Substations and Electrical Installations: Impact On Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Substations and Electrical Installations: Impact On Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Substations and Electrical Installations: Impact On Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Corresponding Members
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ISBN : 978-2-85873-600-3
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TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Executive summary
Gas insulated switchgear (GIS) has been used as an effective solution for the design and operation of
substations since the 1960s due to its excellent features such as compactness, encapsulated
components, resistance to environmental pollution and increased personnel safety due to minimal
exposed high voltage components. GIS has a high level of safety as it is arc resistant by design. GIS
is designed to be protected against extreme environmental conditions, has high seismic resistance
and continuous monitoring of the gas insulation system.
The majority of recent GIS installations are indoor, particularly in Europe and North America. However,
GIS applications using an outdoor design are numerous throughout the world, especially in Asia and
the Pacific Rim. The exposure of the outdoor GIS to the natural external and extreme environmental
conditions, both natural and human caused, leads operational and maintenance challenges.
Extreme environmental conditions related to the location of the outdoor GIS and its exposure to
constant moisture, acid rain, snow, ice, ultraviolet radiation, salt contamination, pollution, etc.
contribute to its corrosion and the accelerated deterioration as compared to an indoor GIS. For
example, salt contamination and long-term corrosion of GIS flanges, fittings, bushings, connectors and
terminations can lead to the need for restoration and repair of the equipment and can interrupt critical
power flows resulting in security risks and public safety risks. These types of events and
environmental conditions have a more pronounced effect on outdoor GIS compared to indoor. Robust
engineering and design processes coupled with an appropriate maintenance strategy are key pillars to
reliable long-term operation of outdoor GIS.
One of the purposes of this technical brochure is to define engineering requirements and strategies for
maintenance of outdoor GIS. This brochure also describes how the health of the GIS should be
monitored such that the right capital and operational investment decisions can be made, at the
appropriate times, to sustain the optimal performance and operational capability of the GIS.
Scope of work
This technical brochure covers the analysis of HV outdoor GIS including Mixed Technology
Switchgear (MTS) and gas insulated dead tank circuit breakers and will consider the lifetime
considerations as compared with HV indoor GIS. The technical brochure provides an understanding of
the market needs and the standards requirements for outdoor GIS and its application. The impact that
outdoor application of GIS has on the design of the switchgear, the high voltage interfaces and
connections, the layout of the switchgear, the overall substation design and specific civil engineering
issues are addressed. The impact on the long-term reliability of the GIS because of its location
outdoors is explored. Specific operational impacts such as gas system tightness, corrosion onset
behaviour and other degradation impacts due to external environmental conditions such as ultraviolet
(solar) radiation, acid rains, snow, ice, industrial pollution and chemical reactions with sealing systems
are addressed.
This technical brochure also investigates the required operation and maintenance strategies
necessary to effectively ensure the reliable service life of the outdoor GIS. Economic comparisons
related to the operational and maintenance strategies of outdoor GIS versus indoor GIS are explored,
these include the initial cost of the GIS and facility, the life cycle cost of the GIS and facility including
operation and maintenance activities, refurbishment activities to extend the useful life of the GIS and
the cost to replace and/or fully decommission the GIS.
This technical brochure includes case studies to validate findings. The technical brochure also
includes considerations for gas insulated dead tank circuit breakers installed in AIS substations.
The specific topics and study areas of this technical brochure includes:
1. Standards, Guidelines and Relevant Technical Documents
2. Market Requirements for Outdoor GIS
3. Impact on Outdoor GIS Design Including HV Connection, Layout, Foundations and Overall
Substation Design
4. Impact on Operation and Maintenance Policy to Ensure the Outdoor Performance
5. Impact on Long-term Reliability - Lifetime Management
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Executive summary ............................................................................................................. 3
Background............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Scope of work ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................. 12
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
8. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 93
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Table 2-1 Service conditions relevant to outdoor GIS .......................................................................... 14
Table 2-2 Query service conditions ...................................................................................................... 15
Table 2-3 Main general parameters for insulator/bushing selection and dimensioning ....................... 16
Table 2-4 Site pollution severity (SPS) classes in IEC ......................................................................... 17
Table 2-5 IEC/TS 60815-1: Table J.1 - Correspondence between specific creepage distance and
unified specific creepage distance (USCD) ........................................................................................... 17
Table 2-6 Example of typical environments ......................................................................................... 17
Table 2-7 Site pollution severity (SPS) classes in IEEE ...................................................................... 18
Table 2-8 Site pollution severity (SPS) classes in GOST .................................................................... 20
Table 2-9 Site pollution severity classes in GB/T ................................................................................. 20
Table 2-10 Site pollution severity classes in JEC................................................................................. 20
Table 2-11 Minimum nominal specific distance for ceramic insulator (in Japan) ................................. 21
Table 2-12 Pollution test voltage .......................................................................................................... 21
Table 2-13 Corrosivity categories C1 - CX ........................................................................................... 22
Table 2-14 Corrosivity categories according to ISO 12944-2:2017 (E) ............................................... 22
Table 2-15 Other standards relevant to outdoor GIS ........................................................................... 23
Table 4-1 Categories of failure primary cause - Refer CIGRE TB 513 ................................................ 28
Table 4-2 Contribution of environmental stress to MiF & MaF - Refer CIGRE TB 513....................... 30
Table 4-3 Environmental factors affecting GIS performance ............................................................... 30
Table 4-4 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (low temperature) .. 34
Table 4-5 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (high temperature) 35
Table 4-6 Estimated lifetime of O-ring materials .................................................................................. 36
Table 4-7 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (humidity) .............. 38
Table 4-8 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (solar radiation) ..... 41
Table 4-9 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (Rainwater) ........... 44
Table 4-10 Summary of reported leaks ................................................................................................ 46
Table 4-11 Mapping to failure modes for deterioration (corrosion) of flanges and O-rings ................. 46
Table 4-12 Impact on environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (snow and ice) ... 50
Table 4-13 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (industrial/ salt
pollution, corrosive gas) ......................................................................................................................... 55
Table 4-14 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (vermin/ insect) ... 59
Table 4-15 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (strong wind) ....... 60
Table 4-16 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (sand/ dust) ......... 61
Table 4-17 Actual magnetic field measured at 440 substations ........................................................... 62
Table 6-1 Design countermeasures to endure long term reliability of outdoor GIS ............................. 76
Table 6-2 Manufacturing & installation countermeasures to ensure long term reliability of outdoor GIS
............................................................................................................................................................... 77
Table 6-3 Operation & maintenance countermeasures to ensure long term reliability of outdoor GIS 78
Table 7-1 Elements related to acquisition cost of GIS substation ........................................................ 87
Table 7-2 Elements related to ownership cost of GIS substation ........................................................ 90
Table 7-3 Elements related to retirement cost of GIS substation ......................................................... 91
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Equation 7-1 .......................................................................................................................................... 86
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
1. Introduction
Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) is applied throughout the world since the late 1960s because of its
excellent features such as compactness, encapsulated electrical components and to avoid
environmental pollution and personnel safety with less exposed high-voltage components. Because of
its compactness, GIS with higher ratings can be used for the replacement of Air Insulated Switchgear
(AIS) in the event of growing power demand or for the application of a higher transmission voltage
without additional space requirements.
Statistically, most of the GIS installations operated in the world are indoor (Refer to CIGRE TB 513
[B9] etc.), consequently information on the substation design, construction, operation and
maintenance experience of indoor GIS might be more readily available than for outdoor GIS. An
outdoor GIS is exposed to environmental conditions (rain, snow, sunshine, salt contamination etc.),
and its corrosion and deterioration is accelerated when compared to indoor GIS. An appropriate
maintenance regime is therefore the key to success for long-term operation of outdoor GIS with high
Until today, there are less publications available in which a comparison is made between indoor and
outdoor GIS use based on facts and proven experience. In addition, it is noted that indoor GIS also
has Gas Insulated Bus (GIB) and bushings for overhead transmission lines (OHL) which are generally
located in exposed outdoor environmental conditions. In this regard, those who operate indoor GIS
may be interested in this topic. (Figure 1-1).
GIS Building
Outdoor Indoor
GIS Building
Figure 1-1 An example of indoor GIS with outdoor components outside of a building
The work is to cover ‘Outdoor HV GIS including Mixed Technology Switchgear (MTS)’ and will
consider the following issues compared with indoor use:
Market and standard requirements for outdoor GIS;
Impact on GIS design including HV connection, layout, foundation and overall substation design;
Impact on long-term reliability such as tightness/corrosion behaviour, impact on environmental
conditions such as solar radiation effect, rain, snow, industrial pollution, etc.;
Impact on operation and maintenance strategy to ensure the outdoor resistance; and
Economic evaluation (outdoor vs indoor) - initial and life cycle cost during installation,
maintenance, refurbishment and replacement.
Benefits of this work include the following:
Recommendations for manufacturers and users to increase reliability of outdoor GIS and give
guidance in case of feasible Standard and Regulation optimization;
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Optimization of outdoor GIS design and their maintenance strategy in order to reduce failure rate
and maintenance cost of equipment;
Reduction of the risk of power system outages, and improvement of grid availability and business
opportunity of TSO.
It is considered that there are many examples of service experience of outdoor HV GIS with rated
voltage >52 kV. In this Working group, the scope will be focused on outdoor HV GIS, but the study
result should be useful to all voltage class outdoor GIS.
The preparation of this technical brochure is a result of the voluntary contribution of the Working group
Members listed earlier in this document and their various national and corporate supporters and
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Ambient air -25 or -30 -20 -45 or -60 -25 -10, -25, -30
temperature: -40 or -40
special: -40 or -50 special: acc GOST
special: -50 <-20 15150-69
Minimum (°C) Mild
application: +40 +40
+40 +40 +40
+40, -45
Special: Separately special: +50
Maximum (°C) special: +50 special: +50 or special:
Mild/Cold specify for each
+55 >40
application: case
+40, -60
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Wind (m/s) 34 40 40 40 40 34
special: >34 special: >40 special: special:
>40 >34
Altitude m
Pollution Class
Ice coating mm
Wind m/s
Humidity %
Condensation or precipitation
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Vibration Class
GIS mainly consists of metallic materials (steel, aluminum), which are subjected to corrosion
depending on the severity of the environment. Corrosion must be avoided as it has a negative impact
on the proper functioning of the GIS, for example corrosion on sealing surfaces eventually results in
gas leakage, or corrosion on contact surfaces reduces the current carrying capacity.
The table contains no information on the corrosivity of the environment where the substation is
installed. For the proper engineering and design of the substation, it is recommended to additionally
provide information on the corrosivity of the environment (e.g., corrosivity category according to ISO
Table 2-3 Main general parameters for insulator/bushing selection and dimensioning
a) Non pollution related parameters are given in italics and are not dealt with in this technical
specification; however, they may influence or limit the choice of the type of insulator to be used.
IEC/TS 60815-1 Edition 1.0 2008: Table 2 - Input parameters for insulator selection and dimensioning
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
b Light E2 16
c Medium E3, E4 20
d Heavy E5, E6 25
e Very heavy E7 31 a)
Note 1: The letters a to e are referred to as Site pollution severity (SPS), whereas the classes Very
light to Very heavy are referred to as Site pollution (SPS) classes.
1) Examples of typical environments where the GIS can be installed are given in IEC 62271-1 and
IEC TS 60815-1, referred to as E1 to E7
a) In the case of exceptional pollution severity, a nominal specific creepage distance of 31 mm/kV
line-to-line may not be adequate. Depending on service experience and/or on laboratory test
results, a higher value of nominal specific creepage distance can be used, but in some instances
the practicability of washing or greasing may have to be considered.
Table 2-5 IEC/TS 60815-1: Table J.1 - Correspondence between specific creepage distance
and unified specific creepage distance (USCD)
12,7 22,0
16 27,8
20 34,7
25 43,3
31 53,7
The site pollution severity (SPS) classes are relevant for selecting and design of the insulators. It
should be specified with enquiries, tenders and orders.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
With a greater distance from pollution sources than mentioned in E5, but:
• dense fog (or drizzle) often occurs after a long (several weeks or months) dry
E6 pollution accumulation season
• and/or there is a high NSDD level, between 5 and 10 times the ESDD
Within the same distance of pollution sources as specified for “heavy” areas and:
• directly subjected to sea-spray or dense saline fog
E7 • or directly subjected to contaminants with high conductivity, or cement type
dust with high density, and with frequent wetting by fog or drizzle
• desert areas with fast accumulation of sand and salt, and regular condensation
a) During a storm, the ESDD level at such a distance from the sea may reach a much higher
b) The presence of a major city will have an influence over a longer distance, i.e., the distance
specified for sea, desert and dry land.
c) Depending on the topography of the coastal area and the wind intensity
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
NOTE 1 - In very lightly polluted areas, nominal specific creepage distances lower than 16 mm/kV line-to-
line can be used depending upon the service experience. A specific creepage distance below 12
mm/kV line-to-line is not recommended.
NOTE 2 - In the case of exceptional pollution severity, a nominal specific creepage distance of 31 mm/kV
line-to-line may not be adequate. Depending on service experience and/or on laboratory test
results, a higher value of nominal specific creepage distance can be used, but in some instances
the practicability of washing or greasing may have to be considered.
NOTE 3 - The specific creepage distance values given in this table are for insulators between phase and
ground; they are the same as those given in Table 1 of IEC 60071-2:1996.
NOTE 4 - The specific creepage distance values given in this table apply to glass and ceramic insulators.
Values for other materials are under consideration.
The use of fertilizers by spraying or the burning of crop residues can lead to a higher pollution level due to
dispersal by wind.
Distances from seacoast depend on the topography of the coastal area and on the extreme wind conditions.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
2.3.3. Site pollution severity (SPS) classes in GOST (National standard in Russia)
I 1,5/1,6
II 2.0/2.25
III 2.5
IV 3.1
2.3.4. Site pollution severity (SPS) classes in GB/T (National standard in China)
b Light E2 16
c Medium E3, E4 20
d Heavy E5, E6 25
e Very heavy E7 31
Note 1: Examples of typical environments where the GIS can be installed are given in GB/T 26218.1-2010
referred to as E1 to E7
Note 2: The value of Creepage Distance is suitable for a three-phase AC Systems
2.3.5. Site pollution severity (SPS) classes in JEC (National standard in Japan)
In Japan, the degree of pollution is classified according to the salt deposition density (Refer Table
2-10). The minimum nominal specific creepage distance of insulators required for each salt deposition
density is calculated in Table 2-11, where the pollution test voltage (E) shown in Table 2-11 uses the
values shown in Table 2-12.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Table 2-11 Minimum nominal specific distance for ceramic insulator (in Japan)
0.005 L/E≧-0.0000168D2+0.0421D+11.18
0.005 L/E≧-0.0000184D2+0.0467D+12.39
Note: E: Pollution test Voltage shown in Table 2-12, L: Creepage distance, D: Mean diameter of insulator
72 69
84 80.5
120 115
168 161
204 141
240 166
300 208
550 381
1 100 762
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Category Corrosivity
C1 Very low
C2 Low
C3 Medium
C4 High
C5 Very high
CX Extreme
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
NOTE: The loss values used for the corrosivity categories are identical to those given in the ISO 9223
Remark: Site pollution severity class is defined by the amount of solid and gaseous pollution whereas the
corrosivity classes are defined by the rate of material loss of specific metals. There is no direct link between the
two concepts.
We can assume that environments that have a high site pollution severity typically also have a high corrosivity
category but there is no direct correlation. Both information is required separately for the engineering and design
of a substation.
# Standard Title
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
partner opinion providers. In this context environmental aspects and life cycle assessments may
become more important in the future [B2].
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
substations. Under such conditions compact solutions for existing substations are required. GIS
technology offers general advantages, as the required land area for a GIS substation will be only 10 -
20 % of the required equivalent AIS substation, considering only the switchgear [B7]. This advantage
is also valid for the outdoor GIS technology. Furthermore, outdoor GIS can be used instead for AIS
application within AIS substations. This is called mixed technology switchgear (MTS) and allows to
benefit from the advantages of the GIS technology, especially in case of substation rebuild or
extension. An example of MTS is shown in Figure 3-1. Indoor GIS and outdoor GIS may also be a
favorable solution for the establishment of new substations in areas with limited land area.
In urban areas, it is very difficult to acquire new space for a large-capacity substation. The
compactness is one of the most important factors. Selected project examples are described in
Appendix C. (Refer C.3 Establishing new outdoor substation with limited land area [B35])
3.3.2. Global warming potential
SF6 gas is essential for transmission and distribution equipment and switchgear design, because of its
excellent dielectric, arc quenching, heat transfer and chemical recombination properties. SF6
significantly contributes to the reduction of the size of equipment and switchgear. In spite of these
technical advantages, SF6 has a high global warming potential. Therefore, SF6 gas leakage needs to
be minimized, especially for outdoor GIS which is more likely to degrade and cause gas leak due to
environmental factors as time passes. Appropriate measures must be taken to prevent unacceptable
gas leaks during the lifecycle of the outdoor GIS. Good practices are described in chapter 5. Due to
the mentioned disadvantage the development of alternatives to SF6 is ongoing. Detailed information
about the state of the art can be found in the CIGRE TB 802 [B8], which describes the needs for
adaptations or new requirements for the safe, reliable and sustainable application of non-SF6 gas
technologies and gas mixtures in gas-insulated switchgear. With the introduction of SF6 alternative gas
technologies, the composition of the total GWP of switchgear will change in the future. Outdoor GIS
can offer advantages in this respect as it is designed to withstand environmental conditions and
therefore air conditioning unit is not necessary. Furthermore, outdoor GIS does not require the
construction of a GIS building, which eliminates the GWP associated with the building. To better
understand the interrelationships at this point, life cycle assessments are required.
3.3.3. Other environmental drivers
Further environmental drivers, that may influence the decision for outdoor GIS are listed below:
As outdoor GIS does not require a building, it has an overall improved ability to withstand
seismic conditions, if designed appropriately. The structure of the switchgear panels and the
associated distribution of the weights play an important role here. Depending on the seismic
conditions, the impact on design, engineering and testing should be considered according to
the specific local applicable standards, as shown in Table 2-1.This may be an important
selection criteria for utilities in areas with increased risk of earthquake hazards.
The visual impact of outdoor GIS is reduced, in compared to indoor GIS, as the building
required for indoor GIS has usually an increased effect on the landscape. Outdoor GIS has a
reduced impact on the landscape compared to outdoor AIS due to the reduced space
requirements and the lower overall height.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Outdoor GIS must be protected from naturally occurring environmental threats such as severe
storms and flooding.
It should be taken into consideration that outdoor GIS is potentially exposed to human caused
threats such as vandalism and projectiles, as it is not protected within a building.
There are many other environmental factors, which can influence the performance of outdoor GIS. For
example low or high temperatures, humidity and condensation, solar radiation, rainwater, snow,
pollution or gases, etc. (see Table 2-1). Adequate measures for these environmental factors are
described in Chapter 4.
Figure 3-2 Distribution of GIS service experience for indoor and outdoor GIS
To better understand the reasons for the different market conditions, a non-representative survey was
performed. Detailed information about the survey can be found in Appendix E. In addition to the
questionnaire, you will also find the feedback and an evaluation of the results.
3.5. Conclusion
The market requirements for outdoor GIS are in a constant state of change. GIS offers general
advantages over AIS such as compact design, low centre of gravity (seismic), encapsulation offers
protection against direct environmental impact, and so on.
However, the basic requirements of customers for switchgear remain the same. Other technological
drivers are based on economic advantages, such as optimized maintenance based on digital condition
assessments, which may become increasingly possible in the future. For many technical challenges of
the future, outdoor GIS represents a probable solution. It enables both the expansion and the new
construction of switchgear where spaces is limited. In a world characterized by urbanization, one can
expect that the importance of outdoor GIS will increase in the future. The local market conditions, as
well as the conducted survey, show that there is a need for clarification among potential customers
regarding the suitability of outdoor GIS in special environmental conditions. The expectations on the
reliability of the equipment are the main decision criterion.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Figure 4-1 Failure primary cause in category division - Refer CIGRE TB 513
Figure 4-1 shows the distribution of each primary failure cause in outdoor GIS. It can be seen that as a
factor of MaF and MiF, wear, corrosion and ageing account for 40 % - 50 % of the total primary
causes of failure.
Furthermore, in CIGRE TB 513, there is additional statistical data on the contribution of environmental
stress to GIS failure. Figure 4-2 summarizes the results, each number of whose elements is shown in
Table 4-2. ‘Flood and earthquake', ‘Lightning' in MaF, and 'Lightning' in MiF ranks in higher position,
and they are causes of overstress initiated by natural phenomena and mitigation techniques are
addressed in CIGRE TB 816 [B19]. Hence there is no differentiation in mitigation techniques between
indoor and outdoor GIS for these causes. Therefore, ‘Flood and earthquake' and ‘Lightning ' are
excluded from WG B3.57 study.
Figure 4-2 Summary of environmental stresses contribution to MiF & MaF - Refer CIGRE TB 513
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Table 4-2 Contribution of environmental stress to MiF & MaF - Refer CIGRE TB 513
Rain 4 18
Corrosive atmosphere 3 0
Pollution including dust 4 7
Lightning Lightning 21 49
Other Other 6 28
Total 79 151
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
2 High Temperature Natural
(excluding geothermal and fire)
Humidity and
3 Natural Atmospheric humidity
5 Rainwater Natural (excluding secondary effects such as inundation
and debris flow)
Electromagnetic Field
12 Artificial Effect on human health
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Application of a suitable gas/mixture and pressure scheme will ensure passive operation in the vapor
phase. Alternatively, the temperature may be raised to the right of the saturation curve with the active
application of heat.
Low temperature also affects the precipitation of impurities such as water. Figure 4-4 [B10][B11][B12]
shows the relationship between water concentration and dew point temperature for a typical absolute
filling pressure. The boundary for solid precipitate formation as well as published limits are included.
An example of mixed gas application shows that in specific low temperature areas during winter
season, MTS breakers may be filled with a gas mixture.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Some MTS breakers are equipped by manufacturers with electric blanket heaters. These heaters
cover a portion of the circuit breaker vessel to prevent liquefaction of SF6. Figure 4-5 shows a 245 kV
SF6 dead tank circuit breaker with blanket heater for extremely low temperature applications.
Figure 4-5 245kV dead tank circuit breaker with blanket heater for low temperature applications
An experience shows that improper treatment of the cast joints may damage the electrical blankets
(Figure 4-6). Heater replacement is required for continued operation in service. Such damage may be
avoided by specifying and inspecting the condition (shape, roughness) of cast surfaces in contact with
blanket heaters.
Figure 4-6 Damage of blanket heater caused by improper treatment of cast joints
A thermal analysis may be performed to determine the blanket heater location and capacity
considering the design ambient temperature, SF6 gas pressure and interference with any mechanical
structure. For example, Figure 4-7 and Figure 4-8 illustrate that average the temperature of the circuit
breaker vessel under consideration is -19.5 ℃ with the blanket heater in operation. This value is
higher than the SF6 gas liquefaction temperature (rated gas pressure 0.7 MPa) and enables the
equipment to operate in extremely low temperature service conditions. If power supply to the heater
were to fail, an alarm should be provided to the remote system.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
High temperature
Low temperature
Various impacts of low temperature and its countermeasures are summarized in Table 4-4.
Table 4-4 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (low temperature)
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Table 4-5 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (high temperature)
Thermal degradation of
degradation components due to
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Figure 4-10 [B25] shows the distribution of O-ring seal compression set sampled from operating GIS
and classified according to indoor or outdoor installation. As the age of the O-rings varies considerably
from one individual sample to another, the permanent compressive strain values are based on the
results of accelerated ageing tests of the O-ring material conducted separately in the laboratory and
converted to an age of 30 years. The O-ring material is an Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Monomer
(EPDM). O-rings generally start to lose their sealing properties when the permanent compressive
strain reaches 80 %. The distribution of permanent compressive strain is clearly on the higher side for
outdoor compared to indoor applications, and the O-rings are more likely to exhibit reduced sealing
performance. However, the permanent compressive strain of EPDM sampled from the outdoor GIS
was evaluated to be 70 % even for a -3 (: statistical variance) 30-year equivalent life. Therefore, the
sealing performance is expected to be well maintained.
Figure 4-10 Cumulative distribution of compression set of EPDM O-rings (30-year conversion value)
Similar investigations were also carried out for Chloroprene Rubber (CR) and Nitrile Butadiene Rubber
(NBR) O-ring materials to determine the age at which permanent compression strain reaches 80 %
using the Arrhenius relation. Table 4-6 shows that EPDM requires the most time to reach 80 %
permanent compressive strain and is therefore more resistant to thermal degradation. The use of
EPDM as an O-ring in outdoor GIS, where tank temperatures are higher, extends the service life of the
O-ring and reduce the risk of gas leaks.
CR 45 years 29 years
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
The permanent compressive strain of the O-ring seals was also investigated. It was found that the
permanent compressive strain of the O-rings used in the upper part of the GIS tended to be higher.
This is thought to be because the upper part of the GIS is more affected by solar radiation, resulting in
a higher temperature. Thermal stress
Thermal stresses arise from adjacent materials with different thermal expansion characteristics or
significant temperature gradients. In addition, the modulus (stiffness) of the materials plays a role in
the development of thermal stresses. A common area of study is the insulator-flange assembly which
may consist of porcelain, cement and a metallic flange.
There can be mechanical effects due to thermal stress generated in each part of the GIS as
temperatures rise and fall. These stresses go through both daily and seasonal cycles, causing the
accumulation of damage over time. To counter these stresses, materials are chosen to have adequate
margin based on thermal stress analysis, and consideration is given in the structural design of GIS to
mitigate thermal stress.
One of the problems arising from thermal stress is the occurrence of cracks in cast insulators. Due to
the difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion between the metal and the resin embedded in a
cast insulator, stress concentration and repeated fatigue occurs at the solid boundary, leading to crack
formation within the solid insulator. One countermeasure introduces a low modulus material layer at
the solid boundary for stress relaxation followed by structural considerations that are quantified by
thermal stress analysis.
For example, in case of a bushing flange, the coefficient of Aluminum thermal expansion is
approximately twice that of the cement and porcelain, leading to a thermal stress between the
porcelain, cement and flange. The stress is typically relieved by a thin shear layer of low modulus
material applied at the interfaces.
Another countermeasure is applying bellows which absorb the displacement caused by expansion and
contraction of enclosures. Figure 4-11 shows an example of applying bellows for a 550 kV GIS in
Japan with long GIB’s, where ‘red’ parts show the locations of thermal expansion bellows. The length
of the GIB is more than 100 m for each phase, then the displacement caused by the thermal
expansion and contraction is approximately 90 mm in maximum (refer derivation as follows). This will
cause deformation or damage to the enclosure or structures therefore bellows are applied to absorb
the displacement.
For 100 m length Aluminum Alloy GIS with 40 K temperature rise,
Coefficient of thermal expansion of Aluminum Alloy: 22 x 10-6 / K
Displacement due to thermal expansion = 22 x 10-6 x 100 m x 40 K ≈ 0.09 m = 90 mm
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Table 4-7 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (humidity)
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Figure 4-12 Heater and insulation medium installed in local control cubicle
Other measures to prevent humidity and condensation include caulking of the cable entry, complete
sealing of the operation enclosure and installation of a dehumidifier. An example of caulking the cable
entry into an enclosure is shown in Figure 4-14.
Outdoor LV cable connections are typically field-made and may be susceptible to water, snow and ice
ingress. Location on the bottom of the enclosure is best while side and top location offer progressively
higher probability of water ingress problems.
Figure 4-14 Additional caulking at cable entry in low voltage control cubicle
The quantity of absorbent in the SF6 gas compartment should be sufficient to absorb moisture
penetrating through O-rings for long-term operation. Metal corrosion
The GIS mainly consists of metallic materials (steel, aluminum) which are subjected to corrosion
depending on the severity of the environment. Corrosion must be avoided as it has a negative impact
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
on the proper functioning of the GIS, for example corrosion on sealing surfaces eventually results in
gas leakage, or corrosion on contact surfaces reduces the current carrying capacity.
Depending on the severity of the environment (e.g., vicinity to the sea and heavy industry) and the
required durability of the substation, suitable countermeasures should be chosen (for example
protective coatings such as paint or galvanization and selection of materials such as carbon steel or
stainless steel).
Corrosion can occur when GIS is exposed to humid air for extended periods of time. External
corrosion does not directly cause serious accidents such as a shorting of the main circuit but the
mechanical function may be lost due to metal corrosion of components and may cause a serious
Corrosion is closely related to relative humidity, and the relationship between temperature and
corrosion generally increases as the temperature increases. Painted aluminum housings
Enclosures of the GIS modules are often made of aluminum. Aluminum naturally forms a passivation
layer of alumina (Al2O3) that protects the surface and therefore has good resistance against corrosion.
GIS enclosures made of aluminum are sometimes painted for thermal and visual reasons.
Remark: ISO 12944-1 defines paint as corrosion protection of steel and thus is not applicable for
aluminum enclosures.
4.2.4. Solar radiation
Outdoor GIS can be thermally, mechanically, and electrically affected by solar radiation. GIS is
designed, operated and maintained with due consideration of these points.
Various impacts of Solar Radiation and its countermeasures are summarized in Table 4-8.
Table 4-8 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (solar radiation)
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Figure 4-16 Sun cover to reduce UV degradation of density switch polycarbonate gauge
(10 - 12 years degrade)
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Figure 4-17 The remote gas density monitoring system without indicators
Table 4-9 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (Rainwater)
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Appropriate sealing
system of flange
connection considering
rainfall conditions.
Provision of rainwater
outflow slopes / gutters
on GIS foundation to
avoid water stagnation.
Table 4-10 is one summary of reported leak locations found in electrical equipment, which data was
collected from a questionnaire developed by National Grid UK as part of a 2001 EPRI report [B14].
The 150 leaks from disconnect view ports were reported by just one utility. The highest number of
leaks were found at flange seals. It was also reported that the predominant cause of leaks was from
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
corrosion or long-term degradation and older equipment tended to leak more. More details on the
locations, causes and equipment type can be found in the report.
There are multiple links between the failure of a gas system and the deterioration and corrosion of
flanges and O-rings with respect to the various degradation mechanisms or combinations thereof.
Table 4-11 maps the identified degradation mechanism along with a short description of the
characteristics of the degradation and the potential failure mode(s) linked to the degradation. Each
potential failure mode can be the result of multiple degradation mechanisms, but the focus is on the
identified degradation mechanism.
Table 4-11 Mapping to failure modes for deterioration (corrosion) of flanges and O-rings
Prelude to O-ring failures may result in subsequent loss of SF6 gas from a
compartment - incorrect operation of switching devices and / or dielectric
Flange corrosion or rust failure.
due to moisture ingress Increased resistance of the flange connection - enclosure grounding can
from exterior environment be compromised increasing the probability of flashovers due to very fast
transient over-voltages (VFTO) resulting in damage or failure of the
insulating flange.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Figure 4-20 Corrosions on GIS flange surfaces for single & double sealing systems
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Figure 4-21(a) shows a flange-bolt cross section and the location of the anticorrosive coating. Figure
4-21 (b) applies silicone sealant in the flange connection and applies seal washers which have
packing inside. The packing deforms when tightened and prevent water intrusion from the air side
without putting sealing materials outside washers. A flat, smooth bearing surface is required.
(a) O-ring & grease (b) O-ring ,grease and seal washer
Figure 4-21 Example of double sealing systems (Metal flange - metal flange)
Figure 4-22 shows example cross-sections of single and double O-ring type flange connections
including insulating spacers. A sealing material is filled in the gap between the bolt and bolt hole to
prevent breakage of the insulating spacer due to icing.
(a) O-ring and liquid silicone sealant (b) Double O-ring & 2 types grease
During GIS operation, a grease bleeding phenomenon was frequently observed, which not only
produces a poor appearance of the flange surface but also a potential SF 6 leakage in long-term
application. The possible reasons for this phenomenon include an unbalance between base oil and
thickener system of the silicone grease as well as storage or transport conditions such as high
temperature, high moisture, long duration and vibration. If silicone grease is well chosen by the
manufacturer, bleeding effects could be minimized and the outdoor components are more suitable to
withstand high temperature. Other water-related impacts
Metal materials can corrode in the presence of water in combination with other contamination such as
corrosive gas or sea salt particles. Figure 4-23 shows a 168 kV GIS is installed on a frame support
which is 2.0 m above ground level to prevent damage by sea water from a tsunami. [B22]
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
A 168 kV GIS project was conducted by Tohoku Electric Power Network Co. after the experience of
the Great East Japan Earthquake which caused a large tsunami in 2011. The site is located in a
coastal area where after a large earthquake, a tsunami may follow. To prevent immersion of the GIS
under seawater, a 2.0 m-high frame support was built below the GIS based on the estimated tsunami
height, which is 7 m above sea level. The frame support has a hot-dip galvanized surface considering
the contamination of sea salt particles and the immersion of seawater. A seismic analysis was carried
out to envelope the seismic waveform observed during the Great East Japan Earthquake along with
the waveform conforming to the Japanese seismic guideline. Figure 4-24 shows displacement results
of the seismic analysis. The maximum stress generated in the support was within the allowable level
and the maximum displacement of the platform was not more than 3 mm.
Figure 4-24 Result of seismic analysis with the actual seismic design force
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Table 4-12 Impact on environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (snow and ice)
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Proper evaluation of
cabinets / sealing through
applicable IP classification.
Figure 4-31
Design considerations such as increasing the mechanical strength or installing a snow cover are taken
into consideration. Figure 4-26 shows examples of several types of special shape top covers/ roof of
equipment to allow the snow to fall easily.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Figure 4-26 The special top covers/ asymmetrical roof in snowy areas to allow the snow to fall easily
Covers and enclosures are often applied to shield the accumulation of ice from moving parts and
therefore mitigate any negative effects. Figure 4-27 is an example of a snow cover for mechanical
Covers are also applied to prevent snow and ice from damaging thin wall bellows or gas pipes.
Otherwise, SF6 gas could be released – leading to an internal fault. Examples are shown in Figure
4-28 and Figure 4-29
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Figure 4-30 shows the comparison between gas bushing with an outer shield ring and with an inner
gas shield. The bushing with inner shield overcame the problems associated with external snow and
ice accumulation.
Inner structure
Figure 4-31 Test setup for performing Ingress Protection (IP) testing
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
through the snow for both inspection and maintenance work. Figure 4-32 shows a typical water
sprayer used to remove snow from roads.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Inspection or
according to the
operational conditions
Elimination of water
from cable trench
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
・Silver migration
Rain Gutter
Gaskets Gasket
Rain Gutter
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Table 4-14 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (vermin/ insect)
Insects and even animals may form nests / anthills in outdoor control cubicles. Elimination of gaps and
proper selection of vents with filters could minimize the possibility for entry.
PRDs can be damaged due to bee nest and excreta as shown in Figure 4-37. A PRD made of
stainless steel can be corroded by the chemical components in bee honey. Such corrosion could
cause leakage of SF6 or premature failure of the PRD.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Bee Excreta
Table 4-15 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (strong wind)
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Combination with other factors
Various impacts of Sand / dust and its countermeasures are summarized in Table 4-16.
Table 4-16 Impact of environmental factors on GIS and environmental measures (sand/ dust)
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Thick paint
4.3. Conclusion
This Chapter describes various environmental factors which can impact the performance of outdoor
GIS and illustrates many examples of unfavourable consequences and design countermeasures.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Since outdoor environmental conditions are harsher than indoor, users are strongly recommended to
study their environmental conditions for outdoor GIS, and consequently it is effective to specify the
appropriate requirements in the purchase specification, such as what environmental conditions should
be taken care of and what countermeasures are required.
Chapter 4 also helps manufacturers to optimize the design of outdoor GIS, to ensure the same long-
term reliability as indoor GIS, which contributes to ensure long-term reliability of outdoor GIS
equivalent to that of indoor GIS.
Experience in several countries where outdoor GISs are predominantly used has demonstrated that
proper specification and design can ensure the long-term operation of outdoor GIS. B3.57 gathered a
lot of know-how on these issues and hopes that the information can be shared with a lot of interested
readers through CIGRE’s global community.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
effective maintenance tasks that should be applied in order to prevent failure of these critical
components. A typical general FMEA for substations is described below. This framework is for any
substation asset and can be used effectively for outdoor GIS as well as MTS.
Step 1 - Study system, divide into sub-components.
System identification
This section describes the identified sub-components of a substation as part of the FMEA
Step 2 - Study system, determine design intent of sub-components.
Design intent
This section describes the design intent of the substation sub-components. By linking the substation
sub-components to their intended design, the sub-components can be evaluated against fulfilment of
its intended function.
Step 3 - Determine potential failure mode of each sub-component.
Condition monitoring
Use Table 1 to determine FMEA code for failure mode.
Step 4 - Determine the effect of each failure mode.
Condition monitoring
Use Table 1 to determine FMEA code for effect analysis.
Step 5 - Determine maintenance time intervals
Condition monitoring
Use Table 2 to determine maintenance time intervals for the substation
Step 6 - Determine Asset classification
Asset classification questionnaire
Use questionnaire to determine state classification of substation as an input to Table 2
Step 6 - Determine asset health
Health index
Use questionnaire to determine health of substation line an input to Table 2
Step 7 - Record plant, maintenance and test data
Plant, Maintenance and test data to be recorded
Use section as directive to record substation data
Step 8 - Update and re-evaluate FMEA process
5.2.1. Targets of utilities
Whereas overall targets are mainly the same in both GIS types, minimizing costs, maximizing profit,
ensuring health & safety; many utilities are specifically planning major new investments in network
expansion due to the integration of renewables. More switching operations are foreseen which will be
in contrast to the historic behaviour of operating just once per month. Consequently, these assets
must have high operational availability at any time.
Pressure from regulators, governments and authorities might also increase the need for transparent
reporting as provided by an FMEA. This might also include reporting of any environmental aspects.
The power transmission and distribution business operators are also facing many challenges due to
the expansion of renewable energy such as higher utilization of electrical networks and an overall
increased complexity of power system operation. Economic performance is increasingly becoming the
major selection criteria for TSOs and DSOs. Along with the routine cost of operation and maintenance,
the reliability of equipment is essential to minimize lifecycle costs, especially in consideration of outage
and restoration (unrealized risk costs) if a major failure were to occur. In this context, environmental
aspects and life cycle assessments may become more important in the future.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
5.2.4. Regular reporting on SF6 losses and fines as main driver for users to minimize
SF6 is one of the most powerful insulating gases but has the disadvantage to contribute to the
greenhouse effect, once exposed to the air. Consequently, there are laws, regulations, and voluntary
management plans for regular reporting on SF6 losses. Users, utilities, and manufacturers strictly
follow these regulations. In outdoor GIS and MTS, SF6 emissions are difficult to localize due to rapid
dilution in air.
"Standards for the Handling of SF6 Gas for Electric Power Use for HV GIS" [B31] were formulated in
1998 in Japan during the Third Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change, which is better known as the Kyoto Conference on Climate Change or
COP3 in 1997. Since then, the entire industry, including electric power companies and equipment
manufacturers, have been making efforts to voluntarily reduce SF6 emissions to the atmosphere. A
joint study to establish a technical standard for recycling and handling of SF6 gas in switchgear was
conducted from 1996 to 1998 by the representatives of academia, utilities, equipment manufacturers
and gas producers. [B32][B33] In 1998, two industry associations responsible for the T&D sector in
Japan, i.e., the Federation of Electric Power Companies (FEPC) and Japan Electric Manufacturers’
Association (JEMA), announced the voluntary action plan to reduce the reduction of SF6 gas
emissions from electric equipment. This voluntary action plan was issued based on the understanding
that electric power companies and electric equipment manufacturers must make every effort to
minimize SF6 gas emissions to enable continued use of SF6 gas insulated equipment.
The actions to be addressed are as follows:
1. Reduction of SF6 gas emission during maintenance work on site
2. Reduction of SF6 gas emission during the removal of gas insulated equipment
3. Establishment of an SF6 gas recycling system
4. Improve the current SF6 gas Inventory system
5. Development of new technologies to minimize the use of SF6 gas in equipment
At a same time, gas recovery guidelines (i.e., target values for SF6 gas emission) were presented and
the required actions have since been taken. Twenty-two business organizations in eight different fields
have created and effectively implemented voluntary action plans. The quantity of SF6 emissions is
reported annually from each entity to the administrative organizations (Environment Agency (EA) and
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)) and the data is disclosed on the METI website for
public access.
In Europe the EU regulation No 842/2006 was introduced requiring European users to monitor SF6 gas
emissions. This regulation has been replaced with EU regulation 517/2014. Consequently, European
users were required to monitor and track SF6 gas emissions. European users are complying with the
regulations. However, the regulations do not set a time limit to repair an SF6 leak. Some of the users
therefore allocate a dedicated budget to the reduction of SF6 emissions. These actions are driven by
environmental and operations criteria. Voluntary action plans exist in other countries that require a
reduction of the installed SF6 base. This is typically done by creating a phase out plan for obsolete
outdoor GIS and MTS which are reported as the main contributors to SF6 emissions. The industrial
strategy is to replace ageing SF6 installations with technology using either less SF6 or with alternative
gases if technical feasible. Moreover, preventive actions are implemented to avoid future SF6
emissions that are based on age and/or specific architecture. The majority of outdoor GIS and MTS
users reported minor failures which derive from SF6 gas emissions (>80 % of all reported minor
failures). Since SF6 has the highest global warming potential of any greenhouse gas, it may be
important to establish an SF6 emissions management strategy in the company and act as soon as
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
can be detected early and proactive measures taken to avoid subsequent problems. In this regard,
special attention should be given to corrosion effects or SF6 leaks (see subclause 5.3.3).
5.3.2. Intrusive Inspection - conventional
Conventional intrusive inspection standard elements such as routine maintenance or refurbishment.
Usually, these inspections are part of a planned maintenance service recommended after 18-25 years
depending upon the type of equipment and manufacturer. A shutdown of the respective bay or circuit
breaker is necessary to perform the maintenance.
Details on plans from different manufacturers are available in Appendix D.
5.3.3. Condition assessment and immediate removal of SF6 gas leaks
Degradation caused by outdoor influence factors, e.g., SF6 gas leaks can be avoided by using visual
checks or other condition assessment.
With the following method it is possible to track SF6 gas losses.
The first step to monitor SF6 leaks is to document the number of first failure alarms of the
density monitors.
In the second step, the mass of gas used during refill actions is reported. This can be done by
using a spreadsheet or database tool. For some equipment, an online monitoring system can
be used to track and report SF6 losses in a more convenient way.
In addition, the analysis of the data can be automated when using appropriate reporting
The following example criteria can be applied to manage SF6 leaks and priorities the sequence of
The environmental criteria trigger in this case is assumed to be 5 kg per rolling year of SF6 losses. In
terms of operational criteria, two alarms per two rolling months are reported as a trigger. If either the
first or second trigger met the limit, a leak localisation is carried out in a maximum two weeks' time.
Within 4 weeks after localisation, a temporary solution should be established. Permanent resolution of
any issues is based on the ability to de-energize the bay and should be coordinated by a larger group
of stakeholders. By giving such internal "guidelines" to the maintenance crew it is possible to reduce
the time required for localisation and sealing from the viewpoint of the user. Also, the maintenance
teams are encouraged to anticipate temporary solutions for the leak repair to minimize emissions as
quickly as possible.
First results indicate that pending leaks have been reduced and, consequently, SF6 emissions have
been reduced.
These types of condition assessments can be performed on a regular basis with a starting interval
from 6 months to 2 years depending on the degree of outdoor pollution.
5.3.4. Monitoring devices allowing permanent asset surveillance from remote
In addition to visual inspection, condition assessments and intrusive inspections, more digital tools are
available to allow autonomous monitoring or surveillance of the equipment.
The advantage of those systems is that they run 24/7 within a given set of parameters and can detect
abnormalities much earlier than conventional methods.
For outdoor GIS and MTS, following systems are noteworthy:
SF6 gas leakage monitoring technologies
Optical diagnostic systems partially using artificial intelligence algorithms to detect oil leaks,
animals, moisture, etc.
Robotics application in the substation
System a) was developed by many manufacturers and an early warning of SF6 leakage can speed up
the repair time.
System b) uses a network camera installed in a location where the status of the electrical equipment in
the substation can be ascertained. A facility diagnosis using AI is performed on the still images and
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
videos taken. Remote monitoring of substations using AI technology enables automatic detection of oil
leaks and motor abnormalities.
System c) is the application of robotics in substations and has the possibility to reduce human work
and avoid safety problems. Various autonomous robots for inspection and patrol, maintenance and
operation have been introduced due to advancements in sensor, computer, AI and other technologies.
CIGRE TB 807 [B21] describes such applications in detail. The use case is a wheeled patrol robot
which can move within a substation autonomously to assist with and replace human tasks. Their main
specifications are for the detection of real-time audio and video monitoring including storage of visible
images and infrared images, bi-directional communication of sound, the detection of infrared thermal
defects and automatic identification of equipment status based on visual image analysis such as meter
reading, ON/OFF status recognition, etc.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
dust and cleanliness during the repair work and within OEM defined ranges. Measured values of the
atmospheric working conditions should be recorded for later use.
The following repairs may be conducted on-site:
Removal of corrosion on metal parts
Repair of SF6 leaks
Repair of flange corrosion
Repair of corrosion protection
Replacement of heavily corroded parts
The requirements for the building site and its equipment for the switchgear erection area are defined
so that all construction work in the repair area should be completed. No construction work may be
carried out during repair of the switchgear.
Special care should be taken to exclude swarf (fine metallic particles) from entry into the GIS
equipment. Swarf can originate from welding and/or machining and grinding operations. Also, a tool
impact can lead to a visible defect in the coating that produces superficial corrosion but does not affect
the underlying material. Therefore, any coating impact should be addressed by the responsible
Moreover, the area must be prepared for the load stated in the load indications and must have the
required foundations. It must be possible (with the help of tents and tarpaulins) to protect the assembly
area against the elements until the assembly work has been completed and anti-corrosion agents
have been applied.
If repair of anti-corrosion agents or paint is required after the repair job, the procedures, working
temperatures and humidity level specified by the manufacturer of the cleaning agents and primer
lubricants should be followed.
Choice of both the protective coating system as offered by the OEM and the maintenance strategy are
essential to realize the required IP classification in service. In addition, a proper workspace should be
provided around the GIS so that internal parts can be accessed and replaced from access ports
without complete removal and disassembly.
To support on-site maintenance for outdoor GIS and MTS the OEM can incorporate design features
that improve maintainability and repair such as:
The CB is designed so that arc contacts can be replaced from an access port or flange in the
CB enclosure without disassembling the complete circuit breaker.
A proper space around the GIS is provided for inspection or maintenance work to be safely
conducted. Such work includes observation of the external condition, reading indicators,
manual operation of mechanisms, replenishment of lubrication for mechanical parts, etc.
Provide bellows with a detachable device inside to disassemble main components such as the
CB, main buses, etc. with a small dismantling area to minimise the power outage duration if a
failure were to occur.
Especially for Maintenance, Repair and Extension (MRE) processes, CIGRE TB 870 [B24] lists all
relevant topics related to MRE and on-site dielectric testing for GIS above 52 kV. It enhances the
effective cooperation of users and manufacturers through 1) Definition and selection of MRE Codes,
2) Clear responsibilities, 3) Description of the main technical aspects including safety issues, 4)
Recommendations for users and manufacturers and 5) Provision of use cases. It supports the use of
IEC 62271-203:2022 Annex F [B34].
If preconditions have been considered and a repair is to be executed, then use of experienced
technicians should be taken into consideration. Since every switchgear manufacturer has a unique
design, it may be advisable to use the in-house experience of the OEM for a repair job. This promotes
efficient execution with factory-trained people and often a warranty of the executed services. The user
should plan for OEM repair crews by taking advantage of the reduced repair duration and the
opportunity for user maintenance crew training.
Availability of correct spare parts is essential before the execution of an on-site repair. For example,
the opening of cabinets often requires a new set of sealing rings. If the new sealing rings are not on-
site, the existing rings are likely to be used and can lead to water ingress and the subsequent damage
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
When a gas leak of SF6 occurs due to a device abnormality, only the slow leak abnormality must be
identified with high accuracy by distinguishing it from normal gas pressure fluctuation. Figure 5-2
shows a typical example of gas density monitoring of an outdoor gas compartment.
Identifying and repairing SF6 leaks in outdoor equipment without online monitoring equipment can be
more challenging as described in subchapter 5.4.5.
The interface in the control room of the substation can be used to easily recognize abnormalities as
shown in Figure 5-3.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
systems). Those devices can detect aerosols and can also be used to detect outdoor leaks. The
advantage of fixed systems is that they can monitor for leaks continuously. However, the present cost
of LIDAR technology is a constraint for adoption of such a fixed system. Some detectors are able to
detect fixed wavelengths using an optical filter. For SF6, the optical filters can detect wavelengths
between 10.6 and 10.8 micrometres. The disadvantage of those detectors is their inability to detect
leaks obscured by reflected sunlight and their reliability depends on the precision of a CO2 laser
pointed at the source of the leak.
A standard method to localize SF6 leaks is the water/soap combination which produces soap bubbles
at the defective location. This is a universally common method for locating relatively large leaks. In
some cases, users report that an outage for SF6 leak repair is not immediately possible and interim
measures are instead applied. For example, several solutions exist which permit temporary repair of
an SF6 leak by a temporary bracket around the affected location.
One solution is a metal bracket design filled with nitrogen to prevent further SF6 from leaving the gas
compartment. The bracket has been type-tested for twenty-five years and is designed specifically for
each manufacturer.
The second method is a solution that originated from the oil pipeline industries. A synthetic tape
surrounds the affected location and by gluing it with a special resin to stop the SF6 leak.
Especially in tropical climates, it is important to choose an epoxy/acrylic resin that is effective in
humidity levels greater than 85 %. Suggested humidity levels are below 85% and ideally between 50
to 60 % throughout the entire cure cycle of the resin (cure cycle is the time required for the resin to
reach full strength) The suggested temperature range for curing epoxy is between 70 to 80 ˚F (21 to
26 ˚C). When temperatures are low (below 50 ˚F or 10 ˚C) and humidity is high (above 70 %) the
conditions are prime for blushing. Blushing occurs when moisture and carbon dioxide are present in
sufficient amounts to react with the amine curative in an epoxy coating formulation. Blush and bloom
are surface defects that should be avoided in an epoxy coating. They affect the coating performance,
as they can result in a hazy white or spotty white appearance, poor gloss retention, discoloration over
time (yellowing), poor substrate adhesion and poor inter-coat adhesion. Proper storage and handling
of epoxy resin can help prevent blushing issues. Limiting atmospheric exposure during handling is
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
The second method has been tested by contributing members of this brochure and its suitability for
the T&D business is questionable.
In addition, both solutions have the disadvantage that the user cannot see whether the SF6 leak is
extending to other locations since the temporary solution is also an optical barrier (e.g., corrosion
spread). Consequently, intensive SF6 gas monitoring is required by the user to quantify the actual
5.4.6. Bushings repairs or exchange
In general, the same rules apply for bushing repairs or exchange as described in chapter 5.4.1. That
means appropriate ambient conditions such as humidity, temperature and dust should be provided
during the entire repair job.
An exchange of a bushing can only be performed if weather conditions permit. It is not possible to
build a temporary tent around the switchgear since it must be accessible via a mobile crane. Since the
gas compartments will be opened during this service intervention, special consideration has to be
taken into account for the weather conditions.
Porcelain repairs can be made by using a moulding mask which dries within several hours under
standard environmental conditions. This mask is available in different colours (mainly brown and
white) to fulfil some aesthetic requirements. Small areas up to one square centimetre can be repaired
by a moulding mask. If the damage is larger, an exchange of the porcelain is necessary.
Repair of silicone type bushings is also possible by a special repair agent. First, the damaged silicone
area is cut with a sharp knife to have a clean and plain surface. Then the repair process is carried out
in accordance with the recommendations of the bushing supplier.
5.4.7. In-gas system repairs
In general, the same rules apply for in gas system repairs as interrupter units described in subchapter
5.4.1. This means that appropriate ambient conditions such as humidity, temperature and dust should
be maintained during the entire repair job.
In addition, opening of SF6 gas compartments often requires the same tools which are required for the
production process. It is necessary to agree with the manufacturer on a specific repair process since
not all tools and auxiliary processes might be available during on-site repair, especially for the
interrupter unit.
Due to the nature of an on-site repair, advance planning is necessary to avoid delays and other
unintended consequences. Consider that an overhead crane may be unavailable to erect a temporary
tent. Consequently, other heavy lift means such as small mobile cranes and forklifts may be used.
When exchanging spare parts on-site the transport packaging should be removed in an appropriate
area to avoid contamination of the new spare parts. Specifically, solid insulation made from cast epoxy
resin absorbs water when stored without protection. This may cause partial discharges and eventually
dielectric failure in service.
5.4.8. Corrosion repair
Corrosion of carbon steel components is a well-known consequence of outdoor GIS / MTC operation
in humid air. Therefore, some metallic parts can show signs of corrosion after years in use. A repair
on-site is both possible and standard for most users and manufacturers.
First, the corrosion needs to be detected and documented to plan the appropriate measures.
Corrosion is then removed by sandblasting, brushing with sandpaper or bristle the parts carefully. A
cleaning agent against rust can be used to remove the last spots of corrosion.
Then it is recommended to clean the part with hydrocarbon-based cold application cleaning solvents
(free of halogenated hydrocarbons with a flash point < 55 ˚C such as ShellsolTM D60, Esso VarsolTM
60 and Haku 1025/920) and rags to remove the last spots. A part which will not be painted afterwards
should be treated by a thin film of Tectyl® to protect against humidity.
Parts which have been painted originally will be treated with a priming agent and after the drying and
hardening phase have been completed, the original colour will be applied with a brush. Drying and
hardening of the paint should occur within the specified temperature range. Repainting with the
original colour is specified by some manufacturers to withstand future corrosion. It is therefore
necessary to ensure proper repainting after any type of repair. All touched parts should be repainted
such as bolts and screws which are touched by a wrench and the paint has been chipped.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
5.5. Conclusion
This chapter describes the implications for operations and maintenance policies on the performance of
outdoor GIS and MTS devices to ensure the outdoor resilience of GIS. The strategic relevance of
policies for users and necessary targets for an organization are reviewed. Out of this exercise
strategic goals can be derived which allows the maintenance team of the user to plan their activities
and efforts. The chapter gives an overview of FMEA concepts, how they enable the user to detect
possible failure modes and evaluate their effect on the system. FMEA output becomes the input for
planning condition assessments to evaluate performance of existing devices. When specific repair
jobs are scheduled, all circumstances should be planned to deliver a failure-free repair in the first
attempt. Specific repair jobs are reviewed throughout the chapter so that the user can benefit from the
experiences of this working group.
Chapter 6 explains in detail how such repairs combined with strategic planning can support lifetime
management and long-term reliability of outdoor GIS and MTS systems.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Table 6-1 Design countermeasures to endure long term reliability of outdoor GIS
Details of
# Design countermeasures to ensure long-term reliability
3 Selection of suitable equipment considering solar de-rating impact of GIS Subchapter 4.2.4
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Details of
# Design countermeasures to ensure long-term reliability
7 Proper design and selection of cubicles (mechanical strength analysis) Subchapter 4.2.10
8 Selection of suitable design, material and painting system for required IP class Subchapter 4.2.7
9 Proper design of sealings at all bi-metal connections to avoid electrical corrosion. Subchapter 4.2.7
10 Selection and implementation of seal washers at critical connection points Subchapter 4.2.5
11 Selection of suitable cable installation suitable for outdoor conditions Subchapter 4.2.3
Subchapter 4.2.5
12 Selection of Appropriate cover for exposed earth switch mechanism
& 4.2.6
Table 6-2 Manufacturing & installation countermeasures to ensure long term reliability of outdoor GIS
Implementing quality processes Ensure proper handling and application of sealant as per
2 during installation of sealants for design.
cubicles etc.,
Ensuring the painting / coating system Ensure proper handling and application of painting /
as per design for required IP class coating as per design without damage or scratches.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Table 6-3 Operation & maintenance countermeasures to ensure long term reliability of outdoor GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Probability of failure
Known issues with equipment from the manufacturer
History of mechanical stresses
History of environmental stresses
Information on the sister GIS from same lot / order / batch.
6.3.2. Preliminary checks
Perform visual inspection & some simple tests to confirm the operational integrity of the GIS. These
simple tests are to be conducted in service condition without any special tool / kit required.
Visual inspections may include:
Mechanical integrity of the GIS and to identify visible stress locations.
Identify instances of corrosion of flanges, bolts, fittings, housings, enclosures, gas filling
valves, density gauges/sensors etc.
Identify and verify gas zone configuration/ coordination and inspect each assembly module for
integrity, corrosion and operability.
Grounding and bonding connections, verify the integrity of cross bonding.
Check if pressure relief devices operated.
Check of cable sealing ends (where applicable sheath voltage limiters, MOV’s for insulating
flanges, etc.)
Transformer connection modules (where applicable flange insulating spacers, vibration
dampers, bellows/expansion modules etc.)
Local control cabinets for circuit breakers, disconnector switches and grounding switches
a. Relays
b. Gaskets
c. General condition
d. Control & power cables
e. Heaters
Circuit breaker operating mechanisms (counter reading, status and condition)
Preliminary In-service testing for GIS and circuit breaker may include:
2. SF6 gas system verification
o Gas moisture measurement; each gas zone
o Gas purity verification
o Decomposed gas quality test
o Verify operation of alarms and trips for gas monitoring system
o Operating points of gas density monitors; Check of operating points compare with the
“Gas Schematic Diagram “
o Test operation of gas density monitor first stage alarm and second stage
alarm/trip/block close
3. Abnormal sound / vibration check during operation.
4. Analysis of alarm history and sequence of events
5. Analysis of on-line gas density monitoring system-trending data (if available)
6. Analysis of any other online monitoring system-trending data (if available).
7. Other tests as required
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
o Preliminary checks
o Detailed investigation
o Special tests (if needed)
External factors (environmental, legal etc.,)
o Changing regulations
o Changing legal requirements
o Any other change
Changing system requirements (refer chapter 3)
o Changing system rating of substation [rated voltage (V), rated current (I), rated short-
circuit current (Isc) etc.,]
o Modifications in power system configuration (additional feeders, banks, main bus
configuration etc.,)
o Any other change
6.3.6. Life extension / replacement strategy
Develop an assessment and engineering set of recommendations for life extension options, retrofit
options or replacement options, based on the analysis of the inspections, historical records, in-service
and out-of-service testing, current observed condition of the outdoor GIS and based on the results of
the field data collection. Prepare an assessment report
Consolidate the results of all the material and equipment assessments and combine into one overall
assessment report. This assessment report should include the following:
Comprehensive recommendations with detailed listings of proposed upgrades, replacements,
and/or enhancements
Associated costs
Proposed implementation plans and schedules for their installation along with identification of
required outages.
Recommendations on a phased approach; namely, short, medium, and long term, based on
the age of the asset, its current condition and its remaining life expectancy. Special maintenance measures for outdoor GIS (by user)
The key decision-making objective / aim is to assess if life extension of asset is needed or not. There
is a thorough study of the asset and we arrive at this decision. Based on this objective the further
actions are aligned / planned under following 3 scenarios shown in Figure 6-3.
Scenario 1 (Blue Arrow): Life extension of asset is possible & advisable, Economic efficiency is good
This scenario will lead to "Extension of lifetime" with following decision options:
No action with regular maintenance: This option involves no additional / special maintenance
Enhanced maintenance: This option involves some additional / special maintenance cost to
maintain the performance of equipment.
Scenario 2 (Red arrow): Life extension of asset is possible & advisable, but economic efficiency is not
Scenario 3 (Red arrow): Life extension of asset is not possible & not advisable (No need for economic
Scenarios 2 & 3 will lead to the following decision / action / steps options:
Priority assessment
o Equipment condition assessment
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
PDCA is continuous improvement of a system actions based on the data analysis of results and
corresponding corrective actions implementation in continuous cycle. Over a period of time we can
find that these data are useful in making many changes in O&M process to strategy locally to globally.
The actions that arise out of such continuous data analysis is categorized based on the impact level
such as:
Operation & Maintenance strategy / planning: Daily O&M work, offline / online monitoring
data from equipment impacts the O&M strategy and planning activities of local unit or site or
Substation planning & project implementation: Return of O&M Experience of a specific
utility impacts the product specification and product requirement for current and future
Standardization (National / International): Return of O&M experience from specific region
impacts the National or International standards.
Recently, smart / digital GIS has been implemented in many countries which gives much more
operational data continuously. Such technological advancements may help us to shorten the PDCA
cycle time.
Figure 6-4 PDCA cycle quality assurance in GIS operation & maintenance
6.5 Conclusion
The long-term reliability of outdoor GIS depends on design, manufacturing quality, handling &
transportation, installation & commissioning, operation & maintenance strategy in its lifetime. Chapter
6 catalogues the reliability issues and suggests probable countermeasures specifically in terms of
design, manufacturing & installation and operation & maintenance; that could be implemented to
enhance the long-term reliability of outdoor GIS.
As part of lifetime management of outdoor GIS a step-by-step action flowchart has been formulated;
that could be followed by utilities along with support of OEMs to assess the current condition and
determine a suitable life-extension or replacement decision. An extensive list of actions in each step
and its source, outcome, and relevance in each stage of lifetime management has also been listed. It
is understood that the decision to extend the life of, refurbish or replace a long-standing GIS is
influenced not only by an assessment of the GIS itself and the availability of repair parts, but also by
external factors such as the user's asset management strategy, legislation and regulations, new
requirements for the power system and a review of rating requirements. In addition, management
decisions such as economic evaluation and prioritization are ultimately required, and these decisions
need to take full account of various factors such as the balance of capital investment and construction
capacity (resources) on the part of both users and manufacturers.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Further, with the exponential technological growth in the field of online asset monitoring techniques
and data analysis tools the importance of life data of outdoor GIS was emphasized. The data-driven
results obtained from operation/maintenance may not only improve the local PDCA cycle of operation
& maintenance strategy but may also lead to a review and rationalization of product specifications and
product requirements, as well as standards and norms for current and future projects.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Equation 7-1
The cost breakdown structure is based on the recommendations of IEC 60300-3-3 [B30] which is
proposing a generic cost breakdown structure for high voltage applications. From the utility
perspective, the following cost breakdown structure appears to be useful:
Acquisition cost: This cost includes all initial cost of developing and realizing an asset to
utilize it and place it into service. For GIS the main acquisition costs are cost of installation,
acquiring of land, building, primary equipment as well as the cost of test & commissioning,
secondary control, protection and monitoring equipment.
Ownership cost: These are the total cost of utilizing the GIS until the end of its life cycle. The
ownership costs, which are often a major component of life cycle cost, in many cases exceed
acquisition costs and are not readily visible. These costs are difficult to predict. This includes
all maintenance cost (planned preventive maintenance + corrective maintenance), operating
and unexpected risk costs. Furthermore, the possible enhancement of GIS at a later time
should be considered.
Retirement cost: This includes all costs of removing the GIS and the disposal of the system
at the end of its life cycle. It typically includes costs for disassembly, transport, recycling and
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Indoor outdoor
# Acquisition components Remarks
Necessary for
1 GIS including local control cabinet $ $$
Unnecessary for
2 Power Transformer $ $
Unnecessary for
3 Aux transformer, LVAC and DC system $ $
Unnecessary for
4 Substation control and monitoring system $ $
Unnecessary for
5 Protection system $ $
Unnecessary for
6 Telecommunication system $ $
Necessary for
7 Fire protection and detection (For GIS building) $ -
Unnecessary for
8 Fire protection and detection (For control building) $ $
Unnecessary for
9 Fire protection and detection (For Transformer) $ $
Unnecessary for
10 Control (LV) & Power (HV) cables $ $
Necessary for
12 Civil & foundation work $$ $
Unnecessary for
13 Earthing and lightning protection $ $
Unnecessary for
14 Control building with air conditioner $ $
Unnecessary for
15 Steel structure (Gantry, supports etc.) $ $
Unnecessary for
16 Land for substation (For new substation) $ $
Unnecessary for
17 Site installation & commissioning $ $
Following elements are different for outdoor & indoor acquisition costing.
1. GIS including local control cabinet
7. Fire protection and detection (For GIS building)
11. GIS building with air conditioner or ventilation systems or HVAC and overhead cranes
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
If the site of the substation is already available, such as rehabilitation of an aged substation, extension
of lines, or conversion of an AIS substation to GIS, no new land acquisition is required.
Other factors that affect the initial cost of a GIS substation include requirements, applicable standards,
specifications, ratings, bus bar configuration, feeder connection method, etc., but these are not
covered here because they do not depend on whether the GIS is installed outdoors or indoors
Note: Engineering, production and validation cost of each element are included in Table 7-1.
7.2.2. Economic evaluation related to acquisition cost of GIS substation
As described in Table 7-1, acquisition costs mainly consists of substation construction cost, mainly
consists of (A) land of substation (for new substation) , (B) GIS building with air conditioning, lighting,
fire extinguishing, and (C) GIS equipment. In general, the unit price of land is lower in rural areas and
higher in urban areas. In Figure 7-1, as basic concepts of cost breakdown, X axis shows unit price of
land acquisition and Y axis shows acquisition cost of substation. The higher the unit price of land, the
greater the cost required to acquire the land; thus, these relationships show an upward slope to the
right. Also, the larger the land area required for substation, the larger this slope is. On the other hand,
the larger the equipment and/or building acquisition cost, the larger the intercept in this figure.
Substation acquisition costs for indoor GIS is more expensive than that of outdoor due to the GIS
building related cost. However, this cost difference may be smaller if special design considerations are
required for outdoor GIS to operate in outdoor conditions.
Chapter 4 contains examples from various countries of the issues that need to be considered when
designing an outdoor GIS and how they can be addressed. However, in this case, the basic elements
of the GIS itself do not change significantly between outdoor GIS and indoor GIS, and in many cases,
additional measures are taken to make the GIS usable outdoors as an option. This additional cost is
the difference between the initial cost of an outdoor GIS and an indoor GIS may be due to other
conditions such as geography, raw material availability, utility specification and manpower cost etc.,
(Composed with reference to the questionnaire results)
For proper evaluation of acquisition cost between outdoor and indoor GIS, following aspects may be
During the design stage, the access and the location for mobility for planned maintenance.
For outdoor GIS installation, requirements of temporary protection (tent/cover) to maintain
clean and dry work condition.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Unplanned maintenance
- - Necessary for evaluation
Environmental requirements
- - Necessary for evaluation
and levels maintained
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
8. Conclusion
The working group believes that there are limited publications available in which a comparison is
made between indoor and outdoor GIS use based on facts and proven experience. The working group
also believes that GIS is as an effective solution for substation design because of its excellent
insulating properties, compact modular design, minimum space requirements and the use of pre-
assembled and tested units. GIS has a high degree of safety because it is inherently arc proof by
design. GIS is designed to be protected against extreme environmental conditions, have a high
seismic resistance and continuous monitoring of the gas insulation system. That is why this technical
brochure has examined the optimal design and lifetime management strategy of outdoor GIS including
the optimization of maintenance and manufacturer guidelines to ensure increased reliability and
The specific topics and study areas of this technical brochure addressed are:
1. Chapter 2 - Standards, Guidelines and relevant technical documents
2. Chapter 3 - Market requirements for outdoor GIS
3. Chapter 4 - Impact on Outdoor GIS design Including HV connection, layout, foundations and
overall substation design
4. Chapter 5 - Impact on operations and maintenance policy to ensure the outdoor GIS
5. Chapter 6 - Impact on Long-term reliability - Lifetime Management
6. Chapter 7 - Economic Evaluation of outdoor versus indoor GIS
Chapter 2 highlights IEC international standards and national standards worldwide. It described the
results of a survey on what technical requirement differences there are in terms of standards between
indoor GIS and outdoor GIS. Chapter 2 summarizes the essential requirements for an outdoor
switchgear (GIS and MTS) application based on national and international standards.
Chapter 3 described the results of a survey of market requirements for outdoor GIS in terms of
business drivers, technology drivers, environmental drivers. The main market requirements are similar
for indoor and outdoor GIS including business, technology and environmental drivers. Local market
requirements are very different, and the Working group analyzed deeply those reasons by surveys
and expert interviews. The survey results are included in the Appendix E. Other technological market
drivers are based in particular on economic advantages, such as optimized maintenance based on
digital condition assessments, which may become more prevalent in the future.
Chapter 4 describes the various environmental factors that have a significant impact on the
performance of outdoor GIS and gives many examples of their adverse effects and relevant design
countermeasures. As outdoor environmental conditions are more severe than indoor conditions, users
are encouraged to consider enhancing the specifications of their outdoor GIS to avoid problems.
Chapter 4 also helps manufacturers to optimize the design of outdoor GIS, to ensure the same long-
term reliability as indoor GIS. Experience in several countries where outdoor GISs are predominantly
used has demonstrated that proper specification design can ensure the long-term operation of outdoor
Chapter 5 describes the implications for operations and maintenance policies to ensure outdoor
resilience of GIS. Chapter 5 also summarizes what the impact on operation and maintenance policy is
to ensure the outdoor performance of GIS and MTS devices. The identification and development of
strategic goals related to GIS equipment by GIS users is essential in highlighting the performance
targets for GIS owners. It is important to provide focus on the aspect of SF6 gas leakage management.
Chapter 5 shows different repair scenarios and best practices. The aspects of wisely planning
operation & maintenance policies and determining the right corrective maintenance measures to
improve the reliability of the equipment is highlighted.
Chapter 6 describes outdoor GIS management from the long-term reliability standpoint. It is important
to perform thorough and comprehensive assessments on the GIS at regular intervals throughout the
life cycle of the equipment. This determination is highly dependent on many factors some including
severity of the outdoor environment, maintenance proficiency, exposure to severe temperature
changes, exposure to pollutants or corrosive air, physical security requirements for the facility and
other factors. Chapter 6 includes a lifetime management strategy flowchart to define the condition of
outdoor GIS by performing cost evaluation, product capability assessment and developing lifetime
extension strategy. Also developed in chapter 6, is a PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle incorporating
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
analysis of operational data which, leads to continuous improvement of not only local operations and
maintenance strategy, but also National & International specifications and standards.
Chapter 7 describes the economic evaluation difference between outdoor and indoor GIS based on
their life cycle cost. In order to maintain high levels of power quality and reliability, appropriate outdoor
GIS performance and maintenance activities are critical and there is cost involved in each stage of
product life cycle. In general, the cost components for indoor or outdoor GIS in each life cycle phase
such as acquisition, ownership and retirement are similar. When designing an outdoor GIS or indoor
GIS, the basic elements of the GIS itself do not change significantly, and in many cases, additional
measures are taken to make the GIS usable outdoors as an option. These additional costs are the
difference between the acquisition cost of an outdoor GIS and an indoor GIS due to other conditions
such as geography, raw material availability, utility specification and manpower cost etc. GIS operating
in harsh environmental conditions may cause major or minor failures more frequently, which may
result in greater expenses for repair unless appropriate measures are taken in the design as the
outdoor GIS. In addition, there is likely to be a significant difference in repair costs depending on the
maintenance strategy. The cost of retirement of a GIS substation is likely to be tied to the initial
planning and construction costs. The cost of usage of SF6 also influences the overall cost of the
ownership and indirectly hints towards the retirement of the GIS substation.
This technical brochure provides recommendations to manufacturers and users taking into
consideration the engineering, design, procurement, fabrication, civil/structural works, construction,
erection & commissioning, testing, and maintenance, of outdoor GIS and MTS with gas insulated
buses, local control cabinets and all accessories. These recommendations facilitate both
manufacturers and users to make appropriate capital and operational investment decisions on lifetime
management of outdoor GIS.
It reflects the main environmental parameters, which need to be considered and is therefore essential
for the engineering and design of the equipment suitable for a typical outdoor substation. Regarding
outdoor suitability of the switchgear (GIS and MTS), clear specification that includes the description of
the environment is an important basis for the planning and design of the substation and its switchgear.
For many technical challenges in the future, outdoor GIS represents a solution. It enables both the
expansion and the new construction of switchgear in limited spatial conditions. In a world
characterized by urbanization, one can expect that the importance of outdoor GIS will increase in the
future. The local market conditions, as well as the conducted survey, show that there is a need for
clarification among potential customers regarding the suitability of outdoor GIS in special
environmental conditions. The expectations on the reliability and availability of the equipment are the
main decision criteria.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Phrase Definition
Busbar (busbar component) is that part of the switchgear which serves for
interconnection between CB-bays. Based on single line diagram, in the switchgear there
may be one to several main busbars, transfer busbar or a ring busbar.
Busduct (busduct component) is that part of the switchgear which serves for
interconnection of individual apparatus and for connection to outer interface (overhead
line bushings, cable boxes, transformer bushings, etc.) within one CB-bay.
Component Essential part of the main or earthing circuits of GIS which serves a specific function
(e.g., circuit breakers, disconnector, earthing switch, instrument transformer, bushings,
busbar, bushing, termination, etc.).
IEC 60694
Investigative tests of the characteristic parameters of switchgear and control gear to
verify that it performs its functions, by measuring one or more of these parameters.
Note: The result from diagnostic tests can lead to the decision to carry out overhaul.
Note: The measurement is performed on purpose (periodically or condition based) and
can be performed ON/LINE or OFF/LINE.
The addition or change of power system function by the construction of, e.g., new exits
after the substation has entered service.
GIS designed solely for installation within a building or other housing, where the GIS is
protected against wind, rain, snow, abnormal dirt deposits, abnormal condensation, ice
Indoor GIS and MTS and hoar frost
Interface chamber Interface chamber bushings are direct interconnections between GIS and power
bushings transformer or reactor.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
A major failure will result in an immediate change in the system operating conditions,
e.g., the backup protective equipment will be required to remove the fault, or will result
in mandatory removal from service within 30 minutes for unscheduled maintenance.
Note: or will result in unavailability for required service.
GIS suitable for installation in the open air, i.e., capable of withstanding wind, rain,
Outdoor GIS and snow, dirt deposits, condensation, ice and hoar frost
refer to section indoor and outdoor installations of GIS and MTS
IEC 60694
Work done with the objective of repairing or replacing parts which are found to be out
Overhaul (Major of tolerance by inspection, test, examination, or as required by the manufacturer's
Maintenance) maintenance manual, in order to restore the component and/or the switchgear to an
acceptable condition.
Note: For the purpose of this questionnaire the major maintenance = Overhaul.
Refurbishment of a substation aims to bring aging equipment to a level, that it fulfills the
Refurbishment requirements for the remaining lifetime of the substation. This can include some
upgrades like extension of the specifications.
Remove defective equipment and put new one in place, instead of repairing defective
Retrofit Work (activity) to equip a device with new parts or equipment not available previously.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
A.2. Acronyms
App Table 2 Acronyms
Acronym Phrase
CB Circuit breaker
EN European standards
KS Korean Standard
LCA Life cycle assessment (ISO 55000, ISO 14025, ISO 14040, ISO 14044)
PM Preventive Maintenance
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Acronym Phrase
UV Ultraviolet (rays)
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
The following examples illustrate some possible compact switchgear assemblies. Since there are
many possible solutions the types shown below are for indicative purposes only. Compact switchgear
assemblies may consist of air-insulated devices, gas-insulated devices or combination of both.
A compact switchgear assembly consists of at least one switching device directly connected to, or
sharing components with, one or more other devices such that there is an interaction between the
functions of the individual devices (Source IEC 62271-205).
Type 1: Assembly of independently operated switching devices and/or devices which are connected
by short connecting parts on a common base frame (similar to a conventional substation design).
Type 2: Assembly of independently operated switching devices and/or devices sharing parts of the
neighboring switching device or device.
Type 3: Assembly of independently operated switching devices and/or devices being integrated in
another switching device.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
This subchapter describes the mixed technologies switchgear namely using the following
Insulation considerations
• air insulated switchgear (AIS)
• gas insulated switchgear (GIS)
• hybrid insulated switchgear (Hybrid IS)
Mixed technology switchgear (MTS) can be described as follows:
Switchgear assemblies which incorporate a mixture of the insulating characteristics of both AIS and
GIS and/or which implements traditionally discrete functions (devices) in a compact and/or combined
design in such a way that they can no longer be considered for the purposes of design and testing, in
isolation (i.e., type 3) (Source IEC 62271-205).
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
[B1] CIGRE TB 380 "The Impact of New Functionalities on Substation Design", Working group
B3.01, Year 2009
[B2] Press Release "Debut Green Bond of EUR 750 million successfully issued", 50Hertz
Transmission GmbH, Berlin, 07 May 2020
[B3] CIGRE TB 870 "Service Continuity Guide for HV GIS above 52 kV", Working group B3.51,
Year 2022
[B4] D1-203_2008 Session Materials "Advanced on-site monitoring and diagnostics techniques
for gas insulated switchgears", D1, Year 2008
[B5] D2-312_2020 Session Materials "Development of IoT Sensor System for
Monitoring/Diagnosis of the Power Distribution System", D2, Year 2020
[B6] D1-102_2020 Session Materials "Development and implementation of Partial discharges
on-line monitoring module in GIS 110KV switchgears", D1, Year 2020
[B7] CIGRE Green Books "Substations", CIGRE Study Committee B3, Year 2019, Chapter 15
"Why Choose GIS?"
[B8] CIGRE TB 802 "Application of non-SF6 gases or gas-mixtures in medium and high voltage
gas-insulated switchgear", Working group B3.45, Year 2020
[B9] CIGRE TB 513 "Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 International Enquiry on Reliability of High
Voltage Equipment - Part 5 - Gas Insulated Switchgear", Working group A3.06, Year 2012
[B10] E. W. Lemmon, I. H. Bell, M.L. Huber and M. O. McLinden, NIST Standard Reference
Database 23: Reference Fluid Thermodynamics and Transport Properties - REFPROP
Gaithersburg: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2018.
[B11] "IEC 60376:2018 Specification of Technical Grade Sulphur Hexafloride (SF 6) and
Complementary Gases to be used in its Mixtures for use in Electrical Equipment".
International Electrotechnical Commission, 2018.
[B12] "IEC 60480:2019 Specifications for the Re-use of Sulphur Hexafloride (SF6) and its
Mixtures in Electrical Equipment". International Electrotechnical Commission, 2019.
[B13] CIGRE TB 765 "Understanding and mitigating Corrosion", CIGRE 2019.
[B14] EPRI report “Management of Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) Leakage by Electrical Utility
Companies: Guidance for the Reduction of Emissions.”, EPRI 2001
[B15] "ICNIRP Guidelines For Limiting exposure to time-varying electric and magnetic fields",
HEALTH PHYSICS 99(6):818‐836; ICNIRP, 2010
[B16] "Survey on Magnetic Field around Substations and Proposals to Broaden Understanding
of the Magnetic Field Characteristics", KEPCO, 2009
[B17] Electra 292 "Living with Electric and Magnetic Field", CIGRE, 2017.
[B18] IEC 61869-6 Instrument transformers – Part 6: Additional general requirements for low-
power instrument transformers
[B19] CIGRE TB 816 "Substation equipment overstress management", CIGRE 2020.
[B20] CIGRE TB 806 "Responsible management of electric and magnetic fields (EMF)", CIGRE
[B21] CIGRE TB 807 "Application of Robotics in Substations", CIGRE 2020.
[B22] B3-326_CIGRE Nagoya Colloquium, Replacement Work of Air-insulated Switchgear to
168kV Gas-insulated Switchgear with Frame Support for Earthquake and Tsunami, B3,
Year 2015
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
[B23] "Standards for the Handling of SF6 Gas for Electric Power Use" in Japan ,1998
[B24] CIGRE TB 870 'Service Continuity Guide for HV GIS above 52 kV', 2022
[B25] Electrical Technology Research Association Vol.70 No.2, 2014 ‘Advanced maintenance
strategy for gas insulated switchgear’ (in Japanese)
[B26] CIGRE TB 499 ‘Residual Life Concepts Applied to HV GIS’
[B27] CIGRE TB 448 "Refurbishment strategies based on Life cycle Cost and Technical
[B28] CIGRE TB 816 'Substation equipment overstress management, 2020
[B29] CIGRE TB 390 "Evaluation of different switchgear technologies (AIS, MTS & GIS) for
rated voltages 52kV and above", 2009
[B30] IEC 60300-3-3 'Dependability management - Part 3-3: Application guide - Life cycle
costing', 2017
[B31] Prof. T.Takuma, SF6 Handling Guide for Electric Power Industry, Electric Technical
Research Association (ETRA) (In Japanese)
[B32] M.Meguro; SF6 emission reduction from gas insulated electrical equipment in Japan;
USEPA conference at San Diego, November 2002
[B33] T.Kawamura, H.Hama,; SF6 gas handling in Japan, focused on emission reduction
from gas insulated electrical equipment; 9th International symposium on Gaseous
Dielectrics, at Maryland, May 2001
[B34] IEC 62271-203 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 203: AC gas-insulated
metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV :2022 Annex F
[B35] CIGRE-IEC 2019 Conference on EHV and UHV (AC & DC), Challenges for compact gas
insulated substation considering reduction of environmental impact, fire prevention and
safety, Japan, April 2019
[B36] International workshop on power transformers, equipment, substations and materials,
Advanced refurbishment of a 500 kV substation to improve, Brazil, November 2016
[B37] Supplemental materials for electro-magnetic field standard, Transmission and substation
construction department in KEPCO, 2009 (in Korean language)
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Aim of GIS
At the East Nagoya Substation (AIS), the continuous current rating of the existing 275 kV switchyard
needed to be increased, as it was foreseen that the rated current through the existing 275 kV AIS
main busbar would increase in the future.
In addition, the following problems were foreseen when attempting to upgrade the existing 275 kV
substation in its AIS configuration
it was difficult to actually carry out the upgrade works for the rated capacity increase without
changing the AIS configuration. In other words, it was difficult due to the constraints of the
required number of outage days and total number of outages per line required for the construction
of the associated overhead lines and steel structures.
the non-standard vertical arrangement of the busbars of the existing AIS made it difficult to
ensure the safety of future maintenance work (refer to App Figure 4)
the age-related deterioration of the entire AIS equipment and the supporting steel structure of the
AIS was evident.
As a result of the complete replacement with a state-of-the-art GIS substation, it was possible to
remove all the aged and deteriorated 275 kV AIS structures, including the air main bus bar, without
causing any major power supply disruptions.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Applying a ‘new design concept GIS’ (Chubu Electric Power Grid Co. original)
Minimizing the downtime due to maintenance work after the new GIS starts operation and taking
into consideration future equipment updates so as not to interfere with the stable power supply.
A new GIS design concept was applied to this project to improve availability during maintenance
and replacement work. In the new designed GIS, each device such as circuit breaker,
disconnecting switch, bus bar is deployed in one gas compartment as shown in App Figure 5. In
addition to that, disconnecting parts are installed between devices so that each device itself can
be removed in replacement work.
App Figure 6 shows the structure of the devices and the gas compartments in the new GIS
design concept, which takes a replacement work for a disconnecting switch as an example.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
C.3. Establishing new outdoor substation with limited land area [B35]
When considering constructing substation in urban area or underground, compact substation
equipment represented by GIS has been very useful. In addition to its compactness, fire prevention,
safety, and reduction of environmental impact are considered as important factors. SF6 Gas Insulated
Transformer (GIT) has been applied to underground substation since the late 1980s because of its
features such as high level of safety, applicable to increase of short current, simple fire prevention
equipment, and reduction of floor height by conservator-less.
Aged transformers have risk of oil leakage and fire disaster. Replacing to GIT makes it more
environmentally friendly and safer substation, and various substations could apply them. Highly
economically efficient new type GIT could apply for underground substations, outdoor substations and
hydro power plants. In addition to its high gas sealing performance, due to its features GIT is applied
to bay areas and hydro power plant where oil leakage is prohibited, and outdoor substations with
limited installation area such as in urban areas.
App Figure 10 and App Figure 11 shows an example of an outdoor substation constructed within a
very limited space. In this substation, 3 of large transformers (275 kV-300 MVA) were newly installed
utilizing idle land inside the premises of a thermal power plant.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
App Figure 10 Construction of an outdoor GIS substation installed within limited area
App Figure 11 275 kV - 300 MVA gas insulated substation in an urban area
App Table 4 shows comparison of equipment layout and features of GIT and oil immersed transformer
(OIT). Applying GIT, constraint conditions regarding disaster prevention is moderated, and therefore
distance between transformers can be brought closer. Also, GIT and GIS can be connected directly,
and consequently becomes possible to place the combination of GIT and GIS on one foundation and
minimize necessary electric cable. Due to non-flammability, the need for fire prevention measures can
be minimized, and installation area of main equipment can be reduced by 40% or more compared to
applying OIT. The whole substation is installed on an extremely narrow, underutilized area (50 m x 50
m) on a thermal power plant site. In result, acquisition of construction area can become easier, and
also make it possible to install in environmentally critical areas where oil leakage is prohibited.
Also, installations of GIT can shorten construction period, reduce installation area and omit oil
retaining wall, and therefore civil construction cost can be reduced.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
The indoor substations generally performed well, however some outdoor substations suffered constant
leaks which led to the complete replacement of the GIS substation before the end of its lifetime.
This led to a significant distrust of outdoor technology by utilities.
In the 2000s, due to improved urban planning in cities, many of the AIS substations were compacted
into indoor GIS substations, some of them underground.
This development of indoor GIS substations led to the development of prefabricated concrete
buildings, which were quick to erect (3-6 months) and not excessively expensive. This solution
became popular among all TSO/DSOs in Spain, becoming the standard.
Despite the cost of the buildings, their services: cranes, fire detection/protection, maintenance cost of
the building, etc., in general, an acceptable urban integration was achieved, which allowed the
existence of substations in the heart or in the vicinity of the cities. The same applies to substations
built for business or technology parks, where this solution was also adopted.
However, a more economic solution needs to be found for AIS substations at the end of their useful
life, which are not in an urban environment and which need a complete refurbishment. It is in these
cases where a potential growth of GIS outdoor substations is detected.
For the fast connection of renewable energy (Wind Farms, or Photovoltaic Plants), MTS solutions are
used because of their excellent balance between cost and speed of installation (in these cases, the
cost of the land is not a problem).
Market requirements in Korea
The outdoor GIS demand in the Korean electricity market is divided into the TSO (Utility), power
station and the private market (factory).
Although there is little demand for new 154 kV substation by the TSO, the modernization project to
GIS the aging AIS substation is underway. The substation located in the city center is changed to
indoor GIS due to land price and civil complaints, while the suburban area is changed to outdoor GIS.
In particular, outdoor substations are sensitive in Korea as they are divided into major factors that
affect the surrounding real estate prices. In the case of the private market, there are increasing needs
for indoor GIS providing low maintenance and complaints, but there are still many cases of applying
outdoor GIS, which has advantages to reduce overall cost. Recently, the demand for new 154 kV
substation for access to renewable energy has been increasing, but the number of bays is small and
civil complaints, requiring the government to make an ordinance to make it indoor GIS when this
project is initially developed.
The most of 345 kV substations, which are connected to TSO and large power plants, apply the
outdoor type unless there is anything unusual. However, in the case of private substations such as
factory for semi-conductors and steelwork, it is required to apply multi-layer building type substations
to secure maximum free space in their boundary line. The free space will be used to expand
production lines in the future.
The 765 kV substation has a large required area, the 100 % outdoor substation has been applied so
far. However, it is expected to be no demand for new 765 kV substations.
The reasons for the spread of indoor GIS in France
In France, during the late 1960s and early 1970s, GIS technology met a need of compactness for
urban substations. At that time, GIS were mainly installed indoor.
During the next decades, with the need of network development and the arrival of 400kV solutions,
GIS were installed either outdoor, in regions where the cost of land was high or for technical issues
related to the rationalization of command and control buildings with AIS stations, or indoor in regions
where the cost of land had a lesser impact.
From the 2000s, with the arrival of the new generation of GIS and the first studies highlighting the
impact of external conditions on gas leaks, all of GIS are preferably installed in indoor condition,
except in special cases: extension of outdoor switchgears for example. In addition and to increase the
reliability of existing outdoors switchgears, some projects of retrospective building operations are also
carried out.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Routine inspection and maintenance services and intervals for all components based
on time
App Table 5 Minimum manufacturer required routine inspection and maintenance services and intervals
for all components (based on time)
Visual Inspection
General visible check Report damage and initiate repair
(every 5-6 years)
Visual Inspection
Gas humidity Perform dew point measurement
(every 5-6 years)
Control cubicle and Check heaters for correct functioning, clean and
Visual Inspection
lubricate in accordance with manufacturer
(every 5-6 years) operating mechanisms instructions
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Routine inspection and maintenance services and intervals for switching components
based on time and wear
App Table 6 Minimum manufacturer required routine inspection and maintenance services and intervals
for switching components (based on time and wear)
Visual Inspection
Gas density, gas pressure Check and if necessary, replenish SF6 gas
(every 5-6 years)
Visual Inspection
Gas humidity Perform dew point measurement
(every 5-6 years)
Visual Inspection
SF6 percentage Perform % SF6 measurement
(every 5-6 years)
Major maintenance services and intervals for switching components based on time
and wear
App Table 7 Minimum manufacturer required major maintenance services and intervals
for switching components (based on time and wear)
After permissible number of
switching operating cycles, Switchgear is taken out of service, either completely
according to OEM. or in sections, depending on the amount of work involved.
Major Maintenance
Disconnect switches, earthing The gas compartments should be opened.
(after 25 years)
switches and high-speed
earthing switches: The switching component should be maintained in
After permissible number of accordance with manufacturer instructions.
switching operating cycles,
according to OEM.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on time
Every 6 years
Every 12-18
Weekly or
Classifi Item & monthly
-cation Component(s)
2 Lumps and X X
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on time
Every 6 years
Every 12-18
Weekly or
Classifi Item &
-cation Component(s)
replenish SF6
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on time
Every 6 years
Every 12-18
Weekly or
Classifi Item &
-cation Component(s)
15 LV electrical Performance X
device check
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on time
Every 6 years
Every 12-18
Weekly or
Classifi Item &
-cation Component(s)
as per
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on time
Every 6 years
Every 12-18
Weekly or
Classifi Item &
-cation Component(s)
Based on
Based on wear
After 25 years
After 34 years
Every 5 years
2 Lumps and
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on wear
After 25 years
After 34 years
Every 5 years
Classifi Item &
-cation Component(s)
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on wear
After 25 years
After 34 years
Every 5 years
Classifi Item &
-cation Component(s)
15 LV electrical Performance
device check
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on wear
After 25 years
After 34 years
Every 5 years
Classifi Item &
-cation Component(s)
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on wear
After 25 years
After 34 years
Every 5 years
Classifi Item &
-cation Component(s)
Based on
Based on time
After 0.5 - 2years (1)
2 Lumps and
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on time
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on time
15 LV electrical Performance
device check
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on time
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on time
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on wear
2 Lumps and
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on wear
15 LV electrical Performance
device check
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on wear
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Based on
Based on wear
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
E.2. Analysis
This section is intended to give the reader an outline of the results of the survey.
Origin of participants
The participants were asked about the region of their asset fleet. Classified according to the
continental origin, the distribution was as follows in descending order: Asia, America, Europe, as
shown in App Figure 12. The participants from Asia, are divided as follows: India (15), Japan (9) and
Korea (1). It should also be noted that no utilities from the Arabian Peninsula participated in the study.
The latter region is characterized by a high growth of GIS installations.
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
bar graphs App Figure 13. The bar graphs show the experience of the participants (Y-axis) with plants
of different rated voltage class over the decades. The following aspects can be derived:
The experience of customers with outdoor GIS increased sharply from the 1970s onwards and
stagnated from the 1990s onwards. There seem to be a historically long supplier-customer
relationship in these markets
A different picture emerged with regard to experience with indoor GIS. The results show a
steady growth over time. In new or growing or new markets utilities may often choose indoor
rather than outdoor GIS. This indicates that supplier-customer relationships in these markets
tend to be shorter in comparison. It is worth noting that no utilities from the Arabian Peninsula,
which are known to choose indoor GIS predominantly, participated in the survey.
App Figure 13 Experience over the decades classified according to the rated voltage level (Q1)
The bar chart App Figure 14 shows the distribution of experience for the different voltage rating
classes for indoor and outdoor GIS. The following aspects can be derived:
The experience with outdoor GIS tends to be increased for rated voltages in the range
500<u<700 kV in comparison
The experience with indoor GIS appears to be increased for rated voltages in the range u<60
kV in comparison
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
App Figure 15 Preferred technology in indoor and outdoor dominated market (Q7)
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
App Figure 16 Policy for decision between indoor and outdoor GIS (Q3)
The participants were asked if they follow the maintenance guidelines of the OEMs. It was noticeable
at this point that in the outdoor dominated market the participants predominantly do not do this. The
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
comments indicated that the frequency of the inspection intervals, based on experience, is often
increased by the utilities. One reason could be the aforementioned longer customer-supplier
relationship in these markets. Customers have had experience with the manufacturers' equipment
over a longer period of time and seem to extend the maintenance inverter intervals based on their
experience. They perform condition-based maintenance and therefore often do not follow the OEM's
instruction manual, which is often time based. In the indoor dominated market, a majority of utilities
follow the maintenance guidelines. The results are shown in App Figure 18.
App Figure 18 Do your maintenance guideline follow the OEM's instruction manual ?
U < 60 kV ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
60 ≤ U < 100 kV ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
≥ 700 kV ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Comments: …
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Do you have experience with indoor GIS? If yes, from which time periods?
Rated voltage No exp. 1970-1980 1980-1990 1990-2000 2000-2010 2010 until now
U < 60 kV ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☒ ☒
60 ≤ U < 100 kV ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
≥ 700 kV ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Comments: …
Q2 Please name the location (country or region) of the responding asset fleet: …
Q3 What is your policy for the choice between indoor/outdoor and what are the reasons?
(i) Indoor generally preferred, including underground. Please limit the number of checks to the
three main reasons.
o Reasons: ☐ acquisition costs, ☐ ownership costs, ☐ reduced overall cost up to
disposal of equipment (Life cycle cost), ☐building time restrictions, ☐ regulatory
environment, ☐ expected reliability, ☐ planning and building permissions, ☐
aesthetics, ☐ safety, ☐ environmental impacts (e.g., pollution, please explain in free
text), ☐ civil complaints (e.g., noise limitation, visible impact…please explain in free
text), ☐ …
(ii) Outdoor generally preferred. Please limit the number of checks to the three main reasons.
o Reasons: ☐ acquisition costs, ☐ ownership costs, ☐ reduced overall cost up to
disposal of equipment (Life cycle cost), ☐building time restrictions, ☐ regulatory
environment, ☐ expected reliability, ☐ planning and building permissions, ☐
aesthetics, ☐ safety, ☐ environmental impacts (e.g., pollution, please explain in free
text), ☐ civil complaints (e.g., noise limitation, visible impact…please explain in free
text), ☐ …
(iii) Selection Indoor or outdoor is made case by case based upon evaluation of the following
reasons or parameters. Please limit the number of checks to three reasons.
Reasons and/or Parameters – Policy: ☐ acquisition costs, ☐ ownership costs, ☐ reduced overall cost
up to disposal of equipment (Life cycle cost), ☐ building time restrictions, ☐ regulatory environment, ☐
expected reliability, ☐ planning and building permissions, ☐ aesthetics, ☐ safety, ☐ environmental
impacts (e.g., pollution, please explain in free text), ☐ civil complaints (e.g., noise limitation, visible
impact…please explain in free text), ☐ …
TB 895 - Impact on Engineering and Lifetime Management of Outdoor HV GIS
Q5 Do you have any regulations for the construction of outdoor substations? Please specify and give
details here:
(i) How do you evaluate initial, running and total costs in terms of the comparison between
indoor and outdoor?
(ii) In percentage terms, how do the costs of outdoor GIS substations compare with those for
indoor GIS substations?
f. Relative (% terms) initial cost, including civil works and similar items: … %
i. Comments: …
Relative (% terms) Operation and Maintenance cost: … %
o Comments: …
Relative (% terms) Total cost: … %
o Comments: …
Q7 In general, without any qualification, do you prefer indoor GIS instead of outdoor?
☐ Yes, ☐ No, ☐ Can’t say
Q9 Do you have different maintenance guidelines for outdoor GIS and indoor GIS?
☐ Yes, ☐ No
If yes, what are the differences between indoor and outdoor GIS?
ISBN : 978-2-85873-600-3
©2023 - CIGRE
Reference 895 - March 2023