VCU Ask Experts 2 Preparing Independent Life
VCU Ask Experts 2 Preparing Independent Life
VCU Ask Experts 2 Preparing Independent Life
Q When we talk about life skills and adaptive skills, we think about it as an either/or with academic skills. We still
have to give good instruction that’s academically focused in high school for all students. How do we do both?
Life skills and adaptive skills should be embedded throughout the school day. You make choices and you have to problem-
solve, regardless of whether you’re in a math class, PE class, or a social studies class. Instead of focusing on “I have to
teach this skill,” you simply help students practice it throughout the day, from the time they wake up to the time they go to
sleep. Of course, you’re at school most of the day, but having that support from caregivers at home as well can be useful.
Q Are there any tips for teachers who are new to incorporating life skills and adaptive skills
to prepare students for transitioning to independent living?
Virginia Commonwealth
University’s Autism Center Fading the adult support as soon as possible is very important for students. When we think about
for Excellence (VCU-ACE)
is funded by the Virginia De- independence, we think about freedom, advocating for ourselves, and being able to do things on our own.
partment of Education, contract
This means that our students need to be taught how to navigate their own environment and how to make
VCU is an equal opportunity/
affirmative action institution provid-
choices about how things affect them, their meals, housing, jobs, and so on. Providing these opportunities
ing access to education and employ- throughout the student’s day is critical.
ment without regard to age, race, color,
national origin, gender, religion, sexual
orientation, veteran’s status, political affil-
ation, or disability. If special accommoda-
tions are needed, please contact Carol
Schall at (804) 828-1851 VOICE or (804) This Q&A has been taken from “Ask the Expert Series” which are short videos that discuss important
828-2494 TTY.
topics for parents, educators, community members, and individuals with ASD and can be found on the
VCU-ACE website: