Of.'Ammu, A (Tinivmasll'Y) (Uret, CBS, Regular/Pvr. Examrnatrons-2O24
Of.'Ammu, A (Tinivmasll'Y) (Uret, CBS, Regular/Pvr. Examrnatrons-2O24
Of.'Ammu, A (Tinivmasll'Y) (Uret, CBS, Regular/Pvr. Examrnatrons-2O24
(NAAC A( ( RFlDl'I ED 'Ar' tINIVMaSll'Y) \\ cbsites: h tl I)s;//rl \r rl.coeiu.c()llr
85T l20l HMTi2O] HMT 1202 BST1202 BST1203 csT3z01 Etr22A1 MET5201 ECT1201 cET6201 M ET52 02
56 10 56 56 10 10 55 10 10 56 L 10 I
U l€T P\rI: 21160 3001, 07 , 72--75, 19 , 20 25- -3a, 32 , 15, 31 , 3a
the concerned section within five working days before the commencement ot Examihation. All the Private candidates are heroby advised to bring their photo identity card to the
examination hall tor their identification by the superintendent concerned in the centre.
1. No eleclronics gadget /phone or any other undesirable objects are strictiy prohibited ln the Examrnation Centres
2. Crrry ba85 containiry Personal belonginSs are not allowed in th€ Eramination Centre premises, The University shall not be responsible for the loss ot the same
l The candrdales are further advrsed to use only BLUE IN( OR BALL PtN
Jhe candidates are also advised not to drsclose ther. rdenlity by writrng name or pul any othe ioentification ma.k rn lhe Answer Sook which shall tantamoLrn! to the use of unfair nrean, and shall be
:" punishable und€r the Universrty Statutes.
nr Joint
>> - 193 + ReBrstrar lExanrs-Prof -t)
Na: Exarns/Prcr't/241
Copy ior the
kind nformat on oi the:
Spl. Secy. to the vice- Chancelior for the kind lnformation of !he vice Chancelior.
Sr. P.A to DeanAcademic Aftairs, University oflammu.larnmu
3. Sr. P.A to the ReBistrar/Controller of Eramlnation/Dlrector CDC, University of lammu
Deen fac.rky of Engineerrng fo, {Jr,rher necessary do,ol
5. The Principal all afiiliated En8ineerinB ColleBes (Govr & Nor Govt )/GDC (BOYS), (AIhUA ior informarion an.j necessary acrion
6. UC medical cell / PRO. Unrverslty oI lammu tor infcrmat c. and necessary action
A.R, CA to CE for informaticn anC n.a
8. It. /Oeputy/Asstt. -ll'ty /ca. d ucl/cc n fid ent ia l/Account s/lnformat io n, univer5ity cf iammu.
Reg st,ar /Eval. llPral
9. Sr. Programmerl Examination w nd for uploadin8 I on !4!1ry-qc_etvl9!!.-U!!e6i!Ij{! !
10 Security ofticer, Univers ty cf Jammu,
1i Notrce board