BD Vacutainer Intro Pack
BD Vacutainer Intro Pack
BD Vacutainer Intro Pack
Collection Consumables
Introduction .................................................................................... 1
BD Contact Information ................................................................... 2
Blood collection wingset comparison ............................................... 3
BD Vacutainer® UltraTouch™ Blood Collection Set ........................... 4
Blood collection needle comparison ................................................ 8
BD Vacutainer® Flashback Needle .................................................... 9
Needle holder comparison ............................................................. 11
Blood transfer device comparison .................................................. 12
BD Vacutainer® Blood Transfer Device …………………………………………. 13
Tube comparison chart .................................................................... 15
Recommended order of Draw ......................................................... 16
BD Vacutainer® Citrate Tubes .......................................................... 17
This is an introduction to products related to a change of supplier for
Pathology Collection Consumables.
The planned rollout of the new devices will commence in January 2021.
BD Contact Information
Ashleigh Zivcic
Clinical Nurse Consultant
Ph: 0428 256 502
Email: [email protected]
Michelle Keir
Product Specialist
Mobile: 0429 910 061
Email: [email protected]
Michael Kersten
Key Account Manager
Mobile: 0439 440 473
Email: [email protected]
Blood Collection Wingset
Only the BD Vacutainer® UltraTouch™ Push Button blood collection set
combines exclusive BD innovations to deliver a better patient experience.1#
Penetration force 40
(in grams) 34.49
25G BD Vacutainer® 23G BD Vacutainer® Push Button
UltraTouch Push Button 3-bevel thin wall
Safety, efficiency
and patient comfort
#Compared to BD Vacutainer® Push Button blood collection set and non-safety blood collection needles.
1. Comparison of Penetration Force for the BD Vacutainer® UltraTouch™ Push Button Blood Collection Set with PentaPoint™ Comfort
BD Vacutainer®
Bevel and RightGauge™ Cannula to the Current BD Vacutainer® Push Button Blood Collection Set with Thin Wall 3-Bevel Cannula
(February 2016). VS9248 White Paper. UltraTouch™ Push Button
Blood Collection Set
2. Bowen R, Hortin G, Csako G, Otanez OH, Remaley AT. Clin Biochem. 2010; 4:25.
3. Evaluation of Tube Fill Time of the BD Vacutainer® UltraTouch™ Push Button Blood Collection Set with PentaPoint™ Comfort Bevel
and RightGauge™ Cannula as Compared with the Current BD Vacutainer® Push Button Blood Collection Set with Thin Wall 3-Bevel
Cannula (February 2016). VS9249 White Paper.
Becton Dickinson Pty Ltd, 4 Research Park Drive, Becton Dickinson Ltd, 14b George Bourke Drive, Mt Wellington Safety, efficiency
North Ryde NSW 2113, Australia. Toll free: 1800 656 100. Auckland 1060 New Zealand. Toll Free: 0800 572 468.
and patient comfort
©2017 BD. BD, the BD Logo and all other trademarks are property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. BD-1739
Draw a new experience
Only the BD Vacutainer® UltraTouch™ blood collection set BD 5-bevel technology minimises patient discomfort
combines BD PentaPoint™ comfort bevel technology with by reducing penetration force by 32% compared to BD
a RightGauge™ ultra-thin wall cannula. Vacutainer Push Button 3 bevel needles.1
Standard 5 2 BD PentaPoint TM
BD Vacutainer *20-3!& ® TM
The safety mechanism is designed to be activated while the needle is in the vein to
protect against needlestick injury after blood collection. ,%',##0#"2-+','+'1#
.2'#,2"'1!-+$-02"30',% *--"!-**#!2'-,5'2&#,2-',2-+$-02@ ,
!32',#0*20-3!& Blood CollectionSet
® TM
1a: Peel back packaging at arrow so that 2: CAUTION – Never use a blood 3: With thumb and index finger, grasp the
the back end of the wing set is exposed. collection set without a holder or wings together. Remove the needle sheath
syringe attached. and perform the venepuncture according to
1b: With thumb and middle finger, grasp
Attach to BD Vacutainer® One Use Holder your facility’s policies and procedures.
the rear barrel of the wingset and remove
from package. Be careful to avoid
activating the button.
4: Proper access to the vein will be 5a: The device is designed to be 5b: To ensure complete and immediate
indicated by the presence of “flash” activated while the needle is still in the retraction of the device, make sure to keep
directly behind and below the button. patient’s vein. Place your gauze pad on the fingers and hands away from the end of
venepuncture site. Allow gauze pad to cover the blood collection set during retraction.
nose of front barrel. Following the collection Do not impede retraction.
procedure, and while the needle is still in
the vein, grasp the body with the thumb
and middle finger. Push the button with the
tip of the index finger.
6: Apply pressure to the venepuncture site 7: Discard the entire shielded blood
in accordance with your facility’s protocol. collection set and holder into an approved
sharps disposal container.
BD, the BD LogoABD Vacutainer ,"*20-3!&are trademarks of Becton, Dickinson and Company.
©201ÚBD and its subsidiaries. All rights reserve"
Blood Collection Needle & Holder
BD Vacutainer Flashback Needle ®
Points to Practise
Twist and pull the white cap to break Insert luer end into BD one use holder
safety seal and expose luer end of the and ensure connection is secure.
needle. Twist and pull coloured cap to expose
needle bevel
Perform venepuncture according to Dispose needle and holder as one unit
your facilities policies and procedures. into approved sharps container
Observe blood flashback, confirming
needle placement.
Product information
Colour Reference Number Gauge Length Packaging
301746 21G - 0.8mm 1” - 25mm 1000/case
301747 22G - 0.6mm 1” - 25mm 1000/case
BD, the BD Logo and Vacutainer are trademarks of Becton, Dickinson and Company or it’s
affiliates. ©2020 BD. All rights reserved.
Needle Holder
Current BD Vacutainer® One Use Holder
Blood Transfer Device
Reduce your risk of
transfer-related injuries with
BD Vacutainer Blood Transfer Device*
BD Vacutainer® Blood
Transfer Device is
designed to reduce the
risk of of transfer-related
Becton Dickinson Pty Ltd, 4 Research Park Drive, North Ryde Becton Dickinson Limited, 14b George Bourke Drive, Mt Wellington
NSW 2113, Australia, Toll Free: 1800 656 100 Auckland 1060, New Zealand, Toll Free: 0800 572 468 13
© 2017 BD. BD, the BD Logo and all other trademarks are property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. BD-2720
Best practice guidelines for
BD Vacutainer Blood Transfer Device
STEP 1a: STEP 2a:
1 Peel off paper
Insert the syringe tip
into the hub of the
BD Vacutainer Blood
STEP 1b: Transfer Device.
Remove from
package. STEP 2b:
Rotate the syringe clock-
wise until it fits securely
on the hub. ecurely on
the hub.
3 With the syringe tip
held facing down, 4 After removing the
last tube or blood
centre BD Vacutainer culture bottle, discard
tube(s) / BD BACTEC™ the entire assembly
blood culture bottle (the BD Vacutainer
and push into the blood transfer device
holder end of the and syringe) in an
blood transfer device. approved sharps
disposal container
in accordance with
applicable regulations
and institutional policy.
CAUTION: Refer to the Manufacturer’s Instructions for Use and the policies and procedures of your facility.
Becton Dickinson Pty Ltd, 4 Research Park Drive, North Ryde Becton Dickinson Limited, 14b George Bourke Drive, Mt Wellington
NSW 2113, Australia, Toll Free: 1800 656 100 Auckland 1060, New Zealand, Toll Free: 0800 572 468 14
© 2017 BD. BD, the BD Logo and all other trademarks are property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. BD-2720
SA Pathology BD Vacutainer® Tube Comparison Chart
Sodium Citrate
10.0ml Mix gently by inversion 8 – 10
Lithium Heparin No Gel
2.0ml Mix gently by inversion 8 – 10
10.0 ml
Order of draw
BD Vacutainer blood collection tubes ®
Order of draw Colour coding Tube type
EDTA 8 -10
Consult your own institution’s guidelines for ESR and Trace Elements testing
ESR Sodium
ESR Sodium Citrate 8 -10
© 2017 BD. BD, the BD Logo and all other trademarks are property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. BD-2700
BD Vacutainer
The frosted line around the tube represents the minimum volume of blood required for
appropriate analysis. All blood collection tubes should be checked for appropriate fill volume
but this is even more pertinent in BD Vacutainer Citrate, where failure to have appropriate fill
360º minimum
fill indicator Always allow the tube to fill until the
blood ceases to flow
The tube is correctly filled when the
blood is above or level with the
minimum fill line indicator, which is a
frosted line at the top of the tube.
• The tourniquet should be applied for no longer than one minute. Remove as
soon as blood flow is established. 2
• A discard tube should always be used to remove air from a winged blood
collection set, prior to all other tubes.
• Immediately after draw, gently invert tube 3–4 times. Do not shake.
• Once collection is complete, ensure the tube is filled to either level with or above
the minimum fill line, if not consider collecting a second tube.
Important: this document does not replace the product instructions for use. For
more information on how to use a BD Vacutainer Citrate tube, please consult the
instructions for use or pictorial instructions for use shown on the outer packaging.
© 2017 BD. BD, the BD Logo and Vacutainer are trademarks of
Becton, Dickinson and Company. BD 4357