Emmeline Sweater UK 20230913
Emmeline Sweater UK 20230913
Emmeline Sweater UK 20230913
Katrine Hannibal
Designed by Katrine Hannibal for Önling
Emmeline Sweater
Emmeline is a simple and delightful raglan sweater that will suit every knitting skill level. It is worked in 2 strands of
Önling No 10, a combination of mohair and silk, which makes for a wonderfully light texture for almost all seasons of the
The design has a fairly general fit, neither tight nor loose, with a positive ease of approx. 5 cm / 2 inches. It features a
normal armhole depth and 3/4 length sleeves, and the pattern also includes directions for full length sleeves. The body
is slightly short, but the length may of course easily be adjusted as you prefer. You may also work Emmeline in 1 strand
of our luxury wool Önling No 1, and your own final version of the design may be varied by changing e.g. body and sleeve
length, and of course size of positive ease.
Measurements or
A: Finished chest: (90)95(100)107(114)119(128) cm /
approx. (35.5)37.5(39.5)42(45)47(50.5) inches Önling No 12, 55% wool, 45% cotton, 800 m per 115 g.
B: Length: (53)54(55)56(57)59(59) cm / approx. (21)21.25 Color: Caramel (42): (115)115(230)230(230)230(230) g
(21.5)22(22.5)23.25(23.25) inches
C: Armhole depth: approx. (21)22(23)24(25)26(27) cm / worked together with
(8.25)8.5(9)9.5(9.75)10.25(10.5) inches
D: Underarm sleeve length, ¾ sleeves: Önling No 10, 90% Mohair, 30% silk, 210
(36)35(35)34(34)33(32) cm / approx. (14.25)13.75(13.75)1 m per 25 g. Color: Warm beige (5875):
3.5(13.5)13(12.5) inches (100)100(100)125(125)125(125) g
E: Underarm sleeve length, long sleeves: If you prefer long sleeves, you will need an extra 25 g of
(46)45(45)44(44)43(42) cm / approx. (18)17.5(17.5)17.25(1 No 10.
7.25)17(16.5) inches.
The sweater is worked all the way through with one
Materials, 3/4 sleeves: strand of Önling No 12 and one strand of Önling No 10 =
Önling No 10, 90% Mohair, 30% silk, 210 m per 25 g. 2 strands held together.
Color: Tea green (3211) (175)175(200)225(225)250(250) g
If you prefer long sleeves, you will need an extra 25 g. The 20 sts and 28 rows/rounds of stockinette on needle size
sweater is worked all the way though with 2 strands of 4.5 / US 7 = 10 x 10 cm / 4x4 inches.
Önling No 10 held together.
Recommended circular needle and double-pointed
or needles size 4 and 4.5 / US 6 and 7.
Önling No 1, 75% Merino wool (Merino Superfine 100s) 8 stitch markers.
This pattern has been made with you, our beloved customer, in mind. If your friends 2:9
would like a pattern as well, then remember that they can buy it at oenling.com
Designed by Katrine Hannibal for Önling
K2 (front panel),
PM, k1 (raglan stitch), PM,
k(16)16(18)18(18)20(20) (sleeve),
PM, k1 (raglan stitch), PM, k(42)43(44)45(46)47(48)
(back panel),
PM, k1 (raglan stitch), PM, k(16)16(18)18(18)20(20)
PM, k1 (raglan stitch), PM, k2 (front panel)
This pattern has been made with you, our beloved customer, in mind. If your friends 3:9
would like a pattern as well, then remember that they can buy it at oenling.com
Designed by Katrine Hannibal for Önling
You now have the following stitches on your needle: Now divide the stitches as follows:
(18) sts (front panel), Knit (82)87(92)99(106)111(120) sts (back panel),
1 st (raglan st), *slip the raglan st and the next (56)60(66)72(78)84(92)
(32)32(34)34(34)36(36) sts (sleeve), sleeve sts on to a stitch holder or piece of scrap yarn,
1 st (raglan st), cast on 8 sts immediately following the sts already on the
(58)59(60)61(62)63(64) sts (back panel), 1 st (raglan st), needle*,
(32)32(34)34(34)36(36) sts (sleeve),
1 st (raglan st), Knit (82)87(92)99(106)111(120) sts,
(18) sts (front panel), (front panel), repeat from * to * one more time.
= (162)163(168)169(170)175(176) sts. PM at the center of the new cast on sts under each
sleeve. Beg of rd is now one of the markers under a
Cut yarn and move the stitches from the left to the right sleeve.
needle without knitting them, up to the raglan markers at
the left shoulder back when wearing the sweater. This is You now have (180)190(200)214(228)238(256) sts on
now the beginning of rd. the body.
Work increases at the raglan seams and join the piece Body continued
by casting on another (22)23(24)25(26)27(28) sts at the Work even in stockinette until the sweater measures
center front the first time you get to it. From this point (50)51(52)53(54)55(56) cm / approx. (19.75)20(20.5)20.7
you will work in the round. 5(21.25)21.5(22) inches from the shoulder down.
Rd 1: *Inc-l, k to marker, inc-r, MM, k1, MM*, repeat from Try on the sweater. The rib hem will add another 3 cm /
* to * 4 times in total. 1.25 inch to the total length. If you want your sweater to
be shorter or longer, this is where you need to adjust the
Rd 2: K all sts. length.
Repeat Rds 1 and 2 to a total of (12)14(16)19(22)24(28) Still using circular needle size 4.5 cm / US 7, work the rib
times. You now have the following sts on your needle: stitch hem *p1, k1*, repeat from * to * until the rib hem
(82)87(92)99(106)111(120) sts (back panel), measures 3 cm / 1.25 inch.
1 st (raglan st),
(56)60(66)72(78)84(92) sts (sleeve), Bind off using Italian Bind-off. Make sure not to make
1 st (raglan st), the bind-off edge too tight.
(82)87(92)99(106)111(120) sts (front panel),
1 st (raglan st), Sleeves
(56)60(66)72(78)84(92) sts (sleeve), Slip the (56)60(66)72(78)84(92) sleeve sts + the raglan
1 st (raglan st) sts on either side of the sleeve on to double-pointed
needles size 4.5 mm / US 7. Pick up 4 sts from the new
= (280)298(320)346(372)394(428) sts in total. cast-on sts under the sleeve, knit the sts on the needle,
pick up another 4 sts under the sleeve. PM to mark beg
of rd.
3/4 Sleeves
Work even in stockinette until the sleeve measures
(33)32(32)31(31)30(29) cm / approx. (13)12.5(12.5)12.25(1
2.25)11.75(11.5) inches from the armhole.
This pattern has been made with you, our beloved customer, in mind. If your friends 4:9
would like a pattern as well, then remember that they can buy it at oenling.com
Designed by Katrine Hannibal for Önling
Still using needles size 4.5 mm, work the rib stitch cuff It is very important that you pick up the same number of
*p1, k1*, repeat from * to * until the rib cuff measures sts from either side of the neck opening, from markers
3 cm / 1.25 inch. 1-2 and 8-1, from 2-3 and 8-7 … etc.
Bind off using Italian Bind-off method, making sure not Using stitch markers, divide your neck opening into 8
to make the edge too tight. sections. See the sketch below.
Begin at Marker 1 and pick up sts as follows: *Pick up
Long Sleeves 3 sts, skip 1 st*, repeat from * to * all the way round the
Work even in stockinette until the sleeve measures neck opening.
(43)42(42)41(41)40(39) cm / approx. (17)16.5(16.5)16.25 Work rib stitch pattern *p1, k1*, repeat from * to * to end
(16.25)15.75(15.25) inches from the armhole. of rd.
Try on the sweater. The rib cuff will add another 3 cm Repeat from * to * until the rib hem measures 3 cm / 1.25
/ 1.25 inch to the total length of the sleeve. If you want inch. Bind off using Italian Bind-off method, making sure
your sleeves shorter or longer, this is where you need to not to make the edge too tight.
adjust the length.
Still using needles size 4.5 / US 7, work the rib stitch cuff Weave in ends.
*p1, k1*, repeat from * to * until the rib cuff measures
3 cm / 1.25 inch.
Neck Hem
Try on the sweater. If you want to adjust the size of the
neckline, this is done after picking up the stitches and
before working the rib hem.
Pick up sts for the neck hem using the working yarn and
circular needle size 4 mm / US 6.
8 2
7 3
6 4
This pattern has been made with you, our beloved customer, in mind. If your friends 5:9
would like a pattern as well, then remember that they can buy it at oenling.com
Designed by Katrine Hannibal for Önling
Abbreviations and
These are our standardized abbreviations and techniques, CDD – Centered Double Decrease
which are included with every knitting pattern. Some of Slip 2 stitches together knit-wise (as if to knit them
the abbreviations and techniques are described in the together), k1, pass the slipped stitches over the one just
actual knitting pattern as well. knitted.
Stretchy bind-off
Work this bind-off rather tightly.
K2, insert left needle into both sts from left to right and k
the 2 sts together through the back loop.
This pattern has been made with you, our beloved customer, in mind. If your friends
would like a pattern as well, then remember that they can buy it at oenling.com
Emmeline sweater_UK_20230913
Designed by Katrine Hannibal for Önling
*Work 1 st (there are once again 2 sts on the right needle), Knit all but the last of these same stitches once again, slip
insert left needle into both sts from left to right and k the the last stitch, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over.*
2 sts together through the back loop*. Repeat from * to *
throughout. Repeat from * to * until all the edge stitches have
been bound off. Unless otherwise stated, bind off the
Short rows remaining live stitches of the I-cord itself.
Work to the place indicated by the pattern. Now work
a “wrap and turn” as follows: Holding the yarn in front I-cord
of the work, slip the next stitch from the left to the Cast on the number of stitches indicated in the pattern
right-hand needle as if to purl. Move the yarn to the back, on a double-pointed needle, so the working yarn hangs
then slip the same stitch back to the left-hand needle. to the left side of the stitches. Do not turn the needle, but
Turn the work and continue as indicated. You have now slide the stitches to the right end of the needle. *Slip the
“wrapped” the yarn around the slipped stitch. working yarn behind these new stitches to begin work,
knit stitches with a second double-pointed needle. Do
When later working this stitch, pick up the wrap and place not turn the needle, but slide the stitches to the right end
it onto the needle, then work it together with the stitch of the needle*. Repeat from * to * until the I-cord is the
itself (knit or purl as indicated by the pattern). correct length.
3-needle bind-off To finish the I-cord, break the yarn and pull the end
Place the 2 pieces of knitting right side against right side through all the stitches on the needle before weaving it in.
and knit them together with a third needle. Knit the first
st on each needle together, *knit the next stitch on each Crocheted provisional cast-on.
needle together and pull the loose st over*. Repeat from * With a contrasting length of scrap yarn, work the desired
to * until all sts are bound off. number of crochet chains around the knitting needle. Chain
a few extra stitches free of the needle before securing the
I-cord bind-off end – but don’t secure it too tightly, as you will need to undo
Cast on the indicated number of stitches for the I-cord it later in order to “unzip” the cast-on. Begin knitting by
(unless you are starting with the stitches of an already working into the stitches on the needle.
established I-cord). Slip the I-cord stitches onto the nee- To undo the cast-on, untie the end of the scrap yarn, pull it
dle to the right of the stitches to be bund off, so that the out of the knitting and place the resulting live stitches onto
working yarn hangs between the I-cord stitches and the a knitting needle to be worked as indicated in the pattern.
stitches to be bound off. 1. 2. 3.
This pattern has been made with you, our beloved customer, in mind. If your friends
would like a pattern as well, then remember that they can buy it at oenling.com
Emmeline sweater_UK_20230913
Designed by Katrine Hannibal for Önling
Measuring the armhole size? Please make sure that you have thought these things
The armhole length is measured in a straight line from through before knitting the final garment.
the bottom of the armhole to the top of the shoulder.
To get the right garment measurements, you need to
stick to the gauge indicated in the pattern. This requires
that you make a swatch – see Getting the gauge right by
making a swatch.
This pattern has been made with you, our beloved customer, in mind. If your friends
would like a pattern as well, then remember that they can buy it at oenling.com
Emmeline sweater_UK_20230913
Designed by Katrine Hannibal for Önling
If you need help for this pattern, please send a mail to: [email protected]
© Önling. The pattern is for private use only and may not be re-sold. The pattern may not be copied.
All rights reserved. Text and photos are protected according to the law of copyrights and may not be re-produced without
written permission from Önling.
This pattern has been made with you, our beloved customer, in mind. If your friends
would like a pattern as well, then remember that they can buy it at oenling.com
Emmeline sweater_UK_20230913