UAS - H E - 11 Juni 2024

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FAKULTAS (Faculty) : TEKNIK (Engineering)
Mata Uji - Course Highway Engineering Hari/Tanggal - Sabtu / 15 Juli 2023
Smt/Kelas - Class 4 / Y Jam ke - Session 3
Penguji - 1.Ir. Agus Riyanto, M.T. Waktu - Duration 90 Menit
Petunjuk - Guidance:
1. Open Book dan tuliskan Nama Pengampu sesuai Klas Saudara.
2. Kerjakan dengan JUJUR dan MANDIRI dan BERTANGGUNG JAWAB.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah - Course Learning Outcomes (CPMK - CLO):
1. Mampu menjelaskan secara benar konsepsi tentang DGJ.
2. Memahami konsep desain geomerik jalan, khususnya alinyemen H, V, dst nya.
3. Mampu mengaplikasikan secara benar serta efisien & efektif perancangan DGJ.

Soal Tipe A - Type A Questions (contoh jika ada beberapa tipe soal)
Nilai - CPMK -
No Soal - Questions
Score CLO
The vertical length is known from PVC (Point Vertical Curve) to PVT (Point
Vertical Tangent) 600 ft, with gradient +4% and – 2%. Position VPI
(Vertical Point Intersection) at STA 25 + 60,55 with elevation 648,64 ft.
Question :
a. Determine STA and elevation point PVC and PVT.
1. 40 3, 2
b. Count exsternal distance from VPI to middle Curve (Ev).
c. Draw the vertical curve and complete with proper notation.
d. Count elevation point A-A’ which is located on the left 70 ft from
VPI , B-B’ 98 ft which is located on the right VPI. (A’, B’ located
in the curvature)
It is known that the highway from A ke B wide 7 m (2 lane), design speed
80 kph, emax = 10%, LC = 20 m, intersection angle (∆ = 120 20’ 30’’),
distance from A ke PI (Point Of Intersection) = 1000 m and PI ke B = 2400
Question :
2. 50 3, 2
a. Design horizontal alignment of highway from A to B.
b. Drawn superelevation diagram and typical cross section in the
curvature area
c. Check and count needs in the curvature area.
d. Count Hitung clearance in curvature area.
a. Explain ! the forces acting on the curvature at principle of force balance
3. until the formula is obtained. 10 1
b. How can you identify sharpness of curvature and give a brief explanation.
Happy working and good luck.

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