AI Unit 4

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AI Unit 4


i) Rote Learning: means Memorization.
- This method enables the machine to acquire and store organised
information. This information can be used as and when repetition of some
task is performed as it’s faster to use stored information instead of
recollecting it.
- Saves knowledge so it can be used again. Retrieval is the only problem.
- No repeated computation/query is necessary.
- We get generalised information stored in the database.
- It fails when complexities increase in stored information itself and it becomes
difficult to access the right information at the right time. It cannot be used in
sophisticated applications.
- Computational aspect - data caching → stores computed values and recalls
this information needed by computation.
- E.g. Samual’s checkers program - stored chess moves played by its creator,
thus, learning to play chess.

ii) Learning by taking advice: It is the easiest and simplest way of learning.
- Programmer writes a program giving instructions to perform a task to the
computer, once programmed(learned) the system can do new things.
- Computer follows the instructions given by the programmer, thus, taking
advice from the creator of the programmer.
- Stored knowledge is transformed into operational knowledge, Therefore
reliability reduces.
- It is also known as Direct Instruction
- Eg: EMYCIN → constructs a consultation program. Ie. offers advice on
problems within its domain of expertise.
- E.g FOO program that plays the game called ‘Hearts'. The program takes
advice from the programmer to decide the moves.

iii) Learning in Problem Solving: There are 3 methods:

- C1: Learning by parameter adjustment: start with some estimate of the
correct weight settings, modify the weight in the program on the basis of
accumulated experiences.
- Features that are good predictors will have their weights increased & bad
ones will be decreased. Eg. Samual’s Checkers program
- C2: Learning by Macro Operators: similar to rote learning.
- Avoid expensive recomputation. Macro-operators can be used to group a
whole series of actions into one.
- Eg. STRIPS problem solving → Operators unstack, putdown, pickup, stack.
STRIPS can build a macro operator MACROP with pre conditions like
ON(A,B), ONTABLE(B) etc.
- C3: Learning by chunking: originates from psychological ideas on memory &
problem solving, computational basis in production systems.
- Eg. SOAR → systems that use production rules to represent knowledge.
Uses chunking to learn from experience by detecting useful sequences of
productions fixed, creates chunks & stores them.

iv) Inductive Learning: Learning by example.

- Learning by example where a large number of examples are given and the
machine learns to perform similar actions in similar situations.
- Induction means ‘the inferring of general laws from particular instances’
- Inductive learning means generalisation of knowledge gathered from real
world examples and to use them to solve similar problems.
- System tries to induce general rules from a set of observed instances
through supervised learning.
- Eg. Blocks World Learning → constructs representation of Definition of
concepts in this domain by learning similar constructions

Criteria Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning Reinforcement Learning

Input Data Input data is labelled. Input data is not Input data is not
labelled. predefined.

Problem Learn the pattern of Divide data into classes. Find the best reward
inputs and their between a start and an
labels. end state.

Solution Finds a mapping Finds similar features in Maximises reward by

equation on input input data to classify it assessing the results of
data and its labels. into classes. state-action pairs

Model Building Model is built and Model is built and The model is trained
trained prior to trained prior to testing. and tested
testing. simultaneously.

Applications Deal with regression Deals with clustering Deals with exploration
and classification and associative rule and exploitation
problems. mining problems. problems.

Algorithms Used Decision trees, linear K-means clustering, Q-learning, SARSA,

regression, K-nearest k-medoids clustering, Deep Q Network
neighbours agglomerative

Examples Image detection, Customer Drive-less cars,

Population growth segmentation, feature self-navigating vacuum
prediction elicitation, targeted cleaners, stock trading,
marketing, etc etc

- Learning by example where a large number of examples are given and
machine learns to perform similar actions in similar situations
- Induction means ‘the inferring of general laws from particular instances’
- Inductive learning means generalisation of knowledge gathered from real
world examples and to use them to solve similar problems.
- System tries to induce general rules from a set of observed instances
through supervised learning.
- Eg. Blocks World Learning → constructs representation of Definition of
concepts in this domain by learning similar constructions
- Strategy to choose a hypothesis from consistent hypotheses:
- This Occam’s razor advocates that when presented with competing
hypotheses about the same prediction, one should select the solution
with the fewest assumptions, and that this is not meant to be a way
of choosing between hypotheses that make different predictions.
- Inductive bias (or the inherent bias of the algorithm) are assumptions
that are made by the learning algorithm to form a hypothesis or a
generalisation beyond the set of training instances in order to classify
unobserved data.
- Occam’s razor is one of the simplest examples of inductive bias. It
involves a preference for a simpler hypothesis that best fits the data.
Though the razor can be used to eliminate other hypotheses, relevant
justification may be needed to do so.


- Expert system is built around a knowledge base module. Expert system
contains a formal representation of the information provided by the domain expert.
- Three common methods of knowledge representation evolved over the years are
IF-THEN rules, Semantic networks and Frames.
1. IF-THEN rules
Human experts usually tend to think along :
condition ⇒ action or Situation ⇒ conclusion
- Rules "if-then" are predominant forms of encoding knowledge in expert systems.
It states that a conclusion or action is sure to take place, if the situation on IF part
arises. A rule is said to be fired if the condition of the IF part is satisfied.
These are of the form :
If a1 , a2 , . . . . . , an
Then b1 , b2 , . . . . . , bn where
each ‘ai’ is a condition or situation, and
Each ‘bi‘ is an action or a conclusion.

2. Semantic Networks
In this scheme, knowledge is represented in terms of objects and relationships
between objects.
The objects are denoted as nodes of a graph. The relationship between two objects
is denoted as a link between the corresponding two nodes.
The most common form of semantic networks uses the links between nodes to
represent IS-A and HAS relationships between objects.

Example of Semantic Network

The Fig. Below shows a car IS-A vehicle; a vehicle HAS wheels.
This kind of relationship establishes an inheritance hierarchy in the network, with
the objects lower down in the network inheriting properties from the objects higher

3. Frames
In this technique, knowledge is decomposed into highly modular pieces called
frames, which are generalised record structures.
‡ Each concept may be represented as a separate frame.
‡ The attributes, the relationships between concepts, and the procedures are allotted
to slots in a frame.
‡ The contents of a slot may be of any data type - numbers, strings, functions or
procedures and so on.
‡ The frames may be linked to other frames, providing the same kind of inheritance
as that provided by a semantic network.
A frame-based representation is ideally suited for object-oriented programming

Advantages of Expert Systems over Human Experts:
i) Easy Availability: ES once developed is easily available to any computer. Can be
used at different places at same time. Human Experts have limitations on working
hours and can deal with one problem at a time.
ii) Economy: use of expert systems is much more economical compared to humans.
iii) Permanence: expertise of expert systems is forever, they’ll last indefinitely.
Humans may quit or die.
iv) Multiple Expertise: can be used to work simultaneously on one problem and the
combined expertise may exceed that of a single human expert.
v) Fast Response: ES respond faster than humans depending upon the hardware
and software used in developing them
vi) Steady and unemotional: ES do not have emotions, hence their results are
unaffected by circumstances. Efficiency of the ES remains the same irrespective of
the duration of their use, while human experts get fatigued and their working
efficiency tends to decrease with time.
vi) Intelligent tutor: ES can act as tutor to someone who is interested in learning the
reasoning and approach used in solving a particular problem by using the system for
various examples.
vii) Intelligent database: One can access the db of an ES and use it for some other
viii) Refined knowledge base: Knowledge base of ES can be refined and improved
by exploring it. Knowledge possessed by human experts cannot be explored and
refined by others.

Explain the Structure of Expert System
Main components:

● User interface
❖ User interacts with the system through a user interface.
❖ It acts as a bridge between user and expert system. This module accepts the
user queries and submits those to the expert system.
❖ The user normally consults the expert system for following reasons:
★ To get answers to his queries.
★ To get an explanation about the solution for psychological satisfaction.
❖ The user interface module is designed in such a way that at user level it accepts
the query in a language understandable by the user and transforms it in
appropriate form, which is understandable by the expert system.

● Explanation system
❖ The explanation facilities allow the program to explain its reasoning to the
user. The credibility of the expert system will be established only when it is
able to explain how and why a particular conclusion is drawn. This
explanation increases the belief of users in the expert system.
❖ The explanation of expert system behaviours are significant because:
★ Users of the system need to be satisfied that program conclusions are
correct for their particular problems,
★ To give feedback to knowledge engineers, so that they can satisfy
themselves that the knowledge is applied properly.
★ Domain experts need to see a trace of the way in which their
knowledge is being applied in order to judge whether knowledge
elicitation is proceeding successfully.
★ Managers of expert system technology need to convince themselves
that a system module is working properly.
● Knowledge base
❖ Knowledge base is the heart of an expert system. It is a repository of
knowledge in the expert system.
❖ The expert system uses this knowledge to answer the queries or give a
consultation to the user.
❖ The knowledge can be of various types like commonsense knowledge, task
oriented knowledge, domain specific knowledge etc.
❖ It stores task oriented knowledge.
❖ The capabilities of expert system are dependent on the amount of knowledge
it contains
● Inference engine
❖ Inference engine is the module, which finds an answer from the knowledge
base. It applies the knowledge to find the solution of the problem.
❖ In general, the inference engine makes inferences by deciding which rules are
satisfied by facts, decides the priorities of the satisfied rules and executes the
rule with the highest priority. It is also called rule interpreter, as the knowledge
is normally stored in terms of rules.
❖ The inference engine performs following tasks:
★ It matches the IF condition of a rule with a given input condition, if a
match occurs then triggers that rule and similarly triggers many rules
to reach a conclusion.
★ Adds the previously drawn conclusion to the knowledge base as
inferred facts for future use.
★ The major task of the inference engine is to trace its way through a
collection of rules to arrive at some answer according to the user's
query. The technique of drawing the conclusion is called inferencing.
★ The inferencing can be of two types:
Forward chaining and Backward chaining

● Knowledge base editor

❖ The function of a knowledge base editor is to help the programmer to
locate the deficiencies in the performance of the program and to correct
❖ This is done by often accessing the information provided by the
explanation system.
❖ They also assist in addition of new knowledge to the knowledge base,
help make correct rule syntax and perform consistency checks on the
updated knowledge base.
● Knowledge acquisition facilities
❖ Knowledge acquisition facilities impart methods and tools in an expert
system that make it capable to acquire knowledge automatically by the
user while using it instead of requiring the knowledge to be coded by a
knowledge engineer before entering into the knowledge base.
❖ These facilities make the system capable of enhancing its knowledge
while in use and thus help in improving the performance of the system.

- The machine learning techniques are supervised learning, unsupervised
learning, semi-supervised learning and reinforcement learning,
- Expert systems are meant to solve real world problems, hence, require deep
knowledge of the particular area.
- The most challenging job for knowledge engineers is to acquire and
represent a sufficient amount of knowledge for developing an expert system.
- This requires making use of machine learning techniques to train the expert
system model on the training data for it to learn.
- When the solution to a problem involves more variability and uncertainty,
machine learning is often a better choice over an expert system.

Applications of Expert System
● In designing and manufacturing domain
It can be broadly used for designing and manufacturing physical devices such
as camera lenses and automobiles.
● In the knowledge domain
These systems are primarily used for publishing the relevant knowledge to
the users. The two popular ES used for this domain is an advisor and a tax
● In the finance domain
In the finance industry, it is used to detect any type of possible fraud,
suspicious activity, and advise bankers on whether they should provide loans
for business or not.
● In the diagnosis and troubleshooting of devices
In medical diagnosis, the ES system is used, and it was the first area where
these systems were used.
● Planning and Scheduling
The expert systems can also be used for planning and scheduling some
particular tasks for achieving the goal of that task.
- Machine learning is used to build algorithms that can receive input data and
use statistical analysis to predict the output.
- ML is used to train computer algorithms to learn, reason and make decisions
without human interaction so as to make data-driven recommendations
based on input data.
- Image Recognition - identification of an object as a digital image based on
the intensity of the pixels in a black and white or colored image. Facial
recognition also uses ML.
E.g. recognise a handwriting by segmenting a letter into smaller labels, or
label and x-ray as cancerous or not.
- Speech Recognition - ML can translate speech to text and convert live audio
or recorded speech into a text file.
E.g. voice searching, voice dialling, appliance control
- MEdical Diagnosis - ML helps in diagnosis of diseases. Facial recognition and
ML together can scan patient photos and identify the genetic diseases.
E.g. analyse bodily fluids, oncology or pathology to recognise cancer tissues.
- Predictive analysis -classify data into groups which are then defined by rules
set by analysts. Can be used to calculate the probability of fault.
E.g. proving if a transaction is fraudulent.
- Social Media platforms - provides ads, suggestions and news based on
user’s likes and interests. Extracts user info.
E.g. Amazon product ads on a facebook page.


- Most expert systems have explanation facilities that allow the user to ask
why it asked some question, and how it reached some conclusion. These
questions are answered by referring to the system goals, the rules being
used, and any existing problem data.
- Providing such an explanation facility involves recording what rules are used
in drawing conclusions, and using these records to compose explanations
like the ones above.
- Explanation facilities allow the program to explain its reasoning to the user.
Thus, the credibility of the ES established increases the belief of the user in
the ES.
- The explanation of expert system behaviours are significant because:
★ Users of the system need to be satisfied that program conclusions are
correct for their particular problems,
★ To give feedback to knowledge engineers, so that they can satisfy
themselves that the knowledge is applied properly.
★ Domain experts need to see a trace of the way in which their
knowledge is being applied in order to judge whether knowledge
elicitation is proceeding successfully.
★ Managers of expert system technology need to convince themselves
that a system module is working properly.


The data is collection of facts. The information is organized as data and facts about
the task domain. Data, information, and past experience combined together are
termed as knowledge.
- The knowledge base is a type of storage that stores knowledge acquired from the
different experts of the particular domain.
- It is considered as a big storage of knowledge.
- The more the knowledge base, the more precise will be the Expert System.
- It is similar to a database that contains information and rules of a particular domain
or subject.
- One can also view the knowledge base as collections of objects and their
attributes. Such as a Lion is an object and its attributes are it is a mammal, it is not a
domestic animal, etc.

Role of knowledge engineer

● An expert provides the necessary knowledge of the problem domain through
a general discussion of his/her problem solving techniques and by
demonstrating those skills by a set of sample problems.
● The knowledge engineer then codes this knowledge explicitly in knowledge
base and uses the same for developing a computer program that is both
effective and intelligent in its behavior. Once such a program is developed, its
expertise is refined by giving to it example problems for solving, getting
comments of the human experts about the results produced and getting
modifications done to the expert's knowledge as suggested by human
● This process is repeated until the program achieves desired level of
performance in solving the problems.
● In expert system architecture, for imparting required character in an expert
system, knowledge engineers design various components which work
together to perform functions.


ans: STUDY ANY 4
● The performance of an expert system must match that of human experts.
The solution provided by the system of a given problem should be of high
● The response time of the system should be adequate. The system should
produce results in reasonable amount of time comparable or better than that
of human experts.
● The expert system must exhibit high-level performance in terms of speed
and reliability in order to be a useful tool. It should not be prone to crashes
and should be able to give steady and consistent performance,
● System asks many questions to the user for finding the correct path to reach
required solution. It should be able to justify the questions it is asking
because unnecessary discourse of the system with the user would make the
process lengthy, time consuming and may develop complicacies that may
affect the final out come.
● The system must be able to solve the problem by use of more and more
heuristic knowledge. This ability makes them comparable with human
● It must be capable of explaining and justifying solutions or recommendations
order to convince the user that its reasoning is correct.

- It is widely used in many areas such as medical diagnosis, accounting, coding,
games etc.
- An expert system is AI software that uses knowledge stored in a knowledge base to
solve problems that would usually require a human expert thus preserving a human
expert’s knowledge in its knowledge base.
- Different types of medical diagnosis like internal medicine, blood diseases and show
- Diagnosis of the complex electronic and electromechanical system.
- Diagnosis of a software development project.
- Planning experiment in biology, chemistry and molecular genetics.
- Forecasting crop damage.
- Diagnosis of the diesel-electric locomotive system.
- Identification of chemical compound structure.
- Scheduling of customer order, computer resources and various manufacturing task.
- Assessment of geologic structure from dip meter logs.
- Assessment of space structure through satellite and robot.
- The design of VLSI system.
- Teaching students specialize task.
- Assessment of log including civil case evaluation, product liability etc.


18. Explain the vision processing with the help of a block diagram.
19. Explain the techniques used for digital filtering.
20. Why do we need to detect edges in a digital image? Discuss the techniques for
edge detection.

21. Explain the following

a. Reconstruction of image
b. The waltz algorithm
22. Using an expert system for the diagnosis of stomach complaints as an example,
show how why/how traces can be used to explain the functioning of the system

23. Discuss the application of expert systems in Engineering Design.

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