SQ Digital Digital Marketing Approach Download 1
SQ Digital Digital Marketing Approach Download 1
SQ Digital Digital Marketing Approach Download 1
Digital Marketing
A Detailed Exploration of What We Do and How We Do It
03-03 Introduction
The ever-changing online landscape has called for small and medium-
sized businesses to understand and utilise digital marketing to stay
relevant and competitive. For nearly two decades SQ Digital has been an
agency with a heart for helping SMEs navigate the fast-paced world of
digital marketing, aiming to exceed the expectations of both our clients
and their customers alike.
Section 01:
Our Approach
Principles & Phases
Section 01 : Our Approach Principles & Phases | Our Approach Principles
It’s hugely valuable for our clients to see and understand that their With return on investment and value for money being top priorities
organisation’s digital presence is a connected and dynamic system for our clients, a need to measure, review and improve the work being
of parts, with each piece having a particular purpose or strength. done is hugely important. Capturing and distilling data into relevant
Approaching digital marketing channels as if they exist in isolation and focused reporting that not only validates the work being done but
will at best limit success and most often lead to a waste in time and also directs adaptations to this work, as new insight and information
investment. is collected.
Section 01 : Our Approach Principles & Phases | Our Approach Work Phases
From our four Approach Principles come two distinct phases that create
the framework for working with our clients: the Discovery Phase and the
Retainer Phase. These two phases integrate to create well thought out,
effective and responsible digital marketing solutions - We don’t believe
short cuts pay-off in the long run.
We begin our work partnerships with a Discovery Phase designed to Utilising the Audit Report from the Discovery Phase, we then move into a
formulate robust insights spanning our client’s business, customers, work cycle of planning and implementing creative marketing campaigns
objectives and current Digital Marketing Ecosystem. anchored in solid insight and a focused direction.
This phase results in an Audit Report that becomes the basis for setting We believe our structured retainers are fundamentally important to
out digital marketing goals, objectives and Key Performance Indicators the success of our clients’ digital marketing, as they help to create a
that allow us to track how well our campaigns are really doing for you. partnership, rather than a vendor relationship. This allows us to invest in
our client’s goals in more of a long-term fashion, where we can become
We believe the Discovery Phase is key to being able to make responsible concerned with performance and results over simply getting a job done in
recommendations that limit the risk of wasting your time and money, an isolated way. To us that makes a lot of sense.
which we know can be critical to the survival of an SME.
Section 01 : Our Approach Principles & Phases | The Discovery Phase
Below we have presented the five steps that make up our Discovery
Phase. All steps combined culminate in a detailed Digital Marketing
Discovery Recommendations Report which defines insight driven counsel
for meeting your businesses objectives and ambitions.
Discovery Phase
Step 2
Step 4
Conduct Audit Retainer Selection of Retainer
Objectives Work Period Options Phase Price Tier Options
Step 1: Draws together important information on your business, products, Step 4: Pulls together staff from our diversely skilled team to complete the audits
customers, competitors, and current marketing setup. Resulting in a resource defined in the previous step. Team-leads then review and analyse the audit data
we call the Brand Snapshot which compiles all the gathered information in a to form insight driven recommendations for each area researched, taking into
purposeful way. account the objectives you are seeking to achieve.
Step 2: Defines your longterm digital marketing vision and ambitions, as well as Step 5: Compiles Audit recommendations and data into a comprehensive
the objectives associated with your next digital marketing campaign and how Discovery Recommendations Document culminating in three Retainer Options as
success will be measured. Resulting in a Project Brief. a means of continuing to work with us to make fruitful use of the audit findings,
so that your businesses time, effort and marketing budget are continually being
Step 3: Utilises the Brand Snapshot and Project Brief from steps one and two to
invested in the right direction.
create a plan for what areas of your business, products, customers, competitors
and current marketing setup need auditing to uncover insight that will allow for a
successful and informed digital marketing solution.
Section 01 : Our Approach Principles & Phases | The Retainer Phase
Once you have selected the Retainer Option you would like to begin with
we dive straight into creating a Digital Marketing Strategy to define an
overarching campaign plan for the next 6 months. This kicks-off the
retainer cycle and activates your campaigns first month of activity.
Campaign Planning: SQ Digital campaigns are built using an overarching Campaign Reporting: Reporting is monthly and will start after your campaigns
Marketing Strategy Plan that informs the proceeding six months of campaign first month work period, measuring performance against objective KPIs. Depth of
activity. This six month strategy will be produced and presented to you before reporting is dependant upon the Price Tier Option you select to ensure it is kept
the first month of the campaign is activated and will be reviewed and refined relevant and balanced against your chosen Price Tier.
biannually, capitalising on any new data and insights as well as checking that
digital marketing efforts are still aligning with your overall business strategy. Any insights gained from our progress and achievements feed directly into
our next monthly plan, ensuring we are always best positioned to deliver your
Representatives from each necessary department will meet monthly to review the objectives, never missing out on utilising new insights.
active campaign and plan the next months’ work in detail, following the six month
Marketing Strategy Plan set to achieve your objectives.
Section 02:
Our Digital Marketing
Campaign Framework
Section 02 : Digital Marketing Campaign Framework | Engagement Map Overview
Section 02 : Digital Marketing Campaign Framework | Engagement Map Stage Details
Section 02 : Digital Marketing Campaign Framework | Engagement Map Stage Details
Section 03:
The Digital Services
Our Campaigns Cover
Section 03 : Our Digital Marketing Services | Services Overview
Services Overview
Content Marketing
Paid Search
Digital PR
Section 03 : Our Digital Marketing Services | Introduction to Services
Section 04:
Frequently Asked
Section 04 : Frequently Asked Questions | Answering the Important Questions
Where Are Your Offices Based? Have You Won Any Awards?
Our office is located in the heart of Lancaster, in a stunning, historical building on We’re proud to be three times RAR Award Winners, which includes picking up the
Church Street. Within easy reach of big cities such as Manchester and Liverpool, award for best content strategy. We’ve also been included on the Prolific North
and only a two-and-a-half-hour train ride from London Euston, we’re perfectly Top 50 Digital Agency list for the past two years, alongside some of the industry’s
placed to work with SMEs across the country. We’re always happy for you to pop most reputable organisations. We are also counted among a limited number of
into our offices to get a better idea of who we are and what we do. agencies as a Google Premier Partner, which means we have been recognised for
our AdWords skill and expertise, have proven experience in AdWords spend, and
How Much Can I Expect to Pay for Your Services? have delivered agency and client revenue increase.
Our approach is based on a monthly retainer, which we believe is fundamentally
important to the success of our clients’ digital marketing. Experience has taught What Clients Have You Worked With?
us that an investment of between £1,000 and £2,500 per month is normally We don’t shout about working with big national brands, nor do we have a portfolio
beneficial for most of our SME clients, but a specific level of investment would be showcasing work with big household names. This is simply because our passion
determined in the early stages of working together. is in servicing the SME market something we don’t believe agencies working with
big brands can fully do. We are proud to work with some fantastic SMEs across
Why Should I Choose an Agency Over Employing In-House? the whole of the UK and beyond!
This is a good question, and not surprisingly, it’s one that we hear often. We pride
ourselves on our talented team here at SQ Digital; a mixture of experts in specific Big brands require a different approach, and our agency has been crafted to
areas of digital marketing. This allows us to strategise and implement digital service small and medium-sized businesses. Although you might not see our
marketing campaigns that are holistic and measurable. When comparing the clients advertising on TV, you will find that we have worked with a variety of
salary of an entry-level in-house marketing employee against the cost of working businesses; from entrepreneurs breaking into the market to those who can call
with our experienced team, we believe we can offer far more value and impact. themselves independent industry leaders.
Section 04 : Frequently Asked Questions | Answering the Important Questions
Does My Business Really Need Digital Marketing? How Big is Your Agency?
We believe that all businesses would benefit from a digital marketing strategy, We have one office location with specialist departments that are made up of
especially those who are within a competitive industry. Companies can no longer experts in their fields. For example, our five principle departments are: Design and
rely on a single strategy for a successful campaign; various digital channels must Development, Social Media, Paid Media, Content, and Search. This allows us to
be effectively integrated together in order to implement innovative and creative strike an effective balance between talent, resource and cost.
digital marketing campaigns that will ultimately deliver results.
Our office is spread over three floors of a beautiful grade II listed building in the
How Do You Measure the Success of Your Work? heart of Lancaster City centre, and at any given time, we tend to average a team
With return on investment and value for money being top priorities for our clients, count of about thirty people
a need to measure, review and improve the work being done is a hugely important
component to our approach. We continually capture and distil data into relevant Will You Work With Other Digital Marketing Partners?
and focused reporting that not only validates the work being done but also directs We are more than happy to work with other digital providers to fulfil the digital
adaptations to strategy, as new insight and information is collected. Without marketing needs of our clients, but we will always advocate for having a digital
goals or objectives to measure against, it is impossible to gauge success. marketing strategy in place to direct each agency towards achieving a common
Therefore, we believe it’s critical to help our clients explore the underlying and focused goal. Experience has taught us the importance of defining goals
objectives at the heart of their digital presence, in order to create a meaningful and objectives, particularly when multiple partners are involved in fulfilling a
solution that can be measured for success. marketing strategy.
How Long is the Minimum Sign-Up Period? How Easy is it to Switch to Using Your Agency?
Our working process consists of two phases: a Discovery Phase and a Retainer Our way of working is naturally set up to accommodate clients switching to
Phase. We take every client through the Discovery Phase, and this is available us as their digital marketing partner. With all of our clients, we begin with a
without a commitment to continue working with us beyond its completion. This Discovery Phase that is designed to draw together a firm understanding that
phase is typically six weeks. For clients who do continue with us into a Retainer, spans our clients’ business, customers, competitors, objectives and current
we of course hope for a long-term partnership that spans many years, but we ask Digital Marketing Ecosystem, ensuring that nothing should slip through any
that a client commits to a minimum sign-up period of six months. This matches cracks as you move to us from your current marketing arrangement. We are
up to our process that is built around a six-month strategy cycle designed to also well versed in preserving the positive impact of previous digital marketing
benefit and support the needs of SMEs. achievements – such as search engine rankings – as you make the move.
Getting started with us is easy! You can either
contact us by email or phone to discuss how we
can best serve your company needs and walk you
through our process. We’re happy to answer any
questions you may have, so please don’t hesitate
to reach out to us.
[email protected]
01524 580 777