Problem Description:
Research and development in the Internet of Things (IoT) is progressing fast. Today it is widely
believed that there are too many standards but it is not yet clear which ones will win out in the
marketplace. Since security is one of the main IoT challenges, an important consideration is
which protocol stack provides best security and privacy services. Security can be provided at
different levels so it is not simple to decide the optimal choice.
The Internet of Things covers several different domains and technologies, introducing chal-
lenges regarding interoperability between different stacks, and implementation of standards on
low powered and low energy devices. All of this combined creates new challenges in security
and questions regarding how to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability. Apple Home-
Kit, Samsung Smart, Thread, ZigBee and IETFs suggested protocol stack are just some of the
proposed frameworks and protocol stacks today, with many more upcoming and challenging
the market with their own solutions.
The Goal of this master thesis is:
• Compare and review established protocol stacks in IoT based on privacy, confidentiality,
integrity and availability to determine advantages and disadvantages of different protocol
• Suggest guidelines of which protocol stacks to use based on different security require-
ments, technologies and/or domains
This thesis is submitted to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) as the
concluding part of my Master of Science in the Communication Technology program at the
Department of Telematics (ITEM), and was carried out during the spring semester of 2016.
Trondheim, 12.06.2016
I would like to thank my responsible professor Colin Alexander Boyd and supervisor Britta Hale
for their guidance and feedback during the course of this project.
I would also like to thank Thomas Ulleberg at Wireless Trondheim for introducing me to
Internet of Things, and answering my questions throughout this period.
Internet of Things has become one of the big buzzwords in the IT market in recent years, and it is
predicted to continue its rapid growth in the coming years. In order to talk about the Internet of
Things, this thesis presents an introduction to Internet of Things, what it is, how it surrounds us,
and why it is so important to provide security to Internet of Things devices. A 4-layered protocol
stack is proposed to work towards a common development framework for Internet of Things.
Due to the limitations in power, bandwidth and processing power of devices, many of the estab-
lished technologies and solutions we have today is simply not compatible with the requirements
brought along by the Internet of Things. Wearables, smart homes and the Industrial Internet of
Things are just some examples of what Internet of Things is being used for, and together with
the use of previous research findings, it is shown how the different use-case areas bring different
security requirements to developers.
Standards such as ZigBee, Thread, Z-Wave, Bluetooth Low Energy, and WirelessHART are
some examples of established standards trying to win out in the marketplace. Often, these stan-
dards serve specific use-case areas, and thus, a new standard is proposed. IP-Smart is based
on open and well-known protocols and is intended to cover several use-case areas. Compar-
ison of the different standards shows that the application layer is sometimes left open for de-
velopers (Thread, BLE, IP-Smart) to carry out, how weaknesses is found in standards proposing
their own cryptographic algorithms (ZigBee, Z-Wave, and WirelessHART), how Thread, IP-Smart
and (if properly configured) BLE fulfills security off wearables, how standards require proper
implementations to fulfill smart home requirements, and WirelessHART being the only stan-
dard which fulfills the additional performance requirements found in the Industrial Internet of
Things. While many of the standards offer satisfactory security properties, the actual imple-
mentation is sometimes left to the developers to ensure secure products. An investigation into
the two application layer protocols MQTT and CoAP indicates how CoAP with its use of DTLS
provides a reasonable option to MQTT if extra reliability in lossy networks is of importance for
the developers.
Tingenes Internet har blitt en av de store buzzordene i IT markedet i de senere årene, og er for-
ventet å fortsette sin voldsomme vekst i årene som kommer. For å kunne snakke om Tingenes
Internett, vil denne avhandlingen presentere en introduksjon til Tingenes Internett, hva det er,
hvordan det omringer oss, og hvorfor det er så viktig å sørge for sikkerhet i Tingenes Internet
enheter. En 4-lags protokoll stakk er foreslått for å jobbe mot et felles utviklings rammeverk
for Tingenes Internett. På grunn av begrensninger i strøm, båndbredde og prosessorkraft, er
mange av de etablerte teknologier og løsninger vi har i dag simpelthen ikke kompatible med
kravene som kommer av Tingenes Internett. Wearables, Smart Hjem og det Industrielle Tin-
genes Internett er kun noen eksempler på hva Tingenes Internett blir brukt til, og sammen med
tidligere forskningsresultater, er det vist hvordan forskjellige bruksområder bringer forskjellige
sikkerhetskrav til utviklerene.
Standarder som ZigBee, Thread, Z-Wave, Bluetooth Low Energy og WirelessHART er noen
eksempler på etablerte standarder som prøver å vinne frem i markedet. Ofte vil disse standar-
dene betjene spesifikke bruksområder, og derfor er en ny standard foreslått. IP-Smart er basert
på åpne og velkjente protokoller og er tiltenkt å dekke flere bruksområder. Sammenligning av
de forskjellige standardene viser at applikasjonslaget noen ganger er etterlatt åpent for utviklere
(Thread, BLE, IP-Smart) til å innfri, hvordan sårbarheter er funnet i standarder som foreslår
deres egne kryptografiske algoritmer (ZigBee, Z-Wave, og WirelessHART), hvordan Thread, IP-
Smart, og (hvis korrekt implementert) BLE oppfyller sikkert for wearables, hvordan standarder
krever korrekt implementasjon for å oppfylle Smart Hjem krav, og WirelessHART er den eneste
standarden som oppfyller de ytterligere kvalitetskravene funnet i the Industrielle Tingenes In-
ternett. Mens mange av standardene tilbyr tilfredstillende sikkerhetsegenskaper, er selve imple-
menteringen noen ganger overlatt til utviklerene for å garantere sikre produkter. Gransking av
de to applikasjonslager protokollene MQTT og CoAP indikerer hvordan CoAP med dens bruk
av DTLS gir et fornuftig alternativ til MQTT hvis ekstra pålitelighet i tapsfulle nettverk er av vik-
tighet for utviklerene.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Sammendrag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.4 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5.1 Wearables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3 Enabling Technologies 19
3.1 M2M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3 802.15.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.3.1 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3.2 Topologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.4 Bluetooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.5 HART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.6 IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.7 CoAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.8 MQTT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.12 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.1 ZigBee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.2 Thread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.3 Z-Wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.5 WirelessHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.6 IP-Smart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.1 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.1.1 Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.1.2 Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.3 Use-Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.3.1 Wearables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
6.1 Contiki OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
7 Conclusion 69
7.1 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
A Acronyms 73
B Additional Information 77
B.1 Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Bibliography 80
List of Figures
1 | Introduction
In recent years, the Internet of Things has become one of the prominent buzzwords in the IT
world. Development is progressing at a rapid pace, and there are several different standards try-
ing to win out in the marketplace. Wearables, home appliances, building automation systems
and much more are being connected to the Internet, and well-established standards such as Zig-
Bee and Bluetooth are competing with newcomers such as Thread. Connecting devices comes
with a promise of making our everyday life easier by monitoring and controlling our health, our
homes, industrial systems, and so on. However, with an increasing responsibility transferred
from the user to the devices, a new set of challenges emerges.
Security is one of the main challenges, but little is known about which standard offers the
best security services. IoT offers a new set of security challenges, and optimal choice of standard
might also depend on the area of use. Wearable devices are put in charge of handling highly
personal sensitive data, while smart home devices can provide surveillance and access control
systems to one’s home. To get a better view of the world of the Internet of Things, this thesis will
look to investigate some of the standards available for the IoT and compare them in terms of
security services provided.
1.1 Objectives
In order to compare different IoT standards available, the following objectives were set for this
• Compare and review established protocol stacks in IoT based on privacy, confidentiality,
• Suggest guidelines about which protocol stacks to use based on different security require-
ments, technologies and/or domains.
1.2 Limitations
Availability of information about the different protocol stacks chosen in this thesis is varying.
Some of the protocol stacks are proprietary solutions, offering no official specification manuals,
while others are open with more information available. Comparisons of the different protocols
stacks reflects this, and are done to the best of the author’s abilities.
1.3 Approach
In the first part of this thesis, a literature study is done to present a definition of IoT, and specific
requirements introduced in IoT. Different use-case areas of IoT devices are identified, and a
selection of standards for this thesis is done.
The next part of this thesis provides a comparison and review of the different protocol stacks
in terms of security and suitability with the different use-cases. Security requirements identified
in the first part of the thesis are used as the baseline for the comparisons.
The Last part of the thesis is presenting practical work done to perform simulations of the
two protocols CoAP and MQTT. Results from comparisons and simulations were then used to
propose a guideline for best practice of the different standards in this thesis.
In this thesis there are 8 chapters and 2 appendices. A short description of the chapters follows.
Chapter 2 starts out with a presentation of the term Internet of Things, and a suggested defi-
nition of the term for this thesis. Following this is a proposed common protocol stack model for
IoT, based on the OSI model. Specific IoT requirements as interoperability and scalability, low
power/processing/bandwidth and security are then presented. Different use-case areas and
their main security requirements are identified, to be used later in the thesis for comparison of
the different protocol stacks.
Chapter 3 presents enabling technologies for IoT. Concepts as M2M and Wireless Sensor
Networks starts off the chapter, followed by a short introduction of the radio technologies 802.15.4,
Bluetooth and HART. Lastly, an introduction to important protocols such as IPv6, CoAP, MQTT,
Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman, Elliptic Curce Juggling-Password Authenticated Key Exchange
and TLS/DTLS is provided.
Chapter 4 introduces the 6 different standards ZigBee, Thread, Z-Wave, Bluetooth Low En-
ergy, WirelessHART and the authors proposed IP-Smart with key technical details. Followed by
a mapping of the standards own defined protocol stacks into the the authors proposed model.
Chapter 5 is the comparison and review chapter. Providing comparisons of the different
protocol stacks based on the identified security requirements of IoT, as well as the use-cases
presented previously.
Chapter 6 contains a introduction of Contiki OS and the Cooja simulator, and the results of
the simulations of CoAP and MQTT.
Chapter 7 makes use of the results from the comparison and simulations to provide some
guidelines for best practices for the different standards and further development of the IoT. It
also contains a brief look ahead of what is to come in IoT, followed by the concluding remarks of
this thesis.
In the appendices, a list of acronyms and additional information on the simulations per-
formed is provided.
2 | IoT and Security Requirements
In this chapter, an introduction to the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) is presented. IoT
has several different interpretations depending on who you ask and therefore the writer has
decided to put into own words a definition of IoT for this thesis and the questions raised towards
Section 2.2 presents the authors proposed model for an IoT protocol stack derived from a
combination of the OSI model, and different specified protocol stacks already found in IoT. Fol-
lowing this, two sections focusing on IoT-specific requirements in terms of technologic con-
straints and specific security requirements are introduced. Lastly, a section introducing some
possible use-case scenarios of IoT and highlighted important security requirements of each use-
case are presented.
One of the big buzz words in the IT market today is the Internet of Things or IoT for short. It
has entered our homes, our cars, cities, industry, our bodies and much more. Every little device
you can think of is getting Internet access and thus promoted as a “Smart Device”, capable of of-
fering great new possibilities and making our lives less complicated. An exact definition of what
IoT is, cannot be found, but many have tried to put into words what the IoT is. Internet of Things
came to life as a term in 1999 in a presentation by Ashton [28], covering the idea of connecting
RFID tags to the Internet. Since then, different parties has given their own definition of the term
as shown by the quotes below.
We see the IoT as billions of smart, connected “things” (a sort of “universal global neu-
ral network” in the cloud) that will encompass every aspect of our lives, and its foun-
dation is the intelligence that embedded processing provides.
Freescale & ARM[4]
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the use of intelligently connected devices and sys-
tems to leverage data gathered by embedded sensors and actuators in machines and
other physical objects. IoT is expected to spread rapidly over the coming years and
this convergence will unleash a new dimension of services that improve the quality of
life of consumers and productivity of enterprises, unlocking an opportunity that the
GSMA refers to as the ‘Connected Life’.
GSMA [17]
ARM and GSMA’s definition of IoT exemplifies just some of the various definitions of the IoT,
illustrating just how easy it is to be confused about what exactly the IoT is. From the beginning
with Ashton’s use of the term in 1999, it has evolved along with the new technological innova-
tions and is no longer a specific case of connecting RFID tags to the Internet. Instead, it includes
this, as well as several other technologies which connect embedded devices to each other and
the Internet. Showing an evolution where gathering and processing data is a task moved away
from the users, and onto devices we surround us with instead.
Little work has been done in terms of working towards a standardized protocol stack in the IoT.
Previous work [39, 1] has shown some efforts to propose a standardized protocol stack, but look-
ing at the products available in the market today shows a wide array of different approaches
(see Chapter 4). One possible reason for a lack of a standardized protocol stack could stem from
the different technologies vendors build their products on. Wireless technologies as Bluetooth,
RFID, ZigBee, and 802.15.4 represents just some of the available technologies, all with their own
specifications on how to be configured and used. To be able to talk about different protocol
stacks in this thesis, the author proposes a model for an IoT protocol stack model as seen in fig-
ure 2.1 to serve as a guideline in a similar fashion as the OSI model1 is used for communication
systems. The model will also be used in Chapter 4 to map the chosen protocol stacks into a sin-
gle protocol stack model, to provide a better understanding how the protocol stacks compare to
each other.
In this model, the Radio Layer is a unified layer of the Physical and MAC layers of the OSI
model. Those two layers are closely connected in IoT, and are decided based on the radio tech-
nology in use (for instance 802.15.4 or Bluetooth). Network and Transport layers are kept the
same as found in the OSI model, while the Application Layer serves as a unification of the Ses-
sion, Presentation, and Application layers. As will be shown in Chapter 4, the Application Layer
is sometimes kept open for OEMs to implement their own applications for the given product.
With all the new devices being connected to the Internet with IoT, a set of new challenges and
requirements arise. The new devices connected to the Internet is not necessarily equal in power
and capacity as a PC, smartphone, tablet etc. Instead many of the new devices are limited in
OSI model defined and explained: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/103884
their capabilities and created to serve a single purpose, a temperature sensor, a light bulb, pace-
maker, car keys and the list goes on. Embedded devices are limited in what they can do by
themselves, and with several different manufacturers and OEMs, the problem of how everything
is supposed to connect together is also introduced. All showing that the IoT revolution is cre-
ating new challenges which needs to be addressed. The Internet Society, amongst many others
as well2 [2], acknowledges these challenges and the potential consequences of not addressing
them properly [23].
Interoperability and scalability will serve as two of the ground pillars if we are to exploit the full
potential residing in the IoT. Expected growth projections of IoT devices in the coming years
extend anything we have ever seen before34 , and serves as proof of the importance of solving
interoperability and scalability issues in IoT. These challenges are not just of technical nature
but also economic, QoS, user friendliness and much more [23], and solving these challenges
could potentially generate great financial growth5 in the future.
When we envision IoT devices, we often talk about small embedded devices created to serve a
single purpose. Such as sensor devices (temperature, light, industrial, etc), wearables (fitness
trackers, watches, health monitoring equipment, etc.), and other applicable devices. A com-
mon factor between these devices are size, and limitations in the battery, processing power,
bandwidth capabilities, and the cost to realize the device. Thus, development and innovation
for IoT must account for the constrained devices.
Cisco: http://blogs.cisco.com/digital/the-internet-of-things-what-does-it-take-to-make-
Business Insider IoT projections: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-the-internet-of-things-
Gartner IoT projections: http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/3165317
McKinnsey artcile: http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/business-technology/our-
2.4. SECURITY 11
2.4 Security
With the growth of new connected devices now and in the future, a whole new set of attack vec-
tors for malicious tampering opens up. Attacks against smart meters/grids, unauthorized ac-
cess of medical devices as pacemakers, physical tampering of robotic/industrial systems, is just
some of the possible scenarios [30], if security is not properly implemented in the IoT. These
attacks may ultimately have lethal consequences and proof of attacks have already emerged67
shedding light on how, for instance, pacemakers potentially can be hacked and abused. Another
problem encountered with the implementation of security in IoT is how established protocols
has been created with more powerful devices in mind. Leading to the challenge of established
protocol being incompatible with IoT devices. Thus, to offer the same QoS and security as pro-
vided by well-established protocols, new protocols has been and must be developed further to
comply with the constrained IoT devices.
In order to investigate and discuss security of IoT protocol stacks in this thesis, a list of IoT
specific security requirements, presented below, has been derived by previous work[30, 47, 16,
11] and the authors opinion of important security challenges in the IoT.
• Access Control: several devices is often part of a network in the IoT, and thus it is im-
portant to maintain some sort of access control method to provide a set of differentiating
which devices have access to the network and their rights within the network.
• Authentication: with the set of new devices introduced in IoT, malicious parties might
masquerade as authorized devices and alter data, providing false data. Depending on the
data, this could prove highly critical, and the need for proper authentication of devices
and data to neglect this problem is needed.
• Availability: IoT devices will not maintain a persistent connection to the network, to pre-
serve energy. Devices entering sleep mode could prove a challenge when updating secu-
rity parameters in the network and to alert nodes if a breach has been detected.
Article from Wired: https://www.wired.com/2016/03/go-ahead-hackers-break-heart/
Article from Forbes: http://www.forbes.com/sites/aarontilley/2015/03/06/nest-thermostat-
• Confidentiality and Privacy: Many areas of IoT will handle sensitive information and per-
sonal information. Information will be sent from wearables to users smartphones, from
pasients to doctors, and so on. Strong cryptography will be an essential security property
of IoT to ensure the protection of the vast amount of data being sent everywhere in the
world of IoT.
• Device Management: in case of IoT devices being compromised, the network must be
able to revoke certificates/authentication of a device to shut it out of the network. The
network must ensure monitoring and discovery of compromised devices with minimal
delay, to prevent further breach of the network and system.
• Multi Layer Security: securing all the layers of the protocol stack will be important in
the IoT because of new attack vectors. Physical tampering, sniffing attacks and malicious
code attacks are examples of some of the different ways of attacking a device. The use
of different protocols could also lead to issues with data fragmentation across the layers,
showing some of the issues at hand if security is not made to work across all layers of the
protocol stack.
In this section an introduction to 3 different use-case scenarios in the IoT is presented. Each
use-case will be introduced with a closer look at possible benefits IoT provides, and the potential
security issues found in the use-case. From this, a list of main security requirements of the use-
case are presented, intended to serve as a guideline in Chapter 5 when comparing the different
protocol stacks in this thesis. Following use-cases has been chosen for this thesis: wearables,
home automation and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).
2.5.1 Wearables
In recent years, the marked for wearables has grown rapidly8 . Smartphones have brought end-
less possibilities and paved the way for activity trackers, smartwatches, medical devices, and
so on. With the introduction of Internet connectivity to these devices, handling medical in-
formation of persons, several privacy and security concerns arise. Modification of for instance
pacemakers through the Internet or other forms of wireless protocols could potentially open the
device up to malicious use if not secured properly. Halperin et. al [18] highlighted this problem
already back in 2008, and news articles from earlier this year9 show us that this is still a highly
relevant problem. All these devices collecting personal data about our health and well-being,
and in some cases keeping people alive, will in all likelihood continue to be a central part of
people’s everyday life. Therefore, the use-case of wearable technologies, and in particular with
a special focus on medical devices, is identified as one of the important challenges of the IoT to
solve in terms of privacy and security.
Article from Business Insider: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-wearable-computing-market-
Wired: Go ahead, hackers. Break my heart, by Marie Moe. URL: https://www.wired.com/2016/03/go-
Source: https://tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/wearables-e1455299947895.
NIST has released draft SP 1800-1[37], as an effort to highlight how to solve the stated problem
of securing medical records on mobile devices. They highlight a set of security characteristics
especially important for medical devices to ensure no loss of personal sensitive data and selec-
tive restriction of access to a device. Based on this, and previous work on the subject [3], the
most important security characteristics of wearables/medical devices are listed as below:
• Access Control
• Device Integrity
• Person/Entity Authorization
• Transmission Security
One of the more prominent scenarios for IoT has been to create the Smart Home. Solutions to
simplify, and streamline different parts of the home such as HVAC (heating, ventilation, air con-
ditioning), lighting, audio-visual, security systems (video surveillance, alarm systems, etc.) and
so on is becoming more and more common among households today. The benefits of the smart
home are not hard to see, with cost-saving and simplicity for the homeowner as the central sell-
ing points. However, with all the new possible solutions presented in the smart home, security
issues arises with the different technological products.
Jose et al. discuss this issue [25] looking at security challenges from different points of view.
A smart home becomes an attractive target for an attacker with personal information and au-
dio/video of a home environment transferred through the network. Other factors as different
manufacturers of devices and possible lack of updates/patches could present different vulnera-
bilities to exploit. From the home user point of view, it must be assumed that not everyone will
Source: http://searchsaltlake.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Smart-Home-graphic.jpg
be a tech savvy user and security may not be the main consideration when adding new devices
the smart home. For the security engineers, this creates a difficult scenario of how to create
a secure and easy to use product which maintains interconnectivity with the rest of the smart
Previous work on the topic by Jacobsson et al. [24] and Denning et al. [9] are just some ex-
amples of work done to identify main risks introduced in the smart home. The main security
focuses identified by earlier work on the topic and in terms of this use case scenario are pre-
sented as listed below:
• Data Privacy
• Data Authenticity
• Device/User Authentication
The next milestone of the industrial revolution is dubbed as Industry 4.0. It represents the
change towards the Smart Factories and the introduction of IoT into industrial control systems
(ICS), creating the IIoT. Introduction of low-cost sensors, embedded devices etc. into manu-
facturing systems enables vendors to make more advanced systems and collect more data to
streamline and improve the efficiency, and thus reduce cost. What differs IIoT from the other
use-cases is an added focus on performance of the systems. ICS are dependent on real-time
information sharing, availability and flexibility amongst others, in order to detect faults and er-
rors in the system. A standard which does not fulfil the performance requirements could lead to
economical consequences (manufacturing line stops producing without notice or data leakage
of business sensitive data) or in worst case personal injury (for instance oil and gas systems not
reporting critical information back in real-time could lead to critical accidents).
To ensure the security of the IIoT, the research community has started to turn its attention to-
wards ICS. Traditionally, such systems have been proprietary and had little focus on designing
systems protected against dedicated attacks [26]. With the shift of focus, research has been map-
ping security challenges of the IIoT [54, 44] to identify important security requirements. Listed
below are the requirements highlighted by previous research, which will be used later in this
report for this use-case scenario:
• Access Control
• Availability
• Device Management
Source: http://moneytechsearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Internet-of-things-lg.jpg
2.6. SUMMARY 17
2.6 Summary
There are several different definitions of what the Internet of Things is, as shown with the quotes
from ARM and GSMA. In common is the idea of connecting devices we surround us with, to
exploit the possibilities it brings along. In order to work towards a common understanding
of IoT, a 4-layered protocol stack model was proposed to be used in a similar way as the OSI
model has been used for communication systems. IoT requires special requirements in order to
be realized, as the constrained devices in use is incompatible with many of today’s established
standards. Different use-case areas require different focus in terms of security as well, and pre-
vious research and news have put light on the challenges and possible consequences by not
solving these issues. New technologies and protocols has been developed in order to meet the
challenges brought along by IoT.
3 | Enabling Technologies
In this chapter, introductions to enabling technologies of IoT are presented. In order to achieve
a better understanding of how the IoT is realized, several technologies and protocols are pre-
sented in short to provide the need-to-know. Section 3.1 and 3.2 introduces the term M2M and
the concept of Wireless Sensor Networks, which both are important concepts of enabling the
Section 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 presents some of the underlying radio technologies central to the IoT.
IEEE 802.15.4 is a wireless technology developed to offer a low-cost communication network for
constrained devices. Bluetooth and HART are well-established communication technologies
which are the backbone of Bluetooth Low Energy and WirelessHART, which will be presented in
Chapter 4.
Section 3.6 - 3.11 introduces the protocols: IPv6, CoAP, MQTT, Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman,
Elliptic Curve Juggling-Password Authenticated Key Exchange, and TLS/DTLS. These protocols
serve as important protocols to enable and secure IoT devices.
3.1 M2M
M2M is a term often referred to machine-to-machine communication, but it could also refer
to mobile-to-machine, machine-to-mobile, man-to-machine etc. [10]. It is used as a general
term when talking about two machines communicating with each other, mostly without human
interaction, through a wired or wireless communication channel. M2M as a term has evolved
from the early times of telephony systems with services as caller ID and towards the rapidly
growing device market and its services and applications. In more modern times the term is more
closely connected to the Internet of Things and is widely used in industrial applications, sensor
networks, wearables etc. Whereas the PC market focused on making people more productive
and offering powerful high-end computing and communication platforms, the M2M market
will be focused on services and applications devices can offer with minimal human intervention
[13]. As IoT continues to develop and grow, so does its dependence on M2M and the possibilities
it brings to the end users.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is a central backbone structure of the IoT. It is the network
structure of many tiny devices capable of sensing, computing and communicating data. Sensors
can monitor environmental or physical conditions in several different domains (air, water, soil,
wind, structural data, industrial data, etc.) and communicate its data back to main nodes for
further applications. A WSN is often organized in one of three possible network topologies: star,
cluster tree, or mesh [33]. In all three topologies, a gateway node is the central point which
connects the sensors to the rest of the network infrastructure. The chosen standard for the WSN
(802.15.4, 802.11 or proprietary radio) is determined based on the use-case of the network.
3.3 802.15.4
IEEE has created 802.15.4 as a standard which specifies the Physical and MAC layer for a Low
Rate Wireless Personal Area Network (LR-WPAN). 802.15.4 offers a low-cost communication net-
Source: http://monet.postech.ac.kr/images/introduction/image007.jpg
3.3. 802.15.4 21
work for low powered/low speed devices, and ensures simple and easy installation, reliable data
transfer, low-cost and reasonable battery life. Some of the important specifications of 802.15.4
can be seen in Table 3.1
3.3.1 Components
There are two different device types which can participate in an 802.15.4 network, Full-function
Device (FFD) and Reduced-function Device (RFD). A FFD has the capabilities to serve as a PAN
coordinator or coordinator in the network. A PAN coordinator is the main coordinator which
is in charge of the whole network while regular coordinators implement communication with
devices and relay messages through the network. RFDs, on the other hand, are simple devices
which have no need to send large amounts of data and can thereby be implemented using mini-
mal resources and memory, an example of such a device can be a light switch or simple sensors.
3.3.2 Topologies
802.15.4 has two different network topologies defined: star networks or peer-to-peer networks.
As illustrated in Figure 3.2, the Star topology has a single PAN coordinator, handling the com-
munication between all the devices on the network. A P2P topology allows for more complex
network structures/formations, and every device does not have to be connected to the PAN co-
ordinator. In such case, regular coordinators (FFDs) can serve as masters for RFDs and relay
messages to the PAN coordinator.
In this subsection, a short description of different core components of 802.15.4 follows, as spec-
ified in the 802.15.4 standard [20].
Source: http://zeitgeistlab.ca/doc/doc_images/pans.jpg
Frame Structure
A MAC frame in the MAC layer of 802.15.4 is divided into 4 frames. A beacon frame used by
the coordinator to transmit beacons, a data frame for transfer of data, an acknowledgement
frame used for confirming successful reception of a frame and a MAC command frame used for
handling all MAC peer entity control transfers.
Data Transfer
There are 3 different data transfer transactions defined in 802.15.4. There is data transfer to a
coordinator where the device is transmitting data, data transfer from a coordinator where the
device is receiving data and data transfer between two peer devices. The last one is only used in
a P2P topology as data transfer in a Star topology must include a coordinator. All 3 data transfer
methods are dependent on a beacon for network discovery. Data transfer can be done without
the beacon enabled as well, if there are no dependencies on synchronization or low latency
802.15.4 employs several different mechanisms to improve the probability of successful data
delivery between devices. Some of the important ones are listed below.
• Slotted CSMA-CA in beacon-enabled networks, using aligned backoff periods on all de-
vices according to the PAN coordinator to check if a channel is idle or busy
• ALOHA protocol in light loaded network. A device transmits data without checking the
channels status
• Power consumption considerations through duty cycling, i.e devices shifting between sleep-
ing and awake state, periodically listening to the RF channel to determine if a message is
Because of the low-cost and low powered devices that is usually found in a LR-WPAN there are
limits on the security overhead and are therefore dependent on higher layer implementation of
several security architectural elements. The cryptographic mechanism in 802.15.4 is based on
symmetric-key cryptography where higher layer processes provides the keys and insurance of a
secure implementation of cryptographic operations and secure and authentic storage of keys.
With correct cryptographic mechanism from higher layers, 802.15.4 provides data confidential-
ity, data authenticity and replay protection.
3.4 Bluetooth
Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology operating in the 2.4GHz radio band. Originally,
Bluetooth was developed to replace cabled technology as a means of transferring data. It has
since progressed to become a leading short-range wireless technology in the consumer market
for transferring of audio and data between devices. Bluetooth enabled devices interacts in ei-
ther a point-to-point scheme or in a piconet. A point-to-point scheme defines a master and
a slave device. For instance, a smartphone (master) and a fitness tracker (slave), allowing the
smartphone to send commands to the fitness tracker and receive useful data back. It is possible
to connect more slaves to form a piconet. Such a setup uses one master device and maximum
7 slave devices. To implement even more devices, an ad-hoc network can be set up with up
to 10 piconets connecting to each other. Communication between the piconets is handled by
the master devices, to form a peer-to-peer network. Recent specifications of Bluetooth (4.0 and
newer) [6] introduced Bluetooth Low Energy to offer Bluetooth as a communication protocol to
the constrained devices in the IoT. BLE and its protocol stack are further introduced in Chapter
3.5 HART
The HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) protocol is the leading standard of pro-
tocols for communication in industrial wired systems between smart devices and control/mon-
itoring systems3 . HART emerged in the 1980s and are built of the Bell 202 standard. It uses a
master/slave model for communication, with two-way field communication between the mas-
ter and slave. This provides two communication channels, the 4-20mA analog signal and a dig-
ital signal on top, with data rates of 1200 bps without interruption between the two. The analog
signal is used to communicate the measured value from the device, while the digital signal is
used to communicate additional information as device status, diagnostics, additional calcula-
tions, etc. The protocol can be setup in the different modes point-to-point (as illustrated in
figure 3.3 or multidrop. Both setups allowing two masters (primary and secondary) in the com-
munication setup.
HART Overview: http://en.hartcomm.org/hcp/tech/aboutprotocol/aboutprotocol_what.html
Source: http://en.hartcomm.org/hcf/developer/images/developer_mktpos_clip_image006.jpg
3.6. IPV6 25
3.6 IPv6
It is widely believed that the number of devices connected to the Internet is growing rapidly and
entering new domains and areas [2], and the projection for the future shows no signs of slow-
ing down, rather instead growing past 20 billion connected devices by 2020 [56]. With IPv4 only
supporting an address range of 232 (4.2 billion) addresses, the industry identified the addressing
issues with IPv4 a long time ago. This fact also shows how IPv4 is unable to work the vision for
IoT with billions of connected devices. To be able to enable this vision, IoT has to make use of
IPv4s successor IPv6. In the development of IPv6 the address range was increased from IPv4s
232 addresses to an address range of 2128 (more than 340 trillion) unique addresses. Thus elim-
inating the problem of sufficient unique addresses for every devices in the IoT. In developing
IPv6 several other features was added, which was not enabled in IPv4, such as [8]:
• Improved Support for Extensions and Options: change encoding, less stringent limits on
length of options and greater flexibility in introducing new options
In order to enable IPv6 on top of low power networks, an adaption layer, IPv6 over Low-Power
Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN), is defined [32]. 6LoWPAN offers header compres-
sion, fragmentation and reassembly of frames and stateless auto configuration to ensure full
IPv6 compatibility in low power networks as 802.15.4, Bluetooth Low Energy and Sub-1GHz low
power Radio Frequencies (RF).
3.7 CoAP
Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is a web transfer protocol for use with resource-constrained
devices and networks. It was designed to simply translate to HTTP, but deliever services as
low overhead, multicast support and simplicity for the constrained environments found in IoT.
CoAP interacts in a similar client/server model as HTTP, but often operates in M2M settings
resulting in an implementation with devices acting both as client and server. As with HTTP,
CoAP uses a request/response, but deals with these interchanges asynchronously over UDP. To
provide reliability, CoAP uses Confirmable or Non-Confirmable messages in a request. With a
Confirmable message, an Acknowledgement with the same message ID is required to ensure a
message has been delievered, if the client does not receive said acknowledgement it will retrans-
mit its initial request to the server. A Non-Confirmable will not require an acknowledgement for
the requests and responses. To ensure security CoAP implements DTLS with 4 different modes
of security: NoSec, PreSharedKey, RawPublicKey and Certificate. NoSec disables DTLS and offer
no security. Presharedkey offers a list of pre-shared keys and a list for eack key of which devices
it can communicate with through DTLS. Rawpublickey offers each device with an asymmetric
key pair validated with an out-of-band mechanism5 , the device has an identity calculated from
the public key and a list of devices it can communicate with. With a Certificate, the device has
an asymmetric key pair with a x.509 certificate signed by a common trust root [46].
Out-of-Band uses an independent data stream to transfer the data
3.8. MQTT 27
3.8 MQTT
Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange is the elliptic curve variant of the well known Diffie-
Hellman Key Exchange. Such an approach requires smaller key size than Public-Key Cryptog-
raphy, thus reducing storage and transmission requirements between the two parties of the key
exchange. For the IoT, this is beneficial because of the constrained resources offered by IoT
devices. ECDH is done as follows [53]:
2. Alice and Bob creates their private keys: d A and d B , and public keys: H A = d A G and HB =
d B G. Where d A and d B are randomly chosen.
3. Alice and Bob transfers their public keys to each other over an insecure channel
An attacker trying to perform a man-in-the-middle attack would only end up with H A and
HB , but would not be able to derive d A and d B , unless he solved the discrete logarithm problem.
Password Authenticated Key Exchange is a technique used to establish a secure channel of com-
munication between two parties based on a shared password[12]. EC-JPAKE is a balanced PAKE
algorithm where both parties of the key exchange uses the password to negotiate and authen-
ticate a shared key to be used between them. It uses elliptic curves to compute the session key
and provides off-line dictionary attack resistance, forward secrecy, known-key security and on-
line dictionary attack resistance. By using a low entropy password as the shared secret between
the two parties, and elliptic curves for negotiation, it is suitable for use in IoT, where a device is
often connected to a smartphone when joining a network, and the two shares a password.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the successor of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and is a crypto-
graphic protocol aimed at making use of TCP to provide a reliable end-to-end secure service.
TLS consists of 4 protocols used to obtain end-to-end security: Record Protocol, Handshake
Protocol, Cipher Spec Protocol and Alert Protocol [48]. The Record Protocol is used to take an
application message and fragment data into blocks, compress data (optional), apply a message
authentication code (MAC), encrypt block, add a header and transmit the resulting block in a
TCP segment. As described, it provides basic security services to higher layer protocols, specif-
ically Confidentiality by defining a shared secret key used for encryption and Message Integrity
by defining a shared secret key used to form (MAC). A Handshake Protocol is used to establish a
session between the server and a client, it provides mutual authentication, negotiation to decide
encryption and MAC algorithms, and cryptographic keys. The Change Cipher Spec Protocol is
used to update the cipher suite in use on the connection. Lastly, the Alert Protocol is used to
alert messages to the peer entity. Alert messages can be either a warning or a fatal message, if it
is a fatal message the connection is immediately terminated, and contains information on what
the alert is (for instance: unexpected_message, handshake_failure, certificate_revoked, etc.)
3.12. SUMMARY 29
Datagram TLS (DTLS) is a continuation of TLS, to provide TLS over UDP. The protocol is sim-
ilar to TLS and adds only some functionality to handle the problem of datagrams being lost,
duplicated or received in wrong order. To handle this DTLS adds the following [42]:
• An explicit sequence number is added in the Record Protocol to correctly verify the TLS
3.12 Summary
In order to meet the requirements and realize the vision of IoT, several technologies and proto-
cols are essential. M2M and Wireless Sensor Networks is the pillars of IoT, and 802.15.4 is one
of the technologies that brings wireless communication to constrained devices. Bluetooth and
HART are well-established technologies which have been further developed to provide Blue-
tooth Low Energy and WirelessHART to IoT. Protocols as MQTT, CoAP, ECDH, EC-JPAKE, and
TLS/DTLS have been used to realize some of the standards currently in the market.
4 | Introduction of IoT Protocol Stacks
In this chapter, an introduction to the IoT protocol stacks: ZigBee, Thread, Z-Wave, Bluetooth
Low Energy, WirelessHART and the author’s proposed IP-Smart is presented. Those protocol
stacks were chosen on the basis of investigating stacks primarily developed to the different use-
case presented in Chapter 2, and because they are believed to be protocol stacks which have es-
tablished themselves in the marketplace. IP-Smart is a proposed protocol stack based on IEEE
and IETF standardized protocols, which potentially could compete in all use-cases and not re-
strict device interoperability by using proprietary protocols or technologies. Each section of this
chapter will introduce one of the chosen protocols, with a short introduction of background and
history, some key technical details, and a mapping of the protocol stacks into the proposed IoT
model of Chapter 2. And finally, a section concluding what has been presented in this chapter.
4.1 ZigBee
Established in 20021 , the ZigBee alliance is formed by 450 members comprised of tech compa-
nies, universities, and government agencies to create and develop IoT standards. The goal is
to provide reliable and easy-to-use standards for use in consumer, commercial, and industrial
areas as smart homes, healthcare, smart energy and more. ZigBee’s protocol stack is built on
the well-known wireless standard 802.15.4 and implements its own network layer and an open
application layer for specific ZigBee applications or OEM applications. In order to comply with
the IoT model proposed previously in this thesis, the ZigBee protocol stack is defined as in figure
4.1, where the new ZigBee 3.0 standard2 has been chosen at the network layer. ZigBee 3.0 is the
ZigBee Alliance: http://www.zigbee.org/zigbeealliance/
ZigBee 3.0: http://www.zigbee.org/zigbee-for-developers/zigbee3-0/
new standard unifying the previous network layer standards: ZigBee PRO, ZigBee RF4CE, and
ZigBee IP/920IP.
Technical Details
A ZigBee network uses a mesh topology3 to allow self-healing between communication devices,
thus preventing a single point of failure in the network [35]. ZigBee networks are scalable to
cope with local networks of greater than 250 nodes, and the network consist of 3 different node
types: coordinator, router, and end device. A Coordinator is the main node of the network, it
is the node which establishes the network and stores information of the network (including se-
curity keys). A Router is intermediate nodes which relays and routes packages in the network.
The End-devices is the low powered devices in the network which can only send their data to
a router, to be further processed in the network. With the introduction of ZigBee 3.0, the re-
straints of devices not being able to talk to each others is removed, thus unifying the different
application profiles (smart home, health monitors, etc.) supported in ZigBee. This is achieved
by giving devices in a ZigBee network a shared “base device” software implementation which
A mesh network is a network topology where every device is interconnected to each other
4.2. THREAD 33
incorporates a set of common commissioning methods to enable the unification of all device
4.2 Thread
Thread Group was unveiled in July 2014 by Google Inc’s Nest Labs 5 as an industry group consist-
ing of several of the leading technology companies, to create and cooperate on a new standard
Source: http://zigbee.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/network_topology_ZigBee-PRO.gif
to provide a user-friendly, secure, scalable and battery friendly protocol stack for every device of
the home. The protocol stack is built on well established and known technologies as 802.15.4,
6LoWPAN and UDP, and has defined its protocol stack as in figure 4.3a. To comply with the def-
inition of IoT and the IoT protocol stack in this report, the protocol stack of Thread has been
modified and presented as in figure 4.3b.
Figure 4.3: Illustration of Thread specified and authors modified protocol stack
Technical Details
A Thread network consists of several different device types. A Border Router is a specific router
acting as a gateway from the 802.15.4 network to adjacent networks using other physical layers
as for instance 802.11. Setting up a Thread network requires at least 1 border router, but more
can be implemented if necessary. Apart from the gateway functionality of the border router, it
also offers routing services for off-network operations[49]. Routers provides routing services,
joining operations and security services to network devices. They are designed to always stay
on, but could be downgraded to a Router-eligible End Devices (REED). REED acts as backup
devices in the network and are only activated as routers when necessary, and activation of REED
are done without user interaction. Lastly, the Sleepy End Devices are the host devices of the
Thread network and communicates only with their parent router[51].
Thread networks will automatically initialize as a mesh network (as illustrated in Figure 4.4
if there is more than one router (with a set limit of max 32 routers) in the network. Every router
4.2. THREAD 35
keeps a record of all routes in the network such that the network is always up-to-date and con-
nected by single hop Mesh Link Establishment (MLE) messages[27], which establishes and con-
figures secure radio links, detects neighbor devices, and maintains routing costs between de-
In terms of security in a Thread network a set of roles must be established in the network.
These are as follows: the border router, a joiner router and a commissioner. There are different
scenarios how these roles are defined:
A commissioner will have connectivity in the network either directly through the Thread
network or externally through a WLAN[50].
Source: http://media.bestofmicro.com/J/U/511338/gallery/thread-architecture_w_600.png
4.3 Z-Wave
The Z-Wave alliance was established in 2005 by manufacturers of smart home products. De-
velopment of the Z-Wave protocol stack was done to overcome the obstacles of incompati-
ble proprietary technologies, non-converging standardization attempts and undue cost for the
whole market chain7 . As Z-Wave is a proprietary solution, information on the protocol stack was
scarce. A possible illustration of Z-Wave’s defined protocol stack is shown in figure 4.5. In order
to map the protocol stack to the author’s suggested model. the network and transport layer have
been defined as Z-Wave Proprietary, as shown in figure 4.6.
Z-Wave Alliance History: http://z-wavealliance.org/z-wave_alliance_history/
Source: http://www.allbits.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ZWaveOSILayers.jpg
4.3. Z-WAVE 37
Technical Details
Z-Wave uses the ITU G.9959 radio technology at the radio layer. It operates in the sub-GHz spec-
trum at 868.42 MHz in Europe and 908.42 MHz in the US and Canada as the main frequencies.
Thus offering data rates of 40-100 kbit/s in a wireless mesh network topology (as illustrated in
figure 4.7). A Z-Wave network consists of two different devices, the gateway, and end-devices.
The gateway is the leader of the network and handles the network management, security man-
agement and connecting the Z-Wave network to the Internet.
Source: http://z-wave.sigmadesigns.com/img/z-wave_gateway_controller_for_ip.png
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) was introduced in the Bluetooth 4.0 specification[6]. It was de-
signed to enable Bluetooth technology to small battery powered devices and sensors and offer
easy integration with handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets. Such an approach dif-
fers from other IoT protocol stacks in terms of out-of-the-box support for communication with
handheld devices, neglecting the need for a border router as for instance Thread and Zigbee has.
BLE’s protocol stack is defined in figure 4.8, where 4.8a shows BLE with 6LoWPAN[34] and 4.8b
shows BLE with Bluetooth specific protocols.
(a) Modified BLE protocol stack with IPv6 support (b) Modified BLE protocol stack with Bluetooth stan-
Technical Details
At the technical level, BLE offers an over-the-air data rate of 1 Mbit/s, with application through-
put of 0.27 Mbit/s in one of 40 channels operating in the 2.4GHz band[43]. Offering a possible
range of up to 50m between devices, in a master-slave topology, with each master-slave connec-
tion at different physical channels[38] as illustrated in figure 4.9.
4.5 WirelessHART
WirelessHART is an industrial wireless standard for industrial process automation. Built on the
HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) protocol, released in 2007[5], it became the
first approved industrial open wireless standard (IEC62591, EN62591) in 2010, and has grown to
become one of the important standards in IIoT. WirelessHART’s protocol stack has been mapped
to the proposed model as seen in figure 4.10.
Technical Details
In a WirelessHART network, the gateway serves as the access point, network manager, secu-
rity manager, gateway, and HOST interface. A gateway is the responsible node in the network
to manage the network, commission new devices and communicating with the wired HART
protocol[31]. Apart from the gateway, a WirelessHART network consists of access points/router
devices, and field devices. With the implementation of several access points in the network, it
can be scaled to several thousands of devices if needed. WirelessHART networks are built on
802.15.4 in the 2.4GHz band, providing a mesh network topology with data rates of 250kb/s as
shown in figure 4.11. WirelessHART does not use standard IP networking, and the rest of the
protocol stack is built on HART specific protocols.
4.6 IP-Smart
IP-Smart is the author’s proposal of a protocol stack built from IEEE and IETF standardized pro-
tocols, and previous work on a standardized protocol stack for the IoT[39]. IEEE and IETF has
proposed several standardized protocols as 802.15.4 [20], 6LoWPAN [32] and CoAP [46] to con-
nect the constrained devices of IoT. Such a protocol stack would offer IP-technology to con-
strained devices and be built on open, well-known, standards. IP-smart is thus believed to be
able to compete with the formerly presented protocol stacks and not be restricted by proprietary
protocols and technologies, in the work towards interoperable IoT devices.
Technical Details
With the use of 802.15.4, the IP-Smart protocol stack would offer a star or mesh topology for
devices. Working in the 2.4GHz band offers 16 channels and data rates of up to 250kbits/s,
with a range of 10-30m. A device can either be a Full-function Device (FFD) or a Reduced-
function Device (RFD). If a device is a Full-function Device, it can serve as the PAN coordinator
Source: http://en.hartcomm.org/hcp/tech/wihart/images/Expanded_WirelessHART_Mesh_
of the network. It will be responsible for maintaining control of the network and relaying routing
information etc. RFDs are not able to take up the role of coordinator in the network and only
offers simple communications with network coordinator.
4.7 Summary
There are a lot of different standards trying to solve the challenges brought by IoT. ZigBee,
Thread, and WirelessHART represents both established standards and more recently released
standards build on top of 802.15.4. Bluetooth Low Energy is a continuation of the well-established
Bluetooth technology, Z-Wave is a proprietary solution created for the smart home, and IP-
Smart serves as a proposal to create a protocol stack suited for different use-case areas. They
all offer different approaches to try to win out in the marketplace.
5 | Review of IoT Protocol Stacks
This chapter will present a more in-depth comparison of the security features provided by the
protocol stacks presented in chapter 4. The protocol stacks have been created with different
areas of use in mind, and the comparison will make use of the presented use-case scenarios
of chapter 2.5. Such an investigation is done to determine how the protocol stacks solve the
identified security requirements of each use-case scenario. Investigation into whether a proto-
col stack is applicable beyond its intended area of use is also done. Table 5.1 and 5.2 provides
a simple overview of the provided security features offered by the presented protocol stacks of
Chapter 4.
Section 5.1 will present the commissioning procedure of the different protocol stacks. The
commissioning procedure consist of a device joining a new network, said device being authen-
ticated and key/cipher agreements between device and network.
In Section 5.2, an investigation into how different protocol stacks manages a network in
terms of access control, network protection, application payload protection, and device man-
agement is presented.
Section 5.3 presents the findings and maps them to the different use-case scenarios and the
specific security requirements of each scenario. A short discussion of how different protocols
stacks suits the use-cases is also presented.
5.1 Commissioning
In the device lifecycle, the initial setup is the commissioning procedure. Commissioning is the
procedure of a device requesting to join a network, the device being authenticated to the net-
work, the key exchange between the joining device and the authenticator device, and lastly the
Table 5.1: Overview of security features provided in commissioning by the protocol stacks
confidential transfer of network/security parameters to the joining device. Table 5.1 gives an
overview of the different technical solutions implemented by the different protocol stacks to
solve the security requirements of the commissioning procedure. In the commissioning column
of Table 5.1, passcode, and passkey is mentioned as possible commissioning services. These are
from the information gathered believed to be low entropy password used as a pre-shared secret
between a smart device and joining device and are provided by user input in a smart device
application. In general, the commission phase of the commissioning serves to communicate a
pre-shared secret between authenticating device and joining devices. This pre-shared secret is
then further used in key exchanges to derive session keys, long-term keys or other specified keys
in the protocol stack.
5.1.1 Commission
To start the commissioning procedure, a joining device must start a network discovery, which
enables it to look for networks in its proximity, and identify a coordinator. When the device
has identified the network it wishes to join, a MAC layer association is initialized. A joining
node must send a join request to the coordinator, in which the coordinator starts a search in
the network for the device’s 64-bit IEEE unique identifier[21]. If the identifier is not found in the
network, the coordinator adds it to its neighbor table and confirms the joining request.
To initiate the commissioning process in Thread, a smart device (commissioner) is used to con-
nect with the joining device. A passcode can be input by a user to a smart device application, or
a QR-code on the device can be scanned by the smart device application to perform the com-
To initiate commissioning, a user must enter a pin code or read a QR code with a smart device,
from the joining device. The gateway of the network is put in inclusion mode which enables it
to actively listen to requests from new devices, and accept it into the network.
BLE provides 3 different modes of commissioning: Just Works, Passkey, and Out-of-Band (OoB)
[6]. In terms of security, Just Works is the weakest of the methods, as it allows every device to
pair. Passkey entry is dependent on a smart device supporting keyboard input, such that a 6-
digit passkey can be used. If the devices support some OoB technology, as NFC for instance, the
OoB method can be used to pair the devices.
Field devices will need a Join Key to be able to identify and connect to a network. This join key
can either be common for all field devices or unique for each device. The unique Join Key is
recommended and stated to provide stronger security. The system guide [19] states that the Join
Key must be impossible to read both physically and digitally. Physical tampering resistance and
proper encryption of channels used to send Join key must be provided. There is, however, no
information on how to achieve this, leaving the correct implementation to the manufacturers of
the devices.
5.1.2 Authentication
When a device wishes to join the network it instigates a DTLS handshake with the commissioner
to authenticate itself [50]. The commissioner is a smart device, for instance, a smartphone,
and connects directly with the joining device through the border router. The DTLS handshake
ensures authentication of the device and the secure transfer of network and security parameters
as illustrated in figure 5.1.
Z-Wave has support for TLS 1.1, and could use TLS handshake for authentication, however, a
recent announcement3 highlights an Authenticated Deployment as one of the new security fea-
tures. Information on what the authenticated deployment is or how this is achieved could not
be found, and thus it is not possible to say anything about if this is some specific device authen-
tication from Z-Wave or the strength of it.
ZigBee IP: http://www.zigbee.org/zigbee-for-developers/network-specifications/zigbeeip/
ZigBee 3.0: http://www.zigbee.org/zigbee-for-developers/zigbee3-0/
Z-Wave S2 announcement: http://www.sigmadesigns.com/news/sigma-designs-announces-
BLE authentication is derived from the commissioning methods. Just Works will authenticate
every device sending a pairing request, while Passkey or OoB is dependent on user input/inter-
action to authenticate a device.
thenticate the NPDU (Network Protocol Data Unit) payload and verify a Message Integrity Code
(MIC) of the joining request[40].
With the use of CoAP or MQTT, the IP-Smart protocol stack can offer TLS or DTLS handshakes
to ensure authentication of devices.
ZigBee uses a Symmetric-key Key Establishment (SKKE) protocol for key exchange. It establishes
a Link Key between the joining device and the Trust Center. A master key is required by the
joining device to start the SKKE, this can either be: pre-installed on the device, installed by the
Trust Center or be some user-entered data (PIN code, password or key)[57].
Previous work [58, 41, 55] shows that the key exchange protocol of ZigBee is vulnerable to
sniffer attacks when ZigBee is used in Standard Security Level. The Trust Center will send the
network key unencrypted over-the-air to devices when devices want to join the network, and
a capture of this key could give the attacker the possibility to capture data in the network and
perform replay attacks. Setting ZigBee in High Security Level would remove the sending of the
network key over-the-air unencrypted, and mitigate the vulnerability.
ZigBee IP offers X.509 for certificate and key exchange, but as mentioned with ZigBee au-
thentication, ZigBee 3.0 continues the use of ZigBee specific protocols as SKKE.
Key Exchange in Thread is done through EC-JPAKE [12]. It uses the NIST-256 elliptic curve and
the shared secret (passcode/QR-code) of the commissioner and the device to provide mutual
authentication and establish a session key between them. Further details on how key exchange
is done with EC-JPAKE is found in Section 3.10.
The S2 framework announcement for Z-Wave states that ECDH has been implemented as key
exchange protocol for Z-Wave (see Section 3.9 for information on ECDH).
With the implementation of LE Secure Connections in the Bluetooth 4.2 specification[6], BLE
can make use of ECDH for key exchange. BLE devices on previous Bluetooth standards (4.1
and former) implements its own Key Transport Protocol for key exchange. Dependent on the
commissioning method, the protocol agrees on a TK (Temporary Key) and derives the Short
Term Key (STK), which again is used to derive the Long Term Key (LTK). If the BLE key exchange
is not based on ECDH cryptography, it has a weakness against eavesdropping [38, 43]. Therefore,
an attacker might be able to capture the pairing frames and determine the LTK as shown by Ryan
[43], and carry out a MitM attack.
Information on key exchange could not be found. Previous work [40] has also identified the lack
of specification of key management.
Key Exchange proves to be one of the most challenging aspects of the IP-Smart protocol stack.
Early work on 802.15.4 [45] shows problems with no support for group keying, network shared
key vulnerability in replay protection and pairwise keying inadequately supported. More recent
work shows progress in this problem and ECDH has been implemented [22]. Other work [29]
suggests the use of the Adaptable Pairwise Key Establishment Scheme (APKES) as an approach
to solving the issue of Key Exchange.
Payload Network Protection Access Control
ZigBee ZigBee Specific Network Key Trust Center
Configuration Table
Network Key
Thread DTLS Access Control List Leader node
Z-Wave TLS 1.1 Network Key Unknown Gateway Controller
Bluetooth Vendor Specific Handled by
Low Energy Implementation Master device
Unique Keys for Gateway,
Access Control
WirelessHART Unknown Broadcast or Network Manager,
Point-to-Point Security Manager
Access Control
IP-Smart TLS/DTLS Network Key PAN Coordinator
After devices have been commissioned onto the network, the protocol stacks must ensure man-
agement of the network. Table 5.2 highlights the different security features implemented to
ensure that a network is managed and protected.
ZigBee devices define a Trust Center in the network responsible for functions as key distribu-
tion, end-to-end application configuration management, removing devices from the network,
updating device list, and the maintenance of the permission configuration table (an access con-
trol list, determining authorization levels of devices) [57]. Which device that takes up the role
of Trust Center depends on whether a device is pre-loaded as a Trust Center. In this case, every
device joining the network must have the Trust Center address and initial master key pre-loaded
onto the device. If not pre-loaded, the Trust Center defaults either to the ZigBee Coordinator or
a device chosen by the ZigBee Coordinator.
802.15.4 offers an Access Control List to Thread, with information about trusted neighbors.
Apart from this, Thread operates as a self-managing network, with every device sharing the same
information, and if specified as REED, can become a router, and commissioner in the network
if needed.
There has not been found any information regarding whether Z-Wave implements some sort of
Access Control List.
No ACL is defined by BLE, the master device is in control if its slave devices.
With the use of 802.15.4, WirelessHART can implement an Access Control List. Technical notes
and system guides of WirelessHART [31, 7, 19] states that the gateway should have a security
policy defining different user accounts with differing access to critical security and configura-
tion parameters. Implementation of this security policy seems to be left to the manufacturers,
implying that manufacturers would need to provide sufficient security of the user accounts to
prevent unauthorized access to the network.
In the proposed IP-Smart, 802.15.4 would implement an Access Control List (ACL) [45] with
information on address, security suite, key, last IV (initialization vector) and replay counter. This
ACL would be used by devices to ensure communication only with other trusted devices.
ZigBee uses a Network Key to encrypt network frames with AES128-CCM to ensure network
protection[35, 57]. It is a common key shared among all devices in the network, and an al-
ternate network key is generated at different intervals to replace old network key and provide
key rotation. Previous work [58] however suggests that an automatic key rotation could not be
identified in an eleven-month time frame, revealing a severe flaw in the implementation of the
automatic key rotation.
The Thread network uses a Network-wide Key to protect 802.15.4 MAC (Media Access Control)
data frames from eavesdropping or targeted disruption. The Network-wide Key is reported [52]
to be an HMAC hash of a 32-bit key identifier using a master key, with no further information
how the master key is derived.
There is information of a Network Key [15, 14] being used between controller and devices. From
this information, the Network Key is believed to be the same key as the temporary key set in the
device’s firmware. Thus deducing that the network key is a 16-byte key, which possibly could be
only zeros as shown by Fouladi and Ghanoun[14].
BLE implements an Identity Resolving Key (IRK) to resolve private to public device address map-
ping, by doing this, devices can mitigate the risk of being tracked by its static public address. A
Connection Signature Resolving Key (CSRK) is used to enable data signing to protect a connec-
tion between two devices.
WirelessHART has implemented a Network Key (known by all devices) and a Session Key (known
only by the two communicating devices) to provide network security. A Network key is used
to encrypt and protect data from attackers outside the network, while a session key is used to
protect the network path between source and destination [5].
Bayou et al [5] showed that there is a vulnerability in the Disconnect DLPDU feature, and
the network key. Those two weaknesses together can enable an attacker to disturb the routing
protocol, isolate nodes and harm the network behavior.
A Network Key model could be used to provide network protection in the IP-Smart protocol
stack. There is, however, evidence [45, 29] which suggests that such an approach would not
provide replay protection with the standard ACL implementation using replay counters, and
also make devices susceptible to be compromised by physical tampering.
Device management is handled by the Controller and/or Trust Center and provides functions as
updates of device lists, and revoking devices from the network if a device does not comply with
the set security parameters.
A Leader node is responsible for making decisions within the network. It can promote Router
Eligible devices to Router to improve connectivity of the network. All routers of the network
send periodic MLE messages to update routing information and other parameters on devices to
maintain connectivity of network. If a leader node fails, the network automatically promotes a
router to become a leader. No information on how to revoke a device from the network has been
A Controller device is set to manage all the other devices in a Z-Wave network. From the in-
formation available the Controller device and the Gateway is possibly the same device. This
device would manage the communication between the application on the smart device, and
the devices on the Z-Wave network. Management of devices thus seems to be handled by the
smart device application. Since the Z-Wave network operates as a mesh network, all devices are
capable of sending updates of routing information to other devices.
Fuller and Ramsey [15] reports exploits of the gateway and the possibility to inject rogue
controllers in the Z-Wave network. The gateway uses HTTP POST and HTTP GET requests to
send commands to their server, which then relays information to the network. By using Burp
Proxy 5 Fuller and Ramsey was able to modify request made from the smart device application
and send it to devices. They show that even devices as door locks which use encryption on data
packets will accept the modified requests. They also demonstrate the possibility of injecting a
rogue controller into the network, gaining full control of all the devices in the network. These
vulnerabilities seem to be vendor specific, suggesting that vendors will have to ensure security
on their products. Recently a new framework for Z-Wave, the S2, has been announced6 claiming
to remove the vulnerability found by Fuller and Ramsey.
BLE works in a device-to-device manner, leaving the master node in charge of handling the
connection between the two devices.
As presented in Section 4.5 and Figure 4.11, the Gateway of a WirelessHART network serves as
the roles of the gateway, network manager, and security manager. These roles can either be
integrated into one enclosed device or distributed across different devices in the network, with
the integrated solution seen as the preferred option [31]. It is responsible for the generation
Burp Proxy: https://portswigger.net/burp/proxy.html
Z-Wave S2 announcement: http://www.sigmadesigns.com/news/sigma-designs-announces-
5.3. USE-CASES 55
and maintaining of routing information, allocating communication resources[5] and can inflict
a quarantined or suspended state on a device to limit the actions of the device. The quarantined
state still leaves a security clearance on the device to talk to the network manager, but can no
longer perform data acquisition or control functions and is not able to communicate with the
gateway in any other way. The suspended state is not clearly explained, but is assumed to be the
state after the Disconnect DLPDU is sent [5], which disconnects a device from the network.
A PAN coordinator has to be established for an IP-Smart network, which would be in charge of
device management.
5.3 Use-Cases
In this section the findings of Section 5.1 and 5.2 is mapped to the security requirements of the
different use-case scenarios presented in Chapter 2.
5.3.1 Wearables
Access Control
& Person/Entity Device Integrity
Ensured by an
Attacker can take
Access Control
over devices in Secured by a
List and Mutual
ZigBee network, ZigBee
compromising specific protocol
device integrity
Ensured by an
Access Control Ensured by
Thread List and DTLS DTLS Secured by DTLS
Handshake for Handshake
TLS Handshake
TLS Handshake provides, but
for Authentication, unknown how
Z-Wave but no known Authenticated Secured by TLS
Access Control List Deployment works
implementation or if it
provides integrity
Depending on
No Access Control, commissioning Secured by TLS/
BLE LE Legacy Pairing method, could be DTLS if BLE
for Authentication exploited if Just over IPv6
Key is used
Unknown whether
the Join Key
Ensured by an
Confirmation is Unknown how
Access Control List
providing device Transmission
WirelessHART and Join Key
integrity. Universal Security is
Confirmation for
Join Key, would achieved
give every device
same Join Key
Ensured by an
Access Control List
Ensured by DTLS Secured by TLS/
IP-Smart and TLS/DTLS
Handshake DTLS
Handshake for
is only one capable of accessing smartphone), BLE could prove to fulfill security requirements
for wearables. A look at wearables found in the consumer market today also indicates that BLE
is, as of now, one of the preferred solutions to enable wearable technology.
Smart Homes could potentially transfer personal data through the network. Requirements to
ensure that data transferred through the network remains private was identified as important,
and also that data transferred kept its integrity (Data Authenticity). Table 5.4 shows the mapping
of how the protocol stacks fulfill the smart home security requirements.
As can be seen in Table 5.4, all of the protocol stacks provides relatively well-known solutions
to fulfill the security requirements of the smart home. However, as was seen in Section 5.1 and
5.2, ZigBee has known vulnerabilities in its key exchange protocol which could compromise the
network key used by AES. Resulting in a compromise of the data privacy of ZigBee. Z-Wave was
also shown to be vulnerable to injection of rogue controllers in the network, enabling attack-
ers to unlock door locks (from some specific vendors) even though data privacy and integrity is
provided. With Thread and IP-Smart leaving the application layer of the protocol stack open for
vendor-specific solutions, there is proof found that in order to fulfill the smart home require-
ments, the correct implementation of security features by vendors is required.
In the industrial Internet of Things, the performance of the protocol stacks become more of
an importance, than seen in the other use-cases. Table 5.5 shows how the different protocol
stacks satisfy the requirements of IIoT. An interesting remark is WirelessHARTs implementation
of 3 different roles for network and device management. This approach differs from the other
protocol stacks, which puts the same roles into one device or 1 gateway and 1 coordinator/trust
Ultveit-Moe et al. [54] has pointed out how established IP protocols as TLS/SSL could pro-
vide problems in terms of performance for real-time information sharing. WirelessHART is also
the only protocol stack which enables Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) and time synchro-
nization between devices, as seen in Table 5.6. By doing this, WirelessHART can offer better per-
formance compared to the other protocol stacks offering CSMA techniques, by ensuring every
device getting an allocated time slot for data transfer without collisions. From the information
gathered ZigBee, Thread, and IP-Smart implements security measures which coincide with the
requirements of IIoT. However, with the indications of TLS not fulfilling performance require-
ments and WirelessHART as the only protocol stack using TDMA, WirelessHART seems to be the
only protocol stack of the ones compared which also fulfills performance requirements. More
research into the protocol stacks would be required to determine further if some other than
WirelessHART could be applicable for IIoT.
5.3. USE-CASES 59
Real-time Information
Sharing with
Access Control Availability Device Managent
Confidentiality and
Ensured by the use Remote connection Implementation of Handled by a
ZigBee of an Access to network through ZigBee specific Trust Center in
Control List gateway protocol the network
Ensured by the use Remote connection Handled by a
Thread of an Access to network through Provided by DTLS Coordinator in
Control List gateway the network
Unknown if any Remote connection Handled by a
Z-Wave Access Control is to network through Provided by TLS 1.1 Gateway
implemented gateway Controller
Master device must Provided by TLS or
No Access Control Handled by the
BLE be in distance to DTLS with BLE over
implemented master device
slave device IPv6
Handled by
Some WirelessHART
Ensured by the use Remote connection Gateway,
specific solution,
WirelessHART of an Access to network through Security Manager
unknown how it is
Control List gateway and Network
Ensured by the use Remote connection
Provided by TLS or Handled by a
IP-Smart of an Access to network through
DTLS PAN Coordinator
Control List gateway
5.4 Summary
Comparing the different protocol stacks show different approaches providing the different secu-
rity services required by IoT. Some stacks rely heavily on established protocols to offer security
services, while other stacks as ZigBee, has knowingly chosen to go ahead with their own specific
protocols. Evidence from the research community shows the dangers of choosing own imple-
mentations of security services. ZigBee, Z-Wave, BLE, and WirelessHART has known weaknesses
which possibly could lead to critical consequences if exploited. A common factor between all
the stacks is that more research and investigation into the stacks are required to further identify
vulnerabilities and to help the continuation of work to ensure security in IOT.
6 | Introduction to Contiki OS & IoT Simu-
lation Test Cases
In this chapter, investigation into the protocols CoAP and MQTT is presented. As Thread, Z-
Wave, BLE, and IP-smart all have an open application layer with support for implementation of
the two protocols at hand. It was deemed an interesting case to compare the two protocols in
terms of cost in power consumption vs the offered reliability of packet delivery between them.
CoAP implements DTLS, while MQTT implements TLS, but both are subject to possible packet
loss in transmission. CoAP could also provide communication with HTTP by use of a proxy, and
thus it was interesting investigate if CoAP is a reasonable alternative to MQTT in IoT networks.
In order to test this, Contiki OS and its built in WSN simulator Cooja was used to perform
real-life simulations of the two protocols. Section 6.1 introduces Contiki OS and the Cooja Simu-
lator, as well as providing a simple tutorial in Cooja to show of it works, while Section 6.2 presents
the actual simulations with setup and results.
6.1 Contiki OS
Contiki OS1 is an open source operating system for the Internet of Things. It has an active com-
munity with contributors from known companies as Atmel, Cisco and Thingsquare, with many
more working to continue the development of the OS. The OS is currently at version 3.0 and
has support for several different low powered devices2 , in order to enable IoT functionality by
offering IPv4, IPv6, 6LoWPAN, CoAP, etc. Contiki is today used in both commercial and non-
Contiki OS Home Page: http://www.contiki-os.org/
Hardware support list: http://www.contiki-os.org/hardware.html
commercial applications to offer services as industrial monitoring, smart city devices, and much
Cooja simulator is a network simulator bundled with Contiki OS. It can be used to simulate
small and/or large networks of Contiki nodes before compiling applications onto the hardware.
It supports hardware level simulation, thus giving realistic simulation for the given application
scenario. This gives the developer precise results for inspection, in order to optimize the ap-
plication before compiled to hardware and put into real life use. To give the reader a greater
understanding of how a Cooja simulation works, a Cooja “Hello World” tutorial is provided in
the next subsection.
This tutorial shows a “Hello World” example in Instant Contiki 3.03 run as virtual machine in
VmWare Player 124 . The first step after launching the virtual machine is to open a terminal and
run the following commands:
$ cd contiki/tools/cooja
$ ant run
This will start the Cooja simulator and open a window similar to what can be seen in Figure
6.1. When the Cooja simulator is up and running the following listed step-by-step procedure
will create a simple Hello World scenario where the nodes will send a “Hello World” message to
each other.
2. In the pop up window, give the simulation a name. For this example “Hello World” is
entered as name and then click Create
Instant Contiki is a virtual machine, providing a complete Contiki development environment. Download:
VmWare Player 12 can be downloaded and tested for free from: https://www.vmware.com/products/
3. Add mote(s) to the simulation by clicking Motes -> Add Motes -> Create new mote type, this
will give a list of different mote types. For this example choose Sky mote
4. If desired, a description for the mote can be added, for this example no explicit description
is added. Then click Browse and navigate to /home/user/contiki/examples/hello-world/ and
choose hello-world.c and click Compile and Create when compilation has finished
5. A new pop-up window will appear, with options of how many motes to add, and their
positions. For this example 5 motes are added and random positioning is used.
In the Network panel, the user can click the View tab to get a list of different viewing options
for the simulation. The Output mote panel will show the different motes being assigned its Rime
address5 , MAC address, IPv6 address and will show how the motes start to broadcast a “Hello
World” message.
An interesting feature to investigate further was identified as differences between the CoAP pro-
tocol and the MQTT protocol. CoAP offers DTLS, while MQTT uses TLS. Meaning a difference
in terms of reliability of packet deliveries between devices. A look at differences in power con-
sumption was deemed interesting to get some idea of the cost of adding extra reliability with
DTLS in CoAP. This investigation would also be relevant for the authors proposed IP-Smart pro-
tocol stack, in order to check how the proposed protocols of IETF and IEEE match up with an
already established protocol as MQTT.
Performing the simulations, the mentioned Contiki OS and Cooja Simulator was used. Instant
Contiki 3.0, the virtual machine development environment of Contiki, was used together with
VMWare Player 12. Benchmarking of the simulations was done on an ASUS U31SD laptop with
Rime is a lightweight communication stack provided by Contiki OS
the hardware specifications as found in table 6.1. In the simulations the Zolertia Z16 was used
as the device, to ensure support for both MQTT and CoAP.
To investigate the differences in power consumption between CoAP and MQTT, and adding
an extra layer of reliability with CSMA, the following test setups were benchmarked:
Figure 6.2: Illustration of physical setup of devices in CoAP simulation. Node 1: Border Router,
Node 2: CoAP Server and Node 3-7: CoAP clients
In simulation #1 and #2, an 802.15.4 network was set up with a border router, a CoAP server
and 5 CoAP Clients as shown in Figure 6.2. To interact with the CoAP devices to retrieve data
and perform simple actions as turning LEDs on and off, the Copper(CU)7 add-on for Firefox8
was used, to implement a CoAP user-agent. This setup made use of already embedded libraries
in Contiki (see Appendix B) to implement border router and CoAP server/client functionality. To
enable/disable CSMA, configurations was made in the project-conf.h file, as seen in Appendix B.
Source: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/copper-270430/
Source: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/?utm_source=firefox-com&utm_medium=
Simulation #3 and #4 set up an 802.15.4 network with a border router and 5 MQTT clients,
as seen in Figure 6.3. Also, the Mosquitto9 MQTT broker was used operating as the user-agent.
As with the CoAP simulations, embedded libraries of Contiki was used to implement the border
router and MQTT clients, and configurations were done in the project-conf.h file to enable/dis-
able CSMA (See Appendix B).
Figure 6.3: Illustration of the physical setup of devices in MQTT simulation. Node 1: Border
Router, Node 2-6: MQTT clients
Results of the simulations are presented in Table 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5. A Contiki OS tool named
PowerTracker was used to measure the Radio Duty Cycle10 of each device during the simula-
tions. Radio On is total time device is active, Radio TX is the time of radio transferring data and
Radio RX the is time of radio receiving data.
By looking at the results, evidence of CoAP requiring a device to be in an active state for
Source: http://mosquitto.org/
A Radio Duty Cycle is the percentage of time in which the system is active
longer than with MQTT can be seen. Comparing CoAP Client #1 of Table 6.2 and MQTT Client
#1 of Table 6.4, shows an increase of Radio On by 0.57% when using CoAP. A device which is in
an active state for longer equals drawing more power. However, looking at the numbers overall
should suggest no critical increase of RDC by using CoAP.
Enabling CSMA shows no significant difference of RDC in the CoAP simulations, while in
MQTT a slight increase of RDC can be found, comparing MQTT Client #3 in Table 6.4 and 6.5. It
must be stated, that these simulations are done in Contiki OS, using the OS specific MAC layer
implementations. This means that the implementations of how a device goes from sleeping to
active, and vice-versa, could give other results with other IoT-specific operating systems and
different implementations. Overall, the results are advised to be interpreted as an indication
of CoAP being a reasonable alternative to MQTT, which would increase the reliability of packet
delivery in lossy networks with the implementation of DTLS.
7.1 Recommendations
As seen in Chapter 4, Thread, Z-Wave, BLE, and IP-Smart have left the application layer open for
vendor-specific solutions. Protocols as CoAP and MQTT are supported by Thread, BLE, and IP-
Smart which are well-known protocols, using existing secure solutions as TLS and DTLS. Chap-
ter 6 shows that CoAP is a reasonable alternative to MQTT, therefore it is recommended to use
CoAP to add reliability over lossy networks. Many IoT products on the market today as Philips
Hue1 , NEST Thermostat2 , and Apple Watch3 are just some examples of devices connecting to a
smartphone app. Using a smartphone app to communicate with the devices could potentially
open up new attack surfaces for devices. As this has not been the main focus of this thesis, the
author still believes it to be important to point out the importance of following security guide-
lines as OWASP Mobile Security Project4 or similar, when developing smartphones app to use
with IoT devices, to ensure no unwanted tampering with devices caused by vulnerable apps.
In the commissioning process of a new device, several vulnerabilities was pointed out in Chap-
ter 5. To ensure secure and trusted commissioning of devices using unique Join Keys in Wire-
lessHART , using passkey or some OoB method for authentication in BLE and only using high
Philips Hue: http://www2.meethue.com
NEST Thermostat: https://nest.com/
Apple Watch: http://www.apple.com/watch/
OWASP Mobile Security Project: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Mobile_Security_Project
security mode of ZigBee are recommended to mitigate the risk of exploitation of the docu-
mented vulnerabilities. Other findings suggests that if deemed necessary: devices must be pro-
tected from physical tampering and implement secure transmission of joining data such as
pre-configured joining keys. If the proposed IP-Smart protocol stack is to be used, an imple-
mentation of a secure commissioning process is left to the vendors. Deciding what would be an
appropriate solution would be entirely use-case dependent, and the only guideline this thesis
can give is to implement at least some sort of OoB method or passkey/QR-code solution.
5 6 7
With the estimated growth of smart devices exceeding at least 20 billion devices by 2020
there is no doubt that the Internet of Things will affect our way of living in the years to come.
This thesis has presented some of the enabling technologies and protocol stacks of the IoT, but
it only represents a small amount of all the different solutions manufactured to enable the IoT
in different use-case scenarios. In order to fully realize the potential of the IoT, interoperability
between products becomes the main focus and leading initiatives as ZigBee and Thread have
announced their cooperation on making each other’s solutions interoperable8 . The WiFi Al-
liance has also announced its Wi-Fi HaLow 9 to enable the commonly used 802.11 technology
for low powered devices in the IoT. This will further the work to enable interoperability with al-
ready existing technologies and solutions in a hope of working towards a common standard for
the IoT. However, with a magnitude of different stakeholders trying to claim their share of the
potential in the IoT market, the future is hard to predict.
Business Insider: http://uk.businessinsider.com/top-internet-of-things-trends-2016-1?r=US&
McKinnsey: http://www.mckinsey.com/industries/high-tech/our-insights/the-internet-of-
Cisco: https://newsroom.cisco.com/press-release-content?articleId=1621819
ZigBee & Thread Cooperation: http://www.zigbee.org/zigbee-alliance-creating-end-to-end-iot-
WiFi Alliance: http://www.wi-fi.org/discover-wi-fi/wi-fi-halow
In this thesis Internet of Things has been presented with some of the use-case areas and ben-
efits it provides, but also the requirements that come with it in terms of constrained devices
and security. A proposed model, inspired by the OSI model, was presented to suggest a way
of standardizing future solutions in IoT. There are many different standards trying to establish
themselves in the IoT market, each with their own proposed solution to solve the requirements
of IoT. ZigBee, Thread, Z-Wave, BLE, WirelessHART, and IP-Smart has been presented to investi-
gate the different solutions and how they measure up in terms of security and for use in different
use-case areas. Standards providing their own set of protocols to offer different security services
has been shown to contain weaknesses versus using more established and recognized services.
There is, however, a lack of work done in the research community on different standards in IoT,
and with the predicted rapid growth of IoT devices, a need for more focused research into IoT
is off utmost need. The suggested IP-Smart protocol stack has been shown to be a promising
approach for IoT, but there is still uncertainties in terms of best approach for key exchange, and
implementation on the application layer is left open for OEMs. CoAP vs MQTT showed indi-
cations of CoAP being a reasonable option to the well-established MQTT protocol, in order to
use DTLS and UDP setting up an IoT network. IoT is still in the beginning of its lifecycle and
will only continue to grow and be a more important part of several aspects of our lives. There
is great potential in IoT to enrich our lives and create economic growth, but as has been shown
there are still pitfalls to watch out for, in order to realize the vision that is the Internet of Things.
A | Acronyms
LE Low Energy
M2M Machine-to-Machine
MitM Man-in-the-Middle
OoB Out-of-Band
P2P Peer-to-Peer
RF Radio Frequency
TK Temporary Key
B.1 Libraries
List of libraries from Contiki OS, used to create CoAP and MQTT simulations:
• MQTT-demo
• ER-Rest Client
• ER-Rest Server
//Enable CSMA
#define NETSTACK_CONF_RDC csma_driver
//Disable CSMA
#define NETSTACK_CONF_RDC nullmac_driver
static void
int16_t value; /*added for MQTT simulation*/
/* Reconfigure sensor readings to ensure Z1 sensors are used correctly*/
value = sht25.value(SHT25_VAL_TEMP);
len = snprintf(buf_ptr, remaining, ",\"SHT25 Temp (mC)\":%d", value);
/*Replaced: len = snprintf(buf_ptr, remaining, ",\"On-Chip Temp (mC)\":%d",
value = sht25.value(SHT25_VAL_HUM);
len = snprintf(buf_ptr, remaining, ",\"Humidity (RH)\":%d", value);
/*Replaced: len = snprintf(buf_ptr, remaining, ",\"VDD3 (mV)\":%d",
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