Ansys 2020 R2 - CAD Support
Ansys 2020 R2 - CAD Support
Ansys 2020 R2 - CAD Support
Operating System
CentOS 7
CAD Package Supported Versions Reader / Plug-In VERSION NOTES:
ACIS 2020 Reader P P P P
2020 Reader P
JT 10.3 Reader P
Monte Carlo N-Particle Reader* P P P P 4 Support limited to DesignModeler
Semi-Annual Channel and Long Term Service Channel
CentOS 7
1872 Reader P
1899 Plug-In P
1872 Plug-In P
12.05 Plug-In P P P 5 Not supported with ANSYS Fluent
CentOS 7
CAD Package Supported Versions Reader VERSION NOTES:
ACIS 18.0.1 Reader P P P
CATIA V4 4.2.4 Reader P P P P
DWG Reader P1 P P P
GEMS Reader P P P P
IDI MS 8/9 Reader P1
IGES 4.0, 5.2, 5.3 Reader P1 P P P
Parasolid 30.0 Reader P1 P P P
Plot3d Reader P
Rhinoceros Reader P P P P
STEP AP203, AP214 Reader P1 P P P
STL Reader P P P P
Product Footnotes:
1 Requires supplemental install
(Community Enterprise OS 7.4, 7.5, 7.6 & 7.7)
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server &
CAD Support
Release 2020 R2
CentOS 7
ANSYS SPEOS for: Supported Versions Supported Service Packs:
6.0 P up to
5.0 P up to
Creo Parametric
4.0 P up to M120
3.0 P up to M190
1899 P
1888 P
1872 P
1847 P
12 P NX MP 10
Operating System
CentOS 7
CAD Package Supported Versions Connection VERSION NOTES:
ACIS 2020 Connection P P P P
CATIA V4 4.2.4 Connection P P P P
CATIA V5 V5-6R2020 Connection P
4.0 Connection P
Creo Parametric 5.0 Connection P
6.0 Connection P
IGES 4.0, 5.2, 5.3 Connection P P P P
12.0 Connection P P P
NX 1872 Connection P
1899 Connection P
Parasolid 30.0 Connection P P P P