Aac 2.a.1.registration Policy
Aac 2.a.1.registration Policy
Aac 2.a.1.registration Policy
Once the Patient/Patient attendee arrive at help desk and enquires about the
consultant for which they have come.
FOE shall greet, receive the patient and confirm if they have a pre booked
FOE checks whether patient is New/Follow up/Referral /Investigation and then
inform the patient about doctor availability, timing and shall route the patient to
the registration counter.
REGISTRATION: (Patient visiting the hospital for the first time).
FOE/BE shall receive the patient at the registration counter and request the
patient to provide the demographic details.
Once the registration form is filled up FOE/BE shall enter the patients’ details in
the system and generate unique Hospital ID Number (UHID) along with
Consultation sheet.
FOE / BE inform him/her about the registration and consultation fee.
FOE / BE shall collect the necessary amount from the patient and generate the
OPD bill and consultation sheet. and for further details of billing refer to billing
Once the billing process is completed the Physician assistants collect the patient
file. Patient is directed to the respective OPD Consultation room.
Once the patient is being assessed by the emergency medical officer in the
emergency room
Nurse shall inform the FOE, to generate the file, FOE will take the demographic
data of the patient from the patient/ family members and enter the details in the
HIMS and the patient/ family attendant is requested to complete the registration
ER staff shall receive the unidentified and unconscious patients assess them start the
minimum life saving and the PRE should simultaneously try to take the details from the
people who have brought the patient to the hospital.
The staff receiving the patient shall check the pockets for patient’s identification and
contact details and simultaneously Police shall be informed through the security
The unidentified patient will be registered with the code “Unknown 1”. In the event
there is more than one unidentified patient then the code given will be Unknown 1, 2,
3……… etc. Once his identity is confirmed the necessary changes will be made in the
concerned records shall be made.
Upon receipt of verified patient information, patient demographic details shall be edited
in HIS and switched to the correct Hospitals ID shall be generated and the same shall be
notified to all the concerned areas.
If the patient is not critical and provides the contact details, the nurse shall contact the
relatives and the situation shall be explained to them over phone.
Thereafter, the EMO shall ask for administrative clearance for further treatment from
the management in case of lab and diagnostic investigations (if required) nurse shall
take undertake form.
FOR FOLLOW-UP: One who has registered earlier
FOE / BE shall request the patient for patient file/Hospital ID number and enter the
unique number in the HIS and check patient visit history and other necessary
details confirm the follow up.
Patients visiting the hospital for a second consultation with the same consultant
within the review period of 10 days get a free consultation.
Patient visiting the hospital after the validation period, FOE / BE shall charge the
consultation fee and direct the patient to the concern consultant room.
FOE shall collect the referral /recommendation letter from patient and enter the
referral doctors’ details in HIS.
Referral letter shall be filed in the referral file.
FOE shall check the Patients coming only for Investigation and route them to the OPD
Billing counter.
FOE / BE shall collect the prescription for the Investigation and make the estimation
for the same and inform the patient .If patient willing to undergo the investigations,
patient details and doctors details are entered in HIS and hospital ID is generated.
FOE / BE shall bill the patient against the hospital ID generated for the prescribed
With the completion of registration and billing process, the patient is directed to the
concerned consultant room.
PA / Nurse shall receive the patient file from the OPD billing counter and enters the details
like patient Name, Age, Sex, Address, Phone No, & Consultants name, time of arrival &
reference if any in the OPD Log register.
PA/Nurse shall check and record the vitals (BP, Temp and Pulse) in the consultation sheet.
Based on the scheduling the patients are seen by the consultants.
Consultants shall record the patient details like illness History, Present complaints and
Consultants shall examine the patient and records the primary diagnosis details in the OPD
case sheet.
Lady patients are to be examined in presence of a female attendant or a nurse.
In case the consultant finds the patient needs to undergo some tests family members shall
be educated and briefed about the proposed treatment plan.
Consultant shall record the follow up activities (Investigation, diagnosis, Prescribed
treatment) in the case sheet
If a consultant finds the patient requires to be seen by another specialist, the PA shall
arrange for the same.
PA shall record the details in the OPD register like Investigation, Follow up, Cross
consultation and the same needs to be informed to the patient.
Yes No
Check for cash/credit Inform about the Non availability of the particular
consultant available
Cash Credit
Yes No