Climate Changing A Woriing Reality

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Climate changing A woriing reality

On the earth the measurements made by the 10000 stations of meterologici show that the temperature of the Earth has increased in the last century with 0,70 C. In Europe this increase has been 0,950 C. The speed of warming has grown in the last century and it is a posibility that this warming could be doubled in the future. This big speed of warming has not been registered on Earth for nearly 10000 years. At the Vostok station in Antarctica, considered one of the big scientific discovery in the 20 century has been determined approximate the temperature and the compozition of the water for the next 160000 years. The direct cause of the climate warming, recognized by the United States, The European Union and other international scientific forums is man with his activity of burning combustibles fosils like coal, oil and other natural gazes, deforeistetion, pollution that increase the quantity of carbon dioxid from the atmosphere and makes this phenomenom of warming to increase. Besides CO2 in the atmosphere are big quantitys of azot and metan gas. The life on Earth is posible because a very big part of the heat emited by the sun is holded by the surface of the planet a phenomenom similar to the proces at plant from greenhouses. A big part of the solar radiation is reflected from the surface of the Earth and is absorbed by a series of gases like carbon dioxid, azot oxid and metan. In this way the surface of the Earth is warmed and it is good for life. But if the concentration of carbon dioxid increases this phenomenom intensis and in this way the Earths climate is geting warmer and is changing . There have been made some theoryes about the evolution of the climate in the future when the concentration of carbon dioxid will be very big in the next century. So in the year 2100 the temperature will increase with 1,50 C and 4,80 C. So because of the - big heat the evaporation is stronger and has been reported a procent of 5 15% that will fall big quantitys of precipetation especialy rain drops. But this global warming will hapen faster at the continents especially at high altitudes .So the arctic teritories and the high mountains will be the most afected places on the planet.

The consequences of the climate changing: the warming of the climate will be acompanied by a change of the atmosphere circulation, of the weather system and evapopersipiration. All of this changes will influence the repartation of the vegetation on the planet and in a big interval of time the soils, having big changes in the agriculture grounds. The warming of the climate generates a higher level of hidro metereologic phenomenoms like floods, tropical scyclons, tornadoes and extratropicals storms. Global climate changings affects the health of the population from diferent regions and reprezents one of subjects talked at O.M.S. The long account at the solar raises increases the risc of apearence of skin and eyes afections. Extreme events (floods, storms, fog, droughts) are asociated with many deaths of infectios diseases ( like hepatita) and a big decrease of the quality and quantity of water. A scientific reserce made in Austria , France and Switerland demonstretes that the long account at the poluted air generates anual over 21000 deaths, the efects of some cardio breathing diseases. In Nord America over 5 milion children suffer of breathing afections as a rezult of the air polution. In the year 2000 had hapened some natural dezasters like: In Mongolia has been the most coldest winter in the last 30 years: 2,4 milion animals died and over 45% of the population was afected. The flod from Mozambic killed 650 persons and left half a milion people without houses. The flod from South Asia (Thailanda, Vietnam) killed 900 persons and left 4 milion people without houses. The costs were over 460 milion dolars. The huricane Keith killed 8 persons and left over 62000 people without houses in Belize. In Great Britain 6 people died because of the flod and produced dameges of 8,5 bilion dolars. In the year 2001 had hapened some natural dezasters like : Flod in Mozambic, January, afected over 500000 persons Flod in Pakistan kiled 132 persons

Mihaela erban, Climate changing a woriing reality, Terra Magazine, 8 May 2005, pg.17 Specialists say that the terestrial atmosphere is coaling bringing many evidents, including the partial blocking of the musons, responsable for increasing the drought in the regions where its action was already felt. But in the 70 there have been colected many evidents that concluded that the atmosphere is warming. A geolog named Bryson modified his teory about the evolution of the global climate saying that the next 10 years the climate will be stable, after that will continue a long period of warming. In 1995 specialists from the University of Missouri (USA) returned at the teory that the climate is coaling. In the prezent the teory of global warming is wide affirmed by milions of specialists (meteorologysts, climatists, geofizicians) that the voices of the people who object are total covered. But this voices existed in the period when the teory of coaling was high and still continues in the prezent. The cause accepted by the entire planet is the sere efect caused by the increase of carbon dioxid from the atmosphere ( this phenomenom caused by human activity). There have been made 2 objections: one ist that major climate changes have been produced in the geological past of the planet, when man didn,t existed ore he wasn,t capable of poluting the atmosphere neither with carbon dioxid ore other toxic gases, the second objection refers that vulcanic activities with CO2 are more superior than the antropics, quite in the period from we are reporting. There have been made some studies, graphics that show that the quantity of carbon dioxid increased from 250 (year 1500 1540) to 370 ( year 2001). Because of this many species of animals disapeared (mamels and birds). The last time was between 1900 1959 when it reached 70 species of mamels and 37 species of birds. ( Professor Sterie Ciulache (University Bucharest), Climate, where to, Terra Magazine, 7 March 2005, page 20 21). From all this information i conclude that the climate is changing and all this changes are because of human activity. So man has destroyed the ozone layer and this will completely change the weather in the next thounsands years.


Mihaela erban O wariing reality, Terra Magazine, Publicated on May 2005, page 17 Proffesor Sterie Ciulache ( University Bucharest) Climate, where to, Terra Magazine, Publicate don 7 March 2005, page 20 - 21

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