SCS v2.7

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Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System v2.

Created by Jeanne D’Code, Based on QuasarBlack’s AMG CYOA v1.5.1
Special Thanks to madBrewer, Sahara, Proxy, Zene, and all of the people that provided the feedback, testing, and
support that helped this system get this far.

Introduction: The SCS & The CYOA

The game system contained within this PDF and its companion PDFs was created with the
intention of being used alongside QuasarBlack’s Accidental Magical Girl CYOA (v1.5.1) and its
accompanying Patron Module. If you don’t have those PDFs, the contents of this system will
likely make little sense.

Many players get their start with Tabletop RPGs via freeform roleplaying. With the advent of the
internet, communities sprout up on social media and forums that allow us to roleplay with people
all over the world at all times of the day. However, many players have difficulty describing
combat without it becoming too open-ended or too overpowered. The Supplementary Combat
System gives structured combat and mechanics to the CYOA’s writing prompt and roleplaying
tools. Ultimately, the SCS exists as a tool to enable players to have more balanced interactions
with each other’s skills and abilities. The SCS is not meant to replace the CYOA, but (as the name
indicates) supplement it.

The mechanics contained within this system are meant to be used almost exclusively for combat,
and do not typically replace the features described in the CYOA. If you find a conflict between
the CYOA and the SCS’ descriptions of an ability, defer to the CYOA in all roleplaying and flavor
matters, and the SCS’ description in all matters of mechanical combat. Remember: the CYOA is a
writing tool first and foremost, and the SCS is meant to support it.

Converting a Character
The SCS utilizes the rolls and stats generated by a character in the CYOA. When creating a
character in the CYOA, please remember to keep the stats you keep out of costume and the stats
kept in costume separate. The stats you keep while out of costume are referred to in the SCS as
your Base Stats. The stats you gain from transforming into your costume (which include all stats
gained from coins) are referred to as your Boost Stats. When you transform, you add your Boost
Stats to your Base Stats. In most cases, stats that are kept are marked with a dagger mark (†),
however additional stat modifications are kept in the descriptions for Specializations. In the case
of “retains [stat] while out of costume”, reduce the appropriate Boost by the value listed, while
increasing the Base by the same amount. In the case of Lightning, treat the text as if it said: “retains
1 AGI while out of costume”.

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After creating your character with the CYOA and marking off your stats1, calculate your derived
stats for both your Transformed and Civilian forms.
▪ Health Points, or HP, are the amount of damage you can take. When your HP hits 0, you
are KO’d. Your Maximum HP is equal to ten times your Vitality. Your Civilian HP will
usually be lower than your Transformed HP. When you change forms, the amount of HP
you are missing carries over. If you would be missing more HP than the form you changed
into has, your HP in the form you transformed into becomes 1. Unlike most other stats,
your Maximum HP does not change mid-combat due to adjusted VIT.
▪ Defense, or DEF, is your capacity for resisting all types of damage. In most cases, when
you would be dealt damage, it will be reduced by a value equal to your DEF. You can also
increase your DEF using spells, items, and equipment. Your default DEF is equal to one
third of your Vitality (rounded down). If your VIT changes mid-combat, your DEF will
adjust to correspond to the new value.
▪ Evasion, or EVA, is your ability to quickly move around attacks and other forms of
damage. In most cases, when you would be dealt damage, you perform an Evasion roll
(1d20+EVA) which gives you the opportunity to completely evade that damage. You can
increase your EVA using spells, items, and equipment. Your default EVA is equal to half
of your Agility plus half of your Luck (rounded down). If your AGI or LUK changes mid-
combat, your EVA will adjust as well, based on the new values.
▪ Critical Rate, or Crit Rate, is your capability to deal Critical Hits. If you use an Attack with
a weapon, you have a chance to deal a Critical Hit based on your Crit Rate. You can
increase your Crit Rate using spells, items, and equipment. Your default Crit Rate is equal
to double your Luck. If your LUK changes mid-combat, your Crit Rate will adjust as well,
based on the new value.
▪ Spell Rating, or SR, is the capacity for spellcasting the character has. Your default Spell
Rating is equal to your MAG plus your highest stat (if your highest stat is MAG, your SR
= MAG * 2). If your stats change mid-combat, your SR will adjust as well, even changing
the stats it is based on to accommodate.
▪ Base Stat Total, or BST, is the total value of your stats while in Civilian Form. It can change
during combat if you use stats while in Civilian Form.
▪ Transformed Stat Total, or TST, is the total value of your stats while in Magical Girl Form.
It can change during combat if you use stats while Transformed.
▪ Current Stat Total, or CST, is the total value of your stats in your current form, regardless
of what that form is. CST will change frequently during combat as your stats adjust
themselves due to costs and abilities.

If your character has the Twinned Soul Power, there are some minor changes to how twins
operate in the SCS from how they are listed in the CYOA:
▪ When spending a Gold Coin to gain perks, powers, or weapons, you can have each twin
choose different choices for the same option. For example, if you spent a Gold Coin to gain

Don’t forget any benefits from your Patron and Origin!

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a second starting weapon, you could have one twin gain a Melee Weapon while the other
gains a Ranged Weapon, but you couldn’t have one twin gain a Melee Weapon while the
other gains a second Power.
▪ When presented with choices between stats (such as for Body or Specialization, except
Oddball), each twin can choose different choices within the same option. For example, if
both twins have an Average Body, one could choose to take the AGI boost while the other
takes the VIT boost.
▪ Coins spent on adjusting (not gaining) Perks apply to both twins equally. They may not
choose different options.
▪ Silver coins spent on stats provide a +1 Stat to each Twin. They may choose different stats.
Bronze coins spent on stats apply only to 1 twin.
▪ Coins spent on adjusting Weapon or Outfit may apply equally to both twins if you choose.
The twins may choose different options for the adjustment.
▪ If you gain the Twinned Soul Power via the Power of Chaos ability2, you must reallocate
your stats as appropriate. You may not reallocate your coins. Your new twin gains the
benefits of coins you used as if you created your character with that twin (gaining a second
weapon of your choice, gaining additional perks, etc.), but you may not change any of
your previous choices with the original character.

AMGC and the SCS

The SCS is designed primarily for use with QuasarBlack’s Accidental Magical Girl CYOA v1.5.1,
and as such, characters rolled in AMGC cannot typically function properly within the SCS. Due
to the drastic difference in typical stat lines and the lack of some Perks, it is highly recommended
that you remake your character in the CYOA if you wish to use the SCS.

However, in the interest of keeping some continuity between the two systems, the AMGC
exclusive powers (as well as some of the exclusive Perks) have been adapted as Relics within the
SCS. Any player may opt to, instead of having a Power, gain a Relic of their choice marked with
the tag “Otherworld”, and two additional Relics marked with the “Trian” tag.

Abilities & Combat

In combat, characters utilize Abilities to do battle against monsters, dark magical girls, monster
girls, mechanical dinosaurs, evil princes in control of flowers, Pure Evil, floating eyeballs in
clouds, and sometimes even each other. Abilities are classified under a variety of types and
subtypes, using a number of keywords.

When choosing the abilities you use in a turn, it’s important to remember that a character typically
only receives 1 Turn Action (TA) and 2 Movement Steps (MS) per turn, unless an ability or effect

Power of Chaos is an ability of Dark Magical Girls, which are detailed more in the SCS expansion Order & Chaos;
Friend & Foe.

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adjusts this. You can use your TA and MS in any combination you wish, or even choose to not
use them and pass your turn.

Ability Types
❖ Active – Active (sometimes noted as ACT) abilities use your Turn Action. An Active
ability is typically something that takes focus to perform.
❖ Speed – Speed abilities can use your Movement Steps instead of your Turn Action. The
number of MS used is marked in the ability’s description (SP x). If you so wish, you can
choose to use a Speed ability with your Turn Action instead.
❖ Reactive – Reactive abilities can be used on any player’s turn, provided the activation
condition is fulfilled. The activation condition is listed in the ability’s description (Re: x).
Reactive abilities do not use TA or MS.
❖ Trigger – Trigger abilities operate like Reactive abilities, except that their activation is
mandatory. If a Trigger ability’s condition is fulfilled, it MUST be activated. Trigger
abilities do not typically use TA or MS.
❖ Passive – Passive abilities are always active and always provide their effect, typically at
no cost. They do not activate and cannot have Reactive or Trigger abilities used in
response to them. During a Reprieve or Downtime, you can opt to disable a Passive ability
until your next Reprieve/Downtime.
❖ Permanent – Permanent abilities operate exactly like Passive abilities, except that they
cannot be disabled manually.
❖ Boost – Boost abilities are activated in conjunction with other abilities that have specific
functions. They typically provide a bonus effect at a cost and are considered to be
activated alongside the ability they are boosting. The requirements to activate a Boost
ability are listed in the ability’s description. Boost abilities do not typically use a Turn
Action or Movement Steps.
❖ Toggle – Toggle abilities are abilities you can turn on or off in combat. Toggle abilities
typically provide a bonus effect while active at a cost or detriment. The action required to
turn a Toggle ability on or off is listed in the ability’s description, as well as the cost or
trade-off required.
❖ Full-Turn – These abilities consume the user’s entire turn. Other than Reactive abilities,
the user must not have performed any actions in their turn to use a Full-Turn ability.
❖ Inherent – An ability subtype. Inherent abilities are abilities that every unit has. Inherent
abilities can’t be nullified unless the ability/effect specifically states it works on Inherent
❖ Attack – An ability subtype. Attack abilities (frequently marked as ATK) operate like the
default weapon attack. In most cases, they will require you to have a specific type of
weapon equipped. These abilities utilize any weapon enhancements of the weapon used,
and can deal critical hits.
❖ Assist – An ability subtype. Assist abilities are used to create and/or call an Assist, listed
in the ability’s description.
❖ Craft – An ability subtype. Craft abilities are used in Reprieves or Downtime to create
items, listed in the ability’s description.

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❖ Lifesaver – An ability subtype. Lifesaver abilities prevent you from getting KO’d, usually
by retaining HP in lethal situations. You can only benefit from one Lifesaver ability an
encounter, but you can benefit from that one ability as many times as it is applicable
within that encounter. Unless otherwise specified, you must have at least 2 HP to use a
Lifesaver effect.
❖ Spell – An ability subtype. Spell abilities have deeper descriptors, covered in the chapter
on Spellcasting. Some abilities only affect Spells.

Abilities also have a variety of keywords used to abridge descriptions and recurring mechanics.
Keywords are found in the ability’s description.

Ability Keywords
❖ Apply [x] (y) – Applies the Condition X to the affected unit(s), with a duration of Y.
❖ ATK Charge (x) – Applies the effect x to the affected unit’s next use of an ATK ability.
ATK Charge effects will frequently be locked to a specific weapon or have a time limit on
their use.
❖ Break (x) – The ability or effect only functions if the user is missing at least X of their total
❖ Channel (x) – The ability recovers part of the stat points used to pay for its cost, after the
effects of the ability are completed (conditions have worn off/been removed, damage is
dealt, effects are otherwise resolved, etc.). If multiple stats were used, you can choose
which stats recover the Channel. If no numerical value is listed, the entire cost is
recovered. Has no effect on non-stat costs, such as Tags, Charges, or HP.
❖ Contest – A comparison between two things. Typically, a Contest is between stats of two
separate units. If a stat is listed, roll d4s equal to your current value in that stat, and
compare it to the other side of the Contest. The winner of a Contest is referred to as a
“Victor”, and the other a “Loser”.
❖ Field Change [x] (y) – Changes the current Field Effect to x, with a duration of Y.
❖ Focus (x): – The ability applies an additional or substitute effect if an affected unit(s) is
within the listed range(s). If the ability has multiple Targets, the Focus effect only applies
to Targets within the Focus range.
❖ Gain – Increases the current amount of a stat, HP, or other resource. Can increase a stat
above its default value.
❖ Max x – The ability’s variable cost can’t have more than x spent for it.
❖ Negate – When an ability is negated, it has no effects. You still have to pay any costs
associated with the negated ability.
❖ Nullify – When an ability is Nullified, it does not have any effect. Unlike Negation,
Nullification must be done in advance, and the ability that is nullified cannot be used at
❖ OpE – The ability can only be used Once per Encounter.
❖ OpR – The ability can only be used Once per Round.
❖ OpT – The ability can only be used Once per Turn.

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❖ Optimal (x) – The ability grants the Target a +1d20 bonus to their Evasion roll for each
Stage/Space outside of the listed range(s) they are. All ATK abilities have this keyword by
default, based on the weapon being used.
❖ Recover – Increases the current amount of a stat, HP, or other resource. Recovery can’t
increase HP above its maximum or a stat above its default value.
❖ Reduced Penalty (x) – If the ability’s Target is outside the Optimal but in the listed
range(s), only +1d12 is gained per Stage/Space outside of Optimal, instead of 1d20.
Ranged Attacks have this by default on most ranges outside of their Optimal.
❖ Refrain (x) – The ability or effect only functions when the user is missing less than X of
their total HP.
❖ Resolve – An ability “resolves” when its primary effects complete: Conditions being
applied, Damage being dealt, stats changing, etc. Abilities can’t resolve until after
everyone is done reacting to them.
❖ Sacrifice (x) – The ability has an additional cost of HP equal to X. As with other costs, it
must be paid when you use the ability.
❖ Scope (x) – The ability can ONLY target units within the listed ranges.3 If the Target has
moved out of the Scope’s range when the ability resolves, it does not affect them (you
cannot designate a new Target).
❖ Target – A Target is usually the main affected unit of the ability. Targets are chosen when
you pay the cost (if any), before the spell’s effect resolves. Units that are selected are NOT
❖ X = Y – Indicates the conditions the variable given in the ability’s description are based
on. If X is listed in the cost, you may declare a value for it.
❖ // - Indicates that an ability has two different effects it can utilize. Split abilities are also
notated in the Type/Subtype description, and the Cost if applicable.
❖ Deal – Damage dealt is applied before the defender rolls Evasion and applies their DEF.
❖ Inflict – Damage inflicted is applied after the defender has already applied their Evasion
and DEF. The amount of damage inflicted cannot exceed the unit’s current HP.
❖ Lose – HP and Stats lost do not count as any form of damage, and does not apply
DEF/EVA. Losing HP is typically a drawback for using an effect.

Many abilities deal and inflict a variety of damage attributes, which monsters are frequently
resistant or weak to, depending on the monster and the damage attribute. Some Specializations
have an associated damage attribute as well. When damage is dealt of multiple attributes
simultaneously, apply DEF, and then split the remainder equally between each damage attribute.
In the case of predefined values for differing damage attributes, apply the unit’s DEF to the
damage attribute with the most damage associated with it first, then continue applying DEF until
there is no more DEF to apply.

Resistance is applied after damage calculation and defenses, and is a multiplier that affects the
final damage inflicted. Each Resistance is generally associated with a specific type or method of

0 = Self or Engaged Unit, 1 = Close, 2 = Near, 3 = Mid-Range, 4 = Far, 5 = Long-Range, 6 = Very Long Range

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damage, determined by the source that grants Resistance. In general, your Resistance defaults to
0%, and can be adjusted by abilities up or down. A negative Resistance means you take additional
damage from that type, while a positive resistance means you take less damage from that type.
Unless an ability says otherwise, Resistance over 100% does not have any additional effect. If a
Resistance results in a non-integer, round off the number as appropriate.

Damage Attributes
❖ Slash – A Physical damage attribute. Associated with cuts and slices.
❖ Bash – A Physical damage attribute. Associated with squeezes and blunt strikes.
❖ Pierce – A Physical damage attribute. Associated with shots and stabs.
❖ Fire – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of Fire Specialization. Tied to
the Burn, Flame Smite, and Heat Aura Conditions.
❖ Ice – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of Ice Specialization. Tied to
the Freeze and Frostbite Conditions.
❖ Wind – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Air Specialization.
Tied to the Dizzy and Gale Wall Conditions.
❖ Lightning – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Lightning
❖ Sound – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Sound Specialization.
❖ Dark – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Darkness
❖ Light – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Light Specialization.
❖ Wood – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Wood Specialization.
❖ Water – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Water Specialization.
❖ Force – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Gravity Specialization.
❖ Stone – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Stone Specialization.
❖ Metal – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Metal Specialization.
❖ Magic – A supplementary damage attribute. Indicates that the damage is magical in
nature. Spells and Relics automatically apply their damage as Magic damage, so it is not
typically noted in their descriptions.
❖ True – The strongest of damage attributes. True damage automatically ignores DEF and
EVA. True damage can only be generated by effects that explicitly state they generate True

Combat Flow
When monsters attack or the local troublemakers start making trouble, it’s time to break out the
weapons, spells, and frilly dresses to save the day! Combat is an important part of any magical
girl’s capabilities, even if they don’t like fighting much.

At the start of an encounter, the first thing that each player needs to do is to deploy units. In many
cases, you will only be able to deploy your character: the main character that you created. In some
cases, however, you can choose to deploy another unit (such as a twin), or even multiple units at
the same time. The main unit you deploy (as well as the Assists that you do not deploy and your

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Twin) will be under your direct control. Any additional units that you deploy (such as your Ally
or Familiar) will act under the GM’s control but can be given instructions.

After deploying units, each deployed unit rolls Initiative. Initiative is rolled with 1d100 by
default, with no modifiers. Turns for each round go in order from greatest to least, based on the
Initiative values rolled. If your Initiative changes in battle, you act at the new Initiative value,
unless you have already acted in the current round, in which case you act at that Initiative value
in the next round.

Units can show up in the middle of a round in progress. In this case, they are referred to as
Intruders. Intruders can’t be targeted by any abilities, even their own. Intruders roll Initiative
separately, and at the end of a round, all Intruders take what is called an Intrusion Turn (in the
order they rolled for Initiative, if needed). After that Intrusion Turn is completed, they join the
fray on the Initiative value they rolled and cease to be Intruders.

Each unit has a Position in relation to each other unit. Positioning is usually changed in relation
to a SINGLE unit. For instance, if you are at Near range to a foe but Close range to an ally, when
you move 1 stage closer to the foe you are still at Close range to the ally as well as being Close
range to the foe.

When you would be dealt damage (except from Conditions or Contests), decrease the damage by
a value equal to your DEF. Then, roll 1d20, adding your EVA. This is your Evasion roll. If the
adjusted damage is less than the value of your Evasion roll, you are inflicted no damage. If the
Evasion Roll and the damage is equal, you are inflicted 1 point of the ability’s damage. If the
damage is from a Condition, Item, or a Contest, you only apply your DEF and cannot Evade.

A different way to show this:

( Damage Dealt – DEF ) = X
[Player decides if they want to use a Reactive such as Force Evade/Guard]
X – ( EVA + 1d20 ) = Y
If Y > X, Damage Inflicted = 0
If Y < X, Damage Inflicted = X (Modify by Resistance)
If Y = X, Damage Inflicted = 1 (Modify by Resistance)

Some effects cause you to be Disarmed, which causes you to drop or otherwise lose your weapon.
When you are disarmed, your weapon drops at a specific position, noted in the description of the
disarming effect. One such example of a disarming effect is the Distance Attack that Melee
Weapons can use, which causes the weapon to be disarmed at the Attack Target’s position after
the Attack resolves. You can retrieve a disarmed weapon by moving to the position and
reacquiring it with the Pass Item ability.

Some abilities and most Attacks have the ability to deal a Critical Hit. When you use an ATK
ability, roll 1d100. If the result is less than or equal to your Critical Rate, you inflict a Critical Hit,

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and the damage is increased by your Critical Damage Bonus (by default, 50%) before applying
the Target’s DEF or Evasion.

When you are in Civilian Form, you are considered a non-magical being. While transformed, you
are considered a magical being. Magical beings increase their Resistance against Attacks and
other forms of non-magical weapons and damage by 50% (to a maximum of 100% Resistance),
but some creatures will specifically target magical beings over non-magical ones. Your stat
modifiers from paying costs and missing health will carry over between forms, so exercise

Position Ranges
• Engaged (0) – The unit shares their rough position with you. Abilities from outside the
Engagement that would affect one Engaged unit has a 25% chance of affecting the other
unit instead, and a 50% chance of affecting both units. You can only enter this range with
an ability or effect that explicitly states it creates an Engagement. A unit can only be
Engaged with 1 other unit at a time. If you or an ally used the ability that created the
Engagement, you can end it at any time on your turn (without using an action).
Otherwise, you must attempt to Flee.
• Close (1) – The unit is decently close and can reasonably be reached in a fraction of a
• Near (2) – The unit is nearby and can be reached in a moment’s notice.
• Mid-Range (3) – The unit has some noticeable space between you and them that may be
difficult to reach quickly, but at a distance that can be managed.
• Far (4) – The unit is a decent distance away. Reaching them will not usually be quick.
Moving into Far Range to a unit requires 2 MS instead of 1.
• Long Range (5) – The unit is a long distance away. Reaching them quickly will typically
prove borderline impossible. Moving into Long Range to a unit requires 2 MS instead of
• Extra Long Range (6) – The unit is a very large distance away. Reaching them quickly is
an impossibility under almost every circumstance. Moving into Extra Long Range to a
unit requires 2 MS instead of 1.

At times, you may find an encounter isn’t going your way, or perhaps you’ve already completed
your objective and don’t need to continue to fight. In this case, you can opt to Flee combat. Fleeing
is NOT an ability but consumes actions in your turn as if it were one. During your turn, a unit
can choose to sacrifice any amount of MS or Turn Action(s) (you must give up at least one) to
attempt to Flee from an Encounter or from an Engagement.

If you attempt to Flee an Encounter, the base success rate is increased by 8% for each MS used,
and 24% for each Turn Action used. Decrease the base success rate by 2% for each foe at Far range
or closer. For each ally at Near range or closer, increase the success rate by 2%, and if you have
Linkage with any of those units, increase the success rate by another 3% for each. If you are

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attempting to Flee an Engagement, also adjust the chance by a value equal to your CST minus the
opposing Engaged unit’s CST (if theirs is higher, this will be a negative number).

After calculating the success rate, roll 1d100. If your die result is less than or equal to the success
rate, you successfully Flee. If you were Engaged, this means you break out of the Engagement
and are now at Close range to the unit you were Engaged with. If you were not Engaged, then
you leave the current encounter.

Victory & Defeat

Combat is concluded when all units on all but one side has either Fled, been KO’d, or somehow
cannot act. The Encounter is considered over at this point. If any units Died during combat, their
Reincarnation Timer starts now (if they have one).

Reprieves & Downtime

A Reprieve is a period where the character(s) can rest and collect themselves. During a Reprieve,
restore your HP and Stats to their default/maximum values, remove any Conditions (if possible),
take some time to craft, and catch up with your party.

Downtime is much like a Reprieve, except representing a much longer period. While a Reprieve
might just be a few minutes or a couple hours, Downtime is anywhere from a day or two to a few
months or even years. During Downtime, you gain all of the effects of a Reprieve, as well as bonus
points for Crafting.

Death & Reincarnation

If all your stats are reduced to 0 while KO’d, you die. Magical Girls are harder to get rid of,
though, and are reborn shortly after their demise. Your Reincarnation Cycle lasts a number of
days equal to your TST (or your Unsealed Stat Total if you are a Monster Girl). Your Reincarnation
Cycle does not start until after the encounter in which you died, and you are revived in Civilian
Form, and lose all of your Linkage (except with the unit that killed you).

Inherent Abilities
All units have a list of abilities that they can use called Inherent Abilities. These abilities, as
previously explained in the Ability Types section, Inherent abilities can’t be nullified by abilities
that don’t specifically designate Inherent abilities. The list of Inherent Abilities is as follows:
❖ Attack – Active; Inherent; ATK – No Cost – Deal damage to a Target with your currently
equipped Weapon. Optimal, Damage, Damage Attribute, Type of Attack, and other
qualities determined by the weapon. If you do not have a weapon equipped, the damage
is based on your STR, the Optimal is (0,1), and this ability cannot deal Critical Hits.
❖ Defend – Active; Inherent – No Cost – X = Current VIT. Increases your DEF by (5+(2X))
until the start of your next turn. Increases your side of Contests by (5+X) until the start of
your next turn.

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❖ Move – Speed; Inherent – No Cost - SP 1. Move 1 Step towards or away from Target unit.
If moving into Far, Long, or Extra Long Range, this ability becomes SP 2 instead. In Grid
Combat, move 1 space.4
❖ Dash – Speed; Inherent – No Cost - SP 2. Move 1 Step closer to all units.
❖ Disengage – Speed; Inherent – No Cost - SP 2. Move 1 Step away from all units.
❖ Extra Move – Active; Inherent – No Cost - Gain 1 MS. It must be used this turn.
❖ Transform – Full-Turn; Inherent – No Cost - Changes the user from their Civilian Form to
their Magical Girl Form as of the start of the next turn. Monster Girls and non-Magical
Girls don’t have this ability.
❖ Revert – Active; Inherent – No Cost - Changes the user from their Magical Girl Form to
their Civilian Form. The user’s turn immediately ends after this ability resolves. Monster
Girls and non-Magical Girls don’t have this ability.
❖ Equip – Speed; Inherent – No Cost - SP 2. The user selects a Weapon, Outfit, or Relic from
their inventory and equips it. If the user already has the maximum amount equipped, they
can replace one of the old pieces of equipment with the new one, returning the old one to
their inventory.
❖ Unequip – Speed; Inherent - No Cost – SP 1. The user selects a Weapon, Outfit, or Relic
they have equipped and returns it to their Inventory.
❖ Use Item – Speed; Inherent - No Cost – SP 2. The user takes an Item from their Inventory
or a Relic that they currently have equipped and uses its effect(s).
❖ Pass Item – Speed; Inherent - No Cost – SP 1. Scope (0,1,2). The user takes an Item, Relic,
Weapon, or Outfit from their Inventory and transfers it to the Inventory of an ally. This
ability can also be used to retrieve disarmed weapons or otherwise unattended
❖ Force Guard – Reactive; Inherent – 1 STR – Re: When an ability would deal damage to
you, after that damage is rolled but before rolling Evasion, treat your DEF as being triple
its current value against that ability only. Cannot be used against any ability that you used
Force Evade or Fortune Boost against.
❖ Force Evade – Reactive; Inherent – 1 VIT - Re: When an ability would deal damage to you,
after that damage is rolled but before rolling Evasion, treat your Evasion roll against that
ability as being double its total value. Cannot be used against an ability that you used
Force Guard or Fortune Boost against.
❖ Fortune Boost – Boost; Inherent – X LUK – When you would roll any number of non-d100
dice, you can increase that number of dice rolled by X. If used to improve a roll that uses
d4s, increase the number of dice rolled by 2X instead.
❖ Escort – Speed; Inherent – No Cost – SP 2. Engage a willing unit at Close range. While
engaged this way, apply all of the following effects:
o You (and only you) can change position in relation to other units. When you move
this way, engaged unit moves with you.
o Add your DEF and EVA to the engaged unit’s DEF and EVA.

Grid Combat is detailed more in the SCS Expansion Worlds & Wishes.

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o When an ability would target the engaged unit from outside the engagement,
instead of the normal Target shift chances, it has a 50% chance of targeting you,
and a 25% chance of affecting both units.

Many abilities call Assists to aid you. When using an Assist, first select an ability that you would
like for them to use. Then, as SP 2, that ability is used by the Assist (paying their stats and such
as appropriate). As a secondary cost for the Assist, you must pay Initiative based on the type of
ability they used:
❖ Full-Turn: 50 Initiative
❖ Active: 20 Initiative
❖ SP X: 5 + 5X Initiative
❖ Boost: 10 Initiative
❖ Reactive: 15 Initiative
When using Boost abilities, the Boost can apply to the Assist or to you. For Targeting purposes,
you are considered to be Engaged with any Assist you call. Assists cannot use Trigger or Toggle
effects and abilities, unless they are deployed. If they use an ATK ability, the Attack uses their
weapon, including any enhancements applied. Passives are effective only while the Assist is
actively called or deployed.

Crafting & Resources

Crafting can be performed when the unit has a Reprieve or Downtime. During one of these, you
gain 2 Craft Time (CT) for a Reprieve, or 5 CT for Downtime. CT are not kept; if the unit leaves
on another mission or quest, or resumes the mission they’re on, they forfeit any CT they have left.
CT can be spent to craft items, anchor augments, and apply alterations. While you cannot retain
CT between crafting sessions, any progress you make in Crafting is retained, so make sure to use
your CT whenever possible. Specific abilities may grant you additional methods of crafting, or
more things you can craft. Specific other abilities may inhibit the amount of CT you acquire.

During Downtime, you also gain 1 Resource Credit (RC) that you can spend to acquire mundane
items and materials. You can also gain additional RC by spending CT to acquire RC based on
your current Age and Body type:
❖ Age 6 and lower cannot spend CT to gain RC.
❖ Age 7-9 can spend 4 CT to gain 1 RC.
❖ Age 10-12 can spend 3 CT to gain 1 RC.
❖ Age 13-15 can spend 2 CT to gain 1 RC.
❖ Age 16-17 can spend 1 CT to gain 1 RC.
❖ Age 18+ can spend 1 CT to gain 2 RC.
❖ If Underdeveloped, treat your Age as 2 lower.
❖ If Overdeveloped, treat your Age as 2 higher.
Unlike CT, RC are retained even if you don’t spend them immediately, so keep this in mind when
planning crafting sessions long-term.

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The staff entrusted to you by the guardian of ancient power. The scepter of power that shows
your position. The bow that will help you create a shining new world. The blade that protects
humanity. The fist that clusters power to create a new force. No magical girl is without her
weapon, which is just as much a part of her identity as her transformation speech and her powers.

When you acquire your first weapon in character creation, you get to decide some details on it.
A Starting Weapon can be of different Optimal Ranges depending on its type (chosen when
created), as well as of differing Damage Attributes (Slash, Bash, or Pierce, chosen when created).

The following is a chart of Weapon Default Ranges. Green squares (O) are within Optimal, and
Yellow Squares (RP) have Reduced Penalty. Red Squares (X) are outside of Optimal.

Engaged Close Near Mid Far Long E-Long

Melee A X O X X X X X
Melee B X X O X X X X
Ranged A X RP O O O RP RP
Ranged B X RP RP O O O RP
Mystic X X X O X X X
Fist O O X X X X X

Special Weapon Traits

Each weapon scales their damage off of a different stat. When you use the Attack ability with a
specific weapon, it deals damage rolled in d4s equal to the current value of the respective stat.
Each weapon also has a quality that sets them apart in combat, be it in their typical movesets,
special Enhancement options, or special abilities or mechanics that set them apart. These qualities
are detailed here:
• Melee weapons scale their damage off of STR, and typically revolve around drawing
enemy attacks and keeping the attention on themselves. They can also perform a special
kind of Attack:
o Distance Attack – Active; Inherent; Melee; ATK – No Cost – Reduced Penalty
(1,2,3). Attack a Target with your current Melee Weapon. If the Attack does not
inflict damage, the weapon is Disarmed at the Target’s position. If the Attack is a
Critical Hit, the weapon is disarmed at your position, regardless of if it inflicts
damage or not.
• Ranged weapons scale their damage off AGI, and typically revolve around dealing high
damage and playing keep-away with foes, setting up traps and exploiting positioning
tricks. In a pinch, they can shoot outside their Optimal much easier than other weapons
can. However, Ranged weaponry has a restriction on their Attacks in the form of Ammo.

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The maximum Ammo of a weapon is based on the default Transformed MAG of the
original creator/owner, increased by 3. The maximum Ammo of the weapon cannot be
below 0. If you would apply an Enhancement that reduces the Maximum Ammo of a
weapon below 0, you cannot apply that Enhancement. Each Ranged Attack (including
those created by abilities other than the Attack ability) expends 1 Ammo. Some Ranged
Spells and Enhancements will also consume Ammo (if the Spell has its own ammo cost, it
replaces the Ammo cost of a Ranged Attack made with the same ability). To restore
Ammo, you can use the following ability:
o Reload – Speed; Inherent – No Cost – X = MAG. SP 2. Restore the Ammo count of
your currently equipped Ranged Weapon by X. Can be used even in a Ranged
weapon’s alternate form.
• Mystic weapons scale their damage off of MAG, and typically have more utilitarian and
manipulation spells, getting more in touch with their Specialization’s core. Additionally,
Mystic Weapons get an additional spell in their starting spell kit over most other starting
spell kits. Mystic Weapons also get better access to stat recovery via Enhancements and
• Fist weapons scale off of STR, and typically focus on dealing high yield damage at risk to
themselves or cost of set-up time. Their spells are typically low-cost but require more
control over the user’s positioning or awareness of the battlefield. Fist weapons are also
the only weapons that can naturally function while Engaged without breaking out of

Weapon Enhancements
Each Weapon is special. Through careful choices and long-term refinement, a Magical Girl’s
weapon becomes powerful all on its own. Each weapon can hold 5 Enhancements. During
Downtime, a character can acquire a new Enhancement(s) for their weapons at the cost of 2 Silver
Coins OR 8 Bronze Coins each. You can purchase up to 3 Enhancements at once with a single
Gold Coin. The weapon you start with (as well as a Second Weapon acquired with a Gold Coin)
starts with the Soulbound Enhancement, as well as 1 additional Enhancement of your choice.
Enhancements are NOT considered abilities but have effects that can change the flow of combat.
Some Enhancements have Ranks. Each Enhancement Rank must be purchased in order (you have
to have Sweeping I and Sweeping II before you can get Sweeping III).

Melee-Exclusive Enhancements
➢ Drain I – Each time the Weapon inflicts damage with an ATK, restore 1d6 HP and 1 point
to a random stat.
➢ Drain II – Replaces the effect of Drain I. Each time the Weapon inflicts damage with an
ATK, restore 2d6 HP and 2 points to a random stat.
➢ Drain III – When using Drain II’s effect, you can choose to restore 4d6 HP OR 2 points to
a single stat of your choice.
➢ Slashing High I – For every 10 dmg inflicted with this weapon via an ATK, increase your
EVA by 1 until the start of your next turn.

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➢ Slashing High II – Replaces the effect of Slashing High I. For every 5 dmg inflicted with
this weapon via an ATK, increase your EVA by 1 until the start of your turn.
➢ Slashing High III – For every 5 damage inflicted via an ATK, gain 3 HP until the end of
the encounter.
➢ Sweeping I – X = STR. When you inflict dmg with a Melee Attack using this weapon, you
can deal X Magic dmg to all foes at the same range (in relation to you) as the original
Attack’s Target.
➢ Sweeping II – When using the effect of Sweeping I, X = 2*STR instead.
➢ Sweeping III – When using the effect of Sweeping I, you can opt to, instead of dealing
bonus damage, move the original Attack’s Target 1 Stage closer or farther from all units
(your choice), as if they had used the Dash or Disengage ability.
➢ Bouncing Throw – X = AGI. When you use a Distance Attack, you can reduce your Critical
Rate by 100%, and if you do, reduce the Target’s EVA against that ATK by 2X.
➢ Chained – X = STR. When you use a Distance Attack with the weapon, you can
immediately equip the weapon after that Attack resolves, and if you do, you lose X HP.
You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Each time you do, treat X as 3 less (X can’t
be reduced lower than 0 this way).
➢ Cripple Attack – X = AGI. When you inflict damage with an ATK using the weapon,
decrease the Attack Target’s Initiative by X. You can take this Enhancement multiple
times. Its effect stacks additively.
➢ Fierce Throw – Increase the damage of Distance Attacks with the weapon by 2d10. You
can take this Enhancement multiple times. Its effects stack additively.
➢ Keen – Increases the Critical Damage Bonus of the weapon’s Attacks by 25%. You can take
this Enhancement multiple times. Its effects stack additively.
➢ Provoke – When you would inflict damage with an ATK with the weapon, you can reduce
that damage by X to apply this effect: Units with CST less than or equal to X MUST Target
you before they can target any other unit, until the start of your next turn.
➢ Recall Attack – X = MAG. You can use a Distance Attack using a weapon that is currently
disarmed at a position no more than X/4 Stages away, that you previously used for a
Distance Attack. Equip the weapon after this Distance Attack resolves. You can take this
Enhancement multiple times. Each time you do, treat X as 4 higher.
➢ Sharpness – Increases the Critical Rate of the weapon’s Attacks by 15%. You can take this
Enhancements multiple times. Its effects stack additively.
Ranged-Exclusive Enhancements
➢ Homing I – When you Target a unit with a Ranged Attack, reduce their EVA by 20%
against that ATK only.
➢ Homing II – Replaces the effect of Homing I. When you Target a unit with a Ranged
Attack, reduce their EVA by 50% against that ATK only.
➢ Homing III – X = Target’s EVA before applying Homing II. When you Target a unit with
a Ranged Attack, increase your Critical Hit Rate by 2X%
➢ Piercing I – When you Target a unit with a Ranged Attack, reduce their DEF by 15%
against that ATK only.

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➢ Piercing II – Replaces the effect of Piercing I. When you Target a unit with a Ranged
Attack, reduce their DEF by 40% against that ATK only.
➢ Piercing III – X = Target’s DEF before applying Piercing II. When you Target a unit with
a Ranged Attack, increase your Critical Damage Bonus by 2X%.
➢ Quickshot I – X = Your AGI. When you inflict damage with a Ranged Attack, roll 1d20. If
the result of that roll is less than or equal to X, you can immediately perform another
Attack, but if you do, the damage dealt is reduced by 50%.
➢ Quickshot II – X = Your AGI. When you inflict damage with a Ranged Attack using
Quickshot I, roll 2d20. If the value of both dice (individually) are less than or equal to X,
you can immediately perform another Attack, but if you do, the damage dealt is reduced
by 50%.
➢ Quickshot III – X = Your AGI. The damage penalty for Quickshot I and Quickshot II is
changed to “damage inflicted is reduced by 50%”. When you would roll for a Quickshot
effect, you can roll +1d20. If the value of all of the dice (individually) are less than or equal
to X, you can choose to use any Active ability instead of being restricted to an Attack (the
damage penalty still applies).
➢ Ammo Boost – Increase the Maximum Ammo of the weapon by 4. You can take this
Enhancement multiple times. Its effects stack additively.
➢ Blood Bullet – While you have 0 Ammo, you can perform a Ranged Attack by paying 25
HP in the place of Ammo. This effect cannot be used for abilities that require Ammo other
than a basic Ranged Attack. You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Each time you
do, the HP cost is reduced by 5.
➢ Burst Dash – When you use the Move ability, you can expend 5 Ammo to move 1
additional Stage (or use 1 MS to move into a stage that would normally require 2 MS).
➢ Critical Load – X = LUK. OpR. When you inflict damage with a Critical Hit using the
weapon, you can immediately use the Reload ability as a Reactive, but if you do, the base
Ammo restored is equal to X/5, instead of being based on your MAG. You can take this
enhancement multiple times. Each time you do, the number X is divided by is 1 less, to a
minimum of 1.
➢ High Power – Maximum Ammo decreased by 5. Increase the damage of Ranged Attacks
with the weapon by 3d4. You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Its effects stack
➢ Reload Boost – When you use the Reload ability with the weapon, restores an additional
3 Ammo. You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Its effects stack additively.
➢ Slam Fire – X = STR. If you would use a Ranged ATK ability that would result in the
weapon having 0 Ammo, you can reload as part of that ability, but if you do, decrease the
damage dice rolled for that ability by X. You can take this Enhancement multiple times.
Each time you do, treat X as 3 less, to a minimum of 0.
➢ Sniping – Maximum Ammo decreased by 4. Increases the Critical Rate and Critical
Damage Bonus of Ranged Attacks with the weapon by 25% each. You can take this
Enhancement multiple times. Its effects stack additively.
Mystic-Exclusive Enhancements

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➢ Chaincasting I – When using a T0 or T1 Spell, you can use a different T0/T1 Spell with the
same Timing (Active, SP 1, SP 2, etc.) simultaneously, but only with the exact same
Target(s). The Stat, Sacrifice, CP, and Stability cost(s) of both spells are doubled. Cannot
be used with Spells that have no cost.
➢ Chaincasting II – When using Chaincasting I’s effect, you can also use EX Spells.
➢ Chaincasting III – OpE. As a Full-Turn ability, you can simultaneously use any 3 Spells
that you know (except Full-Turn Spells). You cannot use Chaincasting I or Chaincasting
II in conjunction with this effect.
➢ Hexguard I – When you are Targeted by an ability that deals damage while you are using
the Defend ability, restore 2 MAG or VIT (distributed as you choose) after that ability
➢ Hexguard II – Replaces the effect of Hexguard I. When you are Targeted by an ability that
deals damage while you are using the Defend ability, restore 4 MAG or VIT (distributed
as you choose) after that ability resolves.
➢ Hexguard III – When you use the Defend ability, add your MAG to your VIT for the
purposes of calculating your bonus DEF from using Defend. If you use this effect, you
cannot apply Hexguard I or Hexguard II until the start of your next turn.
➢ Rapid Cast I – OpR. After using a T0 SP 2 Spell, immediately gain 1 MS.
➢ Rapid Cast II – Rapid Cast I can be applied to any Non-EX SP 2 Spell.
➢ Rapid Cast III – When using an Active T0 or T1 Spell, you can reduce your Initiative by
40 as an additional cost to make that spell SP 2 instead.
➢ Ambient Charge – At the start of your turn, if the weapon is equipped, recover 1 MAG for
every 3 points of MAG spent by other units for Ability Costs since the start of your last
➢ Combat Casting – Units you are Engaged with are always considered to be in Optimal
and Scope for your Spells and Mystic Attacks.
➢ Empower – Increase your side of Contests from Spells you use by 2d4. You can take this
Enhancement multiple times. Its effects stack additively.
➢ Hidden Power – While your MAG is 0 or less, increase the damage dealt by your Mystic
Attacks by 15. You can take this enhancement multiple times. Its effects stack additively.
➢ Mana Drip – At the end of a Round where this weapon is equipped, and you did not use
any Spell abilities, recover 1 MAG. You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Its
effects stack additively.
➢ Mana Surge – When you would inflict damage with a Mystic Attack, you can reduce that
damage by 10X to recover 1X MAG. You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Each
time you do, you recover 1X additional MAG for using the effect.
➢ ReDraw – OpE. When a Spell you use is negated, you can recover the Stat(s) paid as the
Cost for that Spell.
➢ Wild Talent – When you deal a Critical Hit with a Spell or Mystic Attack, immediately
gain 1 MAG after that ability resolves.
Fist-Exclusive Enhancements
➢ Focus I – When an ATK Charge effect is applied to you (except by a Focus Enhancement),
grant yourself ATK Charge (Restore 5 HP to yourself if the ATK inflicts damage).

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➢ Focus II – When an ATK Charge effect is applied to you (except by a Focus Enhancement),
grant yourself ATK Charge (Critical Rate +10%).
➢ Focus III – X = Number of ATK Charge effects on you. Increase the damage of Fist Attacks
you use by Xd6.
➢ Patience I – X = 2*Attack Target’s STR. When you use a Fist Attack on a unit, increase the
damage by X.
➢ Patience II – When using Patience I, X = 3*Attack Target’s STR.
➢ Patience III – When using Patience I, you can opt to, instead of using STR, use the Target’s
AGI or MAG for X, but if you do, you cannot apply Patience II’s effect.
➢ Willpower I – When a Condition is applied to you, increase the damage of your Fist
Attacks by 3d6 until that Condition is removed.
➢ Willpower II – X = Half damage dealt. When you are dealt damage from a foe’s ability,
grant yourself ATK Charge (Damage +X).
➢ Willpower III – OpE. The first turn after you are KO’d, you may act as normal (you are
still considered to be KO’d and lose stats for being hit), but if you do, you MUST use a Fist
Attack in that turn.
➢ Adaptive Blows – After using a Fist Attack, reduce the EVA of the Attack’s Target by 2
until the end of the Encounter. You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Each time
you do, the Attack’s Target loses an additional 2 EVA after a Fist Attack.
➢ Denting Blows – After using a Fist Attack, reduce the DEF of the Attack’s Target by 1 until
the end of the Encounter. You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Each time you
do, the Attack’s Target loses an additional 1 DEF after a Fist Attack.
➢ Devil Arm – When using an ATK on a Target with a higher CST than you, increase the
damage of that ATK by the difference.
➢ Feinting – When you use an ATK, roll 1d100. If you roll 20 or less, ignore the Evasion of
the Attack’s Target. You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Each time you do,
increase the number you need to roll under by 20.
➢ God Hand – If you inflict damage with an ATK that is greater than or equal to 50% of their
current HP (before the ATK), no Lifesaver effects can be applied due to that damage.
➢ Impact – When you use an ATK, roll 1d100. If you roll 20 or less, ignore the DEF of the
Attack’s Target. You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Each time you do,
increase the number you need to roll under by 20.
➢ Mirror Charge – X = MAG. While you have at least one ATK Charge effect active, increase
your DEF vs Spell abilities by X.
➢ Rolling Charge – X = VIT. While you have at least one ATK Charge effect active, increase
your EVA vs ATK abilities by X.
General Weapon Enhancements
➢ Brave I – Each time you use an ATK with the weapon, roll the damage twice, taking the
better roll as the result, but decrease the damage dealt by that ATK by 10. You cannot use
this effect if you used Reactive abilities in this round. For the remainder of the round, your
Reactive abilities (including Inherent) are nullified.
➢ Brave II – When using Brave I’s effect, you can use both rolls for the damage (Target
defends against them separately, as if they were two consecutive attacks), but if you do,

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increase the Target’s Resistance to those Attacks by 50%. The damage dealt is still reduced
by 10 on both attacks.
➢ Brave III – You can use Brave I’s effect in the round you used an Inherent Reactive ability.
When using Brave I’s effect, your Inherent Reactive abilities are not nullified.
➢ Grudge I – When you take this Enhancement, choose a single non-Inherent ability. Units
with that ability lose 15 HP any time this weapon deals damage to them with an ATK.
➢ Grudge II – When you take this Enhancement, choose a single non-Inherent ability. Units
with that ability have their DEF and EVA reduced by half against this weapon’s ATK
➢ Grudge III – When you take this Enhancement, choose a single non-Inherent ability. Units
with that ability cannot use Force Guard or Force Evasion against this weapon’s ATK
➢ Blast Draw – OpR. When you Equip this weapon, deal 1d6 True dmg to all foes. You can
take this Enhancement multiple times. Each time you do, the damage increases by 1d6.
➢ Convert – X = 2d12, rolled when you use an ATK ability. When you take this
Enhancement, choose a Damage Attribute (other than Bash, Slash, Pierce, True, or Magic).
When you use an ATK ability with the weapon, change X of that damage dealt to the
chosen attribute. If the damage dealt would have been lower than X, the damage dealt
becomes equal to X instead. You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Each time you
do, the value of X is increased by 2d12.
➢ Counter Guard – X = Weapon’s ATK Stat. While using the Defend ability, if an ability that
would deal damage to you inflicts no damage, you can immediately deal 2X True dmg to
the user of that ability, after that ability resolves.
➢ Critical Mass – X = Number of units part of the Fused Entity. While the user is a Fused
Entity, increases the Critical Hit Rate of the weapon by 15X% and the Critical Damage
Bonus by 25X%. You can take this enhancement multiple times. Its effects stack additively.
➢ Eager – During the first round of an Encounter OR during your Intrusion Turn in an
Encounter, increase the Critical Rate of the weapon’s Attacks by 20%. You can take this
Enhancement multiple times. Each time you do, increase the Critical Rate gained by
another 20%.
➢ Edge Guard – Each time you are Targeted by an ability while using the Defend ability,
increase your Critical Rate by 10% until the end of your next turn.
➢ Embody – Applies a special effect to your Attacks with the weapon, based on the
Specialization of the character applying the Enhancement (or the original owner, if the
current holder does not have a Specialization). % chance of activation is based on the
successful damage inflicted with the attack (rounded down): +1% for 1 point of
Slash/Bash/Pierce dmg, +1.5% for 1 point of the proper Specialization’s elemental damage
attribute). This Enhancement can be applied to the same weapon multiple times, picking
a new Specialization each time (Oddball counts as 1 Specialization for this purpose).
o Embody Fire – Apply (Burn) [5 Turns] to Attack’s Target.
o Embody Ice – Apply (Freeze) [1 Turn] to Attack’s Target.
o Embody Air – Apply (Dizzy) [1 Turn] to Attack’s Target.
o Embody Spirit – Summon 2 Spirits.

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o Embody Reinforcement – Apply (Barrier 5) [2 Turns] to Self. If you have an Active
Barrier condition already, you may increase the effectiveness of that Barrier by 10.
o Embody Psychic – Deal True dmg to Attack’s Target equal to their MAG.
o Embody Time – Until the start of your next turn, increase the final value of any
Evasion rolls you make by 20. Apply this increase after any other effects that adjust
your Evasion Roll, such as Force Evade or Clarity.
o Embody Lightning – Increase your Initiative by 20.
o Embody Sound – Deal 5 Sound dmg to all foes.
o Embody Darkness – Apply (Blind 4) [4 Turns] to the Attack’s Target.
o Embody Illusion – The next time the Attack Target rolls Evasion, they roll Evasion
twice, taking the worse roll.
o Embody Light – Until the start of the Target’s next turn, they roll Evasion with
d12s instead of d20s. If an effect would grant the affected unit d12s to roll Evasion,
they roll the same number of d8s instead.
o Embody Wood – Gain 1 Seed Stash.
o Embody Empathic – Expend X Motes to reduce the Target’s HP by 5X.
o Embody Water – Make an Evasion Roll. Increase the damage dealt with this Attack
by Water dmg equal to the result of that Evasion Roll.
o Embody Gravity – For every 8 MAG you have, reduce the amount of MS the
Attack Target gets on their next turn by 1.
o Embody Stone – Grant yourself ATK Charge (Apply (Stun) [1t] to the Attack’s
o Embody Beast – If this ATK is not the first ability you used in the current turn,
increase the damage by 50% (before applying Critical).
o Embody Metal – Obtain one of the following sets of mundane ammo, chosen at
random: 1d6 LC Rounds, 1d4 HC Rounds, 1d6 Shells, 2d4 Arrows, 2 Batteries, or
1 Rocket.
o Embody Oddball – Recover the use of one of your OpT or OpR spells.
➢ Enchanted (W) – Can only be applied to a mundane or non-magical weapon. The weapon
becomes a Magic weapon capable of dealing full damage to magical beings.
➢ Fury – Each time you are inflicted damage while the weapon is equipped, grant yourself
ATK Charge (Damage +3d4). The ATK Charge applied by this Enhancement is lost at the
end of your next turn. You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Each time you do,
the ATK Charge’s damage is increased by 3d4.
➢ Fusion Switch – Has no effect if the user is not a Fused Entity. When the user deals damage
with the weapon, the weapon can be immediately switched for another weapon in the
user’s inventory.
➢ Purifying – When you deal damage with an ATK to a unit with CP, decrease one of their
CP values by 3 (chosen at random). If you have CP, increase their CP value by 3 instead.
You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Each time you do, another CP value is
chosen at random to increase/decrease by 3 (the same stat can be chosen at random
multiple times).

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➢ Push Guard – X = DEF. While using the Defend ability, when you are targeted by an ability
that would deal damage, deal X True dmg to the user of that ability after that ability
➢ Sync Blade – Has no effect if the user is not a Fused Entity. Automatically equips the
weapon. A weapon equipped with this effect automatically returns to the owner at the
end of a turn in which it is disarmed, and does not count against the user for equipment
➢ Vicious – Attacks with the weapon deal an additional 2d10 dmg, but you lose HP equal
to half of the damage dealt with this effect after the ATK resolves. You can take this
Enhancement multiple times. Each time you do, the damage bonus is increased by 2d10
(the backlash is still applied normally).
➢ Warning – When you successfully deal a Critical Hit OR successfully deal damage with
an ATK using the weapon that is greater than or equal to the Attack Target’s CST, that
unit cannot target your allies (but can still target you) until the end of their next turn.
➢ Wrath – Each time you are dealt damage, grant yourself ATK Charge (Critical Rate +10%;
Critical Damage Bonus +20%). The ATK Charge applied by this Enhancement is lost at the
end of your next turn. You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Each time you do,
the ATK Charge’s Critical Rate bonus increases by 10%, and the Critical Damage Bonus
increase by 20%.
Special Enhancements (Cannot be acquired normally.)
➢ Refined (W) – Once per ATK, reroll all values of 1 in the damage roll. This Enhancement
does not consume a slot.
➢ Soulbound (W) – The original owner of this weapon can equip it while in Civilian Form
OR while it is not in their Inventory (but not both). If equipped with this effect, the MS
required to use the Equip ability is increased by 1. A nonmagical being can only have one
Soulbound piece of equipment equipped at a time. This Enhancement is automatically
applied to any starting weapons. This Enhancement does not consume a slot.

A simple uniform with a short skirt and thigh-high boots. A frilly pink dress that smells of
flowers. A turquoise and purple getup with striped stockings. A skintight red suit with black
dots. The Magical Girl’s outfit is a declaration of her identity to all that see her. While weapons
differentiate themselves in their function between types, Outfits primarily differentiate
themselves in their statistical value. Each outfit provides a different modifier to the wearer’s EVA
and DEF, based on its type.

Skimpy +3 -1
Flowing +2 ---
Elaborate --- +1
Uniform -1 +2

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 21

Outfit Enhancements
As with Weapons, Outfits can also be enhanced. An Outfit can hold up to 3 Enhancements. Your
starting Outfit comes with the Soulbound Enhancement and one additional Enhancement of your
choice. Additional Enhancements can be acquired for 2 Silver Coins OR 8 Bronze Coins. You can
apply up to 3 Enhancements at once with a single Gold Coin.

Skimpy Outfit Enhancements

➢ Speed Ward – Refrain 10. Increase your side of contests against other units’ abilities by 8.
You can obtain this enhancement multiple times. Its effects stack additively.
➢ Sonic Edge – Refrain 5. When you move in relation to a single unit, deal 1 True damage to
that unit. You can obtain this enhancement multiple times. Its effects stack additively.
➢ Swift Stance – Decrease your DEF by 25. Increase the amount of MS you have on your
turn by 1, to a maximum of 3.
➢ Agile’s Oath – X = Number of units in the Encounter you have Linkage with. Foes that
you Target with your abilities cannot apply an EVA bonus higher than (20 – ( 2X ) ) to
their Evasion Roll.
Flowing Outfit Enhancements
➢ Quick Guard – Break 20. OpR, when you are Targeted by an Ability, you can, as a
Reactive, use the Defend ability. This use of the Defend ability lasts until the start of the
next turn.
➢ Ogre Pressure – Refrain 10. X = Your EVA. Y = Your DEF. Units at Close or Near range to
you have their Slash/Bash/Pierce Resistance reduced by ( X + ( 2Y ) ) %.
➢ Fierce Stance – Decrease your DEF by 3. Decrease your EVA by 6. Increase your Critical
Hit Rate by 30%. Increase your Critical Damage Bonus by 25%.
➢ Martial’s Oath – When you use an ATK Ability on a unit(s) that you have Linkage with,
you can reduce the damage inflicted by that ability to 1. If you do, that unit’s Outfit and
Weapon are returned to their inventory, and cannot be equipped again until the start of
their 2nd turn after using this effect. You can only affect 1 unit at a time with this ability
(you can choose to end this effect early to affect a new unit).
Elaborate Outfit Enhancements
➢ Magic Spice – Refrain 10. When you cast a Specialization Spell, you can immediately, as a
Reactive, deal 15 damage of that Specialization’s associated damage type (Magic, if none)
to a Target. You can obtain this Enhancement multiple times. Each time you do, you can
designate an additional target to deal 15 damage.
➢ Revenge – Break 25. When you are inflicted damage, Apply [Mana Buffer] (--) to yourself
once for every 10 damage that you were inflicted. You can obtain this enhancement
multiple times. Each time you do, you gain an additional application of Mana Buffer per
10 damage inflicted.
➢ Calm Stance – Decrease all of your Resistances by 20% each. At the start of your turn, gain
1 MAG. MAG gained from this enhancement is lost at the end of an encounter.

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➢ Mystic’s Oath – Spells you cast that exclusively target units you have Mutual Linkage
with gain “Channel 1”. If the ability already has the Channel trait, that Channel trait is
increased by 1. (Apply additive bonuses before multiplicative bonuses).
Uniform Outfit Enhancements
➢ Iron Ward – Break 10. Increase your side of Contests against other units’ abilities by 10.
You can obtain this enhancement multiple times. Its effects stack additively.
➢ Sturdy – Break 40. Damage inflicted to you that is greater than 15 is reduced to 15.
➢ Heavy Stance – Increase your DEF by 20. Decrease the amount of MS you receive during
your turn by 1, to a minimum of 1 MS.
➢ Guardian’s Oath – Allies you have Linkage with gain the DEF value granted by this
Outfit. This effect only applies to deployed units, and can only be applied by deployed
General Outfit Enhancements
➢ Accelerate – OpE. On the first turn where your HP is less than 15 OR 20% of its maximum
(whichever is higher), immediately take two additional turns afterwards. During these
turns, you cannot gain additional turns.
➢ Adversity – Increase your DEF by 2 for each foe with a CST higher than your CST.
➢ Armor Form – Increase your DEF by 3. Decrease your EVA by 5.
➢ Blood Shroud – X = Foe’s Contest Result. When you would fail a Contest that would apply
a Condition to you, Sacrifice 2X to negate the effect that provoked that Contest.
➢ Chaos Within – OpE. If you would be affected by an ability that requires the user to gain
CP as a cost, you can negate that ability’s effects on yourself, and if you do, and you are
not a Monster Girl, you can use that ability as if it were your own for the remainder of the
➢ Clustered Wishes – Has no effect if the unit is not a Fused Entity. While the average Sync
Rate of the Fused Entity is 50% or higher, the fused units are not KO’d due to a terminated
fusion. If KO’d, each unit’s HP becomes the remaining HP of the Fused Entity split evenly,
or 1, whichever is higher. You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Each time you
do, decrease the Sync Rate required for the effect by 10%.
➢ Confrontation – Increase your EVA by 4 for each foe with a CST higher than your CST.
➢ Cracked Armor – When you are inflicted damage, increase that damage by 1d6 (after
applying DEF/EVA). Increase the damage this effect applies by 1d6 each time it is used in
a single round.
➢ Dawnwalker – At the end of your turn, if you gained CP as a cost for a Spell,
Enhancement, or Power, since the end of your last turn, reduce each of your CP values by
1. You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Its effects stack additively.
➢ DEF Boost – Increase your DEF by 20%. You can take this Enhancement multiple times.
Its effects stack additively.
➢ Easy Prey – While your HP is lower than 20% of its maximum, foes MUST Target you first
before any of your allies on their turn.
➢ Enchanted (O) - Can only be applied to a mundane or non-magical outfit. The outfit
becomes a Magic outfit capable of defending against magical attacks.

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➢ Endure – Lifesaver. While your HP is greater than or equal to 75% of its maximum, and
you would be inflicted damage that would reduce you to 0 or less HP, retain 1 HP, and if
you do, nullify all other Enhancements on this outfit until the end of your next turn. You
can take this Enhancement multiple times. Each time you do, the threshold of HP required
to activate it decreases by 25%.
➢ EVA Boost – Increase your EVA by 20%. You can take this Enhancement multiple times.
Its effects stack additively.
➢ Fringeward – X = VIT. While you are using the Defend ability, increase the DEF of all other
allies by X.
➢ Fusion Tag – When a Fusion is terminated that you were a participant in, you can
immediately attempt to fuse with a single unit, other than a unit that was a part of the
previous Fusion.
➢ Holdout – The first time in an encounter that you are KO’d, you do not revert to your
default form due to being KO’d.
➢ Impulse Form – Decrease your EVA and your DEF by 3 each. At the start of your first turn
in an encounter, increase your Initiative by 20.
➢ Initiator – Foes with Initiative lower than yours must target you before your allies during
their turn. At the end of each round, decrease your Initiative by 5.
➢ Jamming – X = VIT. While using the Defend ability, decrease foes’ sides of Contests from
their abilities that target you or an ally by a X.
➢ Link Protection – X = Total Value of Link Ratings of all Linkage you have with units in
combat. Increases your side of Contests against foes’ abilities by Xd6.
➢ Lucksteel – Increase your DEF by 1 for every 5 LUK you have.
➢ Mediwall – When you use the Defend ability, restore 10 HP to all other allies and 15 HP
to yourself. You can take this Enhancement multiple times. Each time you do, the healing
increases by 10 and 15, respectively.
➢ Order Within – A unit wearing an outfit with this Enhancement is treated as not being a
Dark Magical Girl or Horror Patron girl for the purposes of allied Rapport changes.
➢ Phalanx – When you are inflicted damage, you can choose to split that damage evenly
between all units with Phalanx, with you being inflicted any remainder.
➢ Prime Target – Has no effect if the user is not a Fused Entity. Foes can only target you
with abilities that would inflict damage. Abilities that would deal or inflict damage cannot
target other units, even with non-damaging effects.
➢ Resist – When you obtain this Enhancement, choose a Damage Attribute (except True or
Magic). Increase your Resistance to the chosen Attribute by 25%. You can take this
Enhancement multiple times. Each time you do, you can increase a previously chosen
Resistance by 25% OR gain a new Resistance of 25%.
➢ Sallya’s Kiss – When you obtain this Enhancement, choose another Enhancement on the
same Outfit. When that chosen Enhancement would be negated or nullified, nullify this
Enhancement instead.
➢ Shadow Veil – OpE. When a foe would apply a Condition to you, choose one of your non-
Inherent and non-Permanent abilities. Nullify that ability until your next Reprieve. That
Condition is instead applied to the unit that applied it.

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 24

➢ Sonic Form – Increase your EVA by 4. Decrease your DEF by 2.
➢ Soul Within – A Dark Magical Girl wearing an outfit with this Enhancement can Fuse as
if she were not a Dark Magical Girl but applies a -25% penalty to her Sync Rate. While
Fused, Chaos Spells, Powers, and Weapons cannot be used.
➢ Spellweaver – Increase your Spell Rating by 12. You can take this Enhancement multiple
times. Its effects stack additively.
➢ Stand Up – At the end of the third round in a row that you are KO’d (but not Dead),
restore your HP to full and remove the KO’d Condition. You can take this Enhancement
up to 3 times. Each time you do, the number of consecutive rounds needed to revive is
reduced by 1.
➢ Steelguard – X = VIT. While you are using the Defend ability, increase your DEF by X.
➢ Strong Wall – When your HP is higher than 90% of its maximum, foes MUST target you
first before any other allies on their turn. At the end of each round, lose 3% of your current
➢ Veiled – Reduce foes’ sides of Contests from their abilities that target you by 5. You can
take this Enhancement multiple times. Its effects stack additively.
➢ Vital Star – Increase your EVA by 1 for every 4 VIT you have.
➢ Windguard – X = ( VIT / 2 ). While you are using the Defend ability, increase your EVA by
Special Enhancements (Cannot be acquired normally.)
➢ Refined (O) – Double the value of all EVA and DEF bonuses to this Outfit from
Enhancements. This Enhancement does not consume a slot.
➢ Soulbound (O) – The original owner of this outfit can equip it while in Civilian Form OR
while it is not in their Inventory (but not both). If equipped with this effect, the MS
required to use the Equip ability is increased by 1. A nonmagical being can only have one
Soulbound piece of equipment equipped at a time. This Enhancement is automatically
applied to any starting weapons. This Enhancement does not consume a slot.

A visor that shows her enemies’ weak points. The ability to instantly change clothes to fit a new
role. A final blow that defeats almost any foe. The Power serves as they keystone of the magical
girl’s capabilities and shows where she shines the most. Each Power has 5 Levels, which can be
increased by spending coins. Upgrading a Power from Lv 1 to 2 costs 5 Bronze Coins OR 1 Silver
Coin. Upgrading from Lv 2 to 3 costs 10 Bronze OR 2 Silver. Upgrading from Lv 3 to 4 costs 14
Bronze OR 4 Silver OR 1 Gold. Upgrading to Level 5 costs 10 Silver OR 1 Gold. Powers frequently
change their capabilities as they increase in level, however each Level is considered a separate
ability for the purposes of nullification.

List of Powers
❖ Barrage

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 25

oLv 1 – Speed; Power - No Cost - SP X. When using an ability that only designates a
single Target, you can have that ability affect X additional Targets. If this ability is
used as Active, X cannot be greater than 3.
o Lv 2 – Active; Power; ATK - X of any single stat - Channel 5. Optimal (1,2,3,4,5). You
cannot Target units in more than 3 different range(s) with this ability. Deals Xd6
Magic dmg to up to 6 Targets. Does not use a Weapon. Can inflict Critical Hits,
but the base Critical Rate is -20% instead of being based on your LUK (Do not roll
Critical Chance for Crit Rates below 1%).
o Lv 3 – Boost; Power - X MAG or X VIT - When you use a Spell that designates a
Target(s), you can increase that spell's Tier by 1, then designate X additional
o Lv 4 – Boost; Power - No Cost - When you use a Spell that deals damage that only
designates a single Target, you can have that ability affect up to 10 Targets, but
increase the Resistances of those Target(s) by 80% against that ability only. Must
still follow Scope/Optimal/Focus restrictions.
o Lv 5 – Reactive; Power - No Cost - X = Damage that Exceeded KO'd unit's HP. Re:
When you KO a unit with an ability that inflicted damage and only targeted a
single unit, you can deal X damage (using the same type(s) as the original ability)
to all units at the same range as the KO'd unit.
❖ Duplication
o Lv 1 – Active; Power - 3X VIT - Channel (per Duplicate). Summon X Duplicates
with 10 HP each. Duplicates only have Inherent abilities. Duplicates copy your
Base stats. Duplicates do not have access to your Inventory. You are not affected
by the effects of any of your Duplicates' abilities, except Inherent abilities. A
Duplicate dismisses itself if it is Targeted by an ability, its HP is 0 or less, it is KO'd,
you are KO'd, or at the end of any turn where one or more of its stats are 0 or less.
Once per Round each, during your turn, except during the turn you use this
ability, a Duplicate can be called as an Assist to perform a single action, at no
Action or Initiative cost. Duplicates can be used this way even if you are otherwise
unable to act (due to a condition), but cannot be used if your turn is skipped or
you use a Full-Turn ability.
o Lv 2 – Passive/Active; Power – No Cost - Your Duplicates can use Items in your
Inventory, but not Weapons, Outfits, or Relics. // Deploy or recall any number of
currently active Duplicates. Those Duplicates will intrude under your control at
the end of the current round. Deployed Duplicates share your position.
o Lv 3 – Passive/Speed; Power – No Cost - Your Duplicates can now utilize a copy of
your currently-equipped weapon. Duplicates cannot recover stats or HP using
Enhancements, but all other effects of non-Chaos Enhancements apply as normal.
// X = Number of your Active Duplicates. SP2. Grant yourself ATK Charge (
Damage dealt +3Xd6 ).
o Lv 4 – Reactive/Passive; Power - No Cost - Dismiss X Duplicates as an additional
cost for this ability. Re: When you would be dealt damage by an ability, increase
your DEF by 10X against that ability only. // When you and/or a deployed

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 26

Duplicate of you is Targeted by an ability, the target is chosen at random from you
and all of your currently deployed Duplicates.
o Lv 5 – Passive; Power - No Cost - Reduce the cost of Duplicates Lv 1 to 2X VIT.
Duplicates are now capable of using any non-EX spells you know.
❖ Focused Assault
o Lv 1 - Speed; Power - No Cost - SP X. X = Number of times in the current encounter
that this ability has been used. OpR. The next time you would use an ability that
deals damage to a single Target, reduce that Target's Resistance to that ability's
damage type(s) by 50%.
o Lv 2 - Active; Power; ATK - X of any single Stat - Channel 5. Optimal (1,2,3). Deals
Xd8 Magic dmg to the Target. Does not use a weapon. Can inflict Critical Hits, but
the Base Critical Rate is 25% instead of using your LUK.
o Lv 3 - Boost; Power - 2 MAG and/or 2 VIT - X = Spell Rating. When you would use
a Spell that deals damage to a single Target, reduce the Target's EVA by X (if MAG
was paid) and/or the Target's DEF by X/3 (if VIT was paid). You can choose to
apply this effect after the Target has rolled Evasion, but if you do, X is treated as
10 less.
o Lv 4 - Passive; Power – No Cost - Effects cannot prevent you from Targeting a unit
that you Targeted on your previous turn. Effects that change the Target after it is
designated still function as normal.
o Lv 5 - Passive; Power – No Cost - Damage you inflict to a single Target with abilities
cannot be reduced to 0 or less by DEF, Resistance, or Abilities. Evasion and other
effects that reduce/change damage inflicted/damage dealt still apply as normal.
❖ Hammerspace
o Lv 1 – Boost; Power – No Cost – OpR. When you would use the Equip, Unequip,
Use Item, or Pass Item abilities, you can use that ability with 1 less MS.
o Lv 2 – Passive; Power – No Cost – You can use Hammerspace Lv 1 even while in
Civilian Form.
o Lv 3 – Active; ATK; Power – 1 AGI – Scope (2,3,4). Select 1~3 Weapons in your
Inventory as an additional cost for this ability. For each weapon used, deal 5d8
dmg to a Target. Damage attribute is based on the weapon(s) used. Enhancements
apply to each individual strike. These weapons are disarmed at the Target’s
location after this ability resolves, regardless of the Attack’s result.
o Lv 4 – Reactive; Power – 2 VIT or 1 AGI – OpR. Select 1~4 Weapons in your
Inventory as an additional cost for this ability. Re: When you would be inflicted
damage from a single-target ability due to failing the Evasion roll by 15 or less,
reduce that damage by 1d6 per Weapon used. The weapons used are disarmed at
your position after this ability resolves.
o Lv 5 – Passive; Power – No Cost – When using Hammerspace Lv 3 or Hammerspace
Lv 4, the weapons used for the cost of that ability return to your Inventory when
the ability resolves, instead of being disarmed.
❖ Killing Blow

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 27

o Special: Killing Blow’s name (as both the ability and effect text that specifically
references the ability) changes to the name you gave it when you made your
character. Its effects by level vary depending on if you made it Melee or Ranged.
o Melee Lv 1 – Full Turn; Power – X Any Combination of Stats - Scope (1,2). When you
use this ability, Target a unit. Skip your next turn after using this ability. At the
start of your second turn after using this ability, deal Xd10 True dmg to the Target.
Target cannot use Reactives in response to this ability. Effects of Enhancements,
Conditions, Spells, Relics, Items, and Lifesavers do not apply against this ability.
o Melee Lv 2 – Boost; Power – No Cost – When you use Killing Blow (Melee) Lv 1,
you can opt to roll 1d100. If the roll is less than or equal to ( Xd12 – Target’s total
CP ), then the Target is immediately Purified.5 Otherwise, reduce the Target’s CP
by the value rolled on the Xd12 roll.
o Melee Lv 3 – Passive; Power – No Cost – Increase the damage of Killing Blow
(Melee) Lv 1 to Xd12.
o Melee Lv 4 – Passive; Power – No Cost – At the start of your second turn after using
Killing Blow (Melee) Lv 1 or Killing Blow (Melee) Lv 2, immediately move to Close
or Near range (your choice) to the Target BEFORE applying that effect.
o Melee Lv 5 – Passive; Power – No Cost – When dealing Killing Blow (Melee) Lv 1’s
damage, increase it by the amount of damage you were inflicted since activating
the ability.
o Ranged Lv 1 – Full-Turn; Power; - X Any Combination of Stats - Scope (3, 4, 5, 6).
When you use this ability, Target a unit. Skip your next turn after using this ability.
At the start of your second turn after using this ability, deal Xd8 True dmg to the
Target. Target cannot use Reactives in response to this ability. Effects of
Enhancements, Conditions, Spells, Relics, Items, and Lifesavers do not apply
against this ability. Target only has to be within Scope when this ability is
o Ranged Lv 2 – Boost; Power - When you use Killing Blow (Ranged) Lv 1, you can
opt to roll 1d100. If the roll is less than or equal to ( Xd10 – Target’s total CP ), then
the Target is immediately Purified.6 Otherwise, reduce the Target’s CP by the
value rolled on the Xd10 roll.
o Ranged Lv 3 – Passive; Power – No Cost – Increase the damage of Killing Blow
(Ranged) Lv 1 to Xd10.
o Ranged Lv 4 – Full-Turn; Power – X Combination of Any Stats - Scope (3, 4, 5, 6).
When you use this ability, Target a unit. Skip your next turn after using this ability.
At the start of your second turn after using this ability, deal Xd20 dmg to the
Target, of a type you designate. If your Specialization has an associated damage
attribute, you must use that one (your choice if multiple).
o Ranged Lv 5 – Passive; Power – No Cost – After activating Killing Blow (Ranged)
Lv 1, increase your Resistance to all damage (except True) by 50%, until the
damage of Killing Blow (Ranged) Lv 1 is inflicted.

Purification and CP are covered more in the SCS expansion Order & Chaos; Friend & Foe.
Purification and CP are covered more in the SCS expansion Order & Chaos; Friend & Foe.

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 28

❖ Power of Friendship
o Lv 1 – Passive; Power – No Cost – When you target an ally with an ability, you can
negate that ability at no cost, even if you would otherwise be unable to negate that
ability. You can use this effect in Civilian Form.
o Lv 2 - Passive; Power – No Cost – Linkage you have is considered 1 Rating higher
(for you only). You can have Linkage with 4 additional units, but the Link Rating
of those additional units can’t be higher than 2 (before applying this ability). This
effect applies even in Civilian Form.7
o Lv 3 - Passive; Power – No Cost – Your base Sync Rate is increased by 24%. When
Fusing, remove penalties from yourself (from lowest to highest) until you would
exceed 20% in removed penalties. This effect applies even in Civilian Form.8
o Lv 4 – Passive; Assist; Power – No Cost – An ally that has Mutual Linkage with you
can, during their turn, call you as an Assist in combat, even if you are deployed in
the current encounter. Each unit can only use this effect OpE. This effect applies
even in Civilian Form.
o Lv 5 – Reactive; Power – No Cost – X = Total Combined Link Ratings of all Linkage
you have with units in the encounter. OpE. Re: When you use an ability that targets
a single unit that would deal damage, but that Target is inflicted 0 damage, deal
X*5 True dmg to that Target. You can use this effect in Civilian Form.
❖ Regeneration
o Lv 1 – Passive; Power – No Cost – X = VIT/2. Recover X HP at the start of your turn.
This effect applies while in Civilian Form, but in Civilian Form X = VIT/4.
o Lv 2 – Boost; Power – 1 VIT or MAG – Can be activated at the start of your turn.
This turn, double the amount of healing from Regeneration Lv 1.
o Lv 3 – Passive; Power – No Cost – When using Regeneration Lv 1, X = VIT. This
effect applies while in Civilian Form, but in Civilian Form X = VIT/2.
o Lv 4 – Boost; Power – No Cost – At the start of your turn, you can recover 1 VIT or
MAG, but if you do, the HP restored by Regeneration Lv 1 becomes 0.
o Lv 5 – Boost; Power – No Cost – At the start of your turn, you can remove a single
Condition (including KO’d) from yourself, but if you do, you cannot use
Regeneration Lv 1 or Regeneration Lv 4 this turn.
❖ Tentacles
o Lv 1 – Reactive; Power – No Cost – Scope (0,1,2). Re: At the end of your turn, you
can deal 3d6 Bash dmg to a Target. Focus (0): Ignore EVA. Focus (0,1): If the Target
is inflicted damage by this ability, Apply [Bind 10] (1t).
o Lv 2 – Speed; Power – 1 AGI – Scope (1,2,3). SP 1. Can only be used on a Weapon
or Outfit that is not Equipped by any unit or in the Inventory of any unit. Add a
Weapon or Outfit to your Inventory, and if it is a Weapon, you can immediately
Equip it.
o Lv 3 – Active; Power – 1 AGI or STR – Scope (2,3). Contest (User’s AGI or STR vs
Target’s AGI or STR): Target is pulled to your position and Engaged with you OR

Linkage is covered in the SCS expansion Worlds & Wishes: An Advanced Guide to the SCS for Players and GMs.
Fusion is covered in the SCS expansion Worlds & Wishes: An Advanced Guide to the SCS for Players and GMs.

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Target’s currently equipped Weapon is pulled to you and added to your Inventory
OR you are pulled to Target’s position and Target becomes Engaged with you
(Your Choice).
o Lv 4 – Reactive; Power – No Cost – Re: When a foe attempts to Flee (either the
Encounter or to break an Engagement), you can deal 3d4 Bash dmg to that unit. If
the unit is inflicted damage by this ability, Apply [Bind 10] (1t) to that unit.
o Lv 5 – Boost; Power – 2 MAG – When using Tentacles Lv 1, Tentacles Lv 2, or
Tentacles Lv 3, you can ignore the Scope.
❖ Third Eye
o Lv 1 – Passive; Power – No Cost – X = MAG/2. Increase your EVA against foes’
Spells by X. Increase your side of Contests against foes’ Spells by X.
o Lv 2 – Passive; Power – No Cost – Increase the amount of time needed to accrue an
application of Megatokyo Mirage by 12 hours. You automatically know if a unit
has the Anchored Condition without needing to use a Patron Scan.
o Lv 3 – Passive; Power – No Cost – For Third Eye Lv 1, X = MAG.
o Lv 4 – Boost; Power – 1 MAG – X = MAG/2. When you use the Defend ability, add
X to your VIT for the purposes of calculating the bonus DEF gained.
o Lv 5 – Reactive; Power – 2 AGI and 2 LUK – OpE. Re: When a foe uses a Spell, you
can immediately cast any single Spell you know as a Reactive, but if you do, any
Stat, Sacrifice, or Initiative costs of that spell are doubled.
❖ Twinned Soul
o Lv 1 – Passive; Power – No Cost - Either twin can be called as an Assist (for the
other twin) or deployed as normal. When both twins are deployed, they can
choose to act on either twin's turn, provided they do not exceed the normal action
allotment for each individual unit. Twins cannot fuse with each other but can fuse
with others individually. Twins share a single inventory (a Twin deployed in a
different encounter does not have an inventory outside of their own weapon/outfit
and any items specifically left to them). This Power's effects that designate "a
Twin" only apply to the Twin granted by this power. If you use Power of Chaos to
acquire this ability a second time, the penalty stacks (-2 to all Base stats on all 3
o Lv 2 – Reactive; Power – 2 MAG or LUK in any combination – Channel. Re: When a
Spell applies a Condition or restores HP to one Twin, you can apply that same
Condition/restore the same amount of HP to the other Twin as well.
o Lv 3 – Passive; Assist; Power – No Cost – You can call your Twin as an Assist, even
if they are deployed elsewhere. You cannot call your Twin as an Assist if they are
deployed in the same encounter. If you use this ability, the Initiative Cost of calling
an Assist is doubled. Additionally, if your Twin is currently acting as an Assist in
the current encounter, you can, as a Full-Turn action, deploy them (they intrude
at the end of the round).
o Lv 4 – Reactive; Power – No Cost – OpR per Twin. Re: When ONLY one Twin
would be subject to an ability that applies DEF or EVA while at Close or Near

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range to the other Twin, you can add the other Twin’s DEF OR EVA (your choice
as applicable) to the targeted Twin’s same stat against that ability only.
o Lv 5 – Speed; Power – 2 VIT or MAG in any Combination – Scope (0,1). SP 1. A non-
KO’d Twin can revive a KO’d Twin with 25% HP. You can choose to skip both
Twins’ next turns when you use this ability, and if you do, they recover any stats
lost while they were KO’d. This ability’s Scope cannot be bypassed, even with

An impeccable sense of style. The parents that don’t always seem to be there. The seasoned ally
willing to help. The small plush toy-esque being that helps you out of a pinch. Perks represent
the tricks and treats of being a magical girl. Most girls have at least a couple of these, even NPCs
with generally lower power. While the individual perks aren’t typically unique, their applications
and combinations are what make the magical girl shine. Perks do not have costs.

List of Perks
❖ A Way Out – Permanent; Perk – Decrease your Reincarnation Cycle’s duration by 10 Days
(apply flat modifiers before scaling modifiers). If you are Dead, you can choose to
permanently die instead of Reincarnating.
❖ Absolute Direction – Passive/Reactive; Perk – Immune to effects that would prevent you
from targeting combatants. Immune to effects that force you to designate a specific target
before any other unit. // OpR. Re: when an effect is activated that would change your
designated Target(s), you can negate that effect.
❖ Ally – Passive; Assist; Perk – Uses your ally generated in the CYOA. Your ally can be
called as an Assist or deployed as an NPC unit. You can have Linkage with your Ally, but
you do not have this Linkage by default.
❖ Awareness – Passive; Perk – Roll 2d100 for Initiative, using the total value rolled for your
Initiative. If your Initiative would be higher than 120 due to this, it becomes 120 (before
applying any other modifiers that would adjust your Initiative). You can target Intruding
❖ Big Backpack – Passive; Perk – Immune to the Starved Condition. When you obtain this
perk, choose 1 (Cure Drink or Clear Water). You gain the chosen item. Each time you take
Downtime, you gain another of the item you chose. During Downtime, you can spend 1
CT to change the item granted by this perk, effective as of your next Downtime.
❖ Big Damn Hero – Passive; Perk – You can grant a character or location your Hero Token.
You can place multiple Hero Tokens, but you can only have one active at a time. You can’t
place a Hero Token on yourself or a Duplicate of yourself. A Hero Token placed on an
Ally, Familiar, or Twin deployed in the same encounter as you is not considered active. If
fighting in the vicinity of your currently active Hero Token, Apply [Heroism] (Encounter).
❖ Blood Magic – Boost; Perk – When you cast a spell with a MAG cost, you can decrease
that MAG cost by X to add “Sacrifice (10*X)” as an effect to that spell.

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❖ Closure – Permanent; Perk – You cannot have Mutual Linkage with any person from your
history before becoming a Magical Girl. At the start of your turn, if there are no units that
have Linkage with you currently active in the encounter, or if you have Linkage with ALL
of the units in the encounter, increase your Critical Hit Rate by 10%.
❖ Disguise Artifact – Passive; Relic; Perk – Grants the Copy Pen relic as a Soulbound Relic.
While in your possession, that relic recovers 1 Charge at the end of an encounter.
❖ Dual Weapon – Passive; Perk – When you take this perk, it applies to your starting
weapon as well as any weapon acquired with a Gold Coin during character creation. You
may choose different additional modes for each weapon you start with, but you only
receive the bonus stat point for one of them (your choice). You do not acquire the whole
spell kit of your secondary mode(s), but you may choose a single spell per secondary
mode you have to start with. OpT, you can switch the mode of your current weapon using
the Equip ability, using 1 less MS.
❖ Enhanced Outfit – Passive; Perk – The base EVA and DEF bonus (but not penalty) of your
starting outfit is doubled. Enhancements applied to your starting outfit cost half as much
as they would normally (does not stack).
❖ Enhanced Sustenance – Passive; Perk – When you take Downtime, you can choose to either
gain 20 HP until your next Downtime or gain +1 RC.
❖ Enhanced Transformation – Passive; Perk – When you use the Transform ability, it is
treated as an Active ability, not a Full-Turn ability. When you use the Revert ability, it
does not immediately end your turn. When you use the Transform/Unseal ability, until
the start of your next turn, reduce the amount of damage inflicted to you from any source
(including True damage) to 0.
❖ Enhanced Weapon – Passive; Perk – Spells that you cast using your starting weapon(s) are
treated as having “Channel 1” as an effect (does not apply if the spell already has a
Channel effect). Enhancements applied to your starting weapon(s) cost half as much as
they would normally (does not stack).
❖ Environmental Sealing – Passive; Perk – You and allies that you have Linkage with at
Close range or closer are immune to the effects of the Gag, Frostbite, Poison, and Heat
Aura conditions.
❖ Eternal Style – Passive; Craft; Perk – The base bonuses to EVA and DEF your outfits
provide cannot be reduced (doesn’t apply against Ignore DEF/Ignore EVA effects). During
a Reprieve or Downtime, you can create a magical outfit with 1 CT. This outfit only
provides its base DEF/EVA modifiers, cannot have Enhancements applied to it, and it
vanishes 3 Reprieves (or 1 Downtime) after its creation. If you use 2 CT with an outfit that
you previously created with this ability, you can make that outfit a permanent, normal
magical outfit. You gain the “Jacket Shift” spell.
❖ Fake Parents – Permanent; Perk – Has a different effect based on the character’s Age:
o 9 or lower – During a Reprieve you can spend 1 CT to have you and/or your allies
gain a total of 15 HP.
o 10 to 14 – OpT. When a Condition is applied to you, you can roll 1d20. If the result
is 18, 19, or 20, ignore the effects of that Condition until the end of your next turn.

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o 15 to 18 – Gain an additional 1 RC and 1 CT during Downtime. Increase your
Critical Damage Bonus by 20%.
o 19 and higher – During Downtime, you can spend 2 CT to apply one of the other
effects to yourself until your next Downtime.
❖ Familiar – Passive; Assist; Perk – When you take this perk, choose between a Human or
War-based Familiar. This perk gains the following effect, based on the chosen form.
o Human - Your Familiar can be called or deployed as an Assist. If deployed, you
are treated as having Linkage (Master/Servant) with your Familiar. Your
Familiar's stats are determined by your Original Specialization, with an additional
12 points to distribute (each stat must be at least 1). It does not start knowing any
spells, but it can be taught spells from any of your Specializations as a normal
character. It does not have access to your inventory, but it can be given items and
equipment while in Human form, benefits from your Patron's granted abilities,
and can develop Linkage with other units, all as a normal character can. A Familiar
can only be deployed for one encounter per Reprieve. If called as an Assist without
being Transformed, all stats are reduced to a maximum of 2 each.
o War - Your Familiar can be called or deployed as an Assist. If deployed, you are
treated as having Linkage (Master/Servant) with your Familiar. Your Familiar's
stats are determined by your Original Specialization, with an additional 18 points
to distribute (each stat must be at least 1). It does not start knowing any spells, but
it can be taught spells from any of your Specializations as a normal character. It
cannot use any items, relics, or equipment, unless the item/relic/equipment
specifically states that it can be used by a Familiar. Your Familiar does not need to
have a weapon equipped to use spells that typically require a weapon, but can
only utilize spells from a single weapon-locked category per turn. By spending 10
Bronze or 3 Silver, you can apply OR remove a single Monster Ability from the
Familiar, which can be used in War Form. The Familiar can only have a maximum
of 3 Monster Abilities. The Familiar can only be deployed for one encounter per
Reprieve. If called as an Assist without being Transformed, all stats are reduced to
a maximum of 2 each.
❖ Fated – Passive; Perk – While in Civilian Form, you do not lose stats for being attacked
while KO’d.
❖ Flexibility – Passive; Perk – When you gain dice for your Evasion roll due to being outside
an ability’s Optimal range, double the amount of dice obtained.
❖ Get Out of Jail – Passive; Perk – During your turn, you can immediately Flee with a 100%
base success rate (this Flee ignores conditions that prevent Fleeing and bypasses a current
Engagement). You cannot rejoin the current mission until the next Reprieve. Once you use
this ability, you cannot use it again until you have Downtime.
❖ Gifted – Passive; Perk – You gain a single Tier 0 Semi-Generic Spell that belongs to your
Starting Specialization9 (your choice, if multiple). If your Starting Specialization is Beast
or Oddball, you gain 1 additional spell of your choice from within your Specialization.

Specializations acquired due to effects (such as Cosmic Band) or Second Specialization do not count.

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❖ Hammerspace Handbag – Passive; Perk – When using a non-Relic Item, the Use Item
ability costs 1 less MS.
❖ Healing Artifact – Passive; Relic; Perk – Gain the Life Orb relic as a Soulbound relic. While
that relic is in your possession, it recovers 1 Charge at the end of an encounter.
❖ Incognito – Passive; Perk – You cannot be targeted in the first round of an encounter,
unless the unit that would target you has no other valid targets or that unit has Linkage
with you. If you haven’t been targeted yet in the current round, Flee Chance +50%.
❖ Interdimensional Home – Passive; Perk – Reprieves and Downtime in the Home grant +1
CT. A unit in the home can spend X CT to gain X*5 HP until their next
❖ Interdimensional Tourist – Passive; Perk – During a Downtime, you gain either +1 RC or
+1 CT, chosen each time.
❖ Martial Training – Passive; Perk – EVA+2; DEF+1. When you take this perk, gain an
additional effect based on the type of Martial Training your character employs:
o Adroit – When you use Dash or Disengage, you can move a unit of your choice
with you.
o Analyst – When using Recover Info or Patron Scan on a unit, you gain +20%
Critical Hit Rate on ATK abilities against that unit until the end of your 3rd turn
after using this effect.
o Assassin – Double your Critical Damage Bonus, but reduce the damage inflicted
by your non-Critical ATK abilities by half (after applying Resistance).
o Gunslinger – You can use the Reload ability as a Boost ability in conjunction with
the Move, Dash, or Disengage abilities.
o Orator – During your turn, you can use this ability as SP 2 to increase all units’
Critical Hit Rate by 20% and Critical Damage Bonus by 100% until the start of your
next turn.
o Scout – You can use this ability as SP 1 to reduce your Critical Hit Rate to 0%, and
if you do, a Target unit gains the Critical Hit Rate you lost until the start of your
next turn.
o Tactician – During your turn, you can use this ability as SP 2 to allow a unit of
your choice to use the Move ability, treating X as 1 for that ability.
o Trickster - When calculating your EVA, use your full AGI instead of just half. OpR,
when you use Force Evade or Force Guard, you can treat that ability as having
“Channel 1” (does not stack with other Channel effects).
❖ Masculinity – Permanent; Perk – When you obtain this perk, choose an effect:
o Bros For Life – Treat Linkage you have with Male units as being 2 ratings higher.
o Chivalrous – Treat Linkage you have with Female units as being 1 rating higher.
❖ Money – Permanent; Perk – You gain +3 RC during each Downtime.
❖ Monstrous Metamorphosis – Trigger; Perk – When your HP goes below 30% of its
maximum OR if the Rage or Terror condition is applied to you: Apply (Berserk) [Special].
The Berserk condition is removed when your HP is above 50% AND you are not affected
with the Rage or Terror condition(s).

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❖ Mystic Artifact – Passive; Relic; Perk – Gain the Crystal Ball relic as a Soulbound relic.
While it is in your possession, it recovers 1 Charge at the end of an encounter.
❖ Natural Aging – Permanent; Perk – Reduce your Reincarnation Cycle’s duration by half
(apply scaling modifiers after flat modifiers).
❖ Overcity Shift – Reactive/Passive; Perk – Re: At the start of an encounter, after Initiative
is calculated, you can decrease your Initiative by 10*X to send X units to the Overcity (or
to another plane if currently in the Overcity). // While your HP is 100%, you are always
considered to have the Anchored condition.
❖ Power Artifact – Passive; Relic; Perk – Gain the Power Scroll relic as a Soulbound relic. It
has a spell of your choice that you can cast that is NOT of your Specialization. While it is
in your possession, it recovers 1 Charge at the end of a round.
❖ Purification Artifact – Passive; Relic; Perk – Gain the Oath to Order relic as a Soulbound
relic. While it is in your possession, it recovers 3 Charges at the end of an encounter.
❖ Sorcery – Passive; Craft; Perk – You automatically have 1 Attunement for Generic spells.
When you take this perk, gain an additional effect based on the type of Sorcery your
character employs:
o Alchemy – You can craft an improved version of an expendable item using that
Item, 4 Copper, and 2 CT. Eligible items are noted in their descriptions.
o Astrology – During a Downtime or Reprieve, you can use 1 CT to create a
Horoscope for yourself and/or another unit. A Horoscope is created by adding
together the MAG and LUK of the unit the horoscope is for, then the roll value
(from the CYOA) for their original Specialization, then adding 1d12 to the result.
The last digit of the final result determines the effect of the Horoscope:
▪ 0 (Strong Luck) – Roll 2d10 (ignoring results of 0/10) and use those rolled
values as the Horoscope effects. Effects that have opposite effects cancel
each other out.
▪ 1 (Normal Luck) – No effect.
▪ 2 (Good Luck) – During the unit’s next encounter, +2 to the results of any
dice rolls you make (added only once to the final result of the roll,
regardless of how many dice were rolled).
▪ 3 (Great Luck) – During the unit’s next encounter, increase their Critical
Hit Rate by 15% and their Critical Damage Bonus by 25%.
▪ 4 (Turning Point) – During the unit’s next encounter, the unit treats all
Linkage they have as being 1 rating higher.
▪ 5 (Turning Point) – During the unit’s next encounter, the unit treats all
Linkage they have as being 1 rating lower.
▪ 6 (Poor Luck) – During the unit’s next encounter, decrease their Critical Hit
Rate by 15% and their Critical Damage Bonus by 25%.
▪ 7 (Bad Luck) – During the unit’s next encounter, decrease the value of all
dice rolls they make by 2.
▪ 8 (Average Luck) – No Effect.
▪ 9 (Surprise Luck) – This effect changes to the Horoscope result’s FIRST
digit. If that digit is 9, no effect is gained.

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o Evocation – During your turn, as Active, you can decrease your Stability by 5%,
and if you do, gain 2 points of each stat for 3 turns. If you use this ability while it
is already affecting you, it only resets the turn counter, and does not reset the stat
o Glyphs – During a Downtime or Reprieve, you can place a Glyph of your choice
on a valid subject (noted in the description of the Glyph), using 10 Copper and 1
o Inner Power – When you enter Civilian, Sealed, or Suppressed form, you may
choose to retain up to 2 Augments from each category, instead of just 1.
o Numerology – Gain access to certain spells not in your ability list, based on the
digits in your current HP, AP, EVA, DEF, STR, AGI, VIT, MAG, and LUK. If you
would be granted a spell by this effect that you already have access to, you may
use that spell without paying any Stat, Initiative, or Sacrifice costs.
▪ 1 – Solo Punisher
▪ 2 – Double Trouble
▪ 3 – Delta Stroke
▪ 4 – Lethal Quartet
▪ 5 – Justice Colors
▪ 6 – Hexveil
▪ 7 – Furious 7
▪ 8 – Octo Stance
▪ 9 – Solution 9
▪ 0 – Zero Extra Link
o Ofuda – You can craft Major Charms using a Minor Charm that boosts the same
stat, 15 Copper coins, and 1 CT. You can craft a Minor Charm of your choice using
10 Copper and 1 CT.
o Runes – You can craft Runes using 10 Copper coins and 1 CT.
❖ Soul Jar – Permanent; Relic; Perk – Your HP can be a negative number, up to a value equal
to ( ( VIT + MAG ) * 5 ) below 0 before you are KO’d. If you are inflicted damage from a
Critical Hit that would reduce your HP to a value of 0 or less, you are KO’d. Your
Reincarnation Cycle is based on your BST instead of your TST. Obtain the Soul Gem relic.
❖ Training – Passive; Perk – Your Training may provide a benefit of up to 2d8 in combat, as
determined by your GM in the current session.
❖ Wings – Passive/Boost; Perk – You can use the Escort ability as Boost in conjunction with
the Move, Dash, or Disengage abilities. // OpT, when you would use the Move ability, you
can use it without expending MS, but if you do, Apply [Flight] (Start of Your Next Turn)
to yourself.

Spells & Spellcasting

If you have somehow gotten this far in this PDF without expecting there to be spells, in a magical
girl game, then shame on you. Spells are the tools of the trade, the things that make magical
girls…magical. Spells are an ability subtype that encompasses the magical girl’s combat tricks

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and techniques. Spells come in a variety of flavors and types and methods, but ultimately, they
are all meant to destroy evil and serve justice…if you’re into that sort of thing.

Spell Rating
Each character has a stat that governs some of the spells they can cast, referred to as a Spell Rating.
Your Spell Rating determines how powerful you can cast spells. To match with this, each Spell
has a Tier. Most spells from the Specialization Spell Kits are Tier EX, however Generic and Semi-
Generic spells have tiers as well, with number assignments:
➢ EX Tier – EX Tier spells are outside the normal measurement system, either due to being
unique in nature or difficult to balance. This mostly only concerns the starting spell kits
for each specialization, but other spells can be EX Tier as well. EX Tier spells do not have
an SR requirement: if you know the spell, you can use it.
➢ Tier 0 – T0 magic is fairly weak and easy to use. You’ll find T0 magic all over the Overcity,
and even outside of it on occasion. T0 spells can be cast by any unit with a MAG of at least
➢ Tier 1 – T1 magic is still relatively weak, but more complicated in nature. T1 spells can be
cast by any unit with at least 5 SR.
➢ Tier 2 – T2 magic is more complicated and considered to be the intermediate level of
magic. T2 Spells can be used by any unit with at least 12 SR.
➢ Tier 3 – T3 magic is considered advanced magic. Many magical girls never get to this level.
T3 Spells can be used by any unit with at least 18 SR.
➢ Tier 4 – T4 magic is considered to be higher mastery of the user’s own element. Most
magical girls never get to this level. T4 spells can be used by any unit with at least 25 SR.
➢ Tier 5 – T5 magic is considered utter divine-level mastery of the element, to the point
where many consider users to be physical gods manifest. T5 spells can be used by any
unit with at least 35 SR.

Attunement & Generic Spells

While your starting weapon(s) and your Specialization give you access to a starting package of
spells, you can always acquire more spells later. Within your Specialization there are two kinds
of spells: Main Specialization Spells and Semi-Generic Specialization Spells. Main Specialization
Spells are the spells acquired through starting spell kits, while Semi-Generic Spells are spells tied
to a Specialization but don’t belong to a starting spell kit.

Attunement comes into play when you wish to learn a new spell. Generic spells have specific
abilities and qualities that make it easier for you to learn the spell in question, referred to as
Attunement. For each Attunement condition you fulfill, reduce the cost of a Generic spell by 10
Copper or 1 Bronze. Attunement does not grant a discount for any spells acquired using Silver
coins. You can only get a discount of 4 Attunement for any given Spell, even if you have more
than 4 qualities that grant Attunement.

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Generic Spells can be purchased for 50 Copper Coins, 5 Bronze Coins, or 1 Silver Coin each.
Remember to account for Attunement if you have it.

Generic Spells
❖ Bullit Dash – Reactive; Generic T0 Spell; Ranged – 1 MAG – Re: When you change position
in relation to a single unit, expend 7 Ammo or 3 Mundane Ammo of the proper type.
Move 1 stage in relation to a Target. Focus (1,2): Restore your weapon’s Ammo to its
maximum after moving. [ Attunement: Light Specialization; Wings Perk; Money Perk;
Insomnia Drawback ]
❖ Cross Checkmate – Active; Generic T0 Spell – 2 VIT – Scope (0). OpE. You and a Target
with lower HP than you are KO’d. You cannot apply Lifesaver effects or use Reactive
abilities in response to this, but the Target may. [ Attunement: Fated Perk; Closure Perk; A
Way Out Perk; Trickster Drawback ]
❖ Cull – Speed; Generic T0 Spell – No Cost – SP 1. Target a unit with 1 HP and/or that used
a Lifesaver effect since the end of their last turn. That Target’s HP becomes 0, and they are
KO’d. [ Attunement: Darkness Specialization; Purification Artifact Perk; Fated Perk;
Vendetta Drawback ]
❖ Delta Stroke – Active; ATK; Generic T0 Spell; Melee – 1 AGI – Melee Attack a Target,
rolling the damage 3 times, using the difference between the highest of the three rolls and
the lowest of the three rolls as the final result. This Attack cannot deal a Critical Hit. [
Attunement: Air Specialization; Martial Training Perk; Flexibility Perk; Default
Transformed AGI > 10 ]
❖ Double Trouble – Active; ATK; Generic T0 Spell – No Cost –As an additional cost for this
spell, reduce your Initiative by 15. Switch weapons with an Assist under your control (this
counts as both units Equipping the respective weapon), and then Attack a Target with
that weapon from your current position. If your Attack inflicts damage, the Assist you
swapped weapons with can immediately Attack a Target with your weapon. If both
Attacks inflict damage to their Target(s), you can swap weapons back. [ Attunement: Ally,
Familiar ]
❖ En Return – Full-Turn; Generic T0 Spell – No Cost – OpE. At the start of your next turn, if
you were not KO’d since your last turn, Nullify 3 randomly selected abilities of the Target
(including Inherent) for the rest of the encounter. If the Target has CP or is a Natural
Monster, 7 abilities are randomly selected instead. If all of a unit’s abilities are nullified
due to the effects of En Return, that unit is KO’d, and no Lifesaver effects can be applied.
If an ally uses En Return, you can use this ability as a Reactive ability on the same Target
(the effect occurs at the start of the first caster’s next turn). When a unit uses this ability,
their next turn is skipped (this effect still activates). A unit can only be affected by En
Return 4 times in an encounter. [ Attunement: Beast Specialization, Stone Specialization,
Water Specialization, Wood Specialization ]
❖ Excelion Shield – Reactive; Generic T0 Spell – 3 VIT or MAG in any combination – Sacrifice
25. OpE. Re: When you or an ally is targeted by an ability, negate all effects of that ability
on the Targeted unit. This ability can only be negated by a Spell that is at least 1 Tier higher

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(this ability cannot be negated by EX Spells). [ Attunement: Reinforcement Specialization;
Healing Artifact Perk; Enhanced Transformation Perk; Artifact Origin. ]
❖ Furious 7 – Active; Generic T0 Spell; ATK – 7 LUK – Channel. For the next 7 turns, your
Critical Hit Rate becomes 77%, and cannot be modified by other effects or abilities. Each
time you inflict damage with a Critical Hit while under this effect, reduce your Critical
Hit Rate by 11%. [ Attunement: Weapon Origin; Martial Training; AGI > 10 ]
❖ Fusion Cancel – Reactive; Generic T0 Spell – No Cost – Can only be used by a Fused Entity.
Re: When an ability Targets you, terminate the current Fusion, and if you do, negate that
❖ Genbu Spike – Speed; Generic T0 Spell – 1 STR – Scope (0). OpT. SP 1. Grant the Target
ATK Charge (After the Attack, increase your DEF by 5 until the start of your next turn). [
Attunement: Stone Specialization; Martial Training Perk; Divine Artifact Perk; Genki Girl
Benefit ]
❖ Grasp Zone – Active; Generic T0 Spell – 2 VIT or MAG in any combination – Designate a
single range in relation to you (pick 3 spaces if using Grid Combat). No unit can enter that
range until the end of the next round. You can’t use this ability if any unit’s Grasp Zone
is currently in effect. [ Attunement: Stone Specialization; Air Specialization; Powerful Aura
Mutation; Tentacles Lv 4 Power ]
❖ Group Blitz – Full-Turn; Generic T0 Spell – 3 VIT or MAG in any combination – X = Total
CST of the designated unit(s). Designate any number of Duplicates, Familiars, Twins, or
Assists under your control. Contest ( X vs Target’s AGI+STR ): Target is Engaged with one
of the designated units (your choice). While the Target is in the Engagement generated by
this effect, skip the turn(s) of all of the designated units. [ Attunement: Duplication Lv 4,
Twinned Soul Lv 3, Ally, Familiar ]
❖ Hexveil – Reactive; Generic T0 Spell – 2 VIT or MAG in any combination – Sacrifice 20. OpE.
Re: When a unit would have a condition(s) applied to them by an ability, negate all effects
of that ability. Until the end of your 2nd turn after using this ability, no unit can be affected
by any ability with the name of the ability that was negated. [ Attunement: Darkness
Specialization, Light Specialization, Wood Specialization, Reinforcement Specialization ]
❖ Iai Strike – Active; ATK; Generic T0 Spell – 1 AGI – X = Your Initiative. This spell can only
be used if you currently have no weapon equipped. Equip a Melee weapon from your
inventory and Melee Attack a Target, increasing the damage dealt by X. Then, if that
Attack did not deal a Critical Hit, return the weapon to your Inventory. [ Attunement:
Water Specialization; Martial Training Perk; Hammerspace Handbag Perk; Hammerspace
Lv 1 Power ]
❖ Jacket Shift – Speed; Generic T0 Spell – 1 MAG – You can only obtain this spell via the
Eternal Style perk. SP 2. Change the type of the Target’s current outfit to another type of
outfit (adjusting the base DEF/EVA as needed). Has no effect on Legacy or Relic outfits.
This effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or if the affected outfit is unequipped.
❖ Justice Colors – Active; Generic T0 Spell; ATK – 1 point of each stat – Roll 5d20. If the
Target’s HP is less than the value rolled, they lose 2 points of each stat. [ Attunement:
Linkage with 5+ units; Ally Perk; Puchuu Patron; Emergency Reinforcements Patron
Benefit ]

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❖ Last Aid – Active; Generic T0 Spell – 2 VIT – You cannot target yourself with this ability.
Restore HP to the Target based on how much HP they are missing. [ Attunement: Fated
Perk; Big Damn Heroes Perk; Healing Artifact Perk; Spark Benefit ]
o 1~20: Restore 1d6 HP.
o 21~40: Restore 2d8 HP.
o 41~60: Restore 3d10 HP.
o 61~80: Restore 4d12 HP.
o 81 or more: Restore 5d20 HP.
❖ Lethal Quartet – Active; Generic T0 Spell – 4 AGI, 4 VIT, 4 MAG, 4 LUK – X = Result of the
roll. Channel X. Roll 4d4 (cannot apply Fortune Boost). If the result is 16, the Target is
KO’d and their HP becomes 0. [ Attunement: Darkness Specialization, LUK > 16 ]
❖ Mana Field – Boost; Generic T0 Spell – 2 MAG – X = Number of other units in the encounter
with MAG of 10 or more. When you would use a Spell with a MAG cost, you can decrease
that cost by X (Minimum 0). [ Attunement: Psychic Specialization; Familiar Perk; Mystic
Artifact Perk; Mystic Might Benefit ]
❖ Nero’s Chalice – Speed; Generic T0 Spell – No Cost – SP 1. Scope (0,1). Grants multiple
effects to the Target, in order, based on the number of times the Target has had Nero’s
Chalice used on them since their last Downtime:
o 1+ - Restore 20 HP to the Target. Apply [Poison] (2t).
o 2+ - Reduce the Target’s MAG by 1.
o 3+ - Increase the Target’s DEF by 5 for 2 turns.
o 4+ - Reduce the Target’s Resistances by 20% each until the end of the encounter.
o 5+ - Increase the Target’s side of Contests by 1d20 until the end of the encounter.
o 6+ - At the end of the Target’s next turn, they are KO’d.
o 10+ - Until the end of the encounter, the next 3 times the Target is KO’d, they are
immediately revived with 1 HP. This is NOT considered a Lifesaver effect. If this
effect is active on the Target, it is not applied again.
❖ Octo Stance – Toggle; Generic T0 Spell – 2 points of any stat – Can be activated as SP 2 or
deactivated as SP 1. You do not pay the cost to deactivate this spell. While active, the
Optimal for your current weapon becomes (0,1,2), but any abilities that are used on you
from Mid-Range or farther gain “Ignore EVA”.
❖ Pummel – Active; ATK; Generic T0 Spell; Fist – 1 STR or 3 VIT – Fist Attack a Target,
ignoring rolls of 4 in the damage roll. If this attack inflicts damage, Apply [Pain] (End of
Encounter) to the Target. [ Attunement: Empath Specialization; Spirit Specialization;
Monstrous Metamorphosis Perk; Solo Patron ]
❖ Purge Blast – Active; Generic T0 Spell – No Cost – Unequip your current outfit. It cannot
be equipped by any unit until your next Reprieve. Deal 3d8 True damage to all units at
Near range or closer. [ Attunement: Metal Specialization; Enhanced Outfit Perk; Eternal
Style Perk; Expendable Drawback ]
❖ Quick – Speed; Generic T0 Spell – 1 LUK – X = Your LUK. SP 2. Decrease the Target’s
Initiative by X, then increase your Initiative by X. [ Attunement: Lightning Specialization;
Flexibility Perk; Awareness Perk; Subtle Benefit ]

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❖ Riot Crash – Full-Turn; ATK; Generic T0 Spell – 2 AGI – Can only be used with a Dual
Weapon or a Black weapon with the Devious Enhancement. Attack the Target with the
weapon’s current mode, then switch modes and Attack the same Target with the new
mode. Resolve these as separate Attacks. [ Attunement: Metal Specialization; Dual Weapon
Perk; Flexibility Perk ]
❖ Rush Recklessly – Active; ATK; Generic T0 Spell – 3 VIT – X = ( Your Current HP – 1 ).
Sacrifice X. Attack the Target, increasing the damage inflicted by X. Apply [Pierced] (1t)
to yourself. [ Attunement: Blood Magic Perk; Base VIT > 5; Boosted STR > Boosted VIT;
Weapon Origin ]
❖ Showdown – Active; ATK; Generic T0 Spell; Ranged – 2 STR – X = Difference between
weapon’s maximum Ammo and its current Ammo. Ranged Attack a Target, using X for
the damage dice instead of your AGI. This Attack cannot deal a Critical Hit. [ Attunement:
Fire Specialization; Big Damn Hero Perk; Eternal Style Perk; Smug Origin ]
❖ Solo Punisher – Speed; Generic T0 Spell; ATK – 2 VIT and 1 AGI – SP 2. Until the start of
your next turn, if you would be inflicted Bash, Slash, or Pierce damage at Close or Near
range, increase your Resistance against that damage by 50%, then you can immediately
Attack that unit with your current weapon. While this effect is active, decrease your
Resistance to all non-Bash/Slash/Pierce damage by 20%. [ Attunement: Stone
Specialization, Awareness Perk, Third Eye Lv 2 Power ]
❖ Solution 9 – Active; Generic T0 Spell – 2 MAG – Channel 2. Roll 9d10, grouping the rolls
by value rolled. Deal Magic damage to the Target equal to the total value of the mode
group of the dice rolls.
❖ Starlight – Boost; Generic T0 Spell – 1 MAG – X = Number of Spells used by other units
since the start of your last turn. When you would use a Spell or Power with a variable
(except Starlight), you can treat that Variable as being X higher. You must still follow the
normal restrictions of the spell, such as Min or Max. [ Attunement: Gravity Specialization;
Gifted Perk; Wings Perk; Mana Font Benefit ]
❖ Synchro Cracker – Speed; Generic T0 Spell – No Cost – X = CST of the Fused Entity. Can
only be used by a Fused Entity. Terminate the current Fusion, then deal X True dmg to all
units, except those that were part of the terminated Fusion.
❖ Synchro Gazer – Boost; Generic T0 Spell – No Cost – Can only be used by a Fused Entity.
When you would use a Full-Turn ability, you can use that ability as Active instead. Can
only be used once per Fusion per Encounter.
❖ Trace – Active; Generic T0 Spell – 4 MAG – Create a copy of the currently equipped
weapon of a unit that you have Linkage with. This copy is considered a magic weapon
with all of the enhancements it currently has applied and lasts for 3 of your turns after
being created. If the copy is unequipped, it immediately disappears. If you use the Pass
Item ability with the weapon, the receiver can immediately Equip it. [ Attunement: Psychic
Specialization; Ice Specialization; Gifted Perk; Divine Competence Benefit ]
❖ Transfer – Active; Generic T0 Spell – No Cost – As an additional cost for this spell, decrease
the damage dice of your attacks by X (you can’t decrease your damage dice below 0 this
way) until the end of your next turn. Target gains ATK Charge (Increase the damage dice
rolled by X). You cannot target yourself or a twin of yourself with this spell. [ Attunement:

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Empath Specialization, Power of Friendship Lv 2 Power; Third Eye Lv 3 Power;
Emergency Reinforcements Benefit ]
❖ Zero Extra Link – Active; Generic T0 Spell – No Cost – X = Number of units in encounter.
You can only use this spell if every unit in the encounter either has Linkage with you
and/or you have Linkage with them. Until the end of your next turn, reduce the cost of all
spells used by by X, but at the end of any turn where a unit used a Spell, Apply [Fog] (3t)
to that unit.

Specialization Spells
When you create your character, you obtain the spells listed under your character’s
Specialization(s) that are tied to the Weapon(s) that your character started with.10 Spells that are
tied to a weapon type require the user to be currently wielding the appropriate weapon type. The
weapon does not have to be magical or the original starting weapon but does have to be the
appropriate type for the spell. A Dual Weapon in the wrong mode does NOT count towards
fulfilling the weapon requirements.

After your initial spell kit, you can purchase additional spells within your Specialization for 3
Bronze Coins or 1 Silver Coin each. Semi-Generic Spells from your Specialization cost 35 Copper
Coins, 3 Bronze Coins, or 1 Silver Coin each.

Fire Specialization Magic

❖ Melee Fire Spells
o Enkindle – Speed; Fire EX Spell; Melee – No Cost – Scope (0,1). SP 2. Target gains
ATK Charge (Damage dealt as Fire dmg. If Target is inflicted 10+ damage from the
Attack, Apply [Burn] (2t) to Target.)
o Burning Sword – Speed; Fire EX Spell; Melee – 2 VIT – Scope (0,1). SP 2. Target
gains ATK Charge (If Target is inflicted 15+ damage OR if Target has CP, Apply
[Flame Smite] (2t) to Target.)
❖ Ranged Fire Spells
o Flare Bomb – Active; ATK; Fire EX Spell; Ranged – 1 MAG – Optimal (2,3). Uses
2X Ammo. Ranged ATK a Target, dealing Xd8+AGI Fire damage. Deal
X+AGI+STR Fire damage to all units at Close range to the Target (Ignore EVA).
o Blaze Snipe – Active; ATK; Fire EX Spell; Ranged – 2 VIT – Optimal (4,5,6). Uses 3
Ammo. Ranged Attack a Target, using d6s for the damage dice instead of d4s, and
dealing the damage as Fire damage. Until the end of your next turn, reduce your
EVA by 10.
❖ Mystic Fire Spells
o Ember – Speed; Fire EX Spell; Mystic – No Cost – SP 1. Contest (User’s STR or MAG
vs Target’s AGI or LUK): Apply [Burn] (3t) to Target. Focus (3): If the Target fails
the Contest, also deal Fire damage equal to your MAG to that Target.

Remember that Dual Weapon only grants a single spell for the secondary mode chosen.

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o Flash Fire – Active; Fire EX Spell; Mystic – 2 MAG – X = Number of instances of
the Burn condition on the Target. Scope (1,2,3). Remove all instances of the Burn
condition from the Target, and if you do, deal 2Xd8 Fire damage to that Target and
any units at Close Range to the Target. If any units (other than the Target) were
inflicted damage by this effect, Apply [Burn] (3t) to those units.
o Inferno – Active; Fire EX Spell; Mystic – 6 MAG – X = Total amount of Fire damage
inflicted to all units since the start of your last turn. Deal X Fire damage to all foes.
You can also deal X/2 Fire damage to any units that were not inflicted damage by
this effect, and if you do, this ability gains “Channel”.
❖ Fist Fire Spells
o Flare Dash – Reactive/Speed; Fire EX Spell; Fist – 1 VIT, STR, or MAG – Re: After
you use a Fist Attack, you can immediately move 1 Stage in relation to a Target,
and if you do, deal 5 Fire damage to yourself (Ignore EVA). // SP 1. You can move
1 or 2 Stages towards a Target, and if you do, deal 5 Fire damage to yourself (Ignore
EVA) for each Stage moved.
o Dragon Fang – Active; Fire EX Spell; ATK; Fist – X VIT, STR, or MAG in any
combination – Y = Amount of Fire damage dealt to you since the start of your last
turn. Max 0. You can pay 0 for this spell’s cost. You can pay a negative number for
the cost of this spell, but you cannot pay a value that would result in a stat being
higher than its default value. Fist Attack a Target, dealing the damage as Fire
damage, and increasing the damage by ( -1 * Xd10 ) + Yd4.
❖ Semi-Generic Fire Spells
o Flameproofing – Passive/Speed; Fire T0 Spell – No Cost – Immune to the Burn
condition. // SP 1. Increase a Target’s Fire Resistance by 15% for 3 turns.
o Flame Heart – Passive/Speed; Fire T1 Spell – No Cost / 2 MAG – Increases Fire
Resistance by 20%. // SP 2. Apply [Heat Aura] (2t) to a Target. If that Target has
the Fire Specialization, Apply [Heat Aura] (5t) instead.
o Cleansing – Active; Fire T3 Spell – 1 STR and 1 MAG – Reduce all of a Target’s CP
values to 0, then the User and the Target both are inflicted Fire damage equal to
double the amount of CP removed by this effect. Focus (0,1): The User is only
inflicted damage equal to the amount of CP removed, instead of double.
o Soul Burning – Active; Fire T4 Spell – No Cost – Sacrifice 60. Deals Fire damage to
the Target equal to your missing HP. When you use this spell in conjunction with
Barrage Lv 4, the Targets’ Resistance is increased by 50%, instead of 80%.

Ice Specialization Magic

❖ Melee Ice Spells
o Crystal Shield – Reactive; Ice EX Spell; Melee – 2 VIT or MAG or STR in any
combination – X = Damage dealt to you. Re: When damage is inflicted to you by a
foe’s ability, deal X Ice damage to that foe.
o Chilling Blast – Speed; Ice EX Spell; Melee – 1 VIT or MAG – OpR. SP 1. Apply
[Frostbite] (1r) to all foes that were dealt Ice damage since the start of your last

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 43

turn, for each time they were dealt Ice damage. Focus (1,2): Also, Apply [Freeze]
❖ Ice Ranged Spells
o Snow Cloak – Passive/Full-Turn; Ice EX Spell; Ranged – No Cost / 2 MAG - While
the Field Effect is Snow or Blizzard, increase your EVA by 10. // Field Change
[Snow] (5r).
o Blizzard Shot – Speed; Ice EX Spell; Ranged – No Cost – SP 2. You gain ATK Charge
(Attack ignores the penalties of Blizzard and Snow. Attack’s damage dealt as Ice
❖ Mystic Ice Spells
o Cold Snap – Active; Ice EX Spell; Mystic – No Cost – Field Change [Snow] (10t). If
the current Field Effect is already Snow, Field Change [Blizzard] (5t) instead.
o Icebolt – Active/Reactive; Ice EX Spell; Mystic – 3 MAG / No Cost – Until the start
of your next turn, you can use the second effect of this ability up to 5 times. //
Cannot be used unless the first effect grants access. Re: When a unit starts their
turn or uses an ability, deal 3d4 Ice damage to that unit, but that unit rolls 1d10 for
Evasion instead of 1d20. If this effect inflicts Ice damage, that unit’s turn
immediately ends.
o Hailstorm – Active; Ice EX Spell; Mystic – 7 MAG – Cannot be used while Engaged.
Creates 7 Hailstones around the user. A unit with Hailstones around them cannot
be Engaged. Scope (1,2,3,4): Can expend 1 Hailstone as SP 1 to deal 2d20 Ice
damage to a Target. When the user would be inflicted damage (from an ability or
effect), reduce that damage to 0 and expend 1 Hailstone (as Trigger). If that
damage is Fire damage, expend 3 Hailstones instead.
❖ Fist Ice Spells
o Freeze Counter – Reactive; Ice EX Spell; Fist – 2 MAG or VIT in any combination –
Re: When you fail your Evasion roll against a foe’s ability by 10 or less, Apply
[Frostbite] (2t) to that foe after that ability resolves. Focus (0,1): Also deal Ice
damage to that foe equal to your VIT (Ignores EVA).
o Cold Sweep – Active; ATK; Ice EX Spell; Fist – No Cost – Fist ATK a Target, using
your VIT for damage calculation instead of STR. You can treat a unit with the
Frostbite condition as being in Optimal for this Attack, and if you do, that unit is
dealt an additional 15 Ice damage from the Attack.
❖ Semi-Generic Ice Spells
o Coldproofing – Passive/Speed; Ice T0 Spell – No Cost – Immune to the Frostbite
and Freeze conditions. // Can be used as SP 1 to grant a Target 15% Ice Resistance
for 3 turns.
o Cold Body – Passive/Speed; Ice T1 Spell – No Cost / 2 MAG – Increase your Ice
Resistance by 10%. // SP 2. Increase the duration of any Conditions currently
applied to the Target by 2t or 1r (whichever is applicable). You cannot use this
effect on the same unit twice in an encounter.
o Freezing Heart – Reactive; Ice T3 Spell – No Cost – OpR. This ability cannot activate
in the first two rounds of an encounter. Re: At the start of your turn, declare a stat

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(STR, AGI, VIT, MAG, LUK). The unit with the highest value in that stat (randomly
selected, if tied) loses 5 points in that stat.
o Arctic Counter – Reactive; Ice T4 Spell – No Cost – Scope (0,1,2,3,4). OpR. Re: When
you are targeted with an ATK Ability, you can reduce all of the attacking unit’s
stats by 1 point each. If any of the unit’s stats are reduced to 0 by this effect, Apply
[Freeze] (1t) to that unit.
Air Specialization Magic
❖ Melee Air Spells
o Helgale Strike – Boost; Air EX Spell; Melee – 2 VIT or 1 MAG – When you would
use a Distance Attack on a unit that you dealt damage to with a Melee Attack or
Distance Attack previously in this encounter, you can use that Distance Attack as
SP 2 instead of Active.
o Storm Step – Reactive/Speed; Air EX Spell; Melee – No Cost –Re: When you
successfully Evade an ability, gain 1 Storm Tag. // X = Number of Storm Tags
expended. SP 2. You can expend all Storm Tags you have to increase your EVA by
3X until the start of your next turn.
❖ Ranged Air Spells
o Parting Shot – Boost; ATK; Air EX Spell; Ranged – 2 VIT – X = 20 – Amount you
won the Contest by. When you would use the Disengage or Move ability, Contest
(User’s AGI vs Target’s Evasion roll): Immediately after that movement, Ranged
ATK the Target, reducing the damage by X.
o Shoot the Scar – Boost; Air EX Spell; Ranged – 2 MAG – X = ( 10 – ( Your CST –
Target’s CST ) ). When you would use a Ranged ATK on a unit, increase the
damage of that Attack by Xd10 Wind damage (before applying DEF/EVA).
❖ Mystic Air Spells
o Aero Barrier – Speed; Air EX Spell; Mystic – No Cost – SP 1. Apply [Gale Wall] (3t)
to the Target.
o Vacuum Wave – Active; Air EX Spell; Mystic – 3 VIT or MAG in any combination –
X = ( Your Contest Result – Target’s Contest Result ). Contest (User’s AGI or MAG
vs Target’s AGI or MAG): Target is dealt X Wind damage (Ignore EVA). If you
used Vacuum Wave on the same unit during your last turn, you can use this ability
as SP 2.
o Twin Twisters – Active; Air EX Spell; Mystic – 2 VIT and 2 MAG – Target two units
(other than yourself). Both of those Targets Contest (User’s AGI or MAG vs
Target’s AGI or LUK): Move to the other Target’s current position. If both Targets
lose their Contest, Apply [Dizzy] (2t) to both of those Targets.
❖ Fist Air Spells
o Cyclone Rush – Speed; Air EX Spell; Fist – No Cost – X = AGI. Y = Attack Target's
AGI. OpR. SP 2. Get ATK Charge (Fist Attack's damage dealt cannot be lower than
X*3. If damage is inflicted by the Attack and X > Y, gain an additional turn after
this one. You cannot gain additional turn(s) during this bonus turn.)
o Tempest – Boost; Air EX Spell; Fist – 2 VIT or 2 MAG – X = Number of Stages
between you and the Target. When you would use the Dash or Move ability,

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Target one of the units you are moving in relation to; Contest (User’s AGI vs
Target’s Evasion roll): Immediately after that movement, move to Close/Near
(your choice) to the Target. Focus (2,3): Deal Xd12 Wind damage to the Target after
the movement.
❖ Semi-Generic Air Spells
o Windproof – Passive/Speed; Air T0 Spell – No Cost – Immune to the Dizzy
condition. // SP 2. Increase a Target’s Wind Resistance by 15% for 3 turns.
o Galeforce – Reactive; Air T1 Spell – No Cost – Re: At the start of your first turn in
the encounter (excluding an Intrusion turn), increase your Initiative by 5 for each
o Powerglide – Speed; Air T1 Spell – 2 AGI – This spell cannot be used if you used it
on your last turn, or if you currently have the Flight condition. SP 1. Apply [Flight]
(1t) to yourself, and gain 2 MS. While the Flight condition from this effect is
applied, decrease your Resistance to ATK abilities by 100%.
o Hyper Dash – Reactive; Air T4 Spell – All of the user’s AGI – Re: At the start of your
turn, you can choose to nullify all of your Active abilities during this turn, and if
you do, you gain 5 MS for this turn only.
Spirit Specialization Magic
❖ Special – All Spirit girls receive the following spell as part of their starting spell kit,
regardless of the weapon they use.
o Spirit Call – Active; Spirit EX Spell – X LUK – Summons X Spirit(s) to the
encounter. Spirits in play can be utilized by any unit that can use Spirits. Spirits
can be targeted and damaged, but only by magical damage.11 When a Spirit you
summoned leaves the encounter (either by being expended for any unit’s spell,
being damaged, or the encounter ending), recover 1 LUK. You can retain up to 3
Spirits that you summoned between encounters (all spirits are lost if you Reprieve
or have Downtime). All other spirits are dismissed at the end of an encounter.
❖ Melee Spirit Spells
o Spirit Guardian – Active; Spirit EX Spell; Melee – 1 VIT or MAG – Until the start of
your next turn, each time a foe would target an ally (but not you) with an ability,
Expend 2 Spirits to deal 2d8 Magic damage to that foe, and if that unit was inflicted
damage by this effect, change the target of that unit’s ability to you. This effect
ignores Absolute Direction.
❖ Ranged Spirit Spells
o Spirit Cover – Speed; Spirit EX Spell; Ranged – 3 VIT or MAG in any combination
and 3 Spirits – Scope (3,4). SP 2. Uses 3 Ammo. Contest (User’s AGI or MAG vs
Target’s AGI or MAG): Target’s EVA is reduced to 0 against the next ability used
on them that would normally apply Evasion. Target’s EVA returns to normal after
that ability resolves.

Spirits have 1 HP and do not ever apply DEF or EVA, even if a special effect would allow them to. They have 50%
Resistance to Slash/Bash/Pierce damage but -100% damage from other magical damage sources. Spirits do not
have stats otherwise. Spirits cannot be affected with Conditions.

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❖ Mystic Spirit Spells
o Spirit Crowd – Active; Spirit EX Spell; Mystic – 5 Spirits – Contest (User’s MAG or
LUK vs Target’s MAG or LUK): Apply [Spirit Swarm] (5t) to Target.
o Spirit Clone – Active; Spirit EX Spell; Mystic – 3 VIT or MAG in any combination; 5
Spirits – You can’t use this spell if you already have an active Spirit Replica. Target
a KO’d unit. Create a Spirit Replica, which shares that unit’s current stats, is treated
as that unit (including being controlled by the player, if a Player Character), and
has a copy of that unit’s Weapon and Outfit (if applicable). The Spirit Replica
expires at the end of its 3rd turn after being created.
❖ Fist Spirit Spells
o Spirit Gun – Speed; Spirit EX Spell; Fist – 2 VIT; X Spirits – Max 5. SP 2. You gain
ATK Charge (Damage of the Attack is increased by Xd8 Magic damage. Attack
gains Reduced Penalty (2,3) as an effect.)
❖ Semi-Generic Spirit Spells
o Quick Summon – Reactive; Spirit T0 Spell – No Cost – Re: After rolling Initiative
(but before determining turn order), you can decrease your Initiative by 10X to
summon X Spirit(s) to the encounter. These Spirits do not appear until the start of
your first turn.
o Dismissal – Speed; Spirit T0 Spell – No Cost – X = Your LUK. SP 2. Dismiss X
randomly-selected Spirits from the encounter.
o Séance – Active; Spirit T2 Spell – 5 LUK – Until the end of your 3rd turn after using
this spell (excluding the turn you used it), summon 1 Spirit at the end of each unit’s
turn. These Spirits refund LUK as normal.
o Possession – Active; Spirit T3 Spell – 5 Spirits – Select 1 Weapon and 1 Outfit from
your Inventory that is not currently equipped. Those pieces of equipment become
a Spirit Golem12. It takes its turn immediately before or immediately after your
turn, and acts on its own. It can be given instructions but may not understand or
follow them.
Reinforcement Specialization Magic
❖ Melee Reinforcement Spells
o Threestrike Barrier – Speed; Reinforcement EX Spell; Melee – 3 MAG or VIT in any
combination – SP 3. Apply [Barrier 50] (3t) three times to the Target. Cannot be used
on a Target that already has the Barrier condition.
o Instant Phalanx – Reactive; Reinforcement EX Spell; Melee – 2 VIT – Re: When an
ally is targeted with a single-target ability that would deal the unit damage, divide
that damage evenly between yourself and that ally (remainder goes to the ally).
❖ Ranged Reinforcement Spells

A Spirit Golem has 5 points in each stat. It only has Inherent abilities. It can use the Enhancements of the
Weapon and Outfit used to make it. It cannot restore HP, except with those Enhancements. It is considered a
Magical Being.

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o Alarm Ward – Reactive; Reinforcement EX Spell; Ranged – 1 MAG or VIT – Re:
When a foe moves into Near or Close range in relation to you, restore 15 HP to a
Target. Focus (0): Restore an additional 15 HP to the Target.
o Angel Ring – Speed; Reinforcement EX Spell; Ranged – 3 MAG or VIT in any
combination – SP 1. Negate the next Condition that would affect the Target. Cannot
be used if the unit is currently under the effects of Angel Ring.
❖ Mystic Reinforcement Spells
o Life Trade – Speed; Reinforcement EX Spell; Mystic – No Cost – Sacrifice X. SP 2.
Restore X HP to the Target, then restore X/2 HP to yourself. // Sacrifice 10. SP 2.
Remove 1 Condition from a Target ally, then Apply [Removed Condition] (1t) to
o Spectrum Surge – Active; Reinforcement EX Spell; Mystic – 3 MAG or VIT in any
combination – OpR. Apply [Power Surge] [Speed Surge] [Life Surge] [Force Surge]
(2t) to the Target.
o Mirror Wall – Full-Turn; Reinforcement EX Spell; Mystic – 8 MAG or VIT in any
combination – Until the start of your next turn, allies are inflicted no damage from
foes’ abilities, negate Conditions applied to them by foes’ abilities, and restore 50
HP at the start of their turn(s). Until the end of your next turn, nullify all of your
non-Permanent abilities, including Inherent abilities. When you use this ability,
you can’t use it again until you Reprieve.
❖ Fist Reinforcement Spells
o Lock Off – Active; Reinforcement EX Spell; Fist – 3 MAG or VIT in any combination
– Scope (1,2,3). Engage the Target. Both you and that unit recover 5 HP at the start
of each of your turns, but that unit cannot use Flee so long as you are Engaged.
o Dauntless – Reactive; Reinforcement EX Spell; Fist – 2 MAG – OpR. Scope (0,1,2).
Re: When a unit would be inflicted damage from an ability, reduce that damage
inflicted (after DEF/EVA) by a value equal to your CST. Effects that apply due to
dealing damage still apply, even if that damage is reduced to 0.
❖ Semi-Generic Reinforcement Spells
o Auto-Barrier – Reactive; Reinforcement T0 Spell – No Cost – Re: At the end of a
Round in which you were inflicted no damage, Apply [Barrier 10] (1r) to yourself.
o Tag Treatment – Boost; Reinforcement T1 Spell – 2 points of any stat – When you
use a single-target Reinforcement Spell or a Spell that would apply a Condition to
a Target, restore 10 HP to that Target.
o Cleansing Barrier – Active; Reinforcement T2 Spell – 3 points of any stat – X = Total
CP of Target. Apply [Barrier 20-X] (2r) to Target. Then, if the Target has CP, reduce
each of their CP value by 10.
o Mirror Barrier – Active; Reinforcement T4 Spell – 8 MAG or VIT in any combination
– Restore 20 HP to all allies. Apply [Reflect] (2t) to all allies with the Barrier
Psychic Specialization Magic
❖ Melee Psychic Spells

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o Incite Rage – Speed; Psychic EX Spell; Melee – No Cost – SP 1. Contest (User’s MAG
vs Target’s CST): Apply [Berserk] (1t) to Target, but Target can only target you
with abilities while that Berserk condition is in effect.
o Sympathy Spike – Reactive; Psychic EX Spell; Melee – 3 MAG or VIT in any
combination – Re: When a unit deals damage to an ally, deal that same amount of
damage to that unit.
❖ Ranged Psychic Spells
o Friendly Fire – Active; Psychic EX Spell; Ranged – 2 MAG or 3 VIT – Contest (User’s
MAG vs First Target’s VIT): Target unit uses an Attack ability with their current
weapon against a second Target. You cannot target a unit if they were targeted by
the last use of Friendly Fire in this encounter.
o Predict Shot – Reactive; Psychic EX Spell; Ranged – 3 MAG – Re: When a unit
moves into Close range to you, Contest (User’s MAG or AGI vs Target’s AGI or
LUK): Ranged Attack the Target, reducing the Target’s EVA by half and ignoring
Optimal. If this Attack deals damage, the unit stays at Near range and cannot move
into Close range to you for the remainder of the encounter.
❖ Mystic Psychic Spells
o Clear Mind – Speed; Psychic EX Spell; Mystic – No Cost – SP 1. Contest (User’s
MAG vs Target’s CST): Remove 1 randomly chosen condition from the Target. You
can’t target a unit with this if they were affected by Clear Mind since the start of
your last turn.
o Cloud Mind – Speed; Psychic EX Spell; Mystic – 2 MAG – SP 2. Contest (User’s
MAG vs Target’s CST): Apply [Charm] (2t) to Target.
o Shutdown – Active; Psychic EX Spell; Mystic – All of the user’s MAG – Min 1. X =
MAG paid for this spell’s cost. Channel. Contest (User’s CST+Xd6 vs Target’s ( (
MAG + LUK ) * 2 )): The contest loser’s next 3 turns are skipped.
❖ Fist Psychic Spells
o Telemetry – Passive; Psychic EX Spell; Fist – No Cost – Units that have have been
dealt damage from your Fist Attacks are treated as having EVA-6 and DEF-5
against your abilities only.
o Predict Break – Active; ATK; Psychic EX Spell; Fist – 3 MAG – Contest (User’s AGI
or MAG vs Target’s Evasion Roll): Fist Attack the Target (Ignore DEF; Ignore
EVA). The Target cannot activate Reactives in response to this ability or the Fist
❖ Semi-Generic Psychic Spells
o Mind Lock – Passive/Speed; Psychic T0 Spell – No Cost – Increase your side of
Contests against Psychic spells used on you that you know by 20. // SP 2. Grant a
Target +8 to Contests against Psychic spells used on them for 3 turns.
o Suggestion – Speed; Psychic T0 Spell – No Cost – SP 1. Until the end of your next
turn, the Target decreases their side of Contests against Psychic Spells by 6.
o Mental Fog – Active; Psychic T3 Spell – 2 MAG – Contest (User’s SR vs Target’s
SR): Apply [Fog] (3t) to Target.

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o Blank Slate – Active; Psychic T5 Spell – No Cost – Contest (User’s MAG vs number
of Emotive Motes on all units): Removes all motes of a specific type of your choice
(Rage, Grief, Terror, Elation), then gain 1 MAG for each mote removed.
Time Specialization Magic
❖ Melee Time Spells
o Split Second – Boost; Time EX Spell; Melee – 2 VIT or 1 MAG – When you would
use an ATK ability, roll the Critical Hit Chance twice. If both rolls are a Critical
Hit, apply the Critical Damage Bonus twice.
o Flashback – Reactive; Time EX Spell; Melee – 1 VIT or 2 MAG – X = Half of the
damage inflicted to you from an ability. OpR. Re: When you are inflicted damage
by an ability (even if that damage would KO you), restore X HP.
❖ Ranged Time Spells
o Origin Bullet – Active; ATK; Time EX Spell; Ranged – 2 VIT or 2 MAG – Ranged
Attack a Target. That Attack cannot deal a Critical Hit but increase the damage by
a value equal to ( LUK + double the Target’s MAG ).
o Accel Motion – Reactive; Time EX Spell; Ranged – 2 VIT or 2 MAG – Re: When a
foe targets you with an ability: Until the end of your next turn, gain X MS and X*10
EVA, but decrease your Maximum HP by 10*X until the end of the encounter.
❖ Mystic Time Spells
o Rewind – Reactive; Time EX Spell; Mystic – 2 VIT or 4 MAG – OpR. Re: When an
ability is used, negate that ability. You can refund the TA or MS used for that
ability to the user, and if you do, restore 2 VIT or 4 MAG. This spell’s cost cannot
be reduced or eliminated. Channel cannot be applied to this spell.
o Clock Speed – Speed; Time EX Spell; Mystic – 1 VIT or 1 MAG – SP 2. Apply [Haste]
(2t) to a Target. // SP 2. Contest (User’s MAG or LUK vs Target’s AGI or LUK):
Apply [Slow] (2t) to the Target.
o Still Life – Toggle; Time EX Spell; Mystic – 3 MAG or VIT at the end of each turn
while active – Can be activated as SP 2. Can be deactivated as Reactive at the start
of any unit’s turn. While active, units other than you cannot use Reactive abilities
and have their turn skipped. This spell’s cost cannot be reduced or eliminated.
Channel cannot be applied to this spell.
❖ Fist Time Spells
o One Second Strike – Active; Time EX Spell; Fist – No Cost – X = Number of
consecutive turns that you used One Second Strike without using any ATK ability.
You gain ATK Charge (Increase the damage dice of this and all subsequent Fist
Attacks used in this turn by X. After this Attack resolves, you can immediately
perform a Fist Attack on the same Target.) The variable for this spell is determined
when the ATK Charge effect is used.
o Chrono Counter – Reactive; ATK; Lifesaver; Time EX Spell; Fist – 3 VIT or 2 MAG
– Re: When you would be KO’d by a foe’s ability, retain 1 HP. After that ability
resolves, you can immediately Fist Attack the user of that ability, ignoring
Optimal. If this Fist Attack deals damage, their turn immediately ends.
❖ Semi-Generic Time Spells

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o Clarity – Passive; Time T0 Spell – No Cost – After your first Evasion Roll in a round,
you may elect to use that roll’s result in the place of all other Evasion rolls you
make in the rest of the round. If you use this effect, you MUST use the result.
o Destiny Clock – Speed; Time T1 Spell – No Cost – SP 2. The duration of all effects
(including Enhancements, Conditions, and other timed effects created by abilities)
currently active on the Target are treated as if 3 of the unit’s turns had passed, and
resume count from that point (if possible).
o Eject – Active; Time T2 Spell – 4 MAG or VIT in any combination – Contest (User’s
MAG or LUK vs Target’s AGI or LUK): Target is removed from combat for 1d4
rounds. After the unit returns, they roll Initiative again. If the Target has the
Anchored condition, they use both stats for their side of the contest.
o Moment’s Reprieve – Full-Turn; Time T4 Spell – No Cost – At the start of your next
turn, Reprieve. After this Reprieve, reduce your stats by 24 points (distributed as
desired; no stat can be lower than 0) and make your Initiative 0. If you use this
ability, you cannot use it again until you have Downtime.
Lightning Specialization Magic
❖ Melee Lightning Spells
o Thunder Rage – Reactive; Lightning EX Spell; Melee – 3 AGI – X = Damage Dealt
by a foe’s ATK ability. Re: When you, an ally you have Linkage with, or an ally at
Close Range is targeted with an ATK ability, Target the unit that used that ability.
After that ATK ability resolves, move into Close OR Near range (your choice) in
relation to the Target’s position, and increase your Initiative by X. You can pay Y
Initiative as an additional cost for this spell, and if you do, increase your EVA
against that ATK ability by Y/2.
o Jet Zanber – Reactive; ATK; Lightning EX Spell; Melee – 4 MAG or VIT in any
combination – X = Your Initiative. OpR. Re: When you move into your current Melee
Weapon’s Optimal Range in relation to a unit(s), you gain ATK Charge (Increase
damage dealt by X Lightning damage), and then Melee Attack those unit(s). If any
attack generated by this ability inflicts damage, your Initiative is set to 0.
❖ Ranged Lightning Spells
o Bolt Action – Boost; Lightning EX Spell; Ranged – 2 VIT or MAG in any combination
– X = Ammo used for this ability’s effect. When you use a Ranged Attack, instead
of using 1 Ammo, you can use all of that weapon’s remaining Ammo to add 2Xd6
Lightning damage to the Attack’s damage.
o Voltage Spike – Boost; Lightning EX Spell; Ranged – 3 VIT or MAG in any
combination – X = Your Initiative. When you use a Ranged Attack, you can increase
your Critical Hit Rate by X%. After using this ability, reduce your Initiative to 1
(Initiative does not change if it is 1 or lower).
❖ Mystic Lightning Spells
o Arkblast – Active; Lightning EX Spell; Mystic – 2 AGI or 4 MAG – Deal 1d12
Lightning damage to a Target for every 5 Initiative you have. After this ability
resolves, your Initiative becomes the damage inflicted by this effect.

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o Magnesis – Speed; Lightning EX Spell; Mystic – 3 MAG or VIT in any combination –
X = Number of Stages away from the Target you are. SP 2. Contest (User’s MAG
vs Target’s AGI or STR): For the next 4-X turns, Target cannot change position, and
Target’s Lightning Resistance is reduced by ( 20% * ( 5 – X ) ). If X is less than or
equal to 1, gain 2 MS after this ability resolves (regardless of the result of the
o Voltage Higher – Speed; Lightning EX Spell; Mystic – X AGI or 2X MAG – SP 2.
Scope (0). Select a unit and Target X additional units. At the end of this turn, the
Selected Unit’s Initiative becomes equal to the total Initiative of the Target(s).
❖ Fist Lightning Spells
o Current Dash – Speed; Lightning EX Spell; Fist – 2 AGI – SP 1. As an additional
cost for this spell, decrease your Initiative by 10. Move 1 Stage in relation to a
Target, then gain 1 MS.
o Raigeki – Active; ATK; Lightning EX Spell; Fist – 4 MAG or 4 VIT – Fist Attack the
Target, dealing the damage as Lightning damage. If the damage inflicted by this
effect was greater than or equal to the Target’s CST, gain 1 TA, but if you do, skip
your next turn. If you use this ability multiple times in a single turn, multiple turns
in succession are skipped.
❖ Semi-Generic Lightning Spells
o Lightning Speed – Reactive; Lightning T0 Spell – No Cost – Re: At the start of an
encounter, after rolling Initiative, increase your Initiative by a value equal to triple
your AGI.
o Ohm Screen – Speed; Lightning T1 Spell – No Cost – SP 2. Apply [Ohm Web] (2t)
to the Target. Focus (1): User gains 1 MS.
o Spark Flash – Speed; Lightning T1 Spell – No Cost – SP 2. Contest (User’s AGI vs
Target’s AGI or LUK): Apply [Blind 4] (3t) to Target. Focus (0,1): Also Apply [Stun]
(1t) to Target. Focus (2,3): User gains 1 MS.
o Synapse Charge – Passive; Lightning T4 Spell – No Cost – At the end of an
encounter, recover half of the stats paid for any Lightning Spells you used this
encounter. If you use this effect, reduce your Maximum HP by the amount of stats
recovered until your next Downtime.
Sound Specialization Magic
❖ Melee Sound Spells
o Fever Pitch – Active; Sound EX Spell; Melee – 2 VIT or MAG in any combination –
Channel 1. Roll 3d12. Foes with a CST lower than the value rolled must target you
first on their next turn.
o Resonate – Speed; Sound EX Spell; Melee – No Cost – Scope (0). SP 2.Target gains
ATK Charge (Deals 3d6 Sound damage to all units that have been affected with an
ATK using Resonate in this Encounter.)
❖ Ranged Sound Spells
o Hollow Ring – Speed; Sound EX Spell; Ranged – 1 MAG – X = Amount the Target
failed the Contest by. SP 2. Contest (Ranged ATK’s damage roll vs Target’s AGI or
LUK or MAG): You gain ATK Charge (Target’s EVA and DEF – X each).

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o Echo Trigger – Active; ATK; Sound EX Spell; Ranged – 2 MAG – Ranged Attack a
Target. Until the end of the encounter, any time you use Echo Trigger, that unit is
inflicted the damage from that Echo Trigger’s attack as well (if the unit is the
Target of the new Echo Trigger, they are inflicted the damage multiple times).
❖ Mystic Sound Spells
o Echo Beat – Active; Sound EX Spell; Mystic – 2 AGI – Target and all units at Close
or Near range to that Target are dealt 15 Sound damage at the start of the Target’s
next 3 turns. EVA is considered halved for any unit taking damage from this
ability. Range is accounted for at the start of the Target’s turn(s), not when the spell
is cast.
o Reverberate – Speed; Sound EX Spell; Mystic – 1 MAG – SP X. Y = Amount the
Target failed the contest by. Contest (User’s MAG or AGI vs Target’s LUK or AGI):
Apply [Stun] (1t) to Target, then deal X*Y Sound damage to the Target (Ignore
o Call & Response – Active; Sound EX Spell; Mystic – 3 MAG – Scope (1,2,3). OpT.
OpR. Target gains a new turn immediately after this turn. Target must use the
same sequence of ability types (Active; SP 1; SP 2) in the same order that you used
them on this turn. For each error (due to improper order or improper type
combination), Target is dealt 20 Sound damage (Ignore EVA; Ignore DEF). You
cannot target a unit with this ability more than once in the same encounter. This
ability cannot be used with Barrage.
❖ Fist Sound Spells
o Crepitus Beat – Speed; Sound EX Spell; Fist – No Cost – SP 2. You gain ATK Charge
(Foes with a CST less than the damage dealt cannot target you on their next turn).
o Chime Trance – Speed; Sound EX Spell; Fist – 1 MAG – SP 2. You gain ATK Charge
(Restores 1 point of a randomly chosen stat to all allies if this Attack inflicts no
❖ Semi-Generic Sound Spells
o Round – Reactive; Sound T0 Spell – No Cost – OpR. Re: When a unit uses a Sound
Spell or a non-Specialization Spell, you can, at the start of your turn, use that Spell
as if you knew it, paying costs and using actions as normal. You must be able to
fulfill the other requirements of the spell (such as Weapon affinity or Spell Rating).
o Lietmotif – Active; Sound T2 Spell – 2 MAG – Until the end of the next round, any
Linkage units have with the Target is considered to be 1 Rating higher. A unit can
only be under the effects of one Lietmotif at a time.
o Build Break Drop – Active; Sound T2 Spell – 3 VIT or MAG in any combination –
[This Spell’s effects must be used in order, but do not have to be on consecutive
turns]. Increase all units’ EVA by 10 until the start of your next turn // Apply [Stun]
(1t) to all units. // Increase all units’ Critical Hit Rate by 50% until the start of your
next turn.
o Linked Concerto – Active; Sound T4 Spell – 4 MAG and X LUK – Min 3. Channel
X. Target X units. Those units gain the “Conductor” Linkage with you and you

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gain the “Cantor” Linkage with those Targets. These effects last until the end of
the encounter.
Darkness Specialization Magic
❖ Melee Darkness Spells
o Sneak Attack – Passive; Darkness EX Spell; Melee – No Cost – When using an ATK
ability on a foe that has not Targeted you since the start of your last turn, increase
your Critical Hit Rate by 44% and decrease the Attack Target’s EVA or DEF (your
choice) by 13. These effects only apply against that attack.
o Hamstring – Active; ATK; Darkness EX Spell; Melee – 2 MAG or 1 VIT – Melee
Attack a foe, using only the 4s rolled for damage. Until the end of the Target’s next
turn, decrease the amount of any Evasion or Damage rolls they make by the
amount of damage they were inflicted by this Attack.
❖ Ranged Darkness Spells
o Blind Spot – Reactive; Darkness EX Spell; Ranged – 1 MAG or VIT – X = Dark
damage dealt with an Attack. Re: When you deal Dark damage to a foe with an
Attack, Apply [Blind X] (1t) to the Target.
o Vital Snipe – Active; Darkness EX Spell; Ranged – 2 MAG or VIT in any combination
– Scope (3,4,5). Deal Dark damage to a Target equal to double their VIT. Focus (5):
Then, you can immediately activate Blind Spot against that same Target, using the
Target’s VIT for X, as if you had fulfilled the conditions.
❖ Mystic Darkness Spells
o Blackout – Speed; Darkness EX Spell; Mystic – 1 MAG or VIT – SP 1. OpT. Apply
[Blind 8] (3t) to Target. Focus (2,3): Instead, Apply [Blind 16] (3t) to Target.
o Following Blind – Active; Darkness EX Spell; Mystic – No Cost – Contest (User’s
MAG or VIT vs Target’s LUK or MAG): Next turn, Target must first target a unit
with the Blind condition. Has no effect if no unit has the Blind condition at that
o Call to Death – Active; Darkness EX Spell; Mystic – 13 MAG or VIT in any
combination – X = Number of foes with the Blind condition. Channel X. Roll 1d100.
If the result is less than 13*X, Target’s HP is reduced to 0 and they are KO’d (if
their HP is less than 0, their HP stays the same, but they are still KO’d). If the Target
is already KO’d, do not roll 1d100 and reduce 4 of their stats (chosen at random
from > 0 stats) by 4 each.
❖ Fist Darkness Spells
o Dark Hand – Passive; Darkness EX Spell; Fist – No Cost – When you use a Fist
Attack on a unit with the Blind condition, increase the damage dealt (before
DEF/EVA) by the total value of those Blind condition(s).
o Choking Darkness – Speed; Darkness EX Spell; Fist – No Cost – SP 2. You gain ATK
Charge (Apply [Blind 4] (1r) to Target if this Attack deals damage.)
❖ Semi-Generic Darkness Spells
o Blindproofing – Passive/Speed; Darkness T0 Spell – No Cost – Immune to the Blind
Condition. // SP 2. Increase the Target’s Dark Resistance by 15% for 3 turns.

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o Doom – Active; Darkness T2 Spell – 3 MAG or VIT in any combination – Apply
[Doom] (13t) to the Target.
o Cursed Lance – Full-Turn; Darkness T4 Spell – 4 points each of 4 different stats –
Contest (User’s MAG or LUK vs Target’s LUK): Reduce the Target’s HP to 0.
Target cannot use Lifesaver effects due to this ability. If the Target has a Soul Gem
in their Inventory, it loses 1d6 charges (even if it is not equipped).
o The Edge of Dawn – Active; Darkness T5 Spell – 7 points of any one stat – X = Total
CP of Target. Deal X Dark damage to the Target. If this ability inflicts no damage,
Apply [Blind X/2] (3t) to the Target, and if they have CP, Apply [Seal] (1t) to the
Illusion Specialization Magic
❖ Melee Illusion Spells
o Presence Wipe – Active; Illusion EX Spell; Melee – 2 MAG or VIT in any combination
– X = Number of Foes. Contest (User’s MAG vs 7*X): Target unit cannot be targeted
by any other unit until the end of your next turn. You cannot target yourself with
this ability.
o Deface Truth – Reactive; Illusion EX Spell; Melee – 2 MAG or 2 VIT – Re: When you
are Targeted with an ATK ability, change the damage dice to be based on the
attacker’s lowest stat instead of the normal damage stat.
❖ Ranged Illusion Spells
o Dead Trigger – Active; Illusion EX Spell; Ranged – 3 MAG or VIT in any combination
– Target a unit and declare a type of situation (Unit Attacks or Is Attacked, Unit
deals or is dealt a Critical Hit, Damage Dealt or Inflicted, Unit Moving). The target
cannot use any Reactive or Trigger ability that activates based on the chosen
situation until the end of their next turn.
o Fake Shot – Speed; Illusion EX Spell; Ranged – No Cost – SP 2. Target a unit. You
gain ATK Charge (Attack is treated as if the user of the Attack was this spell’s
Target for the purposes of counterattacks, reactives, other effect activations, etc.)
❖ Mystic Illusion Spells
o False Triumph – Speed; Illusion EX Spell; Mystic – 1 MAG – SP 2. Scope (2,3,4).
Ignore EVA. Target’s EVA is increased by 10 until the start of your next turn. At
the start of your next turn, deal Magic damage to the Target equal to the total
amount of all Evasion Rolls they made while under this spell’s effect. If the Target
did not make any Evasion rolls while under this spell’s effect, recover 1 MAG.
o False Motion – Active; Illusion EX Spell; Mystic – 2 MAG – Scope (2,3). Until the
start of your next turn, when the Target would inflict damage to one of your allies,
that damage becomes 0, then deal damage to a random foe equal to the amount of
damage that would have been inflicted. If the Target did not inflict any damage
while under this spell’s effect, recover 2 MAG.
o False Investment – Active; Illusion EX Spell; Mystic – 2 MAG – Scope (2,3). Until
the start of your next turn, when the Target would use an ability with a Variable
stat cost, roll 1d12. The variable cost becomes the result, regardless of what the
Target had designated. If the ability cannot be used at the new cost (either due to

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inability to pay, exceeding Min/Max, or designating an improper number of
targets), they pay as much as possible, then the ability is negated. If the Target did
not attempt to pay a Variable stat cost while under this spell’s effect, recover 2
❖ Fist Illusion Spells
o Foggy Stance – Speed; Illusion EX Spell; Fist – No Cost – SP 2. You gain ATK Charge
(Target's DEF OR EVA (user's choice when this spell is used) is multiplied by -1
against this attack only.)
o Feint Strike – Reactive; Illusion EX Spell; Fist – 2 LUK or 3 MAG – OpT. Re: When
you fail to inflict damage with a Fist Attack, gain ATK Charge (Increase the
damage of the Attack by the Evasion result against the Attack used to activate this
ability), then immediately Fist Attack that same unit again. If the Attack generated
by this ability inflicts no damage, recover 2 LUK or 3 MAG.
❖ Semi-Generic Illusion Spells
o Vague Presence – Passive; Illusion T0 Spell – No Cost – At the start of your turn,
roll 2d20 (cannot use Fortune Boost). If the result is higher than your CST, you
cannot be targeted by single-target abilities until the start of your next turn. Units
that have Linkage with you ignore this effect.
o Pierce Illusion – Speed; Illusion T0 Spell – No Cost – Scope (1). SP 2. Select a unit
you do not have Linkage with. You are considered to have Linkage (of no
type/effect/rating) with that unit, until the end of this round.
o Fox’s Cunning – Active; Illusion T3 Spell – 4 MAG – Create 8 Foxtail Clones of
yourself. These clones mimic your actions, but do not act on their own and do not
actually generate effects. When you are targeted by an ability (except from a unit
that has Linkage with you), you can choose to have that ability randomly target
any of your Foxtail Clones (in addition to potentially targeting you) instead. If a
Foxtail Clone is targeted by an ability that targeted 5 or fewer units (regardless of
whether or not that ability deals damage), it vanishes after that ability resolves.
o World of Lies – Reactive; Illusion T4 Spell – 3 points of any 1 stat – Re: When a single
unit is targeted with an ability, you can change that Target to any other unit (except
the user of that ability).
Light Specialization Magic
❖ Melee Light Spells
o Dazzling Aura – Passive; Light EX Spell; Melee – No Cost – Your Light
Specialization spells, as well as any abilities that you use that would inflict Light
damage, reduce the Target’s EVA by 15 against that ability only, but only if that
Target did not target you on their last turn. Does not apply to units that have yet
to take a turn in the encounter.
o Lightforce Sword – Reactive; Light EX Spell; Melee – 4 VIT or MAG in any
combination – Re: When a unit deals damage or applies a Condition to you with an
ability (or a Boost ability that was applied to one such ability), nullify that ability
for 4 of that unit’s turns. You cannot seal more than 3 different abilities at a time

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with your own Lightforce Sword. This effect doesn’t apply to abilities that require
multiple units to use, or abilities used by Fused Entities.
❖ Ranged Light Spells
o Exorcism Shot – Active; ATK; Light EX Spell; Ranged – 2 VIT or MAG in any
combination – Ranged Attack a Target, dealing the damage as Light damage. If that
Target has CP, the Attack’s Critical Rate and Critical Damage Bonus are both
increased by 50% each.
o Bit Sniper – Speed; Light EX Spell; Ranged – 3 VIT or MAG in any combination – SP
2. Contest (User’s AGI or MAG vs Target’s AGI or MAG): Apply [Lightbit] (9t) to
the Target.
❖ Mystic Light Spells
o Aurora Borealis – Active; Light EX Spell; Mystic – 1 MAG – Field Change [Aurora]
(2t). Does not remove other Field effects.
o Break Enchant – Active; Light EX Spell; Mystic – 2 VIT or MAG in any combination
– Remove all effects currently active on the Target not generated by a Passive
Ability, Enhancement, or Condition.
o Convergetina Lucum – Active; Light EX Spell; Mystic – 4 VIT or MAG in any
combination – Sacrifice X. X must be a prime number. Deals Xd4 Light damage to
the Target. If Aurora is currently a Field Effect, X is treated as being the next
highest prime number from the one paid for. Can target units regardless of their
❖ Fist Light Spells
o Lightspeed Flurry – Reactive; Light EX Spell; Fist – 3 VIT – OpR. Re: When you
deal damage with a Fist Attack that is greater than or equal to your STR*3, you can
immediately attack again, but ignore any rolls of 4 in that Attack’s damage roll.
o Fragarach – Reactive; Light EX Spell; Fist – 5 MAG – Re: When you are inflicted no
damage from a foe’s ability that would deal damage to you, immediately deal
Light damage to that unit equal to the total amount of damage that ability would
have dealt before DEF/EVA.
❖ Semi-Generic Light Spells
o Lugh’s Answer – Passive/Speed; Light T0 Spell – No Cost – Units in the Optimal of
your current weapon have their EVA reduced by 3. // SP 2. Increase a Target’s
Light Resistance by 10% for 3 turns.
o Sealing Chains – Active; Light T2 Spell – 3 VIT or MAG in any combination – Contest
(User’s MAG vs Target’s AGI or LUK): Apply [Bind] (2t) and Apply [Seal] (1t) to
the Target. If the Target has CP in at least one stat, the base value of their side of
the Contest becomes equal to their CP Total instead (apply any applicable
modifiers after making this change).
o Holy Lance – Active; Light T3 Spell – 7 VIT or MAG in any combination – X = Target’s
CP. Y = Number of Stages away from the target (spaces in Grid Combat). Deal Xd6
Light damage to the Target, then reduce their CP values (starting from the greatest
to the least) by 9Y total.

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o The Edge of Dusk – Active; Light T5 Spell – 13 Points of any combination of stats – X
= Total value of the Blind Condition(s) on the Target. Target’s CP values are all
decreased by X. If this reduces all of the Target’s CP values to 0 OR if the Target
does not have CP, remove all Conditions from the Target, and their HP becomes
1. If applicable, you may immediately start a Purification attempt.
Wood Specialization Magic
❖ Melee Wood Spells
o Bamboo Cage – Active; Wood EX Spell; Melee – No Cost – Scope (1,2). Engage the
Target for 2 of their turns.
o Side Spear – Active; ATK; Wood EX Spell; Melee – 3 MAG – Melee Attack a Target,
dealing the damage as Wood damage. If you are Engaged with the Target, this
Attack ignores Optimal and deals an additional 20 Wood damage (Before
❖ Ranged Wood Spells
o Yew Purge – Speed; Wood EX Spell; Ranged – 1 MAG – SP 2. You gain ATK Charge
(Before damage calculation, remove all Conditions from the Target. Deal an
additional 25 Wood damage to the Target for each Condition removed by this
effect. If the Target was inflicted 30 or more Wood damage by this effect, Apply
[Poison] (3t) to the Target after this Attack resolves).
o No Face May King – Speed; Wood EX Spell; Ranged – 2 MAG – SP 2. You gain
ATK Charge (Apply [Blind 10] (3t) to Target if they do not evade the Attack by at
least 10 points.) // SP 1. Units with the Blind condition can’t target you on their
next turn.
❖ Mystic Wood Spells
o Root Charge – Passive; Wood EX Spell; Mystic – No Cost – At the end of a round
that you did not change position, gain 1 MAG.
o Entangle – Speed; Wood EX Spell; Mystic – X MAG – SP 2. Until the start of your
third turn after using this ability, units with AGI lower than X must use 2 MS to
move into ANY stage, regardless of their position.
o Solar Beam – Active; Wood EX Spell; Mystic – X MAG – End your turn. Do not
pay any costs for this spell if you use this effect. // Y = Number of turns you used
Solar Beam’s other effect without using this effect. Deal Xd10 Wood damage to the
Target. If you used Solar Beam’s other effect on your last turn, the damage is
instead ( Y * X )d20.
❖ Fist Wood Spells
o Incensed Strike – Reactive/Passive; Wood EX Spell; Fist – No Cost – Re: When you
deal damage with a Fist Attack, gain 1 Trance Charge for every 5 damage dealt. //
At the start of your turn, restore 3 HP to yourself for each Trance Charge you have.
You lose all Trance Charges at the end of an encounter.
o Meditation – Speed; Wood EX Spell; Fist – No Cost – SP 2. You gain ATK Charge
(Increase your Critical Hit Rate for this attack by 5% for each Trance Charge you
have, but you cannot use Incensed Strike’s Reactive effect the turn you use this

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❖ Semi-Generic Wood Spells
o Geosense – Passive/Active; Wood T0 Spell – No Cost – The encounter starts with 1
to 5 Green in the area, based on the terrain of the battlefield. Certain Field Effects
can change the Green of an area. // Reduce the area’s Green by 1 and add 1 Seed
Stash to your Inventory.
o Geo Charge – Passive; Wood T0 Spell – No Cost – X = Current Area’s Green. Reduce
the MAG cost of Wood Specialization Spells by X.
o Call Ivy – Active; Wood T3 Spell – 3 MAG – Summons your choice (Ivy Golem13,
Ivy Thrasher14, Ivy Beast15) at your position. It is autonomous but will follow
directions. It always takes its turn immediately after your turn.
o Firebird Suite – Active; Wood T4 Spell – X MAG – Min 5. Negate all current Field
Effects. The Green of the area becomes X/2. Field Effects cannot be applied for 5
rounds after this spell is used.
Empathic Specialization Magic
❖ Special – All Empathic Specialization characters receive all of the normal Specialization
spells at character creation. They still must buy Semi-Generic Spells as normal.
❖ Motes – A unit can only hold Emotion Motes up to their current LUK stat. If you would
gain motes that exceed your cap, you can discard motes that you have to make room for
the new ones. You lose all motes at the end of an encounter.
❖ Empath Spells
o Rage Link – Passive; Empath EX Spell – No Cost – At the start of your turn, gain 1
Rage Mote for each time a unit used an ATK ability since the start of your last turn.
o Rage Channel – Speed; Empath EX Spell – 1 MAG or VIT; 1 Rage Mote – SP 2. Gain
3 Rage Motes. Target and user can’t use ATK abilities until the end of the Target’s
next turn. // SP 2. Expend 2 Rage Motes as an additional cost. Apply [Rage] (2t) to
the Target.
o Rage Impact – Active; ATK; Empath EX Spell – All Rage Motes – X = Number of
units with the Rage condition(s). Y = Number of Rage Motes spent for this ability’s
cost. Attack the Target with your current weapon, increasing the damage by
3Xd6+Y Magic damage. If the Target has the Rage condition, the bonus damage
granted by this ability becomes True damage instead.
o Grief Link – Passive; Empath EX Spell – No Cost – At the start of your turn, gain 1
Grief Mote for each time a unit’s stats or HP was reduced since the start of your
last turn.

Ivy Golem has a statline of 5/2/5/2/0, 80 HP, 5 DEF, and +1 EVA. It has -250% Fire Resistance and 100% Wood
Resistance. It can move 1 Stage a turn with 1 MS, regardless of the range it moves into. It Attacks with STR+VIT,
Optimal (1,2), dealing Wood damage.
Ivy Thrasher has a statline of 4/0/3/2/0, 40 HP, 2 DEF, and -5 EVA It has -250% Fire Resistance and 100% Wood
Resistance. It cannot move. It Attacks with STR, Optimal (0,1,3), dealing Wood damage. If its Attack inflicts
damage, the unit is pulled to its position and is engaged with the Thrasher.
Ivy Beast has a statline of 3/6/2/2/0, 30 HP, 1 DEF, and +8 EVA. It has -250% Fire Resistance and 100% Wood
Resistance. It moves normally. It Attacks using AGI, Optimal (1,2), dealing Wood damage.

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oGrief Channel – Speed; Empath EX Spell – 1 MAG or VIT; 1 Grief Mote – SP 2. Gain
3 Grief Motes. Target and User can’t pay costs using stats or HP until the end of
the Target’s next turn. // SP 2. Expend 2 Grief Motes as an additional cost for this
spell. Apply [Grief] (2t) to the Target.
o Final Grievance – Active; Empath EX Spell – All Grief Motes – X = Number of units
with the Grief condition. Y = Number of Grief Motes paid for this ability’s cost.
Scope (4,5,6). Deal ( X * Y )d8 Magic damage to the Target. If the Target has the
Grief condition, the damage becomes ( X * Y )d10 Magic damage instead.
o Terror Link – Passive; Empath EX Spell – No Cost – At the start of your turn, gain
1 Terror Mote for each unit with a Condition(s) on them.
o Terror Channel – Speed; Empath EX Spell – 1 MAG or VIT; 1 Terror Mote – SP 2.
Gain 3 Terror Motes. Target and user can’t apply Conditions or have Conditions
applied to them until the start of the Target’s next turn. // SP 2. Expend 2 Terror
Motes as an additional cost for this spell. Apply [Terror] (2t) to the Target.
o Terror Contagion – Active; Empath EX Spell – All Terror Motes – X = Number of
units with the Terror Condition. Y = Number of Terror Motes paid for this ability’s
cost. Scope (2,3,4). Select up to X conditions on the Target. Apply [Chosen
Conditions] (1d6 Turns) to up to Y additional Target(s).
o Ecstasy Link – Passive; Empath EX Spell – No Cost – At the start of your turn, gain
1 Ecstasy Mote for each time a unit’s stats or HP were increased since the start of
your last turn.
o Ecstasy Channel – Speed; Empath EX Spell – 1 MAG or VIT; 1 Ecstasy Mote – SP 2.
Gain 3 Ecstasy Motes. Target and user can’t recover HP or Stats until the end of
the Target’s next turn. // SP 2. Expend 2 Ecstasy Motes as an additional cost for this
spell. Apply [Ecstasy] (2t) to the Target.
o Life Elation – Active; Empath EX Spell – All Ecstasy Motes – X = Number of units
with the Ecstasy Condition. Y = Number of Ecstasy Motes spent for this ability’s
cost. Scope (0,1,2). Allies within the Scope recover X stat points (chosen randomly
from stats that have a modifier of -1 or less). Until the start of your next turn, when
a unit within the Scope would be dealt damage, negate that damage, and that unit
recovers 2*Y HP instead.
❖ Semi-Generic Empathic Spells
o Influence – Passive; Empathic T0 Spell – No Cost – Increase the duration of
Conditions you apply using Empathic spells by 1 Turn.
o Bottled Emotion – Passive; Empathic T0 Spell – No Cost – You can retain up to 5
Motes between encounters. You still lose all Motes during a Reprieve or
o Specialist – Passive; Empathic T0 Spell – No Cost – During a Reprieve, you can
choose a Mote type (Rage, Grief, Terror, Ecstasy). At the start of an encounter, gain
3 Motes of the chosen type.
Water Specialization Magic
❖ Melee Water Spells

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o Wavebreaker – Boost; Water EX Spell; Melee – 1 MAG or VIT – X = Your AGI. When
you use a Melee or Distance Attack against a unit that Targeted you since the start
of your last turn, reduce that Target’s EVA by X for that attack only.
o Waveshaper – Boost; Water EX Spell; Melee – 1 AGI or LUK – X = Your MAG. When
you use a Melee or Distance Attack against a unit that did not Target you since the
start of your last turn, increase the damage of that Attack by 2*X Water damage
(before DEF/EVA).
❖ Ranged Water Spells
o Pisces Shot – Active; ATK; Water EX Spell; Ranged – 2 MAG – Ranged Attack a
Target, dealing the damage as Water damage. Roll the damage dice twice,
choosing from the following: Use the higher roll OR Use the lower roll but increase
the Critical Damage Bonus of the Attack by 50%.
o Depth Charge – Active; Water EX Spell; Ranged – 3 VIT or MAG in any combination
– Scope (0,1,2,3). Place a trap on the Target that deals 2d10 Water damage to the
attached unit if they move more than 1 Stage on their turn. This trap lasts 2 rounds.
If the current Field effect is Rain or Storm, the damage is increased to 2d12 Water
damage. If the current Field effect is Underwater, the damage is increased to 3d20
Water damage.
❖ Mystic Water Spells
o Aquarius Veil – Speed; Water EX Spell; Mystic – No Cost – SP 1. Apply [Grace] (2t)
to the Target.
o Splashdown – Active; Water EX Spell; Mystic – 3 VIT or MAG in any combination –
X = Number of times a Water spell was used OR an effect that included Water
damage was used in this encounter. Deal Xd6 Water damage to the Target. If X >
5, Target’s EVA is reduced by 2*X against this ability only.
o psi Laser – Active; ATK; Water EX Spell; Mystic – X MAG – Mystic Attack the
Target, using X instead of your MAG for the damage dice, and dealing the damage
as Water damage. If this ability deals more than 25 Water damage, Apply [Pierced]
(1t) to the Attack Target. Cannot be Fortune Boosted. Cannot use any Barrage
effect with this ability.
❖ Fist Water Spells
o Hurricane Crash – Active; Water EX Spell; Fist – 5 VIT or MAG in any combination
– X = Damage inflicted with a Fist Attack you used on your last turn. Deal X Water
damage to all foes. This spell gains a Channel effect based on the amount of Water
damage it successfully inflicts:
▪ 64~82 – Channel 1
▪ 83~95 – Channel 2
▪ 96~112 – Channel 3
▪ 113~136 – Channel 4
▪ 137 or higher – Channel 5
o Aqua Disarm – Reactive; Water EX Spell; Fist – No Cost – OpR. Re: When you or
an ally you have Linkage with is inflicted 0 damage from a Melee, Distance, or Fist

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Attack, disarm the user of that Attack, dropping the weapon at your position.
When you use this ability, you get 1 less MS on your next turn.
❖ Semi-Generic Water Spells
o Waterproof – Passive/Speed; Water T0 Spell – No Cost – Increase your DEF against
Water spells and other abilities that would deal Water damage by 5. // SP 2.
Increase the Target’s Water Resistance by 15% for 3 turns.
o Flowmotion – Boost; Water T1 Spell – 1 AGI – When you use the Extra Move
ability, gain 1 additional MS.
o Rain Dancing – Active; Water T2 Spell – 2 MAG – Field Change [Rain] (5r). If the
field effect is already Rain, Field Change [Storm] (3r) instead.
o Sudden Shower – Reactive; Water T3 Spell – 2 AGI and 2 MAG – X = ( Your EVA +
Your CST ). OpR. Re: When you are inflicted 0 damage from a foe’s ATK ability,
deal X Water damage to that foe.
Gravity Specialization Magic
❖ Melee Gravity Spells
o Warp Strike – Reactive; Gravity EX Spell; Melee – 2 MAG – Re: When you deal
damage with a Distance Attack, you can immediately move to that Attack Target’s
o Transposition – Reactive; Gravity EX Spell; Melee – 3 MAG – OpR. Re: When an
ally is targeted by a foe’s ability, switch positions with that ally, then change the
Target of that ability to yourself.
❖ Ranged Gravity Spells
o Tractor Shot – Active; ATK; Gravity EX Spell; Ranged – 2 MAG – X = MAG. Uses
5 Ammo. Ranged Attack a Target, dealing the damage as Force damage. Reduce
the Target’s EVA against this Attack by X.
o Push Blast – Speed; Gravity EX Spell; Ranged – 1 MAG – Uses 3 Ammo. SP 2.
When there are 2 or more units at Close and/or Near range to you, move all units
in Close/Near range to Mid-Range from you.
❖ Mystic Gravity Spells
o Force Drive – Active; Gravity EX Spell; Mystic – X MAG – Can pay 0 for X. Deal
1d12 Force damage to the Target. Focus (2,3): Additional uses of Force Drive in
this encounter gain X+1 d12s rolled for damage.
o Gravity Wall – Reactive; Gravity EX Spell; Mystic – X MAG – Channel 2. Re: When
you are Targeted by an ability that would deal Slash, Bash, Pierce, and/or Force
damage to you, decrease the total amount of damage by 3Xd6 (before DEF/EVA).
(If there are multiple damage types, the unit inflicting the damage gets to pick
which types get reduced first.)
o Spatial Collapse – Active; Gravity EX Spell; Mystic – 3X MAG – Scope (2,3).
Ignores EVA. Target a unit and X additional units at Mid-Range or closer to the
first Target. The secondary Target(s) are moved to the initial Target’s position. All
Targets are dealt 3d8 Force damage. The initial Target is dealt an additional 3Xd8
Force damage.
❖ Fist Gravity Spells

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oGravity Rush – Speed; Gravity EX Spell; Fist – No Cost – SP 2. You gain ATK
Charge (Attack deals +2d8 Force damage. Optimal of Attack increased by 1 stage.
Attack can hit foes with the Flight condition as if it was in Optimal.) This effect
and the effect of Surge Rush can’t be applied at the same time.
o Surge Rush – Speed; Gravity EX Spell; Fist – No Cost – SP 2. You gain ATK Charge
(The Attack deals 2d6 Force damage to the Attack’s Target as well as all units at
Close/Near range to the Target with a CST lower than the Target. Damage to the
units other than the Attack’s Target Ignores EVA.) This effect and “Gravity Rush”
can’t be applied at the same time.
❖ Semi-Generic Gravity Spells
o High Jump – Active; Gravity T0 Spell – No Cost – Until the start of your next turn,
you are considered to be at Extra Long Range to all other units, and units cannot
move in relation to you. This effect ignores Absolute Direction. At the start of your
next turn, return to your original position.
o Force Lash – Active; Gravity T1 Spell – No Cost – Contest (User’s MAG vs Target’s
STR or AGI): Target is disarmed, with their weapon dropping at Near range to
both you and them.
o Alterna – Full-Turn; Gravity T4 Spell – All MAG - X = MAG paid for this spell’s
cost. Units with CST lower than 3*X are removed from the encounter for 5 rounds.
Units with the Anchored condition treat their CST as being 20 higher and are only
removed for 3 rounds.
o Compression – Full-Turn; Gravity T5 Spell – All MAG and All VIT – Target takes 2
turns after this one ends. During these turns, other units are unaffected by the
Target’s abilities, and you cannot gain additional turns.
Stone Specialization Magic
❖ Melee Stone Spells
o Sandstream – Toggle; Stone EX Spell; Melee – No Cost – Activated or Deactivated
as SP 2. While active, foes at Close/Near range must target you first, but your EVA
is decreased by 10.
o Stony Stance – Toggle; Stone EX Spell; Melee – No Cost – Activated or Deactivated
as SP 2. While active, Increase your DEF by 10, and you can also apply 10% of your
DEF against abilities with Ignore DEF, but you cannot change position with your
own abilities.
❖ Ranged Stone Spells
o Sneaky Pebbles – Speed; Stone EX Spell; Ranged – No Cost – OpR. Scope (0). SP 2.
Places a trap around the Target that deals 3d8 Stone damage to any units (except
those with the Flight condition) that come into Close range to the trapped unit.
The trap expires at the start of your next turn.
o Sulfur Bomb – Active; Stone EX Spell; Ranged – 2 VIT or MAG – Contest (User’s
AGI or MAG vs Target’s AGI or VIT): Apply [Gag] (5t) to the Target. Focus (3):
Apply [Gag] (1t) to all units at Close range to the Target, even if the Target wins
the Contest.
❖ Mystic Stone Spells

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o Varia Shrapnel – Active; Stone EX Spell; Mystic – X MAG or VIT – Y = Amount of
HP you are missing. Z = Number of Conditions currently applied to you. Target a
unit and roll Xd6. Apply effect(s), in order, to the Target based on the value(s)
rolled, and after applying all of those effects, deal ( X * ( Y + Z ) ) Stone damage to
the Target. Effects stack if multiples of the same are rolled:
▪ 1~2: Reduce the Target’s EVA by 5 for 3 turns.
▪ 3~4: Reduce the Target’s DEF by 3 for 3 turns.
▪ 5~6: Apply [FragGuard] (3t) to yourself.
o Sand Fissure – Active; Stone EX Spell; Mystic – 3 VIT or 2 MAG – Sacrifice 15. X =
Amount of HP you are missing. Until the start of your next turn, foes with EVA <
X cannot change position.
o Meteor Guard – Speed; Stone EX Spell; Mystic – X MAG or VIT – SP 2. Increase the
Target’s Stone Resistance by ( 10% * 2X ). Increase the Target’s Slash, Bash, and
Pierce Resistances by ( 10% * X ) each. These effects last until after the 5 th time the
Target is dealt damage.
❖ Fist Stone Spells
o Rock Slide – Speed; Stone EX Spell; Fist – 2 VIT or 1 MAG – Scope (2,3). SP 2.
Contest (User’s STR or VIT vs Target’s AGI or VIT): Target is moved 1 stage
towards you. If Target is at Close range to you after this movement, you gain ATK
Charge (Increase the damage of the Attack by 2d12 Stone damage. If the attack
successfully deals damage, Target is pushed back 1 stage.)
o Patient Mantis – Active; Stone EX Spell; Fist – 1 STR or 2 VIT – Scope (0). X = Your
VIT. Target gets ATK Charge (Damage increased by Xd4 Stone damage. This
bonus damage alone Ignores EVA).
❖ Semi-Generic Stone Spells
o Pebble Toss – Speed; Stone T0 Spell – No Cost – SP 1. Deal 1 Stone damage to the
Target. Remove the most recently applied Condition from the Target. Ignores DEF.
Ignores EVA.
o Miracle Stone – Speed; Stone T1 Spell – 2 VIT or MAG in any combination – Scope
(0,1,2). SP 2. Create a Miracle Stone Relic and equip it to the Target.
o Gaia’s Grace – Active; Stone T2 Spell – 4 VIT – Apply [Power Surge] (3t) to the
Target // Apply [Life Surge] (3t) to the Target.
o Hyperion Crash – Active; Stone T5 Spell – 8 VIT or 10 MAG – X = Total missing HP
of you and all units you have Linkage with. Deal X Stone damage to the Target
(Ignore DEF). If the Target is inflicted damage from this effect, deal X Fire damage
to Target and all units at Mid-Range or closer to the Target (Ignore EVA).
Beast Specialization Magic
❖ Special – Beast users do not receive kits based on their starting weapons, but instead pick
different kits based on the number of starting weapon types they have, referred to as
Paths. Each Path has three spells, which you get all of regardless of what weapon is used

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to pick the Path.16 Beast does not offer Semi-Generic Spells, instead offering 5 Paths to buy
❖ Canis Beast Path
o Pack Fighting – Passive; Beast EX Spell – No Cost – When a foe that was targeted
by you and at least 2 other allies since the start of their last turn would use an
ability, they must target you first.
o Feral Fang – Active; Beast EX Spell – 2 VIT or MAG in any combination – Scope (0,1).
Target gets ATK Charge (If the Attack deals damage, gain 1 MS. If the Attack KO’s
the Target, gain 1 MS. These effects stack.)
o Guard Dog – Reactive; Beast EX Spell – 2 VIT or AGI in any combination – OpR. Re:
If an ally at Close/Near range to you is targeted with an ATK ability, switch
positions with that ally, then Target the attacker. Focus (1,2): Change the Attack
target to you.
❖ Avis Beast Path
o Eagle’s Grasp – Active; Beast EX Spell – 1 AGI or MAG or VIT – Scope (0,1). Target
gets ATK Charge (If the Attack inflicts damage, Target and the User both move 1
stage away from all other units, as if they had used Disengage). In Grid combat,
this effect causes the user to move one space, with the Target moving into the
user’s former space.
o Follow Wing – Reactive; ATK; Beast EX Spell – 2 MAG or VIT in any combination –
OpR. Re: When a foe inflicts damage to you with a Spell or ATK ability,
immediately attack that foe with your current weapon. Cannot be activated in
response to damage from any Reactive ATK ability.
o Glide Force – Boost; Beast EX Spell – No Cost – OpR. X = AGI. When you would
use the Move ability to move in relation to a unit that is at Near or Close range,
increase your Initiative by Xd4.
❖ Anguis Beast Path
o Cold Blooded – Passive/Speed; Beast EX Spell – No Cost – Decrease the duration of
any Condition applied to you by 1 turn (to a minimum of 1 turn). // SP 2. Grant
yourself ATK Charge (If this attack inflicted damage, Apply [Poison] (3t) to the
o Viper Strike – Speed; Beast EX Spell – 1 VIT or MAG – SP 2. You get ATK Charge
(Units with the Poison condition are considered to be in Optimal for this Attack. If
this attack inflicts damage, Apply [Venom Purge] (5t) to the Target.)
o Cobra Gambit – Reactive; Beast EX Spell; ATK – No Cost – OpE. Re: At the start of
your first turn in the encounter that you are KO’d, Attack a Target with your
current weapon, using your CST for damage calculation. You cannot apply any
additional effects to this Attack. For every 5 damage this Attack inflicts, Apply
[Poison] (3t) to the Attack’s Target. If you use this ability, you cannot be affected
by any Lifesaver effects until the end of the encounter. Decrease each of your stats
by 2 after this ability resolves.

If you have a Dual Weapon, you obtain 1 spell from the chosen path, not the full Path’s kit.

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❖ Felid Beast Path
o Tiger Claw – Speed; Beast EX Spell – 2 MAG or VIT – SP 2. X = Your AGI. You get
ATK Charge (Increase the damage dealt by 2*X.)
o Leopard Sprint – Boost; Beast EX Spell – 1 AGI – When you would use the Move
ability to move into a range that would normally require 2 MS, you can do so using
only 1 MS.
o Nine Lives – Reactive; Lifesaver; Beast EX Spell – 2 AGI or MAG – OpR. Re: When
you are KO’d, revive from KO with 25% of your Maximum HP.
❖ Cetus Beast Path
o Bloodlust – Passive; Beast EX Spell – No Cost – Increase your Critical Hit Rate by
a value equal to half of the missing HP of the Attack Target.
o Dolphin Kick – Speed; Beast EX Spell – 2 AGI or MAG in any combination – SP 2.
You get ATK Charge (Target’s EVA is reduced by a value equal to your AGI
against this attack only. If the Attack inflicts 20 or more damage, Apply [Stun] (1t)
to Target).
o Serpent Grasp – Active; Beast EX Spell – 2 MAG or VIT or STR in any combination –
Scope (1). Deal 3d12 magic damage to the Target. If the Target does not Evade by
at least 15 points, Engage the Target after this ability resolves.
Metal Specialization Magic
❖ Melee Metal Spells
o Rusted Guard – Passive; Metal EX Spell; Melee – No Cost – If an ATK ability is used
on you while you are using the Defend ability, negate the Enhancements on that
weapon. Those enhancements are also nullified until the end of your next turn.
o Engine Cleave – Boost; Metal EX Spell; Melee – 2 VIT or MAG in any combination –
When you use the Equip ability to equip a non-Relic weapon, that weapon gains
the Refined enhancement until it is unequipped, or the encounter ends.
Additionally, as long as that weapon has the Refined enhancement, decrease your
Critical Hit Rate by 50% (minimum 0%), but deal an additional 4d6 Metal damage
with Attacks.
❖ Ranged Metal Spells
o Chain Trap – Speed; Metal EX Spell; Ranged – 1 VIT or MAG – SP 1. Creates a
Chain Trap that you can place on a unit with the Use Item ability. The Trap
activates when a foe (except one with the Flight condition) steps into Near range
of the unit you placed the trap on. When activated, the trap deals 5d6 Metal
damage (Ignore EVA) to the foe that triggered it, treated as if the Trap used an
ATK ability (use your Critical Hit Rate/Damage Bonus for this). You can also
trigger this trap manually by dealing any amount of damage to it or the unit it is
placed on. If triggered manually, it applies its effect to all units at Close range to
the attached unit. When you create this trap, you can load up to 3 Blast Cartridges
from your Inventory into it, which drop to the ground at the Chain Trap’s position
if it is triggered manually. You can only carry 3 total Chain or Snare Traps at a

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o Snare Trap – Speed; Metal EX Spell; Ranged – 1 VIT or MAG – SP 1. Creates a Snare
Trap that you can place on a unit with the Use Item ability. The Trap activates
when a foe (except one with the Flight condition) steps into Close range of the unit
you placed the trap on. When activated, Apply [Bind] (3t) to the unit that triggered
it. You can also trigger this trap manually by dealing any amount of damage to it
or the unit it is placed on. If triggered manually, it applies its effect to the unit and
all units at Close range to the attached unit. When you create this trap, you can
load up to 3 Blast Cartridges from your Inventory into it, which drop to the ground
at the Snare Trap’s position if it is triggered manually. You can only carry 3 total
Chain or Snare Traps at a time.
❖ Mystic Metal Spells
o Metallurgy – Speed; Metal EX Spell; Mystic – 2 VIT or MAG in any combination – SP
2. Scope (1,2). Target’s currently equipped weapon OR outfit (your choice) gains
the Refined enhancement until that piece of equipment is unequipped or the
encounter ends. // SP 2. Scope (1,2). Nullify all of the enhancements on the Target’s
currently equipped weapon OR outfit (your choice) until the end of the encounter.
o Reboot Charge – Active; Metal EX Spell; Mystic – 3 VIT or MAG in any combination
– Scope (1,2,3). Target Relic’s charges are reset to their default, as if it was a new
Relic. You can only target a relic with this one per Reprieve. This spell has no effect
on Relics that have effects that only activate when they have 0 charges (such as
Glyphs or Soul Gems).
o Mecha Booster – Active; Metal EX Spell; Mystic – 2 VIT or MAG in any combination
– Scope (0,1). Grants the Target a Mecha Breaker, which grants Reduced Penalty
(0,1,2,3) to their ATK abilities. A Mecha Breaker can be used by itself as a magical
Fist Weapon. You can load up to 5 Blast Cartridges from your inventory into a
Mecha Breaker when you create it. The Mecha Breaker lasts until the equipped
unit is inflicted 30 or more cumulative damage, at which point any Blast Cartridges
used on it are placed in the equipped unit’s inventory. Mecha Breakers cannot be
stored in an Inventory. This spell cannot be used on a unit that already has a Mecha
❖ Fist Metal Spells
o Chain Grab – Speed; Metal EX Spell; Fist – No Cost – SP 2. Scope (1). Contest (User’s
STR vs Target’s STR or AGI): Engage the Target.
o Iron Maiden – Active; Metal EX Spell; Fist – X VIT or MAG in any combination –
Deal Xd4 Metal damage to the Target. Focus (0): Deal Xd20 Metal damage to the
Target instead.
❖ Semi-Generic Metal Spells
o Create Cartridge – Speed; Metal T0 Spell – No Cost – SP 1. Creates a Blast Cartridge
by expending 1 Bronze or 15 Copper coins from your inventory. A Blast Cartridge
holds an Enhancement, copied from a Weapon or Outfit in your inventory. You
cannot copy Special enhancements, but you can copy another Blast Cartridge’s
Enhancement that is currently applied to a Weapon/Outfit. You can use a Blast
Cartridge with the Use Item ability to fill an empty Enhancement Slot on a magical

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weapon or outfit. After use, the effect lasts until the end of the encounter. Blast
Cartridges do not have to follow the normal rules for Weapon/Outfit affinity, nor
Rank progression within enhancements, however specific effects may not work if
placed improperly. You can also create a Blast Cartridge with 10 Copper and 1 CT.
You can place any number of Blast Cartridges in a single Weapon/Outfit’s empty
slots with 1 CT, and if you do, they take effect automatically at the start of the next
o Maintenance – Speed; Metal T0 Spell – No Cost – SP 1. Recovers 1 Charge on a Relic
of your choice. You can’t use this ability on the same Relic more than once per turn
or twice per encounter.
o Breakdown – Speed; Metal T2 Spell – No Cost – SP 1. Destroy 3 Expendable or
Material items in your inventory to create 1 Scrap Polish. // SP 2. Destroy 5
Expendable or Material items in your inventory to create 1 Scrap Bomb.
o Limiter Removal – Full-Turn; Metal T4 Spell – 4 MAG or 6 LUK – Scope (0,1).
Target’s currently equipped weapon rolls ATK damage using d10s instead of d4s,
and each of that weapon’s current enhancements’ numerical effects (not conditions
of activation) are treated as being doubled. At the end of the Target’s next turn,
that weapon is unequipped and cannot be equipped by any unit until the Target’s
next Reprieve (even if the Target did not actually use it while the effect was active).
Oddball Specialization Magic
❖ Special: Oddballs are difficult to incorporate into a mechanical system. Because of their
wide and varied nature, it is up to the player to decide how their Oddball will be
expressed in its mechanical spells. Generally speaking, an Oddball should utilize about
3~7 Spells and frequently features a unique mechanic or resource that sets them apart.

Sometimes the more permanent objects in your arsenal aren’t enough. Sometimes you need a
small, temporary pick-me-up. For this, Items have your back. Items are typically expendable little
trinkets to get you through a pinch. The Use Item ability lets you take an item from your inventory
and use its effects. Items can be acquired with Copper Coins or with some Perks. Items can’t be
acquired with any other kind of coin.

The prices listed here are meant to be a general guideline. Your GM may adjust them or leave
items lying around as quest rewards or exploration rewards.
Item Price Effect
Seed Stash --- Increases the area’s Green by 1. Cannot be bought.
1 Deals 15 Bash damage to a Target (Ignore EVA).
Needle Grenade 1 Deals 15 Pierce damage to a Target (Ignore EVA).
1 Deals 15 Slash damage to a Target (Ignore EVA).

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Item Price Effect
Deals 15 Water damage to a Target (Ignore EVA). Can be
Brine Bubbles 2
upgraded with Alchemy into Brine Bubbles+.
Deals 15 Sound damage to a Target (Ignore EVA). Can be
Crystal Resonator 2
upgraded with Alchemy into Crystal Resonator+.
Deals 15 Stone damage to a Target (Ignore EVA). Can be
Cursed Pebble 2
upgraded with Alchemy into Cursed Pebble+.
Deals 15 Light damage to all foes (Ignore EVA). Can be upgraded
Daylight Seeds 2
with Alchemy into Daylight Seeds+.
GravCON Deals 15 Force damage to a Target (Ignore EVA). Can be
Grenade upgraded with Alchemy into GravCON Grenade+.
Deals 15 Ice damage to a Target (Ignore EVA). Can be upgraded
Ice Crystals 2
with Alchemy into Ice Crystals+.
Deals 15 Fire damage to a Target (Ignore EVA). Can be upgraded
Ifreeti Cinders 2
with Alchemy into Ifreeti Cinders+.
Moonflower Deals 15 Dark damage to a Target (Ignore EVA). Can be upgraded
Pollen with Alchemy into Moonflower Pollen+.
Deals 15 Metal damage to a Target (Ignore EVA). Can be
Scrap Knot 2
upgraded with Alchemy into Scrap Knot+.
Deals 15 Air damage to a Target (Ignore EVA). Can be upgraded
Sylph Pinwheel 2
with Alchemy into Sylph Pinwheel+.
Deals 15 Lightning damage to a Target (Ignore EVA). Can be
Worn Capacitor 2
upgraded with Alchemy into Worn Capacitor+.
Removes the most recently applied non-KO condition from the
Clear Water 4
user. Can be upgraded with Alchemy into Clear Water+.
Restores 1d4+1 HP to the user per point of VIT they have. Can be
Cure Drink 4
enhanced with Alchemy into Cure Drink+.
Increases the lowest CP stat of the Target by 5. Can be upgraded
Devil’s Silver 5
with Alchemy into Devil’s Silver+.
Reduces the highest CP stat of the Target by 5. Can be upgraded
Holy Bomb 5
with Alchemy into Holy Bomb+.
Increases the EVA of all units by 5 for 3 rounds. Can be upgraded
Smokescreen 7
with Alchemy into Smokescreen+.
10 Revives a KO’d Target with 1d10+1 HP.
Increases your base Sync Rate by 14% until the end of your next
Allure Perfume 15
turn. Can be upgraded with Alchemy into Allure Perfume+.
Brine Bubbles+ 15 Deals 10 Water damage to all foes (Ignore EVA).
15 Deals 10 Sound damage to all foes (Ignore EVA).
Cursed Pebble+ 15 Deals 10 Stone damage to all foes (Ignore EVA).
Daylight Seeds+ 15 Deals 10 Light damage to all foes (Ignore EVA).

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Item Price Effect
15 Deals 10 Force damage to all foes (Ignore EVA).
Ice Crystals+ 15 Deals 10 Ice damage to all foes (Ignore EVA).
Ifreeti Cinders+ 15 Deals 10 Fire damage to all foes (Ignore EVA).
Increase your STR by 4 until your next Reprieve. You can only be
Minor Charm –
15 under the effects of 1 Minor Charm at a time. Can be upgraded
with Ofuda into Major Charm - Kami no Chikara.
Increase your LUK by 4 until your next Reprieve. You can only be
Minor Charm –
15 under the effects of 1 Minor Charm at a time. Can be upgraded
with Ofuda into Major Charm - Akuma no Unmei.
Increase your MAG by 4 until your next Reprieve. You can only
Minor Charm –
15 be under the effects of 1 Minor Charm at a time. Can be upgraded
with Ofuda into Major Charm - Tenshii no Tamashii.
Increase your AGI by 4 until your next Reprieve. You can only be
Minor Charm –
15 under the effects of 1 Minor Charm at a time. Can be upgraded
with Ofuda into Major Charm - Taka no Jinsouku.
Increase your VIT by 4 until your next Reprieve. You can only be
Minor Charm –
15 under the effects of 1 Minor Charm at a time. Can be upgraded
with Ofuda into Major Charm - Yama no Katsuryoku.
15 Deals 10 Dark damage to all foes (Ignore EVA).
Scrap Knot+ 15 Deals 10 Metal damage to all foes (Ignore EVA).
Sylph Pinwheel+ 15 Deals 10 Air damage to all foes (Ignore EVA).
Worn Capacitor+ 15 Deals 10 Lightning damage to all foes (Ignore EVA).
Clear Water+ 20 Removes up to 5 conditions of the user’s choice from the user.
Cure Drink+ 20 Restores 2d8+1 HP to the user per point of VIT they have.
Devil’s Silver+ 25 Increases all of the CP stats of the Target by 5.
Holy Bomb+ 25 Reduces all of the CP stats of the Target by 5.
Smokescreen+ 30 Increases the EVA of all units by 20 for 1 round.
The first time you would be KO’d in this encounter, immediately
35 revive from KO with 1d4 HP. You can only use this item once per
encounter. This is not considered a Lifesaver effect.
Contest (10 vs Target’s Evasion): Apply [Refract] (1t) to the
Barrier Rune 45
Target. Can be created with Rune Magic.
Contest (15 vs Target’s Evasion Roll): Apply [Berserk] (1t) to the
Battle Rune 45
Target. Can be created with Rune Magic.
Creates a Magic Melee Weapon with Optimal (1) that has no
Blade Rune 45 enhancements. The weapon disappears if it is unequipped or the
encounter ends. Can be created with Rune Magic.
Contest (35 vs Target’s Evasion Roll): Apply [Frostbite] (3t) to
Chill Rune 45
Target. Can be created with Rune Magic.

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Item Price Effect
Contest (10 vs Target’s Evasion): Remove all conditions from the
Dispel Rune 45
Target. Can be created with Rune Magic.
Contest (35 vs Target’s Evasion Roll): Apply [Burn] (3t) to Target.
Flint Rune 45
Can be created with Rune Magic.
Contest (20 vs Target’s Evasion Roll): Apply [Stun] (1t) to the
Spark Rune 45
Target. Can be created with Rune magic.
Contest (40 vs Target’s Evasion Roll): Apply [Poison] (5t) to the
Venom Rune 45
Target. Can be created with Rune Magic.
Increases your base Sync Rate by 40% until the end of your next
Allure Perfume+ 50
Major Charm – Until your next Reprieve, increase your LUK by 8, but decrease
Akuma no 50 your STR, AGI, VIT, and MAG by 2 each. You can only be under
Unmei the effects of one Major Charm at a time.
Until your next Reprieve, increase your STR by 8, but decrease
Major Charm –
50 your AGI, VIT, MAG, and LUK by 2 each. You can only be under
Kami no Chikara
the effects of one Major Charm at a time.
Until your next Reprieve, increase your AGI by 8, but decrease
Major Charm –
50 your STR, VIT, MAG, and LUK by 2 each. You can only be under
Taka no Jinsouku
the effects of one Major Charm at a time.
Major Charm – Until your next Reprieve, increase your MAG by 8, but decrease
Tenshii no 50 your STR, AGI, VIT, and LUK by 2 each. You can only be under
Tamashii the effects of one Major Charm at a time.
Major Charm – Until your next Reprieve, increase your VIT by 8, but decrease
Yama no 50 your STR, AGI, MAG, and LUK by 2 each. You can only be under
Katsuryoku the effects of one Major Charm at a time.
Deals 3d4 Metal damage to the Target and all units at Close/Near
range to the Target (Ignore EVA). Units that take 5 or more
Scrap Bomb 60
damage from this effect have the EVA and DEF bonuses of their
current outfits reduced by 5 each, for 3 rounds.
Can be applied to any Weapon or Outfit that does not have Scrap
Polish on it. Until the end of the 3rd of the user’s turns after
Scrap Polish 60
applying to a Weapon (Critical Hit Rate +10%; Critical Damage
Bonus +20%) or Outfit (EVA+3; DEF+2).

A magical yo-yo that seals evil. A pen that lets you imitate people of authority. A compass that
points you the right way. A crystal ball that shows you the future. Relics exist as both Items and
Equipment, having secondary functions that assist in battle, but being put on a restrictive
resource that prevents overreliance. A unit can equip up to 3 Relics at a time. In most cases, a
Relic must be equipped to use its effects, but some relics have effects regardless of whether or not

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 71

they are equipped. Like Weapons and Outfits, Relics can be Soulbound, but they typically are not
unless you gained them via a perk or patron ability.

Many Relics have tags. In most cases, these tags are not relevant unless a GM makes them
relevant, or another mechanic specifically cites them (such as the AMGC conversion process listed
early in this PDF).

➢ Adamant Orb
o [Otherworld]
o A pale pink orb with an opalescent luster. Gripping it tightly, you feel as if you are eternally
safe. When activated, this feeling is realized.
o Holds 1 Charge. Recovers 1 Charge during a Reprieve if you have no Power.
Otherwise, Recovers 1 Charge during Downtime.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Until the start of the next round, damage inflicted to
you becomes 0. You can only benefit from 1 Adamant Orb per encounter.
➢ Blitz Chain
o [Otherworld]
o A silvery chain meant as decoration. Can be wrapped around an arm, a leg, worn as a
necklace, or even used to decorate your weapon. When the wearer strikes true, an
enchantment invigorates allies to action.
o Holds 4 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge at the end of an Encounter. Recovers 4
Charges during a Reprieve.
o Use Item: Expend 2 Charges. This turn, when you inflict damage to a unit with an
ability, each Ally and Assist (Duplicates only count as 1, even if you have more
than 1) in your party selects one of their stats (STR, AGI, VIT, MAG, LUK). Deal
True damage to that unit equal to half of the combined value of those chosen stats.
If you do not have a Power, the damage is equal to the combined total value
o Re: When you deal a Critical Hit with a weapon OR inflict damage with a damage
attribute that the unit is weak to, you can immediately use this Relic’s Use Item
effect, but if you do, the damage is halved.
➢ Boost Up Buster
o A gun with a strange, battery-esque bullet. Holding the bullet charges it up with your
power. If you pass the charged bullet and the gun to a non-magical girl, then something
amazing might happen…
o Holds 0 Charges. A Magical Girl or Monster Girl can give the weapon 1 Charge as
SP 2. Holds a maximum of 1 Charge.
o Ranged Weapon: Optimal (1,2,3). Does not have Ammo. Uses the Charge in the
place of Ammo. Damage of the weapon is based on the Specialization of the unit
that charged it.

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oIf you have an Oddball Specialization, charging the weapon grants the user the
ability to Transform.17 If the unit does not have a Magical Girl or Monster Girl
form, they temporarily gain one with your Oddball Specialization. The ability to
Transform is lost when the unit is KO’d, even if they would otherwise retain their
abilities. The unit granted a Transformation with this effect cannot convey the
ability to Transform by charging the weapon, however they can still charge the
weapon to load it.
➢ Broken Sword
o A blade that has clearly seen better days. The original blade was long enough that this
shattered fragment of it can still be used as a weapon, just not a very good one. Seems to
attract Spirits.
o Holds 3 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge during a Reprieve.
o Melee Weapon: Optimal (0). Cannot deal Critical Hits.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. The Optimal of the weapon becomes (0,1,2), and it
becomes capable of dealing Critical Hits. These effects last until the end of the
o Passive: If this Relic is used to create a Spirit Golem, increase its STR by 3.
Additionally, the Use Item effect is always active, and does not require charges.
➢ Ciphered Projection
o [Trian]
o A small handheld device that seems to record memories. After using it to transfer
somebody’s memories, you can glean a few of their skills.
o Holds 2 Charges. Recovers 2 Charges during Downtime. If you have no Power,
Recovers 1 Charge at the end of an Encounter.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. A unit at Close range to you can choose one of their
Spells and records it in this Relic. Only 1 spell can be recorded at a time.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. On your next turn, you can use the spell recorded
within this Relic. At the end of an encounter that this effect was used, the spell is
lost, even if you did not use the spell.
➢ Copy Pen
o An ornate pen with a planet on the end. If you click it while focusing on somebody, you’ll
take on their guise. Take care while thinking of your crush!
o Holds 2 Charges. Recovers 2 Charges during a Reprieve.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Target a unit. Your appearance becomes that of the
Target for 3 turns. Your equipment is changed to match their equipment (the
imitations have no enhancements and are not magical). When you or that unit is
Targeted, the target is randomly selected between the two of you.
o Use Item: Can only be used if you are currently copying another unit. Expend 1
Charge. The copy effect lasts until the end of the encounter.

This grants the unit stats and spells equivalent to a Magical Girl of the same capability of the unit that charged it.
They receive access to all Specialization spells that the unit had at the time of charging. If they do not already have
a magical outfit, they gain one that matches the charging unit’s starting Outfit, including Enhancements on that

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➢ Cosmic Band
o [Otherworld]
o A headband with a relatively simple design of three circles. When you put it on, the cosmos
themselves open up in your mind, granting you all manner of powers. Keeping the
headband on for too long has dire consequences, though.
o Holds 4 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge during a Reprieve.
o Use Item: Expend 2 Charges. Grants access to a single non-Oddball Specialization’s
spells. While active, decrease your stats by the stat increase associated with that
Specialization (if there is a choice, apply both choices).
o Passive: If you have a Power, for each charge this Relic is missing, decrease your
maximum HP by 15. This effect applies even if this Relic is not equipped.
➢ Counter Force
o [Trian]
o A metal bracer that fits snugly on your off-hand. When an attack comes your way, the
bracer moves to parry it, almost automatically, giving you the opportunity for a
o Holds 1 Charge. Recovers 1 Charge at the end of an Encounter.
o Re; ATK: When a unit inflicts damage to you using an ATK ability, Expend 1
Charge, and you can immediately Attack that unit with your current weapon, but
if you do, the damage you inflict cannot be higher than the damage that was
inflicted on you. Cannot be used in response to any other Reactive ATK effect.
o Passive: If you have no Power, the damage inflicted by this Relic’s Reactive effect
can be as much as double the damage taken.
➢ Crystal Ball
o A relatively simple ball of crystalline glass. When you gaze into it, the possibilities of the
future are revealed to you.
o Holds 3 Charges. Recovers all Charges during a Reprieve.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Apply [Foresight OR Sidesight OR Hindsight] (5t) to a
Target. The condition applied with this effect is chosen randomly. If the user is the
Target, and it is currently the first round of the encounter, this effect does not
consume a Charge (you can only benefit from this OpE).
o Use Item: Expend 3 Charges. Apply [Foresight], [Hindsight], [Sidesight] (5t) to
➢ Crystal Glasses
o [Otherworld]
o A pair of round glasses that have polished crystals for lenses. In actuality, the lenses are
made of specially-crafted crystal balls that allow the wearer to avoid catastrophe.
o Holds 15 Charges. Recovers 5 Charges during a Reprieve. If you have no Power,
recovers 3 Charges at the end of an Encounter.
o Use Item: Expend X Charges. Until the start of your next turn, when you are
subjected to a Contest from a foe’s ability, you can replace your side of the contest
with Xd6.
➢ Demeter’s Sash

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o A wool sash with symbols of the goddess Demeter on them. The sash itself seems innocuous,
but it has long granted plentiful harvests.
o Holds 3 Charges. Recovers 3 Charges during Downtime.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Increase the area’s Green by 1.
o Passive: If you are Wood Specialization, Restore 6 HP per point of Green at the start
of your turn.
➢ Doomtale Rose
o A blackened rose enchanted to foretell plagues and catastrophes. When the flower is fully
bloomed, beware.
o Holds 0 Charges. Gains 1 Charge when a unit is KO’d while this Relic is equipped.
Can hold a maximum of 13 Charges.
o Use Item: Expend 4 Charges. Apply [Doom] (4t) to a randomly selected unit.
o Passive: If you are Darkness Specialization, you cannot be selected with this Relic’s
Use Item effect.
➢ Dusty Robe
o A tattered and well-worn robe that has clearly seen better days. The clouds of dust it exudes
when it flutters about seem to attract Spirits.
o Holds 3 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge during a Reprieve.
o Flowing Outfit: EVA+2; DEF-1
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Triple the base EVA gain from this Relic for 3 turns.
o Passive: If this Relic is used to create a Spirit Golem, increase its AGI by 3.
Additionally, the Use Item effect is always active without needing to expend a
➢ Eye of Shining Justice
o An eyepatch that helps the user aim. The patch’s real power might be how it manages to
get a longer and more ridiculous name each time you hear it.
o Holds 7 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge at the end of an encounter. Recovers 7
Charges during a Reprieve.
o Use Item: Expend X Charges. During this turn, abilities you use that would deal
damage treat that damage as being 9*X higher for the purposes of defenses only.
The damage inflicted is not increased.
o Passive: If you are Light Specialization, treat X as being 1 higher for this Relic’s Use
Item effect. You must still expend at least 1 Charge to activate the effect.
➢ Fury Ring
o [Otherworld]
o A ring that calls to the rage of the fallen. As more units fall in combat, their souls echo
within, whirling about until they reach their breaking point.
o Holds 0 Charges. Gains 1 Charge when an ally is damaged by a foe’s ability. Loses
all Charges during a Reprieve. Holds a maximum of 15 charges. If you have no
Power, this Relic holds an unlimited number of charges.
o Passive: X = Number of Charges. Increases the damage dice of any ability used that
would deal damage by Xd4 Magic damage.

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o Use Item: Expend 5 Charges. Increase your Critical Hit Rate by 50% and your
Critical Damage Bonus by 150% for 3 turns.
➢ Future Lens
o [Otherworld]
o A multifaceted lens that you can gaze through. When you look through it, you see yourself
gazing back, but a more mature-looking version of yourself. After activating the relic, you
switch places with your other self, temporarily gaining their power.
o Holds 8 Charges. Restores 2 Charges at the end of an encounter. Restores 8
Charges during Downtime.
o Use Item: Expend 3 Charges. Until the end of the third round after you activate this
effect, double your Base stats. If you have no Power, this effect only expends 2
o Boost: Expend 3 Charges when you use this Relic’s Use Item effect. Restore all of
your stats with negative modifiers. Decrease the number of rounds the Use Item
effect lasts by 2 (cannot use this effect if the Round count would be reduced to 0
or less).
o Boost: Expend 2 Charges when you use this Relic’s Use Item effect. While active,
you are granted full access to all spells within your Specialization. Decrease the
number of rounds the Use Item effect lasts by 1 (cannot use this effect if the Round
count would be reduced to 0 or less).
o Boost: Expend 2 Charges when you use this Relic’s Use Item effect. While active,
increase your Critical Hit Rate by 100%. Decrease the number of rounds the Use
Item effect lasts by 1 (cannot use this effect if the Round count would be reduced
to 0 or less).
➢ Glyphs
o Can be created with the Glyphs form of Sorcery.
o A Glyph (or a piece of equipment with a Glyph on it) counts as a Relic. You cannot
place Glyphs on equipment that is already considered a Relic.
o A Glyph fades away when its Charges reach 0. It cannot restore charges, even from
outside sources.
o Regardless of how many instances of a Glyph a unit has, they can only benefit
from a maximum of 3 Glyphs in a single encounter.
o Types of Glyph:
▪ Beina – Can be placed on units or Outfits. Holds 2 Charges.
• Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Call an Assist under your command,
eschewing any costs for that Assist (including Initiative or Stat
▪ Bella – Can be placed on units or Outfits. Holds 1 Charge.
• Re: At the start of the first round of an encounter, Expend 1 Charge.
During this round, foes can only designate you or their allies as a
target for abilities they use.
▪ Bita – Can be placed on units or Weapons. Holds 4 Charges.

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• Boost: X = Number of Charges. When you use an ATK ability,
increase the damage dealt by Xd6. After using this effect, Expend 1
▪ Glotta – Can be placed on units or Weapons. Holds 1 Charge.
• Re: When you inflict damage to a unit’s weakness, Expend 1
Charge. Gain an additional turn immediately after this one.
▪ Kljufa – Can be placed on units or Weapons. Holds 1 Charge.
• Re; ATK: When you KO or Kill a unit with an ATK ability, Expend
1 Charge. You can immediately Attack a new target from your
current position.
▪ Leyna – Can be placed on units or Outfits. Holds 1 Charge.
• Re: When you are Targeted by an ability, Expend 1 Charge. You
cannot be targeted by any abilities or effects until the end of the
▪ Lopt – Can be placed on units or Outfits. Holds 3 Charges.
• Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Until the start of your next turn, you
may use the Wings perk as if you had it.
▪ Verja – Can be placed on units or Weapons. Holds 4 Charges.
• Re: X = Number of Charges. At the end of your turn in which you
did not use an ATK ability, increase your DEF by 2*X. At the start
of your next turn after using this effect, Expend 1 Charge.
➢ Hollow Wand
o A stage magician’s ebony wand. The ivory tips snap away to reveal a secret compartment,
which appears to be very mundane. However, upon further investigation, the compartment
is capable of concealing a cartoonishly large sized items.
o Holds 5 Charges. Restores 1 Charge at the end of an encounter.
o Mystic Weapon: Optimal (3).
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Conceal an Item within the Wand. The wand can only
hold one item at a time. You can use this effect again to remove a concealed item
(you do not expend charges to remove items).
o Boost: When you use a Mystic Attack with the weapon, Expend 1 Charge.
Immediately after that Attack resolves, use the item concealed within the wand.
o Passive: If you are Illusion Specialization, you can conceal a Weapon within the
wand instead of an Item. While a weapon is concealed, this weapon gains the
Enhancements of that weapon, and attacks using that weapon’s damage stat.
➢ Jade Shield
o A shield crafted of jadestone, in the pattern of a tortoise shell. It is exceptional at deflecting
harm, especially for those that specialize in such methods.
o Holds 6 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge each time you use the Defend ability.
o Melee Weapon: Optimal (1). Has the Chained Enhancement.
o Passive: If you use the Defend ability while Engaged with a unit, the Engaged unit
is unaffected by abilities (except the current Engagement) and cannot be targeted

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 77

by abilities (except your abilities and their own abilities) until the start of your next
o Re: When you are Targeted with an ability, Expend 2 Charges. Until the start of
your next turn, increase your DEF by 4.
o Passive: If you are Reinforcement Specialization, when you use this Relic’s Reactive
effect, you can opt to use the Defend ability instead of gaining 4 DEF.
➢ Jadis Cloak
o A cloak that conceals a cold malice. The witch this cloak belonged to was known for
bringing about an endless winter, and she was only defeated by a magical lion and his 4
human vassals.
o Holds 5 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge at the end of a round where a unit was dealt
Ice damage.
o Elaborate Outfit: EVA+2; DEF+1; Ice Resistance +50%; Fire Resistance -50%.
o Mystic Weapon: Optimal (3). Deals damage as Ice damage.
o Use Item: Expend X Charges. Deal Xd8 Ice damage to a Target. If more than 10 Ice
damage was dealt this way, Apply [Frostbite] (2t) to that Target.
o Passive: If you are Ice Specialization, you may choose to Apply [Freeze] (1t) to the
Target of this Relic’s Use Item ability if the Target was inflicted 15 or more Ice
damage from that effect.
➢ Life Orb
o A glowing orb that makes you feel a little bit more vigorous just by touching it. The very
essence of life seems to be contained within.
o Holds 5 Charges.
o Use Item: Pay X MAG or VIT in any combination. This relic recovers X Charges.
o Use Item: Scope (0,1). Expend 1 Charge. Restore 3d6 HP to the Target.
o Use Item: Scope (0,1). Expend 3 Charges. Remove a single condition of your choice
from the Target.
➢ Livewire Boots
o A pair of boots that matches itself to your outfit. Neon stripes betraying their nature, the
boots give you a surge of speed when used.
o Holds 2 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge during a Reprieve.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Increase your Initiative by 2d12. If you are Lightning
Specialization, Increase your Initiative by 3d12 instead.
o Use Item: Expend 2 Charges. On your next turn, gain 2 MS.
➢ Li-Xen Pocketwatch
o A pocket watch that allows the user to go back in time. However, returning to the past has
o Holds 1 Charge.
o Use Item: If you have 21 or more HP, reduce your HP to 1. Restore 1 Charge to this
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Return a Target’s status to what it was at the start of
the round (HP, Stats, Equipment, Conditions, used Spells, etc.)

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o Use Item: If you are Time Specialization, nullify one of your abilities. Restore 1
Charge to this Relic.
➢ Mask of the Wild
o A mask that shifts and changes to the appearance of a number of nature’s beasts. Animals
are more likely to consider you an ally while wearing this mask, but civilized creatures may
shun you.
o Holds 4 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge at the end of a round where you KO’d a unit.
o Use Item: Expend 2 Charges. Gain 2 STR or 2 AGI for 3 turns.
o Passive: If you are Beast Specialization, you gain both stats when using this Relic’s
Use Item effect.
➢ Meteor Band
o A wide bracelet made of meteorite. It will adjust itself to fit the wearer perfectly. The
composition of the metal lends itself well to deflecting attacks.
o Holds 1 Charge. Recovers 1 Charge during a Reprieve.
o Re: When you would roll Evasion, Expend 1 Charge. For that roll only, treat your
EVA as being based on your VIT+LUK instead of your AGI+LUK.
o Passive: If you are Stone Specialization, this Relic can hold a maximum of 3 Charges
while it is in your possession.
➢ Mindful Eye
o A circlet with an eye crafted from gemstones in the forehead. Most assume it grants
cognizance and clarity, but really, it’s just low-grade telepathy.
o Holds 4 Charges. Recovers 2 Charges during a Reprieve.
o Use Item: Expend 4 Charges. Reassign an Assist under your command as a
Deployed unit, or a Deployed unit as an Assist. If deploying a new unit, they
intrude in this round.
o Passive: If you are Psychic Specialization, this Relic’s Use Item effect costs 1 Charge
➢ Miracle Stone
o It’s a harmless-looking rock. When you touch it, life flows into you uncontrollably. When
the stone is taxed, it crumbles to dust.
o Holds 3 Charges. Destroys itself when it runs out of Charges. Cannot recover
Charges, even with outside effects.
o Passive: This Relic does not count against your 3 maximum equipped Relics. You
can only benefit from up to 2 Miracle Stones at a time. Miracle Stones held that
you do not benefit from still expend Charges as normal.
o Trigger: At the start of the holder’s turn, Expend 1 Charge. Restore 2d4 HP.
➢ Mirror Cloak
o [Otherworld]
o A reflective cape that serves to keep away most vehicles, including the dreaded Truck-san.
In addition to preventing your premature Reincarnation and/or Isekai anime, it can be
used to copy Powers.
o Holds 5 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge during Downtime. If you do not have a
Power, recovers 2 Charges at the end of an encounter.

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 79

o Use Item: Scope (0,1,2). Expend X Charges. Select one of the Target’s Powers (except
Power of Chaos or any power granted by a Black Coin). Until the end of the
encounter, you gain that Power, at a Level equal to X OR the highest level of that
Power that the Target has (whichever is lower).
➢ Molten Heart
o A glowing lump of metal that looks to be moderately melted. Despite the glow typically
indicating hot metal, it is only moderately warm to the touch. The glow is commonly used
as a lantern, but monster girls and Dark Magical Girls have another use for it that is much
more aggressive.
o Holds 2 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge during a Reprieve.
o Use Item: Expend 2 Charges. User and Target both return to their Civilian Form as
if they had used the Revert ability. If the User and/or the Target is a Monster Girl,
they are unsealed/unsuppressed instead. After the Target’s next turn, they may
immediately take an additional turn. The User immediately ends their turn after
using this effect. A unit can only be affected with this once per encounter.
o Passive: If the user is Metal Specialization, their turn does not immediately end
after using this Relic’s Use Item effect.
➢ Oath to Order
o A golden symbol on a chain, split into 5 pieces. The symbol’s meaning is lost to time, but
the story goes that it represents a promise to keep the peace among the people, no matter
the cost.
o Holds 7 Charges.
o Use Item: Spend X MAG or VIT in any combination. This Relic recovers X Charges.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Apply [Sanctuary] (3t) to yourself.
o Use Item: Expend 3 Charges. Apply [Crusader] (5t) to yourself.
➢ Persona Shutter
o A simple film camera. The pictures it takes don’t seem like anything out of the ordinary,
but they go beyond images, capturing the very emotions those situations had behind them.
o Holds 0 Charges. Holds a maximum of 100 Charges.
o Re: When you would inflict damage with an ATK ability, you can decrease that
inflicted damage by 10*X. This Relic recovers Xd6 Charges.
o Use Item: This relic recovers 1d4 Charges.
o Use Item: Expend 10 charges. Apply [Random Condition] (1t) to the Target.
o Use Item: If you are Empath Specialization, Expend 5 Charges. Gain 1 Mote of your
➢ Power Scroll
o A scroll tied sealed shut with red ribbons. These ribbons unfurl to reveal gold lettering on
the scroll that describes the spell’s nature and how to use it.
o Holds 5 Charges.
o When created, the Power Scroll contains a single spell. This spell cannot be
changed after creation. The spell cannot have a total stat cost higher than 4 (it can
be a variable cost spell).
o Use Item: Spend X MAG or VIT in any combination. This Relic recovers X Charges.

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 80

o Use Item: X = Stat Cost of the Spell. Expend X+1 Charges. Cast the spell within the
Scroll, eschewing the stat costs. This is done with the proper action (Active, Speed,
etc.), but is treated as being a use of the Use Item ability.
➢ Rayfield Shard
o [Trian]
o A fragment of energy condensed via an explosion into a shard of crystalline power. You
can drain the power from it or replenish it at will.
o Holds 0 Charges. Holds a maximum of 5 Charges. If you have no Power, recovers
1 Charge during a Reprieve.
o Use Item: Spend X MAG. This Relic gains X/3 Charges.
o Use Item: Expend X Charges. Recover X MAG.
➢ Sacred Water
o Water from a particular spring that has potent spiritual powers.
o Holds 1 Charge. Recovers 1 Charge during Downtime.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Create a Fist Weapon with Optimal (0,1). This weapon
deals damage as Water damage. If this weapon inflicts damage, restore 3d4 HP to
yourself. This weapon lasts until you are inflicted damage by an ability that targets
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Restore 4d6 HP and remove all conditions from a
o Full-Turn: If you are Water Specialization, this Relic recovers 1 Charge.
➢ Shield Weave
o [Trian]
o An odd piece of technology powered by a mother’s love, this trinket attaches to the wearer’s
clothes, reinforcing them with a web of magical energy.
o Holds 2 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge at the end of an Encounter where you were
inflicted no damage.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Until the start of your next turn, damage inflicted to
you cannot exceed 25% of your maximum HP.
o Use Item: If you have no Power, Expend 1 Charge. Until the start of your next turn,
damage inflicted to you cannot exceed your CST.
➢ Shifter Tunic
o [Otherworld]
o A tunic that always seems to be just barely too big or too small. The fabric shows signs of
being torn in places and stitched back together.
o Holds 10 Charges. Recovers 2 Charges at the end of an encounter.
o Use Item: Remove all effects of this Relic from yourself. You return to your normal
o Use Item: Can only be used if your size is normal or larger than normal. Expend 3
Charges. You become 20% larger. Increase your Maximum HP by 30 and your DEF
by 5. Decrease your EVA by 8. You can use this effect multiple times while it is
active. This effect is removed when you Reprieve.

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 81

o Use Item: Can only be used if your size is normal or smaller than normal. Expend
3 Charges. You become 20% smaller. Increase your EVA by 10. Decrease your
Maximum HP by 20 and your DEF by 4. You can use this effect multiple times
while it is active. The effect is removed when you Reprieve.
o Passive: If you do not have a Power, the Charges required for a Use Item effect on
this Relic are decreased by 1.
➢ Silent Boots
o A pair of well-worn boots that have seen better days. Their silent footsteps seem to attract
o Holds 3 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge during a Reprieve.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Until the end of this round, you cannot be targeted by
units with a CST less than or equal to yours, including you.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Until the end of this round, you cannot be targeted by
units with a CST greater than or equal to yours, including you.
o Passive: If you are Spirit Specialization, you can use this relic as an additional piece
of equipment to make a Spirit Golem with. If you do, increase the Spirit Golem’s
MS by 1. It can use the Use Item effects of this Relic without having to expend
➢ Soul Gem
o A stone that holds the soul of a magical girl, likely yours. You can feel the soul buzzing
around inside when you hold it close to you.
o This Relic can only be obtained via the Soul Jar perk. It is Soulbound to the original
o Holds 25 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge during Downtime. Destroys itself when its
Charges reach 0. Cannot recover Charges via outside means.
o Passive: Can only be equipped by its original owner. This Relic’s effects cannot be
negated or nullified by any means.
o Trigger: If you are inflicted damage by a Critical Hit, reduce this Relic’s Charges
by 1. If you are not the original owner of this Relic, this effect applies even if it is
not equipped.
o Trigger: If this relic is destroyed, the original owner is Dead and cannot
o Passive: X = Number of Charges. While equipped, Critical Hits do not apply their
Critical Damage Bonus. Additionally, increase your side of Contests vs foes’
abilities by X, and increase your Maximum HP by 2*X.
➢ Storm Wings
o A pair of blades in the shape of wings. They both create and cut the wind around them.
o Holds 4 Charges. Recovers 4 Charges during a Reprieve.
o Melee Weapon: Optimal (1). Deals damage as Air damage. Has the Brave I
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. You get ATK Charge (Increase the damage dealt by
the difference between your CST and the Target’s CST.) This effect only works
with this weapon.

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 82

o Passive: If you are Air Specialization, this Relic also has the Brave III Enhancement.
➢ Suzaku Fan
o A fan of flaming feathers. They generate a series of embers and sparks when waved.
o Holds 8 Charges. Recovers 2 Charges at the end of an encounter. Recovers 8
Charges during a Reprieve.
o Mystic Weapon: Optimal (2). Deals damage as Fire damage. Has the Combat
Casting and Embody Fire Enhancements.
o Use Item: Expend X Charges. Remove all Conditions from the Target, and then deal
1d10 Fire damage for each Condition removed. If the Target takes damage from
this effect, Apply [Flame Smite] (5t) X times to the Target.
o Passive: If you are Fire Specialization, you may choose to remove the Target’s
conditions AFTER dealing damage for each Condition on the Target.
➢ Twin Resonator Bow
o A bow that shoots arrows that also serve as tuning forks. The string adopts the same tone
as the arrow shot from it, allowing the user to pressure foes after a single shot.
o Holds 8 Charges. Recovers 1d4 Charges at the end of an encounter.
o Ranged Weapon: Optimal (3,4,5); Reduced Penalty (2,6). Does not have Ammo.
Expends Charges in place of Ammo.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Deal 3d6 Sound damage to the last two units that were
dealt damage damage from this weapon.
o Passive: If you are Sound Specialization, this Relic’s Use Item effect does not
expend a Charge.
➢ Void Grasp
o [Otherworld]
o A gauntlet that grasps the space between reality and the mystic. Using this, you can tear
the very essence of supernatural powers from the ether temporarily.
o Holds 3 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge during a Reprieve. If you have no Power,
recovers 1 Charge at the end of an encounter.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Nullify all of a Target’s Power abilities for 3 rounds.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Declare any single ability name (including Inherent).
Until the end of the next round, the declared ability is nullified on all units.
➢ Warpstone
o [Otherworld]
o A stone that seems to drag you here and there and everywhere in-between. If you focus,
you can control the destination.
o Holds 5 Charges. Recovers 3 Charges during a Reprieve. If you have no Power,
recovers 2 Charges at the end of an encounter.
o Use Item: Expend 2 Charges and Target a unit or loose piece of equipment. Move
to the Target’s position.
o Reactive: When you would be dealt damage by an ability, Expend 2 Charges. The
damage inflicted to you becomes 0.
➢ Z-G Bangle

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 83

A golden bangle with flowy designs etched into it. Wearing it on your arms or legs makes
you feel like you can soar high in the clouds with the slightest jump.
o Holds 9 Charges. Recovers 3 Charges during a Reprieve.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Apply [Flight] (1t) to yourself.
o Use Item: Expend 3 Charges. Apply [Flight] (1t) to a Target at Close range.
o Passive: If your Specialization is Gravity, OpT, you can use one of this Relic’s Use
Item effects with 1 less charge expended.
➢ Zwei Breaker
o A pair of gloves that hum with energy. They empower you, allowing you to split your
magical energies between two different weapons without worry.
o Holds 3 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge during a Reprieve.
o Passive: While this weapon still has charges, you can equip a second weapon. This
weapon is referred to as your “Off-hand” weapon.
o Boost: When you use an ATK ability, you can expend 1 charge to immediately
perform an Attack with your off-hand weapon.
o Boost: When you would use the Defend ability, you can expend 1 charge to increase
the DEF gained by 8.
o Passive: You can expend 1 charge to use a Spell that requires the use of the Off-
Hand weapon.
o Trigger: At the end of a round where you did not expend any charges from this
relic, return your Off-Hand weapon to your inventory.

Many effects apply conditions that adjust how the afflicted fights. Some are positive, others are
negative. Each condition has a duration, represented in the turn count or round count after the
Apply effect. For Conditions, a Turn is considered to have passed when the afflicted unit’s turn
ends. A Round is considered to have passed when the round ends.

Charges, Tags, Marks, and other similar effects are not considered Conditions, and cannot be
removed by effects that work on Conditions.

Condition Effect
Applied automatically when your HP is reduced to 0 or less, and persists as long as your
HP is 0 or less. You immediately revert to your default form (Civilian Form if Magical
Girl/Dark Magical Girl; Unsealed form if Monster Girl). Cannot perform any actions or use
any abilities. All other conditions are suppressed while KO'd but resume their effects
KO'd when you are no longer KO'd. When damaged while KO'd, lose 1 point in a stat (each
chosen at random from a stat > 0) for every 20 damage you would've taken (Min. 1). If
your stats are all 0 at any time while you are KO'd, you are Dead. While KO'd, you
automatically fail your side of any Contests. Cannot be removed except by effects that
specifically designate this Condition.

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 84

Condition Effect
Applied automatically the first time in an encounter that a Purification Attack reduces
Stasis your CP to 0. Cannot perform any actions or use any abilities. CP cannot be increased. At
the start of your second turn after this condition was applied, remove it.
Automatically applied once for every 48 consecutive hours spent in the Overcity. Decrease
a random stat by 1 point. Stats lost from this condition do not return (even by Reprieve or
Downtime) until the condition is cured. Can only be cured by leaving the Overcity (1
Cured per 24 Hours out of OC) or by using a Safe Zone within the Overcity (1 Cured per
48 hours in the Safe Zone). This condition cannot be applied more than 15 times at once.
Reduce your AGI by 1 each time you use an inherent ability. If your AGI is 0 at the end of
Ache your turn, you are KO'd. If your AGI is increased above 0 while KO'd due to this effect,
remove the KO'd condition.
When an effect would attempt to remove you completely from the current battlefield
Anchored (usually by an effect such as Overcity Shift), you can choose to negate that effect on
yourself only.
Damage from abilities -X. Only one instance of this condition will apply per ability. After
Barrier X
reducing the damage of an ability, immediately remove this condition.
STR, AGI, and VIT +3. Cannot use any abilities except ATK Abilities and the Move ability.
Berserk When using an Attack ability at Close range, reduce the Target's DEF by a value equal to
your MAG, and reduce their EVA by a value equal to your AGI.
Bind Target cannot change position or use ATK abilities.
Blind X EVA and Critical Rate -X. EVA and Critical Rate of foes +X against you only.
Take 2d6 Fire dmg at the start of your turn (Ignores EVA). During your turn, Damage you
Burn deal with abilities is reduced by the amount of Fire dmg you are inflicted by this
Negate the effects of the unit's Linkage. Unit does not act properly on their turn; instead
the unit that applied this condition chooses a single action for them to perform as their
turn. If the unit loses HP, this condition is removed. If another Charm is applied while this
one is active, the controller switches to the most recent application's user.
At the start of your turn, a unit with CP (chosen at random) gains a Pure Charge. Units
with a Pure Charge do not apply DEF/EVA against Purification Attacks.
Dizzy Unit’s EVA is treated as 0.
When this Condition's duration hits 0, the unit is KO'd. Has no effect if removed before
the duration hits 0.
Ecstasy At the end of the unit's turn, they recover 7 HP for each ability they used during that turn.
When the unit takes Fire dmg, they immediately take an additional 3d6 Fire dmg (ignores
Flame Smite EVA), and then they lose 6 CP from random stats. This condition is immediately removed
after applying this damage.
Can only be removed by the effect that applied it. You are always considered in Optimal
for any Attack abilities that use AGI or MAG for damage or are Distance Attacks (both
incoming and outgoing). Immune to field effects, unless they specifically designate that
they affect Flying combatants.

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 85

Condition Effect
Fog Cannot use Spell abilities.
Force Surge MAG+3 while active.
Foresight Increase your EVA by 5.
Increases Slash, Bash, Stone, and Pierce Resistances by 5% each. Remove one instance of
this Condition each time you are dealt Slash, Bash, Pierce, or Stone damage.
Unit cannot use Speed, Active, or Reactive abilities, and cannot activate Toggle abilities.
Unit cannot Evade. Unit's DEF increases by 10. Unit gains 100% Resist vs Pierce, Ice,
Water, and Fire dmg. Unit takes 300% dmg from Slash or Bash dmg (before DEF). If unit
would take Slash, Bash, Fire, or Water dmg, remove this condition afterwards.
Unit's dmg from Attack abilities is reduced by 10 (before applying Critical) for the
purposes of Evasion only. Damage inflicted is normal.
Reduce your VIT by 1 at the end of your turn. If your VIT is 0 at the end of your turn, you
Gag are KO'd. If your VIT is increased above 0 while KO'd due to this effect, remove the KO'd
X = Unit's AGI. Decrease the damage of Mystic, Distance, and Ranged Attacks on the unit
Gale Wall
by X, before DEF/EVA.
If a Condition (other than KO'd or Stasis) would be applied to the unit by an Ability or
Item, negate that application. Then, remove this condition.
Grief At the end of the unit's turn, they lose 4 HP for each ability they used during that turn.
Haste EVA+8. Using Dash or Disengage only requires 1 MS instead of 2.
X = Your VIT. You lose 5 HP at the start of your turn. If a unit takes damage from or deals
Heat Aura
damage to you at Close range, Apply [Burn] (Xt).
Critical Rate increased by 30%. Ignore any stat costs of spells with a base stat cost less than
Heroism 3 total points (no effect on variable or modified spells). Increase Critical Damage bonus by
100%. Recover 3d4 HP at the start of your turn.
At the start of your turn, restore 5 HP for each time you were dealt damage from a foe's
ability(s) since the start of your last turn.
You gain an additional TA or 2 MS (your choice at the start of each turn). Combat is not
considered to have ended until all other units are KO’d.
Inert Skip your turn. Cannot use any non-Passive abilities, including Inherent.
Life Surge VIT+3 while active.
X = Unit's highest CP value. Unit takes 3+X Light dmg at the start of their turn. Ignores
The first time you would use an ability that has a VIT and/or MAG cost, reduce either the
Mana Buffer
VIT or MAG cost by up to 2, then remove this condition.
For every 10 points of Slash, Bash, Pierce, or Lightning damage taken by the unit, the Unit
Ohm Web
gains 5 Initiative.
Pain All ATK abilities (including Inherent) gain "Sacrifice 15".
Pierced Unit's DEF is treated as 0.

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 86

Condition Effect
Poison Unit loses 3d4 HP at the start of each of their turns.
Power Surge STR+3 while active.
The unit's first action in a turn must be to use an ATK Ability. The Target for that ATK
Rage ability is chosen at random from all valid Targets for that ability (including ones outside of
Spell abilities that Target this unit will change the Target to the original User. The same
Reflect ability cannot be subject to "Refract" and/or "Reflect" more than once total. This effect
ignores Absolute Direction.
Spell abilities that Target this unit will change the Target to another valid target OR the
Refract User (chosen at random). The same ability cannot be subject to "Refract" and/or "Reflect"
more than once total. This effect ignores Absolute Direction.
Unit cannot have other conditions applied to them (except KO'd, Berserk, Stasis, or Flight).
Refreshed Other Conditions currently applied to the unit cannot be removed while this Condition is
Increase your DEF and EVA against abilities that require the user to gain CP by a value
equal to your BST. Does not apply if you have CP.
Seal Unit cannot use abilities that increase or decrease the CP of any unit.
Sidesight Increase your side of Contests by 8.
Slow EVA-8. Using Move, Dash, and Disengage requires 1 additional MS.
Speed Surge AGI+3 while active.
Spirit X = Turn Duration on this Condition. When the unit attempts an Active or Speed ability, X
Swarm * 10% chance of that ability being automatically negated.
Stun Cannot use Reactive abilities.
The unit cannot increase the value or dice of their side of Contests by any means. When a
Terror Contest allows the unit to choose between multiple stats, they must choose the lowest stat
of the options given.
When the unit takes damage from or removes the Poison condition (not including loss of
Venom the Poison condition due to duration expiration), they lose 1 point of a random stat. If the
Purge unit has the Poison condition, this effect cannot be removed except by its duration

You can contact the dev (under the username Jeanne D’Code or a variant) using the Accidental
Magical Girl CYOA Discord. The dev can also be contacted via /mgcyoa/ threads on 4chan’s /tg/
board, under the tripcode “MaidofCharts”. If you’re interested in helping keep the dev funded,
you can donate money via their Ko-Fi.

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 87

Despite troubles and delays, the SCS continues to evolve. If you have any questions or would like
to test/pitch new mechanics, features, or ideas, don’t hesitate to contact the dev or experiment on
your own.

This combat module is not directly affiliated with QuasarBlack’s Accidental Magical Girl CYOA,
and is only intended as an add-on module for roleplay and campaign purposes. Questions and
comments regarding the CYOA should be directed to QuasarBlack.

This system is not directly affiliated with Accidental Magical Girl Core. Questions regarding that
system should be directed to the current developer(s) for that system.

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 88

Errata & Patch Notes for v2.7
➢ Added a section on how the defensive formula works.
➢ Added Resources (RC) to Downtime effects.
➢ Added Zero Extra Link, Furious 7, Solo Punisher, Hexveil, and Octo Stance as Generic
➢ Clarified how Passives work for Assist units.
➢ Clarified that Inflicted damage cannot exceed the unit’s current HP.
➢ Removed all references to "taking damage" and replaced them with the appropriate
Dealt/Inflicted text.
➢ Removed the CS X keyword.
➢ Removed the Semi-Auto ability subtype. All abilities that had this subtype have had their
separate effects categorized properly.
➢ Removed the Stranded, Secluded, and Starved conditions.
➢ Updated all abilities that grant ATK Charges to indicate who their effects are given to.
➢ Updated the bookmarks to have fewer dumb/obscure jokes to promote clarity in
➢ Updated the contact section with the Ko-Fi.
➢ Big Backpack - Added the ability to switch the item granted.
➢ Blitz Chain – Clarified that Duplicates only count as 1 unit for the purposes of this effect,
even though they are multiple units normally.
➢ Bullit Dash - Added an effect that allows you to use Mundane Ammo for the Ammo cost.
➢ Bullit Dash - Ammo cost reduced to 7. (Previously 8)
➢ Call to Death - Updated text for clarity.
➢ Chain Trap - Added an effect that allows the user to recycle Blast Cartridges used on a
manually-triggered trap.
➢ Chain Trap - Changed the damage to be treated as an ATK.
➢ Chaincasting I - Added CP costs as one of the costs that is doubled.
➢ Chained - Added elaboration that X cannot be reduced to < 0.
➢ Chime Trance - ATK Charge's effect changed to apply if damage is not Inflicted.
(Previously damage dealt)
➢ Clear Mind - Reduced to SP 1. (Previously SP 2)
➢ Closure - Added an effect that increases Critical Hit Rate under certain conditions.
➢ Confrontation - Bonus increased to +4 EVA/Foe. (Previously +3/foe)
➢ Create Cartridge - Added an effect that lets you make and slot in Cartridges using CT.
➢ Cyclone Rush - Changed the formula for determining if the user gains an extra turn.
➢ Dead Trigger - Now also applies to Trigger abilities.
➢ Delta Stroke - Now calculates damage based on Highest Roll - Lowest Roll. (Previously
average of 3 rolls)

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 89

➢ Dizzy - Now treats the unit's EVA as 0.
➢ Duplication Lv 3 - Clarified that only non-Chaos Enhancements can be used by
➢ Duplication Lv 4 - Updated the ability to be a Split ability.
➢ Eagle's Grasp - Updated the text for clarity.
➢ Echo Trigger - Updated text for clarity.
➢ Edge Guard - Increased bonus to 10% (Previously +8% Crit Rate)
➢ Embody - Now tracks the element applied based on the unit applying the Enhancement.
➢ Embody (Metal) – Changed the effect to drop mundane ammo. (Previously negated a
single Enhancement on target’s equipment at random)
➢ Embody Fire - Increased duration to 5 turns (Previously 3 turns)
➢ Embody Light - Effect now downgrades the dice used for Evasion rolls.
➢ Embody Reinforcement - Added an effect that allows the unit to instead increase the
strength of an active Barrier effect.
➢ Embody Stone - Effect is now an ATK Charge.
➢ Embody Time - Adjusted the effect to apply +20 to an Evasion roll's final result after certain
effects. (Previously +10 to EVA)
➢ Engine Cleave - Damage bonus increased to 4d6. (Previously 4d4)
➢ Enhanced Sustenance - Adjusted the effect to account for the removal of
➢ Enhanced Transformation - Updated effect text to be more in line with current keywords.
➢ Enhanced Transformation - Updated effect to be match Transform's timing buff.
➢ Eternal Style - Added an effect that allows you to "promote" outfits made with it to full
➢ Evocation - Clarified how re-using the ability works in relation to the stat gains.
➢ Fake Parents - Overhauled the effect to account for the removal of
➢ False Investment - Added an effect that allows the user to recover MAG if spell misfires.
➢ False Motion - Added an effect that allows the user to recover MAG if spell misfires.
➢ False Triumph - Added an effect that allows the user to recover MAG if spell misfires.
➢ False Triumph - EVA boost now applied until the start of the user's next turn. (Previously
➢ False Triumph - Now SP 2. (Previously Active)
➢ Feint Strike - Activates when you fail to inflict damage. (Previously dealt damage)
➢ Feint Strike - Added an effect that grants a follow-up attack and provides a refund if the
second attack also fails to inflict damage.
➢ Fierce Throw - Increased damage bonus to 2d10 (Previously 2d8)
➢ Foggy Stance - Now multiplies attack target's DEF/EVA by -1. (Previously DEF/EVA -8)
➢ Fury - Updated text to be more in line with current keywords.
➢ Gravity Rush - Updated text for clarity.

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 90

➢ Guardian’s Oath – Clarified that units must be deployed to receive or grant the effects of
this Enhancement.
➢ Heavy Stance - DEF bonus increased to 20. (Previously +10, mistakenly noted as +1)
➢ Horrified - Fixed a typo that made combat not considered at all as opposed to being
considered over.
➢ Icebolt - Now a split ability.
➢ Icebolt - Overhauled the function of the ability to be more useful.
➢ Interdimensional Home - Adjusted the effect to account for the removal of
➢ Interdimensional Tourist - Adjusted the effect to account for the removal of
➢ Killing Blow (Ranged) Lv 2 - Fixed an error where the ability was listed as a Passive
instead of a Boost.
➢ Killing Blow Ranged Lv 4 - Fixed an error where the ability was designated as a Boost
instead of a Full-Turn ability.
➢ Lock Off - Ability now Recovers HP. (Previously Gained HP)
➢ Mana Surge - Fixed a typo that implied subsequent instances of Mana Surge were treated
as stat Gains, not stat Recovery.
➢ Martial Training - Now split into multiple subcategories.
➢ Masculinity - Now provides an effect.
➢ Mecha Booster - Added an effect that allows the user to recycle Blast Cartridges wasted
on a broken Mecha Breaker.
➢ Mecha Booster - Increased the HP of the Mecha Breaker.
➢ Money - Now provides an effect.
➢ Parting Shot - Changed the effect to no longer ignore rolls of 4 in damage rolls.
➢ Predict Break - Fixed an error where the spell was referred to as a Mystic spell, not a Fist
➢ Recall Attack - Added an effect that allows fighters with low MAG to take advantage of
the effect.
➢ Scrap Bomb - Removed the Optimal notation from the description.
➢ Shutdown - Updated the Contest formula to actually make sense.
➢ Slam Fire - Clarified that the reduction can't take X below 0.
➢ Slashing High I - Ratio decreased to +1/10. (Previously +1/20)
➢ Slashing High II - Ratio changed to +1/5. (Previously +2/15)
➢ Slashing High III - Effect now grants +3 HP/5 dmg. (Previously +3 EVA/10 dmg)
➢ Snare Trap - Added an effect that allows the user to recycle Blast Cartridges used on a
manually-triggered trap.
➢ Sorcery - Added Numerology as an option.
➢ Sorcery (Alchemy) - Cost reduced to 4 Copper. (Previously 8 Copper)
➢ Sorcery (Astrology) - Copper cost removed.

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 91

➢ Sorcery (Astrology) - Now has a CT cost.
➢ Sorcery (Glyphs) - Cost reduced to 10 Copper & 1 CT. (Previously 20 Copper)
➢ Sorcery (Glyphs) - Removed the restriction on Glyph use from Perk's description. Artifact
description now only valid description.
➢ Sorcery (Ofuda) - Can now craft Minor Charms.
➢ Sorcery (Ofuda) - Cost reduced to 15 Copper & 1 CT. (Previously 25 Copper)
➢ Sorcery (Runes) - Cost reduced to 10 Copper & 1 CT. (Previously 25 Copper & CT 4)
➢ Swift Stance - DEF Penalty increased to -25. (Previously -10)
➢ Swift Stance - MS increase applied to your entire turn, to a maximum of 3. (Previously
only applied to Extra Move)
➢ Telemetry - Fixed an error where the spell was referred to as a Mystic spell, not a Fist spell.
➢ The Edge of Dawn - Secondary effect now applied if ability Inflicts no damage. (Previously
damage dealt)
➢ Transform - Unit no longer skips their next turn.

[v2.7] Accidental Magical Girl CYOA Supplementary Combat System - 92

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