GRADE - 7 - TERM - 2 - CRE - SCHEMES - Oxford 1-5
GRADE - 7 - TERM - 2 - CRE - SCHEMES - Oxford 1-5
GRADE - 7 - TERM - 2 - CRE - SCHEMES - Oxford 1-5
3 1 THE Divisions of By the end of the Learners are guided in How many Oxford Oral
BIBLE the Bible lesson, the learner pairs, in groups or books are in Alive C.R.E questions
should be able to: individually to: the Old Learner’s Interrogating
Testament? Book Grade Writing
a) Identify the Identify the books of the 7 Pg. 64-72 summary
books of the Old Old and New Testament How many Reading and
and New according to their books are in explaining
Testament classification. biblical
classification the New
according to their Good News teachings
of the books classification. List the books of the Old Testament?
of the Old and New Testament Bible Observations
Testament b) List the books of according to their CRE Course
the Old and New classification Books
and the New
Testament Flash cards
according to their Make posters of the Charts
classification categories of books of Realia
the Old and New Digital
c) Appreciate the Testament according to devices
importance of their themes.
divisions the
Bible for
2 THE Bible By the end of the Learners are guided in What do you Oxford Oral
BIBLE translations lesson, the learner pairs, in groups or call the Bible Alive C.R.E questions
should be able to: individually to: in your local Learner’s Interrogating
language? Book Grade Writing
a) Explain the Explain the meaning of 7 Pg. 73-76 summary
meaning of the the word translation Reading and
word translation explaining
Bible Read the summary by Which
translations b) Identify Bible Mrs Zuri and answer the biblical
version of the Good News teachings
used in translations used questions that follow. Bible do you Bible Observations
Kenya today in Kenya today.
Identify Bible use in Flash cards
c) Appreciate Bible translations used in church? Charts
translations used Kenya today. Realia
in Kenya today Digital
Make flash cards of the
version of the Bible
4 1 THE Bible By the end of the Learners are guided in Who was the Oxford Oral
BIBLE translations lesson, the learner pairs, in groups or first Alive C.R.E questions
should be able to: individually to: missionary to Learner’s Interrogating
translate the Book Grade Writing
a) Give reason for Give reason for 7 Pg. 76-78 summary
translation of the Bible into a
translation of the Bible Reading and
Bible into local into local languages. local
Reasons for explaining
languages. language?
translation of Discuss how people biblical
Bible into b) Discuss how have benefited from the Good News teachings
local people have translation of the Bible Bible Observations
benefited from What skills CRE Course
languages to local languages.
the translation of does a Bible Books
the Bible to local Prepare a power point translator Flash cards
languages. presentation. require? Charts
c) Appreciate the Research and write the Digital
translation of the challenges faced by devices
Bible into local Bible translators.
2 THE Bible By the end of the Learners are guided in Which Oxford Oral
BIBLE translations lesson, the learner pairs, in groups or challenges do Alive C.R.E questions
should be able to: individually to: Bible Learner’s Interrogating
translators Book Grade Writing
a) Explain the Read the story of people 7 Pg. 78-82 summary
importance of the face?
of Bweza and answer Reading and
translation of the the questions that explaining
Social and
Bible into local biblical
economic follow.
languages. Why is it Good News teachings
effects of the
Explain the importance important to Bible Observations
translation of b) Examine the
of the translation of the translate the CRE Course
the Bible into social and
Bible into local Bible? Books
local economic languages.
benefits of the Flash cards
Examine the social and Charts
translation of the
economic benefits of the Realia
Bible into local Digital
languages. translation of the Bible
into local languages.
c) Appreciate the
work of Bible Recite the poem and
translation in answer the questions
Kenya to that follow.
promote social
5 1 THE Leadership in By the end of the Learners are guided in What are the Oxford Oral
BIBLE the Bible: lesson, the learner pairs, in groups or characteristic Alive C.R.E questions
s of a good Learner’s Interrogating
Moses should be able to: individually to: leader? Book Grade Writing
7 Pg. 83-85 summary
a) List the List the characteristics Where was Reading and
characteristics of of a good leader. Moses when explaining
Ways in a good leader.
Narrate the story of the God called Good News biblical
which God
b) Explain the ways birth of Moses and his him? Bible teachings
through which call to serve God. Flash cards Observations
Moses for
God prepared Charts
leadership Read the Bible; Exodus Realia
Moses for
leadership. 2:1-15, 3:1-22, 11, 4:1- Digital
20 devices
c) Appreciate
leadership in the Explain the ways
through which God
prepared Moses for
2 THE Leadership in By the end of the Learners are guided in Why did God Oxford Oral
BIBLE the Bible: lesson, the learner pairs, in groups or preserve the Alive C.R.E questions
Moses should be able to: individually to: life of Learner’s Interrogating
Moses? Book Grade Writing
a) Identify the roles read Exodus 14:13-16, 7 Pg. 85-87 summary
played by Moses 21, 15:22- 25, 18:7-10, Why is good Reading and
during the 18:17-24; 18:24, leadership explaining
Exodus. Deuteronomy 4:1-3, 5,6 Good News biblical
The roles important
played by b) Make a chart of Identify the roles played Bible teachings
Moses during the leadership by Moses during the CRE Course Observations
Exodus qualities Exodus. Books
portrayed by Flash cards
Moses Make a chart of the Charts
leadership qualities Realia
c) Appreciate the portrayed by Moses Digital
importance if devices
2 By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to:
Background - Define the term 'prophet' and Good News
to the birth
The Life Define the term 'prophet' and 'prophecy' 'prophecy' Bible
of Jesus - Read Isiah 9:6-7 and Jeremiah Who is a
and Read Isiah 9:6-7 and Jeremiah 23:5-6 Flash cards Written Quizzes
1 Ministry Christ; The Discuss the prophecies about the coming 23:5-6 Digital devices Checklists, Oral
prophecies - Discuss the prophecies about What is
of Jesus of Jesus Christ. KLB: Top questions
about the prophecy?
Christ Prepare flashcards with the Bible texts the coming of Jesus Christ. Scholar; C.R.E
coming of they have read about prophecies on the - Prepare flashcards with the page 73-75
Jesus Christ Bible texts they have read about
coming of Jesus Christ.
prophecies on the coming of
Have a desire to follow Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ.
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in
groups, learners are guided to:
should be able to:
Background - Define the term 'prophet' and Good News
to the birth
The Life Define the term 'prophet' and 'prophecy' 'prophecy' Bible
and of Jesus Read Isiah 9:6-7 and Jeremiah 23:5-6 - Read Isiah 9:6-7 and Jeremiah Who is a Flash cards Written Quizzes
Christ; The prophet?
2 Ministry Discuss the prophecies about the coming 23:5-6 Digital devices Checklists, Oral
of Jesus prophecies of Jesus Christ. - Discuss the prophecies about What is KLB: Top questions
about the prophecy?
Christ Prepare flashcards with the Bible texts the coming of Jesus Christ. Scholar; C.R.E
coming of
they have read about prophecies on the - Prepare flashcards with the page 73-75
Jesus Christ coming of Jesus Christ. Bible texts they have read about
prophecies on the coming of
Have a desire to follow Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ.
Ways in By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in
which Old Why did Good News
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to:
Testament Joseph plan to Bible
- Read the Bible; Matthew 1:18-
The Life prophecies Read the Bible; Matthew 1:18-23 23 break his Flash cards
and about the Discuss how Jesus Christ fulfilled the Old - Discuss how Jesus Christ engagement Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
3 Ministry Messiah to Mary? Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Testament prophecies about the coming fulfilled the Old Testament
of Jesus were What was the Charts questions
of the Messiah. prophecies about the coming of
Christ fulfilled in Angel's KLB: Top
Summarise and write the points on a the Messiah.
the coming message to Scholar; C.R.E
chart. - Summarise and write the
of Jesus Joseph? page 75
Accept Jesus Christ as His savior. points on a chart.
Page 1
Ways in
which Old By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in Why did Good News
Testament should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Joseph plan to Bible
The Life prophecies - Read the Bible; Matthew 1:18- break his Flash cards
and about the Read the Bible; Matthew 1:18-23 23 engagement Pictures Songs
Discuss how Jesus Christ fulfilled the Old - Discuss how Jesus Christ Written Quizzes
Ministry Messiah to Mary? Digital devices
4 Testament prophecies about the coming fulfilled the Old Testament Checklists, Oral
of Jesus were What was the Charts
of the Messiah. prophecies about the coming of questions
Christ fulfilled in Angel's KLB: Top
the coming Summarise and write the points on a the Messiah. message to Scholar; C.R.E
of Jesus chart. - Summarise and write the Joseph? page 75
Christ Accept Jesus Christ as His savior. points on a chart.
3 By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in What was
Angel Good News
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to:
- Read the Bible; Luke 1:5-25 Gabriel's Bible
The Life The Read the Bible; Luke 1:5-25 message to Flash cards
- Describe what Zechariah was
and annunciation Describe what Zechariah was doing in the doing in the Temple when the Zechariah? Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
1 Ministry and birth of Temple when the angle of the Lord Why was it Digital devices Checklists, Oral
angle of the Lord appeared to
of Jesus John the hard for Charts questions
appeared to him. him.
Christ Baptist Zechariah to KLB: Top
Retell the story of annunciation of the - Retell the story of
believe the Scholar; C.R.E
birth of John the Baptist. annunciation of the birth of
Angel's page 76-78
Avoid doubting the word of God. John the Baptist.
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in What was
Good News
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Angel
- Read the Bible; Luke 1:5-25 Gabriel's Bible
The Life The Read the Bible; Luke 1:5-25 - Describe what Zechariah was message to Flash cards
and annunciation Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Describe what Zechariah was doing in the doing in the Temple when the Zechariah?
2 Ministry and birth of Why was it Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Temple when the angle of the Lord angle of the Lord appeared to
of Jesus John the hard for Charts questions
appeared to him. him.
Christ Baptist Zechariah to KLB: Top
Retell the story of annunciation of the - Retell the story of
believe the Scholar; C.R.E
birth of John the Baptist. annunciation of the birth of
Angel's page 76-78
Avoid doubting the word of God. John the Baptist.
Page 3
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in What was
Good News
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Angel
Gabriel's Bible
- Read the Bible; Luke 1:5-25
The Life The Read the Bible; Luke 1:5-25 message to Flash cards
- Describe what Zechariah was
and annunciation Zechariah? Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Describe what Zechariah was doing in the doing in the Temple when the
3 Ministry and birth of Why was it Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Temple when the angle of the Lord angle of the Lord appeared to
of Jesus John the hard for Charts questions
appeared to him. him.
Christ Baptist Zechariah to KLB: Top
Retell the story of annunciation of the - Retell the story of
believe the Scholar; C.R.E
birth of John the Baptist. annunciation of the birth of
Angel's page 76-78
Avoid doubting the word of God. John the Baptist.
By the end of the lesson, the learner How did John
should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in the Baptist Good News
groups, learners are guided to: introduce Bible
Relating the Read the Bible; Luke 3:16, John 1:29-30 - Read the Bible; Luke 3:16, Jesus Christ to Flash cards
The Life
birth of John Discuss the importance of the birth of John 1:29-30 the crowd? Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
the Baptist John the Baptist. - Discuss the importance of the How does the Digital devices Checklists, Oral
4 Ministry
of Jesus to the Compose a poem on how the birth of birth of John the Baptist. birth of John Charts questions
coming of John the Baptist related to the coming of - Compose a poem on how the the Baptist KLB: Top
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ. birth of John the Baptist related related to the Scholar; C.R.E
Appreciate the importance of the birth of to the coming of Jesus Christ. coming of page 78-80
John the Baptist. Jesus Christ?
4 By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in
Ways in should be able to: Good News
groups, learners are guided to:
which Bible
- Read the Bible; Luke 3: 7-15 Which ways
The Life Christians Read the Bible; Luke 3: 7-15 - Identify ways in which can Christians Flash cards
and apply the Identify ways in which Christians can Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Christians can apply the apply the
1 Ministry message of apply the message of John the Baptist in Digital devices Checklists, Oral
message of John the Baptist in message of
of Jesus John the their lives today. their lives today. Charts questions
John the
Christ Baptist in Dramatize how they can apply the KLB: Top
- Dramatize how they can apply Baptist?
their lives message of Joh the Baptist in their lives the message of Joh the Baptist Scholar; C.R.E
today today. page 80-82
in their lives today.
Have fun and enjoy dramatizing.
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in
Ways in should be able to: Good News
groups, learners are guided to:
which Bible
- Read the Bible; Luke 3: 7-15 Which ways
The Life Christians Read the Bible; Luke 3: 7-15 Flash cards
- Identify ways in which can Christians
and apply the Identify ways in which Christians can Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Christians can apply the apply the
2 Ministry message of apply the message of John the Baptist in Digital devices Checklists, Oral
message of John the Baptist in message of
of Jesus John the their lives today. Charts questions
their lives today. John the
Christ Baptist in Dramatize how they can apply the KLB: Top
- Dramatize how they can apply Baptist?
their lives message of Joh the Baptist in their lives Scholar; C.R.E
the message of Joh the Baptist
today today. page 80-82
in their lives today.
Have fun and enjoy dramatizing.
Page 4
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in
Ways in should be able to: Good News
groups, learners are guided to:
which Bible
- Read the Bible; Luke 3: 7-15 Which ways
The Life Christians Read the Bible; Luke 3: 7-15 Flash cards
- Identify ways in which can Christians
and apply the Identify ways in which Christians can Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Christians can apply the apply the
3 Ministry message of apply the message of John the Baptist in Digital devices Checklists, Oral
message of John the Baptist in message of
of Jesus John the their lives today. Charts questions
their lives today. John the
Christ Baptist in Dramatize how they can apply the KLB: Top
- Dramatize how they can apply Baptist?
their lives message of Joh the Baptist in their lives the message of Joh the Baptist Scholar; C.R.E
today today. page 80-82
in their lives today.
Have fun and enjoy dramatizing.
By the end of the lesson, the learner
Ways in should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in Good News
groups, learners are guided to:
which Bible
The Life Christians Read the Bible; Luke 3: 7-15 - Read the Bible; Luke 3: 7-15 Which ways
Flash cards
Identify ways in which Christians can - Identify ways in which can Christians
and apply the Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
4 Ministry message of apply the message of John the Baptist in Christians can apply the apply the Digital devices Checklists, Oral
their lives today. message of John the Baptist in message of questions
of Jesus John the Charts
Dramatize how they can apply the their lives today. John the KLB: Top
Christ Baptist in
their lives message of Joh the Baptist in their lives - Dramatize how they can apply Baptist? Scholar; C.R.E
today. the message of Joh the Baptist page 80-82
Have fun and enjoy dramatizing. in their lives today.
5 By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Good News
Individually, in pairs or in
Which values Bible
groups, learners are guided to:
The Life Define the term of values. do Christians Flash cards
- Define the term of values.
and Message of Identify the values that Christians need to need to avoid Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
- Identify the values that
1 Ministry John the avoid evil condemned by John the evils Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Christians need to avoid evil
of Jesus Baptist Baptist. condemned by Charts questions
condemned by John the Baptist.
Christ Design a poster on the message of John John the KLB: Top
- Design a poster on the
the Baptist. Baptist? Scholar; C.R.E
message of John the Baptist.
Appreciate the values we learn from John page 82-84
the Baptist.
By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in Good News
Which values Bible
groups, learners are guided to:
The Life Define the term of values. do Christians Flash cards
- Define the term of values.
and Message of Identify the values that Christians need to need to avoid Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
- Identify the values that
2 Ministry John the avoid evil condemned by John the evils Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Christians need to avoid evil
of Jesus Baptist Baptist. condemned by Charts questions
condemned by John the Baptist.
Christ Design a poster on the message of John John the KLB: Top
- Design a poster on the
the Baptist. Baptist? Scholar; C.R.E
message of John the Baptist.
Appreciate the values we learn from John page 82-84
the Baptist.
Page 5
Page 6
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in Good News
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Bible
Which events
The Life - Define child dedication. Flash cards
The Define child dedication. take place
and - Discuss how children are Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
dedication Discuss how children are dedicated in during the
2 Ministry dedicated in churches today. Digital devices Checklists, Oral
of Jesus churches today.
of Jesus - Read the Bible; Luke 2: 22-38 dedication of Charts questions
Christ Read the Bible; Luke 2: 22-38 a child in your
Christ - Retell the story of the KLB: Top
Retell the story of the dedication of Jesus
dedication of Jesus Christ in the church? Scholar; C.R.E
Christ in the temple. temple. page 89-91
Enjoy retelling the story.
By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in Good News
groups, learners are guided to: Bible
Which events
The Life Define child dedication. - Define child dedication. Flash cards
The take place
and Discuss how children are dedicated in - Discuss how children are Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
dedication during the
3 Ministry churches today. dedicated in churches today. Digital devices Checklists, Oral
of Jesus dedication of
of Jesus Read the Bible; Luke 2: 22-38 - Read the Bible; Luke 2: 22-38 Charts questions
Christ a child in your
Christ Retell the story of the dedication of Jesus - Retell the story of the KLB: Top
Christ in the temple. dedication of Jesus Christ in the Scholar; C.R.E
Enjoy retelling the story. temple. page 89-91
Which festival
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in was Jesus Good News
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Christ and his Bible
The Life - Read the Bible; Luke 2:41-52 parents Flash cards
The boy
and Read the Bible; Luke 2:41-52 - Draw a picture map (Arrange attending? Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Jesus with
4 Ministry Draw a picture map. the pictures in learner's book to What was Digital devices Checklists, Oral
elders at the
of Jesus Narrate the story the boy Jesus with form a picture map on the story Jesus Christ Charts questions
Christ elders at the temple. of Jesus Christ) doing at the KLB: Top
Have a desire to follow the teachings of - Narrate the story the boy Jesus temple when Scholar; C.R.E
Jesus Christ with elders at the temple He was left page 92-95
Page 7
7 What
By the end of the lesson, the learner did Jesus Good News
Individually, in pairs or in Christ give to Bible
should be able to:
groups, learners are guided to: His parents
The Life Flash cards
The boy - Summarise the story of Jesus for remaining
and Summarise the story of Jesus Christ at the Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Jesus with Christ at the temple with the in the temple? Digital devices Checklists, Oral
1 Ministry temple with the elders.
elders at the elders. Which quality Charts
of Jesus Compose and sing a song on the story of questions
Christ temple Jesus Christ in the temple. - Compose and sing a song on did Jesus KLB: Top
the story of Jesus Christ in the Christ have as Scholar; C.R.E
Have a desire to emulate the teachings of
temple. a child that
Jesus Christ. page 95
made His
By the end of the lesson, the learner did Jesus Good News
Individually, in pairs or in Christ give to Bible
should be able to:
The Life groups, learners are guided to: His parents
Flash cards
The boy - Summarise the story of Jesus for remaining
and Summarise the story of Jesus Christ at the Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Jesus with Christ at the temple with the in the temple? Digital devices Checklists, Oral
2 Ministry temple with the elders.
elders at the elders. Which quality Charts
of Jesus Compose and sing a song on the story of questions
temple - Compose and sing a song on did Jesus
Christ Jesus Christ in the temple. KLB: Top
the story of Jesus Christ in the Christ have as
Have a desire to emulate the teachings of Scholar; C.R.E
Jesus Christ. temple. a child that page 95
made His
did Jesus
By the end of the lesson, the learner Christ give to Good News
should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in Bible
The Life groups, learners are guided to: His parents Flash cards
The boy for remaining
and Summarise the story of Jesus Christ at the - Summarise the story of Jesus in the temple? Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Jesus with temple with the elders. Christ at the temple with the
3 Ministry
elders at the Compose and sing a song on the story of elders. Which quality Digital devices Checklists, Oral
of Jesus Charts questions
temple Jesus Christ in the temple. - Compose and sing a song on did Jesus KLB: Top
Christ have as
Have a desire to emulate the teachings of the story of Jesus Christ in the a child that Scholar; C.R.E
Jesus Christ. temple. page 95
made His
Page 8
By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in Good News
groups, learners are guided to: Bible
The Life Identify the values that Christian learn - Identify the values that Which values Flash cards
and from the birth and childhood of Jesus Christian learn from the birth do we learn Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
learn from
4 Ministry Christ. and childhood of Jesus Christ. from the birth Digital devices Checklists, Oral
the birth and
of Jesus Prepare flashcards on the values, which - Prepare flashcards on the and childhood Charts questions
childhood of
Christ Christians learn from the birth and values, which Christians learn of Jesus? KLB: Top
childhood of Jesus Christ. from the birth and childhood of Scholar; C.R.E
Have a desire to emulate the teachings of Jesus Christ. page 95-98
Jesus Christ.
8 By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in Good News
Biblical should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Where do you Bible
- Define the term worship.
teachings on worship God? Digital devices Written Quizzes
The Define the term worship. - Discuss why worship is
1 selected What do you Charts Checklists, Oral
Church Discuss why worship is important to important to Christians in their
forms of do during KLB: Top questions
Christians in their day-to-day lives. day-to-day lives.
worship worship? Scholar; C.R.E
Compose songs on the Lord's Prayer. - Compose songs on the Lord's
page 100-103
Have a desire to worship God all the time. Prayer.
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in Good News
Biblical should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Where do you Bible
teachings on - Define the term worship. worship God? Digital devices Written Quizzes
The Define the term worship. - Discuss why worship is
2 selected What do you Charts Checklists, Oral
Church Discuss why worship is important to important to Christians in their do during
forms of KLB: Top questions
Christians in their day-to-day lives. day-to-day lives.
worship worship? Scholar; C.R.E
Compose songs on the Lord's Prayer. - Compose songs on the Lord's page 100-103
Have a desire to worship God all the time. Prayer.
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Good News
Biblical - Define the term worship. Where do you Bible
The teachings on Define the term worship. - Discuss why worship is worship God? Digital devices Written Quizzes
3 Church selected Discuss why worship is important to important to Christians in their What do you Charts Checklists, Oral
forms of Christians in their day-to-day lives. day-to-day lives. do during KLB: Top questions
worship Compose songs on the Lord's Prayer. - Compose songs on the Lord's worship? Scholar; C.R.E
Have a desire to worship God all the time. Prayer. page 100-103
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in Good News
Biblical should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Where do you Bible
- Define the term worship.
teachings on worship God? Digital devices Written Quizzes
The Define the term worship. - Discuss why worship is
1 selected What do you Charts Checklists, Oral
Church Discuss why worship is important to important to Christians in their
forms of do during KLB: Top questions
Christians in their day-to-day lives. day-to-day lives.
worship worship? Scholar; C.R.E
Compose songs on the Lord's Prayer. - Compose songs on the Lord's
page 100-103
Have a desire to worship God all the time. Prayer.
Page 9
8-9 Midterm break
9 By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in Good News
groups, learners are guided to: Bible
Read the Bible; Luke 4:1-2, Acts 13: 1-3, - Read the Bible; Luke 4:1-2, Flash cards
Importance What is the
Matthew 6:9-13 Acts 13: 1-3, Matthew 6:9-13 Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
The of prayer importance of
2 State the importance of prayer and fasting - State the importance of prayer Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Church and fasting prayer and
to Christians. and fasting to Christians. Charts questions
to Christians fasting?
Design posters on the importance of - Design posters on the KLB: Top
prayer and fasting. importance of prayer and Scholar; C.R.E
Appreciate the importance of prayer and fasting. page 103-104
fasting to Christians.
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Good News
Ways in
-Identify ways in which Which ways Bible
which Identify ways in which Christians can
Christians can apply the can Christians Flash cards
Christians apply the teachings of Jesus Christ on
teachings of Jesus Christ on apply the Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
The apply the prayer and fasting.
3 prayer and fasting. teachings of Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Church teachings of State the values that are demonstrated in
- State the values that are Jesus Christ Charts questions
Jesus Christ Christian worship. KLB: Top
demonstrated in Christian on prayer and
on prayer Sing a song on the Lord's prayer. Scholar; C.R.E
worship. fasting?
and fasting Appreciate ways in which Christians can page 104-108
- Sing a song on the Lord's
apply the teachings of Jesus Christ on
prayer and fasting.
By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in
Ways in groups, learners are guided to: Good News
which Identify ways in which Christians can -Identify ways in which Which ways Bible
Christians apply the teachings of Jesus Christ on Christians can apply the can Christians Flash cards
apply the prayer and fasting. teachings of Jesus Christ on apply the Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
4 Church teachings of State the values that are demonstrated in prayer and fasting. teachings of Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Jesus Christ Christian worship. - State the values that are Jesus Christ Charts questions
on prayer Sing a song on the Lord's prayer. demonstrated in Christian on prayer and KLB: Top
and fasting Appreciate ways in which Christians can worship. fasting? Scholar; C.R.E
apply the teachings of Jesus Christ on - Sing a song on the Lord's page 104-108
prayer and fasting. prayer.
Page 10
10 By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in Good News
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Bible
- Explain the meaning of What is the Flash cards
of the Explain the meaning of education.
education. contribution Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
The church Discuss the contribution of the church
1 - Discuss the contribution of the of the church Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Church towards towards education.
church towards education. towards Charts questions
education Compile a brief report on the contribution
- Compile a brief report on the education? KLB: Top
and health of the church towards health in Kenya. Scholar; C.R.E
contribution of the church
Appreciate the contribution of the church towards health in Kenya. page 108-111
towards education.
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in Good News
should be able to:
groups, learners are guided to: Bible
- Explain the meaning of What is the Flash cards
of the Explain the meaning of education.
education. contribution Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
The church Discuss the contribution of the church
2 - Discuss the contribution of the of the church Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Church towards towards education.
church towards education. towards Charts questions
education Compile a brief report on the contribution KLB: Top
- Compile a brief report on the education?
and health of the church towards health in Kenya.
contribution of the church Scholar; C.R.E
Appreciate the contribution of the church page 108-111
towards health in Kenya.
towards education.
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in Good News
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Bible
- Explain the meaning of What is the Flash cards
of the Explain the meaning of education.
education. contribution Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
The church Discuss the contribution of the church
3 - Discuss the contribution of the of the church Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Church towards towards education.
church towards education. towards Charts questions
education Compile a brief report on the contribution KLB: Top
- Compile a brief report on the education?
and health of the church towards health in Kenya. Scholar; C.R.E
contribution of the church
Appreciate the contribution of the church towards health in Kenya. page 108-111
towards education.
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in Good News
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Bible
- Identify the role of the Church What is the Flash cards
The role of Identify the role of the Church in health. in health. contribution Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
The the church Discuss the barriers to effective church - Discuss the barriers to of the church Digital devices Checklists, Oral
4 Church mission work in health and education.
in health effective church mission work towards Charts questions
Design posters on the benefits of in health and education. health? KLB: Top
missionary work in education in Kenya. - Design posters on the benefits Scholar; C.R.E
Appreciate the contribution of the church of missionary work in education page 111-114
towards health. in Kenya.
Page 11