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A Liouville surface is a surface with
1st Fundamental
form (φ(u) + ψ(v)) du2 + dv 2 after a parametric
Prove that any surface locally isometric to a surface of
revolution is a Liouville surface.
f (h(v ∗ ))2 h′ (v ∗ )2
0 f ′ (h(v ∗ ))2 + g ′ (h(v ∗ ))2
Equating both diagonal entries, we get a differential equation for
h (v ∗ ). For the solution h (v ∗ ) , 1st F F has equal coefficients which
is a function of v ∗ alone. (i.e., φ (u∗ ) = 0. )
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Section 2.15
Intrinsic Properties
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Intrinsic Properties
Properties expressible in terms of 1st fundamental
coefficients are called intrinsic properties.
Isometric surfaces have same intrinsic properties, as they
have same 1st F F .
As surfaces are isometric if and only if corresponding
curves have same length, these properties can be
determined by the data of lengths of all curves on the
surface. As they can be determined by only remaining on
surface without any reference to outer space, they are
called intrinsic properties. If an intrinsic property is not
shared by two surfaces, they are not isometric.
Unit normal is not intrinsic.
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Conformal Mappings
Two surfaces S and S ′ are said to be conformally
mapped to each other if there is a differentiable
homeomorphism preserving the angle between any two
intersecting curves.
As angle between curves is determined by 1st FF,
isometric surfaces are conformally mapped to each other.
Converse is not true.
Two surfaces are conformally mapped to each other if
and only if there is a function ω(u, v) such that
E = ωE ′ , F = ωF ′ , G = ωG′ everywhere, i.e. 1st FFs
are proportional.
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Example : Stereographic projection of a sphere on to
equatorial plane is conformal but not isometry.
Verify that the map is givem by:
u2 + v 2 − 1
2u 2v
f (u, v, 0) = , ,
u2 + v 2 + 1 u2 + v 2 + 1 u2 + v 2 + 1
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Equi-Areal Maps
A correspondence from S to S ′ is called equiareal if it
preserves the area of regions. This happens if and
only if EG − F 2 is preserved.
Thus every isometry is equi-areal, but not conversely.
Archmedes Map: Consider the map from sphere to
cylinder given by !
x y
f (x, y, z) = p ,p ,z .
x2 + y 2 x2 + y 2
f is equi-areal but not isometric.
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Lecture 29
March 05, 2024
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Using the first fundamental form, we can not distinguish
between isometric surfaces.
For example, we can’t distinguish between plane and
cylinder, notwithstanding that one is flat but the other
Thus the curvature properties of surfaces are not
captured by first fundamental form completely. (They
can be captured to some extent, as we will see)
For this we require more information, which is not
intrinsic. We need to also take into account the
surrounding space.
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How fast does surface turn?
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Section 3.10 : Geodesic curvature
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Normal and Geodesic Curvatures :
The component κN of ⃗r ′′ (s) in the direction of N ⃗ is
called the normal curvature of ⃗r(s) at P . The (tangent)
vector λ⃗r1 (s0 ) + µ⃗r2 (s0 ) = (λ, µ) is called the geodesic
curvature vector of ⃗r(s) at P and denoted by K ⃗ g.
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The geodesic curvature vector is orthogonal to the curve.
Proof : κn N⃗ · ⃗t = 0 and ⃗r ′′ · ⃗t = 0. Hence ⃗r ′′ − κn N⃗ · ⃗t = 0.
Since the geodesic curvature vector is also orthogonal to
⃗ , it is parallel to ⃗t × N
N ⃗.
The geodesic curvature of the curve ⃗r(s) on the surface
at P is defined as ± (the magnitude of the geodesic
curvature vector) and denoted by κg . (sign is chosen + if
⃗ g, N
⃗r ′ , K ⃗ form a right handed system).
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⃗ g = ± Eλ2 + 2F λµ + Gµ2
κg = ± K
and κ = κN 2 + κg 2 .
Prove the following
1 κg = [N⃗ , ⃗r ′ , ⃗r ′′ ].
2 κg = ṡ−3 [N ⃗ , ⃗r˙, ⃗r¨ ].
3 κg = ṡ3 H −1 [(⃗r1 · ⃗r˙ )(⃗r2 · ⃗r¨) − (⃗r2 · ⃗r˙ )(⃗r1 · ⃗r¨) ]
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The geodesic curvature vector is intrinsic.
We will not give complete proof of the theorem, but will
give formulas for (λ, µ) in terms of E, F, G without
proof. First we give their expression in terms of
quantities called Christoffel coefficients of 2nd kind and
later give expressions for Christoffel coefficients of 2nd
kind in terms of E, F, G. (see sec. 3.6, p. 189 and sec.
3.10 Theorem 5 on p. 204 of the text book).
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Geodesic curvature vector in terms of Christoffel
coefficients of 2nd kind : Let (u(s), v(s)) be the curve
in U mapped to ⃗r(s).
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Christoffel coefficients of 2nd kind
−2 1
Γ111 =H GE1 − F F1 − E2
2 2
1 1
= H −2 GE1 − F F1 + F E2 ,
2 2
1 1
Γ112 = H −2 GE2 − F G1 ,
2 2
1 1
Γ122 = H −2 G(F2 − G1 ) − F G2
2 2
1 1
= H −2 GF2 − GG1 − F G2 ,
2 2
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Christoffel coefficients of 2nd kind
−2 1 1
Γ211 =H E F1 − E2 − F E1
2 2
−2 1 1
=H EF1 − EE2 − F E1 ,
2 2
1 1
Γ212 = H −2 EG1 − F E2 ,
2 2
−2 1 1
Γ222 =H EG2 − F F2 − G1
2 2
−2 1 1
=H EG2 − F F2 + F G1 ,
2 2
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Second Fundamental Form
To study non-intrinsic properties of the surface, we need
tools other than first Fundamental form.
The first fundamental form relates properties about
measurement. Though it was enough to describe
geodesic curvature, to study normal curvature we
introduce the second fundamental form.
The quadratic form II = Ldu2 + 2M dudv + N dv 2 is
called the second fundamental form where
L=N ⃗ · ⃗r11 , M = N
⃗ · ⃗r12 , N = N
⃗ · ⃗r22
are called the 2nd fundamental coefficients.
You need to distinguish between N ⃗ and N .
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L, M , N are not intrinsic. It means we can have two
surfaces which are isometric but corresponding
parameterizations have different L, M , N .
Let ⃗r(u, v) = (u, v, 0); (u, v) ∈ U = (0, 2π) × (0, 1) be a
parametrization of a plane and
⃗r ∗ (u, v) = (cos u, sin u, v); (u, v) ∈ U . The map
f (u, v, 0) = (cos u, sin u, v)
between the plane and cylinder is an isometry.
Compute the second fundamental coefficients of both
the surfaces
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For the plane
⃗r1 = (1, 0, 0) and ⃗r2 = (0, 1, ).
Thus ⃗r11 = ⃗r12 = ⃗r22 = ⃗0. Consequently
L = M = N = 0.
For the cylinder
⃗r1∗ = (− sin u, cos u, 0) and ⃗r2∗ = (0, 0, 1).
Therefore ⃗r11 ∗
= (− cos u, − sin u, 0), ⃗r12 ∗
= ⃗r22 = ⃗0 and
⃗ ∗ = (cos u, sin u, 0). Hence
⃗ ∗ · ⃗r11
L∗ = N ∗
= −1, M ∗ = N ∗ = 0.
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Formula Of Normal Curvature
Normal curvature along curve ⃗r(s) on the surface is
Ldu2 + 2M dudv + N dv 2
κn =
Edu2 + 2F dudv + Gdv 2
Proof: We have seen that for a curve ⃗r(s) with arc
length parameter s,
⃗ +K
⃗r,′′ (s) = κn N ⃗g
⃗ ·K
Since N ⃗ g = 0, κn = N
⃗ · ⃗r ′′ (s)
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Now, as ⃗r(s) = ⃗r(u(s), v(s)).
∴ ⃗r ′ (s) =⃗r1 (u(s), v(s))u′ (s) + ⃗r2 (u(s), v(s))v ′ (s)
and ⃗r ′′ (s) =⃗r1 (u(s), v(s))u′′ (s) + ⃗r2 (u(s), v(s))v′′ (s)
+ (⃗r11 (u(s), v(s))u′ (s) + ⃗r12 (u(s), v(s))v ′ (s)) u′ (s)
+ (⃗r21 (u(s), v(s))u′ (s) + ⃗r22 (u(s), v(s))v ′ (s)) v ′ (s).
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