Recloser Advantages at Breaker Rating Levels: Kyle Vacuum Reclosers Type VSA20 and VSA20A
Recloser Advantages at Breaker Rating Levels: Kyle Vacuum Reclosers Type VSA20 and VSA20A
Recloser Advantages at Breaker Rating Levels: Kyle Vacuum Reclosers Type VSA20 and VSA20A
• Recloser Application
• Performance Proven
Design, Construction.
• Low Maintenance,
Long Operating Life.
Form 6
Recloser Control
Low-Maintenance Reclosers
Kyle VSA20 and VSA20A air-insulated vacuum reclosers
operate dependably over a long life and require
practically no service other than periodic inspection.
Operating components are designed for long-term
Voltage Ratings dependability and to withstand the rugged recloser duty.
Inspection is simplified by easy access to the mechanism
and interrupter cabinets; no special tools or procedures
Maximum Design Voltage (kV) 15.5 15.5 are required.
Nominal Operating Voltage (kV) 2.4–14.4 2.4–14.4
Basic Insulation Level (BIL) (kV) 110 110 The recloser operating mechanism employs a 240-Vac
60 Hertz Withstand Voltage (kV)
Dry, one minute 50 50 motor to charge the closing spring that in turn provides
Wet, ten seconds 45 45 the force to close the vacuum interrupters and charge the
Max RIV at 1.0 MHz/9.41 kV(µV) 100 100 opening springs. When tripping and closing operations
are required, springs are released by solenoids actuated
with 24-volt signals from the recloser's electronic control.
Current Ratings
Duty Cycle
Percent of Number of Unit
Interrupting Rating X/R Ratio Operations
15-20 4 88 Arc interruption takes place within the sealed vacuum
45-55 8 112
90-100 16 32 interrupters; consequently, no arcing by-products
Total 232 contaminate the recloser structure. The interrupters are
mounted independently of the recloser bushings. This
permits quicker bushing replacement and requires no
Electrical Specifications interrupter adjustment.
Mounting Equipment
Substation frame extension KA55VS1
Form 6 Control Single pole-mounting hanger KA56VS
with front panel Control mounting bracket
programmability Single-size cabinet KA55VS2
and interrogation. Double-size cabinet KA55VS4
Substation frame extension KA55VS8
Single pole-mounting hanger KA52VSM
Control mounting bracket
Single-size cabinet KA55VS2
Double-size cabinet KA55VS9
1130 (44.5) 622
260 305 286
(10.25) (12) (11.25) 305
330 (13)
These figures show a VSA20 (upper) and a OPEN