Arrester I235-75
Arrester I235-75
Arrester I235-75
Electrical Apparatus
UltraSIL™ Housed Type UI VariSTAR®
Intermediate Class Surge Arresters 235-75
Cooper Power Systems has set a new
standard of excellence for polymer-
housed intermediate class surge
arresters. The UltraSIL™ Housed
VariSTAR® Type UI Intermediate
Class Arresters incorporate the indus-
try recognized superior silicone rubber
housing. This housing is applied over
a gapless MOV internal design.
Cooper Power Systems Type UI
Arresters have passed the IEEE
Standard C62.11 – 2004™ test
UltraSIL (UI) Intermediate Class
Ratings and Characteristics
Arrester Characteristic Rating
Arrester Voltage Ratings (kV) 3-108
Rated Discharge Energy Single Double
(kJ/kV of MCOV) Impulse Impulse
Rating Rating*
UI (3-108 kV) 3.4 5.5
System Frequency (Hz) 50/60
Impulse Classifying
Current (kA)
High Current withstand** (kA) 100
Pressure Relief Rating,***
kA rms sym.
Cantilever Strength (in-Ibs) MDCL
Ultimate Static†
UltraSIL™ Housed VariSTAR® Type UI Intermediate Class Surge Arresters
Figure 4 illustrates a three-phase
in-line mounting arrangement.
Dimensions B and C reference
minimum phase-to-ground and phase- B
to-phase distances respectively.
These dimensions are listed in Table 3.
Figure 5 shows an outline drawing of
the standard UltraSIL housed Type UI Figure 4.
Intermediate Class arrester. The refer- Three-phase In-line mounting arrangement.
enced dimension for all kV ratings are
listed in Table 3. This table also
includes the insulation withstand that allow customers to select PROTECTIVE
characteristics and weights for the specific features they desire. Options
Type UI arrester family. CHARACTERISTICS
on housing sizes, hardware and
mounting options are available and All UltraSIL Housed Intermediate
ORDERING defined in Table 5. This table allows Class Arresters provide excellent
INFORMATION customers who may prefer options overvoltage protection for electrical
Table 3 includes the standard catalog different from those in our standard equipment. The specific protective
numbers for Type UI arresters. The Figure 5 configuration to develop a characteristics for each arrester rating
arrester represented by the standard catalog number which provides the are shown on the next page in Table 4.
catalog number is configured with the unique features they desire. For
connectors and mounting arrangement additional assistance please contact
shown in Figure 5 (“31” in digits 11 your Cooper Power Systems sales
and 12 of Table 5). Cooper Power representative.
Systems offers many other options
1.0 1.0
66-108 kV
3-60 kV
Figure 5.
Outline drawing of standard UltraSIL Housed Intermediate Class Arresters (for standard catalog numbers see Table 3).
Catalog Numbers, Dimensions, Weights, Spacing Requirements and Insulation Withstand Levels of UltraSIL Housed
Intermediate Class Arrester (Standard Configuration)
Figure 4 Figure 4
Dim. “B” Dim. “C” Insulation Withstand Voltages
Minimum Minimum
Arrester Figure 5 Phase-to-Ground Phase-to-Phase Creepage 1.2/50 60 Hz, dry 60 Hz, wet
Rating Catalog Dim. “A” Clearance Clearance Distance Impulse 60 seconds 10 seconds Weight
(kV, rms) Number (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (kV, crest) (kV, rms) (kV, rms) (lbs.)
3 UI003A 6.4 5.2 9.7 12.2 105 67 44 11.4
6 UI006A 6.4 5.4 9.9 12.2 105 67 44 11.7
9 UI009A 8.0 5.8 10.3 16.2 130 86 59 12.9
10 UI010A 8.0 6.0 10.5 16.2 130 86 59 12.9
12 UI012A 9.5 6.5 11.0 20.3 149 102 68 14.1
15 UI015A 11.1 7.3 11.8 24.3 171 115 81 15.2
18 UI018A 11.1 8.3 12.8 24.3 171 115 81 15.6
21 UI021A 11.1 9.0 13.5 24.3 171 115 81 15.6
24 UI024A 12.6 9.2 13.7 28.4 193 126 93 16.7
27 UI027A 14.1 10.1 14.6 32.4 214 136 105 17.9
30 UI030A 15.7 11.0 15.5 36.5 236 144 117 19.1
33 UI033A 15.7 12.2 16.7 36.5 236 144 117 19.4
36 UI036A 15.7 12.8 17.3 36.5 236 144 117 19.4
39 UI039A 17.2 13.8 18.3 40.5 255 151 124 20.6
42 UI042A 18.7 14.7 19.2 44.6 279 158 142 21.8
45 UI045A 18.7 15.6 20.1 44.6 279 158 142 22.0
48 UI048A 21.8 16.6 21.1 52.7 322 173 166 24.1
54 UI054A 21.8 17.7 22.2 52.7 322 173 166 24.4
60 UI060A 24.9 19.9 24.4 60.8 366 192 190 26.8
66 UI066A 32.6 21.9 26.4 77.0 491 295 241 33.9
72 UI072A 34.1 23.4 27.9 81.0 510 302 248 35.0
78 UI078A 35.6 25.3 29.8 85.1 534 309 266 36.6
84 UI084A 38.7 27.5 32.0 93.2 580 323 296 38.9
90 UI090A 38.7 28.3 32.8 93.2 580 323 296 39.5
96 UI096A 40.2 30.5 35.0 97.2 602 330 308 40.7
108 UI108A 44.9 33.5 38.0 109.4 666 355 344 44.2
Protective Characteristics of the UltraSIL Housed Intermediate Class Arrester
TOV* Front-of-wave Maximum Discharge Voltage (kV crest)
Arrester Arrester (kV rms) Protective 8/20 µs Current Wave Switching Surge
Rating MCOV Level** Protective Level***
(kV rms) (kV rms) 1 sec 10 sec (kV Crest) 1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 20 kA 40 kA (kV crest)
3 2.55 3.73 3.56 9.3 7.0 7.4 7.7 8.4 9.4 11.0 6.5
6 5.1 7.47 7.11 18.1 13.9 14.7 15.4 16.7 18.6 21.4 13.0
9 7.65 11.2 10.7 27.0 20.9 22.0 23.1 25.0 27.7 31.7 19.5
10 8.4 12.3 11.7 29.6 23.0 24.2 25.4 27.4 30.4 34.8 21.4
12 10.2 14.9 14.2 35.9 27.9 29.4 30.8 33.3 36.9 42.1 26.0
15 12.7 18.6 17.7 44.6 34.7 36.6 38.3 41.4 45.9 52.2 32.4
18 15.3 22.4 21.3 53.6 41.8 44.0 46.2 49.8 55.2 62.8 39.0
21 17.0 24.9 23.7 59.5 46.4 48.9 51.3 55.4 61.3 69.7 43.4
24 19.5 28.6 27.2 68.2 53.3 56.1 58.8 63.5 70.3 79.9 49.8
27 22.0 32.2 30.7 77.0 60.1 63.3 66.3 71.6 79.3 90.0 56.1
30 24.4 35.7 34.0 85.3 66.6 70.2 73.6 79.4 87.9 99.8 62.3
33 27.5 40.3 38.4 96.1 75.1 79.1 82.9 89.5 99.1 112 70.2
36 29.0 42.5 40.5 101 79.2 83.4 87.4 94.4 105 119 74.0
39 31.5 46.1 43.9 111 86.0 90.6 95.0 103 113 129 80.4
42 34.0 49.8 47.4 119 92.8 97.8 103 111 122 139 86.8
45 36.5 53.4 50.9 128 99.7 105 110 119 131 149 93.1
48 39.0 57.1 54.4 136 107 112 118 127 140 159 99.5
54 42.0 61.5 58.6 147 115 121 127 137 151 171 107
60 48.0 70.3 67.0 167 131 138 145 156 173 196 123
66 53.0 77.6 73.9 186 145 153 160 173 191 217 135
72 57.0 83.5 79.5 200 156 164 172 186 205 233 145
78 62.0 90.8 86.5 217 169 178 187 202 223 253 158
84 68.0 99.6 94.9 237 186 196 205 221 245 278 174
90 70.0 102.5 97.7 245 191 201 211 228 252 286 179
96 76.0 111.3 106.0 265 208 219 229 247 274 310 194
108 84.0 123.0 117.2 293 229 242 253 273 302 343 214
* Temporary overvoltage with prior duty energy surge.
** Based on a 10 kA current impulse that results in a dischange voltage cresting in 0.5 µs.
*** 45-60 µs rise time 500 A current surge.
UltraSIL™ Housed VariSTAR® Type UI Intermediate Class Surge Arresters
UltraQUIK™ Catalog Numbering System for UltraSIL™ Housed Intermediate Class Arresters
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
U I 1 1
5 = Wire Clamp
Accepts copper or aluminum
conductors from .16" dia. (#6) to
.575" dia. (250 MCM) (Cubicle Mount)
13 = Mounting Arrangement
A = Mounting Base Located on Bottom B = No Mounting Base C = Mounting Base Located on Top
(Standard Option) (Cubicle Mount) (Suspension Mount)
UltraSIL™ Housed VariSTAR® Type UI Intermediate Class Surge Arresters
(3) 0.56" x 1.18"
Cat. No.
Ser. No. Year
Rating/Ur kV rms
MCOV/Uc kV rms
Pres. Relief kA sym.
Class 8.75" –
Cert. 10.00" DIA.
Frequency Alt. 0-12000 Ft.
50-60 Hz 0-3600 M
FEET IS 1.0" DIAMETER - 4.16"
Figure 6.
Detail of blank nameplate. Figure 7.
Mounting base details.