SCS v2.7
SCS v2.7
SCS v2.7
Created by Jeanne D’Code, Based on QuasarBlack’s AMG CYOA v1.5.1
Special Thanks to madBrewer, Sahara, Proxy, Zene, and all of the people that provided the feedback, testing, and
support that helped this system get this far.
Many players get their start with Tabletop RPGs via freeform roleplaying. With the advent of the
internet, communities sprout up on social media and forums that allow us to roleplay with people
all over the world at all times of the day. However, many players have difficulty describing
combat without it becoming too open-ended or too overpowered. The Supplementary Combat
System gives structured combat and mechanics to the CYOA’s writing prompt and roleplaying
tools. Ultimately, the SCS exists as a tool to enable players to have more balanced interactions
with each other’s skills and abilities. The SCS is not meant to replace the CYOA, but (as the name
indicates) supplement it.
The mechanics contained within this system are meant to be used almost exclusively for combat,
and do not typically replace the features described in the CYOA. If you find a conflict between
the CYOA and the SCS’ descriptions of an ability, defer to the CYOA in all roleplaying and flavor
matters, and the SCS’ description in all matters of mechanical combat. Remember: the CYOA is a
writing tool first and foremost, and the SCS is meant to support it.
Converting a Character
The SCS utilizes the rolls and stats generated by a character in the CYOA. When creating a
character in the CYOA, please remember to keep the stats you keep out of costume and the stats
kept in costume separate. The stats you keep while out of costume are referred to in the SCS as
your Base Stats. The stats you gain from transforming into your costume (which include all stats
gained from coins) are referred to as your Boost Stats. When you transform, you add your Boost
Stats to your Base Stats. In most cases, stats that are kept are marked with a dagger mark (†),
however additional stat modifications are kept in the descriptions for Specializations. In the case
of “retains [stat] while out of costume”, reduce the appropriate Boost by the value listed, while
increasing the Base by the same amount. In the case of Lightning, treat the text as if it said: “retains
1 AGI while out of costume”.
If your character has the Twinned Soul Power, there are some minor changes to how twins
operate in the SCS from how they are listed in the CYOA:
▪ When spending a Gold Coin to gain perks, powers, or weapons, you can have each twin
choose different choices for the same option. For example, if you spent a Gold Coin to gain
Don’t forget any benefits from your Patron and Origin!
However, in the interest of keeping some continuity between the two systems, the AMGC
exclusive powers (as well as some of the exclusive Perks) have been adapted as Relics within the
SCS. Any player may opt to, instead of having a Power, gain a Relic of their choice marked with
the tag “Otherworld”, and two additional Relics marked with the “Trian” tag.
When choosing the abilities you use in a turn, it’s important to remember that a character typically
only receives 1 Turn Action (TA) and 2 Movement Steps (MS) per turn, unless an ability or effect
Power of Chaos is an ability of Dark Magical Girls, which are detailed more in the SCS expansion Order & Chaos;
Friend & Foe.
Ability Types
❖ Active – Active (sometimes noted as ACT) abilities use your Turn Action. An Active
ability is typically something that takes focus to perform.
❖ Speed – Speed abilities can use your Movement Steps instead of your Turn Action. The
number of MS used is marked in the ability’s description (SP x). If you so wish, you can
choose to use a Speed ability with your Turn Action instead.
❖ Reactive – Reactive abilities can be used on any player’s turn, provided the activation
condition is fulfilled. The activation condition is listed in the ability’s description (Re: x).
Reactive abilities do not use TA or MS.
❖ Trigger – Trigger abilities operate like Reactive abilities, except that their activation is
mandatory. If a Trigger ability’s condition is fulfilled, it MUST be activated. Trigger
abilities do not typically use TA or MS.
❖ Passive – Passive abilities are always active and always provide their effect, typically at
no cost. They do not activate and cannot have Reactive or Trigger abilities used in
response to them. During a Reprieve or Downtime, you can opt to disable a Passive ability
until your next Reprieve/Downtime.
❖ Permanent – Permanent abilities operate exactly like Passive abilities, except that they
cannot be disabled manually.
❖ Boost – Boost abilities are activated in conjunction with other abilities that have specific
functions. They typically provide a bonus effect at a cost and are considered to be
activated alongside the ability they are boosting. The requirements to activate a Boost
ability are listed in the ability’s description. Boost abilities do not typically use a Turn
Action or Movement Steps.
❖ Toggle – Toggle abilities are abilities you can turn on or off in combat. Toggle abilities
typically provide a bonus effect while active at a cost or detriment. The action required to
turn a Toggle ability on or off is listed in the ability’s description, as well as the cost or
trade-off required.
❖ Full-Turn – These abilities consume the user’s entire turn. Other than Reactive abilities,
the user must not have performed any actions in their turn to use a Full-Turn ability.
❖ Inherent – An ability subtype. Inherent abilities are abilities that every unit has. Inherent
abilities can’t be nullified unless the ability/effect specifically states it works on Inherent
❖ Attack – An ability subtype. Attack abilities (frequently marked as ATK) operate like the
default weapon attack. In most cases, they will require you to have a specific type of
weapon equipped. These abilities utilize any weapon enhancements of the weapon used,
and can deal critical hits.
❖ Assist – An ability subtype. Assist abilities are used to create and/or call an Assist, listed
in the ability’s description.
❖ Craft – An ability subtype. Craft abilities are used in Reprieves or Downtime to create
items, listed in the ability’s description.
Abilities also have a variety of keywords used to abridge descriptions and recurring mechanics.
Keywords are found in the ability’s description.
Ability Keywords
❖ Apply [x] (y) – Applies the Condition X to the affected unit(s), with a duration of Y.
❖ ATK Charge (x) – Applies the effect x to the affected unit’s next use of an ATK ability.
ATK Charge effects will frequently be locked to a specific weapon or have a time limit on
their use.
❖ Break (x) – The ability or effect only functions if the user is missing at least X of their total
❖ Channel (x) – The ability recovers part of the stat points used to pay for its cost, after the
effects of the ability are completed (conditions have worn off/been removed, damage is
dealt, effects are otherwise resolved, etc.). If multiple stats were used, you can choose
which stats recover the Channel. If no numerical value is listed, the entire cost is
recovered. Has no effect on non-stat costs, such as Tags, Charges, or HP.
❖ Contest – A comparison between two things. Typically, a Contest is between stats of two
separate units. If a stat is listed, roll d4s equal to your current value in that stat, and
compare it to the other side of the Contest. The winner of a Contest is referred to as a
“Victor”, and the other a “Loser”.
❖ Field Change [x] (y) – Changes the current Field Effect to x, with a duration of Y.
❖ Focus (x): – The ability applies an additional or substitute effect if an affected unit(s) is
within the listed range(s). If the ability has multiple Targets, the Focus effect only applies
to Targets within the Focus range.
❖ Gain – Increases the current amount of a stat, HP, or other resource. Can increase a stat
above its default value.
❖ Max x – The ability’s variable cost can’t have more than x spent for it.
❖ Negate – When an ability is negated, it has no effects. You still have to pay any costs
associated with the negated ability.
❖ Nullify – When an ability is Nullified, it does not have any effect. Unlike Negation,
Nullification must be done in advance, and the ability that is nullified cannot be used at
❖ OpE – The ability can only be used Once per Encounter.
❖ OpR – The ability can only be used Once per Round.
❖ OpT – The ability can only be used Once per Turn.
Many abilities deal and inflict a variety of damage attributes, which monsters are frequently
resistant or weak to, depending on the monster and the damage attribute. Some Specializations
have an associated damage attribute as well. When damage is dealt of multiple attributes
simultaneously, apply DEF, and then split the remainder equally between each damage attribute.
In the case of predefined values for differing damage attributes, apply the unit’s DEF to the
damage attribute with the most damage associated with it first, then continue applying DEF until
there is no more DEF to apply.
Resistance is applied after damage calculation and defenses, and is a multiplier that affects the
final damage inflicted. Each Resistance is generally associated with a specific type or method of
0 = Self or Engaged Unit, 1 = Close, 2 = Near, 3 = Mid-Range, 4 = Far, 5 = Long-Range, 6 = Very Long Range
Damage Attributes
❖ Slash – A Physical damage attribute. Associated with cuts and slices.
❖ Bash – A Physical damage attribute. Associated with squeezes and blunt strikes.
❖ Pierce – A Physical damage attribute. Associated with shots and stabs.
❖ Fire – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of Fire Specialization. Tied to
the Burn, Flame Smite, and Heat Aura Conditions.
❖ Ice – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of Ice Specialization. Tied to
the Freeze and Frostbite Conditions.
❖ Wind – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Air Specialization.
Tied to the Dizzy and Gale Wall Conditions.
❖ Lightning – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Lightning
❖ Sound – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Sound Specialization.
❖ Dark – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Darkness
❖ Light – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Light Specialization.
❖ Wood – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Wood Specialization.
❖ Water – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Water Specialization.
❖ Force – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Gravity Specialization.
❖ Stone – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Stone Specialization.
❖ Metal – An Elemental damage attribute. The default attribute of the Metal Specialization.
❖ Magic – A supplementary damage attribute. Indicates that the damage is magical in
nature. Spells and Relics automatically apply their damage as Magic damage, so it is not
typically noted in their descriptions.
❖ True – The strongest of damage attributes. True damage automatically ignores DEF and
EVA. True damage can only be generated by effects that explicitly state they generate True
Combat Flow
When monsters attack or the local troublemakers start making trouble, it’s time to break out the
weapons, spells, and frilly dresses to save the day! Combat is an important part of any magical
girl’s capabilities, even if they don’t like fighting much.
At the start of an encounter, the first thing that each player needs to do is to deploy units. In many
cases, you will only be able to deploy your character: the main character that you created. In some
cases, however, you can choose to deploy another unit (such as a twin), or even multiple units at
the same time. The main unit you deploy (as well as the Assists that you do not deploy and your
After deploying units, each deployed unit rolls Initiative. Initiative is rolled with 1d100 by
default, with no modifiers. Turns for each round go in order from greatest to least, based on the
Initiative values rolled. If your Initiative changes in battle, you act at the new Initiative value,
unless you have already acted in the current round, in which case you act at that Initiative value
in the next round.
Units can show up in the middle of a round in progress. In this case, they are referred to as
Intruders. Intruders can’t be targeted by any abilities, even their own. Intruders roll Initiative
separately, and at the end of a round, all Intruders take what is called an Intrusion Turn (in the
order they rolled for Initiative, if needed). After that Intrusion Turn is completed, they join the
fray on the Initiative value they rolled and cease to be Intruders.
Each unit has a Position in relation to each other unit. Positioning is usually changed in relation
to a SINGLE unit. For instance, if you are at Near range to a foe but Close range to an ally, when
you move 1 stage closer to the foe you are still at Close range to the ally as well as being Close
range to the foe.
When you would be dealt damage (except from Conditions or Contests), decrease the damage by
a value equal to your DEF. Then, roll 1d20, adding your EVA. This is your Evasion roll. If the
adjusted damage is less than the value of your Evasion roll, you are inflicted no damage. If the
Evasion Roll and the damage is equal, you are inflicted 1 point of the ability’s damage. If the
damage is from a Condition, Item, or a Contest, you only apply your DEF and cannot Evade.
Some effects cause you to be Disarmed, which causes you to drop or otherwise lose your weapon.
When you are disarmed, your weapon drops at a specific position, noted in the description of the
disarming effect. One such example of a disarming effect is the Distance Attack that Melee
Weapons can use, which causes the weapon to be disarmed at the Attack Target’s position after
the Attack resolves. You can retrieve a disarmed weapon by moving to the position and
reacquiring it with the Pass Item ability.
Some abilities and most Attacks have the ability to deal a Critical Hit. When you use an ATK
ability, roll 1d100. If the result is less than or equal to your Critical Rate, you inflict a Critical Hit,
When you are in Civilian Form, you are considered a non-magical being. While transformed, you
are considered a magical being. Magical beings increase their Resistance against Attacks and
other forms of non-magical weapons and damage by 50% (to a maximum of 100% Resistance),
but some creatures will specifically target magical beings over non-magical ones. Your stat
modifiers from paying costs and missing health will carry over between forms, so exercise
Position Ranges
• Engaged (0) – The unit shares their rough position with you. Abilities from outside the
Engagement that would affect one Engaged unit has a 25% chance of affecting the other
unit instead, and a 50% chance of affecting both units. You can only enter this range with
an ability or effect that explicitly states it creates an Engagement. A unit can only be
Engaged with 1 other unit at a time. If you or an ally used the ability that created the
Engagement, you can end it at any time on your turn (without using an action).
Otherwise, you must attempt to Flee.
• Close (1) – The unit is decently close and can reasonably be reached in a fraction of a
• Near (2) – The unit is nearby and can be reached in a moment’s notice.
• Mid-Range (3) – The unit has some noticeable space between you and them that may be
difficult to reach quickly, but at a distance that can be managed.
• Far (4) – The unit is a decent distance away. Reaching them will not usually be quick.
Moving into Far Range to a unit requires 2 MS instead of 1.
• Long Range (5) – The unit is a long distance away. Reaching them quickly will typically
prove borderline impossible. Moving into Long Range to a unit requires 2 MS instead of
• Extra Long Range (6) – The unit is a very large distance away. Reaching them quickly is
an impossibility under almost every circumstance. Moving into Extra Long Range to a
unit requires 2 MS instead of 1.
At times, you may find an encounter isn’t going your way, or perhaps you’ve already completed
your objective and don’t need to continue to fight. In this case, you can opt to Flee combat. Fleeing
is NOT an ability but consumes actions in your turn as if it were one. During your turn, a unit
can choose to sacrifice any amount of MS or Turn Action(s) (you must give up at least one) to
attempt to Flee from an Encounter or from an Engagement.
If you attempt to Flee an Encounter, the base success rate is increased by 8% for each MS used,
and 24% for each Turn Action used. Decrease the base success rate by 2% for each foe at Far range
or closer. For each ally at Near range or closer, increase the success rate by 2%, and if you have
Linkage with any of those units, increase the success rate by another 3% for each. If you are
After calculating the success rate, roll 1d100. If your die result is less than or equal to the success
rate, you successfully Flee. If you were Engaged, this means you break out of the Engagement
and are now at Close range to the unit you were Engaged with. If you were not Engaged, then
you leave the current encounter.
Downtime is much like a Reprieve, except representing a much longer period. While a Reprieve
might just be a few minutes or a couple hours, Downtime is anywhere from a day or two to a few
months or even years. During Downtime, you gain all of the effects of a Reprieve, as well as bonus
points for Crafting.
Inherent Abilities
All units have a list of abilities that they can use called Inherent Abilities. These abilities, as
previously explained in the Ability Types section, Inherent abilities can’t be nullified by abilities
that don’t specifically designate Inherent abilities. The list of Inherent Abilities is as follows:
❖ Attack – Active; Inherent; ATK – No Cost – Deal damage to a Target with your currently
equipped Weapon. Optimal, Damage, Damage Attribute, Type of Attack, and other
qualities determined by the weapon. If you do not have a weapon equipped, the damage
is based on your STR, the Optimal is (0,1), and this ability cannot deal Critical Hits.
❖ Defend – Active; Inherent – No Cost – X = Current VIT. Increases your DEF by (5+(2X))
until the start of your next turn. Increases your side of Contests by (5+X) until the start of
your next turn.
Grid Combat is detailed more in the SCS Expansion Worlds & Wishes.
Many abilities call Assists to aid you. When using an Assist, first select an ability that you would
like for them to use. Then, as SP 2, that ability is used by the Assist (paying their stats and such
as appropriate). As a secondary cost for the Assist, you must pay Initiative based on the type of
ability they used:
❖ Full-Turn: 50 Initiative
❖ Active: 20 Initiative
❖ SP X: 5 + 5X Initiative
❖ Boost: 10 Initiative
❖ Reactive: 15 Initiative
When using Boost abilities, the Boost can apply to the Assist or to you. For Targeting purposes,
you are considered to be Engaged with any Assist you call. Assists cannot use Trigger or Toggle
effects and abilities, unless they are deployed. If they use an ATK ability, the Attack uses their
weapon, including any enhancements applied. Passives are effective only while the Assist is
actively called or deployed.
During Downtime, you also gain 1 Resource Credit (RC) that you can spend to acquire mundane
items and materials. You can also gain additional RC by spending CT to acquire RC based on
your current Age and Body type:
❖ Age 6 and lower cannot spend CT to gain RC.
❖ Age 7-9 can spend 4 CT to gain 1 RC.
❖ Age 10-12 can spend 3 CT to gain 1 RC.
❖ Age 13-15 can spend 2 CT to gain 1 RC.
❖ Age 16-17 can spend 1 CT to gain 1 RC.
❖ Age 18+ can spend 1 CT to gain 2 RC.
❖ If Underdeveloped, treat your Age as 2 lower.
❖ If Overdeveloped, treat your Age as 2 higher.
Unlike CT, RC are retained even if you don’t spend them immediately, so keep this in mind when
planning crafting sessions long-term.
When you acquire your first weapon in character creation, you get to decide some details on it.
A Starting Weapon can be of different Optimal Ranges depending on its type (chosen when
created), as well as of differing Damage Attributes (Slash, Bash, or Pierce, chosen when created).
The following is a chart of Weapon Default Ranges. Green squares (O) are within Optimal, and
Yellow Squares (RP) have Reduced Penalty. Red Squares (X) are outside of Optimal.
Weapon Enhancements
Each Weapon is special. Through careful choices and long-term refinement, a Magical Girl’s
weapon becomes powerful all on its own. Each weapon can hold 5 Enhancements. During
Downtime, a character can acquire a new Enhancement(s) for their weapons at the cost of 2 Silver
Coins OR 8 Bronze Coins each. You can purchase up to 3 Enhancements at once with a single
Gold Coin. The weapon you start with (as well as a Second Weapon acquired with a Gold Coin)
starts with the Soulbound Enhancement, as well as 1 additional Enhancement of your choice.
Enhancements are NOT considered abilities but have effects that can change the flow of combat.
Some Enhancements have Ranks. Each Enhancement Rank must be purchased in order (you have
to have Sweeping I and Sweeping II before you can get Sweeping III).
Melee-Exclusive Enhancements
➢ Drain I – Each time the Weapon inflicts damage with an ATK, restore 1d6 HP and 1 point
to a random stat.
➢ Drain II – Replaces the effect of Drain I. Each time the Weapon inflicts damage with an
ATK, restore 2d6 HP and 2 points to a random stat.
➢ Drain III – When using Drain II’s effect, you can choose to restore 4d6 HP OR 2 points to
a single stat of your choice.
➢ Slashing High I – For every 10 dmg inflicted with this weapon via an ATK, increase your
EVA by 1 until the start of your next turn.
A simple uniform with a short skirt and thigh-high boots. A frilly pink dress that smells of
flowers. A turquoise and purple getup with striped stockings. A skintight red suit with black
dots. The Magical Girl’s outfit is a declaration of her identity to all that see her. While weapons
differentiate themselves in their function between types, Outfits primarily differentiate
themselves in their statistical value. Each outfit provides a different modifier to the wearer’s EVA
and DEF, based on its type.
Skimpy +3 -1
Flowing +2 ---
Elaborate --- +1
Uniform -1 +2
A visor that shows her enemies’ weak points. The ability to instantly change clothes to fit a new
role. A final blow that defeats almost any foe. The Power serves as they keystone of the magical
girl’s capabilities and shows where she shines the most. Each Power has 5 Levels, which can be
increased by spending coins. Upgrading a Power from Lv 1 to 2 costs 5 Bronze Coins OR 1 Silver
Coin. Upgrading from Lv 2 to 3 costs 10 Bronze OR 2 Silver. Upgrading from Lv 3 to 4 costs 14
Bronze OR 4 Silver OR 1 Gold. Upgrading to Level 5 costs 10 Silver OR 1 Gold. Powers frequently
change their capabilities as they increase in level, however each Level is considered a separate
ability for the purposes of nullification.
List of Powers
❖ Barrage
Purification and CP are covered more in the SCS expansion Order & Chaos; Friend & Foe.
Purification and CP are covered more in the SCS expansion Order & Chaos; Friend & Foe.
Linkage is covered in the SCS expansion Worlds & Wishes: An Advanced Guide to the SCS for Players and GMs.
Fusion is covered in the SCS expansion Worlds & Wishes: An Advanced Guide to the SCS for Players and GMs.
An impeccable sense of style. The parents that don’t always seem to be there. The seasoned ally
willing to help. The small plush toy-esque being that helps you out of a pinch. Perks represent
the tricks and treats of being a magical girl. Most girls have at least a couple of these, even NPCs
with generally lower power. While the individual perks aren’t typically unique, their applications
and combinations are what make the magical girl shine. Perks do not have costs.
List of Perks
❖ A Way Out – Permanent; Perk – Decrease your Reincarnation Cycle’s duration by 10 Days
(apply flat modifiers before scaling modifiers). If you are Dead, you can choose to
permanently die instead of Reincarnating.
❖ Absolute Direction – Passive/Reactive; Perk – Immune to effects that would prevent you
from targeting combatants. Immune to effects that force you to designate a specific target
before any other unit. // OpR. Re: when an effect is activated that would change your
designated Target(s), you can negate that effect.
❖ Ally – Passive; Assist; Perk – Uses your ally generated in the CYOA. Your ally can be
called as an Assist or deployed as an NPC unit. You can have Linkage with your Ally, but
you do not have this Linkage by default.
❖ Awareness – Passive; Perk – Roll 2d100 for Initiative, using the total value rolled for your
Initiative. If your Initiative would be higher than 120 due to this, it becomes 120 (before
applying any other modifiers that would adjust your Initiative). You can target Intruding
❖ Big Backpack – Passive; Perk – Immune to the Starved Condition. When you obtain this
perk, choose 1 (Cure Drink or Clear Water). You gain the chosen item. Each time you take
Downtime, you gain another of the item you chose. During Downtime, you can spend 1
CT to change the item granted by this perk, effective as of your next Downtime.
❖ Big Damn Hero – Passive; Perk – You can grant a character or location your Hero Token.
You can place multiple Hero Tokens, but you can only have one active at a time. You can’t
place a Hero Token on yourself or a Duplicate of yourself. A Hero Token placed on an
Ally, Familiar, or Twin deployed in the same encounter as you is not considered active. If
fighting in the vicinity of your currently active Hero Token, Apply [Heroism] (Encounter).
❖ Blood Magic – Boost; Perk – When you cast a spell with a MAG cost, you can decrease
that MAG cost by X to add “Sacrifice (10*X)” as an effect to that spell.
Specializations acquired due to effects (such as Cosmic Band) or Second Specialization do not count.
Spell Rating
Each character has a stat that governs some of the spells they can cast, referred to as a Spell Rating.
Your Spell Rating determines how powerful you can cast spells. To match with this, each Spell
has a Tier. Most spells from the Specialization Spell Kits are Tier EX, however Generic and Semi-
Generic spells have tiers as well, with number assignments:
➢ EX Tier – EX Tier spells are outside the normal measurement system, either due to being
unique in nature or difficult to balance. This mostly only concerns the starting spell kits
for each specialization, but other spells can be EX Tier as well. EX Tier spells do not have
an SR requirement: if you know the spell, you can use it.
➢ Tier 0 – T0 magic is fairly weak and easy to use. You’ll find T0 magic all over the Overcity,
and even outside of it on occasion. T0 spells can be cast by any unit with a MAG of at least
➢ Tier 1 – T1 magic is still relatively weak, but more complicated in nature. T1 spells can be
cast by any unit with at least 5 SR.
➢ Tier 2 – T2 magic is more complicated and considered to be the intermediate level of
magic. T2 Spells can be used by any unit with at least 12 SR.
➢ Tier 3 – T3 magic is considered advanced magic. Many magical girls never get to this level.
T3 Spells can be used by any unit with at least 18 SR.
➢ Tier 4 – T4 magic is considered to be higher mastery of the user’s own element. Most
magical girls never get to this level. T4 spells can be used by any unit with at least 25 SR.
➢ Tier 5 – T5 magic is considered utter divine-level mastery of the element, to the point
where many consider users to be physical gods manifest. T5 spells can be used by any
unit with at least 35 SR.
Attunement comes into play when you wish to learn a new spell. Generic spells have specific
abilities and qualities that make it easier for you to learn the spell in question, referred to as
Attunement. For each Attunement condition you fulfill, reduce the cost of a Generic spell by 10
Copper or 1 Bronze. Attunement does not grant a discount for any spells acquired using Silver
coins. You can only get a discount of 4 Attunement for any given Spell, even if you have more
than 4 qualities that grant Attunement.
Generic Spells
❖ Bullit Dash – Reactive; Generic T0 Spell; Ranged – 1 MAG – Re: When you change position
in relation to a single unit, expend 7 Ammo or 3 Mundane Ammo of the proper type.
Move 1 stage in relation to a Target. Focus (1,2): Restore your weapon’s Ammo to its
maximum after moving. [ Attunement: Light Specialization; Wings Perk; Money Perk;
Insomnia Drawback ]
❖ Cross Checkmate – Active; Generic T0 Spell – 2 VIT – Scope (0). OpE. You and a Target
with lower HP than you are KO’d. You cannot apply Lifesaver effects or use Reactive
abilities in response to this, but the Target may. [ Attunement: Fated Perk; Closure Perk; A
Way Out Perk; Trickster Drawback ]
❖ Cull – Speed; Generic T0 Spell – No Cost – SP 1. Target a unit with 1 HP and/or that used
a Lifesaver effect since the end of their last turn. That Target’s HP becomes 0, and they are
KO’d. [ Attunement: Darkness Specialization; Purification Artifact Perk; Fated Perk;
Vendetta Drawback ]
❖ Delta Stroke – Active; ATK; Generic T0 Spell; Melee – 1 AGI – Melee Attack a Target,
rolling the damage 3 times, using the difference between the highest of the three rolls and
the lowest of the three rolls as the final result. This Attack cannot deal a Critical Hit. [
Attunement: Air Specialization; Martial Training Perk; Flexibility Perk; Default
Transformed AGI > 10 ]
❖ Double Trouble – Active; ATK; Generic T0 Spell – No Cost –As an additional cost for this
spell, reduce your Initiative by 15. Switch weapons with an Assist under your control (this
counts as both units Equipping the respective weapon), and then Attack a Target with
that weapon from your current position. If your Attack inflicts damage, the Assist you
swapped weapons with can immediately Attack a Target with your weapon. If both
Attacks inflict damage to their Target(s), you can swap weapons back. [ Attunement: Ally,
Familiar ]
❖ En Return – Full-Turn; Generic T0 Spell – No Cost – OpE. At the start of your next turn, if
you were not KO’d since your last turn, Nullify 3 randomly selected abilities of the Target
(including Inherent) for the rest of the encounter. If the Target has CP or is a Natural
Monster, 7 abilities are randomly selected instead. If all of a unit’s abilities are nullified
due to the effects of En Return, that unit is KO’d, and no Lifesaver effects can be applied.
If an ally uses En Return, you can use this ability as a Reactive ability on the same Target
(the effect occurs at the start of the first caster’s next turn). When a unit uses this ability,
their next turn is skipped (this effect still activates). A unit can only be affected by En
Return 4 times in an encounter. [ Attunement: Beast Specialization, Stone Specialization,
Water Specialization, Wood Specialization ]
❖ Excelion Shield – Reactive; Generic T0 Spell – 3 VIT or MAG in any combination – Sacrifice
25. OpE. Re: When you or an ally is targeted by an ability, negate all effects of that ability
on the Targeted unit. This ability can only be negated by a Spell that is at least 1 Tier higher
Specialization Spells
When you create your character, you obtain the spells listed under your character’s
Specialization(s) that are tied to the Weapon(s) that your character started with.10 Spells that are
tied to a weapon type require the user to be currently wielding the appropriate weapon type. The
weapon does not have to be magical or the original starting weapon but does have to be the
appropriate type for the spell. A Dual Weapon in the wrong mode does NOT count towards
fulfilling the weapon requirements.
After your initial spell kit, you can purchase additional spells within your Specialization for 3
Bronze Coins or 1 Silver Coin each. Semi-Generic Spells from your Specialization cost 35 Copper
Coins, 3 Bronze Coins, or 1 Silver Coin each.
Remember that Dual Weapon only grants a single spell for the secondary mode chosen.
Spirits have 1 HP and do not ever apply DEF or EVA, even if a special effect would allow them to. They have 50%
Resistance to Slash/Bash/Pierce damage but -100% damage from other magical damage sources. Spirits do not
have stats otherwise. Spirits cannot be affected with Conditions.
A Spirit Golem has 5 points in each stat. It only has Inherent abilities. It can use the Enhancements of the
Weapon and Outfit used to make it. It cannot restore HP, except with those Enhancements. It is considered a
Magical Being.
Ivy Golem has a statline of 5/2/5/2/0, 80 HP, 5 DEF, and +1 EVA. It has -250% Fire Resistance and 100% Wood
Resistance. It can move 1 Stage a turn with 1 MS, regardless of the range it moves into. It Attacks with STR+VIT,
Optimal (1,2), dealing Wood damage.
Ivy Thrasher has a statline of 4/0/3/2/0, 40 HP, 2 DEF, and -5 EVA It has -250% Fire Resistance and 100% Wood
Resistance. It cannot move. It Attacks with STR, Optimal (0,1,3), dealing Wood damage. If its Attack inflicts
damage, the unit is pulled to its position and is engaged with the Thrasher.
Ivy Beast has a statline of 3/6/2/2/0, 30 HP, 1 DEF, and +8 EVA. It has -250% Fire Resistance and 100% Wood
Resistance. It moves normally. It Attacks using AGI, Optimal (1,2), dealing Wood damage.
If you have a Dual Weapon, you obtain 1 spell from the chosen path, not the full Path’s kit.
Sometimes the more permanent objects in your arsenal aren’t enough. Sometimes you need a
small, temporary pick-me-up. For this, Items have your back. Items are typically expendable little
trinkets to get you through a pinch. The Use Item ability lets you take an item from your inventory
and use its effects. Items can be acquired with Copper Coins or with some Perks. Items can’t be
acquired with any other kind of coin.
The prices listed here are meant to be a general guideline. Your GM may adjust them or leave
items lying around as quest rewards or exploration rewards.
Item Price Effect
Seed Stash --- Increases the area’s Green by 1. Cannot be bought.
1 Deals 15 Bash damage to a Target (Ignore EVA).
Needle Grenade 1 Deals 15 Pierce damage to a Target (Ignore EVA).
1 Deals 15 Slash damage to a Target (Ignore EVA).
A magical yo-yo that seals evil. A pen that lets you imitate people of authority. A compass that
points you the right way. A crystal ball that shows you the future. Relics exist as both Items and
Equipment, having secondary functions that assist in battle, but being put on a restrictive
resource that prevents overreliance. A unit can equip up to 3 Relics at a time. In most cases, a
Relic must be equipped to use its effects, but some relics have effects regardless of whether or not
Many Relics have tags. In most cases, these tags are not relevant unless a GM makes them
relevant, or another mechanic specifically cites them (such as the AMGC conversion process listed
early in this PDF).
➢ Adamant Orb
o [Otherworld]
o A pale pink orb with an opalescent luster. Gripping it tightly, you feel as if you are eternally
safe. When activated, this feeling is realized.
o Holds 1 Charge. Recovers 1 Charge during a Reprieve if you have no Power.
Otherwise, Recovers 1 Charge during Downtime.
o Use Item: Expend 1 Charge. Until the start of the next round, damage inflicted to
you becomes 0. You can only benefit from 1 Adamant Orb per encounter.
➢ Blitz Chain
o [Otherworld]
o A silvery chain meant as decoration. Can be wrapped around an arm, a leg, worn as a
necklace, or even used to decorate your weapon. When the wearer strikes true, an
enchantment invigorates allies to action.
o Holds 4 Charges. Recovers 1 Charge at the end of an Encounter. Recovers 4
Charges during a Reprieve.
o Use Item: Expend 2 Charges. This turn, when you inflict damage to a unit with an
ability, each Ally and Assist (Duplicates only count as 1, even if you have more
than 1) in your party selects one of their stats (STR, AGI, VIT, MAG, LUK). Deal
True damage to that unit equal to half of the combined value of those chosen stats.
If you do not have a Power, the damage is equal to the combined total value
o Re: When you deal a Critical Hit with a weapon OR inflict damage with a damage
attribute that the unit is weak to, you can immediately use this Relic’s Use Item
effect, but if you do, the damage is halved.
➢ Boost Up Buster
o A gun with a strange, battery-esque bullet. Holding the bullet charges it up with your
power. If you pass the charged bullet and the gun to a non-magical girl, then something
amazing might happen…
o Holds 0 Charges. A Magical Girl or Monster Girl can give the weapon 1 Charge as
SP 2. Holds a maximum of 1 Charge.
o Ranged Weapon: Optimal (1,2,3). Does not have Ammo. Uses the Charge in the
place of Ammo. Damage of the weapon is based on the Specialization of the unit
that charged it.
This grants the unit stats and spells equivalent to a Magical Girl of the same capability of the unit that charged it.
They receive access to all Specialization spells that the unit had at the time of charging. If they do not already have
a magical outfit, they gain one that matches the charging unit’s starting Outfit, including Enhancements on that
Many effects apply conditions that adjust how the afflicted fights. Some are positive, others are
negative. Each condition has a duration, represented in the turn count or round count after the
Apply effect. For Conditions, a Turn is considered to have passed when the afflicted unit’s turn
ends. A Round is considered to have passed when the round ends.
Charges, Tags, Marks, and other similar effects are not considered Conditions, and cannot be
removed by effects that work on Conditions.
Condition Effect
Applied automatically when your HP is reduced to 0 or less, and persists as long as your
HP is 0 or less. You immediately revert to your default form (Civilian Form if Magical
Girl/Dark Magical Girl; Unsealed form if Monster Girl). Cannot perform any actions or use
any abilities. All other conditions are suppressed while KO'd but resume their effects
KO'd when you are no longer KO'd. When damaged while KO'd, lose 1 point in a stat (each
chosen at random from a stat > 0) for every 20 damage you would've taken (Min. 1). If
your stats are all 0 at any time while you are KO'd, you are Dead. While KO'd, you
automatically fail your side of any Contests. Cannot be removed except by effects that
specifically designate this Condition.
You can contact the dev (under the username Jeanne D’Code or a variant) using the Accidental
Magical Girl CYOA Discord. The dev can also be contacted via /mgcyoa/ threads on 4chan’s /tg/
board, under the tripcode “MaidofCharts”. If you’re interested in helping keep the dev funded,
you can donate money via their Ko-Fi.
This combat module is not directly affiliated with QuasarBlack’s Accidental Magical Girl CYOA,
and is only intended as an add-on module for roleplay and campaign purposes. Questions and
comments regarding the CYOA should be directed to QuasarBlack.
This system is not directly affiliated with Accidental Magical Girl Core. Questions regarding that
system should be directed to the current developer(s) for that system.