि
2. SSS-3 42.2 0.0 0.0 0 42.2
12th) विज्ञान

The above details have been verified By : PRABHAT PATTAN-PRINCIPAL G.H.S.S.BISNOOR

IP Address: Date:11/06/2024 14:44:30 1/1

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