Bulk Viscosity

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Bulk viscosity - constitutive equations

Article in International Review of Mechanical Engineering (IREME) · September 2011


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3 authors, including:

Vladimír Habán Simona Fialová

Brno University of Technology Brno University of Technology


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Bulk viscosity – constitutive equations

František Pochylý1, Vladimír Habán2, Simona Fialová3

Abstract - The work is focused on the study of bulk viscosity of liquids. The methodology is based on
non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Using its laws the irreversible stress tensor is derived and two
viscosities depending on the strain rate tensor deviator and spherical strain rate tensor are defined. By
analysis of pressure wave distribution, the bulk viscosity of water is determined.

Keywords: liquid, bulk viscosity, second viscosity, Onsager relations, Curie’s principle.


F - surface force N 
I. Current state of knowledge
Fp -external field force N 
Fs - inertial force N  The greatest progress in the second viscosity

 
research was reached in the forties of the last century,
V - volume m3 including works of Tisza [1] and later on Liebermann

V - macroscopic particles volume m3   [2, 3].

Liebermann assumed that the ratio of second and
 
 - surface m 2 dynamic viscosity changes in wide range for different

 
 - macroscopic particles surface m 2 In the work of S. Karim and L. Rosenhead [4] are
c - i-th absolute velocity coordinate ms  1 determined the following values above mentioned ratio
 /  by measuring the absorption of sound waves:
 ij - stress tensor Pa  water 2,4; chloroform 24; benzol 107.

 - external field potential ms2  The values were measured at frequencies: water
5MHz, chloroform 2MHz, benzol 107MHz.
 ij - irreversible stress tensor Pa  A newer look at the 2nd viscosity is found in the
p - pressure Pa 
works of L. D. Landau [5], but especially R. E. Graves

 
[6], A. S. Dukhin [7], M. J. Holmes [8], G. Emanuel
 - density kgm3 [9].
n - unit normal vector to external surface 1
T - absolute temperature K  II. Introduction
Q - heat amount J 

S - entropy JK 1  By increasing of fluid machines parameters we
increasingly encounter with the unsteady flow and
 - entropy production  Jm3 s 1K 1  relatively high frequencies of the pressure and flow
i, j - indices In these cases the fluid must be considered
 ij - Kronecker delta compressible and so the dampening effect of bulk
viscosity becomes important.
 - dynamic viscosity Pas  Using the first and second law of
 - bulk viscosity Pas  thermodynamics, the Gibbs equation and equilibrium

 
equations of macroscopic particles we determine the
 - heat transfer coefficient Ns 1K 1 constitutive equation of a homogeneous and isotropic
liquid. We rely mainly on the so-called Onsager
Summation convection is used in the paper. relations [10], expressing the relationship between
irreversible thermodynamic flows and generalized

thermodynamic forces. The basis for the mentioned IV. The balance of kinetic and potential
equation will be the Curie’s principle [11]. energy sum
In this work we will use the Einstein summation
convention. By multiplying the macroscopic particle
momentum equation (1) by velocity vector, we get the
power of individual components, per unit volume.
III. Equilibrium equation and the Law Thus:
of Conservation of Mass
 d  
 ci ci   ij ci    ci (5)
2 dt x j xi

By integrating over the field V, we can obtain the

power of the considered fluid system.
 ij
The term  x
V j
ci dV . deserves special
Fig. 1 Macroscopic particle
attention. Using integration by parts we get:
We consider macroscopic particles formed by the
liquid enclosed in a volume bounded by , see Fig. 1.
 ij ci
Fs is the inertia force, Fp weight force from the
 x ci dV    ij ci n j d     ij
x j
external environment and dF is the elemental surface V j  V
force. (6)
Taking into account the effect of these forces, we get
the momentum equation in form: The first term on the right hand side of equation
(6) gives the power caused by surface forces acting on
dci  ij  the boundary surface  and is characterized by stress
 
dt x j
 
. (1) 
flow J J j : 
According to the Boltzmann’s principle, the stress J j   ij ci  ij ci  pc j
tensor  ij is appropriate to divide in the irreversible
 ij ic n j d   J  nd  (7)
part  ij related with dissipation of mechanical energy  

and the reversible part - p ij associated with reversible Hence it is clear that on the surface , the
changes. Thus: irreversible stress tensor components perform useful
 ij  ij   ij p , (2) While the second term on the right hand side of
equation (6) can be written in the form:
p – static pressure.
ci c c
Let's consider the macroscopic particles according
to Fig. 1. The law of mass conservation is a conditional V
  ij x j
dV   ij i dV   p i dV
x j V

m  const. from (3) The first term on the right hand side is the input
which should be added to cover energy losses. It
d specifies that part of the mechanical work, which has
  divc  0 (4) been irreversibly transformed into heat.
The second term is associated with elastic liquid
deformation due to compressibility and represents the
Equation (4) expresses the mass conservation law
reversible change. In the case of an incompressible
of macroscopic particles and presents the continuity
fluid, this expression is absent.

Now, let's deal with kinetic and potential energy
densities balance per unit volume. Establish its
evolution in time: VI. First law of thermodynamics
By using the momentum and continuity equations
we get: The first law of thermodynamics states that the
amount of heat delivered to the system from the
 1  1 
  c j c j ci  
environment is spent for energy E increase of that
  c j c j      system and mechanical work W performance. Then:
t  2  2 xi
 ij  dQ  dE  dW . (14)
 ci    ci  .
x j xi
These so called global amounts should also be
(9) expressed through their respective densities. See (10).
After editing, it holds:
E    e  xi , t  dV (15)
d 1   c
  c j c j      ij ci    ij i V
dt  2  xi x j
dE de
   dV 
dt V dt
V. Equation of state, state of local   
thermodynamic equilibrium    e   ec i dV  (16)
V 
t xi 
State of thermodynamic equilibrium of some    J E  nd    J Ei ni d
variable   xi  is determined by an equation of state,  

which is prescribed with  dependence on one internal

a  xi  , such as the absolute temperature,
The expression (16) expresses the total energy
parameter change in a macroscopic system, through its density
internal energy and external parameters system and energy flow JE across the boundary surface . In
bi  x j  12. Thus: the case of J E n  0, it is a loss of power, otherwise
when J E n  0 its growth.
   ax j  , bi x j , i  l ,..., N . (11) If we use in (16) Gauss divergence theorems, it
can be written:
Quantities a, bi depend on the spatial coordinates,
dE J
but do not depend on time.
   Ei dV (17)
In the state of local thermodynamic equilibrium dt V
[13] it is assumed that the equation of state is formally
in the same form as (11), i.e. these are the same
quantities a, bi, but now time-dependent. Thus: and comparing with (16) can be determined the
relationship between energy density and energy flow
   ax j , t  , bi x j , t . (12) JE :
 
  e      eci  J Ei  . (18)
Dependence of (11) (12) on variables should be t xi
determined from experiment. The procedure may be as
follows. Expand equation (12) into Taylor series and
consider only first order terms. Then: When we combine the flow J Ei with convective
  flow  eci , we define:
  0  a
bi (13)
bi bi a
  J ei   eci  J Ei (19)
Coefficients  0 , should be determined
a bi
by experiment. The local equilibrium principle holds By analogy can be defined the heat flow J q . Heat
for relatively slow processes 13. input is defined by the term:

S E    sE dV
dQ J
   J q  nd    J qini d    qi dV V

dt xi dS E dS
  V
   E dV    J SE  nd  
(20) dt V dt 

J SEi
Considering now the definition of flows J E (16)   dV
J q (20) and J . By analogy with the first law of V
thermodynamics (14) we can write:
and Si , which characterizes the irreversible
J q  J E  J  J qi  J Ei  J i (21)
processes inside the system caused by the generalized
thermodynamic forces.
Substituting (19) and (7) into (21), we get:

J ei   eci   ji ci  J qi (22)
Si    si dV

dSi ds
The energy density e is dependent on the internal    i dV    dV . (27)
energy u by the equation: dt V dt V

e  u  c j c j  , (23) Function  characterizes the correlation between
2 the irreversible thermodynamic flows J k and the
generalized thermodynamic forces X and is called
where the last two terms represent the sum of the
kinetic and potential energy densities. the entropy production density. It holds by 13]
Note that the internal energy u, heat flow J q and
  JkXk (28)
flow J represented by stress tensor  ij are yet
unknown. When we put together the final entropy from the
two components mentioned above, we obtain:

VII. Second law of thermodynamics S    sdV

According to the second law of thermodynamics, dS ds dS dS
a heat quantity dQ supplied to the macroscopic system    dV  E  i (29)
is proportional to the entropy increase dS, assuming dt V dt dt dt
that the system is in a state of equilibrium and holds:
After substitution into equation (25) it holds:
TdS  dQ (24)
TdSi  TdS E  dQ (30)
After the state of thermodynamics equilibrium is
disturbed, there originates inside the system
If it is a closed thermodynamic system that
irreversible thermodynamic flows, which the system
exchanges only heat and mechanical work with, then it
seeks to bring into a new state of equilibrium. This
holds by the analogy, as in (24)
balancing process is accompanied by an entropy
increase, so the following inequality is true:
TdSE  dQ. (31)
TdS  dQ . (25)
But here goes a significant result that the total
Entropy is now characterized by two components dSi
entropy production T continuously grows until a
[13], S E which is associated with the entropy flow dt
new state of thermodynamic equilibrium is reached. As
J SE across the system boundary. a consequence, the entropy production is non-
negative function.

TdSi  0. (32) Substitute from (35)
 du p ci J SEi
   ij  (37)
This fact will be important for the constitutive T dt T x j xi
relations analysis.
Hence from and from the expressions (27) and
(26), it can be derived: From (23) results:
de du d  1 
   c j c j   .
ds J dt dt dt  2 
    SEi . (33)
dt xi
Substitute from (10):
de du 1 
The entropy density s is given by the Gibbs
   ijci   1  ij ci
equation. dt dt  xi  x j
VIII. Gibbs equation
Energy density change e is determined from (18).
From this implies:
Now let´s consider the state equation for entropy
density assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium:
de J
s  s  u, v  . (34)    Ei . (39)
dt xi
The entropy density is dependent on the internal
parameter, internal energy and the external parameter, Comparing (19) and (22) we get:
the specific volume v  1/  .
When we move in (34) to the total differential, we
J Ei  J qi   ji c j .
s s J qi 
ds 
v v
du 
dv , 
 
xi xi
 ij ci  (40)

s 1 s p
 ;  , After substitution of (40) into (38) we have:
u v T v u T
ds 1 du p dv
  du c J qi
(35)    ij i  (41)
dt T dt T dt dt x j xi

By using the equation (4), it is possible to derive: Considering (2) and after substituting (41) into
(37) we get the equation for entropy production
dv 1 ci
 ,
dt  xi 1 c 1 T   J 
  ij i  2 J qi   J SEi  qi 
ds 1 du p ci T x j T xi xi  T 
   ij (36)
dt T dt T x j (42)

. Using the term (30), the heat flow and entropy

definitions it results in
IX. Entropy production density
The entropy production density  is established 1
J SEi  J qi , (43)
from the term (33). T
so it holds:
ds J
    SEi . 1 c 1 T
dt xi   ij i  2 J qi . (44)
T x j T xi

where index k specifies the type of force,
ci eventually type of flow.
It is possible to resolve the term using the Since at the beginning we assumed an isotropic
x j and homogeneous environment, the relationship
deformation velocity tensor cij and angular velocity between flows and forces will follow the Curie’s
principle 11].
tensor ij : According to this principle thermodynamic forces
of a certain tensor size effect only flow of the same
ci 1  c c j  tensor dimension. Then (49) takes the form:
 cij  ij ; cij   i   ;
x j 2  x j xi 
  J ijk X ijk  J lm X lm  J n X n (50)
1  c c 
ij   i  j 
2  x j xi  where X ijk represents the 2nd order tensor force,
(45) X lm - vector X n - scalar.
In terms of further solution it is practical to When we compare (50) and (48) it holds:
distribute the stress tensor to the deviator Dij and
k 1
spherical tensor  ij  kk . 1
3 X ij1  dij J ij1  Dij
Analogically also the deformation velocity tensor
is distributed to the deviator d ij that represents the m 1
1 T (51)
 ij ckk that X l1  J l1  J ql
particle shape change and spherical tensor
3 T 2 xl
represents its volume change. n 1
1 1
So X1  c jj J 1   ii
T 3
1 (46)
 ij  Dij   ij  kk The relationship between the generalized
thermodynamic forces and flows at the same point in
time is determined by the so-called Onsager relations
1 10, 11, 12] by which the dependence of the flow on
cij  dij   ij ckk , ckk  div c (47)
3 the generalized thermodynamic forces in the sense of
Curie’s principle can be expressed by the generalized
Considering that the product of the symmetric and equation:
anti-symmetric tensor is zero, and also that the product
of the deviator and the Kronecker delta is zero, it is J k  t   Lku X u  t  (52)
possible write an expression for  from (44) in the
form: ku
where L are the so called phenomenological
1 1 1 T
  Dij dij  ii c jj  J qi 2 . coefficients of generalized thermodynamic force
T 3T T xi transfer and there hold the symmetry conditions for
(48) them Lku  Luk . Their values are necessary to be set
experimentally. For our case it holds:
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics states that the
density of entropy production  can be expressed L11
according to the generalized thermodynamic forces J ij1  L11
T X ij  Dij 
1 T
dij (53)
k T
X k and irreversible thermodynamic flows J by
equation (34)
1 1
J 1  L11S X 1   ii  L11S c jj (54)
 J X k k
3 T

1 T 2
J11  L11
V X 1  J ql   LV
1 11
(55)     (63)
T 2 xl 3

By indices T, S, V we differentiate the given value is called the second viscosity of liquids.
applicability to the tensor, scalar and vector flow. On this occasion it should be noted that in almost
Expression (53) defines the irreversible stress every hydrodynamics literature and also software
tensor deviator and coefficient packages the second viscosity is determined on the
certain basis [1] 14 for monatomic gas so that it
 2 (56) 1
p    ii . (64)
T 3
states dynamic viscosity.
Expression (54) defines the scalar flow of an Here is based  , which means that
average irreversible stress flow in the so called bulk 3
L11S   0. The above derivation shows that the
viscosity dependence   . Expression (55) ku
T phenomenological coefficients L , see (52), do not
defines the known Fourier’s law of heat convection, depend on time. The experiments show that the
1 phenomena in nature are more complex. In a more
where   L11
V is heat conduction coefficient. general approach the flow function of generalized
T2 thermodynamic forces need not be instantaneous, as is
Substituting the formulas (53), (54) and (55) to assumed in expression (52). If the flows deem on the
formula for entropy production entropy (48), we get: whole changes history of generalized thermodynamic
forces, then it can be assumed, see. (52), that
2   T T
  dij dij  cii ckk 

T T T 2 xl xl J k t    Lku t   X u  d . (65)


Taking into account (27) and (32), it is clear that In mentioned meaning are changing the
it must hold: expressions (53), (54), then it holds:

  dV  0.
(58) Dij  2 t   dij  d (66)
 ii    t   cii  d
Because according to the Curie’s principle the 1
individual flows are independent, must be applied [3]: 3 0

  0;   0;   0 (59)
In special case of:

Due to the decomposition (46) and results (53),

(54), (55), the irreversible stress tensor can be
  0 t  ;   0 t  (68)
expressed as:
 t  - generalized Dirac function.
ij  2 dij   ij ckk . (60)
It is possible to rewrite (66), (67):
After consideration (47), we obtain an expression 1
for the irreversible stress tensor in the form (62) Dij  20d ij ;  ii  0cii (69)
1 3
dij  cij   ij ckk . (61) Considering 0 ,  0 are constant.

 2 
 ij  2 cij   ij      ckk . (62) X. Experiment
 3 
The second viscosity was determined on the
where experimental basis using a modal analysis of the water

pressure pulsations in a tube of circular cross section
[15, 16].
Figure 2 shows the device where the pressure
pulsations in the pipe were caused by an ultrasonic
The experiment resulted in its frequency
It is a hyperbolic dependence, so it is possible to
establish a second kinematic viscosity from the
following equation (70).

 
  ; f r  1000 Hz (70)
 fr
while for water holds the second viscosity
coefficient  =9800 m2.s2 .
The fact that the second viscosity depends on the
frequency, is essential. A mathematical model of
irreversible stress tensor, defined by equation (62), (63)
can only be used for solving forced vibration excited
by harmonic functions. It cannot be used for solving
transient fluid vibrations. To this end, it is necessary to
find a formula for the second viscosity in the time
domain, in the form of convolution integrals.
Fig.3: Ultrasonic generator of pressure pulsations in the
circular cross section pipe [20]

XI. Conclusion
Summing up the results so far, it is necessary to
state the following:
1. Based on the methods of non-equilibrium
thermodynamics there is evidence of bulk and therefore
the second viscosity.
2. Bulk viscosity varies depending on frequency,
see (70).
3. In technical practice is not usually a pure
liquid. Real liquids contain minerals, dissolved gases in
them, and so on. It is therefore necessary to seek
second viscosity formulation depending on the
concentration of these substances and pressure.
4. From the mentioned references, especially [7],
it is obvious that the second viscosity values were
researched just in the ultrasonic area. The introduced
paper diffuses the knowledge also into the subsonic
area. That allows the more precise simulation of the
pressure pulsations of the compressible liquid in the
technical applications.

Fig.2: Ultrasonic generator of pressure pulsations in the This work was gratefully acknowledged by grant
circular cross section pipe – sketch [20] projects: GA101/09/1716, P101/10/0209

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37 T. F. Oda, New Turbulence for Predicting High

Reynolds Number Circular Cylinder Flow. The
International of Review of Mechanical
Engineering (IREME), Vol. 3. n. 3, pp. 293 – 305,

Authors’ information
František Pochylý, Czech Republic
Vladimír Habán, Czech Republic
Simona Fialová, Czech Republic

František Pochylý was born in Slavkov,

Czech Republic, 29th December 1942.
1966 Graduation Department of Hydraulical
Machines, STU of Bratislava, 1968-1970
study at the Department of Mechanics, Brno
University of Technology, 1970-1971 study
of differential equations, University of J. E.
Purkyně in Brno (CZ), 1971-1976
postgraduate study, Military academy in Brno, 1975-1976 study -
Modern variational methods and FEM, Charles University of Prague
(CZ), 1986 Department of Hydraulical Machines, 1988
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, qualification 2A, 1989
Appointment of the associate professor in Hydraulic Machines and
Mechanisms, 1993 Associate professor in Hydraulic Machines and
Mechanisms, 1997 Professor in Hydraulic Machines and
Mechanisms, 1997 - to date, Head of the Department of Fluids
Engineering, Brno University of Technology (CZ). Research
interests: Fluid Structure Interactions.
Publication activities: 150 research reports, 28 articles, 160
presentations at domestic and international conferences, 3 text books,
5 patents, 13 utility models, 15 research projects
Prof. Pochylý - Membership in organizations: Czech Society for
Mechanics, Union of the Czech Mathematicians and Physicists,
Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic, member of the
scientific board of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TU
Ostrava, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of
Technology, The Institute of clear mining technologies and usage of
energetic materials TU Ostrava, Faculty of Mining and geology and
OKO Biotech Brno (CZ).

Vladimír Habán was born in Brno, Czech

Republic, 9th October 1970. He received his
Ph.D. degree from VUT FSI Brno, Czech
Republic in 2000. He is an associate
professor at Victor Kaplan Department of
Fluid Engineering, Energy Institute, Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering, Brno TU, Czech
Republic. His interests include computations
of pressure pulsation, measurements of fluid machines and fluid


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