ACM Quiz Luke 1 - 12
ACM Quiz Luke 1 - 12
ACM Quiz Luke 1 - 12
Q. Who made John the Baptist great? A. Luke 1:15 = God did right from birth!
Q. What does true leadership result in? A. Luke 1:16 = Being able to pursuade
people to follow God.
Q. How would John accomplish this task? A. Luke 1:17 = 1) By restoring fathers to
their children
2) Which would change disobedient
minds to accept godly wisdom.
Note: Our transformation begins with
family relationships. If we can be purified
of sins toward parents, we can also be
purified of sins toward God. Confess,
repent, forgive, receive from God. The
opposite is true too: Don't confess, don't
repent, don't forgive, don't receive from
Q. Why do women who are barren have A. Luke 1:25 = Barrenness is a disgrace
such a hard time with it? to her.
Note: Life nas its pits of suffering. But
what joy there is when suffering is lifted!
Whatever the turmoil, only God can lift it.
So embrace suffering, pray for healing,
and let it mature and refine you. You
wouldn't be whole without your suffering.
Q. What made Mary find God's plan A. Luke 1:38 = She saw herself as God's
acceptable? servant and trusted Him completely.
Q. Did Mary represent a remnant of right– A. Luke 1:46 – 55 = Yes. She sang a
thinking Israelites? song of praise to God that was very right!
Q. In what way? A. Luke 1:48 = She sang truth about God:
1) God is personal
2) What He planned would surly come to
pass and even make her famous
3) God is powerful
4) God's mercy never fails (v.50)
5) God does tremendous things (v.51)
6) God's justice prevails
7) God scatters proud and hauty ones
8) She saw people as placed in both poor
and rich stations in life, easily reversible
are their stations!
9) Ultimately, God feeds the poor (v.53)
10) God always helps His own (v.54)
11) God keeps all His promises, however
ancient (v.55)
Q. What did Mary think a lot of after A. Luke 2:19 = The Messiah is here! She
Jesus' birth? just gave birth to THE Messiah!
Q. What about the visiting shepherds who A. Luke 2:20 = They were ecstatic!
saw the baby, Jesus?
Q. Who else was told of Jesus, the A. Luke 2:25–26 = Simeon, who was told
Messiah's coming? by the Holy Spirit of Messiah's coming in
his lifetime.
Q. How did Simeon recognize Jesus? A. Luke 2:27 = The Holy Spirit led him to
the Temple where Jesus was being
Q. What did the Hoy Spirit reveal to A. Luke 2:30–32 = 1) Jesus was Savior
Simeon about Jesus' coming? 2) Not only of the Israelites, but of all
3) Jesus is light to reveal God to the
4) Jesus is Israel's glory.
Q. Were Joseph and Mary surprised A. Luke 2:33 = Yes. They didn't know
about those things? about ther rest of the world being saved
along with Israel.
Q. What else did Simeon tell them about A. Luke 2:34 = Many in Israel would reject
Jesus? Jesus.
Note: Think about this a moment: The
Is4raelites were living in servitudfe to
Rome. God always delivered them from
their enemies in a mighty way. A king
would assume the throne in Israel—from
David's line. This prophecy fulfilled was
different. This is Messiah. He would not
challenge Rome for Israel's independence
("Render to God what is God's and to
Caesar what is Caesar's:). Those focused
on Israel's independence day were sorely
disappointed, thus, rejecting Jesus. Then
there were the religious folks. Jesus had
little or nothing to do with them. He
wouldn't ea a meal with them so they
couldn't glom onto Jesus' popularity by
default, which made them mad, thus,
rejecting Him. The Romans knew Israeli
leaders were jealous of Jesus. Note that it
wasn't Jesus not assuming David's
physical throne that upset ordinary people
enough to kill Him. It was jealousy of
Jesus that led to His violent death. The
jealousy of a few devoted and powerful
Israelites was enough. They were jealous
of Jesus' favor with God in doing miracles
and minimalizing their once noted
poularity with the people. Persecutions
and conflicts are the same today. Of
course, we are helped along in our sins
by Hell itself, which magnifies conflicts to
irrational proportions. All of us may fall
under the same sins of the religious
leaders prophesied in this chapter. The
only way to keep a pure heart is to be in
devotion to God in His Word, to pray
always, to repent even more! Tell the
voices of Hell to shut up (doubt, fear,
insecurity) and do it daily until you are
dead. Those religious leaders weren't as
devoted as they thought. Unknown
Simeon was. May we all take note!
Q. What was a devout Israelite like in A. Luke 2:36–38 = Consider Anna, the
Jesus' day? prophet, for one. She worshiped and
prayed and fasted in the Temple all her
Q. Was it hard for Anna to accept Jesus? A. Luke 2:38 = No. She immediately knew
that Jesus was the Chosen One.
Q. Did Jesus wait to serve until He was A. Luke 2:39–40 = No. Jesus used His
30? wisdom all His life.
Q. What is the earliest recording of Jesus' A. Luke 2:42–47 = At twelve years of age.
ministry? Jesus taught teachers and rabbis in the
Q. Was Jesus loved on earth? A. Luke 2:52 = Yes. He was loved by all
who knew Him growing up.
Q. When did John the Baptist begin his A. Luke 3:1–2 = In the 15th year of
ministry? Tiberius' reign as emperor of Rome.
Q. Did the Israelites think John was A. Luke 3:15 = They asked him to clarify!
Messiah? He told them NO.
Q. What would Israel's Messiah be like? A. Luke 3:16 = 1) Messiah would baptize
them with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
2) Messiah would separate true believers
from fakes and preserve true believers
Q. How did Jesus first introduce Himself? A. Luke 16:21 = At the synagogue in
Nazareth, Jesus boyhood home, He read
out of Isaiah 61:1–2, and told the people
that the prophecy has come true today.
Q. How badly was Jesus rejected in A. Luke 4:29 = They tried to throw Jesus
Nazareth? over a cliff and kill Him.
Q. Did Jesus preach on the Sabbath A. Luke 4:31 = Yes. , Jesus taught every
anywhere? Sabbath in Capernaum synagogues
Q. What must accompany a prayer for A. Luke 5:23–24 = Repentance for sins.
healing? Note: Not all illness is caused by sin, but
all healing must be preceded by
repentance of sins.
Q. What did Levi (Matthew)follow Jesus A. Luke 5:26–28 = Jesus' miracles were
immediately when Jesus asked him to? widespread. Levi had no doubt Jesus had
God's favor.
Q. Did Levi halt his career to take up his A. Luke 5:29 = No. He kept his vocation.
new vocation in following Jesus? He held a banquet for Jesus in his own
home, inviting his infamous peers along
with religious folks and other friends. But
Jesus was his guest of honor.
Note: Jesus is also with us. Maybe our
social engagements would go better if
Jesus were our guest of honor.
Q. Why should we keep our old friends A. Luke 5:31–32 = We lead them to the
after our own salvation? cross as friends.
Q. How were John the Baptist and his A. Luke 5:33 = They fasted and prayed,
disciples different than Jesus? while Jesus and his disciples fasted and
Q. Why did Jesus and the disciples A. Luke 5:34 = There was no need to fast
celebrate? bewcause fasting is done when Jesus
(the Bride Groom) is away. Celebrating
and feasting happens in His presence.
Q. What is the point of the illustration of A. Luke 5:36–39 = Jesus wasn't there to
new and old wineskins? add to the Law and the Prophets. His
purpose was to do something new.
Note: This is why tithing is not part of the
New Testament of Love. Tithing is part of
the Old Law which had to be kept
meticulously. I believe in giving. The New
Testament says to give generously (not
ten percent according to the Law), but not
after Jesus' death and in the New
Covenant of Love is tithing ever
mentioned. The New Testament is filled
with encouragement to believe God for
our 24/7 lives and to give always. From
the heart, not as a requirement of the Law
that must be obeyed. Tithing was
mentioned once by Jesus when the
religious leaders questioned Him about
the Law. But the Old Testament Law is
over, along with its requirements and was
completely fulfilled upon Jesus' death on
the cross.
Note: This is the essence of our mission: In Jesus' name, we exhibit the fruit of the
Spirit to those who will receive it. God makes new believers and builds up His own
family. It's all about people!
Q. Jesus said it was good to do good at A. Luke 5:3–5 = Yes. David and his
all times 24/7. Even in this time while companions ate the special bread set
Jesus walked the earth, when the Law of aside for the priests because they wer
Moses was carried out, and it became hungry. David knew that God cared first
necessary at times to interrupt the for people. God is NOT legalistic!
Sabbath to do good. Was this always the
case in the Old Testament days?
Q. And God did not punish David, did He? A. Luke No. David knew God wouldn't.
Study the Scriptures and draw near
without fear to Father God!
Q. Why were religious folks not impacted A. Luke God's Word tells us to seek for
by this event concerning David? wisdom as if seeking for hidden treasure.
God's compassion is all over the Old
Testament books as well as New
Testament writings. Religious folks did
not know God's Word as a treasure to be
uncovered, but as a rule book to sweat
and labor in. Though knowing the
Scriptures, they ironically missed knowing
Q. What did Jesus attempt to make these A. Luke Luke 5:5 = The One behind the
religious folks see? Law. The purpose for the Law was to
purify them regularly so that they could
draw near to God without sins blocking
them. The Law is perfect, but man is not.
It was a temporary solution to teach men
that they always fall short and always
would; they couldn't save themselves.
Only God saves. This does not surprise
1. Hate 1. Love
2. Sadness 2. Joy
3. Turmoil 3. Peace
4. Impatience 4. Patience
5. Unkindness 5. Kindness
6. Harmfulness 6. Goodness
8. Roughness 8. Gentleness
Note: If you harbor any of of these sins, your armor is chinked and you are ripe to be
manipulated by Hell against your brother. So confess your sins every day, nail your
flesh to the cross and let God move you as His servant amongst His flock. Don't stand
inthe way of God's Kingdom work! Don't pretend you are His special emisssary to root
out evil in the church. Be part of the work, humbling yourself daily and leaving the
transformation of your heart and other's hearts to God to complete.
Q. Are rich unbelievers happy? A. Luke 6:24 = Yes. But sorrow comes
and then there is nothing else to be happy
Q. Do rich unbelievers tend to only be A. Luke 6:24 = Yes. They are focused on
happy about their wealth? cash.
Q. What does God think of comedy? A. Luke 6:25 = If comedy is careless with
no root or basis, it is proof that you don't
know God and mourning will soon follow.
A. Where you are in life alters perspective. It takes humility to do things God's way all
the time. But the Holy Spirit helps us to do things right! Hallelujah!
Q. What can I do to keep my perspective A. Luke 6:27–31 = Jesus pointed out our
a godly one? wrong reactions and the right ones. Make
a plan while all is peaceful. See the chart:
People hit me hit back! let them hit and only block
the punches
People openly take things protest and take your don't try to get them back
from me things back!
Q. What is the basis for Jesus' A. Luke 6:31 = To treat people as I would
instructions on behavior? like to be treated under the same
Note: If you think you will never be the
offender in any of these circumstances,
think again! Whether by accident or
intentionally, all of us have been a
provoker. Given the same circumstances,
we all fail. This is why we need to be
prepared for anything.
Q. What attitude does one who doesn't A. Luke 6:35 = Unthankful heart and/or
pay his debts have? evil attitude
Q. What happens when young people are A. Luke 6:41–42 = No mention of young
installed in church leadership? leaders here. As long as a young leader
doesn't teach what he doesn't know yet,
age is of no repute.
Q. Can we deal effectively with our own A. Luke 6:42 = Yes. We can confess and
sins? we have others to confess to.
Q. Why should I keep my life pure? A. Luke 6:45 =What I invest in goes into
my heart and is known by my speech.
Q. Why do they stay faithful to God? A. Luke 6:47 = They listen to God's
teaching, then obey it in peaceful times.
Jesus calls this a strong foundation.
Q. How does Jesus' miracle power work? A. Luke 7:1–10 = Through no display of
dramatics, but through people who
understand authority, that Jesus heals all
from where He is, and not necessarily in
His physical presence.
Q. When one can grasp this truth, what is A. Luke 7:9 = Full of faith!
Q. Does Jesus only heal in the presence A. Luke 7:11–17 = No. Jesus raised the
of tremendous faith? only son of a widow from his little coffin in
the midst of his funeral procession! The
sheer reality of loss was present.
Q. Why did Jesus raise the boy from the A. Luke 7:12–13 = Jesus' heart
dead? overflowed with compassion for his
motehr so He chose to heal the boy for
her sake. Jesus even picked the boy up
and gave him back to his mother!
Q. When I come to saving faith and I A. Luke 7:23 = Yes! God blesses you,
choose with my will to believe all God has which keeps your faith anchored in Him.
done for mankind to this point and
forever, does God help me to keep that
Q. What is the opposite of accepting A. Luke 7:23 = Being offended by Him.
God's plan for me? Note: Who would be offended by God's
wonderful blessings of healing and raising
our dead? It seems ludicrous, doesn't it?
Yet to this day, people are offended. The
only way to understand is to come to the
truth about us all. We want to be God.
This evil is at the root of every sin. Man is
basically evil and jealous with an evil
heart that resents not being Number One.
Jesus reminded us all of our second
place status. Every day we must nail our
self–idolatry and narcissistic, self–
centered flesh to the cross and put God
back where He belongs—on His throne!
Q. What shows what a man really A. Luke 7:35 = The fruit of his life.
believes? Note: People wag their tongews! What
they are is shown in their lives. Check the
fruit and you have the man!
Q. Should I worry about how the story is A. Luke 7:49 = No. He'll discuss it with
received? others like himself. Only God can use the
story to transform the heart.
Q. What did they all have in common, A. Luke 8:3 = They contributed from their
besides a love for Jesus? own resources support to Jesus and the
Note: This is noteworthy!How many
church leaders are in place because they
contribute generously to their churches?
Notice that New Testament folks all really
loved Jesus. This was no club. This was
the real beginning of the church—before it
lost its first love.
Q. What is it like when a church loses its A. Luke 8:15 = A church that is right with
first love? God has these qualities:
1) Honesty
2) Good–heartedness
3) Love and commitment to God's Word
4) Steady in producing a good harvest.
Thus, the opposite qualities are tue of a
church that has lost its first love:
1) Dishonesty
2) Evil–heartedness
3) Hate and neglect of God's Word
4) Producing a puny harvest.
Q. Do churches start well and stay well? A. Luke Only if these good qualities
among others are dominant in the life of
the church.
Q. Is this evil in the church necessary? A. Luke 8:10 = Yes. That the Scriptures
may be fulfilled in Isaiah 6:9:
God's Word is light. In Luke 8:16, it says
that God's wWord has a purpose, and
without that purpose, it doesn't benefit us.
Q. What is the purpose of God's Word; A. Luke 8:16 = 1)To light up the doorway
God's lamp? for all to see where that doorway is.
2) Luke 8:17 = To expose evil and make
clear the sheer hideousness of evil.
Q. How do I receive God's Word in full? A. Luke 8:18 = I have to pay attention
when I read it. God reveals and confirms
His Word to me. Then I receive more by
the everyday confirmations through
situations God graciously uses to etch
that Word into my heart.
Q. Do we all have the same opportunity to A. Luke 8:18 = Yes. But we must make
learn this way? the choice to not only read God's Word,
but to listen to God as He teaches it.
Q. What is required to get the full A. Luke 8:18 = A open heard and mind.
meaning of a verse or passage of
Q. Can I be half–listening and get a A. Luke 8:18 = Yes, but without the full
partial understanding? understanding, tye partial one is taken
away and we are left with a blank on that
verse or passage. Only God can teach us
fully, but He won't force His Word into us!
Q. How can I recognize a fellow believer? A. Luke 8:21 = He hears God's Word and
obeys it openly.
Q. I felt that God asked me to relocate to A. Luke 8:22 = No. Jesus led His disciples
a place I had never seen. I waited and He over a lake and a storm came. Trouble
kept giving me confirmation, so I moved. I comes when we are inthe best places in
thought I would be part of God's work in a our lives. Those circumstances are our
sister church, but it wasn't anything I had parometers of our levels of faith in God,
expected. My life was turned upside not only for our initial salvation, but for all
down! My question is this: Did I read God the details of our lives. It is easy to trust in
wrong? God to protect us when we are safe;
harder to keep our eyes on Jesus when
the storms come.
Q. How did Jesus handle the storm? A. Luke 8:23–24 = He slept like a baby
through it!
Note: No storm would stop God's plan for
the salvation of mankind! Whatever came
up, Jesus knew His purpose. Whatever
comes up with you, do you remember
your purpose?
Q. What do I need to take such authority A. Luke 8:25 = Faith. Even an ounce of
over evil or weather? faith moves mountains!
Q. What was the lesson in this passage? A. Luke 8:25 = Jesus did what they didn't
know they had the authority to do. They
knew now!
Note: Someone once asked me, "Where's
your faith?" It is oimportant to really
understand the meaning of faith, so that
when it is tie for a heavenly shakedown,
you'll stay calm and exercise authority
over it.
Q. Did the disciples believe Jesus about A. Luke 8:25 = Not really. They were
their authority over the elements? focused on Jesus' power over the
Note: We need to grasp the truth that we
are a powerful army of God. That power
keeps us safe and shows the world God's
glory and many are saved as a result.
Q. Why don't more churches take up the A. I believe God raises up Spirit–filled
mantle of power as Elisha did? churches according to the needs of the
people who will be ministered to by them.
Some folks need to see God's power to
believe He is here. I saw God's power
move upon my salvation, but I didn't ask
for it. So I was blessed! I long wondered
how to reach folks deeply involved in the
do–gooder cults. I know of one beloved
family entrenched in a cult whose lives
are being touched by a particularly
unique, prosperous and famous church.
Although they are critical of the monetary
factor in the church, members of this
family are touched to the heart and they
cannot deny how good an effect this
church has had on their lives. On the
other hand, this same woman is
appreciative of the servants' heart of a
single believer in a small charasmatic
church. She needs a monetarily humble
church in order to see the power of God.
Consistency in serving joyfully breaks
down walls. Do–gooding exhausted this
woman because she did it out of the
flesh. She watches carefully a church's
ministry and wonders how its believers do
not burn out when serving the poor. The
truth is our love is not our own! "They will
know we are Christians by our love." Let
your life impact your world, so that they
will say of you, "Who is this man,that even
the winds and wves obey him?"
"Let your light shine among men so they
will see your good works and glorify God
in Heaven."
Q. What should I do when blessed with A. Luke 8:39 = Go home and tell your
healing or deliverance? family.
Note 1: God loves families. The 2nd most
importent commandment is to honor
mother and father. What an impact, what
joy there was for this man's family, that
their son suffered no more and was
touched with healing by God! I want this
for my children. I want them to come
home one day and rejoice with me about
what God is doing for them.
Note 2: Churches should teach every
member of every age to honor their
parents; to go tell them what God is
doing. Parents are, next to God, the most
concerned for their childrens' welfare.
Isn't Jesus cool to emphasize that here?
On the other hand, a pastor or church that
does not see that crucial honor of parents
as key to happiness borders on cultish
behavior. Our carnal instinct is to be
repelled by parents. Parents, teach your
children this commandment well. Their
happiness depends on obeying it!
A healthy church has these 3
characteristics intact:
1) Compassion before propriety
2) Passion before propriety
3) Welcoming little children
Footnote: Propriety is like protocol. It is
policy above love. Never put policy above
Q. What is the message they bring? A. Luke 9:2 = They announce the coming
of the Kingdom of God with them and His
wonderful plan to heal the sick.
Q. Why did the disciples go out as A. Luke 9:4 = So they would rely on
evangelists without luggage? others to take care of them.
Note: Relying on others to take care of
you is not a matter of needing to be
dependent on man, but of not relying on
yourself and one's onwn riches. I'm sure
these verses here helped some churches
get rich on their congregations, who then
live a lower quality of life than their
pastors. I think Jesus had been
emphasizing interdependence here, as
through His ministry, He was rarely alone.
Through fellowship, a pastor never feels
alone, has the visible support, prayer
support, moral support of everyday
people. When a pastor isolates himself
from everyday people, or else only
surrounds himself with other pastors (who
isolate themselves too), he is not at the
top of his game and can even delude
himself into thinking that his congregation
doesn't support him. This conclusion
comes by his own fleshly evaluations and
unhealthy, isolating habits! Like a boxer
with his coach at hand, pastor needs
fresh strength and prayer flowing through
the whole body of Christ, to revive and
refresh him for the next round. If all he's
got for coach(es) are other tired pastors,
he will suffer lack.
Q. When do you know if people are open A. Luke 9:5 = When they receive it
to the gospel? quickly.
Q. Should I pursue people who resist? A. Luke 9:5 = No. Jesus said to abandon
them to their fate.
Note: Don't tarry! "Fate" means to let
Jesus pursue them. He has the patience
to do it unto death.
Q. What is the Good News? A. Luke 9:6; 9:3 = The coming of the
Kingdom of God on Earth.
Q. When is it good for full–time ministry A. Luke 9:10 = When they've had much
workers to retreat together? successand can encourage each other.
Q. If my time of rest is interrupted by A. Luke 9:11 = NO. Receive him with joy.
someone who has questions about the Note: Always be ready to share in God's
gospel and the work of God, should I turn work.
him away?
Q. But won't I burn out? A. Luke No! If you are a humble servant
of God, open to His working through you,
He is the one exerting the energy! If you
are doing it by your own strength, you'll
wear out. This is true of all Kingdom work.
Q. What does it mean to put aside my A. Luke 9:24 = To choose to lose my life
selfish ambitions? for Jesus.
Q. What will happen if I do that? A. Luke 5:24 = I will find true life.
Q. What's wrong with a life lived for A. Luke 9:25–26 = I may gain riches, but
myself? that requires losing or forteiting my soul in
the process.
Note 1:Process! One doesn't see his soul
at risk when living in the flesh. The soul is
the mind, will and emotions. It feels good
to be successful, a temporary sense of
well–being happens and is a cheap
substitute for God's peace. Visible
consequences are:
1) self–sufficiency
2) smugness
3) superficial autonomy (i.e., feeling of
4) judging others who have less than me
5) Oppressing people
6) deafness to heaven
7) twisting of Scriptures to justify bad
attitudes toward others
8) Neglect of the poor
9) thinking people who corect me are just
jealous of my wealth
10) thinking I don't fall under obedience to
God as much as others do
1) pride
12) arrogance
13) isolation
14) feelings of superiority over my
15) unwillingness to befriend poor
16) wrong placement inministry in church
as I am deemed mature automatically by
my generosity
17) holier than thou attitude
18) thinking prosperity equals approval by
19) delayed reaping of bad sowing
20) my life ending in poverty
21) shame of the gospel of Christ
22) forgetting who granted me those
Note 2:Jesus gives riches without the soul
suffering. If you find yourself uable to look
at God's whole Word and keep your eyes
up, those riches are actually a pursuit of
the flesh. Stop workng for them! Your life
is more important than riches!
Q. When did the Kingdom of God come? A. Luke 9:27 = Within the apostles'
lifetime at Pentecost.
Q. What happens when we blurt out A. Luke 9:33 = We say stupid, careless
words quietly? things.
Q. Why didn't the disciples understand A. Luke 9:45 = It was purposefully hidden
the significance of Jesus' betrayal? from them.
Q. How can I discern whether a A. Luke 9:49–50 = If they are not against
denomination of proclaiming believers is me, pitting themselves against me, we
truly God's own? are on the same side.
Note: This is a warning! God'schurch is at
peace within itself. Jesus wants us to let
each person be free to accomplish his
part of the Kingdom work.
Q. Did Jesus fear his coming death? A. Luke 9:51 = No. When the time was
ripe, He was also resolute about His
mission, which was to die and conquer
death. Not that His flesh didn't fight it!
Q. When there is much to do, many being A. Luke 10:2 = Ask God to send more
saved, but few are harvesting, what workers.
should we do?
Q. Since I've been saved, I feel more A. Luke 10:3 = Yes. We are all lambs
vulnerable to evil. Is this good? amongst wolves!
Q. What else makes us feel vulnerable? A. Luke 10:4 = Being a new believer
discovering God's family and many new
believers you will continually meet in your
Note: One of the nicest things of
belonging to a church family is that even
when new folks come to check us out, we
have mutual vulnerability to one another
with only Jesus as a reference point.
Q. What is good practice when entering A. Luke 10:5 = Blessing it upon entering.
someone's home?
Q. What if the recipient of the blessing is A. Luke 10:6 = The blessing returns to
not worthy? you—and you are blessed instead!
Note: Here we have incentive for blessing
Q. When doing the Lord's work, should I A. Luke 10:7 = Not at all.
be hesitant to accept someone's
Q. When laying hands on someone for A. Luke 10:8–9 = "The Kingdom of God is
healing, what should I say, if anything? near you now."
Note: If you can't say these words, you
need to increase your faith. Whenever
healing takes place, Heaven and earth
are overlapping and we usher in heavenly
miracles to people. In fact, whenever
God's workis being done, the Kingdom of
Heaven is near!
Q. What if people don't believe it? A. Luke 10:10–11 = They are doomed;
but still, you warn them that these words
are true, whether they believe them or
Q. How many disciples did Jesus send A. Luke 10:17 = Seventy–two. They did
out? miracles and cast out demons.
Q. Why did demons have to obey the A. Luke 10:18 = They commanded the
disciples? demons to obey them in Jesus' name.
Q. What is the best thing about being A. Luke 10:20 = My name is registered as
God's? a citizen of Heaven.
Note: The power we have to DO mighty
things in Jesus' name cannot compare to
what has made us citizens of Heaven
itself, namely, the blood of the cross.
What Jesus did is truly great. We do
things in life only because God is great.
Q. Why do people have different views of A. Luke 10:21 = 1) God hides Himself
God? from those who think they are clever and
2) God reveals Himself to the childlike.
Note: What is characteristicof children?
1) They have nothing to hide
2) they don't nurse wounds
3) they forgive and forget
4) they trust
5) they accept the simple gospel as true
6) they are undereducated
7) they don't lie to themselves
8) they are not prejudiced
9) they know they are entitled to be loved
for who they are
10) they don't gossip
11) tey sin openly
12) they repent easily
13) they are vulnerable
14) they love easily
15) they believe easily
16) they rely on others to care for them
17) they feel secure within boundaries
18) they don't stuff emotions inside
19) they are sponges to learning new
20) they will ask until they get what they
want or need
21) they rejoice easily
22) they don't uderstand riches or poverty
23) they look up to us
Q. Who really knows Jesus well? A. Luke 10:22 = The Father, God.
Q. What lessons can be learned from the A. Luke 10:38–42 = 1) Note that Martha
disciple sisters, Mary and Martha? invited Jesus to their home, then
assumed Mary would help her fix a fancy
meal. Don't start a ministry that you are
unwilling to see through alone. Don't
assume control over others just because
you began something.
2) Mary saw Jesus for Who He was.
Spend time with God's anointed ones.
The fellowship is more important thatn the
duties you think necessary to host them in
your home. Don't turn a blessing,
maturing time into a club event, busying
yourself with party details and missing the
purpose of the event.
Q. Is our asking God for specific things A. Luke 11:11–13 = No. Jesus
tiresome to Him? emphasized the importance of asking.
1) We go to God as children who are
completely innocent and unbeguiling.
2) We keep asking intently without
wavering or giving up.
Note: (Don't get caught up in the thought
of inconveniencing God. He is capable of
all things. God is the epitome of power,
love, presence, healing, etc. We benefit
from that power because God IS that
essence of all that is good. He is the
River of Life we jump into in order to
really live. To say that He is too busy is to
equate God with man and only capable of
limited good. God remains unlimited in all
Q. When did the Kingdom of God arrive A. Luke 11:20 = It came with Jesus.
on earth?
Q. When did Satan lose his power on A. Luke 11:21–22 = When Jesus came.
Q. How did Jesus assume control of the A. Luke 11:22 = Jesus attacked and
earth? overpowered Satan, stripped him of his
weapons and carried off all his
belongings, including us!
Note: Wow! Then why do people still feeel
the effects of Hell's power? Only because
Satan is not locked up and is allowed to
play games as we let him. For instance,
don't ask a demon to identify himself. He
is a liar and will take that as permission to
speak. Rather, take authority over him
and cast him away and ask God to fill the
new emptiness with God's Holy Spirit.
Jesus already defeated Satan. We only
need to remind the demon of his
impotence. For the sake of a person
tormented by Hell, we rebuke and cast
away based on Jesus' conquered work
finished a long time ago. We have been
carried off into the Kingdom of God.
Q. I'm used to a lifestyle of career mom, A. Luke 11:23 = No, God has
which takes me away from my family. But commanded it, if you are to receive the
now I'm lookig at this verse ("wives are to full blessing He has for you. Obey Him
be keepers at home") and you are asking and see what happens!
me to turn my finances upside down?
Q. But I don't know how to be a keeper at A. As all things, we take this dilemma to
home. My friends tried it and failed. God in prayer and then wait for Him to
move. You nave nothing to worry about.
Rather, chasing that career should have
convicted you before. Don't purposefully
go against God's Word. All God wants to
do is bless your life.
Q. It'll be hard to give up all those extra A. You exchange them for peace. Waht
things. wold you rather have? A knowledge that
God provides as per His example in your
life now, or to still believe that you have to
Q. What else does it mean to do God's A. Luke 11:23 = I'm working with God
Q. Who is more blessed than Jesus? A. Luke 11:27–28 = Those who hear the
Word of God and put it into practice
Note: Women, please allow God to bless
you through making the decision to obey
God's Word and staying at home.
Q. I don't feel important at home. A. Luke 11:28 = Wait for the blessing that
is even greater than the one that was on
Jesus' life!
Q. What does it tke to hear God's Word A. Luke 11:31–32 = 1) Make personal
and practice it? sacrifices: travel if you must, to hear
God's Word preached
2) Don't refuse God's message when you
hear it
3) Repent when God reveals your sin
through His Word or from the preacher
4) Don't refuse to repent.
Q. What hinders me from receiving A. Luke 11:31–32 = Being too lazy to get
blessings? up to go to church
2) Poo–pooing God's Word
3) Refusing to repent of my sins
Q. How can I make sure the light I think I A. Luke 11:36 = My whole life is radiant
have is not really darkness? as though a floodlight is shing on me
Note: Let others determine that!
Q. Why did Jesus challenge the A. Luke 11:41 = Their possessions made
Pharisees to give up possessions? them filthy because they hoarded things
the poor needed.
Q. How does Jesus see the church that A. Luke 11:42 = As leaving something
doesn't feed the poor? undone.
Q. Is feeding the poor more important A. Luke 11:42 = Yes. It is only one of the
than giving to the church? more important things than giving!
Q. What does a bad teacher do? A. Luke 11:45 = 1) Lays guilt trips on
2) Teaches that shameful history is really
Q. Why did Jesus lay the guilt of all those A. Luke 11:50–51 = So that it could be
Pharisees and teachers' ancestors on nailed to the cross by their proxy.
them here?
Q. What else does a bad teacher do? A. Luke 11:52 = He hides the keys to
knowledge from the student.
Q. What happens when you confront A. Luke 11:53 = 1) They get furious
religious leaders with the evils they do? 2) They try to trap you into saying
something that would make you look like
a sinner
Note: I hate interrogations! I was in one
last year. I'm sure Jesus rose above their
terrible questions. Don't lose it when
confronted with accusations. God will
deliver you, like He did Stephen and
Philip—in life, or else in death.
Q. What does it mean to beware of the A. Luke 12:1 = Beware of false motives.
yeast of the Pharisees? Yeast makes bread rise. What makes the
Pharisee rise? Why is he a Pharisee?
Why do people really become Christians?
Are they touched by God or are they
comfortable in religion? We should be
careful to discern those motives. How?
Examine the light in their eyes that shines
in their souls!
Q. What if I can see evil motives but no A. Luke 12:2–3 = All will be revealed one
one else can? day.
Q. What should motivate me to watch my A. Luke 12:3 = All secrets will be shouted
mouth? out one day.
Q. What is the truth about fearing threats A. Luke 12:4 = A murderer cannot take
on my life? away my eternity. He can only take away
my physical flesh.
Q. Why should I fear God? A. Luke 12:5 = God can take away both
flesh and a good eternity!
Q. Then why boast that He can? A. Luke 12:6–7 = The pont here is that
God is the only one who can save us from
the murderer and from Hell as well, yet
He loves us and protects us from the
murderer and also looks after even the
physical details of our bodies. He wants
us to know absolutely that He cares for
us. We are sooooooooo valuable to God!
Q. What happens if I get it into my head A. Luke 12:8 = Jesus will openly
that God is in fact like this to the world? acknowledge me in the presence of God's
Q. What is the only unforgivable sin? A. Luke 12:10 = Blasphemy against the
Holy Spirit.
Q. So basically, denying and rejecting the A. Luke Yes. When we reject the Holy
Holy Spirit is denying His authority to Spirit, we reject our own salvation.
empower God's people to do God's
Kingdom work on earth?
Q. I'm excited about all that God is doing A. If you want to know God (the
in the Holy Spirit! The gospel is so simple awareness of God is in your heart, as
and portrays God as so loving and God Himself has put it there), then you'll
merciful. Why doesn't everyone love this? seek after Him. From birth, you have the
choice to seek God. But you don't seek
until God calls you! In that quest are
many wrong paths. At the beginning of
the right path is God's Word in His Bible.
If you follow it, read it from cover to cover,
you will get an overview of human history
until 2000 years ago. Don't worry about
thereafter; it is just a rerun of the last
2000 years! Now, decide that the Bible is
the final truth and everything that you
hear and see must conform to God's
Bible, including all the religious books
ever written. Find a church that believes
this and also practices it. Interview the
pastor and make sure what he says
agrees with what you see on Sunday
morning! His congregation should be
excited about God's Word, the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit. No perfect people
are present, just those who are really
anchored in the Word and its truth. They
should be actively feeding the poor! God's
attributes of loving, caring, and protecting
should burst forth from them by the power
of the Holy Spirit. If done in the power of
the Holy Spirit, there is no exhaustion.
God's yoke is easy; His burden, light.
Most of all, there will be genuine joy
present. Church is not a club! It is alive
and gracious to its community; unafraid of
people from any background and allows
gifts and talents to blossom. Elders
should have great, godly families. These
are just some signs of church health.
Healthy Unhealthy
1. The Bible is constantly referred to in its 1. Many anecdotes are used and little
functions (counseling, teaching, reference to God's Word is made. Man's
exhorting, encouraging) cleverness is taught (psychology,
2. The pastor is excited about and studies 2. The pastor puts together last–minute
the Word most of His week sermons regularly and admits it happily.
3. They believe God's Word is the final 3. They believe there are many answers
truth and everything that they see and and will not enforce God's Word as the
hear must conform to God's truth. Pastor perfect guide and answer.
teaches this to his sheep.
5. Pastor sees himself as just one part of 5. Pastor surrounds himself only with
the body of Christ and mingles with other pastors and so doesn't receive
everyone refreshment from anointed encourages
amongst his flock
6. Pastor doesn't judge God's people of 6. Pastor believes all Christians are
any place in life. He teaches God's Word meant to be financially wealthy. He
every week. teaches this doctrine instead of bible
study so the flock starves as a result.
8. teaches Hebrews 12 faith: "The 8. Equates tithing with faith, i.e., the more
assurance of things not seen, the you give, the more faith you have.
conviction of things to come." Therefore, immature, unqualified people
are made elders and leaders. They don't
know the will of God, but they tithe!
10. Pastor relies on the wisdom of others 10. Pastor runs the church. All decisions
to make decisions are his alone.
11. Ministry to the poor exists with 11. No ministry to the poor exists because
volunteer workers. pastor teaches prosperity doctrine; sheep
have no compassion for the poor.
12. Youth group mingles with elderly and 12. Youth group is isolated from all other
other ages ages.
15. The church grows. 15. The few tithers who lead burn out.
16. Good leaders are installed according 16. Bossy, immature leaders are installed
to 1 Timothy. No whining—encouraging who whine about wanting to be just like
the church's unique calling another particular church.
17. Pastor trusts in God for his daily 17. Pastor has his own money.
18. All the fruit of the Spirit is seen within 18. Lack of the fruit of the Spirit is evident.
the church.
19. The Holy Spirit is invited to church on 19. The Holy Spirit is quenched.
Sunday morning, along with God and
20. People mature and really benefit, 20. People are Sunday believers only.
learning coping skills and using them in They fall apart the rest of the week.
their everyday lives.
21. Pastor's children are believers. 21. Pastor's children are not believers.
22. Matching of gifts and talents in 22. Mismatching of gifts and talents in
ministry. ministry.
23. Well–placed, gifted Sunday school 23. The children are frustrated in Sunday
teachers effectively teach children about school and want to leave because of
God's love for them. mismatched teachers.
24. Sunday school teachers have adult 24. Immature adults teach Sunday
friends and are very friendly to all. school; they don't have adult friends in
church (very unhealthy!).
25. Counselors practice what they 25. Counselors may be trained, but not
preach. using learned counseling skills in their
own lives.
26. Counselors are qualified to give 26. Counselors are uqualified to give
advice. advice.
27. Pastor protects and defends the flock 27. When a conflict comes, the pastor
to the death. shrinks away from handling it.
32. All sheep are held accountable for 32. Pastor and leaders are not held
their behavior. accountable for their behavior.
33. Pastor knows his church is a part of a 33. Pastor thinks they are the only chosen
much bigger body of Christ. church.
34. Encourages families to spend quality 34. Demands 24/7 meetings of all
time together. members (cultish behavior).
35. Prison ministry is effective. 35. No prison ministry or else has a weak
37. Church is the glory of God, the Bride 37. Church is a club of businesses.
of Christ
38. People function in their gifts. 38. Whoever is available is guilted into
menial tasks and their gifts are not even
40. Prayers are directed by the Holy 40. Prayers are preplanned and read in
Spirit. the pulpit.
41. People get absolution from regularly 41. People live in quiet desparation.
confessing their sins to one another.
42. Church services go on until the glory 42. Church services are timed.
of the Lord departs.
44. The sanctuary is respected as a holy 44. The sanctuary is run over with loud,
place. burping, noisy sheep.
45. Respect and honor of parents are 45. Children are taught that their parents
most important teaching to all children. are wrong—or contrary based on
complaints of children.
46. Respect and honor of authority are 46. Sympathizes with antisocial behavior
taught to all sheep. because of 'oppressive' authority.
47. Adults are involved in praying for the 47. Adults have no idea what goes on
youth. with the youth.
48. All conflicts or problems are examined 48. All conflicts or problems are solved
under the bright light of God's Word. inadequately and not according to God's
49. Youth pastors don't isolate 49. Youth pastors isolate themselves from
themselves from youth parents. youth parents.
50. Archetypes are destroyed in the time 50. Archetypes are tolerated.
of discovery.
51. God–esteem is high while pride is 51. Self–esteem is high while pride is
low. high.
Q. What actions should I take when A. Luke 12:11–12 = 1) I'm not to worry
falsely accused? 2) The Holy Spirit will give me words to
Note: Notice that first, I have to reject all
worry and fretting about the awful
predicament I am in. If I will do that (it is a
choice), then the Holy Spirit will be able to
get through to me. See the chart below:
Me --------------------> God
Predicament skip the worrying
Q. Why do people worry about money? A. Luke 12:25–26 = They think they have
to provide. But only God provides.
Q. What is true of my thoughts and heart? A. Luke 12:34 = My treasure dwells with
my heart and thoughts.
Note: Where is your heart today?
Q. So if I am preoccupied with making A. Luke 12:34 = Yes.
money, my heart and thoughts have to be
about money?
Q. And if I'm preoccupide with God's A. Luke 12:34 = Yes. Jesus is very clear
Word, my heart and thoughts have to do about money. It is a harsh taskmaster and
with God's Word? not to be our master. If we chase money,
it will steal God's time away—all life long!
Q. If I have money, what should I do with A. Luke 12:33 = Share it. Sharing stores it
it? in Heaven.