DNV RP F102 (Pipe Line Coating) (2003)
DNV RP F102 (Pipe Line Coating) (2003)
DNV RP F102 (Pipe Line Coating) (2003)
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Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F102, October 2003
Page 3
I and II may be applied directly on the field joint (FJ) with or Requirements:
without a primer coat (bonding agent). I, II and III are applica-
ble for pipelines with concrete coating whilst II an IV are used — Project specific requirements associated with the detailed
for PP multilayer coatings for thermal insulation, typically design of FJC / FCR and ‘infill’ systems; e.g. configura-
with an inner 3-layer PP coating. II and IV may be applied as tion of multi-layer systems, overlap to parent coating, min-
a homogenous solid product, sometimes with a filler material imum thickness of individual layers, thermal insulation
added, or as a foamed product. The manufacturing of half capacity, composition and mechanical or physical proper-
shells (typically on PU or PP basis) to be strapped around a FJ ties of any ‘infill’, colour of coating. (see 4.4.2).
(with or without a FJC system) is not covered by this RP. — Project specific requirements to ‘pre-production qualifica-
tion testing’ (PQT), including schedule for notification
1.2.5 This RP may be fully or partly applicable to similar coat- and reporting, number of FJC / CFR (and ‘infills’ if appli-
ing and infill systems, or to FJC / CFR associated with onshore cable) for testing, and any requirement for qualification of
pipelines. The user shall consider the needs for amendments coating applicators (see 4.2.2).
and deviations for such applications. — Methods and acceptance criteria for any testing indicated
as “to be agreed” in the applicable FJC / FCR and infill
1.2.6 The following activities associated with FJC / CFR are data sheet of ANNEX 1 and ANNEX 2, respectively (see
not covered: 4.3.3).
— Permissible repairs for FJC, and infill if applicable (see
— Requirements for the qualification of supplier specific 4.9).
coating materials for general (i.e. not project specific) pur- — Requirements for marking and pipe tracking, if applicable
poses (see Guidance Note to 1.2.2). (see 4.10.1).
— Detailed design of FJC for project specific purposes (e.g. — Requirements for documentation, e.g. schedule for supply
heat insulation, see 1.2.2). of documentation and documentation format. (see 4.10.1).
— Inspection of linepipe coating during installation and char-
acterisation of damage for subsequent CFR. (In case of 1.3.3 If inspection and repair of linepipe coating damage on
minor coating damage; i.e. where the inner corrosion pro- pipe joints as received by Contractor is included in the scope
tective coating is not affected, the requirements to CFR in of work (see 4.5.1), the following requirements shall be
this document may not be relevant). enclosed:
— Repair of concrete weight coating. — Requirements for inspection for linepipe coating damage;
e.g. type or method and extent of inspection and accept-
1.2.7 Although considerations of safety and environmental ance criteria.
hazards associated with coating work and properties of — Acceptance criteria for linepipe coating repair; e.g. maxi-
as-applied coating materials (i.e. as reflected by national and mum size and number of specific types of defects per pipe
multi-national regulations) are of great importance, such are for damage considered repairable.
never-the-less beyond the scope of this RP.
1.3.4 The following items, intended as a check-list, may be
1.3 Application and use included in purchase documents, as applicable and relevant.
(For specification of amendments and deviations in purchase
1.3.1 This (RP) has two major objectives; it may either be documents, see 1.3.5 below.):
used as a guideline for the preparation of manufacturing spec-
ifications for FJC / CFR and infill systems as defined in 1.2.3 — Additional testing (i.e. requested by Purchaser) indicated
above, or it may be used as an attachment to an inquiry or pur- “by agreement” in the FJC / CFR or infill data sheet (see
chase order specification for such systems. If Purchaser has 4.3.3), and any special conditions for testing (e.g. test tem-
chosen to refer to this RP in a ‘purchase document’ (see defi- perature above or below normal ambient temperature,
nition in Sec. 3), then Contractor shall consider all require- unless stated in the applicable data sheet).
ments in this document as mandatory (see Sec. 3), unless — Specific coating materials to be used (e.g. supplier specific
superseded by amendments and deviations in the specific con- systems/grades, see 4.4.3.)
tract (see 1.3.4 -1.3.5). — Specific requirements for automatic control of application
parameters, e.g. powder application (see 4.7.5).
1.3.2 If reference is made to this RP in a purchase document, — Specific requirements for the ITP (4.3.2).
the following additional information and requirements shall — Qualification of personnel for FJC / CFR and ‘infill’ appli-
always be specified (see Section 3), if applicable and relevant cation (e.g. during PQT, see 4.2.1).
to the specific coating system as defined in the CFR / FJC and — Specification of management of concession requests
Infill Data Sheets of ANNEX 1 and 2, respectively: (4.7.1) and non-conformities (4.8.7).
Information: — Facilities needed for Purchaser’s quality surveillance.
— Regulatory or Contractor’s requirements for control of
— Pipe material (reference to selected standard or purchas- health and environment hazards associated with coating
er’s specification), nominal inner diameter and wall thick- work.
ness. — Special requirements to handling, storage and transporta-
— Seam weld and girth weld dimensions, including toleranc- tion of coated pipes, if relevant (see 4.11).
es, if relevant for the specified FJC / FCR system. — Further deviations or amendments to this document.
— Coating manufacturing specification(s) for linepipe (and 1.3.5 As far as practical, tentative test methods and acceptance
pipeline components, if applicable). criteria for testing indicated in the ‘FJC/CFR data sheet’ as “to
— Linepipe coating factory cut back dimensions, including be agreed” (see 1.3.2) or “by agreement” (see 1.3.4), shall be
tolerances. Any temporary corrosion protective coating specified by Purchaser in the inquiry. Purchaser may also spec-
applied on cut backs or internal pipe coating. ify any preference for a specic test methods in case more than
— Pipeline maximum and minimum operating temperature, one method is specified for mandatory testing (“to be includ-
design life and any other project design premises and other ed”). If alternative methods are given in the FJC / CFR or
information considered relevant to the detailed design of ‘infill data sheet’, and no specific method has been specified
FJC / CFR and ‘infills’ (e.g. lay method including roller by Purchaser, the method to be used is then optional to Con-
and stinger configuration). tractor.
1.3.6 ANNEX 3, Table 1 and 2 show how deviations and ASTM D870 Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coat-
amendments to the common requirements in Sec 5, and to a ings Using Water Immersion
specific FJC/CFR or ‘infill data sheet’, respectively, may be ASTM D1000 Test Methods for Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive-
specified in a purchase document. Coated Tapes Used for Electronic and Electrical
1.4 Structure of document ASTM D1002 Test Method for Apparent Shear Strength of
Single-Lap-Joint Adhesively Bonded Metal
1.4.1 Requirements that apply to all categories of FJC / CFR Specimens by Tension Loading (Metal-to-Metal)
and ‘infill systems’ are given in Sec. 5, whilst those applicable ASTM D1084 Test Methods for Viscosity of Adhesives
to a specific system are contained in individual FJC / CFR and
ASTM D1149 Test Method for Rubber Deterioration – Surface
infill ‘data sheets’ in ANNEX 1 and ANNEX 2, respectively. Ozone Cracking in a Chamber
1.5 Relation to DNV-OS-F101 and other DNV docu- ASTM D1238 Test Method for Flow Rates of Thermoplastics
by Extrusion Plastometer
ments on pipeline corrosion control
ASTM D1525 Test Method for Vicat Softening Temperature of
1.5.1 DNV-OS-F101 “Submarine Pipeline Systems”, Sec.8,
gives some guidelines to the selection and design of pipeline ASTM D2084 Standard Test Method for Rubber Property –
external corrosion protective coatings (including field joint Vulcanization Using Oscillating Disc Cure Meter
coatings and concrete coatings), and general requirements to ASTM D2240 Test Method for Rubber Property–Durometer
their manufacturing. Hardness
ASTM D3418 Test Method for Transition Temperatures of
1.5.2 DNV-RP-F106 “Factory Applied External Pipeline Polymers by Thermal Analysis
Coatings for External Corrosion Control” provides detailed ASTM D3895 Test Method for Oxidative-Induction Time of
requirements for the manufacturing of linepipe (“factory”) Polyolefins by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
coatings. ASTM D4060 Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic
Coatings by the Taber Abrader
1.5.3 Cathodic protection (CP) of coated submarine pipelines ASTM D4285 Test Method for Indicating Oil or Water in
is covered in DNV-RP-F103 “Cathodic Protection of Subma- Compressed Air
rine Pipelines by Galvanic Anodes”. ASTM E96 Test Methods for Water Vapour Transmission of
Guidance note: Materials
This document offers CP design parameters that are based on the ASTM G8 Test Method for Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline
requirements to pipeline coatings in DNV-RP-F106 and in DNV- Coating
RP-F103, reducing the need for arbritary conservatism in CP ASTM G14 Test Method for Impact Resistance of Pipeline
design due to potential defficiencies associated with pipeline Coatings (Falling Weight Test)
coating design and/or quality control of coating maufacturing . ASTM G17 Test Method for Penetration Resistance of
Pipeline Coatings
ASTM G21 Practice for Determining Resistance of Synthetic
Polymeric Materials to Fungi
ASTM G22 Practice for Determining Resistance of Plastics to
2. Normative References
The following standards are referred to in this document. The 2.2 BS (British Standards)
latest editions apply.
BS 903 Part A1 Physical Testing of Rubber. Determination of
2.1 ASTM (American Society for Testing and Density
Materials) BS 3900 Part F4 Resistance to Continuous Salt Spray
BS 4147 Specification for Bitumen-Based Hot-Applied
ASTM C518 Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Meas- Coating Materials for Protecting Iron and Steel,
urements and Thermal Transmission Properties Including Suitable Primers Where Required
by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus BS 6374 Part 5 Lining of Equipment with Polymeric Materials
ASTM D36 Test Method for Softening Point of Bitumen for the Process Industries Part 5. Specification
(Ring-and-Ball Apparatus) for Lining with Rubbers
ASTM D149 Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage 2.3 CSA (Canadian Standards Association)
and Dielectric Strength of Solid Electric Insulat-
ing Materials at Commercial Power Frequencies
CAN/CSA- External Fusion Bond Epoxy Coating for Steel
ASTM D256 Test Method for determining the Izod Pendulum Z245.20/21 Pipe–External Polyethylene Coating for Pipe
Impact Resistance of Notched Specimens of Plas-
tic 2.4 DIN (Deutsche Industrie Normen)
ASTM D257 Test Method for D-C Resistance or Conductance
of Insulating Materials DIN 30670 Polyethylene Coatings of Steel Pipes and Fit-
ASTM D570 Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics tings; Requirements and Testing
ASTM D638 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics DIN 30672 Coatings of Corrosion Protective Tapes and
Heat Shrink Sleeves; Materials for Pipelines for
ASTM D746 Test Method for Brittleness Temperature of Plas- Operational Temperatures up to 50°C
tics and Elastomers by Impact
DIN 30678 Polypropylene Coatings for Steel Pipes
ASTM D785 Test Method for Rockwell Hardness of Plastics
and Electrical Insulating Materials DIN 53516 Testing of Rubber and Elastomers; Determina-
tion of Abrasion Resistance.
ASTM D790 Test Method for Flexural Properties of Unrein-
forced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrically
Insulating Materials
ASTM D792 Test Method for Density (Relative Density) and
Specific Gravity of Plastics by Displacement
2.5 DNV (Det Norske Veritas) ISO 2815 Paint and Varnishes – Buchholz Indentation Test
ISO 3146 Plastics, Determination of Melting Behaviour
DNV-OS-F101 Submarine Pipeline Systems (Melting Temperature) of Semi-Crystalline Poly-
DNV-RP-F106 Factory Applied External Pipeline Coatings for mers by Capillary Tube and Polarizing-Microscope
Corrosion Control Methods
DNV-RP-F103 Cathodic Protection of Submarine Pipelines by ISO 4624 Paints and Varnishes – Pull-Off Test for Adhesion
Galvanic Anodes ISO 4892-2 Plastics – Methods of Exposure to Laboratory;
Light Sources
2.6 EN (European Standards) ISO 7253 Paints and Varnishes-Determination of Resistance
to Neutral Salt Spray
EN 1426 Methods for Determination of Softening Point of ISO 7619 Rubber – Determination of Indentation Hardness
Bitumen (Ring and Ball) by Means of Pocket Hardness Meter
EN 10204 Metallic Products – Types of Inspection Docu- ISO 8501-1 Preparation of Steel Substrate Before Application
ments of Paint and Related Products – Visual Assessment
EN 12068 Cathodic Protection – External Organic Coatings of Surface Cleanliness.
for the Corrosion Protection of Buried or Immersed – Part 1: Rust Grades and Preparation Grades of
Steel Pipelines Used in Conjunction with Cathodic Uncoated Steel Substrates and of Steel Substrates
Protection –Tapes and Shrinkable Materials After Overall Removal of Previous Coatings.
ISO 8501-2 – Part 2: Laboratory Determination of Chloride on
2.7 GBE (Gas Business Engineering) Cleaned Surfaces
ISO 8502-3 – Part 3: Assessment of Dust on Steel Surfaces
GBE/CW6 Technical Specification for the External Protection Prepared for Painting (Pressure Sensitive Tape
of Steel Linepipe and Fittings Using Fusion Bond- Method)
ed Powder and Associated Coating Systems
ISO 8502-6 – Part 6: Sampling of Soluble Impurities on Surfac-
2.8 ISO (International Organization for es to be Painted – the Bresle Method.
Standardisation) ISO 8503-2 Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application
of Paints and Related Products – Surface Rough-
ISO 34 Rubber, Vulcanised or Thermoplastic. Determina- ness Characteristics of Blast-Cleaned Substrates.
tion of Tear Strength – Part 2: Method for the Grading of Surface Profile
ISO 37 Rubber, Vulcanised or Thermoplastic – Determina- of Abrasive Blast-Cleaned Steel – Comparator
tion of Tensile Stress- Strain Properties Procedure
ISO 178 Plastics, Determination of Flexural Properties ISO 8503-4 – Part 4: Method for the Calibration of ISO Surface
ISO 188 Rubber, Vulcanised or Thermoplastic – Accelerat- Profile Comparators and for the Determination of
ed Ageing and Heat-Resistance Tests Surface Profile – Stylus Instrument Procedure
ISO 306 Plastics – Thermoplastic Materials – Determining ISO 10005 Quality Management – Guidelines for Quality
of Vicat Softening Temperature Plans
ISO 527 Plastics – Determination of Tensile Properties. Part ISO 10474 Steel and Steel Products – Inspection Documents
1 and 2. ISO 13736 Methods for Determination of the Flash Point by
ISO 813 Rubber, Vulcanised or Thermoplastic – Determina- the Abel’s Apparatus
tion of Adhesion to Rigid Substrate- 90 Degree
Peel Method 2.9 NACE (National Association of Corrosion
ISO 815 Physical Testing of Rubber. Method for Determi- Engineers)
nation of Compression Set at Ambient, Elevated
and Low Temperatures NACE RP0274 High Voltage Electrical Inspection of Pipeline
Coatings Prior to Installation
ISO 868 Plastics and Ebonite – Determination of Indenta-
tion Hardness by Means of a Durometer (Shore 2.10 NF (Normes Francaise)
ISO 1133 Plastics – Determination of the Melt Mass-Flow NF A 49-710 External 3- Layer Polyethylene Based Coating.
Rate (MFR) and the Melt Volume- Flow-Rate Application by Extrusion
(MVR) of Thermoplastics NF A 49-711 External 3- Layer Polypropylene Based Coating.
ISO 1306 Rubber Compounding Ingredients – Carbon Black Application by Extrusion
(Pelletized)-Determination of Pour Density
ISO 1431-3 Rubber, Vulcanised or Thermoplastic – Resistance
to Ozone Cracking- Part 1: Static Strain Test
ISO 1515 Paints and Varnishes – Determination of Volatile
and Non-Volatile Matter
ISO 1817 Vulcanised Rubber. Determination of the Effects
of Liquids
ISO 2187 Non-Magnetic Coatings on Magnetic Substrates –
Measurements of Coating Thickness – Magnetic
ISO 2409 Paints and Varnishes – Cross-Cut Test
ISO 2431 Paints and Varnishes – Determination of Flow
Time by Use of Flow Cups
ISO 2655 Plastics – Resins in the Liquid State or as Emul-
sions or Dispersions – Determining of Apparent
Viscosity by the Brookfield Test
ISO 2781 Rubber Vulcanised – Determination of Density
ISO 2808 Paints and Varnishes – Determination of Film
ISO 2811 Paints and Varnishes – Determination of Density
3. Terminology and Definitions 5.1.2 The MPS shall as a minimum include the following data
sheets, drawings, procedures and other information:
Purchaser party (pipeline operator or main contractor) issu-
ing inquiry or contract for coating work, or nomi- — detailed design of FJC (if included in scope of work),
nated representative. defining e.g. parent coating overlap, length and chamfer
coating “coating”, “coating application” and “coating
angle of parent coating cut-back, thickness of individual
material” may refer to an “infill” as well as to layers, calculations of heat insulation, design of permanent
FJC / CFR. moulds or straps for infill, as applicable
Contractor party to whom the coating work has been contract- — coating material properties, including supplier’s product
ed. data sheets (PDS) and/or certificates (4.4.3-5.4.8)
manufacture “manufacture” and “manufacturing” relates to the — receipt, handling and storage of materials for surface prep-
manufacturing processes associated with the qualification of FJC aration and coating (4.4.9-5.4.12)
/ CFR and ‘infill’, and the subsequent production — preparation of steel surface and parent coating cutback
of such coatings. The producer of coating materi- (4.6)
als is referred to as “coating material supplier”, or — coating application (including control of essential process
“supplier” only. parameters, see 4.7)
shall indicates a mandatory requirement. — inspection and testing (4.5, 5.6 and 5.8)
should indicates a preferred course of action. — repair of imperfect coating work (FJC / CFR and ‘infill’, if
may indicates a permissible course of action. applicable, see 4.9)
agreed refers to a written arrangement between Purchas- — stripping of rejected FJC ( and ‘infill’, if applicable), see
agreement er and Contractor (e.g. as stated in a contract) 4.9
report and refers to an action by Contractor in writing. — handling, storage and transportation of coated pipes (if
notify included in scope of work, see 4.11)
accepted refers to a confirmation by Purchaser in writing. — documentation, and marking of FJC (if applicable).
The FJC design documentation and procedures for the last 4
certificate refers to the confirmation of specified properties items are subject to acceptance by Purchaser. Some detailed
certified issued by Contractor or supplier of coating mate-
rials according to EN 10204:3.1.B, ISO requirements to items for inclusion in the coating manufactur-
10474:5.1-B or equivalent. ing specification are given in 5.4 – 5.11.
purchase refers to an inquiry/tender, or purchase/contract Guidance note:
document(s) specification, as relevant For “accepted”/ “acceptance” and “agreed” /”agreement”, see
definitions in Sec.3.
For definition of coating terms associated with submarine
pipeline systems, reference is made to 1.1 above. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
5.1.3 Purchaser may require that procedures for testing and in-
spection, handling of non-conformances and concession re-
4. Abbreviations quests and/or other additional detailed information is included
in the MPS (see 1.3.4).
CFR Coating Field Repair
CP Cathodic Protection 5.2 Pre-production qualification testing (PQT)
CR Concession Request
5.2.1 The primary objective of the ‘pre-production qualifica-
FBE Fusion Bonded Epoxy
tion testing’ (PQT) is to verify that the MPS is adequate to
FJ Field Joint achieve the specified as-applied coating properties. Purchaser
FJC Field Joint Coating may further specify that coating applicators are individually
ITP Inspection and Testing Plan (see 4.3.2) qualified during the PQT so that their capability to achieve
LE Liquid Epoxy (“two-pack” type) specified coating properties can be verified (see 4.2.2).
MIP Manufacturing and Inspection Plan (see 4.3.2) Guidance note:
MPS (Coating) Manufacturing Procedure Specifica- The verification of coating properties by destructive testing, as
tion (see 4.1) conducted during regular production of linepipe coating (e.g. by
peel testing at pipe ends) is not feasible, or at least cumbrous for
NC Non-Conformity FJC. The qualification of a MPS for FJC / CFR and infill is
PE Polyethylene (polyethene) consequently regarded as crucial. Moreover, the quality of the
PP Polypropylene (polypropene) applied coating is more dependent on coating applicator skills. It
is therefore recommended that the requirement to a PQT in this
PQT (Coating) Pre-Production Qualification Testing document is not waived, that coating applicators are qualified
(see 5.2) individually during the PQT and that the PQT is witnessed by a
PU Polyurethane competent person representing Purchaser.
PVC Polyvinylchloride
RP Recommended Practice
5.2.2 Specific requirements for ‘pre-production qualification
testing’, including e.g. schedule for notification and reporting,
5. Common Requirements qualification of coating applicators, any preparations of FJC /
CFR additional to the minimum requirements in 4.2.5, shall be
5.1 Coating manufacturing procedure specified in purchase documents (see 1.3.2).
5.1.1 All work associated with the application of FJC / CFR 5.2.3 A MPS and an ‘inspection and test plan’ (ITP, see 4.3)
and any ‘infill’ (including qualification of the application; specific for the PQT, together with a detailed schedule for
“PQT”, see 5.2) shall be described in a ‘manufacturing proce- coating application, inspection and/or testing, and reporting
dure specification’ (MPS). This MPS shall be submitted to shall be submitted to Purchaser in a timely manner (as per pur-
Purchaser prior to the PQT and/or start of production. chase document) prior to start-up of the qualification activities.
5.2.4 Coating application temperature, drying or curing condi- testing of resistance to peeling and cathodic disbonding. Verifi-
tions shall be according to coating material supplier’s recom- cation of no detrimental effects on any internal coating should
mendations. Data sheets and calibration certificates for include e.g. visual examination for discolouration, cracking or
instruments essential to quality control (e.g. temperature sen- blistering and adhesion test.
sors) shall be available for Purchaser’s review during the PQT. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
Guidance note:
For FJC application using induction heating for curing of an 5.2.11 It shall further be demonstrated during the PQT that the
innermost epoxy layer, it is recommended that the capability of applied FJC (including any ‘infill’) can be efficiently cooled
each coil to achieve uniform heat distribution for the period of (or cured, if applicable) within the period of time required to
curing is verified by actual temperature recordings during the avoid damage by downstream rollers or other equipment.
PQT. The capability of equipment for automatic spraying of
powder coating to obtain the specified thickness range should 5.2.12 Any need to carry out a full scale bending test to verify
also be verified. Moreover, the maximum time between interrup- FJC adhesion to parent coating and general flexibility of a FJC
tion of heating and completion of powder application to achieve / ‘infill’ assembly should be considered for inclusion in the
specified properties of the coating, should be established.
PQT. Testing may include e.g. visual examination of evidence
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- for cracking, or disbonding of innermost layer or between
individual layers, testing of residual adhesion strength. The
5.2.5 Coated pipes of the same supply as to be used for instal- need for a full scale impact test (simulating trawl board impact)
lation shall be utilised for the PQT. However, for FJC a simu- should also be considered. (Any full scale testing shall be spec-
lated girth weld may be used for the PQT, except if a full scale ified in purchase documents).
bending test according to 4.2.12 is to be carried out. The
number of personnel involved in coating application during the 5.2.13 A procedure for stripping of rejected FJC and ‘infill’,
PQT, including any supervisor, shall be the same as that used and repair of imperfect coating work, shall be qualified during
for normal production. The duration of the individual main the PQT (see 4.9)
activities (e.g. blast cleaning, coating application) shall be 5.2.14 Results from all inspection, testing and calibrations
roughly the same as to be used during production, and shall be during qualification, essential operational parameters for coat-
reported. ing, duration of individual main activities and coating material
5.2.6 As a minimum, 3 (simulated) FJs shall be coated with a certificates shall be compiled in a PQT report. Unless other-
full coating system. For 3- and multi-layer systems with an wise agreed, the report shall be accepted by Purchaser prior to
innermost layer of FBE, minimum one pipe shall be coated start of production.
without adhesive to allow easy stripping of the outer PE / PP 5.3 Quality control of production
layer for verification of FBE thickness, curing of FBE and PE
/ PP ‘as-applied’ tensile properties. For qualification of CFRs, 5.3.1 Prior to start-up of regular production, Contractor shall
minimum 3 repairs shall be performed (for each repair proce- submit the following documents to Purchaser for acceptance:
dure) using the maximum allowable repair size.
— a project specific MPS updated to reflect the process
5.2.7 FJCs associated with joining of pipes or pipeline compo- parameters used during the completed PQT
nents with different coating systems shall be subject to a spe- — a project specific ‘inspection and testing plan’ (ITP) for
cific PQT. production (see 4.3.2)
— a ‘daily log’ format (see 4.7.4)
5.2.8 For FJC or CFR to cover welded or brazed connections
of galvanic anodes or other items, testing methods and accept- — a description of responsibilities of personnel involved in
ance criteria for verification of relevant properties shall be quality control.
agreed based on e.g. Purchaser’s tentative specification upon 5.3.2 The ITP shall meet the general requirements of ISO
inquiry, or Contractor’s proposal. 10005, Sec.5.10. It shall be in tabular form, defining all quality
Guidance note: control activities associated with receipt of coating materials,
Testing methods and acceptance criteria will be dependent on the surface preparation, coating application and inspection/testing
detailed design that may not be completed at the issue of inquiry. of the applied coating. The activities shall be listed in conseq-
utive order, with each activity assigned a unique number and
with reference to the applicable codes, standards and Contrac-
tor’s procedures or work instructions that shall apply for the
5.2.9 As far as is practical, qualification of offshore FJC and specific project. Furthermore, frequency and/or extent of
‘infill’ application shall utilise the same equipment and tools as inspection and testing, acceptance criteria and actions in the
on the actual vessel. Climatic effects for offshore applications case of non-conformances (NCs) shall be defined in the plan.
shall be taken into account when defining the conditions for a The ITP shall further contain a column for inspection codes,
factory PQT. Any significant differences in equipment and (e.g. inspection, witnessing and hold points) indicating the in-
tools to be used for PQT and production shall be highlighted in volvement of Contractor, Purchaser and any 3rd party. It is
the MPS for the PQT. good practice to include a reference to the applicable reporting
form or document, and to refer to the specific equipment or
5.2.10 The PQT shall demonstrate that the materials and tools to be used for verification.
application procedure used for FJC / FCR and any ‘infill’ do
not deteriorate the properties of the adjacent linepipe coating Guidance note:
(e.g. mechanical properties and adhesion to steel substrate) or It is recommended that the ITP also contains the relevant manu-
any internal pipe coating. It shall further be demonstrated that facturing steps, in addition to the inspection and testing activities,
proper adhesion is obtained at the overlap to parent coating. all in the consecutive order they occur during production. Such a
Testing methods and acceptance criteria for verification of rel- document is sometimes referred to as a ‘manufacturing and
inspection plan’ (MIP).
evant properties shall be agreed based on e.g. Purchaser’s ten-
tative specification upon inquiry or Contractor’s proposal. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
Guidance note:
Testing methods and acceptance criteria will be dependent on the 5.3.3 Unless otherwise agreed (see 1.3.4), methods and fre-
detailed design that may not be completed at the time of inquiry quency of inspection and testing, as well as acceptance criteria
issue. For the parent coating, the verification may include e.g. shall be in accordance with the applicable ‘data sheet’ in
ANNEX 1 or ANNEX 2 of this document. The following notes be included in the MPS.
apply to all ‘data sheets’:
5.4.5 Testing and certification of coating material properties
— “according to MPS / ITP” means that testing method and/ may either relate to properties of raw materials (i.e. “as deliv-
or acceptance criteria are optional to Contractor but shall ered”), or to properties of processed materials i.e. “as applied”.
be defined in the MPS / ITP In the latter case, test panels with applied coating, or specially
— “to be included” under “frequency / qualification” means prepared coating layers (i.e. without substrate) are used.
that testing shall be included during PQT
— “to be agreed” means that testing shall be carried out, and 5.4.6 Certain properties related to raw materials “as deliv-
that test method and/or acceptance criteria (as applicable) ered” for coating shall be certified per batch or lot (i.e by an
are subject to agreement. (A tentative test method and “inspection certificate” - type 3.1.B according to EN 10204, or
acceptance criterion is preferably to be specified by Pur- type 5.1.B according to ISO 10474), in accordance with sec-
chaser in inquiry and the agreed method / criterion shall be tion 2, column “Production”, of the ‘data sheet’ in ANNEX 1
included in the contract) and ANNEX 2. Contractor may specify further properties for
— “by agreement” and “agreed” testing method or accept- batchwise certification as indicated ”by agreement” in the data
ance criterion means that Purchaser may require testing, sheet (to be included in purchase document).
and/or that methods and acceptance criteria are subject to Guidance note:
agreement (to be specified by Purchaser in inquiry and
confirmed in contract). In the case of continuous production, “batches” will not apply
and a “lot” is defined, based e.g. on hours or on weight and/or
For specification of amendments and deviations to the ‘data volume of production.
sheets’, see 1.3.6. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
5.3.4 The MPS, ITP, and ‘daily log’ shall be in English unless
otherwise agreed. 5.4.7 For properties of processed “as applied” coating materi-
als, and in particular those related to long-term environmental
5.3.5 Procedures and work instructions referenced in the ITP degradation resistance, data for a representative product
shall be available to all persons concerned with the associated specification (i.e. not batch or lot specific) will normally apply
coating work and in their normal language. and a “test report” based on non-specific testing is issued (e.g.
EN 10204, Type 2.2 or ISO 10474, type 4.2). For certain coat-
5.3.6 Purchaser shall have the right to inspect any activity as- ing systems, mandatory requirements for certification of such
sociated with coating work. Purchaser shall identify any hold properties (not batch or lot specific) apply as indicated by “to
points for witnessing (see 4.8.2) in the ITP and inform Con- be included” or “to be agreed” in section 2 of the ‘data sheet’,
tractor accordingly. column “coating material qualification”, see 1.3.2. Contractor
may specify further properties for certification as indicated ”by
5.4 Coating and blasting materials agreement” in the ‘data sheet’ (to be included in purchase
document, see 1.3.4). The specified physical properties in the
5.4.1 In this subsection “coating materials” may refer to mate- data sheets should be regarded as indicative. Other values may
rials associoated with FJC, CFR and/or infill. be agreed based on project specific requirements.
5.4.2 The selection of coating materials, and the specification
of properties to be verified during qualification and produc- 5.4.8 Properties of blasting materials shall be documented
tion, shall take into account the maximum and minimum oper- (e.g. in a product data sheet for inclusion in the MPS).
ating temperature of the pipeline, and any special conditions Abrasives for stainless steel linepipe shall be based on fused
during installation. aluminium oxide, stainless steel shot or non-ferrous garnet ac-
cording to an appropriate standard.
Guidance note:
Unless included in Contractor’s scope of work, the selection of 5.4.9 Contractor shall verify that all coating materials and
generic types of coating materials (e.g. high density PE or PP) abrasives received are in accordance with the specified
shall be specified by Purchaser. (This selection is typically car- requirements in the MPS. The verification may include actual
ried out during conceptual design). testing by Contractor (or by a third party), and/or a review of
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- manufacturer’s certificates. Review of certificates and any ver-
ification testing to be performed by Contractor shall be includ-
5.4.3 Supplier specific coating materials shall be specified by ed in the ITP.
Contractor in the MPS. Purchaser may specify upon inquiry
any preferences for supplier specific coating materials. 5.4.10 Until compliance with specified requirements has been
confirmed, the coating and blasting materials received by
Guidance note: Contractor shall be kept physically separated from checked
Prior to the issue of a specific purchase order, Purchaser or Con- materials. Any materials checked and found non-conforming
tractor may choose to qualify specific coating material formula- shall be clearly marked and quarantined.
tions according to their own requirements for FJC / CFR (which
need not be project specific). Such coating qualification should 5.4.11 All materials to be used for surface preparation and
be specific to a production facility, and a defined range of pro- coating shall be contained in their original packing until use
duction process parameters. Purchaser or Contractor may require
witnessing of the coating material qualification testing, either by and shall be adequately marked, including:
himself or by a third party, or that the qualification testing shall
be performed by a third party. — manufacturer’s name and location of manufacture
— material type/designation
— batch/lot number
— weight (for materials in drums, bags or similar)
5.4.4 Coating and ‘infill’ materials shall be described by sup-
plier in specific ‘product data sheets’ (PDS), including relevant — size (for materials in rolls or similar)
properties of raw materials and processed “as applied” materi- — date of manufacturing (and shelf life, if applicable)
als, recommendations for surface preparation, application tem- — manufacturing standard (if applicable)
perature range, conditions for curing or drying, as well as — short instruction for storage and handling (including
detailed instruction for storage and handling. The PDSs shall health and safety notes).
5.4.12 Contractor shall ensure that all materials for coating face roughness (‘anchor pattern’) to meet the requirements in
and surface preparation are stored and handled so as to avoid the applicable FJC / CFR ‘data sheet’ of ANNEX 1. Any relax-
damage by the environment or other effects. Supplier’s recom- ation of these requirements based on coating material suppli-
mendations for storage and use shall be readily available for er’s recommendations shall be accepted by Purchaser.
Purchaser’s review. Materials and equipment to be used shall be described in the
5.4.13 All completed FJCs / CFRs and ‘infills’ shall be trace-
able to individual batches or lots of coating materials. 5.6.4 The blasting material and pressurised air system shall be
kept dry and free from injurious contaminants, including salts,
5.5 Initial inspection of linepipe coating and of field oil and grease. Recycled blasting material shall be checked for
joints to be coated cleanliness at regular intervals (to be specified in the ITP and
recorded in the ‘daily log’). Checking of oil contamination
5.5.1 Inspection of linepipe coating (if included in the scope shall be carried out according to ASTM D4285. Conditioning
of work) and assessment of coating damage for CFR shall be of grit during production shall be described in the MPS.
carried out as specified by Purchaser (see 1.3.3). Such inspec- Special precautions shall be taken to avoid contamination of
tion may include visual examination and/or “holiday” detec- blasting materials for stainless steel linepipe (to be specified in
tion (manual or automatic). A detailed procedure shall then be MPS).
included in the MPS.
Guidance note: 5.6.5 For stainless steel pipes, abrasives shall be based on
Characterisation of damage to the linepipe coating should distin- fused aluminium oxide, stainless steel shot or non-ferrous gar-
guish between e.g. net according to an appropriate standard. Any brushing or
grinding shall be carried out using stainless steel tools only.
a) superficial defects that can be repaired by light surface Precautions shall be taken to avoid contamination by e.g. resid-
dressing ual C-steel particles, C-steel tools and handling equipment.
b) defects with major reduction in coating thickness but with-
out exposure of bare metal (or no indication by “holiday” 5.6.6 The pipe surface shall be at least 3°C above the dew
detector) point temperature and the ambient relative humidity not
c) damage that extends down to the pipe material or an inner exceed 85% during the blast cleaning. Pre-heating is required
coating layer (indication by holiday detector). if the humidity is higher.
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 5.6.7 Dust or abrasive remains shall be removed from the pipe
surface using dry clean air, vacuum cleaning, brushing or an
equivalent technique. Compressed air quality shall be control-
5.5.2 Dimensions of parent coating cutback, chamfer geome- led (to be specified in MPS / ITP). Surface cleanliness and
try and general conditions of the parent coating in the overlap roughness shall be verified as detailed in the applicable FJC /
area shall be inspected as required to confirm suitability for the CFR ‘data sheet’ in ANNEX 1. Measurements of residual salt
specific FJC system. contamination may be performed using special proprietary
5.5.3 The girth weld and adjacent steel surface to be coated equipment if specified in the ITP, and provided that compli-
shall be subject to an initial visual examination. Any organic ance with the referenced standard can be demonstrated.
contaminants like oil and grease shall be removed by using Prepared field joints not meeting specified requirements shall
suitable solvents or detergents (type to be specified in MPS). be subject to new surface treatment. In case of failure during
Dirt or salts shall be removed by high pressure washing with fractional testing of surface treatment, the testing frequency
fresh water. Any dents, laps, weld sputter or other surface shall be increased until the efficiency of corrective actions has
defects that could deteriorate the properties of the coating shall been confirmed.
be eliminated by light grinding (“cosmetic”) only. Purchaser Guidance note:
shall be informed if any defects cannot be removed by such If salt contamination is established during production testing,
measures. measures should be taken to remove such contamination prior to
welding using washing by high-pressure fresh water.
Guidance note:
Cleaning of pipe ends from dirt and salts should be carried out by ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
the welding contactor prior to welding. Removal of weld sputter
and any other surface contaminants associated with the welding 5.6.8 Precautions shall be taken to avoid rusting and/or con-
process should also be included in welding contractor’s scope of
work. However, Contactor shall confirm that the surface is suit- tamination after completed surface preparation. The affected
able for FJC and carry out corrective measures if required. areas shall be efficiently shielded from atmospheric precipita-
tion, sea spray, etc. Requirements to maximum duration
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- between blasting and coating, and/or maximum relative hu-
midity shall be specified in the MPS / ITP.
5.6 Preparation of steel surface and linepipe coating
overlap for application of coating 5.6.9 Cleaning of the parent coating overlap area is normally
required to remove any contamination or thermal degradation
5.6.1 All surface preparation and associated inspection and of the coating surface by steel surface preparation or previous
monitoring activities shall be carried out according to the qual- handling. Such cleaning and any further mechanical prepara-
ified MPS (4.1) and the ITP (4.3.2). Methods, acceptance tion of parent coating cutback for FJC / CFR shall be specified
criteria and frequency and/or extent of inspection and testing in MPS / ITP.
shall comply with requirements given in the FJC / CFR and
infill ‘data sheets’ in ANNEX 1 and 2, respectively, and/or 5.7 Coating application
amendments in purchase documents (see 1.3.4), if applicable.
5.7.1 All work associated with coating application shall be
5.6.2 Prior to surface preparation, parent coating shall be carried out according to the qualified MPS (see 4.1 and 5.2).
shielded as required to avoid any detrimental effects of this Purchaser may specify that coating applicators shall be quali-
work. fied individually during the PQT (4.1.2). The manning of the
application crew, including any supervisor, shall not be less
5.6.3 Pipe surfaces shall be prepared for coating using blast than during the PQT, except for any activities that will not
cleaning or brushing to provide a surface cleanliness and sur- apply during production. Once the MPS has been qualified,
any changes shall be formally accepted by Purchaser through 5.8.3 Inspection and testing of coated pipes during qualifica-
a ‘concession request’ (CR). tion and production shall be carried out according to the appli-
cable methods, acceptance criteria and frequencies specified in
5.7.2 Coating application temperature, any pre-heating of the applicable FJC / CFR and/or infill data sheet, and any
coating materials, and drying or curing conditions shall com- amendments made in purchase documents (see 1.3.4). If alter-
ply with coating material suppliers’s recommendations (see native test methods are given in the data sheet and Purchaser
4.4.3) and/or the qualified MPS. has not specified any preference in purchase document (see
1.3.5), then the selection of method is optional to Contractor.
5.7.3 Parent coating shall be shielded from any detrimental
effects of preheating of steel surface and coating application. 5.8.4 Purchaser may specify testing of specific coating prop-
Direct heating of steel surface after completed surface prepa- erties by destructive testing during production. Such testing
ration, if applicable, shall be by induction heating. The applied may then be carried out on a dummy pipe piece or on an actual
frequency shall be such that adequate through-thickness-heat- field joint to be stripped and recoated (or possibly repaired if
ing is achieved. The control of heating shall ensure that any accepted by Purchaser) after testing.
accidental heating of the pipe wall to a temperature higher than
270°C is prevented. Flux shields may be required to prevent 5.8.5 Failures during testing which are obviously due to
excessive heating of parent coating by induction heating. Any defective sampling or operational errors of testing equipment
direct heating of PE / PP parent coating overlap shall be by hot may be disregarded and testing repeated on the same FJC /
air or infrared heat. Pre-heating by gas torches is not allowed, CFR.
except for FJC/CFR systems 1A and 1B.
5.7.4 Adequate shelter from rain and wind shall be provided. 5.8.6 Individual FJCs / CFRs and ‘infills’ not meeting speci-
Throughout coating application, essential parameters affecting fied criteria shall be recoated, or if possible, repaired according
the quality of the coating (e.g. steel temperature and relative to an accepted procedure (see 4.9).
humidity, pre-mixing of ‘infill’ components) shall be moni-
tored and recordings noted in the ‘daily log’ (4.8.8). Equip- 5.8.7 In case of repeated failures to meet specified require-
ment for monitoring (e.g. temperature and pressure sensors, ments, production shall be discontinued. Contractor shall then
injection flow meters.) shall be calibrated at scheduled inter- carry out an examination of the cause(s) of the failure and issue
vals as specified in the ITP (4.3.3). a ‘non-conformance report’.
5.7.5 Control of coating application parameters shall be suffi- 5.8.8 All data from inspection and testing of FJCs / CFRs and
cient to verify that individual layers of coating are applied ‘infills’, major repairs and stripping of FJC, recordings of
within the qualified temperature range and time frame for the essential operating parameters, calibration of testing and mon-
application of individual layers, in order to achieve the speci- itoring equipment and time of completed application shall be
fied coating thickness, inter-layer adhesion and other proper- noted in the ‘daily log’. The log shall be updated on a daily
ties of each layer. basis and be available for Purchaser’s review at any time dur-
Guidance note:
ing coating work.
For more complex FJC systems, this will normally require use of 5.9 Repairs and stripping
automatic control of heating and coating application.
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 5.9.1 Permissible FJC and ‘infill’ repairs, if applicable, as
well as requirements to documentation of repairs shall be
5.7.6 The design of any permanent moulds or straps for ‘infill’ agreed (see 1.3.2). All repairs shall be carried out and inspect-
shall be accepted by Purchaser. ed according to a qualified procedure (4.2).
5.8 Inspection and testing of coating 5.9.2 Stripping of unrepairable FJC for recoating shall be car-
ried out according to a procedure accepted by Purchaser. It
5.8.1 Completed FJC / CFR and ‘infills’ shall be inspected shall be demonstrated during the PQT that the stripping does
and tested according to the ITP (4.3.2). Any changes shall be not damage the adjacent linepipe coating. If heating is applied,
formally accepted by Purchaser through a ‘concession request’ the temperature control shall ensure that heating of the pipe
(CR). above 270°C is avoided.
Guidance note:
5.10 Documentation and marking
Inspection of FJC / CFR (including any ‘infill’) is to a large
extent based on visual inspection. It is essential that acceptance
criteria are defined in quantitative and objective terms as far as 5.10.1 Requirements to pipe tracking, marking and documen-
practical, based on results from the PQT and/or previous experi- tation format and schedule for supply of documentation shall
ence. Photographic documentation of acceptable contra non-ac- be specified in purchase document, as applicable.
ceptable defects may be helpful.
5.10.2 For documentation to be submitted by Contractor prior
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- to start of coating activities, including the PQT, reference is
made to 5.1 to 5.3.
5.8.2 Purchaser shall be allowed to witness all inspection and/
or testing. For any special hold points identified by Purchaser 5.10.3 Results from inspection and testing during qualifica-
(see 4.3.6), Contractor shall give adequate notice for Purchaser tion and production shall be documented and be traceable to
to arrange for witnessing. Purchaser may further specify that unique pipe numbers and individual coating material batches
each FJC / CFR shall be formally accepted by an inspector of or lots. For specific requirements to the ’daily log’, see 4.8.8.
his choice.
Guidance note: 5.10.4 After completed work, Contractor shall issue an
Purchaser should consider the needs and benefits of carrying out inspection document corresponding to the requirements given
quality surveillance during production, either as single audits or in EN 10204 inspection certificate 3.1.B, or ISO 10474 inspec-
continuous presence by trained and qualified inspectors. tion certificate 5.1.B. The document shall contain all results
from inspection and testing, coating material certificates, and
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- records from any repairs and recoating.
1 Coating Configuration
Dual layer tape with bitumenous adhesive, Typical as-applied thickness, 1.5-2.5 mm
overlap min. 25 mm
2 Coating Materials
2.1 Inner layer (bituminous adhesive type), as-supplied property
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency of testing
to be tested Coating Material Production
Thickness according to CDS min. 1.0 mm to be included each batch/lot
Softening point (ring and ball) ASTM D36 min. 105°C to be included by agreement
Lap shear strength at 20°C ASTM D1002 min. 3 N/mm2 to be included by agreement
at max. operating temperature by agreement by agreement by agreement
2.2. Outer layer (PVC/PE), as-supplied property
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency of testing
to be tested Coating Material Production
Thickness according to CDS min. 1.0 mm to be included each batch/lot
Tensile strength at 20°C EN 12068, Annex A min. 15 N/mm2 to be included each batch/lot
Tensile strength at max. operating or by agreement by agreement by agreement
temperature ASTM D638
Elongation at break EN 12068, Annex E or min. 200% to be included each batch/lot
Thermal degradation EN 12068, Annex E or tensile properties as above to by agreement not applicable
ASTM D638 be met after 30 days at
150 °C
Specific electrical insulation resist- EN 12068, Annex J by agreement by agreement not applicable
Microbiological resistance EN 12068, Annex M by agreement by agreement not applicable
1 Coating Configuration
Heat shrink sleeve with bitumenous adhesive Typical as-applied thickness, 1.5-2.5 mm
2 Coating Materials
2.1 Inner Layer (bituminous adhesive), as-supplied property
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency of testing
to be tested Coating Material Production
Thickness according to CDS min. 1.0 mm to be included each batch/lot
Softening point, ring and ball ASTM D36 min. 105°C to be included by agreement
Lap shear strength, EN 12068 ≥150 N/cm2 not applicable every batch/lot
at room temperature
2.2. Outer Layer (PE backing), as-supplied property
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency of testing
to be tested Coating Material Production
Thickness according to CDS min. 1.0 mm to be included each batch/lot
Tensile strength at 23°C EN 12068, Annex A or min. 15 N/mm2 to be included each batch/lot
Tensile strength at max. operating EN 12068, Annex E or by agreement by agreement by agreement
temperature ASTM D638
Elongation at break EN 12068, Annex E or min. 200% to be included each batch/lot
Thermal degradation EN 12068, Annex E or tensile properties as by agreement by agreement
ASTM D638 above to be met after
30 days at 150°C
Specific electrical insulation resist- EN 12068, Annex J by agreement by agreement by agreement
Microbiological resistance EN 12068, Annex M by agreement by agreement by agreement
3 Surface Preparation, Coating Application and Final Inspection / Testing
3.1 Surface Preparation
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency of testing
to be tested PQT Production
Initial steel surface condition visual examination dry and free from con- to be included every FJ
tamination (oil, grease,
etc.) and surface de-
Steel surfcae temperature and relative according to MPS/ITP min. 3°C above dew to be included minimum once per hour
humidity point
Salt contaminnation after brush or ISO 8501-2 and ISO 8502- max. 30 mg NaCl/m2 to be included first FJ per shift, then every
blast cleaning (FJC only) 6 or other 10th
agreed method
Steel surface cleanliness ISO 8501-1 Sa 2 ½ or St 3 to be included every pipe
Steel surface cleanliness ISO 8502-3 rating max. 2 to be included first FJ per shift, then every
Linepipe coating condition visual examination according to MPS/ITP to be included every FJ
(overlap area)
3.2 Coating Application and Final Testing
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency of testing
to be tested PQT Production
Pre-heat temperature according to ITP according to ITP to be included every FJ
General appearance of FJC visual examination according to ITP to be included every FJ
Parent coating overlap ruler minimum 50 mm to be included every FJ
Thickness according to ITP min. 1.5 mm to be included first FJ per shift, then every
(min. 0.6 mm on top of 10th
weld bead)
Holiday detection NACE RP0274 no indication at 5 kV + to be included every FJ
5 kV/mm
(max. 15 kV)
Adhesion to steel substrate EN 12068, Annex C or min. 15 N/cm to be included by agreement
at 23°C ASTM D1000
Adhesion to steel substrate by agreement by agreement by agreement
at max. operating temperature
1 Coating Configuration
Liquid epoxy (heat cured) min. 100 µm, (max. value to be agreed for inclusion in ITP)
Polyethylene adhesive layer min. 1.5 mm
Polyethylene outer sheath (backing) layer min. 1.0 mm
Total thickness (as applied) min. 2.5 mm
2 Coating Materials
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency of testing
to be tested Coating Material Production
2.1.1 LE material, raw material
Viscosity of base and hardener ISO 2655 according to PDS not applicable every batch/lot
Volume solids of the base and hard- ISO 1515 according to PDS not applicable every batch/lot
2.1.2 LE material,
processed (as-applied) material
not applicable
2.2.1 PE sleeve adhesive layer,
as-supplied property
Density ASTM D792 0.91-0.95 not applicable every batch/lot
Lap shear strength, EN 12068 ≥100 N/cm2 not applicable every batch/lot
at room temperature
at max. operating temperature ≥5 N/cm2 not applicable every batch/lot
Softening point ASTM E28 min. 90°C HOLD by agreement by agreement
Viscosity change (250 hrs at max. ASTM D1084 <15% by agreement by agreement
operating temperature +10°C)
2.2.2 PE sleeve outer layer,
as-supplied property
Density ASTM D792 0.91-0.95 kg/dm3 not applicable every batch/lot
Melt flow index/rate ISO 1133 or according to PDS not applicable every batch/lot
ASTM D1238
Melting point by DSC ASTM D3418 ≥110°C by agreement by agreement
Hardness ASTM D785 or ≥48 Shore D to be included by agreement
ISO 868
Tensile properties, ASTM D638 tensile strength at yield to be included by agreement
room temperature ≥20 MPa
elongation at break
Flexural modulus ASTM D790 or ISO 178 ≥700 MPa by agreement not applicable
Brittleness temperature ASTM D746 <-20°C by agreement not applicable
UV resistance EN 12068, Annex F or by agreement (ISO) or by agreement not applicable
ISO 4892-2 or according to standard)
DIN 30670 or
Fungi resistance ASTM G21 or according to standard by agreement not applicable
EN 12068, Annex M
Bacteria resistance ASTM G22 or according to standard by agreement not applicable
EN 12068, Annex M
Water absorption ASTM D570 or <0.5% per 24 hours by agreement not applicable
ISO 817
Water vapour permeability ASTM E96 <0.5 g/m2 per 24 hours by agreement not applicable
(as transmission rate) per mm
Volume resistivity ASTM D257 ≥1016 ohm cm by agreement not applicable
Dielectric strength ASTM D149 ≥25 kV/mm by agreement not applicable
Steel surface, final condition visual examination free from surface de- to be included every FJ and repair
Salt contamination after blast clean- ISO 8502-02, -6 or max. 20 mg NaCl/m2 to be included first FJ/repair per shift,
ing agreed method then every 10th
Surface cleanliness ISO 8501-1 A/B ≥ Sa 2 ½. to be included first FJ/repair per shift,
then every 10th
Surface cleanliness ISO 8502-3 rating max. 2 to be included first FJ/repair per shift,
then every 10th
Surface roughness ISO 8503-4 Rz min. 40 µm; max. to be included first FJ/repair per shift,
100 µm then every 10th
Checking of blasting materials according to MPS/ITP according to ITP to be included according to ITP/MPS
Parent coating (overlap), according to MPS/ITP according to ITP to be included every FJ and repair
initial condition
Parent coating (overlap), according to MPS/ITP according to ITP to be included every FJ and repair
final condition
3.2 Coating Application and Final Testing
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency of testing
to be tested PQT Production
3.2.1 LE layer
Steel surface temperature according to MPS/ITP according to ITP to be included every FJ and repair
Epoxy material temperature according to MPS/ITP according to ITP to be included first FJ/repair per shift,
then every 10th
Appearance of coating visual examination to be included every FJ and repair
Coating thickness according to MPS/ITP min. 100 µm to be included not applicable
3.2.2 Full Layer
Parent coating (overlap) tempera- according to MPS/ITP min. according to ITP to be included every FJ and repair
ture max. 110°C
General appearance visual examination according to ITP to be included every FJ and repair
Parent coating overlap ruler minimum 50 mm to be included every FJ and repair
Thickness according to ITP according to ITP to be included first FJ/repair per shift,
then every 10th
Holiday detection NACE RP0274, no holidays to be included, every pipe,
5 kV + 5 kV/mm nominal 100% surface area 100% surface area
thickness, max. 25 kV, 200- (visual/accoustic alarm
300 mm/s or function)
NF A 49-711
Thickness according toMPS/ITP according to purchase to be included, cov- according to ITP
(method to be agreed) order and ITP erage to be defined (frequency and location to
for PQT be agreed)
Adhesion to steel substrate EN 12068, Annex C or min. 3N/cm to be included by agreement
(peel strength), other agreed procedure
at max. operating temperature
Adhesion to parent coating EN 12068, Annex C or oth- min. 3N/cm to be included by agreement
at max. operating temperature er agreed procedure
Hardness ISO 868 ≥48 Shore D to be included by agreement
Impact resistance, EN 12068, Annex H or oth- >15 J to be included by agreement
at room temperature er agreed procedure
at max. operating temperature by agreement by agreement by agreement
Indentation resistance, EN 12068, Annex G or oth- >0.6 mm remaining to be included by agreement
at max. operating temperature er agreed procedure thickness
Cathodic disbonding, EN 12068, Annex K or max. 7 mm disbonding, to be included by agreement
at room temperature or at 65°C ASTM G8 or 48 hrs at 65°C or 28
GBE/CW6 or days at room tempera-
other agreed procedure ture
at max. operating temperature, if by agreement by agreement by agreement
higher than 65°C
Hot water soak test GBE/CW6 max. 4 mm disbonding, to be included by agreement
Part 1, App. E 7 days at 80°C or at
(modified, cut edges freely max. opertaing
exposed) or agreed proce- temperature if higher
dure than 80°C
Thermal degradation resistance EN 12068, Annex E by agreemennt by agreemennt by agreemennt
1 Coating Configuration
Liquid epoxy (heat cured) min. 100 µm, (max. value to be agreed for inclusion in ITP)
Polypropylene adhesive layer min. 1.5 mm
Polypropylene outer sheath (backing) layer min. 1.0 mm
Total thickness min. 2.5 mm
2 Coating Materials
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency of testing
to be tested Coating Material Production
2.1.1 LE material,
raw material property
Viscosity of base and hardener ISO 2655 according to PDS not applicable every batch/lot
Volume solids of the base and hard- ISO 1515 according to PDS not applicable every batch/lot
2.1.2 LE material,
processed (as-applied) material
not applicable
2.2.1 PP sleeve adhesive layer,
as-supplied property
Density ASTM D792 0.91-0.94 kg/dm3 not applicable every batch/lot
Melt flow index ASTM D1238 according to PDS not applicable every batch/lot
Melting point ASTM D3418 140-150°C by agreement by agreement
Thermostabilisation ASTM D3895 by agreement by agreement by agreement
Lap shear strength, EN 12068 500 N/cm2 not applicable every batch/lot
at room temperature
at 110°C 100 N/cm2 not applicable every batch/lot
2.2.2 PP sleeve outer layer,
as-supplied property
Density ASTM D792 0.91-0.94 kg/dm3 not applicable every batch/lot
Melt flow index/rate ISO 1133 or according to PDS not applicable every batch/lot
ASTM D1238
Hardness ASTM D785 or ≥60 Shore D to be included by agreement
ISO 868
Tensile properties, ASTM D638 tensile strength at yield to be included by agreement
at room temperature ≥25 MPa
elongation at break
at max. operating temperature by agreement by agreement by agreement
Melting point ISO 3146 ≥150°C by agreement by agreement
Thermostabilisation ASTM D3895 by agreement by agreement by agreement
Flexural modulus ASTM D790 or ISO 178 ≥650 MPa by agreement not applicable
Brittleness temperature ASTM D746 <-20°C by agreement not applicable
UV resistance EN 12068, Annex F or according to standard by agreement not applicable
ISO 4892-2 or
DIN 30670
Abrasion resistance ASTM D4060 or by agreement by agreement not applicable
DIN 53516
Fungi resistance ASTM G21 or according to standard by agreement not applicable
EN 12068, Annex M
Bacteria resistance ASTM G22or according to standard by agreement not applicable
EN 12068, Annex M
Water absorption ASTM D570 or <0.5% per 24 hours by agreement not applicable
ISO 817
Water vapour permeability ASTM E 96 <0.2 g/m2 per 24 hours by agreement not applicable
(as transmission rate) per mm
Volume resistivity ASTM D 257 ≥1013 ohm cm by agreement not applicable
Dielectric strength ASTM D 149 ≥25 kV/mm by agreement not applicable
1 Coating Configuration
Epoxy layer FBE: min. 350 µm, max. 500 µm
LE: min. 100 µm, (max. thickness to be agreed)
2 Coating Materials
Item / Property
to be tested Test method Acceptance criteria Coating Material Production
2.1.1 FBE material,
raw material property
Density ISO 2811 according to PDS not applicable every batch/lot
Particle size according to PDS according to PDS not applicable every batch/lot
Max. moisture content according to PDS according to PDS not applicable every batch/lot
Gel time ISO 8130-6 according to PDS not applicable every batch/lot
Thermal analysis NF A 49-711 or according to PDS not applicable by agreement
GBE/CW6 part 1, App. A
Infrared scan by agreement by agreement by agreement by agreement
2.1.2 FBE material,
processed (as-applied)
Glass transition temper- by agreement min. 95°C and min. 5°C above to be included not applicable
ature pipeline max. operating tem-
Water resistance ASTM D870, no blistering, to be included not applicable
3000 hrs at 85°C or loss of hardness <10%
1 Coating Configuration
Epoxy layer FBE: min. 350 µm, max. 500 µm
PE sleeve PE: min. 2.0 mm
2 Coating Materials
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency
Coating Material Production
2.1.1 FBE material,
raw material property
As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet 3A, As for Data Sheet
3A, 2.1.1 3A, 2.1.1 2.1.1 3A, 2.1.1
2.2.1 PE sleeve adhesive layer, as-
supplied property
As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet
2A, 2.2.1 2A, 2.2.1 2A, 2.2.1 2A, 2.2.1
2.2.3 PE sleeve outer layer,
as-supplied property
As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet
2A, 2.2.2 2A, 2.2.2 2A, 2.2.2 2A, 2.2.2 2A, 2.2.2
3 Surface Preparation, Coating Application and Final Inspection / Testing
3.1 Surface Preparation
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency
PQT Production
As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet
3A, 3.1 3A, 3.1 3A, 3.1 3A, 3.1 3A, 3.1
3.2 Coating Application and Final Testing
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency
PQT Production
3.2.1 FBE layer
As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet
3A, 3.2 3A, 3.2 3A, 3.2 3A, 3.2 3A, 3.2
3.2.2 Full layer
As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet
2A, 3.2.2 2A, 3.2.2 2A, 3.2.2 2A, 3.2.2 2A, 3.2.2
“according to ITP”, “to be included”, “to be agreed” and “by agreement” are explained in 5.3.3
1 Coating Configuration
Epoxy layer FBE: min. 350 µm, max. 500 µm
PP sleeve PP: min. 2.0 mm
2 Coating Materials
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Coating Material Production
2.1.1 FBE material,
raw material property
As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet
3A, 2.1.1 3A, 2.1.1 3A, 2.1.1 3A, 2.1.1
2.2.1 PP sleeve adhesive layer,
as-supplied property
As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet
2B, 2.2.1 2B, 2.2.1 2B, 2.2.1 2B, 2.2.1
2.2.3 PP sleeve outer layer,
as-supplied property
As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet As for Data Sheet
2B, 2.2.2 2B, 2.2.2 2B, 2.2.2 2B, 2.2.2 2B, 2.2.2
1 Coating Configuration
Epoxy layer FBE: min. 350 µm, max. 500 µm
Ahesive (modified PP) layer acc. to MPS/ITP
Total thickness min. 3.0 mm
2 Coating Materials
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Coating Material Production
2.1.1 FBE material,
raw material property
as for Data Sheet as for Data Sheet as for Data Sheet as for Data Sheet as for Data Sheet
3A, 2.1.1 3A, 2.1.1 3A, 2.1.1 3A, 2.1.1 3A, 2.1.1
2.1.2 FBE material,
processed (as-applied) property
as for Data Sheet as for Data Sheet as for Data Sheet as for Data Sheet as for Data Sheet
3A, 2.1.1 3A, 2.1.1 3A, 2.1.1 3A, 2.1.1 3A, 2.1.1
2.2.1 PP adhesive material,
raw material property
Density ISO 1183 according to PDS not applicable every batch
Particle size (for spraying) According to PDS according to PDS not applicable every batch
Melt flow index/rate ISO 1133 or according to PDS not applicable every batch
ASTM D1238
Softening point (Vicat) ISO 1306 or according to PDS not applicable every batch
ASTM D1525
2.2.2 PP adhesive material,
as-applied property
Tensile properties, ISO 527 Tensile strength by agreement not applicable
room temperature ASTM D638 ≥12 MPa
elongation at break
Flexural modulus ASTM D790 ≥450 MPa by agreement not applicable
2.2.3 PP material,
raw material property
Density ISO 1183 >0.89 kg/dm3 not applicable every batch/lot
Melt flow index/rate ISO 1133 or according to PDS not applicable every batch/lot
ASTM D1238
Softening point (Vicat) ISO 306 or ASTM ≥120°C not applicable every batch/lot
Melting point ISO 3146 ≥150°C not applicable by agreement
Thermo stabilisation ASTM D3895 by agreement by agreement by agreement
2.3.4 PP material,
as-applied property
Hardness ASTM D785 or ≥60 Shore D to be included by agreement
ISO 868
Impact resistance NF A 49-711 according to standard to be included not applicable
Izod impact, ASTM D256 by agreement by agreement by agreement
room temperature
Tensile properties, ASTM D638 tensile strength at yield to be included by agreement
room temperature ≥20 MPa
elongation at break
Indentation NF A 49-711 max. 0.3 mm at 20°C to be included not applicable
max. 0.5 mm at 110°C
Flexural modulus ASTM D790 or ISO 178 ≥700MPa by agreement not applicable
Brittleness temperature ASTM D746 <-20°C by agreement not applicable
Thermal degradation resistance NF A 49-711 ≥100 days to be included not applicable
UV resistance ISO 4892-2 or by agreement (ISO) or by agreement not applicable
NF A 49-711 according to standard
Abrasion resistance ASTM D4060 or by agreement by agreement not applicable
DIN 53516
Fungi resistance ASTM G21 no growth by agreement not applicable
Bacteria resistance ASTM G22 no growth by agreement not applicable
1 Coating Configuration
Primer Type and thickness according to ITP
Polychloreprene Thickness to be agreed (typically as for linepipe coating)
2 Coating Materials
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Coating Material Production
2.1 Primer material
According to ITP according to ITP according to ITP to be included every batch/lot
2.2 Polychloroprene material
Rheometer curve ASTM D2084 according to ITP to be included every batch/lot
Hardness ISO 7619 or 56-68 Shore A to be included every batch/lot
ASTM D2240
Density ISO 2781 or 1.40 – 1.70 kg/dm3 to be included every batch/lot
BS 903 Part A1
Tensile strength ISO 37 min. 11 MPa to be included 1/20 batch/lot or by
Elongation at break ISO 37 min. 350% to be included 1/20 batch/lot or by
Compression set ISO 815 max. 20% at 60°C or to be included 1/20 batch/lot or by
max. 30% at 70°C agreement
Tear strength ISO 34 min. 20 N/mm to be included by agreement
Accelerated ageing ISO 188 according to ITP/MPS to be included not applicable
Ozone resistance ISO 1431 or by agreement by agreement not applicable
ASTM D1149
Seawater absorption ISO 1817 by agreement by agreement not applicable
Abrasion resistance DIN 53516 by agreement by agreement not applicable
Volume resistivity ASTM D257 by agreement by agreement not applicable
Thermal conductivity by agreement by agreement by agreement not applicable
Penetration ASTM G17 by agreement by agreement not applicable
3 Surface Preparation, Coating Application and Final Inspection / Testing
3.1 Surface Preparation
Properties Test method Acceptance criteria
PQT Production
Initial surface condition visual examination free from surface con- to be included every pipe,
tamination, temporary 100% surface area
corrosion protection and
Pipe temperature and relative hu- according to ITP pipe temperature min. to be included minimum once per hour
midity 3°C above dew point
Salt contamination after blast ISO 8502-6 max. 20 mg NaCl/m2 to be included first pipe and every 10th
cleaning pipe
Surface cleanliness ISO 8501-1 A/B ≥ Sa 2 ½. to be included every pipe
Roughness ISO 8503-2 grade Medium (G) to be included every pipe
Final surface condition visual examination free from surface defects to be included every pipe
100% surface area
3.2 Coating Application and Final Testing
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria
PQT Production
3.2.1 Primer Layer
Ambient temperature and humidi- according to ITP min. 15°C and to be included every hour
ty max. 75%
Pipe temperature according to ITP min. 3°C above dew to be included every hour
Surface appearance prior to coat- according to ITP according to ITP to be included every FJ
Primer appearance visual inspection according to ITP to be included every FJ
Primer thickness according to ITP according to ITP to be included every 10th FJ
3.2.2 Polychloroprene layer
Surface appearance prior to according to ITP according to ITP to be included every FJ
FJC Data Sheet No. 4: Polychloroprene (or “Vulcanised Rubber”) Coating (Continued)
Wrapping appearance visual inspection according to ITP to be included every FJ
(prior to vulcanising)
Vulcanising temperature and according to ITP according to ITP to be included every FJ, continuous
pressure monitoring and record-
Vulcanised coating appearance visual inspection according to ITP to be included every pipe,
100% surface area
Coating layer thickness ISO 2187 according to ITP to be included every pipe,
3x4 locations (90° apart)
Holiday detection BS 6374 according to ITP to be included every pipe,
100% surface area
Adhesion (peel strength) to steel ISO 813 or according to ITP to be included by agreement
substrate BS 6374
at room temperature
at max. operating temperature by agreement by agreement not applicable
Adhesion to parent coating to be agreed to be agreed to be agreed not applicable
Hardness ISO 7619 or according to ITP to be included by agreement
ASTM D2240
Bending resistance by agreement by agreement by agreement not applicable
Cathodic disbonding by agreement by agreement by agreement not applicable
“according to ITP”, “to be included”, “to be agreed” and “by agreement” are explained in 5.3.3
2 Coating Materials
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency
Coating Material Production
2.1 Bitumen
Content according to MPS/ITP according to MPS/ITP by agreement every batch/lot
Flash point ISO 13736 min. 260°C by agreement every batch/lot
Density BS 4147 Appendix C according to BS4147 Table by agreement every batch/lot
Softening point EN 1426 according to BS4147 Table by agreement every batch/lot
2.2 Filler and Aggregate
Content(s) according to MPS/ITP according to MPS/ITP by agreement every batch/lot
Finess according to MPS/ITP according to MPS/ITP by agreement every batch/lot
3 Application and Final Inspection Testing
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency
PQT Production
Application temperature according to MPS/ITP according to MPS/ITP by agreement every joint
Visual appearance according to MPS/ITP according to MPS/ITP by agreement every joint
Density according to MPS/ITP according to MPS/ITP by agreement by agreement
Full scale bending test, by agreement by agreement; by agreement not applicable
at room temperature (e.g. no cracking or dis-
bonding at strain exceeding
max. strain during installa-
tion by 30%, see 4.2.12)
at installation temperature by agreement by agreement; by agreement not applicable
(e.g. no cracking or dis-
bonding at strain exceeding
max. strain during installa-
tion by 30%, and at 5°C be-
low min. installation
temperature, see 4.2.12)
Impact resistance (full joint) by agreement by agreement by agreement not applicable
“according to ITP”, “to be included”, “to be agreed” and “by agreement” are explained in 5.3.3
2 Coating Materials
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency
Coating Material Production
2.1 PP material, raw material
as for FJC Data Sheet as for FJC Data Sheet 2B, 2.2.3 as for FJC Data Sheet as for FJC Data Sheet
2B, 2.2.3 2B, 2.2.3 2B, 2.2.3
2.1 PP material, as-applied
as for FJC Data Sheet as for FJC Data Sheet 2B, 2.2.4 as for FJC Data Sheet as for FJC Data Sheet
2B, 2.2.4 2B, 2.2.4 2B, 2.2.4
3 Application and Final Inspection Testing
Item / Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency
PQT Production
Visual appearance according to MPS/ according to MPS/ITP to be included every joint
Hardness ISO 868 ≥60 Shore D to be included not applicable
Indentation resistance, NF A 49-711 or max. 0.10 mm, 23°C to be included first pipe for each PP
at 23°C and at 110°C DIN 30670/30678 max. 1.0 mm, 110°C batch
Full scale bending test, by agreement by agreement; by agreement not applicable
at room temperature (e.g. no cracking or disbonding
at strain exceeding max. strain
during installation by 30%, see
at installation temperature by agreement by agreement; by agreement not applicable
(e.g. no cracking or disbonding
at strain exceeding max. strain
during installation by 30%, and
at 5°C below min. installation
temperature, see 4.2.12)
Impact resistance (full joint) by agreement by agreement by agreement not applicable
“according to ITP”, “to be included”, “to be agreed” and “by agreement” are explained in 5.3.3
Table 8-2 Example of Purchaser specification of amendments and/or deviations to FJC / CFR (ANNEX 1 Data Sheet No. 3D) and to
infill (ANNEX 2) data sheets of this RP, see paragraph 1.3.6.
CDS Property or Test Property / Test Amendment Description
ref. related to: or Deviation
2.1.1 Infrared scan (FBE) Coating material batch/lot Amendment Testing of each lot/batch to be included (EN 10474,
2.2). Each lot max. 10 tonnes
2.1.2 Water resistance (FBE) Coating material qualifica- Amendment Compliance with GBE-CW6 Part 1, App. A to be cer-
tion tified
2.3.2 Hardness Coating material Amendment Testing of each batch/lot to be included (EN 10474,
(PP) batch/lot 3.1.B). ISO 868; 60 Shore D
3.1 Salt contamination Production Deviation No testing required for production (i.e. PQT only)
3.2.3 Bending test PQT Amendment One coated field joint to be tested according to Pur-
(full layer) chaser procedure
3.2.3 Cathodic disbondment PQT Amendment Testing at 100°C/48 hours according to Purchaser ap-
test proved procedure. Max. 7 mm disbondment.