Training and Development
Training and Development
Training and Development
Lhe performance of lndlvlduals and groups ln organlzaLlonal seLLlngs lL has been known by several
names lncludlng human resource deve|opment and |earn|ng and deve|opment
1ralnlng and developmenL encompasses Lhree maln acLlvlLles Lralnlng educaLlon and developmenL
Caravan CosLlne and PeraLy of Lhe lrlsh lnsLlLuLe of 1ralnlng and uevelopmenL noLe LhaL Lhese ldeas
are ofLen consldered Lo be synonymous Powever Lo pracLlLloners Lhey encompass Lhree separaLe
alLhough lnLerrelaLed acLlvlLles
O %7,33: This activity is both Iocused upon, and evaluated against, the job that an
individual currently holds.
O /:.,943: This activity Iocuses upon the jobs that an individual may potentially hold in the
Iuture, and is evaluated against those jobs.
O 0;0452039: This activity Iocuses upon the activities that the organization employing the
individual, or that the individual is part oI, may partake in the Iuture, and is almost
impossible to evaluate.
1he sLakeholders ln Lralnlng and developmenL are caLegorlzed lnLo several classes 1he spoosots of
Lralnlng and developmenL are senlor managers 1he clleots of Lralnlng and developmenL are buslness
planners Llne managers are responslble for coachlng resources and performance 1he pottlclpoots are
Lhose who acLually undergo Lhe processes 1he focllltotots are Puman 8esource ManagemenL sLaff And
Lhe ptovlJets are speclallsLs ln Lhe fleld Lach of Lhese groups has lLs own agenda and moLlvaLlons whlch
someLlmes confllcL wlLh Lhe agendas and moLlvaLlons of Lhe oLhers
1he confllcLs are Lhe besL parL of career consequences are Lhose LhaL Lake place beLween employees
and Lhelr bosses 1he number one reason people leave Lhelr [obs ls confllcL wlLh Lhelr bosses And yeL as
auLhor workplace relaLlonshlp auLhorlLy and execuLlve coach ur !ohn Poover
polnLs ouL 1empLlng
as lL ls nobody ever enhanced hls or her career by maklng Lhe boss look sLupld 1 1ralnlng an
employee Lo geL along well wlLh auLhorlLy and wlLh people who enLerLaln dlverse polnLs of vlew ls one
of Lhe besL guaranLees of longLerm success 1alenL knowledge and sklll alone wonL compensaLe for a
sour relaLlonshlp wlLh a superlor peer or cusLomer
1he Lerm f refers Lo Lhe acqulslLlon of knowledge skllls and compeLencles as a resulL of Lhe
Leachlng of vocaLlonal or pracLlcal skllls and knowledge LhaL relaLe Lo speclflc useful compeLencles lL
forms Lhe core of apprenLlceshlps and provldes Lhe backbone of conLenL aL lnsLlLuLes of Lechnology (also
known as Lechnlcal colleges or polyLechnlcs) ln addlLlon Lo Lhe baslc Lralnlng requlred for a Lrade
occupaLlon or professlon observers of Lhe labormarkeL
recognlze as of 2008 Lhe need Lo conLlnue
Lralnlng beyond lnlLlal quallflcaLlons Lo malnLaln upgrade and updaLe skllls LhroughouL worklng llfe
eople wlLhln many professlons and occupaLlons may refer Lo Lhls sorL of Lralnlng as professlonal
$ome commentators
use a similar term Ior workplace learning to improve perIormance:
"training and development". One can generally categorize such training as on-the-fob or off-the-
On-the-job training takes place in a normal working situation, using the actual tools,
equipment, documents or materials that trainees will use when Iully trained. On-the-job
training has a general reputation
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as most eIIective Ior vocational work.
OII-the-job training takes place away Irom normal work situations implying that the
employee does not count as a directly productive worker while such training takes place.
OII-the-job training has the advantage that it allows people to get away Irom work and
concentrate more thoroughly on the training itselI. This type oI training has proven more
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in inculcating concepts and ideas.
1ralnlng dlffers from exerclse ln LhaL people may dabble ln exerclse as an occaslonal acLlvlLy for fun
1ralnlng has speclflc goals of lmprovlng ones capablllLy capaclLy and performance
1ypes of 1ra|n|ng
!hysical training concentrates on mechanistic goals: training-programs in this area develop
speciIic skills or muscles, oIten with a view to peaking at a particular time. $ome physical
training programs Iocus on raising overall physical Iitness.
In military use, training means gaining the physical ability to perIorm and survive in
combat, and learning the many skills needed in a time oI war. These include how to use a
variety oI weapons, outdoor survival skills, and how to survive capture by the enemy,
among others. $ee military education and training.
For psychological or physiological reasons, people who believe it may be beneIicial to
them can choose to practice relaxation training, or autogenic training, in an attempt to
increase their ability to relax or deal with stress.
While some studies have indicated
relaxation training is useIul Ior some medical conditions, autogenic training has limited
results or has been the result oI Iew studies.
In religious and spiritual use, training may reIer to the puriIication oI the mind, heart,
understanding and actions to obtain a variety oI spiritual goals such as (Ior example) closeness to
God or Ireedom Irom suIIering. Note Ior example the institutionalized spiritual training oI
ThreeIold Training in Buddhism, Meditation in Hinduism or discipleship in Christianity.
#esearchers have developed training-methods Ior artiIicial-intelligence devices as well.
Evolutionary algorithms, including genetic programming and other methods oI machine learning,
use a system oI Ieedback based on "Iitness Iunctions" to allow computer programs to determine
how well an entity perIorms a task. The methods construct a series oI programs, known as a
'population oI programs, and then automatically test them Ior "Iitness", observing how well
they perIorm the intended task. The system automatically generates new programs based on
members oI the population that perIorm the best. These new members replace programs that
perIorm the worst. The procedure repeats until the achievement oI optimum perIormance.
robotics, such a system can continue to run in real-time aIter initial training, allowing robots to
adapt to new situations and to changes in themselves, Ior example, due to wear or damage.
#esearchers have also developed robots that can appear to mimic simple human behavior as a
starting point Ior training.
The Training and Development Cycle
Human useIul resource is increasingly considered to be 1 oI the most crucial motorists oI
productivity eIIiciency and competitiveness. #ecognizing the excellent value oI human Iunds
businesses undertake employee teaching and improvement in purchase to create:
O n accomplished adaptable and extremely determined workIorce
O n eIIicient and resilient workIorce
O capable employee who can retain customers and thereIore boost company and
marketplace reveal
To create skilled employees an business should make investments in coaching and education.
Employees advantage Irom this tremendously.
For numerous employees worry is a continuous companion as tales oI lay-oIIs and pink tickets
do the rounds. To some this might mean that worker motivation and retention is not a big deal.
But the opposite is correct. II a business has been via hard occasions and there have been a Iew
oI tough choices it is probably that staII who are nevertheless on the payroll are operating more
diIIicult than at any time prior to.
Matter what point oI time employees who aided the organization when instances were diIIicult
will be the very Iirst to stop. Thus an organization could eIIortlessly drop their most proIicient
and devoted workIorce just when it requirements to concentrate on rebuilding.
The opportunity to expand and develop occupation enhancing abilities through training and
advancement is an essential element in employee retention and motivation. Employees have a
excellent desire to retain their competitiveness in the task marketplace at all occasions.
Training is a procedure in which staII gets a chance to create their inIormation skills skills and
individuality. Teaching in an organization may possibly be oI two types inner and exterior.
Internal teaching periods are usually arranged by the Human ssets Division and are held in-
home. Teaching is generally held by a giIted senior worker in a speciIic division. Exterior
coaching is organized Irom an external company and is handled largely by consultants and
teaching institutes. In accordance to study companies must make investments in both inner as
well as exterior coaching sessions to give their workers the correct mix oI abilities and
inIormation. While internal teaching improves understanding and permits employees to combine
with each and every other external training oIIers participants an chance to understand new
expertise meet new people in a similar discipline oI work and network with them. It also permits
them to engage in actions that are not program.
It is important that companies permit workers to go aIter coaching in directions that most
curiosity them. II coaching Iocuses only alongside organization assigned directions it becomes
tedious. Organizations require to assist boost knowledge and skills in a broad sense not just
enhance understanding that is required to help workers meet organizational objectives. The
essential component while choosing training materials and matters is that it must maintain the
employee engaged involved and interested.
Employee beneIits oI coaching and development $ome oI the advantages oI coaching and
development consist oI:
Increased morale
Much better interpersonal relationships
Enhanced client partnership
bility to adapt to modiIications
Better innovation
Improved worker picture and company picture
Enhanced productivity and eIIiciency
dent|fy|ng tra|n|ng and deve|opment needs
Fundamental to the delivery of any path project is the development of the team and the
professional development of all individuals. At all levels there is an expectation that the skills,
attitudes and knowledge required to deliver successful projects will be gained while these
projects develop.
This section looks at how project managers can identify the skills and knowledge required to
successfully deliver a competent project as well as provide the training and development
required for both themselves and the project team. The intention here is to give an overview, as
there are training and development texts that cover this subject in much more detail.
You should start with an analysis of the training and development that is required. The starting
point and the subsequent steps can be represented in `The Training Cycle or `The Systematic
approach to Training and Development. This is a widely recognized and used model of the
processes involved in professional development.
This is a good place to point out that when setting any objectives for training we should be using
the standard management practice of using SMART objectives.
You will notice that the above objectives are specific in that they explain a number of
individual tasks.
M They are measurable in that you can determine if the tasks have been completed by
checking against the targets, e.g. 2000 words, four bridges, grid reference, and so on.
They are achievable in that resources are available to complete the project. For
example, is there sufficient time for completion and does the candidate have access to a
They should be realistic. Clearly projects have to be set at an appropriate level and be
relevant to the development of the individual. We have to ask whether the person
presently has the skills to carry out the project, does he/she need training or can they
learn by completing the project?
Finally, the project should be time-bound in that you have to set time targets for
completion, and possibly for reviewing progress.
If you are able to set SMART objectives it makes the job of evaluation and review much easier.
dentify the need
The need for staff training can be identified in a number of ways, such as during interviews,
through feedback from colleagues, by competence or knowledge tests, by observing work taking
place, or from appraisal documents or CVs. Skills and knowledge audits and a SWOT analyses
are well-known techniques that can be used for self-assessment as well as for identifying the
needs of individuals and groups.
Skills and knowledge audit
A `brainstorming session will identify the skills, knowledge and understanding required to carry
out a particular task. Skills that the project team leader might suggest are listed in the table
below. By comparing the existing skills and knowledge of the team members with the
recommended ones, you can determine what training is required.
1he system of tra|n|ng and deve|opment |s a cyc|e of cont|nuous
#esearch shows that when schools and educators commit to continuous learning,
student outcomes - both academic and developmental - improve. In fact, today's most
effective educators view continuous, ongoing training and development as an integral
part of their job description, a routine part of every workday. The need to refocus
teaching to meet the requirements of Maine's Learning Results makes continuous
learning more important than ever. To bring about improved student performance,
training and development must be never-ending.
Continuous Improvement is a circular process, encompassing student assessment,
program planning and design, implementation, evaluation, and revision. The programs'
purposes, goals, and activities are continuously assessed and refined in a process
sometimes referred to as "planning backwards." Moreover, efforts at training and
development apply to all who teach - not only classroom teachers, but administrators,
librarians, physical education teachers, art and band instructors, educational
technicians, and others.
The majority of Maine's educators learned to teach in a different time, with different
expectations. Sixty-five percent of Maine's teachers are over the age of 40 and the
average teacher in the state has 15 years of classroom experience. Training and
development based on a cycle of continuous improvement are essential to help these
dedicated, committed professionals move successfully into the kind of public education
that the Learning Results demand.
- !lanning indicators
There is evidence of multi-year planning. Data have been used to inform the continuous
improvement cycle. The plan builds local capacity.
- Implement Indicators
A commitment to training and development is evident in the actions of all stakeholders.
- Evaluation Indicators
The evaluation utilizes data to change planning and implementation strategies. Change in
practice and behavior is evident among participants. Improved student performance and
development is realized.
Another form for Training & Development
- Competencies
- Gap Analysis
- Curriculum Development
- Training
- On the Job Training (OJT)
Functional competency is deemed to be when an employee is considered to have a set of skills and
knowledge that matches or exceeds the documented expectations of a given position within a clients
In order to assess the competency levels within a company, DEFT documents the organisational set up of
the clients company, in areas targeted by the client, and then assesses clients personnel in the normal
work environment and conditions, so as to establish whether personnel are in fact demonstrating and
utilising knowledge and skills required and expected by the clients organisation.
Once competency has been established, per client requirements, what follows is a high level oversight of
what is involved in developing an effective and efficient training and development programme that assures
both career advancement opportunities for the workforce but also cost and time efficient work processes for
the client. The process, as outlined in DEFTs training and development cycle graphic, is triggered by the
client competency model, which initiates the process of building the workforce competency packages.
ap Analysis
DEFT employs a variety of tools and techniques to effectively assess skills and knowledge gaps in individuals
and/or groups within client organisations. Subsequent training and development programmes are devised
based on gap analysis results leading to more effective knowledge acquisition by clients personnel and a
more cost effective utilization of clients training budgets.
Such skills based approached raises workforce motivation and interest while providing clients with the
opportunity to cater for the training of both new hires, requiring basic level training inputs, and more
experienced personnel requiring skills upgrades to facilitate career advancement or to meet new technical or
technological advances in core fields.
urriculum Development
DEFTs Training !rogrammes are developed following exhaustive gap analysis of clients personnel by
position/role with skill or knowledge gaps identified. Each position/role is associated with a package of
competencies (specific knowledge/skills) with any gaps assigned learning objectives where suitable learning
tools are developed to achieve these objectives. Once learning content has been delivered utilizing
appropriate channels, instructor lead, OJT, CBT, formal mentoring etc, identified gaps should have
successfully been closed leading to a more competent and motivated workforce.
Training is provided in various guises and developed per the specific requirements identified during gap
analysis. Typical training areas are:
O lassroom
These are traditional instructor led classes, a proven means of delivering knowledge based Training
!rogrammes. DEFT provides clients with instructional personnel who are subject matter experts with
significant technical and training experience in their respective fields.
O Simulation Training
These are primarily computer based Training !rogrammes (CBTs), either generic industry
programmes or new DEFT developed CBTs based on clients specific needs. Such training can be
deployed on a self-user basis, instructor led or a mixture of both.
O orkshop training
Building on the inputs received from both classroom and simulation training, clients workers are
provided with a more practical learning environment via practical exercise under the watchful
tutelage of DEFT instructors. This type of training is particularly important for areas such as
operations, electrical, mechanical, instrumentation etc where a `hands on approach is critical for
trainees full understanding.
O acility specific training
Materials & Training developed and provided by DEFT for clients personnel, either new hires or
experienced workers moving to a new client facility, which provides facility-specific information on
areas such as:
O Facility orientation/induction programme
O ealth, Safety & Environment policies & procedures
O Operations and Maintenance procedures
O !rocess Trouble shooting
n the Job Training (JT)
OJT focuses its attention the safe and effective transition of clients personnel from the relatively safe, low
risk environment of the training rooms and workshops to the more demanding and hazardous areas of
actual operational work. During this phase of training under the tutelage of suitably qualified DEFT mentors
and supervisors, trainees learn how to complete their assigned tasks in a safe and effective manner. The
mentors and supervisors carefully monitor trainees progress during the OJT phase with a view to identifying
and logging any knowledge or skills gaps, which in turn are addressed by DEFTs development of additional
training inputs to close such gaps.
At all stages, checks and assessment are built into the programme to ensure that training is having the
desired effect, namely closing identified knowledge and skill gaps and/or enabling employee career
Training !lans
!lanning the #oute to Successful Training (by asking those questions):
O Who requires training?
O ow many users are to be trained and who are they? Ensure that they are sufficiently
experienced to benefit from system training and do not hinder training due to their
inexperience of the business processes
O Will training be mandatory?
O Will certain users have to learn a new operating system?
O Will some users be new to the level of technology?
O Who will conduct the training? - Ensure that they are sufficiently qualified and willing to
train people
O ow many trainers will be required, who are they, and where do they come from? (i.e.
internal, external, mix of both)
O What types of training will be required?
O What training documentation is required?
O What data is required for training purposes? ow will it be prepared and made available?
O When will users be trained and how will they be organised and notified? - Beware of tight
and restricted business process cycles (e.g. admissions process, student registration,
examinations, financial year end)
O ow long before go-live should the training take place? - Too far in advance and much
will be forgotten, but too late will leave users unprepared.
O ow should training be scheduled or altered if go-live deadlines slip?
O ow soon after their arrival should new staff be trained?
O Where will existing users be trained?
O Where will new users be trained?
O Is additional equipment required for training purposes?
O Will a 'Train the Trainer' approach be adopted?
O Is classroom style training always appropriate?
O Do new or revised operational policies and procedures need to be explained?
O Is a system access and password scheme necessary for training purposes? If so, is
additional training required on a more rigorous system access and password scheme?
Training Outcomes
Training is deIined t's not what you want in life, but it's knowing how to reach it.
t is a learning process that involves the gaining knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of
attitudes and behaviors to enhance the performance of employees.
Nature of Training and Development
O Behavioral Training Programs
O Training on Commercial and Tech-Commercial Skills
O Generic Training Programs