Goal Line Technology in Soccer

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Goal-Line Technology in Soccer:

Discussion and Evaluation of
Arvindh Mani, UFID: 57398904
Abstract—One of the most heavily debated issues in the world
of sport is whether technology can positively impact a sport An inherent quality of sport is that it is unpredictable; that
without being intrusive. In the world of soccer, the issue of is the beauty of sport. The human element involved in sport
incorrectly awarding or not awarding a goal has been a source of inherently creates several situations where a judgment call
significant controversy. To reduce the chance of making a wrong must be made by the official. A tennis ball that lands out
call, goal-line technology (GLT) systems have been proposed and might be called “in”; a baseball batter might strike out despite
implemented at the highest level of the game. This report a clear “ball” pitch; a basketball team might be awarded
introduces the concept of GLT, discusses the image processing possession despite themselves having touched the ball last
techniques that play a big part in a successful GLT system, before it went out of bounds. While judgment calls such as
namely object detection and object tracking, and explains the these are more often than not a part of the game, even the
working of two GLT systems used in soccer that use image
smallest such incident might have severe repercussions due to
capture technology to make split-second decisions, namely the
systems proposed by Hawk-Eye and GoalControl. the competitive nature of sport.
The famous 1966 FIFA World Cup final between England
Index Terms—Soccer, goal-line technology, ball tracking, and Germany was controversially decided by one of the most
object detection, object tracking, Hawk-Eye, GoalControl famous judgment calls in all of soccer. As the game reached
its final stages, 11 out of 30 extra-time minutes had been
I. INTRODUCTION played with the score tied at 2-2 when England striker Geoff
Hurst struck the ball against the vertical bar; the ball landed

OCCER is the world’s most popular sport. Viewership for square on the line (see Fig. 1) before being cleared by a
the 2014 FIFA World Cup Final in Brazil was estimated defender.
at 1.01 billion, the single largest for any sporting event ever
recorded. Such a large global presence and following
automatically places intense scrutiny upon the most fleeting
of incidents on the soccer field. Thousands of crazy fans jump
up in protest or gleeful cheering when the referee makes a
controversial decision that might impact the game in a huge
way, and there are several examples of such incidents
throughout the course of soccer history. Due to the speed at
which the modern game is played, the possible presence of
obstacles that might hinder the referees’ views, the intense
pressure on referees, human error and many other factors, the
frequent occurrence of such incidents during the course of a
90-minute soccer game is not altogether surprising.
With the advent of modern technology, an increasing
number of voices have called for the introduction to soccer of
cutting-edge devices and gadgets equipped with tools to make
these controversial decisions on behalf of the referee.
Arguably the most important of these decisions involve
whether a goal has been scored. In order reduce human
involvement in the matter of goals, several proposals have
been made to install goal decision systems, ranging from a Fig. 1: Geof Hurst's goal during the 1966 FIFA World Cup final
chip on the ball to a magnetic field within the area enclosed
by the goalposts. Due to the lack of available technology and in accordance
Two proposals – Hawk-Eye and GoalControl – have with the official rules, the referee and the linesman convened
emerged as front-runners in the business. Both these systems to discuss their individual points of view, and subsequently
employ a number of high-speed cameras, installed at various awarded a goal to the England team; despite angry reactions
positions around the stadium and pointing towards one of the from the German players, the goal stood. England went on to
two goals, that detect whether the ball has crossed the goal win their first World Cup. Retrospective analysis shows that
line or not. This report includes a significant understanding the ball did not fully cross the line, meaning the goal should
of these systems, and their approaches to determine the not have been allowed.
legitimacy of a goal. Can such a significant error be corrected today? With
significant research and improvements in the field of image

processing and vision, as well as the availability of super
high-speed cameras to track even infinitesimal incidents, the

answer is a resounding yes.


III. LITERATURE REVIEW to accurately predict the exact location of the ball at a given
point in time (Hawk-Eye, GoalControl). Other approaches
A. Goal-line technology
include using sensor-based technology to determine the
In simple terms, goal-line technology (GLT) in soccer is a location of the ball (GoalRef), installing sensors inside the
way to determine whether a goal has been scored. A goal is ball (Cairos), and more.
scored when the ball is anywhere within the confines of the
two vertical poles, known as goalposts, and one horizontal
pole, known as the crossbar. IV. OVERVIEW OF A GOAL-LINE TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM
As per FIFA’s GLT testing manual, “The objective of goal- Fig. 2a shows a schematic diagram of a general goal-line
line technology is not to replace the role of the officials, but
technology system. Four high-speed cameras are placed on
rather to support them in their decision-making. The GLT
the four goal sides in such a way that their optical axes are
must provide a clear indication as to whether the ball has
fully crossed the line, and this information will serve to assist parallel to the surface plane. These cameras are capable of
the referee in making his final decision.” The guidebook also capturing images at 200 fps. Each camera has a processor
states the four basic requirements a successful GLT system connected to it. The processor is responsible for recording and
must fulfill: processing the images being taken by the camera. A main
node, which has the supervisor function, is connected to all
• The goal-line technology applies solely to the goal line four camera processors. It is responsible for evaluating and
and only to determine whether a goal has been scored comparing the results obtained from the four processors. It
or not;
also sends the alarm signal to the referee’s watch when a goal
• The GLT system must be accurate; has been detected.
• The indication of whether a goal has been scored must
be immediate and automatically confirmed within one
second; and
• The indication of whether a goal has been scored will
be communicated only to the match officials (via the
referee’s watch, by vibration and visual signal).
B. Use of technology in other sports
Cricket and tennis are two sports that have embraced
technology in order to assist officials in making judgment
calls. Cricket has employed TV replays since the early 1990s
to accurately determine run-outs, and more recently has
included Hawk-Eye technology in its repertoire to determine
the outcome of an LBW decision. Tennis has used Hawk-Eye
since 2002 to accurately determine the landing position of the
ball and reduce human error.
The stop-start nature of both cricket and tennis is a great
boon to technological intervention. Since both sports have Fig. 2a: Schematic diagram of a GLT system
seconds-long “plays” separated by pauses, a decision review
system can be called for between plays without severely A. Processing nodes
affecting the natural flow of the game. Sports such as
basketball, baseball and football are also conducive to Fig. 2b shows a schematic diagram of the processing steps
technological intervention in between plays for the same at a camera processing node.
reason. Unfortunately, due to the non-stop nature of soccer,
the constraints placed on automated systems are far more
strict. One of these constraints pertains to the time taken to
reach a conclusive decision. Since plays are continuous
without delay as well as uninterrupted, the GLT system
employed in soccer must not only be able to instantaneously
reach a conclusion, but do so in a non-intrusive manner.
C. External factors affecting GLT systems
The GLT system must be able to eliminate external factors
such as player obstruction, partial visibility of the ball, etc.
The presence of several players on the goal line is a common
one, and at no point must the GLT be unable to make a
decision. This can be resolved by, for instance, having
multiple cameras working simultaneously so that a
combination of images obtained by these cameras can be used

These steps are explained below:


i. Initial calibration: A set of four points, one for each simple and effective. To do this, the proposed method is
camera on the field, is taken so as to observe the split into two parts: a) a general circle detection step;
correspondence between the ground plane and the and b) a ball recognition step. The circle detection
image plane. A transformation matrix M is evaluated algorithm being used is based on Circle Hough
that relates the set of points on the image plane with Transform (CHT) (Fig 4). The CHT aims to find
those on the real plane. The point where the two circular objects of a given radius from the input image
viewing lines intersect is the point estimate of the ball set. A number of modifications have been implemented
(see Fig. 3). on the circle detection algorithms in the last few years,
in order to reduce the burden on computation and

Fig. 3: The intersection of the lines formed by the four reference points produces the point estimate of the ball
reduce the number of false positives.
From the formula of transformation of projections from
one plane to another, we have iv. Ball recognition: Once circles have been detected, they
are passed on to a neural classifier that has been
trained to separate objects as “ball” and “no ball”
objects. Fig. 5 contains examples of objects accepted by
the ball recognition process.
v. Ball tracking: This procedure is applied to the regions
that were earlier estimated to contain the ball. Once the
or, x = MX. In Cartesian coordinate form, this ball detection algorithm identifies the ball, a tracking
transformation becomes procedure is initiated. During this phase, the ball
search is applied to all moving regions of the image,
with no regard for their position. Then, in each
(2) successive image, the ball search algorithm is
constrained by a small area around the ball to speed up
this step. If the ball is not found in the predicted ball
position, the search is repeatedly performed on an
increasingly larger area until the ball is found, and the
tracking step continues.

points from static points.

where (u,v) are the coordinates in the image plane and
(X,Y) are the coordinates in the real plane. The
transformation matrix M is obtained by solving
equation (1) using the correspondence between the
(u,v) plane and the (X,Y) plane of the four points.
Repeating this for the two cameras on the two image
planes, the projections (P1,P2) on the real plane can be
obtained (Fig. 3). The intersection of (C1,P1) and
(C2,P2) is the real position of the ball on the field.
Then, it is only necessary to calibrate the positions of
the two cameras (C1 and C2) and the positions of the
four reference points once, when the cameras are
installed. If the cameras are fixed, these calculations
are valid at all times.
ii. Moving object segmentation: This process is very
essential to a GLT system, as it focuses the area where
the ball is to be searched, and also reduces the time for
computation. A segmentation algorithm analyzes the
connected regions from the input image set, allowing
Fig. 4: Hough Transform algorithm for circles
for the evaluation of the size of regions and hence the
possibility of eliminating large sample spaces where Fig. 5: Diferent appearances of the ball
the ball search need not be applied. A background B. Su
subtraction algorithm is used to distinguish moving pe

rvisor node
The supervisor node is responsible for making

iii. Circle detection: The circle detection process is the regarding ball detection and tracking, in accordance with the
central process in building a GLT system. The data obtained from each camera. The supervisor node
algorithm to identify the soccer ball has to be fast, analyzes the data obtained to decide between the following
events: Goal, No Goal, Probable Goal and Line Passing.

Another aspect that the supervisor node must take into A. Hawk-Eye
account is the position of the ball with respect to the goal
plane. For a goal event to be detected, the ball must be Hawk-Eye’s foray into the sports video analysis domain
detected to be beyond the goal line and inside the goal posts. began in 2001, when it was developed in the United Kingdom
However, due to the fact that homographic transformations for television purposes in cricket. Originally intended to be
might be affected by small errors in the areas near the used to track the trajectory of the cricket ball in flight, it was
woodwork, an uncertainty region is also defined, where the later adopted to be used as a support system for deferring
system cannot be sure about the position of the ball. This contentious decisions to the “third umpire”, an official sitting
region is called the “probable goal” region. in a video control room and equipped with systems to assist
him in making the correct decision. One of the most useful
Table 1 gives the summary of decisions taken by the applications early on was in judging leg-before-wicket
supervisor node. decisions correctly.
Hawk-Eye’s impact in the world of professional tennis has
Node 1 Node 2
Position been massive. Starting from 2004, Hawk-Eye’s AutoRef
System Decision graphic
Answer Answer
Control system has been used to identify the exact landing position of
the ball. Today, it has been used in almost every level of
GOAL Ball Ball Ball Inside
tennis, and has become a ubiquitous part of the game, with
NO GOAL Ball Ball Ball Outside the challenge rule that facilitates Hawk-Eye’s AutoRef system
Probably being incorporated officially into the ATP tour.
Hawk-Eye’s introduction to the world of soccer was in 2012,
Ball Ball No Ball —
when it was approved (along with GoalRef) and advanced to
{Ball, No {No Ball, a second phase of testing. The technology was first tested in
— —
Ball} Ball}
an international friendly between Belgium and England at
Table 1: Summary of supervisor node decisions
Wembley, although the data was not available for use during
the game; only FIFA had access to the system readings. In
C. Summary of goal-line technology system April 2013, technology was accepted at the highest levels of
The above is a simple model of a GLT system that, in professional soccer when Hawk-Eye was officially approved
practice, can detect the event of a goal or no goal with by the Premier League for use in its 2013-14 season. The first
significant accuracy. By developing more robust algorithms, use of Hawk-Eye was on 17 August 2013 at Anfield,
faster and more powerful hardware and reducing the chance Liverpool. The first time Hawk-Eye verified a goal was on 18
of errors by increasing the number of hardware components, a January 2014 at the Etihad Stadium, Manchester.
very high accuracy can be achieved, making it a foolproof
indicator of goal decisions. B. GoalControl
GoalControl is a technology company based in the district
There are a few drawbacks, the main one being the cost of of Aachen, Germany. GoalControl’s technology was licensed
installation and operation. The high-speed cameras need to for the first time by FIFA in 2013. Upon successful testing of
capture data at a rate of 200 frames per second. Over a 90- the camera systems employed in this GLT system, it was used
minute game, that adds up to 1.08 million images. These for the first time in the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup in
images also need to be processed at the supervisor node. The Brazil where it was used to detect 68 goals throughout the
cost of each camera is estimated to be around ₤1,500. In total, competition. Later, during the 2013 Club World Cup held in
it is estimated that the cost incurred at each stadium would be Morocco, GoalControl was used only to track the ball
a minimum of ₤250,000 for initial setup and additional costs (GoalRef was used for display).
for running the system, depending on which system is
implemented. Such astronomical figures have been major In early 2014, a vote was cast by 36 members of the top two
hindrances to professional soccer leagues around the world, divisions of the German Bundesliga. Needing 24 for the
most notably in Germany, where the league refused use of the motion to carry, only 12 of the 36 members voted in favor of
available technology citing cost as the prime factor. including goal-line technology, citing the exorbitant cost of
installation and maintenance per club.
We now come to two GLT systems that have received In 2014, history was made when GoalControl became the first
acceptance by FIFA to be installed across stadiums. Both company to license a GLT system at the World Cup, when it
was officially featured as the review system to be used in the
these systems use a more enhanced version of the above GLT
2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. On 15 June 2014, in a game
prototype, using seven high-frame rate cameras permanently
between France and Honduras at Porto Alegre, a shot from
pointed towards each goal, bringing the total to 14 per France’s Karim Benzema bounced back off the goalpost, and
stadium. Both systems approach the problem of goal detection an ensuing fumble from the goalkeeper led to an own goal.
in a similar way. Minor differences lie in the positioning of This incident was the first time GoalControl’s system was
cameras, and the function of the central unit. used to award a goal.
C. Working of the systems
Both Hawk-Eye and GoalControl employ seven high-speed
cameras, capable of capturing images at a rate of nearly 500

frames per second. The cameras are constantly detecting

movement on the field, and must, with a very high level of The two systems promise that as long as 25% of the ball is
accuracy, be able to distinguish between the ball and a human visible and at least two cameras are able to detect the ball, a
object. decision can be made.

Fig. 6a: Working of GoalControl's GLT system

At the moment the ball enters the penalty area, designated as

the bigger rectangular box enclosing the goal space, the
cameras become active and transmit images of the ball to the
central unit. This unit is responsible for making the final
decision when the ball is in the vicinity of the goal. If the ball
crosses the goal line, the central unit sends an encrypted
signal to the match official’s watch, indicating to him that a
goal has been scored. Fig. 6a and 6b show the working of the
GoalControl and Hawk-Eye GLT systems, respectively.


In this paper, we discuss the motivation in bringing
technology to the world of soccer. Eliminating human error is
the driving force behind goal-line technology systems today.
However, the systems are not perfect yet: while they are very
efficient at detecting a goal event up to millimeter levels, the
biggest hindrance is the exorbitant costs involved in setting
up and maintaining these elaborate systems.
We then explain a proposed model of a general goal-line
technology system, and provide an overview of the image
processing concepts involved in the working of a real-time
GLT system. Finally, we discuss two GLT systems that have
gained acceptance and have been used in tournaments at the
highest level of the game.
Like any piece of technological innovation, GLT succeeds
in simplifying a problem by automating tasks that are
difficult and, at times, impossible for the human mind to
process. With further improvements in the field of goal-line
technology, we can expect reduced costs, less ambiguity and
more accuracy when making decisions.
A video presentation, accompanied by a Python program to
demonstrate goal-line technology, can be found here.

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