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Indomitus Version 1.1

These documents collect amendments to the rules and present Page 74 – Horrors, unit description
our responses to players’ frequently asked questions. Often Change the second sentence to read:
these amendments are updates necessitated by new releases or ‘It can include up to 10 additional Horrors (Power Rating +4) or
community feedback; these can be identified by the presence up to 20 additional Horrors (Power Rating +8).’
of an asterisk before the page reference. At other times, these
amendments are errata designed to correct mistakes or add Page 74 – Horrors, Abilities, Magic Made Manifest
clarity to a rule that is not as clear as it might be. Change this ability to read:
‘Magic Made Manifest: A unit of Horrors can attempt to
As they’re revised regularly, each of these documents has a manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and
version number; where a version number has a letter, e.g. 1.1a, attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase.
this means it has had a local amendment, only in that language, However, when you do so, only roll a single D6 for the Psychic
to clarify a translation issue or other minor correction. When test or Deny the Witch test, and use the result to determine
a document is revised, the version number will be incremented the outcome. Note that this means the Horrors can’t roll a
and new updates will be highlighted in blue, while new errata double 1 or 6 to suffer Perils of the Warp. In addition, if the unit
and FAQs will be highlighted in magenta. manifests the Smite psychic power whilst it contains less than 10
Pink Horrors, it only inflicts 1 mortal wound rather than D3.’

DESIGNER’S NOTES *Page 79 – Chaos Spawn, Abilities, Mutated Beyond Reason,

PSYCHIC FOCUS Designer’s Note
Many veteran Thousand Sons players are unclear whether or not Change the last sentence to read:
a matched play rule called Psychic Focus, which was published in ‘Each has a points value of 23 (this includes all of its weapons).’
the previous edition of the game and enabled their psykers to ignore
the increasing Warp Charge cost of Smite, should continue to apply *Page 82 and 91 – Chaos Vindicator and Ranged Weapons list,
or not. For clarity, this rule is not a feature of the 9th edition of demolisher cannon
Warhammer 40,000, and Thousand Sons psykers manifest Smite Change Type characteristic to Heavy D6 and Abilities to ‘Blast’.
just like any other psyker unit. Rest assured that the psychic might
of this army can be reflected using the additional updates and *Page 83 – Chaos Land Raider, Abilities, Daemonic
rules found within Psychic Awakening: Ritual of the Damned, and Machine Spirit
we will be building upon this even more in the 9th edition version of Delete this ability.
Codex: Thousand Sons.
Page 96 – Stratagems, Fire Frenzy, rules text
Change the first sentence to read:
‘Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, just before a
UPDATES & ERRATA Thousand Sons Helbrute from your army shoots.’
All Thousand Sons datasheets (excluding Chaos Cultists
and Tzaangor) Page 96 – Stratagems, Cabalistic Focus
Add the following ability: Change to read:
‘Hateful Assault: If this unit makes a charge move, is charged ‘Use this Stratagem before attempting to manifest a psychic
or performs a Heroic Intervention, add 1 to the Attacks power with a Thousand Sons Psyker from your army that is
characteristic of models in this unit until the end of the turn.’ within 6" of at least two other friendly Thousand Sons Psyker
units. Add 2 to the Psychic test.’
Page 68 – Daemon Prince of Tzeentch
Add ‘Psyker’ to the keywords line. Page 96 – Stratagems, Killshot, rules text
Change the second sentence to read:
Page 73 – Tzaangors, Wargear Options ‘Add 1 to the wound rolls and damage for all of the Predators’
Add the following bullet point: attacks that target Monsters or Vehicles this phase.’
‘• One Tzaangor can take an Icon of Flame (pg 90)’

Page 74 – Horrors, Power Rating

Change the Power Rating to read ‘4’.


*Page 97 – Boon of Tzeentch, Spawndom
Change the third sentence to the following: FAQs
‘If you do so, set up the Chaos Spawn within 6" of the character Q: Can a Tzaangor unit be equipped with both a brayhorn (from
and not within Engagement Range of any enemy units before Codex: Thousand Sons) and an instrument of Chaos (from
removing them as a casualty.’ Index: Chaos)?
A: No. The brayhorn and instrument of Chaos are intended to be
Page 97 – Stratagems, Warpflame Gargoyles, rules text the same wargear option with an updated name.
Change the second sentence to read:
‘Pick a Thousand Sons Vehicle from your army (but not a Q: If I select my Warlord for the Flesh Change Stratagem, can my
Helbrute or Heldrake) and roll a D6 for each other unit (friend opponent achieve any relevant victory conditions or objectives as
or foe) within 3" of it, subtracting 2 from the roll if the unit a result of them being destroyed?
being rolled for is a Character or Vehicle.’ A: Yes.

*Page 98 – Stratagems, The Flesh-Change, rules text Q: When a model’s datasheet states that it knows, for example,
Change the fourth sentence to the following: three psychic powers from the Discipline of Change and/or Dark
‘If you do so, set up the Chaos Spawn within 6" of the character Hereticus discipline, does this mean I can choose six psychic
and not within Engagement Range of any enemy units before powers for them in total?
removing them as a casualty.’ A: No, it means you can choose three psychic powers for them,
in one of the following combinations:
*Page 101 – Dark Hereticus Discipline, Gift of Chaos, rules text 1) three from the Discipline of Change.
Change the fourth sentence to read: 2) three from the Dark Hereticus discipline.
‘If a Character is destroyed by this power, you can add one 3) one from one discipline and two from the other.
Chaos Spawn to your army within 6" of the character and not
within Engagement Range of any enemy units before they are Q: The Brotherhood of Sorcerers ability increases the range of
removed as a casualty.’ psychic powers by 6". If a psychic power has a secondary effect that
has a range (such as Infernal Gateway, which has an initial range
Page 101 – Discipline of Tzeentch, Bolt of Change rules text of 12" but then affects all other units within 3"), does the range
Change the first sentence to read: increase apply to the initial range, the secondary range, or both?
‘Bolt of Change has a warp charge value of 8.’ A: It only applies to the initial range; so in the case of Infernal
Gateway, you would identify the nearest visible enemy model
*Page 101 – Discipline of Tzeentch, Bolt of Change, rules text within 18" of the psyker, rather than within 12". That model’s
Change the fourth sentence to read: unit and every other unit within 3" of that model would then
‘If a Character is destroyed by this power, you can add a Chaos suffer D3 mortal wounds.
Spawn to your army within 6" of the character and not within
Engagement Range of any enemy units before they are removed Q: Can I replace the Smite psychic power when using the Chaos
as a casualty.’ Familiar Stratagem?
A: Yes.
Page 101 – Discipline of Tzeentch, Gaze of Fate, rules text
Change the second sentence to read: Q: If I manifest the Gift of Chaos psychic power, and target a unit
‘If manifested, until the end of the turn you can re-roll one whose models have different Toughness characteristics, which one
single dice roll that you have rolled.’ should I use?
A: Use the highest Toughness characteristic in the target unit.
Page 101 – Discipline of Tzeentch, Treason of Tzeentch,
rules text Q: How should Perils of the Warp be resolved against units led by
Change the third and fourth sentences to read: an Aspiring Sorcerer or Scarab Occult Sorcerer?
‘If the result is greater than the character’s Leadership A: Any mortal wounds suffered are applied to Sorcerer’s unit, so
characteristic, until the end of the following Fight phase treat can be applied to another model if you wish (if a model in that
that character as if it were a friendly model from your army in unit has already suffered any wounds, it must still be applied to
your Shooting, Charge and Fight phases.’ this model first).

*Page 101 – Warptime Q: If the Aspiring Sorcerer or Scarab Occult Sorcerer from a unit
Change the second sentence to read: has been slain, is this unit still treated as being a Psyker?
‘If manifested, pick a Heretic Astartes unit (excluding Aircraft) A: Yes.
within 3" of the psyker.’
Designer’s Note: Whilst these units would not be able to manifest
or deny any psychic powers, any abilities, objectives or effects
which affect psykers are still likely to affect these warp-infused,
animated suits of armour.


Q: Can the Killshot Stratagem be used to affect
Hellforged Predators?
A: No. The Killshot Stratagem can only be used to affect models
using the Chaos Predator datasheet.

Q: If a Character is being treated as part of the opponent’s army

due to the Treason of Tzeentch psychic power, must units from
that Character’s actual army fight it in the Fight phase if they are
within Engagement Range of that Character?
A: Yes.


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