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Fpsyt 12 778119
Fpsyt 12 778119
Background: Portugal is one of the countries that has a legal framework for volunteering,
and there are different associations to support inmates through volunteering support.
This volunteering can be beneficial for prisoners to address their social isolation and
supporting them in the acquisition of skills and competencies to help them during
their time in prison, but also beyond, supporting them in their resocialization and
social reintegration in the community. However, little is known about the experiences
of volunteers that provide such support to inmates.
Edited by:
Vivek Furtado, Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore the experiences and
University of Warwick,
United Kingdom
motivations of volunteers who interact with prisoners in the prison context of the three
Reviewed by:
main cities in Portugal (Coimbra, Lisbon, and Porto). The interviews were audio-recorded,
Nubia G. Lluberes, transcribed, and analyzed using the thematic analysis method.
University of Texas Medical Branch at
Galveston, United States Results: Thirty-nine prison volunteers agreed to participate in this study (n = 24
Francis Thaise A. Cimene, women, n = 15 men), with two to thirty years of experience of volunteering. The main
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines, Philippines
themes emerging from the analysis were “Different motivations to volunteer”, “Volunteers”
Pamela Valera, interactions with inmates”, “Volunteers” interactions with prison staff”, “Volunteering in
Rutgers Biomedical and Health
prisons has an impact on volunteers”, “Volunteers” perception of helping inmates’ and
Sciences, United States
“More support to volunteering in prisons”.
Mónica Salselas Conclusions: Community volunteers who support prisoners can develop positive and
[email protected]
trusting relationships with the inmates, despite its challenges. These findings can raise
Specialty section: awareness of volunteering in prisons as a potentially helpful intervention, and call for
This article was submitted to further research to better explore its long-term impact.
Forensic Psychiatry,
a section of the journal Keywords: volunteering, prisons, inmates, Portugal, qualitative research, experiences, social stigma
Frontiers in Psychiatry
street volunteering, hospital volunteering or volunteering to organization who promotes the volunteering work (i.e., initial
support the elderly (3). Volunteering in prisons is neither the interview aimed at identifying the motivations, expectations and
first option (1, 3–6), nor very common, and there is little psychological characteristics of the person applying for the role
awareness of it in Portugal (5, 7). People in the general population of volunteer) and (ii) a final selection of the volunteer by the
tend to be surprised when they learn that it is possible to receiving organization (i.e., interview carried out in the prison
volunteer in prison establishments, which are often the target of by the volunteer manager technician and verification of the
stigma (8). volunteer’s profile) (18).
The reality of volunteering in prisons has been explored across Portugal is one of the countries that has specific legislation
Europe in the project VOLPRIS (Prison Managing Volunteers in for volunteering. The legal framework for volunteering (Law
Europe) in five countries: Germany, Belgium, Poland, Portugal No. 71/98, of November 3rd ) contains the main rights, duties
and Romania. The objective of VOLPRIS is to invest in the and the institution principles that volunteers must follow (19).
management of volunteering in the context of prisons, in order This legislation aims to promote and guarantee citizens the
to positively impact not only the volunteers, but also the inmates’ right to participate in the various activities, and to promote
recidivism rates (7). This study conducted in seventy-nine the freedom and flexibility associated with them (1, 19). The
prisons in these five countries reported data on volunteering in existence of this legal framework shows the importance of
prisons: the importance of volunteering projects, the importance recognizing volunteering in Portugal, as well as the interest of
of the role of volunteers in the well-being of prisoners, the the various entities promoting volunteering to support inmates,
need for specific and adequate training, and the relationship who are not in the habit of receiving many visitors, through
between volunteers and prison staff (7). Some recommendations various interventions (programs, activities and solidarity visits)
were made further to this study, such as: (i) promoting more which may help in combating their isolation (19). This law is an
research to demonstrate the diversity of volunteering projects in important instrument allowing volunteering to be qualified and
prisons and the impact that they have on social reintegration, (ii) socially recognized, by describing the legal rights of volunteers
improving the conditions for carrying out volunteering activities (19, 20). The previous legal diplomas that addressed this topic
in prison establishments, and (iii) providing more information (i.e., Decree-Law No. 35108, of November 7th ; Decree-Law No.
about volunteering opportunities in prison facilities (7). 168/93, of May 11th ) indicated the existence of solidarity projects
Volunteers have an important effect on the inmates’ attitudes, that attract people to join volunteering (1), but the details about
not only during their time in the prison, but also in the process the rights and duties of volunteers, the definition of volunteering
of reintegrating inmates into society (9–11). Research conducted and the entities that promote volunteering were clearly defined in
in Hong Kong (9) and the Netherlands (12) reported that the Law No. 71/98, of November 3rd .
volunteering in a prison context brings benefits not only to the According to the Portuguese Annual Report of 2019 on
volunteers, but also to the inmates themselves (9, 12). A study Volunteering Activities of the Direção-Geral de Reinserção e
in the United States of America (USA) highlighted that whilst Serviços Prisionais, there was an increase in solidarity visits, with
volunteers had positive attitudes toward prisoners and prison 8,190 inmates receiving visits from volunteers and 1,968 people
staff, the beginning of these interactions was marked by some providing support as volunteers (5). However, between 2015
mistrust (13). In contrast, according to a study carried out in and 2019, volunteering in prisons has dropped across several
Norway (14) the inmates showed positive attitudes toward prison intervention areas, including educational or training activities,
staff and college students. Among the students, those who studied cultural and artistic activities, and the promotion of sport and
in the business economics area perceived prisoners in a more healthy lives (4, 5).
negative way than the healthcare students (14). This is similar to Since March 2020, due to the COVID pandemic, volunteering
the results of a study in Australia (15), where medical students activities in the prison context have been suspended, as well as
recognized the challenges and advantages of working in prison as visits made by family members (21). However, within the remit of
a doctor, namely for the rejection of stereotypes. Studies carried volunteering support in the context of prisons, the area of “Offer
out in Hong Kong (9), the Netherlands (12), Canada (16) and the of Goods” experienced an increase during the pandemic. This was
USA (13) highlight that what led volunteers to become involved likely due to the suspension of visits made by family members
in prison volunteering contributed to the way they play their since normally through them, the inmates received clothing and
role as volunteer. The importance of visits made by volunteers, other essential goods (21).
giving inmates opportunities to have different conversations and The lack of knowledge in this area requires further attention.
being away from the usual prison environment has also been Thus, this study has aimed to: (i) explore the volunteers’
highlighted (12). motivations and the reasons that led them to volunteer in
In Portugal prison services also focus on the inmates’ the prison environment; (ii) explore the interactions between
rehabilitation, using interventions to prepare the individuals volunteers and the inmates and prison staff and (iii) explore
for the moment of their release from prison (17). In this way, the individual impact that volunteering in prisons had on
volunteers also play an important role in the resocialization the lives of the volunteers. This study set out to investigate
process of inmates (17). To start volunteering in a prison the research question: “What are the motivations for, and
environment, it is necessary to go through a selection process. the experiences of, volunteers who interact with inmates in a
This process involves two phases: (i) an initial selection by the prison context?”
FIGURE 2 | Prison establishments where volunteers supported inmates. a Prison establishment with high security level. b Prison establishment with high-medium
security level. c Prison establishment with high special security level.
March and July 2021, and ranged in duration from 17 min “Volunteers’ perception of helping inmates” and “More support for
to 1 h and 46 min (with a mean of 52 min). The saturation volunteering in prisons” (Table 1).
point was reached at the end of the 39 interviews, since the
information obtained in the last interview no longer included Different Motivations to Volunteer
new data. The volunteers described different reasons to become involved in
Only three interviews were conducted in person, the volunteering in prisons (Table 2). Most volunteers had previous
remaining 36 interviews were carried out through different experience with other types of volunteering, although some
platforms: Zoom (n = 23), Phone call (n = 7), WhatsApp volunteers chose to start volunteering in prisons to occupy their
(n = 4), Microsoft Teams (n = 1) and Google Meet (n = free time. Reasons ranged from religious faith, the need to help
1). The interviews were audio-recorded using the respective others, a recommendation made by someone, or the opportunity
platform’s recording system and later transcribed verbatim by the to volunteer in a prison, perceiving it as a way to get out of their
researcher (MS). comfort zone.
Volunteers reported in which prisons they provided support
to inmates, in a total of 14 prisons throughout the country.
Figure 2 provides information about the prison establishments To Occupy Their Time
mentioned by the volunteers of where they volunteered, and Volunteers said that after retiring, they had more free time, and
how many volunteers supported each prison in this sample, with began volunteering as an option to occupy them.
some volunteers supporting inmates from more than one prison
(Figure 2). Religious Faith
There were six emergent themes in this data analysis: Religious belief was a common motivation for volunteering.
“Different motivations to volunteer”, “Volunteers’ interactions However, volunteers stated that they did not go to visit prisoners
with inmates”, “Volunteers’ interactions with prison staff ”, in order to impose their beliefs and values on the inmates, but to
“Volunteering in prisons has an impact on volunteers”, aid inmates whilst following prison rules.
Themes Different motivations Volunteers’ Volunteers’ Volunteering in Volunteers’ More support for
to volunteer interactions with interactions with prisons has an perception of helping volunteering in
inmates prison staff impact on volunteers inmates prisons
Subthemes To occupy their time Positive interaction with Prison staff initially Changing the Acquisition of skills Providing training and
Religious faith the inmates in prison suspicious of the volunteers’ Break in the routine access to support to
Need to help Gaining trust with volunteers perspectives A bridge between the volunteers
Previous experiences inmates Volunteers initially seen Force the volunteers to inmates and their Careful selection of
of volunteering Having better as obstacles by prison manage their families people who volunteer
Recommended by communication with guards expectations A social bond with the in prisons
someone the inmates The volunteers’ Relativization of outside world Improve prison
Opportunity to Spending time out of interactions with the volunteers’ problems conditions for carrying
volunteer in prison during prison guards improved out volunteering
prison emerged short-term outs with time and became activities
cordial Improve the relationship
The prison environment between volunteering
was hard associations and prison
The volunteer establishment
managers were very Improve the image of
accessible to the incarcerated
the volunteers population in society,
and promote
their reintegration
To occupy their time “I retired and had some availability. As I had free time, I ended up going to an initial meeting […]” (Volunteer 39)
“[…] that’s how I started, a little bit in order to help, to occupy my time in favor of something bigger” (Volunteer 10)
Religious faith “Volunteering in a prison context arises, it is a consequence of my Catholic Faith” (Volunteer 16)
“[…] it was a little bit also because of my religion because I have a Christian background […]” (Volunteer 10)
Need to help “I always had this need to want to help other people” (Volunteer 37)
“I felt there was a need to have a complementary commitment to society” (Volunteer 06)
“Thinking that I could help in some way, that is, that I could give a better contribution to giving to people who were
experiencing a moment of suffering” (Volunteer 02)
Previous experiences of “Volunteering had already started earlier, but in other types of projects” (Volunteer 15)
volunteering “Volunteering has always stayed with me, and I have always volunteered afterwards throughout my life”
(Volunteer 31)
“The world of prisons has always been present in my life, starting with my father [who worked as a doctor in
prison] who told incredible stories of cases of inmates and then the volunteer work I did when I was 18 years old
which marked me a lot too.” (Volunteer 01)
Recommendation of someone “It’s funny because it was a friend who came to me and said – look, I think I have a proposal that you’ll like – […]
and as I had a flexible work schedule, I decided to give a try.” (Volunteer 17)
“It was at the suggestion of a friend of mine” (Volunteer 08)
“[…] after I graduated, I went to work for the office of a lawyer who was the leader of a group of visitors in the
prison establishment of Lisbon and he invited me to participate in that group.” (Volunteer 29)
Opportunity to volunteer in a “I had no motivation [specific], it was more that of leaving my comfort zone” (Volunteer 09)
prison emerged “It never crossed my mind to go into prison volunteering” (Volunteer 14)
prison. However, when this opportunity to volunteer in a prison described. At an early stage, volunteers described this interaction
emerged, volunteers appreciated leaving their comfort zone. as cold, with some suspiciousness from prison guards, who were
distant and sometimes even posed obstacles to volunteers when
Volunteers’ Interactions With Inmates entering in the prison establishment.
By volunteering in a prison context, volunteers gain new
perspectives through their interactions with inmates and the Volunteers Initially Seen as Obstacles by
relationships they develop with them. This relationship had a
positive evolution as volunteers maintain a repeated and constant
Prison Guards
At the beginning, due to the distance that the guards kept from
presence, being able to communicate with prisoners without
the volunteers and the strangeness of their presence in the prison,
prejudice or judgement (Table 3).
some volunteers said that they felt perceived as obstacles by the
Positive Interaction With Inmates in the prison guards. They also felt that they could be hindering the
work performed by the prison guards themselves.
The relationship that volunteers developed with prisoners is
mostly positive. However, volunteers described the need to resort
The Volunteers’ Interactions With Prison
to conversation unblockers to break the ice as a way to start Guards Improved With Time and Became
talking to the inmates and gain their confidence. Volunteers Cordial
described individual characteristics that they deemed volunteers The interactions between volunteers and prison guards evolved
should have to reach out to inmates, such as the ability to listen, over time, and the initial problems mentioned no longer existed.
honesty, sincerity, equal treatment and the ability not to judge. Volunteers stated that after the first volunteering sessions, the
Volunteers considered that having an open and unprejudiced prison guards became more accessible, increasingly trusting the
attitude toward inmates facilitated these interactions. volunteers, being positive in their interactions, and treating them
with cordiality and mutual respect and, that they were more
Gaining Trust With the Inmates satisfied and committed to continue volunteering.
As in any other context, to create some kind of relationship it is
necessary to build trust, which cannot be done overnight. With The Prison Environment Was Hard
the prison population, the care and time taken to gain confidence Volunteers described the environment within the prison as hard.
is different, as inmates tend to be naturally suspicious. The structure and buildings of prison establishments are old,
and they have few conditions for proper spaces adequate for
Having Better Communication With the volunteering activities.
Volunteers presence in the prisons becomes frequent, which The Volunteer Managers Were Very
means that as the conversations gain more weight and the trust is
built, the inmates end up mentioning life situations that they do
Accessible to the Volunteers
Although contact in the prison was mostly between the inmates
not mention with their cellmates.
and prison guards, the volunteers also maintained contact
Spending Time Out During Short-Term with the volunteer managers, the technicians who oversee the
volunteering work, although less frequently. This interaction
Outs established with the volunteer managers was described as very
Some prisoners are allowed by the prison director to go outside
positive with the technicians showing themselves to be quite
the prison for a short period of time. During this period, and in
accessible to the volunteers.
certain situations, inmates may be accompanied by volunteers.
In these cases, this monitoring is often done with the same
inmates for some time, contributing to the establishment of Volunteering in Prisons Has an Impact on
a positive interaction between volunteers and inmates outside Volunteers
the prison. Volunteering in a prison context is a less known reality in the
general population in Portugal. However, as the contact with this
Volunteers’ Interactions With Prison Staff reality increases and, consequently, the contact with the inmate
In addition to the contact that volunteers have with inmates population, the impact that this volunteering causes in the lives
throughout their voluntary work, they also gain knowledge about of volunteers increases (Table 5).
the prison system itself through the relationship they create with
prison staff (Table 4). Changing the Volunteers’ Perspectives
The contact with other realities different from the one that the
Prison Staff Initially Suspicious of the volunteers lived in made them gain other perspectives. They
Volunteers described realizing that there are other realities outside their
Before there is any interaction with the inmates, volunteers must professional and personal environment that, until they had
have contact with prison guards, particularly when entering and contact with the inmates and heard their stories, they were
leaving the prison. This first contact was not always positively unaware of.
Positive interaction with “The relationship had to be based on truth, with honesty, without paternalism, without being top-down and that I realized early on,
inmates in the prison and I think I always tried to have that, so I think the relationship was always quite easy, with equal treatment” (Volunteer 25)
“An attitude of honesty, loyalty is necessary, not to be little the trust they place in us at all, never in any way.” (Volunteer 33)
Gaining trust with inmates “[…] an inmate who said that we were very important because by going there every week we showed that we had confidence in him
and he said that the inmates had no confidence in anyone, neither them nor anyone else […]” (Volunteer 07)
“The conversations I have with them, I often tell them my faults, it gives them this confidence that they are not abnormal but people
who when further than they were supposed to go, but from now on is getting that and transform and then they start having this
conversation” (Volunteer 33)
Having better “If there are questions, I mean that environment is always explosive because we’re always finding people with very different
communication with the characteristics and who are forced to live in those spaces and conditions, so I think calm is something that doesn’t live inside these
inmates spaces, but we at least when we’re there, we try to make thoughts fly elsewhere […]” (Volunteer 31)
“The relationship that is established is therefore a relationship of knowledge, it is a person who is introduced to us and to whom we
introduce ourselves, and from there we start a conversation that is marked by the space of the solidarity visit, it is a space of freedom
as essential […]” (Volunteer 22)
Spending time out of prison “I make the authorized visit to the exterior of the prison. […] Basically, we are responsible for those who have the right to make these
during short-term outs precarious outings, we pick them up and go out one afternoon with them, we have lunch, and we stay until mid-afternoon with them.
[…] We have a great connection, we’ve known them for a few years.” (Volunteer 04)
Prison staff initially “The beginning was a bit troubled because they were very suspicious, cold people and a bit rigid” (Volunteer 38)
suspicious of the volunteers “At first they were very suspicious [of the volunteers]” (Volunteer 39)
Volunteers initially seen as “[…] but in most of them, I’ll be honest with you, what passes for us is that they don’t see us as an asset, it’s almost more of an
obstacles by prison guards obstacle.” (Volunteer 10)
“[…] having a relationship with them that helps to undo this foreign body idea, but some have difficulty empathizing, some are easier”
(Volunteer 03)
The volunteers’ interactions “There was a very interesting evolution. Even in the first phase, we saw the guards almost as an obstacle to accessing the inmates
with the prison guards and they also saw us with some disdain, with some reserve. Then we realized that when we go to visit everyone in the prison, we’re
improved with time and going to visit the guards, the auxiliaries we come across, and all of them. […] So, we’re going to visit the prison environment, we’re
were aimed as cordial going to visit the inmates, we’re going to visit the guards who protect them and everyone else there included, and that completely
changed the relationship. Over time, it changed [the relationship with the prison guards].” (Volunteer 06)
“My relationship with the guards is a very respectful one” (Volunteer 34)
“Our relationship tries to be as cordial and correct as possible, we try to be close to them” (Volunteer 03)
The prison environment was “The one that impressed me the most was […] a high [special] security jail, where the inmates are locked 23 hours, you can’t hear a
hard fly, it’s a horrible thing. I did interviews with inmates, only one agreed and then I also had a meeting with him alone. It was a bit
complicated because they put me in a room with him that you can only leave when you press a button. So that was a little tense”
(Volunteer 11)
“I was with them [inmates] in a room where humidity was falling. […] water was running down the walls, so this is not a pleasant
environment, let’s say […]. I think there should be rooms to be with people, I didn’t take off my coat inside, it was a complete ice.”
(Volunteer 19)
“[…] life inside the prison establishment is horrible. It’s horrible, look, the prison corridors […] are immense, very wide, tall and on
winter days, the fog that is outside is inside; the humidity that is outside is inside […]” (Volunteer 03)
The volunteer managers “With the techniques, with one or the others, friendship was even created, but I’m always staying in line here. A friendship relationship
were very accessible to the was created” (Volunteer 35)
volunteers “I also have a positive relationship with the technicians.” (Volunteer 37)
“[…] they are fantastic and even when we need something to enter material for the sessions, we are always careful not to take things
that are dangerous, but I don’t think I remember ever asking for anything that has been denied.” (Volunteer 15)
“It was great, it was a very good relationship, and she was a very interested person. I spoke with her, and we always combined things
with a view to improving what was possible to improve the body of the choir. […]” (Volunteer 36)
Changing the volunteers ‘perspectives “I realize that my reality is not the only one and it is always known as much as any experience outside its context does.
That’s why I think that’s it, it gives greater social opening, I’m more aware of the realities that exist and the situations of
injustice that also exist” (Volunteer 25)
“Every contact with a reality different from ours helps us to create the possibility of empathy and, I don’t know, opens
up a bit of the world and our heads to understand other realities” (Volunteer 25)
Forced the volunteers to manage their “That expectation of if it is possible to collaborate for a person to reintegrate into society, we are always with this
expectations expectation, although that is not what we expect” (Volunteer 08)
“Go and wait for nothing, go and just be with them and nothing else. […] It’s not expecting anything from them but
giving them a different morning” (Volunteer 07)
Relativization of volunteers’ problems “We relativize much more certain things that happen to us in life” (Volunteer 26)
“We put things in the right priority. […] We give more value to exactly what we have and what we normally take for
granted” (Volunteer 15)
Acquisition of skills “Relieving tension, being busy. Some learn professions and how to be useful to society through those contacts of the
workshops that sell what they are producing.” (Volunteer 34)
“The tools help to establish dialogue, share ideas, until they get to know each other better” (Volunteer 28)
“We tried to take some varied activities, from texts to something more practical for them to do too, for them to participate
[…]” (Volunteer 24)
“We always prepared a theme, a text, a dynamic to involve them and help them share, but individual conversation was also
very important.” (Volunteer 23)
Break in the routine “It helps to get through that time and it’s constructive, they’re constructive. They get used to being in a group, having
schedules, having discipline. The day-to-day routines and the weeks somehow, our projects were there breaking some
routines” (Volunteer 17)
“In order to give them some conviviality, some coexistence with the outside world that they did not have, not even the family
visited them” (Volunteer 08)
“It is important to contribute to making a little difference in their day” (Volunteer37)
A bridge between the inmates and “We often end up making the contact with the families and taking, or helping, family members to visit […] and this happens,
their families sometimes we sponsor the coming of a family […] from Guarda or from another point of the country, so that they can come
and visit the inmate that is in prison establishment of Tires.” (Volunteer 17)
“I was never afraid because I don’t have reasons, […] there is an ongoing conversation, and we usually collect phone
numbers to call the families.” (Volunteer 14)
“We do a little this bridge between the inmates inside and the family outside and this is also very rewarding and it’s
something that doesn’t cost us anything. Whatever we can do that is basic and harmless, we always try to help with the
knowledge of the prison.” (Volunteer 01)
A social bond with the outside world “We are someone who comes from the outside and brings something new. […] It is important that they have someone to
talk to, someone outside the system” (Volunteer 02)
“We are a little bit the window that opens for them, the window that comes from the outside and we bring there a little bit of
encouragement, of hope, of trust” (Volunteer 01)
“[…] in order to give them some conviviality, some coexistence with the outside world that they did not have, nor did the
family visit them” (Volunteer 08)
Volunteers’ Perception of Helping Inmates schedules because the inmates are already counting on activities
Volunteers perceived volunteering in prisons as something or visits on those days.
positive in the lives of inmates, bringing them various benefits
(Table 6). A Bridge Between the Inmates and Their
Acquisition of Skills Volunteers end up being the contact between inmates and the
Volunteers mentioned the importance of volunteering programs outside world, particularly with families. Whenever possible and
and activities, as these programs aim to teach inmates skills that with the knowledge of the prison’s management, volunteers could
could be useful for them in the future. contact the inmates’ families and even help with transporting so
that families could visit their inmates in prison. Inmates are not
Break in Routine always in a prison establishment close to their residence area,
To combat the routines in prison, these interactions with which sometimes makes it difficult for families to bear the costs
volunteers provide new opportunities, new routines, and new of long journeys.
A Social Bond With the Outside World Improve the Image of the Incarcerated
The regular presence of volunteers in front of inmates contributes Population in Society, and Promote Their
to the continued existence of social bonds despite inmates’
confinement. Through visits and activities, volunteers end up
Volunteers recommended volunteering as a form of reintegration
having time with the inmates, where they can speak openly and
for inmates in the prison, but also to extend volunteering beyond
without judgment, promoting communication and combating
the prison context to the moment of departure. Some volunteers
the isolation of inmates.
supported greater contact with the prison population as a way
to reduce the stigma associated with inmates and normalize
More Support to Volunteering in Prisons their reality.
Volunteers made some recommendations to improve the reality
of volunteering in a prison context. These suggestions focus
especially on maintaining a demanding training programme. DISCUSSION
Furthermore, volunteers also suggested that volunteering in this
context be considered as a form of reintegration into society that Key Findings
can go beyond the prison establishment (Table 7). Volunteers emphasized the importance of adequate training
in the preparation for volunteering in prisons, and that the
volunteers should be carefully selected. Without this, boundaries
Providing Training and Access to Support can be unclearly defined, potentially leading to problems such as
to Volunteers the emotional involvement with an inmate, manipulation or even
Volunteers mentioned the importance of having detailed loaning money.
and ongoing training before entering the prison. Almost all The importance of the activities that are carried out with
volunteers received training before starting volunteering inside the inmates was also highlighted, since these are aiming to
the prison establishment. In this setting, it is necessary to bear in support prisoners to gain skills and competencies that will be
mind the rules that exist and, to avoid future problems, volunteers useful for their reintegration process outside prison, to stimulate
should be mindful, aware, and prepared to possible situations that a process of introspection and establish short, medium, and
might happen so that they know how to deal with them in the long-term goals.
best way. Volunteers perceive their role as impactful in the inmates,
but also in the surrounding prison environment. After gaining
the inmates’ trust, it was possible for inmates to talk about
Careful Selection of People Who Volunteer matters with the volunteers that they would not want to talk
in Prisons to cellmates.
Volunteers considered that there should be a careful selection
of volunteers with the necessary characteristics for someone
to volunteer in a prison and to be able to communicate with Strengths and Limitations
the inmates. Prisons were described as a difficult and heavy As far as we know, this is the first study in Portugal on
environment, not everyone has the necessary qualities, nor can volunteering in prisons. The study covered multiple areas:
they adapt to the prison environment. volunteers’ motivations, the interactions that volunteers
established with inmates and with professional staff, and
the impact that this volunteering had on the lives of
Improve Prison Conditions for Carrying volunteers. Therefore, these findings add to a very limited
Out Volunteering Activities literature base and hopefully set grounds for further
Volunteers referred to the improvement of conditions in places work. The geographic coverage of this study is also a
where volunteering activities take place. Prison establishments strength, as the volunteers belong to the main cities in
are normally places with a hostile environment and, to facilitate Portugal providing us rich and detailed information about
this volunteering, a favorable atmosphere should be created the phenomena.
during these activities for inmates to abstract. The study has however some limitations. Firstly, the sample
covers primarily volunteering associations based in urban
areas and not in rural areas. Secondly, the volunteers were
Improve the Relationship Between not directly asked if at any time they served a sentence
Volunteering Associations and Prison in a prison or if they had a family member who has
Establishment been incarcerated, which limits the understanding of the
Volunteers mentioned the importance of having a good characteristics of these volunteers, and how individual factors
relationship between volunteering associations and prison may play a role in their motivation to volunteer in the prison
establishments so that the surrounding environment is one setting. Finally, the perspectives in this study were only based
of union and organization. Besides, the relationship among on the volunteers’ perspectives, and therefore the perception of
the volunteering associations themselves is always important, inmates of these same interactions has not been investigated in
facilitating dialogue and cooperation between them. this study.
Providing training and access to support “Formations I think are very important, which is to give us the strength to go, to believe, to feel renewed in helping”
to volunteers (Volunteer 14)
“The best way to improve volunteer activity is to maintain critical and ongoing training […]” (Volunteer 06)
“It was more the support they give us from the establishment. I think from them we don’t have as much support
as we should have” (Volunteer 10)
Careful selection of people who volunteer “I recommended volunteering in the prison context only to people who have a set of very specific characteristics.
in prisons […] You have to be persistent, motivated individual with an extraordinary ability to listen.” (Volunteer 22)
“The volunteer has to have certain characteristics very strong to face such a challenge. Above all, knowing how to
listen, not making judgments, […] give opinion when necessary, keeping absolute secrecy, not entering into legal
fields, they seem very simple things but are not for many people” (Volunteer 35)
“You have to have a profile, you know?” We tend to accept people with some motor skills, who don’t get too
emotionally involved with the inmates, who are compliant, who are faithful, we’re not exactly doing a job that
anyone else can handle.” (Volunteer 06)
Improve prison conditions for carrying out “[…] in terms of facilities for the performance of activities, therefore there should be an institutional effort by the
volunteering activities General Management to create, within the physical possibilities, conditions so that this volunteering could be done
in a more fruitful way. Volunteering […] is an external reality, has to adapt and adaptations and adjustments have
to be made, and there are things that sometimes would benefit if they could be done in their own space and with
proper conditions so there is a physical differentiation, that being a space of freedom within a space of reclusion.”
(Volunteer 22)
Improve the relationship between “I am convinced that the relationship with entities in the prison system is important in volunteering in the prison
volunteering associations and prison context. […] being able to break this barrier, in the sense of creating a good environment between prison entities
establishment and volunteer work, that I think was something to be done. This relationship with the prison structure is important,
that would be the advice I would give - bet on the relationship with the prison structure.” (Volunteer 08)
“I think volunteering should put an end to the “chapels”, there should be no “chapels”, yes I have my organization
and you have yours. This level of mutual help between associations as I see it, does not exist. If there was a union
of volunteers […] maybe we could change certain rules so that more dignified people, more human, would come
out.” (Volunteer 33)
“Greater flexibility in terms of accreditation, the admission process for volunteers and spiritual assistant
collaborators who are not really volunteer visitors is very time-consuming and this is sometimes discouraging.”
(Volunteer 22)
Improve the image of the incarcerated “I would very much like the prison system to look at volunteering as a vehicle for reintegration. […] I would like
population in society, and promote their volunteering in general to be seen as another arm to help these people with their reintegration and sometimes it’s
reintegration not even reintegration, it’s integrating them for the first time in life” (Volunteer 31)
“Extended volunteering to post-prison” (Volunteer 02)
“Given the prison reality, it is very important that this happens and that there is interaction between society and
incarcerated society because it is really a section of the population that is totally isolated and doesn’t have
[contact], at least I’ve never had contact with it, it a reality completely unfamiliar to the normal, so it is inevitable
that the stigma lasts forever and that a person leaves and does not have opportunities.” (Volunteer 25)
Comparison With the Literature and toward the volunteers themselves also contributed to their
In our study, volunteers in the prison context in Portugal showed involvement in volunteering in the prison context (13, 23).
a very positive attitude toward inmates, demonstrating an easy Similarly, another study conducted in the state of Minnesota
attitude in their presence, without fear. This positive attitude in the USA acknowledged that when it comes to volunteering,
toward inmates has also been found in research in other countries volunteers feel the need to help others and express their values
such as with volunteers in Canada, where the outcomes of a and beliefs as a way to show their concern with others (24).
voluntary visits programme focusing on benefits to inmates, Likewise, in another study conducted in prisons in the state
volunteers and prison staff were positive (16). Volunteering visits of Mississippi in the USA, most chaplains who were involved
were beneficial not only for inmates, since these gave them the in the religious programs understood that their function was
opportunity to talk safely and adopt a more optimistic view of primarily to support, encourage and share their faith with
the future, but also for the volunteers themselves since they felt the inmates. Chaplains’ efforts were to use their presence to
more appreciative of their own quality of life (12, 16). transmit messages of hope to inmates at times when they were
In this study, volunteers in prisons were mostly motivated by confronted with the negativity and the difficulties of the prison
the greater availability and time in their lives, past experiences, environment (11).
and the need to help others. These same motivations were Volunteers in this study said that volunteering in prisons is
described in other research conducted in Southern states in the important, and that it can bring benefits to the inmates and to
USA, where volunteers expressed their personal beliefs as one of themselves. This perception was previously described in another
the reasons for volunteering, sharing their blessing and values study conducted in the state of Florida in the USA, where it was
to the inmates, the commitment they felt toward volunteering found that volunteer visits can have a positive influence on the
inmates, and influence their attitude while serving their sentence, CONCLUSIONS
contributing to the establishment of social relationships during
incarceration (25, 26). A similar finding was reported in another This study outlines the volunteers’ experiences of volunteering
study conducted in Hong Kong, emphasizing the importance in prisons in Portugal, providing more information about
of the role of volunteers during incarceration, where volunteers this understudied area. Volunteers’ motivations to support
help inmates to build and improve their personal, family, and inmates in a prison vary from a wish to occupy their time
social relationships so that they can successfully re-enter in the and help other people, to having previous experiences of
society (10, 11). volunteering in other contexts or being encouraged by someone
to volunteering in this setting. These findings show that, despite
Implications of the Findings for Practice, some challenges, the experiences of volunteers in the prison
Policies, and Research context in Portugal were largely positive. In fact, volunteers
Our study shows that some actions are required to improve perceived their role as impactful to the inmates during their time
the volunteering in the prison context in Portugal, namely: in prison, supporting them in their reintegration into society,
(i) providing training and access to support to volunteers after serving their sentence, and also in themselves, changing
who volunteer in prisons, so that volunteers know from the their perspectives, their expectations and making volunteers
beginning what they can and cannot do, always complying relativize their own problems.
with the necessary rules and avoiding any type of complication
within the prison establishment that could jeopardize their DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
safety, the safety of inmates and even the professional staff,
(ii) improve the organization and the cooperation between The original contributions presented in the study are included
the volunteering organizations and the prison establishment, in the article/Supplementary Material. Further inquiries can be
providing more support from the prison establishment by directed to the corresponding authors.
improving conditions within the prison, so that volunteer
activities can take place as naturally as possible and trying ETHICS STATEMENT
to achieve new areas of intervention within prisons, for
example providing administrative support to technicians through This study was reviewed and approved by CHUP/ICBAS
monitoring, organizing processes and activities, (iii) improve Ethics Committee of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel
the relationship that exists between society and the prison Salazar (ICBAS) at the University of Porto - ref: 2021/CE/P005
population as a way of contributing to reintegration and (P345/CETI/ICBAS). The participants provided their written
reducing the social stigma that these people face after serving informed consent to participate in this study.
their sentence and (iv) providing greater financial support to
entities to be able to support the costs or facilitate more AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
resources for the development of volunteering opportunities.
According to the Portuguese legal framework of volunteering MS and MPC conceived the study, analyzed the results,
(Law No. 71/98, of November 3rd ), one of the rights and wrote the paper. MS made all the contacts with the
of volunteers is the possibility of having voluntary social volunteers, performed the interviews, and led the analytic
insurance (19). Therefore, in order to be able to support process. All authors contributed to the article and approved the
insurance, transport expenses and materials for activities, it submitted version.
is necessary that the entities have the required financial
capacity (17). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Further research could investigate the perception of the
inmates and the prison staff of volunteering in prisons, assess We would like to thank the support received in the Master
the proportion of people who volunteer in prisons and conduct on Legal Medicine at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel
follow-up studies to assess the long-term impact of volunteering Salazar (ICBAS) at the University of Porto. This article reports the
in prisons for the inmates and for the volunteers themselves. researcher’s Master work of MS under the supervision of MPC.
Since the environment of different prisons may vary depending
on their size or security level, future research should explore the SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
differences in the provision of volunteering according to their
level of security (low-security vs. high security) and prison size The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
(small institutions with a few hundreds of inmates vs. larger jails online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.
with thousands of inmates). 2021.778119/full#supplementary-material
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