AuditPracticeManual Clean
AuditPracticeManual Clean
AuditPracticeManual Clean
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 4
2. PERFORMANCE AUDIT FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITY ................................................ 5
2.1 The aim and purpose of follow-up in performance audit ....................................... 5
2.2 Follow-up of the implementation of recommendations given in the audit report .. 6
3.1 Follow-up procedures ............................................................................................. 7
3.2 Follow-up planning ................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Monitoring of progress of recommendation implementation ................................. 8
3.4 Subsequent audits ................................................................................................... 9
3.5 Reporting the results of the follow-up .................................................................. 10
4.1 Database for follow up audit recommendations ................................................... 11
Annex 1, Table 1: Database of Follow-up Audit Reccomendations ............................... 15
Annex 2, Table 2: Audit reports with implementation of recommendations and
implementation in progress as of date 20xx .................................................................... 16
Annex 3. Flow Chart of NAO Follow-Up audit process ................................................... 1
ISSAI International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions
NAO National Audit Office
SAI Supreme Audit Institution
The audit process does not end with the issuance of the audit report or with the preparation
of the action plan by the audited entity to address the recommendations as these actions do
not ensure that these recommendations will be implemented. For this purpose, it is
necessary to carry out monitoring of implementation of the recommendations on a regular
basis. Monitoring is a follow-up process during which auditors evaluate the appropriateness,
effectiveness, and timelines of actions undertaken by the management of the audited
organization to address each audit recommendation. A follow-up process will facilitate the
effective implementation of audit findings and recommendations. It will also provide
feedback to the SAI, the legislature and the government on performance audit effectiveness
and the improvements made by the audited entity (ISSAI 3200). The auditor shall follow
up, as appropriate, on previous audit findings and recommendations and the SAI shall
report to the legislature, if possible, on the conclusions and impacts of all relevant corrective
actions (ISSAI 3000/136). Follow-up on the audit report is an important tool to strengthen
the impact of the audit and improve future audit work, and is therefore a valuable part of
the audit process (ISSAI 3200).
After the issuance of the performance audit report, the auditee is required to provide a
written action plan specifying time and the ways of implementing the recommendations
given. Timely implementation of recommendations is one of the goals of NAO as provided
in the audit reports. In this regard, NAO should establish a system that stores the previous
audit findings and/or recommendations of the audit and related activities that the auditee
has received. Monitoring activities provide feedback to the SAI, the government and
parliament on the results of the audits conducted. The auditor shall focus the follow-up on
whether the audited entity has adequately addressed the problems and remedied the
underlying situation after a reasonable period (ISSAI 3000/139).
After a period of time, the SAI may undertake additional evaluation of progress made by
the auditee in relation to the audit findings and recommendations given to the
implementation and report on the accompanying review. This means that based on action
plan for implementation of recommendations after the publication of the report, the
following points are checked:
What are the reactions and what are the comments of various stakeholders?
What else can we learn from the audit and the entire process - how can we make
Are there indications of a lack of quality of audits conducted, and if so, what could be
reasons and explanations?
What has been done so far in connection with the audit and its recommendations,
what are the results?
Are there arguments in connection with the audit and its recommendations,
considering that taking actions is more than necessary?
When conducting follow-up of audit reports, the aim is to determine whether actions taken
on findings and recommendations have remedied the underlying conditions. This means
that both positive and negative reactions regarding the audit and the audit report need to
be examined by the auditor. It is therefore important to adopt an unbiased approach.
Follow-up activities after the publication of the performance audit report for the
implementation of recommendations contributes to the effective carrying out of
recommendations from the audited institutions.
Following up on audit findings and recommendations may serve four main purposes:
Increase the effectiveness of audit reports, the primary reason for follow-up the
performance audit report is to increase the likelihood that recommendations will be
Help the executive and legislative bodies, follow-up reports may be of importance for
influencing the actions of legislative bodies;
Provide basis for evaluating and assessing performance of given recommendations
and the SAIs itself; and
Determine the date for the commencement of the supporting activities; and
Supporting activities for the recommendations can be done in several different ways. The
most common are: direct contacts with audited entity or through formal requests for
information and subsequent audits. The simplest way is to hold meetings with the client
after a certain time to determine what steps the client has taken to improve its efficiency
and to check that recommendations were implemented and provide evidence of
implementation where possible.
After the issuance of the performance audit report, consideration and adoption of reports
by the Parliament, the auditee may be requested to submit a response to the legislature or
SAI-in regards of issues related to implementation of recommendations given in the
performance audit report.
SAI activities relating to measuring the effects of the recommendations require much effort
and analysis. Actually it is a new performance audit, which should cover how the
recommendations are implemented, and many other issues that may affect the results.
Impact assessment in every case is the essence of this activity, and provides the basis for
the effectiveness of audit recommendations given in the performance audit report.
Procedures for follow-up of audit recommendations include:
Different methods may be used to perform follow-ups on the findings and the
recommendations made. Some of the examples are shown below:
a) Arrange a meeting with the responsible parties after a certain time has elapsed to find
out what actions have been taken to improve performance and to check which
recommendations have been implemented.
b) Request from the responsible parties to inform the NAO in writing about the actions
they have taken to address the problems presented in the audit report.
c) Use phone calls or limited field visits to collect information on the actions taken by the
audited entity.
d) Keep up to date on reactions from responsible parties, the legislature and the media,
and analyze whether problems identified have been appropriately addressed or not.
e) Request financial audit to collect information about actions taken as part of their audit
f) Carry out a follow-up audit, resulting in a new performance audit report.
The methods to apply will depend on the priorities established by the NAO during the
strategic and annual planning process for performance auditing. They are also influenced
by the importance of the identified problems, the actions expected to be implemented, and
the external interest in information on the actions taken.
To properly plan follow-up activities, auditors should complete the database, which
summarizes the recommendations from previous audits. The timeline for monitoring the
fulfillment of recommendations is noted in this database so that implementation activities
are timely monitored for the implementation of each recommendation.
Planning follow-up and how to apply this process it depends on the following factors:
The risk of occurrence of any eventual event, unless corrective measures are taken;
Scope of the corrective action to ensure that all relevant entities apply the necessary
improvements; and
The audited process or activity is of lesser importance and does not represent a
serious obstacle to achieving the organization's main objectives;
Auditor can monitor progress through:
When conducting follow-up of an audit report, the auditor needs to concentrate on findings
and recommendations that are still relevant at the time of the follow-up. Insufficient or
unsatisfactory action by the audited entity may call for a further audit by the NAO. The
subsequent audit is similar to traditional performance audit, although the objectives and
scope have narrowed to focus on the shortcomings noted in the previous report. In many
cases, audit work will be sufficient to follow up the recommendations without conducting
subsequent audits. However, if there is a management decision to implement subsequent
audits, it is necessary to know that a subsequent audit planning just as important as
planning and other studies and requires the same form as the work plan and the main
study. Subsequent audits should be included in the strategic audit plan, and depending on
priority given is decided by the management of the NAO.
Subsequent audit is applied in any of circumstances as following:
When serious errors and deficiencies/irregularities have been identified in the prior
When there is a high risk that the management fails to undertake the corrective
When the required change refers to the activities of one or more entities; and
Reviewing the audit findings in the previous report, to determine the scope of the
follow-up audit;
Designing adequate auditing tests and procedures for evaluating corrective actions;
Conducting field audit work and document the results of the audit work performed;
During the follow-up audit, conclusions should be drawn as to whether the management's
actions have had an impact on reducing the risks identified in the previous audit and
whether they have improved the functioning of the organization towards achieving its
The scope of subsequent audits should be described in the work plan, and determined on
the basis of assessment of:
Action and influence of others who are not subject to audit; and
Deviations and improvements identified in the subsequent audit should stand and should
always be reported to the subject of audit. Positive action in implementing the audit
recommendations should always be emphasized, because they are of merit of the NAO.
Follow-up the execution of the performance audit is important for evaluating the benefits
and progress that occurred as a result of the performance audit. It helps to better estimate
the effectiveness of performance audit in terms of improving services and the overall effects
of the public sector, and is useful when NAO seeks additional funding for their work.
Whichever method is used, the results from the follow-up need to be reported
appropriately in order to provide feedback to the legislature. It is good practice to report
deficiencies and improvements identified in audit follow-up to the responsible parties or
the legislature.
The person appointed to follow the recommendations and reporting on the implementation
results might be appointed also to monitor or coordinates closely with the person that
monitors the execution of resolutions and decisions of the Parliament of the Republic of
Kosovo and its committees according to the audit material.
The best way to keep and manage with the follow-up database for implementation of
recommendations is electronically. Back-ups should be made on a regular basis and stored
on a separate drive or other relevant software to be kept in a protected place from fire, flood
or other force major.
The key activities that relate to the database for tracking the implementation of the
recommendations are shown in steps which are presented below.
Final Stage Implementation - Rightful measures have been taken from the auditee to
implement the recommendation and the implementation is at the final phase to be
fully completed.
Not addressed – No measures were taken and no action plan has been presented for
the implementation of recommendations.
No longer applicable – Because of the changes within the auditee structure or for any
other reason, the recommendation is no longer relevant to the auditee.
Tables in the summary of recommendations status based on audit reports are linked with
formulas in order to automatically generate the status of each followed-up
recommendations calculating automatically the number of open status per each
recommendation3. The overall ‘open’ status shows that respective audit report needs
further follow-up until all recommendations are implemented or no longer applicable. In
order to easy handle with the database during follow-up work, each status of
recommendation implementation is indicated with a specific color representing the
respective status.
b) Based on the initial submission of information by the auditee and the review of this
information by the audit team, the team should determine the status of the audit
recommendations in question and provide this status information to whoever is
responsible for maintaining the audit recommendation data base.
c) If determination is made that additional information is needed from the auditee, the
audit team should contact the designated auditee contact person and request the
additional information, explaining why additional information is needed, and giving a
date when the information should be provided to NAO.
d) Once the additional requested information is received, the audit team should review
that information and make a determination as to whether the information is adequate
and the status of the recommendation in question. If information submitted by the
auditee is still not considered adequate, the audit team should again contact the auditee
and explain why the provided information is not adequate and what additional
information is needed and when. (At this point it would probably be advantageous for
the audit team to meet in person with the auditee to resolve any issues).
Annex 1, Table 1: Database of Follow-up Audit Reccomendations
As of 30.01.20XX As of 30.06.20XX
No Audit Recommendation Responsible Report Due date Recommendation Overdue Management Comments by Recommendation
Report Entity date (Action Status Response Auditors Status
Title Plan) (Evidence when
1 12345678 A MMPH 01.01.20XX 01.01.20XX Started 12 months Comment Comment Implemented
2 12345678 B MMPH 01.01.20XX 01.01.20XX Not Addressed More than 2 Comment Comment Not Addressed
3 91011121 C TGjK 01.01.20XX 01.01.20XX Not started 5 months Comment Comment Implemented
4 91011121 D TGjK 01.01.20XX 01.01.20XX Started Implemented Comment Comment Implemented
Implementation on time
5 14512389 E KOb 01.01.20XX 01.01.20XX Final Stage Implemented Comment Comment Implemented
Implementation on time
6 14512389 F Kgja 01.01.20XX 01.01.20XX Started 2 months Comment Comment Final Stage
Implementation Implementation
7 45983587 G KPr 01.01.20XX 01.01.20XX Not Addressed More than 3 Comment Comment No Longer
years Applicable
8 155468864 H KOb 01.01.20XX 01.01.20XX Not started 3 months Comment Comment Implemented
9 155468864 I KOb 01.01.20XX 01.01.20XX Not Addressed More than 2 Comment Comment Not started
years Implementation
10 155468864 J KOb 01.01.20XX 01.01.20XX Final Stage Implemented Comment Comment Implemented
Implementation on time
11 155468864 K KOb 01.01.20XX 01.01.20XX Not Addressed 12 months Comment Comment Implemented
Source: Follow up database, Follow up Tab, Detailed List of Recommendation Follow Ups
Annex 2, Table 2: Audit reports with implementation of recommendations and implementation in progress as of date 20xx
status as of Jan
30, 20xx Recommendation status as of June 30, 20xx
Final Stage
Total no. of Started Not started Not No Longer
Audit No. Auditee Overall Status Implemented Implementati Overall Status
Recommendations Implementation Implementation Addressed Applicable
12345678 MMPH 2 OPEN 1 0 0 0 1 0 OPEN
14512389 KOb 2 OPEN 1 1 0 0 0 0 OPEN
45983587 KPr 1 OPEN 0 0 0 0 0 1 OPEN
91011121 TGjK 2 OPEN 2 0 0 0 0 0 COMPLETE
155468864 KOb 4 OPEN 3 0 0 1 0 0 OPEN
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 11 0 7 1 0 1 1 1
Source: Follow up database, Summary Tab, Summary of recommendations status based on Audit Report - Generated list from Follow_Up Tab