MMP (Mphil)
MMP (Mphil)
MMP (Mphil)
of Physics
Dr Aalia Nazir
Department of Physics
The Islamia University of
Introduction to Mathematical Physics
Physics is so interlinked with math that beyond the most elementary level of physics,
you NEED to know math to do physics. ... Physics is a science. It
uses mathematics as the logical framework to test ideas about how physical
phenomena behave.
Mathematics is the primary tool used by physicists to construct models, make
measurements and make predictions. Frequently, physicists also get degrees
in mathematics to help them better understand the subtleties that would otherwise
remain hidden in advanced physics.
“Don’t worry about your difficulties in mathematics. I assure you mine are greater.”
Albert Einstein
This quote attributed to Albert Einstein rarely fails to raise a smile. It is reassuring for
those who struggle with mathematics, but it is also surprising. Even a cursory brush
with physics confirms that this science is highly mathematical. Whether it is
describing the force of gravity, as was Einstein’s goal, understanding a simple light
switch, or designing sophisticated GPS satellites, physicists need numbers to
measure and to quantify, and they need mathematical equations to describe the
relationships between physical objects and the forces that act on them. Mathematics
is the indispensable language of physics — which is why Einstein’s admission strikes
many as amusing
Mathematics does not just provide tools for physics. It can also drive physical insight.
A striking example is Paul Dirac’s prediction of antimatter. Dirac was searching for
an equation to describe the behaviour of electrons, tiny building blocks of matter,
taking account of insights from special relativity and the other great success story of
early twentieth-century physics, quantum mechanics. When he found a suitable
mathematical expression he realised it contained twice as many pieces of
information as necessary, leading him to suggest that each electron comes with an
the positron. Its existence, and that of many other anti-particles, was later confirmed
in the laboratory.
Dirac’s efforts contributed vital pieces to a jigsaw puzzle physicists are still trying to
complete today, aiming to describe all the fundamental forces and particles of nature
in one theoretical framework, known as the Standard Model of particle physics. The
language of this framework is mathematics, and mathematical considerations have
led to the discovery of other particles.
Differential Equations
a differential equation.
The order of a differential equation is the order of the highest order derivative involved in
the differential equation. The degree of a differential equation is the exponent of the
highest order derivative involved in the differential equation when the differential equation
satisfies the following conditions –
• All of the derivatives in the equation are free from fractional powers, positive as
well as negative if any.
Solved Examples
For a differential equation represented by a function f(x, y, y’) = 0; the first order derivative
is the highest order derivative that has involvement in the equation. Thus, the Order of
such a Differential Equation = 1. In a similar way, work out the examples below to
understand the concept better –
!!" !"
• 𝑥 !# ! +𝑦 !# + 4𝑦 $ = 1 : Order = 2
!"" !"
• sin *!# " + = !# : Order = 3
!" !!"
• For -(!# )$ + 3𝑦 =!# ! : Order = 2
Find the Degrees.
!" !!"
• 3𝑦 $ (!# )% − !# ! = sin (𝑥 $ )
The highest order derivative involved here is of order 2, and its power = 1 in the
equation. Thus, the order of the differential equation = 2, degree = 1.
!" !""
• -1 + ( )$ = 𝑦 "
!# !#
Since this equation involves fractional powers, we must first get rid of them. On
!" !""
squaring the equation, we get – 1 + (!# )$ = 𝑦 $ (!# " )$ . Now, we can clearly
make out that the highest order derivative is of order 3 here i.e. order of the
differential equation = 3 and since its power is 2 in the equation – the degree
of the differential equation = 2.
!" !!"
• sin *!# + +!# ! + 3𝑥 = 0
Here, the highest order derivative is of order 2, and it has no involvement in
any function. So, the order of the differential equation = 2, and degree = 1.
Once this is done, all that is needed to solve the equation is to integrate both sides.
The method for solving separable equations can therefore be summarized as
and the integral of the right-hand side is evaluated using integration by parts:
( x 2 -1) y 3 dx + x 2 dy = 0.
holds for all (𝑥, 𝑦, ), and 𝑧 (for which both sides are defined).
= 𝑧 $ (𝑥 $ + 𝑦 $ ) = 𝑧 $ 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦)
Working Rule:
Step 1: Convert the given equation to the standard form of linear differential equation
i.e. 𝒅𝒙 + 𝑷𝒚 = 𝑸
𝜕𝑀 𝜕𝑁
𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑥
Where -"
denotes the differential co-efficient of M with respect to y keeping x
constant and -#
, the differential coefficient of N w.r.t x keeping y constant.
-. -/
= 6𝑥 $ 𝑦 − 6𝑥𝑦 $ , -#
= 6𝑥 $ 𝑦 − 6𝑥𝑦 $
-. -/
Since -"
= -#
, the given equation is exact.
𝑥1 + 𝑥%𝑦$ − 𝑥$𝑦% − 𝑦1 = 𝐶
2nd order linear 2nd order linear Differential Equations
Superposition Principle
Wronskian Formula
Series Solution of 2nd order Differential Equations
Singular Point