Converging HRM Practices? A Comparison of High Performance Work System Practices in MNC Subsidiaries and Domestic Firms in Pakistan
Converging HRM Practices? A Comparison of High Performance Work System Practices in MNC Subsidiaries and Domestic Firms in Pakistan
Converging HRM Practices? A Comparison of High Performance Work System Practices in MNC Subsidiaries and Domestic Firms in Pakistan
Converging HRM practices? A HRM practices
comparison of high performance
work system practices in
MNC subsidiaries and domestic 931
Purpose – Existing work on convergence/divergence among HRM practices in MNCs and local firms mainly
focuses on Europe and the USA. Limited research examines these organizations in Pakistan, hindering our
understanding of what policies MNCs are likely to adopt there as well as the extent of any differences between
HRM in MNC subsidiaries and local firms. The purpose of this paper is to examine the similarities and
differences between the HRM practices of MNC subsidiaries and domestic firms to assess if there is evidence
for convergence or divergence.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors targeted MNC subsidiaries and domestically owned firms
working in the banking, information technology and pharmaceutical sectors in Pakistan. These sectors have
enjoyed a steady inflow of foreign direct investment and have a sizeable number of MNC subsidiaries. Out of
1,081 companies, some 392 participated in a face-to-face survey (response rate of 36.4 percent). The authors
ran a series of binary logistic regression models to test the hypothesized relationships between HR practices
and nationality of ownership.
Findings – The authors reveal that a small minority of both types of firm use some practices, such as high
compensation contingent on performance and performance review, appraisal and career development. However,
domestic firms use some practices, such as extensive training, performance appraisals and performance-related pay
significantly less than their multinational counterparts. The authors argue that these differences reflect institutional
influences in Pakistan as well as a potential opportunity for local firms to change their HRM practices. In other
areas, such as recruitment and employee involvement, there are no differences between the two groups.
Originality/value – The authors deepen our understanding of the types of HR practices that local
companies in an emerging economy are likely to adopt as well as those that they are unlikely to adopt.
Existing research has tended to downplay HRM in Pakistan and the different use of individual HRM practices
among MNC subsidiaries and local firms. This research reveals that some companies in Pakistan have
sophisticated HRM practices in place in some areas; however, MNC subsidiaries make greater use of some HR
practices, reflecting different cultural norms between the two groups.
Keywords Training, Human resource management
Paper type Research paper
Employee Relations: The
Introduction International Journal
An important strand in the HRM literature has long questioned whether a global model of HRM, Vol. 41 No. 5, 2019
pp. 931-948
centered on high performance work systems (HPWS), will emerge or whether country-specific © Emerald Publishing Limited
models will prevail (Budhwar et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2005; Pudelko and Harzing, 2007; DOI 10.1108/ER-01-2018-0021
ER Brewster et al., 2016). Empirical studies have presented convincing evidence to support both
41,5 positions; the debate, therefore, is far from over. We compare the HPWS practices and policies of
MNC subsidiaries and domestic firms in Pakistan and assess any convergence/divergence
among these policies.
There is a paucity of literature on HRM in South and South East Asia, especially
Pakistan (Budhwar et al., 2016; Ahmad and Allen, 2015), creating a need to understand how
932 the HRM practices of indigenous firms compare to those of MNCs (Chiang et al., 2017;
Budhwar et al., 2016). We examine how domestic cultural factors influence the adoption
of HPWS practices in Pakistan between MNC subsidiaries and local Pakistani firms.
The lack or inadequate implementation of formal regulations or institutions in Pakistan
provides companies with greater discretion over their HRM practices, potentially
leading to differences in practices between local and foreign companies (Vaiman and
Brewster, 2015).
We hypothesize that cultural differences between the two groups of companies are likely
to be more important for some HPWS, such as performance reviews, learning opportunities
and performance-related pay, than for others, such as recruitment and selection, leading to
variation in the prevalence of some polices, but not others among the two groups. We test
these hypotheses against a unique data set covering the banking, information technology
and pharmaceutical sectors in Pakistan. Our findings confirm our hypotheses: domestic
firms use some practices, such as extensive training, performance appraisal and contingent
pay, significantly less than their multinational counterparts. For other HPWS practices,
such as recruitment and employee involvement, there are no statistically significant
differences between the two groups. We argue that these differences reflect cultural
differences between the two groups with connections (or sifarish values) being more
important in local firms than MNC subsidiaries.
We contribute to the oft-debated issue of HR policy transfer under the theoretical lens of
institutional theory by providing evidence from an important, but under-researched
country. We deepen our understanding of the types of HR practices that local companies in
an emerging economy are likely to adopt as well as those that they are unlikely to adopt.
Existing research has tended to downplay HRM in Pakistan and the different use of
individual HRM practices among MNC subsidiaries and local firms. Our research reveals
that some companies in Pakistan have sophisticated HRM practices in place in some areas;
however, MNC subsidiaries make greater use of other HR practices, reflecting different
cultural norms between the two groups.
The rest of the paper has three sections. The first section reviews the literature and sets
out our hypotheses. The second section discusses the methodology and results. The final
section discusses our results and concludes.
Pakistani context
Pakistan is the world’s sixth most populous country (190m inhabitants); two-thirds of
Pakistanis are under the age of 30 (Statistics-PK, 2016). The institutional environment of a
country, including its cultural norms, potentially has important implications for firms’ HR
policies. The unemployment rate is 5.6 percent and female participation in the workforce is
low. The literacy rate is 58 percent (Ministry-of-Finance, 2015). In year 2013–2014, 0.31m
students were enrolled in 3,300 technical and vocational institutes in the country. In the
higher education sector, 1.60m students were enrolled in 161 universities. Thus, firms in
Pakistan have access to skilled as well as unskilled workers to recruit from, potentially
influencing the types of HR practices that local firms and MNC adopt.
In the past few decades, governments of Pakistan have encouraged foreign direct
investment (FDI), liberalization, de-regulation and privatization. The Government has, for
example, granted tax holidays for foreign investors, helping total inward FDI reach $750.9m
in 2015 and $2,979m in total. These characteristics and the FDI figures illustrate the
importance of FDI to Pakistan and highlight the potential opportunities for local firms to
emulate MNCs’ HPWS practices.
Trade unions play almost no role in the economy: only 6.3 percent of the workforce is
unionized and a mere 2.2 percent are covered by a collective bargain. The Industrial
Relations Act 2010 does not allow unions any role in retention, suspension, the dismissal of
employees ( Jhatial et al., 2014), enabling companies to implement the HR practices that they Converging
deem to be most appropriate. Moreover, Paik et al. (2011) argue that the institutional HRM practices
environment provides flexibility and options to MNCs to select whichever management
practices are most appropriate for their operations. The regulatory institutional
environment in Pakistan provides no strong requirements in terms of HRM policies that
foreign firms must implement; foreign firms are unlikely to copy local firms’ HR practices in
a process of mimetic isomorphism as MNCs will not perceive local firms’ practices to be 935
superior to their own.
National culture, including religion, plays an important role in the type of HRM policies
and practices being utilized in Asian economies (Al-Hamadi et al., 2007; Mellahi, 2007).
Pakistan’s culture has been classified as collectivist, high on power distance, hierarchical
authority, and there is a preference for uncertainty avoidance and a restrained society (Iqbal
et al., 2018). Factors such as connection, cronyism, corruption, deference to seniors are
strong national characteristics. Family and social relationships take preference over rules
and regulations and organizational life (Hofstede et al., 2010; Jhatial et al., 2014). In general,
such factors are likely to influence firms’ HRM practices. In particular, MNCs may be more
likely than domestic companies to implement specific HPWS practices.
Hypothesis development
This section develops hypotheses to examine the differences, if any, between key HPWS
practices in subsidiaries of MNCs and domestic firms in Pakistan, a country with a
distinctive institutional and cultural context. There is no consensus on which practices
constitute HPWS; we, therefore, draw on the HPWS literature and select the following
practices: selective hiring and sophisticated selection, extensive training and development,
employee involvement and participation, high compensation contingent on performance,
performance review, appraisal and career development (Marchington and Wilkinson, 2008;
Guest et al., 2003; Guthrie et al., 2009).
Performance-related compensation
Performance-related pay is a key HPWS practice (Marchington and Wilkinson, 2008). It can
be designed both for individuals and the team depending upon task interdependence and it
can take several forms, such as profit sharing and stock options, etc. (Shaw et al., 2002).
Performance-based pay is becoming increasingly popular in the USA and Europe and is
becoming popular in Asia (Chang, 2006). However, Farndale et al. (2008) note that MNCs as
compared to domestic firms are more likely to offer contingent pay schemes, such as profit
sharing and stock options, to employees based on their performance. Findings from Mellahi
et al. (2013) suggest that, in Turkey, MNC subsidiaries are more likely than domestic firms to
offer performance-related pay. Other research suggests that performance-related pay, in the
shape of profit sharing and stock options, has become an international practice in MNCs
(Ahrens et al., 2018).
Evidence on the prevalence of performance-related pay in Pakistan is mixed. Some
indicates that pay in Pakistani firms is typically seniority based (Khilji, 2002), while other
evidence indicates that some local firms are adopting variable pay that is dependent on
employees’ contributions (Khilji and Wang, 2006). Drawing on the evidence overall, we
hypothesize that:
H5. MNC subsidiaries are more likely to offer performance-related pay than
domestic firms.
Figure 1 sets out all of our hypothesized relationships.
Performance review,
appraisal and career
development Control
Performance-related Firm Size
Figure 1.
compensation Firm Age
Research framework
The independent variables. All independent variables of the study were measured
by using items adopted from earlier work (Guest et al., 2003; Guthrie et al., 2009;
Wright et al., 2003; Macky and Boxall, 2007). All items were measured on a five-point
Likert scale.
Selective hiring and sophisticated selection (recruitment) was operationalized using three Converging
items: How often does your recruitment process generate as many good/qualified applicants HRM practices
as you need? Are one or more employment tests (e.g. skills tests, aptitude tests, mental/
cognitive ability tests) used prior to hiring? Is there a deliberate attempt to provide a
preview of what work in the organization will be like, including more negative aspects as
part of recruitment and selection process?
Extensive training, learning and development (training) was operationalized by a four- 939
item construct: Have non-managerial employees been trained in variety of jobs or skills (are
cross trained) and/or routinely perform more than one job (are cross utilized); received
intensive/extensive training in company-specific skills (e.g. task or firm-specific training);
received intensive/extensive training in generic skills (e.g. problem solving, communication
skills, etc.). Your company places a great deal of importance on training.
Employee involvement and participation (employee involvement) – the practice was
operationalized using four items: are employees involved in programs designed to elicit
participation and employee input (e.g. quality circles, problem solving or similar groups);
provided with relevant operating performance information (e.g. quality, productivity, etc.);
provided with relevant strategic information (e.g. strategic mission, goals, tactics,
competitor information, etc.); organized in self-directed teams.
Performance review, appraisal and career development (performance appraisal) was
operationalized using four items: employees receive formal performance appraisal or
evaluation on a routine basis; employees receive formal performance feedback from more
than one source (i.e. feedback from several individuals such as supervisors, peers, etc.). A
proportion of non-managerial employees pay is determined by performance appraisal. The
performance feedback provides information on how they do their job.
High compensation contingent on performance (compensation) was measured using
three items: employees can participate in profit sharing or share ownership schemes based
on their job performance or team performance; are they offered additional pay or have they
been offered a pay rise in the past year as a result of job performance or work in team; are
employees offered some sort of cash incentive?
Drawing on previous studies, we controlled for the number of employees and age of the
firm in our analysis.
The dependent variable. Following Mellahi et al. (2013), we assigned a value of 0 to
multinational subsidiaries and a value of 1 to domestic companies for our categorical
dependent variable. In other words, our dependent variable is the dichotomous variable of
ownership, that is, MNC subsidiary or local establishment.
We ran a series of binary logistic regression models to test the hypothesized relationships.
The regression coefficient estimates the impact of an independent variable on the
probability of an event occurring. There is no suggestion of multicollinearity between
predictor variables. The descriptive statistics with pairwise correlations, values for
convergent and discriminant reliability are provided in Table I.
The convergent validity of all the constructs is established as AVEW0.50 and the
discriminant validity of all the constructs is established, as the square root (AVE) Winter-
correlations. We ran a confirmatory factor analysis on the five factor solution. The five
factor confirmatory factor analysis yielded the best fit for the data ( χ2 ¼ 280.30, df ¼ 20,
CMIN/df ¼ 1.67, GFI ¼ 0.96, RMSEA ¼ 0.05). The CFA confirmed our five HPWS policies
(selective hiring and sophisticated selection; extensive training, learning and development;
employee involvement and participation; performance review, appraisal and career
development; and high compensation contingent on performance). Table II provides further
Table I.
and correlation
(convergent and
Descriptive statistics
1 Company type – –
2 Age of the company 3.42 1.123 0.060
3 Ln of the size 4.00 0.940 −0.014 0.266**
4 Recruitment 3.22 0.745 0.031 0.333** 0.110* 0.780
5 Employee involvement 3.94 0.886 −0.116* 0.157** 0.242** 0.000 0.750
6 Compensation 1.95 0.992 −0.196** 0.204** 0.240** 0.153** 0.362** 0.822
7 Performance appraisal 2.96 0.706 −0.023 0.063 −0.110* 0.097 0.343** 0.185** 0.756
8 Training 2.61 0.903 −0.184** 0.222** −0.029 0.146** 0.299** 0.235** 0.325** 0.817
Notes: The diagonal values are the square root of AVEs of the relevant construct. These values should be greater than the inter-correlation to establish discriminant
validity of the construct. The table shows that discriminant validity of all the constructs is established as the diagonal values, i.e., square root (AVE)Winter-correlations.
The convergent validity of all the constructs is established through AVEW0.50. Please further note that variable company type is a binary variable coded as 0 for MNC
and 1 for domestic firm. As it is binary in nature so mean and SD values are not provided. *,**Statistical significance at the 10 and 5 percent levels respectively
α (CR HRM practices
Factor composite
Construct (items) loading reliability) AVE Convergent validity Discriminant validity
details regarding Cronbach’s α values, the items loadings for their relevant constructs,
the AVEs and their composite reliabilities of the practices (the independent variables)
and establishment of reliability and validity of constructs. The dependent variable is a
single-item dichotomous variable; we did not, therefore, assess its reliability and validity.
Table III shows the results of the logistic regressions. Multinational subsidiaries
are the reference category. The binomial logistic model explains the variation in HRM
practices between MNC subsidiaries and domestic Pakistani firms. A negative sign
on the independent variable coefficient indicates that MNC subsidiaries use the relevant
practice more than domestic firms; a positive sign indicates their relative greater use by
domestic firms.
We tested the individual effects of high performance HRM practices along with control
variables in Models 1–6. All of the high performance HRM practices as independent
variables along with control variables were tested in Model 6. All seven models have
significant χ2 values ( p o0.001). All the models have good fit with correct ratios ranging
from 0.68 to 0.72. The Hosmer and Lemeshow value for all the models was non-significant,
ER Variable name Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Recruitment 0.02 0.12
Training −1.14*** −0.95**
Employee involvement −0.32** −0.14
Performance appraisal −0.05 −0.42**
Compensation −0.72*** −0.71***
942 Log size −0.81*** −0.81*** −0.75*** −0.81*** −0.84*** −0.81***
Age 0.11 0.19* 0.12 0.10 0.20* 0.22*
Model χ 2
49.04*** 59.08*** 54.60*** 49.02*** 79.33*** 89.00***
Pseudo R2 0.16 0.19 0.18 0.16 0.25 0.28
Correct ratio 0.68 0.70 0.69 0.68 0.72 0.71
Hosmer and Lemeshow 0.71 0.95 0.69 0.71 0.20 0.35
Notes: n ¼ 392. The dependent variable is the type of company, i.e., MNC subsidiary or local workplace. MNC
subsidiary were assigned a value of “0”; local establishments, “1.” MNC subsidiaries ¼ 131; local
Table III. workplaces ¼ 261. Negative signs indicate MNC subsidiaries’ greater use relative use of the HRM practices,
Results of while positive signs indicate local establishments’ greater use of the HRM policy. *p o0.1; **p o0.05;
logistic regressions ***p o0.001
confirming the models’ goodness of fit. Pseudo R2 values ranged from 0.16 to 0.25 in Models
1–5 that include the individual high performance HRM practices, and 0.28 in Model 6 that
incorporates all the high performance HRM practices.
As hypothesized by H1, the coefficient of selective hiring and sophisticated selection
(recruitment) is positive, but not statistically significant in Models 2 and 6, thus failing to
support the hypothesis and suggesting that multinational subsidiaries and domestic firms
do not differ with respect to their use of the practice. The coefficient of extensive training,
learning and development (training) is negative and statistically significant the 0.1 percent
level in Model 2 and at the 5 percent level in Model 6. Thus, MNC subsidiaries are more
likely to provide extensive training, learning and development opportunities to their
employees compared to domestic Pakistani firms.
With respect to employee involvement and participation (employee involvement) (H3), the
individual practice model (Model 3) indicates a negative and statistically significant coefficient;
however, this variable is not statistically significant in Model 6. Keeping in view the improved
explanatory power of the latter model, we consider its result to be more important. Hence, we
conclude that there are no statistically significant differences with respect to employee
involvement and participation between MNC subsidiaries and domestic firms. In the case for
the performance review, appraisal and career development the coefficient is negative and
insignificant in case of individual practice in Model 4; however, the practice becomes significant
in Model 6. Thus, the overall model that contains all of the independent variables supports H4
(MNC subsidiaries are more likely than domestic firms to use performance appraisals).
As hypothesized by H5 the coefficient of high compensation contingent on performance
(compensation) is negative and statistically significant at the 0.1 percent level in Models 5 and 6.
Thus, the results suggest that MNC subsidiaries are more likely to provide performance-related
compensation to their employees than domestic firms. However, overall, the mean values for this
practice indicates that the surveyed companies use this practice infrequently in Pakistan.
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Resource Management, Vol. 18, pp. 745-768.
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Matthew M.C. Allen can be contacted at: [email protected]
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