4.Hash function A hash function is any function that can be used to map a
data set of an arbitrary size to a data set of a fixed size, which falls into the
hash table. The values returned by a hash function are called hash values,
hash codes, hash sums, or simply hashes.
To achieve a good hashing mechanism, It is important to have a good hash
function with the following basic requirements:
I. Easy to compute: It should be easy to compute and must not become an
algorithm in itself.
II. Uniform distribution: It should provide a uniform distribution across the
hash table and should not result in clustering.
III Less collisions: Collisions occur when pairs of elements are mapped to the
same hash value. These should be avoided.
4.2 Different Methods to Define Hash Functions:
I. Division Method
II. Truncation
III. Folding
IV. Mid-Square Method
V. Multiplication Method
VI. Radix Transformation
I. Division Method: The given number is divided by an integer, that
is usually considered to be the size of the hash table or lookup
table. The remainder so obtained as a result of division is the hash
key where this key element may be mapped in the table. Thus, if
the hash table contains ten index entries from 0 to 9, the given
integer may be divided by 10 to obtain the hash key for mapping
that element in the hash table. Example if key =56 and hash table
size is 11 then key is stored within (56%11=)1st location of hash
table .
Note: This works best if the table size is prime number , but if not , we
can use h(x)=((k mod p )mod table_size) for a prime number
II. Truncation: Ignore a part of the key and use the remaining part
directly as the index say for example, if a hash table contains 999 entries at
the most or 999 different key indexes may be kept, then a hash function
may be defined such that from an eight digit integer 12345678, first, second
and fifth digits from the right may be used to define a key index i.e. 478,
which is the key position in the hash lookup table where this element will be
inserted. Any other key combination may be used.
III. Folding: Partition the key into several parts and combine the parts in a
convenient way (often addition or multiplication) to obtain the index. Say
for example an eight digit integer can be divided into groups of three, three
and two digits (or any other combination) the groups added together and
truncated if necessary to be in the proper range of indices. Hence 12345678
maps to 123+456+78 = 657, since any digit can affect the index, it offers a
wide distribution of key values.
V. Multiplication Method:
h(123) = floor(100*(123 * 0.618033 –floor(123 * 0.618033 )))
= floor(100*(76.018059 - floor(76.018059)))
= floor(100*(76.018059- 76))
= floor(100*(0.018059))
= floor(1.8059)
The hash key value obtained is 1
VI. Radix Transformation Method: Where the value or key is digital, the
number base (or radix) can be changed resulting in a different sequence of
digits. For example: A decimal numbered key could be transformed into a
hexadecimal numbered key. High order digits could be discarded to fit a
hash value of uniform length.
Example: The key is translated into another base.
Note: Irrespective of how good a hash function is, collisions are bound to
occur. Therefore, to maintain the performance of a hash table, it is
important to manage collisions through various collision resolution
6. Collision resolution
We now return to the problem of collisions. When two items hash to the
same slot, we must have a systematic method for placing the second item in
the hash table. This process is called collision resolution. As we stated
earlier, if the hash function is perfect, collisions will never occur. However,
since this is often not possible, collision resolution becomes a very important
part of hashing.
A) Separate chaining (open hashing)
B) Open addressing or closed hashing
i)Linear probing
One method for resolving collisions looks into the hash table and tries to find
another open slot to hold the item that caused the collision. A simple way to
do this is to start at the original hash value position and then move in a
systematically (visiting each slot one at a time) manner through the slots
until we encounter the first slot that is empty. Note that we may need to go
back to the first slot (circularly) to cover the entire hash table.
Linear probing is when the interval between successive probes is fixed
(usually to 1). Let’s assume that the hashed index for a particular entry is
index. The probing sequence for linear probing will be:
index = index % hashTableSize index = (index + 1) % hashTableSize index
= (index + 2) % hashTableSize index = (index + 3) % hashTableSize
and so on…
54,26,93,17,77,31,44,55,20 store items using the simple remainder method
hash function (%11)
When we attempt to place 44 into slot 0, a collision occurs. Under linear
probing, we look sequentially, slot by slot, until we find an open position. In
this case, we find slot 1.
Again, 55 should go in slot 0 but must be placed in slot 2 since it is the next
open position. The final value of 20 hashes to slot 9. Since slot 9 is full, we
begin to do linear probing. We visit slots 10, 0, 1, and 2, and finally find an
empty slot at position 3.
Once we have built a hash table using open addressing and linear probing, it
is essential that we utilize the same methods to search for items.
A disadvantage to linear probing is the tendency for clustering; items
become clustered in the table. This means that if many collisions occur at
the same hash value, a number of surrounding slots will be filled by the
linear probing resolution. This will have an impact on other items that are
being inserted,
ii)Quadratic Probing
Quadratic probing is similar to linear probing and the only difference is the
interval between successive probes or entry slots. Here, when the slot at a
hashed index for an entry record is already occupied, you must start
traversing until you find an unoccupied slot. The interval between slots is
computed by adding the successive value of an arbitrary polynomial in the
original hashed index.
Let us assume that the hashed index for an entry is index and at index
there is an occupied slot. The probe sequence will be as follows:
index = index % hashTableSize
index = (index +12) % hashTableSize
index = (index + 22) % hashTableSize
index = (index + 32) % hashTableSize
and so on…
Double hashing
Double hashing is similar to linear probing and the only difference is the
interval between successive probes. Here, the interval between probes is
computed by using two hash functions.
Let us say that the hashed index for an entry record is an index that is
computed by one hashing function and the slot at that index is already
occupied. You must start traversing in a specific probing sequence to look for
an unoccupied slot. The probing sequence will be:
let hash(x) be the slot index computed using hash function.
If slot hash(x) % S is full, then we try (hash(x) + 1*hash2(x)) % S
If (hash(x) + 1*hash2(x)) % S is also full, then we try (hash(x) +
2*hash2(x)) % S
If (hash(x) + 2*hash2(x)) % S is also full, then we try (hash(x) +
3*hash2(x)) % S
There are chances of insertion failure when hash table is full or Insertions,
deletions, search take longer time.. So the solution for this particular case is
to create a new hash table with the double size of previous hash table. WE
will use new hash function to insert all element of the previous hash table.
This technique is called Rehashing
Cost of Rehashing = O(N)
Disadvantage : This technique is litte bit more expensive but it happens
very few times.
Example : insert 11,23,19,26,16,18,30 where as table size is 11
11 0 11%11=0 18 0 11%17=11
23 1 23%11=1 1 23%17=6
2 19%11=8 19 2 19%17=2
3 26%11=4 3 26%17=9
4 16%17=5
26 4 16%11=5
16 5 18%17=1
16 5 18%11=7
23 6 30%17=13
6 30%11=8
18 7 Now collision arise cause 19,30 8
19 8 both generate same index number 8 26 9
9 so we apply rehashing technique 10
10 to increase the hash table to avoid 11 11
Collision . Now the new size of hash table is 17. 12
30 13
There is no collision .