Implementation & Evaluation of 802.11 Wireless Lans: Student'S Copy Written Nov 2008

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11 Wireless LANs

BEng Mobile/Digital Communication Networks Lab

Implementation & Evaluation of 802.11 Wireless LANs

Students copy written Nov 2008

School of Electronic, Communication & Electrical University of Hertfordshire

802.11 Wireless LANs

BEng Mobile/Digital Communication Networks Lab

Table of contents
3 ............................................................................................ INTRODUCTION 3 ........................................................................... BACKGROUND READING 3 ...................................................................................... 802.11 NETWORKS 4 ........................................................................................... PHYSICAL LAYER 4 ........................................................................................................MAC LAYER 5 .......................................... 802.11 MAC LAYER FUNCTIONS 8 ........................... WIRELESS LANS COVERAGE AND CONNECTIONS 8 ............................................ IDENTIFYING 802.11 NETWORKS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED..................................................................... MMM 10 ............. MEASURING THROUGHPUT VS. LOCATION 3.1 3.2 3.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 1 2

12 ............................................................................................................ TOPICS FOR DISCUSSIONS BANDWIDTH AND DELAY 3.4 ESTIMATIONS OF A WIRELESS LINK 13 14 ........................................................................................................... CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION

802.11 Wireless LANs

BEng Mobile/Digital Communication Networks Lab

1 Introduction
A wireless local area network (LAN) is a flexible data communication system implemented as an alternative or extension for a wired LAN. By utilising radio frequency technology, wireless LANs transmit and receive data via the air, allowing for minimising the need for wired connections. Consequently, wireless LANs

combine data connectivity with user mobility. Wireless LANs have gained strong popularity at homes and industries, due to their capability to deliver broadband services with minimum deployment costs. Wireless LANs offer the following efficiency, convenience, and cost advantages over traditional wired networks: Mobility: Wireless LAN systems can provide users with access to real-time information anywhere in their homes and organisations. This mobility supports

productivity and service opportunities not possible with wired networks. Installation speed and simplicity: Installing a wireless LAN system can be fast and easy and can eliminate the need to deploy cables through walls and ceilings. Cost effectiveness: While the initial investment required for wireless LAN hardware can be higher than the cost of wired LAN hardware, overall installation expenses and life-cycle costs can be significantly lower. Long-term cost benefits are greatest in dynamic environments requiring frequent moves and changes. Scalability: Wireless LAN systems can be configured in a variety of topologies to meet the needs of specific applications and installations. Configurations are easily changed and range from peer-to-peer networks (Ad-hoc) suitable for a small number of users to full Infrastructure networks of thousands of users that enable roaming over a broad area.

2 Background information
2.1 802.11 Networks
IEEE 802.11 is limited in scope to the Physical (PHY) layer and Medium Access Control (MAC) sub-layer. As shown in Fig.1, 802.11 networks may operate in either Ad-hoc or Infrastructure-based modes. In the former, wireless stations communicate with each other directly or when no direct link is feasible between two stations, a third station may act as a relay. In the latter, an access point (AP) serves as a local bridge,

802.11 Wireless LANs

BEng Mobile/Digital Communication Networks Lab

where stations communicate via the AP that relays packets to/from stations. The Access point is not mobile and is connected to a wired backbone.

Fig 1 Ad-hoc and infrastructure wireless networks

2.2 Physical layer

IEEE 802.11 provides two varieties of physical layer (PHY) multiplexing techniques in the band ranging from 2.4 MHz to 2.483 MHz. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) and Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) are the technologies which have been commonly designed to operate in the 2.4GHz band. Frequency-hopping spread-spectrum (FHSS) utilises 79 narrowband carriers that alter their frequency according to a pattern known to both the transmitter and receiver, allowing to maintain a single logical wireless channel. However, an unintended receiver will treat the signal as short-duration impulse noise. Direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DSSS) generates a redundant bit pattern for each bit to be transmitted. This bit pattern is called a chip or chipping code. The longer the chip, the greater the probability that the original data can be recovered, however results in increased bandwidth. Even if one or more bits in the chip are damaged during transmission, statistical techniques embedded in the radio can recover the original data without the need for retransmission. To an unintended receiver, DSSS appears as low-power wideband noise that is rejected by most narrowband receivers.

2.3 MAC layer

The basic access method for 802.11 is the carrier sense multiple access/collision avoidance (CSMA/CA). This requires each station to listen for other users and consequently transmit only if the wireless medium is idle. However if it is busy, each station waits until transmission stops by entering into a random back-off procedure. 4

802.11 Wireless LANs

BEng Mobile/Digital Communication Networks Lab

This prevents multiple stations from seizing the medium immediately after completion of the preceding transmission. Packet reception is acknowledged by the receiving station. The fundamental assumption is that every station can hear all other stations. However, as shown in Fig. 3, this is not always the case. In the figure, the AP is within range of the STA-A, but STA-B is out of range. STA-B would not be able to detect transmissions from STA-A, also referred as the Hidden Node and the probability of collision is greatly increased.

Fig 2

To combat this problem, a second carrier sense mechanism is available. Virtual Carrier Sense enables a station to reserve the medium for a specified period of time through the use of RTS/CTS frames. As shown in the figure, STA-A sends an RTS frame to the AP. The RTS will not be heard by STA-B. The RTS frame contains a duration/ID field which specifies the period of time for which the medium is reserved for a subsequent transmission. Upon receipt of the RTS, the AP responds with a CTS frame, which also contains a duration/ID field specifying the period of time for which the medium is reserved. Thus, collision is avoided even though some nodes are hidden from other stations. The RTS/CTS procedure is invoked according to a user specified parameter.

2.4 802.11 MAC Layer Functions

The following summarises primary 802.11 MAC functions, particularity related to Infrastructure wireless LANs:

802.11 Wireless LANs

BEng Mobile/Digital Communication Networks Lab

2.4.1 Scanning
The 802.11 standard defines passive and active scanning methods by which station scans individual channels to find APs. In passive scanning the station scans individual channels to find the best access point signal. The access points periodically

broadcasts a beacon, and the station receives these beacons while scanning and takes note of the corresponding signal strengths. The beacons contain information about the access point, including service set identifier (SSID), supported data rates, etc. The station can use this information along with the signal strength to compare access points and decide upon which one to use. Passive scanning is mandatory. In active scanning the station initiates the process by broadcasting a probe frame and all APs within range respond with a probe response. Active scanning enables a station to receive immediate response from APs without waiting for a beacon transmission. This method however imposes additional overhead on the network due to the transmission of probe and corresponding response frames.

2.4.2 Authentication
Authentication is the process of proving identity, for which the 802.11 standard specifies two forms: Open system authentication and shared key authentication. Open system authentication is mandatory, including a two step process. A station first initiates the process by sending an authentication request frame to the AP. Subsequently, the access point replies with an authentication response frame containing approval or disapproval of authentication indicated in the status code field in the frame body. Shared key authentication is an optional four step process that bases authentication on whether the authenticating device has the correct wired equivalent privacy (WEP) or WiFi protected access (WPA) keys. The station starts by sending an authentication request frame to the AP. The AP then places challenge text into the frame body of a response frame and sends it to the station. The station uses its key to encrypt the challenge text and then sends it back to the access point in another authentication frame. The AP decrypts the challenge text and compares it to the initial text. If the text is equivalent, the access point assumes that the station has the correct key. The AP finishes the sequence by sending an authentication frame to the station with the approval or disapproval.

802.11 Wireless LANs

BEng Mobile/Digital Communication Networks Lab

2.4.3 Association
Once authenticated, the station must associate with the AP before sending data frames. Association is necessary to synchronise the station and AP with important information, such as supported data rates. The station initiates the association by sending an association request frame containing elements such as SSID and supported data rates. The access point responds by sending an association response frame containing an association ID along with other information regarding the AP. Once the stations wireless network interface card (NIC) and access point complete the association process they can send data frames to each other.

2.4.4 Fragmentation
The optional fragmentation function enables an 802.11 station to divide data packets into smaller frames. This is done to avoid needing to retransmit large frames in the presence of interference. The bits errors resulting from interference are likely to affect a single frame, and it requires less overhead to retransmit a smaller frame rather than a larger one. As with RTS/CTS, users can generally set a maximum frame length threshold whereby the station will activate fragmentation. If the frame size is larger than the threshold, the station will break the packet into multiple frames, with each frame no larger than the threshold value.

2.4.5 References
1. "IEEE 802.11 standard" on 2. Jim Zyren and Al Petrick, IEEE 802.11 Tutorial, White Papers, Terabeam Wireless, 2004. 3. "WLANA - The Learning Zone for Wireless Networking",, 2006 4. Proxim, Inc,What is a Wireless LAN? , White Papers, Mar 1998,

802.11 Wireless LANs

BEng Mobile/Digital Communication Networks Lab

3 Wireless LANs coverage and connections

3.1 Identifying 802.11 networks
The aim of this initial part of the experiment is to detect 802.11 networks around the College Lane Campus. To do so, view the available wireless network connections using NETGEAR WPN311 Smart Wizard utility. In the utility click on the network tab to scan for wireless networks in range. Study the list and record the available access points only in Table 1, according to their name (SSID), access point physical address (MAC), channel used, security enabled (WEP) and signal quality.





Signal strength

Table 1 Available access points

Once you have listed and studied all available networks, note the networks named MiniX. These are the networks that will be used for this laboratory; wait to be told which network you will be using.

3.2 MAC layer mechanism for joining a network

This part focuses on a number of simple procedures aimed at to observe the various MAC layer mechanisms involved in the sequence of events taking place in bringing a wireless station onto the 802.11 network. For that you will look the sequence of events that take place as wireless stations connect to a wireless network. You will observe the different management, control and data frames of the MAC layer and frame sequences in this regard. The experiment requires the sniffing of packets/frames from the wireless medium by using a monitor software. This can be achieved by running Wireshark on your PC. First, let windows manage the wireless connections

802.11 Wireless LANs

BEng Mobile/Digital Communication Networks Lab

by going to advanced setting in windows wireless connections and under advanced settings tick use windows to configure m wireless network settings. This will allow you to disconnect and connect manually from the AP in order to observe packets relevant to joining the wireless network. Now, disconnect the computer from the AP using the windows wireless network connections. Then, to observe the packets run Wireshark by double clicking on the program shortcut located on the Desktop. In the program menu click on Capture and then interfaces. Then, after clicking on options button next to the wireless device, untick capture packets in promiscuous mode and click on start. Currently you should not see any packets since you are not yet

connected to the network. This time, reconnect to the AP and once the wireless station has associated successfully with the AP and has acquired an IP address on the new network, stop the capturing by clicking on the stop button located in the application toolbar. Observe the various management / control frames involved in the entire process by looking at the capture logs on Wireshark.

3.2.1 Topics for discussions

(a) There are two ways in which a wireless station can discover the existence of a wireless network or an AP. Which mechanism did the wireless station rely on in your experiment? What were the 802.11 packets involved in this network discovery? What information do they carry? (b) What are the packets that are transmitted periodically by the APs? Who is/are the intended recipient(s) of these packets i.e. is this transmission unicast, multicast or broadcast? What specific information is transmitted in these frames? (c) Draw a sequence diagram with the appropriate packets involved in the complete process of a station connecting to the 802.11 network as observed by you in the experiment (you do not need to show the DHCP IP allocation process). (d) What is the type of authentication currently in use in the 802.11 network? (e) What were the 802.11 frames in the experiment that did not result in the generation of any acknowledgement frames? Name the frames and explain why ACK were not generated for them.

802.11 Wireless LANs

BEng Mobile/Digital Communication Networks Lab

3.3 Measuring throughput vs. Location

In this part of the experiment, your group will observe how the location of a mobile computer will affect the transfer rate of a file. You will use the windows folder sharing between your handheld computer fitted with a wireless card and the one of the PCs of your group. Your team will conduct several tests on the effectiveness of the wireless LAN by downloading a file and analyzing the transfer. Several locations have been marked for your experiment; each location represents a different obstacle between your handheld computer and the access point. Because of the unstable signal inherent in all wireless LANs your team will conduct 5 tests and analyze the average of your data. Now, take the handheld to one of the locations. Turn the handheld on and connect to the correspondent access point. Then, using computers in the network, navigate to the PC you have chosen in your group, where you will find the shared folder containing the file to be transferred (The file size is xMB). Network Browser will ask for what folder you wish to store it in. Choose the desktop. When prompted hit OK. As soon as you click OK immediately start the stopwatch or note the seconds on the watch. When the file is completely downloaded a new window will appear, stop the stopwatch or check the time on the watch. This will be the end time, for the watch subtract the two times, write the result in Table 2. Next, delete the file from the Desktop and empty the Recycle Bin and repeat for each trial and location. In the end, using your results calculate the Throughput (for all trails and locations) by dividing the Size of file by the Time to download. The locations L1, L2, and L3 (See appendix A for directions) are matched to tables 2a, 2b and 2c respectively, be sure to fill in the correct table.


802.11 Wireless LANs

BEng Mobile/Digital Communication Networks Lab

Entry #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Mean

Size of file

Time to download


Signal strength

Table 1a Results of Transfer Time vs. Location L1

Entry #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Mean

Size of file

Time to download


Signal strength

Table 2b Results of Transfer Time vs. Location L2

Entry #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Mean

Size of file

Time to download


Signal strength

Table 2c Results of Transfer Time vs. Location L3


802.11 Wireless LANs

BEng Mobile/Digital Communication Networks Lab

3.3.1 Topics for discussions

(a) What are the inherent benefits of a wireless LAN? Also, what are the detractions? (b) Briefly describe the different types of locations used in the lab and discuss which type of obstacle causes the most interference between the handheld computer and AP. (c) Plot a graph of your mean data rates at each point vs. signal strength. Is there a linear relationship? (d) Given the following chart of distances from access point to measuring station, plot a graph of data rate vs. distance. Is this relationship linear? Location L1 L2 L3 Distance (m) XX XX XX

Table 3 Distance from access point to measuring station

Appendix A: Locations L1: Next to the group desk, very close the AP (results used as a reference). L2: Student gathering area in the beginning for D corridor, AP will be on the other side of the wall. L3: LD454, access point is located behind few walls and on a different floor.


802.11 Wireless LANs

BEng Mobile/Digital Communication Networks Lab

3.4 Bandwidth and delay estimations of a wireless link

In this part of the experiment, your group will use the command ping to estimate the transmission rate of the wireless connection in the three different locations visited in the previous experiment.

For the following experiment you must describe your results, give the syntax of the command you used, and provide the output produced. This can be achieved by including screen captures. For each of the three locations, ping the same PC that you previously used to download the file, with different packet sizes to estimate link delay and packet loss rate. You are required to start with the smallest packet size and gradually increase its size while pinging (the maximum packet size is 65,500 bytes). For each step let the ping to operate for 30-60 sec and record when ping times out for more than 3 times. Now find out the time it takes for a single packet to reach from the other PC to your hand held (for this be aware of round trip time associated with ping). Then work out the maximum data throughput of the link for the maximum packet size that was successfully transmitted without timeouts. Record your results and compare them with the mean throughput found in the previous experiment.


802.11 Wireless LANs

BEng Mobile/Digital Communication Networks Lab

Conclusion and discussion

Following the completion of your simulation work you are required to submit your log book where you have input all information relevant to your experiment including instructions points of extra attention measured values to a lab demonstrator for checkup. Both this and the formal report which you have to produce will be assessed to give the overall mark for the specific lab session. In the closing section of your report that could be entitles as this section of the lab script you are expected to discuss the following topics. Please make sure that the answers will not exceed one page all together.


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